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Beneficial Effects of High Dietary Fiber Intake in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus



The effect of increasing the intake of dietary fiber on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus is controversial. In a randomized, crossover study, we assigned 13 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus to follow two diets, each for six weeks: a diet containing moderate amounts of fiber (total, 24 g; 8 g of soluble fiber and 16 g of insoluble fiber), as recommended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA), and a high-fiber diet (total, 50 g; 25 g of soluble fiber and 25 g of insoluble fiber), containing foods not fortified with fiber (unfortified foods). Both diets, prepared in a research kitchen, had the same macronutrient and energy content. We compared the effects of the two diets on glycemic control and plasma lipid concentrations. Compliance with the diets was excellent. During the sixth week, the high-fiber diet, as compared with the the sixth week of the ADA diet, mean daily preprandial plasma glucose concentrations were 13 mg per deciliter [0.7 mmol per liter] lower (95 percent confidence interval, 1 to 24 mg per deciliter [0.1 to 1.3 mmol per liter]; P=0.04) and mean median difference, daily urinary glucose excretion 1.3 g (0.23; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.03 to 1.83 g; P= 0.008). The high-fiber diet also lowered the area under the curve for 24-hour plasma glucose and insulin concentrations, which were measured every two hours, by 10 percent (P=0.02) and 12 percent (P=0.05), respectively. The high-fiber diet reduced plasma total cholesterol concentrations by 6.7 percent (P=0.02), triglyceride concentrations by 10.2 percent (P=0.02), and very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations by 12.5 percent (P=0.01). A high intake of dietary fiber, particularly of the soluble type, above the level recommended by the ADA, improves glycemic control, decreases hyperinsulinemia, and lowers plasma lipid concentrations in patients with type 2 diabetes.
May 11, 2000
The New England Journal of Medicine
, M.D., A
, M.D., D
, P
.D., K
, M.D.,
M. G
, M.D., P
J. B
, R.D.
The effect of increasing the intake of
dietary fiber on glycemic control in patients with type
2 diabetes mellitus is controversial.
In a randomized, crossover study, we as-
signed 13 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus to
follow two diets, each for six weeks: a diet containing
moderate amounts of fiber (total, 24 g; 8 g of soluble
fiber and 16 g of insoluble fiber), as recommended by
the American Diabetes Association (ADA), and a high-
fiber diet (total, 50 g; 25 g of soluble fiber and 25 g
of insoluble fiber) containing foods not fortified with
fiber (unfortified foods). Both diets, prepared in a re-
search kitchen, had the same macronutrient and en-
ergy content. We compared the effects of the two diets
on glycemic control and plasma lipid concentrations.
Compliance with the diets was excellent.
During the sixth week of the high-fiber diet, as com-
pared with the sixth week of the ADA diet, mean dai-
ly preprandial plasma glucose concentrations were 13
mg per deciliter (0.7 mmol per liter) lower (95 per-
cent confidence interval, 1 to 24 mg per deciliter [0.1
to 1.3 mmol per liter]; P=0.04) and mean daily uri-
nary glucose excretion was 1.3 g lower (median dif-
ference, 0.23 g; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.03
to 1.83; P=0.008). The high-fiber diet also lowered the
area under the curve for 24-hour plasma glucose and
insulin concentrations, which were measured every
two hours, by 10 percent (P=0.02) and 12 percent
(P=0.05), respectively. The high-fiber diet reduced
plasma total cholesterol concentrations by 6.7 per-
cent (P=0.02), triglyceride concentrations by 10.2
percent (P=0.02), and very-low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol concentrations by 12.5 percent (P=0.01).
A high intake of dietary fiber, partic-
ularly of the soluble type, above the level recommend-
ed by the ADA, improves glycemic control, decreases
hyperinsulinemia, and lowers plasma lipid concen-
trations in patients with type 2 diabetes. (N Engl J
Med 2000;342:1392-8.)
©2000, Massachusetts Medical Society.
