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Appetite, 1999, 33, 163–180
Article No. appe.1999.0244, available online at on
Attitudes to Food and the Role of Food in Life in the U.S.A.,
Japan, Flemish Belgium and France: Possible Implications for
the Diet–Health Debate
University of Pennsylvania
C.N.R.S. (Paris)
Hiroshima-Shudo University
University of Pennsylvania
University of Michigan
For human beings, food is a critical contributor to physical well being, a major
source of pleasure, worry and stress, a major occupant of waking time and, across
the world, the single greatest category of expenditures. This is a first study of the
way food functions in the minds and lives of people from four cultures. Adults
and college students from Flemish Belgium, France, U.S.A. and Japan were
surveyed with questions dealing with beliefs about the diet–health link, worry
about food, the degree of consumption of foods modified to be “healthier” (e.g.
reduced in salt or fat), the importance of food as a positive force in life, the
tendency to associate foods with nutritional vs. culinary contexts, and satisfaction
with the healthiness of one’s own diet. In all domains except beliefs about the
importance of diet for health, there are substantial country (and usually gender)
differences. Generally, the group associating food most with health and least with
pleasure is the Americans, and the group most food–pleasure-oriented and least
food–health-oriented is the French. In all four countries, females, as opposed to
males, show a pattern of attitudes that is more like the American pattern, and
less like the French pattern. In either gender, French and Belgians tend to occupy
the pleasure extreme, Americans the health extreme, with the Japanese in between.
Ironically, the Americans, who do the most to alter their diet in the service of
health, are the least likely to classify themselves as healthy eaters. We conclude
that there are substantial cross-cultural differences in the extent to which food
functions as a stressor vs. a pleasure. These differences may influence health and
may partially account for national differences in rates of cardiovascular diseases
(the “French paradox”). 1999 Academic Press
This research was supported by a grant to Paul Rozin from the Whitehall Foundation.
Address correspondence to: Paul Rozin, Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania,
3815 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104-6196, U.S.A.
0195–6663/99/050163+18 $30.00/0 1999 Academic Press
This paper is a first attempt at a systematic analysis of the psychology of food
in the context of daily life. This issue has, surprisingly, received very little attention
from psychologists (Rozin, 1996), although the relations of humans to their food
has received a rich and insightful treatment from the point of view of other disciplines
(see, e.g. Fischler, 1990; Kass, 1994). Our study is motivated by four aims: (1)
furthering understanding of the psychology of food, as one of the central activities/
concerns of human beings; (2) more particularly, analysing the interplay of the
“negative” (worry, fear, dread) and “positive” (pleasure, anticipation, social fa-
cilitation) aspects of food; (3) clarifying the ways in which people think about the
relation between food/diet and health; (4) identifying ways in which these issues vary
in importance and expression in different cultural settings.
The target of most work in psychology is Americans, who make up about 5%
of the world’s population. A broader cultural sample promises to provide a better
base for generalising about the human condition. It may also highlight differences
that may have importance for understanding important issues, such as the incidence
of pathological concerns about body weight and the evaluation of the importance
of diet and behavior in health.
Our motivation for beginning this research can be traced to concerns about the
developing role of food in American life. There is a sense among many Americans
that food is as much a poison as it is a nutrient, and that eating is almost as
dangerous as not eating (Rozin, 1989, 1996). This great concern, or perhaps epidemic,
of food worrying (Becker, 1986), is believed to be supported by cross-cultural data,
such as the supposed longer life of the people in Southern Europe who live on the
“Mediterranean diet”. In fact, overall, people in the countries of central and northern
Europe live longer than those of the south, and these central/northern people eat a
diet relatively high in fat (Samuelson, 1990). It seems reasonable to explore aspects
of diet and health in a broad framework and in a number of different countries with
an open mind. In particular, there has been a presumption in the medical literature
that the critical aspect of food that might influence longevity has to do with the
composition of foods (e.g. fat and sodium levels) rather than attitudes to food.
The American attitude to food contrasts with what seems to be a much more
relaxed, pleasure-oriented attitude to food among the French (Stearns, 1997). This
attitudinal difference is accompanied by relatively high consumption of high-fat
foods by the French; for example, only 4% of a sample of French adults consumed
a diet that met U.S. dietary recommendations for percent of calories (<10%) from
saturated fats (Drewnowski et al., 1996). Many Americans believe fats to be harmful
to health at even trace levels (Rozin et al., 1996). From the American standpoint,
“excess” fat intake in France should manifest itself in health. To the contrary,
cardiovascular disease occurs at much lower rates in France than in the U.S.A. [The
French “paradox” (Richard et al., 1981; Renaud & de Lorgeril, 1992)].
In line with what seems to be an American expectation that most health differences
can be traced to diet, searches for an “answer” to the French “paradox” have focused
almost entirely on finding protective elements (e.g. red wine) in the French diet (e.g.
Renaud & de Lorgeril, 1992; Criqui & Ringel, 1994). Little if any attention has been
paid to alternative accounts, such as different patterns of food intake or physical
activity, differences in stress in relation to eating, or genetic differences in metabolism.
