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Bcl-2 immunoreactive cells with immature neuronal phenotype exist in the nonepileptic adult brain


Abstract and Figures

Bcl-2, a cell death suppressor protein, is expressed during brain development but is largely down-regulated in the adult central nervous system. We previously reported strong expression of bcl-2 in small, "oligodendrocyte-like" cells (OLC) found in glioneuronal hamartias. These hamartias are microscopic cell rests found in temporal lobe resections from patients with intractable epilepsy and are considered a form of cerebral microdysgenesis. However, a causative relationship between these rests and seizures is not clear. We now report the identification, lineage characterization, and postnatal ontogeny of hamartia-like cell rests in temporal lobes of nonepileptic humans. Postmortem temporal lobes from 28 patients without history of neurologic disease (mean age = 53 years; range = 20 to 83 years) were studied. Microscopic cellular aggregates containing immature-appearing, bcl-2-immunoreactive cells (BIC) (identical to OLC) were observed in 23 of 28 (82%) temporal lobes from nonepileptic individuals. BIC were strongly immunoreactive for neuronal-specific class III beta tubulin, neuronal nuclear antigen, and MAP-2, but were consistently negative for neurofilament proteins and Ki67. Such cells were localized to subventricular regions of the caudal amygdala and often extended into the adjacent subcortical white matter and periamygdaloid cortex. BIC became less abundant with advancing age. These findings suggest that hamartia-like rests containing immature postmitotic neurons are normally present in the human brain and that glioneuronal hamartias may not always represent a maldevelopmental lesion associated with epilepsy.
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Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology Vol. 59, No. 2
2000 by the American Association of Neuropathologists February, 2000
pp. 113–119
Bcl-2 Immunoreactive Cells With Immature Neuronal Phenotype Exist in the Nonepileptic Adult
Human Brain
T. Y
, MD, S
N. R
, MD, A
, BS, J
T. F
, MD,
Abstract. Bcl-2, a cell death suppressor protein, is expressed during brain development but is largely down-regulated in the
adult central nervous system. We previously reported strong expression of bcl-2 in small, ‘‘oligodendrocyte-like’’ cells (OLC)
found in glioneuronal hamartias. These hamartias are microscopic cell rests found in temporal lobe resections from patients
with intractable epilepsy and are considered a form of cerebral microdysgenesis. However, a causative relationship between
these rests and seizures is not clear. We now report the identification, lineage characterization, and postnatal ontogeny of
hamartia-like cell rests in temporal lobes of nonepileptic humans. Postmortem temporal lobes from 28 patients without history
of neurologic disease (mean age
53 years; range
20 to 83 years) were studied. Microscopic cellular aggregatescontaining
immature-appearing, bcl-2-immunoreactive cells (BIC) (identical to OLC) were observed in 23 of 28 (82%) temporal lobes
from nonepileptic individuals. BIC were strongly immunoreactive for neuronal-specific class III
tubulin, neuronal nuclear
antigen, and MAP-2, but were consistently negative for neurofilament proteins and Ki67. Such cells were localized to sub-
ventricular regions of the caudal amygdala and often extended into the adjacent subcortical white matter and periamygdaloid
cortex. BIC became less abundant with advancing age. These findings suggest that hamartia-like rests containing immature
postmitotic neurons are normally present in the human brain and that glioneuronal hamartias may not always represent a
maldevelopmental lesion associated with epilepsy.
Key Words: Amygdala; Hamartia; Neurogenesis; Tubulin; Nuclear antigen.
Bcl-2, the prototype of a family of cell death regulatory
genes, encodes a 26 kDa intracellular membrane-associ-
ated polypeptide that promotes neuronal survival in a
number of experimental systems (1–8). It is expressed
primarily during brain development in primitive neuro-
epithelium and in early, postmitotic young neurons and
then diminishes to nondetectable levels in most postnatal
CNS neurons (9–13). Instead, most mature CNS neurons
strongly express bcl-x
, which appears to be an important
negative modulator of cell death in the developing and
mature CNS (14, 15).
In a previous report, we described a population of im-
mature-appearing, strongly bcl-2-immunoreactive cells
(BIC) in temporal lobe resections from adult patients with
intractable epilepsy (12). BIC are identical to the ‘‘oli-
godendrocyte-like cells’’ (OLC) found in so-called ‘‘gli-
oneuronal hamartias.’’ The latter have been defined by
Wolf and colleagues (16) as ‘‘. . . well to poorly circum-
scribed, microscopic cell clusters that are composed of
randomly oriented mature neurons admixed with small
cells which contain round, hyperchromatic nuclei and,
often, clear perinuclear cytoplasmic haloes.’’ While his-
tologic appearances suggested an oligodendroglial line-
age, BIC often contain a small but prominent basophilic
From the Departments of Pathology, Immunology, and Laboratory
Medicine (AY, AL, JF), Neurological Surgery (SR), Pediatrics and Neu-
roscience (DM), University of Florida Brain Institute and College of
Medicine, Gainesville, Florida.
Correspondence to: Dr. Anthony T. Yachnis, Department of Pathology
and Laboratory Medicine, University of Florida College of Medicine,
1600 S. W. Archer Rd., Room 3110, P.O. Box 100275, Health Science
Center, Gainesville, FL 32610.
nucleolus and express a fetal form of the neural cell ad-
hesion molecule (fetal NCAM) (16) and bcl-2 (12) (oli-
godendroglia are negative for these antigens). ‘‘Hamar-
tias’’ with such cells were found in 58% of glioneuronal
malformative ‘‘lesions’’ associated with intractable epi-
lepsy (16). It has been suggested that BIC, which are
often found near the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle
(12), represent immature neural cells that failed to mi-
grate appropriately from the fetal germinal matrix (16,
17). To date, these cells have been considered to be path-
ologic; representing a form of microdysgenesis associated
with temporal lobe epilepsy (12, 16, 17).
We now report the identification and immunohisto-
chemical characterization of ‘‘hamartias’’ containing im-
mature-appearing BIC/OLC in postmortem brains of non-
epileptic individuals who died without clinical or
pathologic evidence of neurologic disease. The presence
of such cell collections in the normal brain suggests that
glioneuronal hamartias might not have a direct causative
role in temporal lobe epilepsy and that immature neural
cells are more abundant in the adult human brain than
previously thought.
Tissue Procurement and Processing
Tissues were collected and processed according to protocols
approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University
of Florida. Postmortem adult human brains from 28 patients
ranging in age from 20 to 83 years (mean
53 years) were
studied. In addition, the brains of 2 neonates (gestational ages
35 and 39 weeks) and a 3-year-old child were examined.
There was no evidence of epilepsy or any other neurologic dis-
ease by review of the clinical record. The brains showed no
by guest on July 6, 2016 from
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, Vol 59, February, 2000
significant pathologic changes by routine gross and microscopic
postmortem examination by a neuropathologist (AY).