From the Department of Internal Medicine (M.C., A.G., S.M.G., L.J.B.)
and the Center for Human Nutrition (A.G., S.M.G.), University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas; the Department of Veterans Affairs
Medical Center, Dallas (M.C., A.G., S.M.G.); and the Department of Clin-
ical Pharmacology, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, Ger-
many (D.L., K.B.). Address reprint requests to Dr. Garg at the Center for
Human Nutrition, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323
Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75390.
IETARY guidelines for patients with dia-
betes mellitus were revised by the Amer-
ican Diabetes Association (ADA) earlier
this year.
The ADA recommends that the
composition of the diet be individualized on the basis
of a nutritional assessment and the outcomes desired.
Consistent with the previous recommendations of
the ADA,
the new guidelines advise replacing satu-
rated fat with carbohydrates. However, on the basis of
previous studies,
an alternative approach of replac-
ing saturated fat with cis monounsaturated fat was
also included in the recommendations.
This new ap-
proach is further supported by epidemiologic studies
that have shown the healthful effects of diets rich in cis
monounsaturated fat in Mediterranean countries.
Another, less strongly emphasized aspect of Med-
iterranean diets is the high intake of fruits, vegetables,
and grains that are rich sources of dietary fiber.
The ADA recommended a moderate increase in the
intake of dietary fiber to 20 to 35 g per day because
of the cholesterol-lowering effects of soluble fiber.
However, the effects of dietary fiber on glycemic con-
trol were considered inconsequential.
the expert panel of the ADA considered it difficult
to achieve a high dietary intake of soluble fiber with-
out consuming foods or supplements fortified with
We therefore designed the present study to de-
termine the effects on glycemic control and plasma
lipid concentrations of increasing the intake of die-
tary fiber in patients with type 2 diabetes exclusively
through the consumption of foods not fortified with
fiber (unfortified foods) to a level beyond that rec-
ommended by the ADA. In addition, we studied the
effects of such an intervention on the intestinal ab-
sorption of cholesterol and the fecal excretion of ster-
ols in an attempt to uncover the mechanisms by which
a high-fiber diet lowers plasma cholesterol.
We studied 12 men and 1 woman (9 non-Hispanic whites and
4 blacks) with type 2 diabetes at the general clinical research center
of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.
The protocol for the study was approved by the institutional re-
view board of the medical center, and each patient gave written
informed consent. In all patients the onset of diabetes was insid-
ious; the disease developed in most of the patients after 40 years
of age. Their mean (±SD) age was 61±9 years (range, 45 to 70).
Their mean body weight was 93.5±12.7 kg, and the mean body-
mass index (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the
height in meters) was 32.3±3.9. Three patients were treated with
diet alone, and the other 10 patients were treated with 2.5 to 20
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Copyright © 2000 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Volume 342 Number 19
mg of glyburide daily in addition to diet. The dose of glyburide
was not changed during the study.
On entry into the study, the patients’ plasma cholesterol and tri-
glyceride concentrations after an overnight fast ranged from 151
to 324 mg per deciliter (3.90 to 8.38 mmol per liter) and 67 to
390 mg per deciliter (0.76 to 4.40 mmol per liter), respectively,
and their fasting plasma glucose concentrations were less than
200 mg per deciliter (11.1 mmol per liter). Their glycosylated he-
moglobin values ranged from 6.0 to 9.8 percent. Two patients
had a history of coronary heart disease, but none had recently had
a myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris, or congestive
heart failure. Also, none had thyroid, renal, or hepatic disease. None
of the patients were receiving lipid-lowering therapy.
Design of the Study
All the patients were first admitted to the general clinical re-
search center for five days (the base-line period), during which a
detailed history was taken, a physical examination was performed,
and laboratory tests were performed. After the base-line period, all
the patients received both the ADA diet and the high-fiber diet,
each diet for a period of six weeks. Six patients received the high-
fiber diet first, and the other seven received the ADA diet first.
There was a median interval of seven days between the two study
periods, during which the patients were instructed to consume an
isocaloric diet. During the last week of each dietary period (days
36 to 42), the patients were hospitalized for evaluation.