While it is true that red wine is much more characteristic of the French diet than
the American diet, it is also probably true that attitudes to food in France are very
different from those in the United States, where food often seems to be more a focus
for worry than for pleasure. We wish to raise the hypothesis that different attitudes
to food (principally along the pleasure to stress/worry “axis”) may contribute to
overall health. The hypothesis seems reasonable because (a) there seems to be cultural
differences in food attitudes, and (b) generally, pleasure/contentment seems to be a
health-promoter, and worry/stress a health-reducer. However, there is little substantial
evidence on food attitudes, broadly conceived, in a cross-cultural context. It is the
aim of this study to provide evidence for such cultural differences. The existence of
such differences is a pre-condition for testing the hypothesis that such differences
have health implications.
In this study, we examine attitudes to food and the role of food in life in four
different countries. We selected the U.S.A. as perhaps the premier example of great
concern about changing diet to improve health. We selected Japan because the
Japanese have the longest life expectancy in the world (Samuelson, 1990). We selected
France because of the French paradox and because of the dominant role of food in
French culture. And we selected Flemish Belgium because it shares some, but only
some, of French cuisine and French attitudes.
A questionnaire was constructed to explore the role of food in life for Americans.
As it was being piloted, it became clear that the instrument being developed could
be a basis for a cross-country survey. The American questionnaire served as the
basis for composition of Flemish, French and Japanese versions. Questions were
translated as literally as possible, and were then back-translated by fluent bilinguals,
to ascertain that the original meaning was preserved. Of an original 52 questions
(not including demographic items), 27 had to be eliminated because some of the
back translations suggested a different meaning in at least one of the countries,
because the original questions were too closely tied to specific aspects of the American
diet, or because of ambiguity of interpretation of the questions within and/or between
cultures. Even in the items retained, some minor changes were made in specific
wording of the questions and in the cultural exemplars used; these are specified in
the notes to Table 1. Items in the questionnaire were all framed with multiple choices.
On the actual questionnaire, the items were organised by format of question (true/
false; frequency of an activity, etc.). In Table 1, we present the 25 items reported on
in this study. Table 1 is organised conceptually, with items presented in accordance
with the seven factors derived from the results.
Brief, one page (two-sided) questionnaires were distributed to two groups of
people: college students and a range of adults. The college/university students were
from psychology classes in Japan (Hiroshima-Shudo University), U.S.A. (University
of Pennsylvania) and Belgium (University of Leuven) and a sociology class in Paris,
T 1.
Questionnaire items, arranged conceptually, in terms of the scores derived from factor
Factor/ITEM Item
(Factor loading)
(0·82) Eat low-cholesterol foods (foods from which cholesterol has been
(0·80) Eat reduced salt products (in which salt is removed)
(0·59) Eat low-fat foods (foods in which some of the fat has been
removed, or substitutes for high-fat foods)
(0·64) I am concerned with the health of friends/family who eat poorly
I rarely think about the long-term effects of my diet on health
(0·60) I am concerned about what I eat and how it will affect my
(0·67) Ice-cream belongs best with: delicious
(0·63) Chocolate cake belongs best with: guilt celebration
(0·57) I am usually dieting
(0·56) Heavy cream belongs best with: whipped
(0·75) On a scale of 1–4
, how much of an effect do you believe diet has
on the following? Heart disease
(0·70) On a scale of 1–4
, how much of an effect do you believe diet has
on the following? Obesity
(0·65) On a scale of 1–4
, how much of an effect do you believe diet has
on the following? Good health
(0·52) On a scale of 1–4
, how much of an effect do you believe diet has
on the following? Cancer
(0·68) Enjoying food is one of the most important pleasures in my life
(0·64) I would rather eat my favorite meal than watch my favorite
television show
I think about food in a positive anticipatory way
(0·52) Money spent on food is money well spent
(0·49) I have fond memories of family food occasions
HOTEL (0·48) Choice between a gourmet and a luxurious hotel (see
for full text)
(0·27) If I could satisfy my nutritional needs safely, cheaply and without
hunger by taking a daily pill, I would do this
(0·75) Circle the word that you think is most different from the other
two: bread
pasta sauce
(0·64) Circle the word that you think is most different from the other
two: carbohydrate
bread butter
(0·28) Fried egg belongs best with: breakfast
T 1.
Questionnaire items, arranged conceptually, in terms of the scores derived from factor
Factor/ITEM Item
(Factor loading)
I am a healthy eater
∗All scores were converted to a 0–1 scale, with 1 meaning highest possible score on the general
factor described.
Scale: 1=every day, 2=a few times a week, 3=once a week, 4=once or twice a month, 5=rarely/
Scale: true/false.
Reverse scored.
Actual wording of item: for 3 items below, circle one of the two words at the right that belongs
best with the underlined word at the left. Scoring is one point for the culinary-related choice, footnoted
and zero points for the health/nutrition other choice.
Choice credited with one point.
Scale: 1=no effect, 2=little effect, 3=some effect, 4=strong effect.