Particular attention was focused on the region of the caudal
amygdala at or near the level of the mammillary bodies since
hamartias containing immature-appearing BIC were previously
identified in this location in temporal lobe resections from pa-
tients with intractable epilepsy (12). Other areas examined in
selected cases included middle and rostral levels of the amyg-
dala, hippocampus at or near the level of the lateral geniculate
nucleus, basal forebrain including olfactory tubercle, olfactory
bulbs and tracts, and multiple periventricular sites including
head of caudate, anterior thalamus, pulvinar, midbrain, pons,
and medulla. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections
from each of the above regions were studied by routine H&E
histology and by immunohistochemistry. Ten serial sections of
each tissue block were typically prepared. The first section was
stained with H&E and subsequent sections were immunostained
for each of the 8 antigens described below. The tenth section
served as a negative control (primary antibody excluded).
Bcl-2 was probed using a well-characterized anti-bcl-2 pep-
tide monoclonal antibody (clone 124, DAKO, Carpinteria, CA)
which was raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to
amino acids 41–54 of human bcl-2 protein (18). This peptide
spans a region of the protein that is poorly conserved among
members of the bcl-2 family thus reducing the chance of cross-
reactivity. Antigen specificity was previously determined by
Western immunoblotting of postmortem human temporal lobe
tissue (19). A monoclonal antibody that recognizes neuron-spe-
cific class III beta tubulin (clone TuJ1) was obtained from Re-
search Diagnostics Inc. (Flanders, NJ). MAP-2 (microtubule as-
sociated protein-2), neurofilament (clone RMdO20), and Ki67
(MIB1; clone 7B11) were purchased from Zymed (South San
Francisco, CA). The sources of other antibodies used in this
study are as follows: GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein;
DAKO), Neu-N (neuronal nuclear antigen; Chemicon, Teme-
cula, CA), and GAP-43 (growth-associated protein-43; Boeh-
ringer Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN).
Following deparaffinization, endogenous peroxidase activity
was quenched with 0.3% aqueous H
for 5 min. Antigen re-
trieval was accomplished by 15 min immersion in boiling 0.01
M citrate buffer (pH 6) according to a previously described
protocol (20). The avidin-biotin-peroxidase technique was per-
formed according to an established protocol (DAKO LSAB 2
Kit). Primary antibody reactions consisted of overnight incu-
bations at 4
C. PBS (pH 7.4) containing 0.3% triton X-100
(PBST) with 1% BSA was used for diluting all antibodies and
PBST was used for all washes. Sections were lightly counter-
stained with hematoxylin. Normal adult human tonsil was used
as the positive control tissue for bcl-2 immunostaining, while
normal adult cerebellum or hippocampus was the positive con-
trol for class III beta tubulin, neurofilament protein, MAP-2,
GAP-43, GFAP and Neu-N. Omission of primary antibody was
the negative control in routine studies.
To confirm the specificity of the bcl-2 monoclonal antibody
in tissue sections, the primary antibody was preincubated with
a 10-fold excess of immunizing peptide prior to immunohisto-
chemical staining. Preadsorption abolished the immunoreactiv-
ity of bcl-2 in human tonsil and control human fetal brain tis-
sue. Preincubation of the bcl-2 antibody with a bcl-x
did not block immunohistochemical staining (12, 13).
Statistical Analysis
The relative abundance of BIC (‘‘BIC score’’) was estimated
in a semiquantitative fashion for each of the 28 adult patients
as follows: (0) no BIC identified; (1) rare clusters of BIC or
rare, individual cells; (2) scattered clusters of BIC; (3) abundant
BIC. To determine if there was an age-related decline in BIC
prevalence, the patients were split into 3 age groups: 20–44
years old (n
9), 45–65 years old (n
8), and
65 years old
11). The mean BIC score for each age group was calcu-
lated. Data were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis test; a non-
parametric equivalent of the one-way analysis of variance by
ranks. The average postmortem interval for each of the above
groups was 14 hours (20–44 years old); 12 hours (45–65 years
old); and 13 hours (
65 years old).
Identification of Hamartia-like BIC in the Adult Human
Microscopic, hamartia-like cell collections containing
BIC were identified in 23 of 28 (82%) of the nonepileptic
adults studied. Such collections consisted of small cells
with round to slightly oval, hyperchromatic nuclei and
indistinct cytoplasmic boundaries on routine H&E stain-
ing (Fig. 1A). The nuclei of these cells often contained
a single, small basophilic nucleolus (Fig. 1A). Such col-
lections consisted of closely packed cell clusters or were
more loosely dispersed. The small round cells were often
associated with mature neurons (Fig. 1A, B). Bcl-2 was
strongly immunoreactive in the perinuclear cytoplasm of
the small round cells (Fig. 1B). Bcl-2 immunostaining
revealed that these cells had fine processes that extended
into the surrounding neuropil (Fig. 1B). Occasionally, a
suggestion of bipolar morphology was apparent in some
BIC. Although most BIC processes were oriented in a
haphazard fashion, some processes were aligned in par-
allel bundles. Mature neurons associated with BIC were
typically negative or, rarely, very weakly reactive for
The ependyma showed weak to moderate levels of bcl-
2 immunoreactivity. In the hippocampus, only the epen-
dyma and choroid plexus were weakly to moderately im-
munoreactive for bcl-2. Neuronal elements of the
hippocampus (including the dentate gyrus) showed no de-
tectable immunoreactivity for bcl-2, consistent with prior
observations (12). Bcl-2 staining of tissue sections was
blocked by preincubation of the primary antibody in a
10-fold excess of immunizing peptide.
Antigen Expression and Proliferative Potential of BIC
The immunophenotype of BIC was evaluated by im-
munohistochemistry. Strong immunoreactivity for the
by guest on July 6, 2016 from
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, Vol 59, February, 2000
neuronal nuclear antigen (Neu-N) was identified in most
of the small round BIC, although others were negative
(Fig. 1C). The perinuclear cytoplasm and cell processes
of BIC were strongly immunoreactive for neuron-specific
class III
tubulin (Fig. 1D) and MAP-2. GAP-43 was
diffusely immunoreactive in the neuropil of the amygdala
and other mature gray matter structures, but definitive
staining of the perinuclear cytoplasm or processes of BIC
could not be confirmed. BIC were negative for neurofil-
ament proteins, and GFAP.
As we previously showed in temporal lobe resections
from patients with epilepsy (12), BIC of hamartia-like
cell collections in nonepileptic individuals were consis-
tently negative for Ki67 (MIB1), suggesting they are
postmitotic or quiescent. However, rare, individual Ki67-
immunoreactive cells were identified in the immediate
subependymal region. Such cells appeared immature,
contained little discernible cytoplasm, and, in contrast to
BIC, had irregular, hyperchromatic nuclei without nucle-
Postnatal Ontogeny of BIC in the Human Amygdala
In term infants, abundant bcl-2 immunoreactivity was
identified in neuroepithelial cells of the ventrolateral re-
gion of the amygdala and adjacent periamygdalar region
including the corticoamygdaloid transition area (21) (Fig.