On weekdays, all the patients ate at least one meal (breakfast,
lunch, or dinner) at the general clinical research center. Other meals
were supplied in packages so that they could be consumed at home.
The dietitian monitored compliance by interviewing the patients.
The patients were instructed to bring back any unconsumed food
and to maintain a constant level of physical activity throughout the
Blood for lipid analyses was drawn, after an overnight fast, daily
for two days before the institution of the study diet and daily on
days 38 through 42 during both dietary periods. Plasma glucose
was measured at 7 and 11 a.m. and at 4 and 8 p.m. each day dur-
ing the base-line period and on days 38 through 42 of both die-
tary periods. Glycosylated hemoglobin was measured during the
base-line period and at the end of each dietary period. On the
last day of each dietary period, blood samples were obtained ev-
ery two hours for measurements of plasma glucose and insulin.
On days 38 through 42, patients collected 24-hour urine speci-
mens for quantitative determination of glucose.
To permit us to determine fecal sterol balance and the percentage
of cholesterol absorption, each patient took a capsule containing
30 mg of sitostanol, 3 mg of [26,26, 26,27, 27,27-
and 3 mg of [5,6,22,23-
]-sitostanol (Medical Isotopes, Pelham,
N.H.) three times a day on days 36 through 42. Fecal samples
were collected on day 35 or 36 and on the last three days of each
dietary period. Fecal samples were frozen within 12 hours after
collection and were pooled for analysis of small aliquots.
The composition of the study diets is shown in Table 1. The
composition of the diets was calculated by means of a software
program based on the Department of Agriculture Handbook Se-
ries 8 (Nutriplanner, Practocare, San Diego, Calif.).
The content
of total as well as soluble and insoluble dietary fiber was estimated
according to the data provided in the
CRC Handbook of Dietary
Fiber in Human Nutrition.
Both diets consisted of unfortified
foods. The patients were allowed some choices of food items.
Both diets provided 15 percent of the total energy as protein, 55
percent as carbohydrate, and 30 percent as fat; saturated, cis mono-
unsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats accounted for 7 percent, 17
percent, and 6 percent of the total energy, respectively.
The high-fiber diet provided 50 g of total fiber per day; soluble
and insoluble fiber content provided 25 g each. The ADA diet
contained 24 g of total fiber per day, with 8 g as soluble fiber and
16 g as insoluble fiber. Unfortified foods, particularly those rich
*ADA denotes American Diabetes Association.
Carbohydrate (% of total energy) 55 55
Protein (% of total energy) 15 15
Fat (% of total energy)
Cis monounsaturated
Cholesterol (mg/day) 300 297
Fiber (g/day)
*Each menu provided 2308 kcal per day. ADA denotes American Dia-
betes Association.
grams grams
Orange juice 220 Orange sections 300
White grits 50 Oatmeal 50
Egg substitute 40 Scrambled egg 37
Olive oil 10 Olive oil 10
Decaffeinated coffee 2 Decaffeinated cof fee 2
Ham (5% fat) 50 Ham (5% fat) 52
Mayonnaise 6 Mayonnaise 12
Iceberg lettuce 15 Iceberg lettuce 10
Fresh tomato 30 Fresh tomato 15
Low-sodium bread 60 Whole-wheat bread 60
Corn (canned) 140 Corn (canned) 40
Cider vinegar 5 Green peas (canned) 110
Dehydrated onion 2 Dehydrated onion 2
Olive oil 10 Olive oil 10
Fresh green pepper 10 Fresh green pepper 10
Fresh celery 15 Fresh celer y 15
Fruit cocktail (canned) 105 Fresh papaya 250
Instant tea 2 Instant tea 2
Oatmeal raisin cookie 20
Chicken breast (skinned) 90 Chicken breast (skinned) 90
Bran flakes 10 Bran flakes 10
Low-sodium bread 20 Oat bran 5
Parmesan cheese 1 Parmesan cheese 1
Whole egg 1 Egg substitute 10
Tomato (canned) 120 Tomato (canned) 105
Low-fat cheese 11 Low-fat cheese 19
Spaghetti 45 Spaghetti 19
Green beans 75 Zucchini 195
Olive oil 17 Olive oil 19
Whole-wheat bread 21 Whole-wheat bread 30
Graham crackers 21 Fresh peaches 300
Instant tea 2 Instant tea 2
Bedtime snack
Mozzarella cheese 30 Fruit cocktail (canned) 200
Low-sodium bread 30 Cherries (canned) 100
Pineapple juice 190 Granola 15
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Copyright © 2000 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
May 11, 2000
The New England Journal of Medicine
in soluble fiber, such as cantaloupe, grapefruit, orange, papaya, rai-
sins, lima beans, okra, sweet potato, winter squash, zucchini, gra-
nola, oat bran, and oatmeal, were used to achieve high-fiber intake.