PILL shows a higher loading (0·36) on the CWORRY factor, but we included it in its second highest
loading factor because it seems like a prime example of willingness to forgo eating, hence lack of
importance of food in life.
The full wording of HOTEL is as follows: If you were vacationing and had to choose between the
following hotels including meals, which one would you pick? Assume that you must eat at the hotel and
there is no price difference. (Circle one)
luxury hotel with average food
an average hotel with excellent food.
Culinary item with 5 scored as 1.
FREGG shows a higher loading (0·39) with EATHLTH. However, we used the second highest
loading (CULINARY) because it seems like a pure example of a culinary vs. nutritional orientation. In
the French version, the word “breakfast” was replaced by “quick snack” (“repas sur le pouce”).
This is a single item that has been isolated in the analysis.
France (University of Paris). High return rates were obtained at all locations, because
questionnaires were filled out in class. A sample more representative of adults in
general was obtained by approaching people at railroad stations in Leuven, Paris
and Hiroshima, and at Philadelphia International Airport. (We believe that U.S.
airport users would be more comparable to European/Japanese train users than to
European airport users.) This sample no doubt has some bias, because not all people
agreed to fill out the survey, and because the distributors of surveys did not approach
people engaged in conversation or other social interactions, so the sample is primarily
people travelling alone.
The sample sizes and demographic features are described at the top of Table 2.
The Japanese adult sample is by far the smallest and the only group with fewer than
40 subjects in any country/gender/age (student) category.
Data Reduction and Analysis
Factor analysis (PCA, Varimax rotation) of the 25 items, using the full sample,
resolved into seven factors with Eigenvalues greater than 1·0. Assignment of items
T 2.
Summary of data on selected variables by country and gender (scores on combined and individual questinnaire variables multiplied by 100)
Item U.S.A. Belgium France Japan
Adult Stud Adult Stud Adult Stud Adult Stud
N44 57 73 102 52 49 87 250 134 135 32 72 23 15 78 78
Age (years) 36·3 36·5 19·2 19·2 33·3 34·4 19·4 19·1 37·3 36·9 23·4 23·1 38·5 39·5 19·4 19·2
HGT (cm) 178 165 178 164 182 168 182 170 178 164 180 165 170 155 171 159
WGT (km) 79·3 65·2 71·9 57·4 76·2 60·0 68·5 58·5 75·2 59·9 73·3 55·1 63·8 54·5 61·0 50·3
BMI 24·9 23·9 22·7 21·4 23·1 21·1 20·6 20·2 23·8 22·2 22·7 20·2 22·2 22·7 20·8 19·9
FAT/SALT REDUCED DIET 52 63 33 55 31 42 18 33 14 21 14 20 39 60 29 40
CONCERN 70 79 53 77 40 66 35 54 46 63 55 59 47 73 54 69
WORRY 27 40 19 40 16 33 16 27 14 26 17 18 17 38 09 13
DIET–HEALTH LINK 82 86 76 80 82 86 81 84 74 80 75 78 79 87 77 79
PLEASURE/IMPORTANCE 66 61 59 56 78 66 69 68 84 76 79 82 62 75 60 60
CULINARY ASSOCIATIONS 26 21 31 17 38 28 43 38 45 39 51 32 61 66 56 50
HEALTHY EATER (% yes) 33 23 45 37 66 64 63 77 71 73 69 82 59 60 47 51
NOTE: The mean scores for the questions composing each factor in this table are to be compared across each row. Vertical comparisons (across factors) have no
to factors was extremely clear, so that in all but two cases, an item’s loading on its
principal factor is greater than 0·47. These loadings are indicated in Table 1. Two
problematic items, which did not show high (>0·40) loading on any single factor,
PILL and FRIEDEGG (Table 1), were assigned to factors in accordance with both
results of the factor analysis and some conceptual considerations (see footnote to
Table 1). The interpretation of each factor will be discussed in conjunction with the
presentation of results on that factor.
Factor scores were created by combining results from those items loading highest
on each factor (Table 1). They were always calculated with equal weight for each
question, and with scoring reversed whenever necessary, so that higher scores always
indicated more of the characteristic that named the factor (e.g. worry, culinary
thinking). The responses to all questions were converted to a 0 to 1 scale, such that
1 corresponds to the extreme response in the direction of the name of the factor.
Thus, the item “I am usually dieting” as a component of the Worry factor, was
scored as “1” for “true” and “0” for “false”. The item “How frequently do you eat
reduced salt products?”, a component of the “Eating diets modified to be healthier”
factor, was scored as “1” for “every day”, “0·75” for “a few times a week”, “0·50”
for “once a week”, “0·25” for “once or twice a month” and “0” for “rarely/never”.
Each mean that combines data from more than one subgroup that is presented in
the figures and the text involves equal weighting of the mean from each relevant
subsample, even though the samples may have very different NS. Hence, the total
French score is the mean of the four means representing both genders and ages
(students and adults).