2A, B). BIC were arranged as a discrete band of imma-
ture cells in the subventricular zone while primitive cells
of the ventricular zone were negative for bcl-2 (Fig. 2A,
B). Conspicuous clusters of BIC were still present in the
subventricular zone and in the deep layers of the peria-
mygdalar cortex in young adults (Fig. 2C, D). Occasion-
ally, some groups of BIC were arranged in a palisading
pattern (Fig. 2D). Although such clusters were identified
in all patients under 40 years of age, they were particu-
larly abundant in patients less than 30-years of age. BIC
were less prominent in individuals 50 years of age and
older, often existing as small, individual cell clusters in
the subventricular gray matter (Fig. 2E, F). Four of 17
individuals greater than 50 years of age did not have
detectable BIC in the material studied while only 1 of 10
patients less than 50 years of age had no detectable BIC.
(The 1 BIC-negative individual was 49 years old.) Inter-
estingly, all 5 of the BIC-negative cases were males. Ap-
parent absence of BIC could not be attributed to poor
fixation or failed antigen retrieval since the other antigens
tested stained appropriately. Presence of BIC in these cas-
es cannot be entirely excluded since serial sections of the
entire amygdaloid region were not studied.
To determine if there was a significant age-related de-
cline in BIC during adulthood, the patients were divided
into 3 age groups: 20–44, 45–65, and
65 years old. A
mean ‘‘BIC score’’ for each age group was calculated
and the data were analyzed by a nonparametric method.
This demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in
these cells with age (Fig. 3). These observations suggest
that BIC are abundant in the amygdala and periamyg-
daloid cortex during infancy, persist into adulthood, and
are gradually reduced throughout adult life.
Anatomic Location of BIC
BIC were mainly identified in the subventricular region
of the caudal amygdala adjacent to the intermediate and
parvocellular divisions of the basal nucleus (22); the lat-
ter being referred to by Gloor as the paralaminar nucleus
(21). Most BIC were located in the gray matter of the
amygdalar and periamygdalar subventricular zone and
were not in direct contact with the ependymal lining.
However, a few discrete clusters of such cells were oc-
casionally situated directly beneath or within the epen-
dymal lining (Fig. 2D). Microscopic, BIC-containing cell
clusters were often observed near the periphery of the
medial and rostral amygdala, but usually in an inferior or
medial location near the rostral aspect of the ventricle.
With bcl-2 staining, these cells could be identified near
the gray-white junction and in the deep layers of the per-
iamygdaloid cortex; including the corticoamygdaloid
transition area (21). BIC were often observed along ru-
dimentary collections of ependymal cells that extend
from the rostromedial angle of the temporal horn of the
lateral ventricle between the amygdala and corticoam-
ygdaloid transition area.
BIC were not detected in the following regions of the
adult human brain: hippocampus (including dentate nu-
cleus), basal forebrain (including olfactory tubercle), ol-
factory bulbs and tracts, and caudate nucleus, anterior
thalamus, pulvinar, and periventricular regions of the
midbrain, pons, and medulla. Clusters of small round im-
mature-appearing cells were identified along the amyg-
dalofugal pathway in the basal forebrain, but these were
consistently negative for bcl-2.
We have identified BIC of the human amygdala and
periamygdalar cortex that are similar if not identical to
‘‘oligodendrocyte-like cells’’ (OLC) of glioneuronal ha-
martias that have been described in resected temporal
lobes from patients with intractable epilepsy (12, 16, 17).
We previously reported that BIC/OLC could be found in
the region of the intermediate and parvocellular divisions
of the basal amygdaloid nucleus in seizure patients with
pathologically confirmed Ammon’s horn sclerosis (12).
The identification of BIC in the same locations in non-
seizure patients suggests that these immature-appearing
cells do not always play a primary role in epileptogenesis
associated with mesial temporal sclerosis. Furthermore, a
histologic finding of BIC-containing glioneuronal hamar-
tias in the caudal amygdala and/or periamygdalar cortex
of an otherwise typical case of Ammon’s horn sclerosis
by guest on July 6, 2016 from
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, Vol 59, February, 2000
Fig. 1. Morphology and cell lineage of bcl-2-immunoreactive cells (BIC). A: H&E-stained section of amygdala from a 35-
year-old nonepileptic individual. This microscopic cell cluster is composed of small round immature-appearing cells with ‘‘oli-
godendrocyte-like’’ perinuclear haloes. Some of the small cells have basophilic nucleoli (small arrow). Mature neurons are
intermixed with the immature-appearing cells (large arrow). The histologic appearance is similar, if not identical, to glioneuronal
hamartias identified in some temporal lobe resections from patients with epilepsy. Original magnification:
1200. B: Bcl-2
immunostained section from the same patient as in ‘‘B’’ showing strong immunoreactivity of the perinuclear cytoplasm and
delicate cell processes of the immature-appearing cells (small arrow). Mature neurons admixed with the small cells are bcl-2-
negative (large arrow). Original magnification:
1200. C: Loose hamartia-like cluster of cells immunostained for the neuronal
nuclear antigen (Neu-N). Many, but not all, of the small cells show strong nuclear staining. Several mature neurons (bottom right
of center and left side of photo) also are immunostained. Original magnification:
800. D: Cells corresponding to BIC show
strong cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for neuron-specific class III
tubulin. Abundant cell processes of the neuropil are also
immunoreactive. Original magnification:
should probably not suggest presence of ‘‘dual patholo-
The apparent abundance of BIC in some temporal lobe
resections might be explained by the fact that patients
undergoing epilepsy surgery are typically young to mid-
dle-aged adults. Our current study showed that BIC are
more conspicuous in young (nonepileptic) individuals
and that the relative abundance of these cells is reduced
with age. Several factors could explain why BIC have
not been identified in prior retrospective studies in which
autopsy control temporal lobes have been compared with
epilepsy-associated temporal lobe pathology (12, 16, 17):
1) The caudal amygdala is not usually sampled in the
course of routine neuropathologic examination. The re-
gion of the caudal amygdala was not studied in nonepi-
leptic adult controls in our previous developmental in-
vestigation (12) and this area was not specifically
mentioned as having been examined in nonseizure autop-
sy controls in the studies of Wolf et al (16) and Kasper
et al (17). 2) The paucity of BIC in older individuals
makes their identification difficult without bcl-2 staining.
BIC could have been easily missed in several elderly pa-
tients in our study had immunohistochemistry not been
performed. Also, the apparent absence of BIC in 5 cases
presented herein could be due to insufficient sampling as
serial sections of the entire amygdala and periamygdaloid
region was not performed. 3) The precise anatomic lo-
cation of hamartias in many temporal lobe resection spec-
imens is often difficult to determine due to poor orien-
tation or fragmentation of the tissue in addition to the
rather nondescript cytoarchitecture of the amygdala and
periamygdaloid cortex.