No fiber supplements were used. Sample menus of both the study
diets are shown in Table 2. The individual foods were weighed
daily during meal preparation in the research kitchen of the gen-
eral clinical research center.
Biochemical Analyses
Fasting plasma total cholesterol, lipoprotein cholesterol, and tri-
glycerides were measured according to the procedures of the Lip-
id Research Clinics.
Cholesterol and triglycerides were measured
enzymatically with the use of kits (Boehringer Mannheim, Indi-
anapolis). Very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) (density, less
than 1.006 g per milliliter) were removed by ultracentrifugation,
and cholesterol was measured in the VLDL fraction and the in-
franatant. High-density-lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol was meas-
ured enzymatically after lipoproteins containing apolipoprotein B
had been precipitated with heparin–manganese. Cholesterol in
the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) fraction was estimated to be
the difference between the cholesterol content of the infranatant
and that of the HDL fraction.
Plasma and urinary glucose were measured by the glucose ox-
idase method (Beckman Glucose Analyzer, Beckman Instruments,
Fullerton, Calif.). Glycosylated hemoglobin was measured with
ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (Bio-Rad
Laboratories, Hercules, Calif.). Plasma insulin was measured by
Pooled fecal samples collected within the last week of each die-
tary period were prepared for analysis of neutral and acidic fecal
sterols as described previously.
Gas–liquid chromatography of
neutral and acidic fecal sterols was performed on a gas chromato-
graph (model HP5890, Hewlett–Packard, Palo Alto, Calif.)
equipped with an automatic sample injector. Cholesterol absorp-
tion was measured during the same period from fecal samples by
gas–liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry.
Statistical Analysis
To compare the two study periods and to assess the effect of
the sequence in which the patients received the high-fiber and
ADA diets, we used repeated-measures analysis of variance.
skewed data, we used the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to compare
the two dietary periods.
The compliance with both the study diets was ex-
cellent, according to interviews with the patients and
estimates of the energy content of any leftover foods.
Three patients reported consuming extra food on
one day during the study, two while eating the high-
fiber diet and one the ADA diet. The patients com-
mented about the larger quantities of food in the
high-fiber diet, but they consumed all the food giv-
en to them. The results are presented irrespective of
the order of the diets, because the sequence of the
diets had no effect on the results.
During the last week of each study period, the pa-
tients in both groups had similar daily energy intakes
and body weights and received a similar dose of gly-
buride (Table 3). The mean plasma glucose concen-
tration was lower (by 13 mg per deciliter [0.7 mmol
per liter], or 8.9 percent) when patients completed
the high-fiber diet than when they completed the
ADA diet (P=0.04), and mean daily urinary glucose
excretion was 1.3 g lower (P=0.008). Daily plasma
glucose concentrations were 10 percent lower with
the high-fiber diet than with the ADA diet (values
for the area under the curve, 3743±944 vs. 3365±
1003 mg·hour per deciliter [207.8±52.4 vs. 186.8±
55.7 mmol·hour per liter]; P=0.02), and plasma in-
sulin concentrations were 12 percent lower (values
for the area under the curve, 1107±650 vs. 971±
491 µ hour per milliliter [6642±3900 vs. 5826±
2946 pmol·hour per liter]; P=0.05) (Fig. 1). Gly-
*Plus–minus values are means ±SD. ADA denotes American Diabetes Association, and CI confi-
dence interval.