The basic results for factors (major variables) are presented in Table 2, and Figs
1 and 2. Analyses of variance were carried out on the scores for each major variable
(factor), separately for the adult and student samples (Table 3). (The adult/student
sample difference should not be considered a dichotomy for the ANOVA, since there
are overlaps in age, and differences but overlaps in a number of demographic factors.
For convenience, we describe the difference in these two samples as “age”.) Two
limitations on data anlysis are the small size of the Japanese adult sample, and the
difficulty in making appropriate translations or uncertainty about subject construals
of a few of the culinary items in different countries.
Country and Gender Differences
There is a distinct general pattern of results, essentially the same for the student
and adult samples (Table 3). For all seven factors (including the single component,
“healthy eater” item) (Tables 1–3; Fig. 1), there is a substantial and significant
(meaning here and subsequently, p<0·001) effect of country. Scores for each group
on each factor were the mean of the 0 to 1 mean scores on each of the items that
constituted that factor. Hence, the maximum possible group difference would be 1
point. Maximum differences across the eight groups (four countries by two genders)
in both the adult and student samples range from 0·23 to 0·50 points on the 1-point
scale, except for the effectiveness of food on health (DIET–HEALTH LINK) variable
(Table 3). Here, the significant but much smaller maximum group differences are
only 0·09 for students and 0·13 for adults. We will leave this less differentiating
factor aside for the summary in the following paragraph.
There is a consistent ordering of results. Of the 12 comparisons (six factors, two
samples), in all cases, one of the American female samples (adult or student) shows
F 1. Country effects (combined across gender and age) on major variables. The
means represent equal weighting of the means of each subsample (e.g. male Belgian adults,
female American students).
the most extreme scores on the food worry/aversion/dissatisfaction side. On the food
positive side, in seven of 12 cases, the extreme score is achieved by French or Belgian
males (Table 2). The American group stands out as most distinctly different among
the four countries.
There are no significant gender by country interactions in the ANOVA analysis
for any of the seven factors (Table 3). Significant overall gender effects, sometimes
larger than the country effects, appear for four of the seven factors (Table 3). In all
of these cases, the gender effects align with the country effects, in that females are
more like Americans (negative/health oriented) and males are more like French
(pleasure/culinary oriented). For two variables (in both samples) concern and worry
about food, gender effects are bigger than country effects. The gender effects are
displayed, in general, in Fig. 2. The combined effects of gender and country cause
French males to be the most food/pleasure/culinary oriented group, and American
females to show the same orientation in the lowest degree.
An ANOVA including “age” (adult vs. student) as a third variable indicated
modest sized effects, considerably smaller than country or gender effects, but sig-
nificant on three of the seven factors. For purposes of simplification of data
presentation in Figs 1–3, we combine the adult and student samples for each country
and gender, giving equal weight to each sample.
We now discuss each of the factors in turn, following a brief discussion of the
meaning of the variable with a summary of the effects of country and gender. The
results described are presented in more detail in Tables 2 and 3, and Figs 1 and 2.
F 2. Gender effects (combined across country and age) across major variables.
The means represent equal weighting of the means of each subsample (e.g. male Belgian
adults, female American students).
T 3.
Summary of results of ANOVA on major variables (Sex×Country, separately for
adult and student samples)
Variable Sample NF (sex) F (country) F (s×c) Mult R
FAT/SALT REDUCED Student 772 37·358∗26·712∗2·289 0·39
DIET Adult 504 18·249∗66·880∗0·883 0·56
CONCERN Student 772 30·446∗16·323∗1·798 0·32
Adult 508 27·763∗9·829∗1·354 0·36
WORRY Student 772 23·704∗17·253∗5·028 0·37
Adult 509 35·467∗8·131∗0·591 0·36
DIET–HEALTH Student 771 4·966 5·866∗0·017 0·20
LINK Adult 508 9·145 8·337∗0·163 0·27
PLEASURE/ Student 772 0·019 22·241∗0·336 0·31
IMPORTANCE Adult 509 1·404 14·443∗2·669 0·34
CULINARY Student 771 25·109∗34·533∗2·153 0·39
ASSOCIATIONS Adult 509 1·758 24·753∗0·698 0·38
HEALTHY Student 765 2·121 19·591∗2·228 0·33
EATER Adult 498 0·218 22·314∗0·444 0·36
Consumption of “healthy” (fat/salt reduced) foods: FAT/SALT REDUCED DIET
This factor groups the three items that specifically ask about eating behavior;
frequency of consumption of foods with reduced levels of fat, cholesterol or salt.
This very distinct factor (mean inter-item correlation is 0·48) shows one of the largest
differences in scores across countries. The 1–5 frequency scale (Table 1) was inverted
and reduced to a 0–1 scale. In this one point range, the American adult females
showed the highest frequency score (0·63) in comparison to the lowest scores for
French adult and student males (0·14). Females engage in greater consumption of
reduced fat/salt foods more than males in all four countries, and in both “age”
groups. This factor shows the largest “age” effect, with students engaging less in
consumption of these foods than adults.