An association of glioneuronal hamartias and gangliog-
liomas has been reported (23). We observed 2 cases (one
by guest on July 6, 2016 from
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, Vol 59, February, 2000
Fig. 2. Postnatal ontogeny BIC in the human amygdala. A: Mesial temporal lobe of 39-week gestational age human neonate
at a caudal amygdala (Am) level. A prominent layer of bcl-2-immunoreactivity is present in the subventricular zone of the basal
amygdala (small arrows) adjacent to the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle (V). BIC extend into the corticoamygdaloid transition
area (21) (large arrow) and periamygdalar cortex. Original magnification:
100. B: High magnification of (A) showing bcl-2-
immunoreactive cells of the subventricular zone. Note that primitive cells of the ventricular zone (VZ) are negative for bcl-2.
Original magnification:
800. C: Section from caudal amygdala (Am) of 21-year-old female without neurologic disease showing
BIC adjacent to the ventricle (arrow). BIC extend medially along the periphery of the amygdala towards the corticoamygdaloid
transition area (arrowheads). Original magnification:
100. D: Higher magnification of (C) showing abundant subependymal
(small arrow) and subventricular (large arrows) BIC. The latter are arranged in a palisading pattern. Original magnification:
E: A rare, focal subependymal ‘‘hamartia-like’’ cluster of BIC in the caudal amygdala of a 61-year-old man without neurologic
disease. This was the only collection of BIC identified in this case. Original magnification:
200. F: High magnification of focal
BIC from (E). The ependymal lining is at the bottom of the figure. Original magnification:
reported previously in reference 12, the other unpub-
lished) in which a temporal lobe ganglioglioma occurred
with an apparent excess of BIC. This suggested that ab-
normal differentiation of BIC into mature neurons might
be involved the pathogenesis of some gangliogliomas.
Although both tumors were reportedly from the region of
the uncus, we could not determine the exact location
of these neoplasms or their relationship to the caudal
by guest on July 6, 2016 from
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, Vol 59, February, 2000
Fig. 3. Age-related decline in BIC during adulthood. The
relative abundance of BIC was expressed as a ‘‘BIC score’’ for
each of the 28 adult patients as follows: (0) no BIC identified;
(1) rare clusters of BIC, or rare individual cells; (2) scattered
clusters of BIC; (3) abundant BIC. Patients were divided into
3 age groups: 20–44 (n
9; mean BIC score
2.6), 45–65
8; mean BIC score
1.25), and
65 years old (n
mean BIC score
0.73). Data were analyzed by the Kruskal-
Wallis test; a nonparametric equivalent of the one-way analysis
of variance by ranks. This showed a statistically significant re-
duction in BIC with age (p
amygdala since both cases were lesionectomies. These
tumors arose in individuals who were less than 10 years
of age and our current results suggest that BIC are par-
ticularly abundant in the temporal lobes of children.
However, the possibility that some cases of temporal lobe
lesions may be associated with qualitative or quantitative
abnormalities of BIC is not ruled out by the current work.
Wolf et al (16) have shown that the OLC of glioneu-
ronal hamartias from temporal lobe resections, which we
propose are identical to BIC of nonsiezure individuals,
are immunoreactive for fetal NCAM. Our findings that
BIC are strongly immunoreactive for Neu-N, class III
tubulin, and MAP-2 support a neuronal lineage for these
cells. Neu-N has been detected in early postmigratory
neurons of the human fetal brain as early as 8 weeks
gestational age (24). Similarly, class III
tubulin is de-
velopmentally regulated in the human brain (25) and is
one of the earliest antigens to appear in postmitotic neu-
rons (26, 27). Since the expression of neurofilament pro-
teins (NFP) generally correlates with a more mature neu-
ronal phenotype, the negativity for NFP displayed by BIC
further supports an early neuronal lineage for these cells.
The strong bcl-2 immunoreactivity of BIC is itself
reminiscent of the strong expression of this antigen in
early postmigratory young neurons in the fetal human
neocortex (12). Specifically, between 20 and 40 weeks of
gestation, bcl-2 immunoreactivity is progressively lost in
the deeper layers of the cortex, which contains neurons
that have migrated into the cortical plate earlier in de-
velopment. During this period, bcl-2 is persistently ex-
pressed in superficial layers (especially layer 2) which
contain less mature, postmitotic neurons that migrated
more recently into the cortex. Bcl-2 down-regulation co-
incides with periods of synaptogenesis and neuronal dif-
ferentiation in the developing human neocortex (12) and
spinal cord (13). The periventricular location of BIC fur-
ther supports the idea that these cells remained near their
site of origin (16), persisted into adulthood, and perhaps
exist in a vestigial or resting stage. Another possibility,
suggested by our finding of rare Ki67-immunoreactive
cells in the ependymal region, is that there is limited pro-
duction of BIC in the adult.
The pattern and distribution of BIC that we have de-
scribed in nonepileptic humans is similar to that de-
scribed for immature, bcl-2-immunoreactive cells in the
amygdala and piriform cortex of the adult squirrel mon-
key (Saimiri scureus) (28, 29). These immature cells dis-
played features of 2 types of neurons: type ‘‘A’’ (imma-
ture) and type ‘‘B’’ (differentiating). Type ‘‘A’ neurons
were intensely immunoreactive for bcl-2 (28, 29) and
were morphologically similar to the immature-appearing
BIC of the normal human amygdala (present study) and
to OLC observed in ‘‘hamartias’’ that in human temporal
lobe resections (12, 16, 17, 28). Type ‘‘A’’ cells of the
primate became less numerous with age. In contrast, type
‘‘B’’ neurons were larger than type ‘‘A’’ cells, were less
intensely reactive for bcl-2, and became more numerous
with age. These results suggested that the smaller, in-
tensely bcl-2-immunoreactive cells might have differen-
tiated into a more mature neuronal phenotype during nor-
mal aging. Although cells similar to type ‘‘B’’ neurons
were not evident in our study, we did observe a reduction
in BIC (similar to type ‘‘A’ cells) during normal aging.
Type ‘‘A’’ BIC were more widespread in limbic structures
of the squirrel monkey than in the human. Although im-
mature-appearing clusters of small cells were observed
along the limbic-olfactory pathway in our study, such
cells were negative for bcl-2. The reasons for these in-
terspecies differences are not clear. One possibility is that
several different subtypes of immature neurons exist nor-
mally in the limbic system and not all subtypes express
detectable amounts of bcl-2 in the human. Nevertheless,
the primate model provides further evidence that an im-
mature population of neurons exists in the adult amygdala
and periamygdaloid cortex and that these cells may de-
velop into mature, fully differentiated CNS neurons.