†An analysis of variance was used to compare the two diets, except for urinary glucose, for which
the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used.
‡The values are averages of plasma glucose concentrations measured at 7 and 11 a.m. and at 4 and
8 p.m. each day for five days during hospitalization. To convert values for plasma glucose to milli-
moles per liter, multiply by 0.056.
§The values are averages of five daily urine collections during hospitalization.
(95% CI) P V
Energy intake (kcal/day) 2308±236 2308±236 1.00
Weight (kg) 90.7±13.3 90.5±12.7 ¡0.2 (¡1.1 to 0.6) 0.60
Dose of glyburide (mg/day) 10.0±8.7 10.0±8.7 1.00
Plasma glucose (mg/deciliter)‡ 142±36 130±38 ¡13 (¡24 to ¡1) 0.04
Urinary glucose (g/day)
¡0.23 (¡1.83 to ¡0.03)
Glycosylated hemoglobin (%) 7.2±1.3 6.9±1.2 ¡0.3 (¡0.6 to 0.1) 0.09
Downloaded from by MR KEVIN PATRICK on November 17, 2003.
Copyright © 2000 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Volume 342 Number 19
cosylated hemoglobin values were slightly lower af-
ter the high-fiber diet (P=0.09).
As compared with the ADA diet, the high-fiber
diet resulted in a lower fasting plasma total cholester-
ol concentration (by 6.7 percent, P=0.02), a lower
plasma triglyceride concentration (by 10.2 percent,
P=0.02), and a lower plasma VLDL cholesterol con-
centration (by 12.5 percent, P=0.01) (Table 4). The
fasting plasma LDL cholesterol concentration was
6.3 percent lower with the high-fiber diet (P=0.11).
There were no significant differences between the
two diets in terms of the fasting plasma HDL cho-
lesterol concentration.
As compared with the ADA diet, the high-fiber
diet decreased gastrointestinal absorption of choles-
terol by 10 percent (48.5±9.6 vs. 43.7±7.4 percent;
95 percent confidence interval for the decrease, 0.6
to 9.0 percent; P=0.03) and increased fecal acidic
sterol excretion by 41 percent (895±301 vs. 1258±
458 mg per day; 95 percent confidence interval for
the increase, 137 to 589 mg per day; P=0.005), but
did not significantly affect the excretion of neutral
Figure 1.
Mean (±SE) 24-Hour Profile of Plasma Glucose Concentrations (Panel A) and Insulin Concen-
trations (Panel B) during the Last Day of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) Diet and the Last
Day of the High-Fiber Diet in 13 Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
The arrows indicate the times at which the main meals and a snack were consumed during the day.
To convert values for glucose to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.056. To convert values for insulin to
picomoles per liter, multiply by 6.
7 a.m.
7 a.m.
9 a.m.
11 a.m.
1 p.m.
3 p.m.
5 p.m.
7 p.m.
9 p.m.
11 p.m.
1 a.m.
3 a.m.
5 a.m.
High-fiber diet
ADA diet
Plasma Insulin (mU/ml)
7 a.m.
7 a.m.
9 a.m.
11 a.m.
1 p.m.
3 p.m.
5 p.m.
7 p.m.
9 p.m.
11 p.m.
1 a.m.
3 a.m.
5 a.m.
High-fiber diet
P<0.05 P<0.05
ADA diet
Plasma Glucose (mg/dl)
Downloaded from by MR KEVIN PATRICK on November 17, 2003.
Copyright © 2000 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
May 11, 2000
The New England Journal of Medicine
sterols (1052±375 vs. 1122±565 mg per day; 95
percent confidence interval for the difference, ¡194
to 334 mg per day; P=0.60).
The intake of dietary fiber among people living in
Western countries remains low, and according to the
Third National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey (NHANES), it averages 17 g per day in the
United States.
Although patients with diabetes are
advised to increase their intake of dietary fiber, in
the NHANES study, their average daily intake was
found to be only 16 g.