To provide a specific example of one of the items in this factor, consider the
frequency with which low-fat (fat removed) food is eaten. The American females
anchor one end of response, with 84 or 78% answering at least a few times a week;
at the other extreme, Belgian male students answer 17%, and French males from
both samples answer 22%.
Concern for the healthiness of food habits of self and others: CONCERN
These three items, all dealing with concerns about the effects of food on one’s
own or other’s health/appearance, emerge as a very distinct factor, with no other
items even closely related; the lowest loading on this factor for these three items was
0·60, and the highest loading for any other item was 0·27. The three items show a
mean inter-correlation of 0·24. The adult American female scores highest (0·79) and
the Belgian student males lowest (0·35). On this combined variable, the largest effect,
accounting for most of the variance in both samples, is gender. In all eight of the
country/age subgroups, females achieve higher scores than males, over 50% higher
in some cases. Overall, as with consumption of fat/salt reduced foods, the Americans
stand out above the three other groups.
This factor is illustrated, specifically, by response (true or false) to the statement
“I rarely think about the long-term effects of my diet on health”. The highest
agreement with this statement, indicating little thinking about long-term health
consequences of diet, was from French adult males (64% agreement) and Belgian
adult males (51%). The greatest concern about long-term effects was displayed by
Japanese student and adult females (13 and 20%, respectively) and American adult
males and females (both 23%).
Extent of worry about fattening effects of food as opposed to savoring of food:
These four items are heterogeneous: three deal with feelings about high-fat foods,
with respect to whether they give rise to thoughts about pleasure and enjoyment, or
about health effects and/or guilt. The fourth item is behavior-oriented, involving the
occurrence of dieting. The four items emerge as a clear factor, with the minimal
loading of 0·56, in comparison to a next highest loading of 0·39. Although, on
conceptual grounds, we would have been inclined to group DIET with the other
items on consuming reduced fat/salt foods, the correlation pattern linked DIET
more with these worry/anti-pleasure items. The four items that constitute this factor
all have to do with worry about high energy intake, and hence, the factor could well
be construed as “worry about weight”. The highest worry score was achieved, once
again, by American adult and student females (both 0·40), with the lowest scores by
Japanese student males (0·09). As with the related CONCERN item above, the
gender effect is biggest, with females in all eight subgroups scoring higher than
corresponding males. Again, Americans show the highest scores, with the roughly
additive combination of “femaleness” and “American” producing the most worry.
In all subgroups, at least half of the subjects associate chocolate cake more with
celebration than guilt. However, the two groups that report guilt most frequently
are the American student females (39%) and the Japanese adult females (50%). (On
account of the very small sample of Japanese adults, confidence intervals for the
Japanese adult females are much wider than for other scores.)
Perceived importance of diet for health: DIET–HEALTH LINK
The four items, probing beliefs about the diet–health link in general, and in
cancer, cardiovascular disease and obesity, formed a very distinct factor, with a
lowest factor loading of 0·52 for the four items, and a next highest loading of 0·12.
The mean inter-item correlation was 0·26.
Although there are significant country, gender and age effects for this variable,
effects are by far the smallest on any factor. Consequently, the multiple Rs of 0·20
for students and 0·27 for adults are considerably lower than for any factor. The
maximum score, that is belief for the strongest diet–health link, is achieved by the
Japanese adult females (0·87) compared to the weakest link belief by the French
adult males (0·74), only 0·13 less than the maximum. In general, people in all groups
believe in a strong diet–health link. There is a small but consistent (across-country)
tendency for females and adults to hold to stronger diet–health links than males or
Importance of food in life in a positive context: PLEASURE/IMPORTANCE
This factor includes seven items. Six directly deal with the issue of food importance
and pleasure derived from food (ENJOYED, FOODTV, FOODPOSITIVE,
MONEY, HOTEL and MEMORY) and emerge as a well defined factor with a
minimum loading of 0·48 (Table 1). The seventh item, PILL, shows the next highest
loading, but it is much lower (0·27) than the others. Nevertheless, we include PILL
in this factor, because it seems, on the face of it, that willingness to trade the
experience of eating for taking pills quintessentially expresses the importance and
pleasure associated with food. The mean inter-item correlation is 0·19. Not sur-
prisingly, the French adult males achieved the highest score (0·84) with the American
student females (0·56) lowest. There is a modest sized effect indicating greater focus
on foods in adults than students, no significant gender difference, and a large country
effect; the most striking component to this is the higher importance of food for the
French sample.
The food importance variable is illustrated by results from the HOTEL item.
While 70–90% of French and Belgians prefer the gourmet hotel, only 27–57% of
Americans do. The Japanese lie in between.
Extent of culinary as opposed to nutritional associations to food: CULINARY
All three of these items measure whether the subject associates a food term
preferentially with a culinary term (pasta–sauce; bread–butter; fried egg–breakfast)
as opposed to a nutritional term (pasta–bread; bread–carbohydrate; fried egg–
cholesterol). The PASTA and CHO items load highly and uniquely on one factor
(minimal loading, 0·64). FRIED EGG, with a 0·28 loading, has the next highest
loading, and showed virtually identical loadings on CULINARY ASSOCIATIONS,
FAT/SALT REDUCED DIET and WORRY. The decision to assign FRIED EGG
to the CULINARY factor was made on conceptual grounds. The mean inter-item
rfor the three culinary items is 0·14.