Taken together, our findings provide evidence that cells
with features of immature, postmitotic neurons exist in
the adult human temporal lobe and that BIC may repre-
sent an intermediate stage of neuronal development be-
tween proliferating progenitor and mature neuron. Fur-
ther studies are needed to determine if BIC have a
by guest on July 6, 2016 from
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, Vol 59, February, 2000
physiologic function, if their production or differentiation
is affected by disease processes, or if such cells could be
manipulated to produce functional restoration of the dam-
aged nervous system.
The authors wish to thank Ms. Elaine Dooley for outstanding tech-
nical support. These studies were supported by the University of Florida
College Incentive Fund and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Re-
search Resources Program of the University of Florida College of Med-
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Received August 5, 1999
Revision received November 3, 1999
Accepted November 4, 1999
by guest on July 6, 2016 from
... As a potential factor contributing to the structural and functional plasticity of the medial temporal lobe memory system following hippocampal dysfunction, populations of immature neurons expressing the anti-apoptosis Bcl2 protein have been observed in several regions of the adult mammalian brain, including the ventromedial amygdala and the temporal cortex in humans and non-human primates (Bernier et al., 2002;Bernier & Parent, 1998;Fudge, 2004;Yachnis et al., 2000). Primarily investigated in the amygdala, this population of Bcl2-positive immature neurons is thought to migrate from the subventricular zone (SVZ) at the tip of the ventral portion of the medial temporal horn of the lateral ventricle to the amygdala and adjoining cortex (Bernier et al., 2002). ...
... Primarily investigated in the amygdala, this population of Bcl2-positive immature neurons is thought to migrate from the subventricular zone (SVZ) at the tip of the ventral portion of the medial temporal horn of the lateral ventricle to the amygdala and adjoining cortex (Bernier et al., 2002). These cells are immunoreactive for other markers of neuronal immaturity, such as β-tubulin-III, PSA-NCAM and doublecortin (DCX) (Bernier et al., 2002;Chareyron et al., 2016;Fudge, 2004;Yachnis et al., 2000), and also express the neuronal nuclear antigen (NeuN), thus providing evidence that these cells are neurons (Chareyron et al., 2016;Sorrells et al., 2019;Yachnis et al., 2000;Zhang et al., 2009). ...
... Primarily investigated in the amygdala, this population of Bcl2-positive immature neurons is thought to migrate from the subventricular zone (SVZ) at the tip of the ventral portion of the medial temporal horn of the lateral ventricle to the amygdala and adjoining cortex (Bernier et al., 2002). These cells are immunoreactive for other markers of neuronal immaturity, such as β-tubulin-III, PSA-NCAM and doublecortin (DCX) (Bernier et al., 2002;Chareyron et al., 2016;Fudge, 2004;Yachnis et al., 2000), and also express the neuronal nuclear antigen (NeuN), thus providing evidence that these cells are neurons (Chareyron et al., 2016;Sorrells et al., 2019;Yachnis et al., 2000;Zhang et al., 2009). ...
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Immature neurons expressing the Bcl2 protein are present in various regions of the mammalian brain, including the amygdala and the entorhinal and perirhinal cortices. Their functional role is unknown but we have previously shown that neonatal and adult hippocampal lesions increase their differentiation in the monkey amygdala. Here, we assessed whether hippocampal lesions similarly affect immature neurons in the entorhinal and perirhinal cortices. Since Bcl2-positive cells were found mainly in areas Eo, Er, and Elr of the entorhinal cortex and in layer II of the perirhinal cortex, we also used Nissl-stained sections to determine the number and soma size of immature and mature neurons in layer III of area Er and layer II of area 36 of the perirhinal cortex. We found different structural changes in these regions following hippocampal lesions, which were influenced by the time of the lesion. In neonate-lesioned monkeys, the number of immature neurons in the entorhinal and perirhinal cortices was generally higher than in controls. The number of mature neurons was also higher in layer III of area Er of neonate-lesioned monkeys but no differences were found in layer II of area 36. In adult-lesioned monkeys, the number of immature neurons in the entorhinal cortex was lower than in controls but did not differ from controls in the perirhinal cortex. The number of mature neurons in layer III of area Er did not differ from controls, but the number of small, mature neurons in layer II of area 36 was lower than in controls. In sum, hippocampal lesions impacted populations of mature and immature neurons in discrete regions and layers of the entorhinal and perirhinal cortices, which are interconnected with the amygdala and provide major cortical inputs to the hippocampus. These structural changes may contribute to some functional recovery following hippocampal injury in an age-dependent manner.
... Some species also have a population of late-maturing neurons within a subregion of the amygdala called the paralaminar nucleus (PL). Latematuring neurons in the PL have been observed in tree shrews (Ai et al., 2021), bats (Crosby and Humphrey, 1939), cats (Sah et al., 2003), rabbits (Luzzati et al., 2009), sheep , non-human primates (Chareyron et al., 2012;Fudge, 2004;Zhang et al., 2009), and humans (Avino, 2018;Liu, 2018;Martí-Mengual et al., 2013;Sorrells, 2019;Yachnis et al., 2000). The PL is an especially prominent feature of the non-human primate and human amygdala that exhibits significant neuron maturation between childhood and adolescence (Avino, 2018;Sorrells, 2019), placing it in the right time and place to be important for the development of amygdala structure and function. ...
... Immunostaining in the macaque PL found these cells to express B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2) (Fudge, 2004;Bernier et al., 2002), which could facilitate their survival by preventing apoptosis (Ceizar et al., 2016;Farlie et al., 1995). In the primate PL, the BCL-2 + cells frequently co-express class III β-tubulin (TUJ1) (Fudge, 2004); these two proteins also co-express in the human PL (Yachnis et al., 2000). In addition to these markers, late-maturing neurons co-express the immature neuron markers doublecortin (DCX) and polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) (Martí-Mengual et al., 2013;Sorrells, 2019). ...
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The human amygdala is critical for emotional learning, valence coding, and complex social interactions, all of which mature throughout childhood, puberty, and adolescence. Across these ages, the amygdala paralaminar nucleus (PL) undergoes significant structural changes including increased numbers of mature neurons. The PL contains a large population of immature excitatory neurons at birth, some of which may continue to be born from local progenitors. These progenitors disappear rapidly in infancy, but the immature neurons persist throughout childhood and adolescent ages, indicating that they develop on a protracted timeline. Many of these late-maturing neurons settle locally within the PL, though a small subset appear to migrate into neighboring amygdala subnuclei. Despite its prominent growth during postnatal life and possible contributions to multiple amygdala circuits, the function of the PL remains unknown. PL maturation occurs predominately during late childhood and into puberty when sex hormone levels change. Sex hormones can promote developmental processes such as neuron migration, dendritic outgrowth, and synaptic plasticity, which appear to be ongoing in late-maturing PL neurons. Collectively, we describe how the growth of late-maturing neurons occurs in the right time and place to be relevant for amygdala functions and neuropsychiatric conditions.