Why the intake of dietary
fiber in patients with diabetes remains low — despite
its well-documented effect of lowering plasma cho-
lesterol concentrations — remains unexplained. It is
possible that the controversy about whether there
are beneficial effects of dietary fiber on glycemic con-
trol reduces the enthusiasm of physicians and dieti-
tians for recommending high-fiber diets. The main
purpose of our study was to investigate the effects
on glycemic control of increasing the intake of die-
tary fiber. To avoid the confounding effects of con-
comitant changes in energy and macronutrients, the
two study diets were isocaloric and the macronutri-
ent composition of the diets was identical. Further-
more, unfortified foods were used as the source of
dietary fiber.
Most important, we found that the high-fiber diet
improved glycemic control, as evidenced by decreases
in the mean daily preprandial and 24-hour plasma
glucose concentrations. Urinary glucose excretion
was also lowered by the high-fiber diet. The high-
fiber diet lowered glycosylated hemoglobin values
slightly but not significantly. The high-fiber diet also
lowered 24-hour plasma insulin concentrations.
The results of previous studies that evaluated the
role of dietary fiber on glycemic control in patients
with type 2 diabetes were inconsistent. In some of the
studies, the lack of control for concomitant changes
in the intake of macronutrients makes the data diffi-
cult to interpret. For example, in the study by Kiehm
et al.
and in that by Simpson et al.,
the high-fiber
diet had a lower fat and higher carbohydrate content
than the low-fiber diet. In other studies, the inter-
pretation of the results was confounded by the short
duration of the dietary intervention,
the lack of
random assignment of the sequence of the high-fiber
and low-fiber diets,
and unexplained weight loss
during the high-fiber diet.
Only a few well-controlled studies have evaluated
the glycemic effects of increasing the intake of die-
tary fiber with the use of either preparations of re-
fined concentrated fiber or unfortified food, and the
results have been inconsistent.
For example, diets
that included 15 to 21 g of guar-gum fiber or oat-bran
concentrate per day had no effect on glycemic con-
or resulted in only a slight improvement.
In randomized, crossover trials of six weeks’ duration
in which the intake of dietary fiber was increased by
16 g per 1000 kcal through the consumption of
foods prepared in a research kitchen or by 14 g per
day through dietary instruction, there was no im-
provement in glycemic control.
In contrast, in-
creasing dietary fiber by 23 g for three weeks and by
30 g for six weeks resulted in decreased fasting and
postprandial plasma glucose concentrations.
found that an increase in the intake of total dietary
fiber, which consisted predominantly of soluble fi-
ber, significantly improved glycemic control and de-
creased the degree of hyperinsulinemia in patients
with type 2 diabetes.
Our study also demonstrates the feasibility of
achieving a high intake of dietary soluble fiber by con-
suming unfortified foods. Our patients accepted the
high-fiber diet well and had few side effects; there-
fore, we recommend that patients with diabetes be
encouraged to use unfortified foods instead of less
palatable purified-fiber preparations and supplements
to increase their intake of dietary fiber.
The mechanisms of the improved glycemic con-
trol associated with high fiber intake remain unde-
fined. Whether this effect is due to an increase in
soluble fiber, insoluble fiber, or both is unclear. Be-
sides causing increased fecal excretion of bile acids,
dietary fiber may cause malabsorption of fat.
ever, in our study, the patients’ weight did not change
with the high-fiber diet, which suggests that the de-
gree of reduction in the absorption of fat was insig-
nificant. Another possibility is that dietary fiber im-
proves glycemic control by reducing or delaying the
absorption of carbohydrates.
As expected, the high-fiber diet reduced plasma
total cholesterol concentrations by 6.7 percent, a
*Plus–minus values are means ±SD. To convert values for cholesterol
and triglycerides to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.026 and 0.011, re-
spectively. ADA denotes American Diabetes Association, CI confidence in-
terval, VLDL very-low-density lipoprotein, LDL low-density lipoprotein,
and HDL high-density lipoprotein.
†An analysis of variance was used to compare the two diets.