The principal statistical effect (Table 3) is a difference in culinary associations
across countries. The Americans show the smallest tendency to culinary associations,
with the Japanese most “culinary”, followed by the French. The country differences
are very large, ranging from 0·66 for Japanese adult females to 0·17 for American
student females. Although these items survived back translation quite well, there
may be some problems in interpretation since specific foods and combinations were
at issue (see notes on one item in Table 1). This is especially of concern for the
Japanese sample, since Japanese cuisine and food customs are most different from
those of the three other countries. Aside from the Japanese groups, the highest
scoring group, French student males (0·51), scores 0·34 higher than the lowest scoring
American group.
There is a modest gender effect (Fig. 2), reliably in the direction of more culinary
associations among males (in seven of the eight comparisons, all excepting Japanese
adults). There is not a significant difference between students and adults.
The results for one item, CHO (circle the word that you think is most different
from the other two: carbohydrate, bread, butter), illustrates the basic results for the
CULINARY ASSOCIATIONS factor (Table 2). While only 16% of Americans
selected “carbohydrate” (keeping together the culinary combination, bread and
butter), 28% of Belgians, 24% of French and 36% of Japanese made the “culinary”
choices. (Note that in keeping with our assigning high scores to non-pleasure/health/
nutritional selections, the results displayed in Table 2 are the inverse of these
numbers.) Females show fewer culinary associations than males in all (seven) groups
except Japanese adults.
Self-perception as being a healthy eater: HEALTHY EATER
Given the much greater health orientation, worry about weight, concern and diet
modification in the Americans, it is sobering that Americans consider themselves
much lower in their own sense of being healthy eaters (HEALTHY EATER “factor”:
Tables 2 and 3); only 23–45% of Americans (across the four subgroups) claim to be
healthy eaters, in comparison to 47–60% for the Japanese, 63–77% for the Belgians
and 69–82% for the French. There are no significant gender (or age) effects, and
there is not a significant gender by country interaction.
We have reported substantial country effects for six of the seven factors and
gender differences for many. Each gender and ethnic group has a profile, determined
by the value on each of the six factors (excluding DIET–HEALTH LINK, for which
effects were in the same direction as others, but much smaller). Since pleasure is an
issue, directly or indirectly, in every one of the six factors, it seems particularly
appropriate to summarise the profiles in terms of facial expressions, with worried
expressions at one end of a continuum and pleasure expressions at the other.
Chernoff’s faces (Chernoff, 1973) are designed to display multivariate data by
mapping each variable onto a particular facial feature (or set of facial features),
each of which can be represented as continuum with 16 levels. For example, scores
on one measure can be plotted in terms of degree of upward or downward curvature
of the mouth. After assignment by the authors of each of our factors to a particular
facial feature (or set of facial features), and designation of one “end” of the feature
F 3. Chernoffface representation of HEALTHY EATER and all factors but
DIET–HEALTH LINK. Scores of each of the eight groups (combining student and adult
samples) were ordered such that a high score always represented the worry/food negative
direction. One coherent feature set was assigned to each of the six variables, such that the
highest score would represent one extreme of the feature (each feature has 16 values) and the
lowest score the other, with intermediate scores placed appropriately. Feature assignments
were as follows: CONCERN: brow: angle, height, length; WORRY: eye: separation, height,
slant, eccentricity, half-length; PLEASURE/IMPORTANCE: nose: width, length; CU-
LINARY ASSOCIATIONS: ear radius, hair length; FAT/SALT REDUCED DIET: mouth:
length, center height, curvature; HEALTHY EATER: face height: upper face eccentricity,
lower face eccentricity, ear level.
continuum to represent high scores, the Chernoffprogram “draws” faces depicting
each group’s (e.g. French males) standing on each of the factors. We have used
Chernoff’s faces to “express” the profile of each of the eight subgroups (combining
means from students and adults). The resulting display, generated in SYSTAT, is in
Fig. 3, with assignment of factors to features described in the figure legend. The
more pleasure/culinary orientation of each factor is assigned to the more positive/
expressive extreme of each feature. The display clearly indicates the more positive
attitude to food among French and Belgians, and as well, among males as opposed
to females in all countries.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Physical aspects of the body, such as “fatness” or body mass index (BMI) vary
significantly across gender and culture, as well (Tables 2 and 3). Body mass index is
higher for males in all groups, except for the Japanese adults (but note the small
sample size for Japanese adults). By country (Table 2) (averaging across the four
subgroups, with equal weight to each gender and age sample), Americans show the
highest mean BMI (23·2), followed by the French (22·2), Japanese (21·4) and Belgians
(21·2). Country and gender effects for BMI are highly significant (Table 3). It is
possible that these differences could have both a causal influence on the major
variables of this study, and be a consequence of them, as well.