... In humans, layer II DCX + neurons have been reported largely in the temporal lobe in adults [14,21,34,[42][43][44] , and recently in the frontal and temporal lobes in infants [45][46][47]. Age-related changes of DCX + neurons in the human amygdala are shown among individuals from infancy up to 77 years old in a recent study [23]. ...
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A cohort of morphologically heterogenous doublecortin immunoreactive (DCX +) “immature neurons” has been identified in the cerebral cortex largely around layer II and the amygdala largely in the paralaminar nucleus (PLN) among various mammals. To gain a wide spatiotemporal view on these neurons in humans, we examined layer II and amygdalar DCX + neurons in the brains of infants to 100-year-old individuals. Layer II DCX + neurons occurred throughout the cerebrum in the infants/toddlers, mainly in the temporal lobe in the adolescents and adults, and only in the temporal cortex surrounding the amygdala in the elderly. Amygdalar DCX + neurons occurred in all age groups, localized primarily to the PLN, and reduced in number with age. The small-sized DCX + neurons were unipolar or bipolar, and formed migratory chains extending tangentially, obliquely, and inwardly in layers I–III in the cortex, and from the PLN to other nuclei in the amygdala. Morphologically mature-looking neurons had a relatively larger soma and weaker DCX reactivity. In contrast to the above, DCX + neurons in the hippocampal dentate gyrus were only detected in the infant cases in parallelly processed cerebral sections. The present study reveals a broader regional distribution of the cortical layer II DCX + neurons than previously documented in human cerebrum, especially during childhood and adolescence, while both layer II and amygdalar DCX + neurons persist in the temporal lobe lifelong. Layer II and amygdalar DCX + neurons may serve as an essential immature neuronal system to support functional network plasticity in human cerebrum in an age/region-dependent manner.
... As fetal development progresses, the GE shrinks to a small population of cells that surrounds the ventral section of the maturing amygdala. In humans, the paralaminar nucleus (PL) begins to develop during the 8th and 9th gestational month, residing and maturing at the location of the remnant GE (Ulfig et al., 2003), while mature PL still contains subpopulations of immature neurons (Bernier et al., 2000;Yachnis et al., 2000;Fudge and Tucker, 2009;Zhang et al., 2009). PL is a unique subregion of the amygdala, densely innervated by serotonergic fibers with high numbers of receptors for corticotropin releasing hormone and benzodiazepines. ...
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) involves alterations in neural connectivity affecting cortical network organization and excitation to inhibition ratio. It is characterized by an early increase in brain volume mediated by abnormal cortical overgrowth patterns and by increases in size, spine density, and neuron population in the amygdala and surrounding nuclei. Neuronal expansion is followed by a rapid decline from adolescence to middle age. Since no known neurobiological mechanism in human postnatal life is capable of generating large excesses of frontocortical neurons, this likely occurs due to a dysregulation of layer formation and layer-specific neuronal migration during key early stages of prenatal cerebral cortex development. This leads to the dysregulation of post-natal synaptic pruning and results in a huge variety of forms and degrees of signal-over-noise discrimination losses, accounting for ASD clinical heterogeneities, including autonomic nervous system abnormalities and comorbidities. We postulate that sudden changes in environmental conditions linked to serotonin/kynurenine supply to the developing fetus, throughout the critical GW7 – GW20 (Gestational Week) developmental window, are likely to promote ASD pathogenesis during fetal brain development. This appears to be driven by discrete alterations in differentiation and patterning mechanisms arising from in utero RNA editing, favoring vulnerability outcomes over plasticity outcomes. This paper attempts to provide a comprehensive model of the pathogenesis and progression of ASD neurodevelopmental disorders.
... In humans, layer II DCX + neurons have been reported largely in the temporal lobe in adults [14,21,34,[42][43][44], and recently in the frontal and temporal lobes in infants [45][46][47]. Age-related changes of DCX + neurons in the human amygdala are shown among individuals from infancy up to 77 year-old in a recent study [23]. ...
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A cohort of morphologically heterogenous doublecortin immunoreactive (DCX+) “immature neurons” has been identified in the cerebral cortex largely around layer II and the amygdala largely in the paralaminar nucleus (PLN) among various mammals. To gain a wide spatiotemporal view on these neurons in humans, we examined layer II and amygdalar DCX + neurons in the brains of infants to 100 year-old individuals. Layer II DCX + neurons occurred throughout the cerebrum in the infants/toddlers, mainly in the temporal lobe in the adolescents and adults, and only in the temporal cortex surrounding the amygdala in the elderly. Amygdalar DCX + neurons occurred in all age groups, localized primarily to the PLN, and reduced in number with age. The small-sized DCX + neurons were unipolar or bipolar, and formed migratory chains extending tangentially, obliquely and inwardly in layers I-III in the cortex, and from the PLN to other nuclei in the amygdala. Morphologically mature-looking neurons were lightly labeled and co-expressed the neuron-specific nuclear antigen, glutamic acid decarboxylase and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase. Taken together, we consider that the layer II and amygdalar DCX + neurons form a slowly developing interneuron system that supports inhibitory network plasticity in the cerebrum in an age/region-dependent manner.
... One hypothesis, also to be explored in future studies, is that immature neurons from the paralaminar nucleus of the amygdala migrate to the lateral nucleus following insult to regions connected to it (Chareyron et al. 2016). The paralaminar nucleus of the amygdala is known to contain a large population of immature neurons both in monkeys (Chareyron et al. 2011;deCampo and Fudge 2012;Fudge et al. 2012) and humans (Yachnis et al. 2000). Many of these immature neurons persist into adulthood without differentiation (Chareyron et al. 2011(Chareyron et al. , 2016 and the migration and maturation of these immature neurons from the paralaminar nucleus into other amygdala nuclei appears to be a critical feature of typical neural development in humans (Avino et al. 2018). ...
Accumulating evidence indicates that the adult brain is capable of significant structural change following damage—a capacity once thought to be largely limited to developing brains. To date, most existing research on adult plasticity has focused on how exteroceptive sensorimotor networks compensate for damage to preserve function. Interoceptive networks—those that represent and process sensory information about the body’s internal state—are now recognized to be critical for a wide range of physiological and psychological functions from basic energy regulation to maintaining a sense of self, but the extent to which these networks remain plastic in adulthood has not been established. In this report, we used detailed histological analyses to pinpoint precise changes to gray matter volume in the interoceptive-allostatic network in adult rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) who received neurotoxic lesions of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and neurologically intact control monkeys. Relative to controls, monkeys with ACC lesions had significant and selective unilateral expansion of the ventral anterior insula and significant relative bilateral expansion of the lateral nucleus of the amygdala. This work demonstrates the capacity for neuroplasticity in the interoceptive-allostatic network which, given that changes included expansion rather than atrophy, is likely to represent an adaptive response following damage.