DIETS (95% CI)
Plasma total cholesterol 210±33 196±31 ¡14 (¡27 to ¡2) 0.02
Plasma triglycerides 205±95 184±76 ¡21 (¡37 to ¡4) 0.02
Plasma VLDL cholesterol 40±19 35±16 ¡5 (¡9 to ¡1) 0.01
Plasma LDL cholesterol 142±29 133±29 ¡9 (¡22 to 3) 0.11
Plasma HDL cholesterol 29±7 28±4 ¡1 (¡4 to 3) 0.80
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Copyright © 2000 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Volume 342 Number 19 ·1397
finding consistent with the results of previous reports
of the cholesterol-reducing effects of soluble but not
insoluble fiber.40,41 Therefore, the lowering of cho-
lesterol can be attributed primarily to an average in-
crease of 17 g in the intake of soluble fiber. Previous
studies in normal subjects have reported no effects
of the amount of dietary fiber on plasma triglyceride
concentrations.42 In our study, the decrease in plas-
ma triglyceride and VLDL cholesterol concentrations
during the high-fiber diet could have been due to
the improvement in glycemic control.
The mechanisms of the reduction in plasma cho-
lesterol concentrations induced by the increased di-
etary fiber intake are controversial, however. The in-
crease in bile-acid excretion probably explains most of
the reduction, and the reduction in cholesterol ab-
sorption may also have contributed to this finding.
Previous studies have also reported a variable increase
in bile-acid excretion resulting from the consump-
tion of pectin,39,43 oat bran,4 4,45 bagasse,46 and diets
with a mixture of soluble fiber and insoluble fiber,47
but not psyllium.48 In contrast, Kesaniemi et al.47 re-
ported that a high-fiber diet did not change choles-
terol absorption in normal subjects. However, the
high-fiber diet they used included 26 g of fiber, and
it did not lower plasma cholesterol concentrations.47
In conclusion, an increase in the intake of dietary
fiber, predominantly of the soluble type, by patients
with type 2 diabetes mellitus improved glycemic con-
trol and decreased hyperinsulinemia in addition to
the expected lowering of plasma lipid concentrations.
Therefore, dietary guidelines for patients with diabe-
tes should emphasize an overall increase in dietary fi-
ber through the consumption of unfortified foods,
rather than the use of fiber supplements.
Supported in part by grants (M01-RR00633 and HL-29252) from the
National Institutes of Health and by research grants from the Bundesmin-
isterium für Bildung, Forschung, Wissenschaft und Technologie (01EC9402)
and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (BE 1673/1-1).
We are indebted to Angela Osborn, Travis Petricek, and the nurs-
ing and dietetic ser vice of the General Clinical Research Center of
the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, for
their excellent technical support and to Beverley Adams-Huet, M.S.,
for statistical analysis.
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... This property could be played many nutritional and therapeutic benefits. Soluble fiber, which dissolves in water, can help lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels [55,56]. Insoluble fiber, which does not dissolve in water, can help food move through your digestive system, promoting regularity and helping prevent constipation [57]. ...
... It is believed that binding of bile acids is one of the mechanisms whereby certain sources of dietary fibers lower plasma cholesterol. Furthermore, high intakes of dietary fibers has a positive influence on blood glucose profile through altering the gastric emptying time and affect the absorption of other simple saccharides [55,56]. Lutein is an oxygenated carotenoid found naturally in high quantities in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and yellow carrots [90]. ...