However, there are surprisingly small correlations among either the females or
males in the sample, between BMI and the seven factors. Only for WORRY is the
correlation with BMI substantial (0·23 across all females, 0·24 across all males).
None of the other 12 correlations (six other factors by two genders) is above 0·15
(or below −0·15). The role of BMI as a confounding variable was formally assessed
with ANCOVAS, using BMI as the covariate. Separate ANCOVAS were carried out
for each of the seven factors, separately by gender and “age” group. For the 28
ANCOVAS (seven factors, two genders, two age samples), 22 country comparisons
were significant (p<0·01) with or without the BMI covariate. With the exception of
WORRY, the multiple R taking BMI into account was rarely 10% higher than the
same R using only the COUNTRY variable. Substantial BMI effects were only
observed for the WORRY variable, especially for student males.
We report substantial country differences in attitudes to food and health. With
the large sample sizes that we have employed, it is not surprising that the results are
highly significant. More critically, the size of effects is substantial on many of the
measures; the difference between, at the extremes, French males and American
females is very large. However, it is also true that the variables we have explored
(gender and country) do not account for most of the variation in the various diet/
health/food scores (multiple Rs, taking into account country and gender, vary from
0·20 to 0·56, see Table 3). Variables such as SES and religion, which vary both within
and between cultures, may account for aditional variance, along with a number of
unspecified within-country sources.
In the course of carrying out this study, we have learned how to frame some of
the items in better ways, and intend to use this knowledge to carry out a more
comprehensive analysis of food and life. This will include information on knowledge
of foods and nutrition, knowledge about cuisine, the linkage between food and
moral issues, and the extent of worrying about, socialising around and enjoying of
foods. Patterns of eating, time spent eating, money spent eating, etc. could also be
usefully explored. For example, it is likely that in comparison to Americans, the
French eat fewer calories, a greater variety of foods (Drewnowski et al., 1996), fewer
snacks and longer meals.
Our study is just a beginning. The samples we have selected are not random,
though they should be moderately representative. However, our samples include
only prosperous, developed countries. In future work, we intend to include less
prosperous countries such as Mexico and India.
In general, the country differences capture the intuition of people familiar with
the countries in question. Perhaps the most surprising results are the consistent
gender differences on our various measures, and the absence of substantial interactions
between gender and country. Females score notably higher than males on worry,
concern, modification of diet with reduced salt/fat foods and non-culinary as-
sociations. Gender differences are small on the extent of the diet–health link and the
importance of food in life in a positive context. A greater concern by women than
men in the United States with weight and appearance has been noted and evidenced
by many authors (e.g. Rodin et al., 1985; Rozin & Fallon, 1988). However, the
extension of these greater female concerns into the more general domain of health
and food is less widely appreciated. Prior work has suggested greater concern by
British women than men in the areas of weight and health control (Steptoe et al.,
1995), and greater frequency of most health-related behaviors in women (Wardle &
Steptoe, 1991). McFarlane and Pliner [1997; personal communication (data not
reported in the original paper)] found that Canadian women had significantly higher
scores than men on the importance of health subscale of the Food Motivation Scale
(Martins & Pliner, 1998). The generality of this greater health concern among women
across some Western cultures (Belgium, Britain, Canada, U.S.A. and France) and
one developed Eastern culture (Japan) is striking.
The higher scores for females across issues of worries/concerns about food and
nutritional as opposed to culinary associations may derive from a number of sources.
First, it may be derivative of the well-documented greater concern among Western
women about weight, body shape and appearance (Rodin et al., 1985; Rozin &
Fallon, 1988). In another portion of this survey, we obtained information indicating
that in all four countries, females, unlike males, felt that their current body appearance
was fatter than the ideal. Female concerns about weight could directly encourage
consumption of low-fat foods, dieting and worrying about high-calorie foods such
as chocolate and ice-cream, and these features could generate lower food/pleasure
scores on some variables. However, this account is not sufficient to explain the
gender differences. For example, it cannot explain the greater use of low salt diet
by females or their greater concern about the diet of others.
A second account of the gender difference might relate to the generally ac-
knowledged greater concern for issues of nurturance in females. The greater female
health concern, with respect to food, may be related to the fact that in most countries,
females bear a disporportionate responsibility for selecting and preparing food for
their families.
Finally, the lack of substantial differences on the food effectiveness variables
suggest that it is not gender or country differences in beliefs about food and health
that is primarily responsible for the substantial differences in other attitudes.
It is ironic that the Americans worry most about their diet, modify their diet in
the direction of what they perceive as healthy more than any other group, but are
least inclined to consider themselves “healthy eaters”. Americans seem to have the
worst of both worry worlds, the greater concern and the greater dissatisfaction. So
the virtue which the Americans seek continues to elude them. One is reminded of
the documented male–female difference in body image concerns, where women do
much more to control their weight, and at the same time end up much more
dissatisfied with it (Rozin & Fallon, 1988). Perhaps if it was easier to change diet
and/or lose weight, the greater efforts of women and Americans would result in
more satisfaction.