... There is evidence from nonhuman primate studies indicating substantial plasticity of amygdala development that may be germane to an understanding of altered amygdala trajectory in autistic individuals. For example, it has been known for some time that the paralaminar nucleus of the amygdala harbors a large population of immature neurons (25)(26)(27)(28). These appear to be the substrate for substantial morphological plasticity in the postnatal amygdala. ...
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Neurogenesis is the process of forming new neurons from neural stem cells (NSCs). In adults, this process takes place in specific areas of the brain, known as neurogenic niches. These regions have unique anatomical features that have been studied in animal models and in the human brain; however, there are differences between these models that need to be addressed. The most studied areas are the subventricular zone, the lateral and latero-dorsal walls of the lateral ventricles, and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus (Hp), which are known as the canonical areas. Other, less-studied niches, such as the hypothalamus, the cerebellum, and the amygdala, are known as non-canonical areas. Anatomy occupies a relevant place in adult neurogenesis, in which the tissue architecture and cellular location are necessities for the interaction and release of diverse molecules that allow this phenomenon. The cell arrangement within the niche and the location of the niche itself are of particular relevance to the state in which the NSCs are found. Consequently, the majority of previous discoveries have been related to pathology. While many studies are based on animal models, discoveries related to neurogenesis in humans have also been made; however, in this case, opinions vary, leading to extensive controversy in recent years. In this review, we address the anatomical characteristics of the different brain regions to better understand their relationships within neurogenesis.
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Immaturity of ganglia (IG), is a rare entity of an allied disorder of Hirschsprung’s disease. We reviewed our IG cases to provide further pathological insight into IG. The clinical data and pathological findings of IG cases in our department from 2011 to 2020 were examined. Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining and immunostaining for HuC/D, BCL-2, SOX10, and CD56 were performed on full-thickness specimens. Sufficient clinical data and pathological specimens were available in five cases during the study period. The patient profiles were as follows: four term infants and one preterm infant with initial symptoms of abdominal distension or vomiting; all cases underwent ileostomy at a median age of 2 days and stoma closure at a median age of 5 months. Although the interpretation of HE staining was difficult, immunostaining for HuC/D and SOX10 clearly distinguished ganglion cells from glial cells. The number of ganglion cells in the IG group was significantly greater than that in the control group (p < 0.05), while the number of enteric glial cells and total area of the myenteric nerve plexus did not differ. The finding of the increased number of ganglion cells in a normal-size myenteric plexus is a novel feature of IG that contributes to its accurate diagnosis.
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Doublecortin (DCX) is transiently expressed in new-born neurons in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and subgranular zone (SGZ) related to adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb (OB) and hippocampal formation. DCX immunoreactive (DCX+) immature neurons also occur in the cerebral cortex primarily over layer II and the amygdala around the paralaminar nucleus (PLN) in various mammals, with interspecies differences pointing to phylogenic variation. The tree shrews ( Tupaia belangeri ) are phylogenetically closer to primates than to rodents. Little is known about DCX+ neurons in the brain of this species. In the present study, we characterized DCX immunoreactivity (IR) in the forebrain of Chinese tree shrews aged from 2 months- to 6 years-old ( n = 18). DCX+ cells were present in the OB, SVZ, SGZ, the piriform cortex over layer II, and the amygdala around the PLN. The numerical densities of DCX+ neurons were reduced in all above neuroanatomical regions with age, particularly dramatic in the DG in the 5–6 years-old animals. Thus, DCX+ neurons are present in the two established neurogenic sites (SVZ and SGZ) in the Chinese tree shrew as seen in other mammals. DCX+ cortical neurons in this animal exhibit a topographic pattern comparable to that in mice and rats, while these immature neurons are also present in the amygdala, concentrating around the PLN as seen in primates and some nonprimate mammals.
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Naturally occurring cell death (NOCD) is a prominent feature of the developing nervous system. During this process, neurons express bcl-2, a major regulator of cell death whose expression may determine whether a neuron dies or survives. To gain insight into the possible role of bcl-2 during NOCD in vivo, we generated lines of transgenic mice in which neurons overexpress the human BCL-2 protein under the control of the neuron-specific enolase (NSE) or phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) promoters. BCL-2 overexpression reduced neuronal loss during the NOCD period, which led to hypertrophy of the nervous system. For instance, the facial nucleus and the ganglion cell layer of the retina had, respectively, 40% and 50% more neurons than normal. Consistent with this finding, more axons than normal were found in the facial and optic nerves. We also tested whether neurons overexpressing BCL-2 were more resistant to permanent ischemia induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion; in transgenic mice, the volume of the brain infarction was reduced by 50% as compared with wild-type mice. These animals represent an invaluable tool for studying the effects of increased neuronal numbers on brain function as well as the mechanisms that control the survival of neurons during development and adulthood.
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The distribution of neurons expressing immunoreactivity for the protein Bcl-2 was studied in the brain of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) of various ages. Several subsets of small and intensely immunoreactive neurons displaying an immature appearance were disclosed in the amygdala and piriform cortex. The piriform cortex exhibited clusters of various forms in which Bcl-2+ neurons appeared linked to one another by their own neurites. The subventricular zone, which is known to harbor the largest population of rapidly and constitutively proliferating cells in the adult rat brain, was intensely stained, particularly at the basis of the lateral ventricle. A long and dorsoventrally oriented Bcl-2+ fiber fascicle was seen to emerge from the subventricular zone, together with numerous Bcl-2+ cells that formed a densely packed column directed at the olfactory tubercle. In adult and aged monkeys, the small and intensely labeled neurons were progressively replaced by larger and more weakly stained neurons in the amygdala and piriform cortex. In contrast, Bcl-2 immunostaining did not change with age in the subventricular zone and olfactory tubercle, the islands of Calleja of which were markedly enriched with Bcl-2. The dentate gyrus contained only a few layers of intensely labeled granule cells in juvenile monkeys, but the number of these layers increased markedly in adult and aged monkeys. These findings suggest that Bcl-2 can serve as a marker of both proliferating and differentiating neurons and indicate that such immature neurons may be much more widespread than previously thought in postnatal primate brain.
Bcl-2 and bcl-xL are homologous proteins that inhibit cell death and are expressed in the nervous system. We tested the hypothesis that aberrant expression of such ''death suppressor'' molecules may promote the survival of abnormal cells in glioneuronal lesions associated with temporal lobe epilepsy. The normal pattern of bcl-2 and bcl-x expression was studied in postmortem human fetal and adult temporal lobes. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections were probed for bcl-2 and bcl-x in immunohistochemical studies using well-characterized primary antibodies that had been raised against epitopes that are not shared by these proteins. Strong staining for both proteins was observed in the ventricular zone and in migrating, postmitotic and postmigratory young neurons of the neocortex, hippocampus, and entorhinal cortex from 6 to 20 weeks gestational age (GA). However, bcl-2 immunoreactivity gradually decreased to weak or nondetectable levels between 20 and 39 weeks GA, while strong bcl-x staining of neurons persisted throughout fetal development and into adulthood. Twenty-eight temporal lobe resections from children and adults ranging in age from 1 to 45 years (mean=19 years) with intractable epilepsy were then screened for differences in the pattern of bcl-2 and bcl-x expression compared to normal controls. Bcl-2 (but not bcl-x) was strongly immunoreactive in small, immature-appearing cells that were components of microscopic glioneuronal aggregates (hamartias) and that have been shown previously to express an embryonic form of the neural cell adhesion molecule. These immature cells were immunonegative for standard markers of neuronal and glial lineage and were negative for Ki67, suggesting that they are post-mitotic. The persistent expression of bcl-2 and apparent downregulation of bcl-x in these cells represent deviations from the normal ontogeny of these molecules in the human nervous system. These data suggest that dysregulation of bcl-2 and related proteins may be involved in the pathogenesis of some temporal lobe malformative lesions.
Neuronal nuclear antigen (NeuN) immunocytochemistry was studied in 15 normal human fetal nervous systems of 8-24 weeks gestation and in four term neonates. Material was derived from products of conception or from autopsy. Antigen retrieval was enhanced for immunocytochemistry by microwave heating of formalin-fixed paraffin sections. NeuN appears highly specific as a marker of neuronal nuclei in human fetal brain. Only rare nuclei are recognized in the germinal matrix. Cerebellar external granule cells are more strongly immunoreactive than postmigratory internal granule cells until 24 weeks gestation; by term most internal and only a few external granule cells are recognized by NeuN antibody. In the cerebrum, some reactive nuclei are demonstrated along radial glial fibers, particularly near the cortical plate. Within the cortical plate, only deep neurons (future layers 4-6) are marked at 19-22 weeks, but by 24 weeks most neurons in the cortical plate exhibit immunoreactivity, though at term some in layer 2 are still non-reactive. Some neurons fail to be recognized by NeuN at all ages: Cajal-Retzius cells, Purkinje cells, inferior olivary and dentate nucleus neurons, and sympathetic ganglion cells are examples. Despite their common origin in the cerebellar tubercle, basal pontine neurons are strongly reactive even before midgestation, hence NeuN does not predict embryonic origin. Neurons of dorsal root and cranial nerve ganglia are reactive even at 8 weeks. This study of normal fetal central nervous system provides a basis for neuropathological evaluation and as a prelude to applications in cerebral dysgeneses.
The cell death suppressors bcl-2 and bcl-x are developmentally regulated and may modulate physiologic cell death in the central nervous system (CNS). However, little data are currently available on the expression patterns of these polypeptides in the human CNS. We examined the ontogeny of bcl-2 and bcl-x in 12 human spinal cords of gestational ages (GA) between 5 and 39 weeks and in 3 adult cords. Paraffin sections were probed by immunohistochemistry using well-characterized, commercially available antibodies that had been raised against poorly conserved epitopes of these homologous proteins. Between 5 and 10 weeks GA, bcl-2 immunoreactivity was identified in primitive neuroepithelial cells of the ventricular zone. Individual cells of the mantle zone were stained including clusters of early anterior horn cells. Bcl-x immunoreactivity was most prominent in differentiating neurons of the mantle zone and less pronounced in the ventricular zone. Between 10 and 14 weeks GA, bcl-2 staining was observed in cells lining the central canal, neurons of the dorsal horn (especially laminae I and II), and in anterior horn cells. The latter exhibited a range of staining intensities from moderate to nondetectable. Bcl-2 immunoreactivity became markedly reduced between 15 and 25 weeks GA, persisting only in ependymal cells. In contrast, strong bcl-x staining was observed in most neurons throughout development and into adulthood. The period of apparent bcl-2 down-regulation overlaps with a peak in physiologic motoneuron death and the establishment of functional neuromuscular synapses in the human spinal cord. These findings suggest that bcl-2 and bcl-x may both be required for survival of early postmitotic neurons before appropriate synaptic connections have been established. Continued neuronal survival (after bcl-2 is down-regulated) may require persistent bcl-x expression in addition to target-derived neurotrophic factors made available through the formation of appropriate synapses.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Virginia, 1991. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 262-281).
It has been reported previously that the bcl-2 protooncogene protein is detectable in neoplastic cells from cases of human lymphoma in which the 14;18 chromosomal translocation is present, but not in lymphomas that lack this chromosomal rearrangement or in normal lymphoid tissue. In the present study we confirmed, by immunohistologic labeling with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, that bcl-2 protein is strongly expressed in many cases of follicular lymphoma and that these neoplastic follicles differ clearly from their nonmalignant counterpart (reactive germinal centres) in which bcl-2 protein is undetectable. However we also found bcl-2 protein in normal T- and B-lymphoid cells and in a variety of lymphoproliferative disorders in which the 14;18 translocation is not present. It is therefore concluded that expression of bcl-2 protein is not a specific marker for lymphomas bearing the 14;18 chromosomal translocation and that the observations of other investigators may have reflected the inadequate sensitivity of their staining procedure.
Five beta-tubulin isotypes are expressed differentially during chicken brain development. One of these isotypes is encoded by the gene c beta 4 and has been assigned to an isotypic family designated as Class III (beta III). In the nervous system of higher vertebrates, beta III is synthesized exclusively by neurons. A beta III-specific monoclonal antibody was used to determine when during chick embryogenesis c beta 4 is expressed, the cellular localization of beta III, and the number of charge variants (isoforms) into which beta III can be resolved by isoelectric focusing. On Western blots, beta III is first detectable at stages 12-13. Thereafter, the relative abundance of beta III in brain increases steadily, apparently in conjunction with the rate of neural differentiation. The isotype was not detectable in non-neural tissue extracts from older embryos (days 10-14) and hatchlings. Western blots of protein separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) reveal that the number of beta III isoforms increases from one to three during neural development. This evidence indicates that beta III is a substrate for developmentally regulated, multiple-site posttranslational modification. Immunocytochemical studies reveal that while c beta 4 expression is restricted predominantly to the nervous system, it is transiently expressed in some embryonic structures. More importantly, in the nervous system, immunoreactive cells were located primarily in the non-proliferative marginal zone of the neural epithelia. Regions containing primarily mitotic neuroblasts were virtually unstained. This localization pattern indicates that c beta 4 expression occurs either during or immediately following terminal mitosis, and suggests that beta III may have a unique role during early neuronal differentiation and neurite outgrowth.
Bcl-2 is the founder member of a growing family of cytoplasmic proteins that modulate the responses of many cell types to the diverse extracellular signals that affect their survival. Although knowledge of the functions of these proteins has come largely from studying cells of the immune system, increasing evidence implicates these proteins in modulating neuronal survival. Several of these proteins are expressed in the nervous system, and experimental overexpression of Bcl-2 prevents the death of neurones deprived of particular neurotrophic factors in vitro, and rescues developing neurones that would otherwise die in vivo.