We note two other ironies. One is the greater concern of females about consuming
low cholesterol foods and their greater association of fried eggs with cholesterol.
Women are less vulnerable to the cardiovascular risk of high blood cholesterol, yet
are more concerned about it. Second, considering that women presumably still do
more cooking than men, it is surprising that they are less likely than men to make
culinary (as opposed to nutritional) associations to foods.
In general the effects of “age” (student vs. adult) are rather small in this study.
The two samples serve primarily to allow more confidence in the other conclusions
we have drawn about country and gender, since these conclusions are supported by
the data from both student and adult samples.
We believe this is the first cross-cultural empirical study on the role of food in
life. The substantial differences we report constitute a first step, both in studying
cultural differences and food, and in constructing an argument for the importance
of food attitudes in the diet health debate.
It is not unreasonable to assume that when a major aspect of life becomes a
stress and source of substantial worry, as opposed to a pleasure, effects might be
seen in both the cardiovascular and immune systems. There are numerous studies
that show links between pleasure experiences and good health, and between stress
and poor health (Netter, 1996). Of course, in this paper we present no such evidence.
We merely identify some psychological variables which may covary with health.
Country (and gender) differences in health may be attributable to any or all of
genetic differences, diet, other environmental differences, quality of medical care and
psychological variables. We provide here the beginning of some psychological
measures that might be added to existing psychological measures (such as attributional
style) in the greater concern for the role of psychological factors in physical health.
We suggest that it is conceivable that American worries and obsessions about
healthy foods may be counter-productive, producing substantial reductions in the
quality of life, and perhaps having no or even negative effects on the length of life.
It is extremely hard to change body weight or food habits. Therapy for obesity has
had only modest success (French & Jeffrey, 1994), and we have all seen what a
massive effort has been required to reduce smoking levels. Before encouraging dietary
practices of much less (if any) health benefits, we should consider not only the benefit
of the change, if accomplished, but the costs of trying to accomplish this, and the
costs of likely failure [see Seligman’s (1994) discussion of weight loss regimes in this
regard, and Atrens, 1994, on lowering dietary cholesterol].
The contrast in French vs. American attitudes to food that we report may, to
some extent, represent a contrast between Americans and Western Europeans. The
recent survey of food choice and attitudes to food and health in the European Union
(Institute of European Food Studies, 1996) locates the French among the least
concerned about diet and health, least inclined to change diet for health reasons,
and least concerned with dietary fat among the European countries. Among the
Europeans, the French are inclined to define healthy eating more in terms of balance,
variety and freshness. However, as suggested by our results with the Flemish Belgians,
there are other countries in Europe that show a similar pattern to the French on
the diet–health dimensions, including the Italians (Institute of European Food
Studies, 1996). Furthermore, a study comparing health-related behaviors and beliefs
about the relations between behaviors and health in many European countries (not
including France) revealed that Belgians (Flemish and Walloons combined) were
less concerned than the other countries, especially in matters related to fat and
cholesterol (Steptoe & Wardle, 1992).
Stearns (1997) has recently addressed the historical causes of the French–American
differences in attitudes to food and weight. French traditional aesthetic concerns,
culinary focus and leadership in the fashion industry might be expected to enhance
French concerns about body appearance. One account of the French–American
contemporary differences has to do with different traditional eating patterns in the
two countries, with a French emphasis on moderation and high quality, and an
American emphasis on high quantity (Stearns, 1997).
There are other French–American differences that might have causal effects (also
recognised by Stearns). One is American individualism, and the American emphasis
on individual causes and cures for problems, as opposed to a more societal emphasis
in France. A second has to do with religion; Catholicism is the dominant religion
in France, as opposed to Protestantism in the U.S.A. Protestantism may encourage
Americans to attach moral dimensions to eating (responsibility for health and body
shape) more than the French (Rozin, 1997; Thomas, 1997). It is notable, for example,
that prohibition was enacted only in Protestant countries. Recent evidence from
American college students indicates that people who consume “junk” foods are
considered to be morally inferior to those who consume principally fruits, grains
and vegetables (Stein & Nemeroff, 1995). A third difference has to do with beliefs
about the causes of illness. Generally, Americans and American medicine tends to
attribute illness to external causes, such as germs, toxins and diet, while French and
French medicine is more inclined to accounts in terms of internal imbalances (Payer,
1988). This naturally leads to a greater American concern about health and diet
Our findings support the idea that there are substantial differences in concern
about diet and health, and hence presumably food-related stress, in different countries.
Although it is well documented that stress (however defined) contributes to morbidity
and mortality, we have presented no evidence that directly links diet–health concerns
with health outcome measures. Our claim at this point is simply that diet–health
and food concerns do differ across cultures, and may be a negative influence on
health. Therefore, food/health attitudes and patterns of food intake should properly
be considered along with measures of actual diet and other environmental factors
as a candidate for accounts of the “French paradox” and other major health
differences across countries. We suggest that on the psychological level, Americans
may have something to learn from the French.
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Received 7 October 1998, revision 18 November 1998, accepted in revised form 24 March 1999