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The present study aims to determine the chemical composition, nutritional evaluation and bioactive compounds content of agricultural ruminant's (sweet potato leaves powder, SPLP, and cauliflower leaves powder, CLP). Also, application in the manufacture of the Egyptian Balady bread by partially replacing wheat flour will be in the scope of this investigation. The contents of moisture, total protein, crude fat, crude fiber, ash and carbohydrates content were 8.02, 3.89, 0.81, 5.72, 2.14 and 79.42% (for SPLP) and 7.59, 7.58, 1.97, 10.07, 2.83 and 69.96% (for CLP), respectively. Also, minerals analysis of SPLP and CLP showed that it is rich in different estimated effectual elements including K, P, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Se. Furthermore, SPLP and CLP are rich in various bioactive compounds content including dietary fiber, total phenolics, flavonoids, carotenoids, carotene, total anthocyanin's, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. The mixing of SPLP and CLP (20%) to wheat flour leads to increase all the assayed minerals, all assayed bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity. For rheological properties, the incorporating of SPLP and CLP (20%) in dough increased the all farinograph parameters including the water absorption, arrival time, dough development time, dough stability and degree of softening. Also, all extensograph parameters were increased including the elasticity, extensibility, proportional number and energy. Sensory evaluation parameters including colour, taste and flavor, mouth feel and overall acceptability were not significantly different between the control and plant parts incorporated Balady bread. In conclusion, SPLP and CLP could play important roles in strategies to contribute a major role to bridging the nutritional gap and improving the quality parameters, which is the bread industry as a partial substitute for flour. Therefore, the present study recommended like of that SPLP and CLP to be included in food processing and therapeutic nutrition applications.
... Fiber is important for providing sustained energy and promoting digestive health -improving digestal microorganism growth. It was already proven that an increase in the soluble dietary fiber intake by diabetic patients improve their blood glucose control, decrease hyperinsulinemia, decrease plasma lipid concentrations 29 . The highest percentage of addiditons in snacks (WML, garlic, rosemary, basil) in Wd variant resulted in the significantly highest amount of fiber (TDF) in analyzed samples. ...
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Nutritionists found beans still rarely consumed in Western diet, despite its high nutritional value was proven and recommended by authorities. The study aimed to propose a simple and effective way of manufacturing a new common bean-based product targeted to diabetics. The key components, including important protein (common beans) and antidiabetic (white mulberry) sources, were carefully selected due to their proven properties. The formulated product underwent extensive analysis: composition, sensory and structure attributes, antioxidant and anti-enzymatic activity showing its antidiabetic potential. Additionally, the proposed label information was presented. The results demonstrate that the proposed blend of ingredients yields a product of exceptional nutritional value, with significant levels of both soluble and insoluble dietary fibers (36.66–48.49%) and proteins (21.22–18.25%). Furthermore, the product exhibits notable antiradical and anti-enzymatic properties. Through precise control of ingredient proportions, conventional raw materials can be fortified with a diverse array of plant-based sources renowned for their health benefits, while maintaining a palatable taste for consumers. The designed product, a savory snack with added bioactive compounds, represents an interesting option for consumers, holding promise as a potential dietary option with low glycemic index (40) for diabetics (anti-glucosidase activity ranged 66.72–70.66%). This study emphasizes the potential of plant-protein-rich foods in offering health-promoting benefits and further supports the use of common beans and natural antidiabetic agents in developing innovative food products.
... Meals high in fiber contain complex carbohydrates that are difficult to break down, hence decreasing glucose absorption and insulin secretion are helpful for people with T2DM . Excessive DF consumption will help to reduce the risk of developing diabetes (Chandalia., 2000;Lindstrom et al., 2006). Researchers have found that those who consume more DF have lower levels of insulin resistance (Mohan et al., 2010). ...
... Millet grains contain phenolic components such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, and tannins, making them antinutrients that lower the incidence of colon and breast cancer in animals. Chandalia, M et al., (2000) studied an invivo study revealed that a novel 35 KD protein called Fibroin-modulator-binding protein (FMBP) extracted from foxtail millet suppresses the growth of colon cancer cells by inducing G1 phase arrest and the loss of mitochondrial trans-membrane potential, which results in apoptosis (programmed cell death) in colon cancer cells via caspase activation. It is observed that another in vivo study presented that foxtail millet food supplementation aids in the treatment of colitis-associated colorectal cancer via activating gut receptors Liu, P. et al., (2003). ...
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In present times millets have been proved to become more significant than staple cereals in terms of productivity and climatic susceptibility. There are many different types of millets being produced in the world today. In this article we have compared various millet varieties available and worked out data about their proteins. Constituent proteins of millets contain leucine, isoleucine, valine, and phenylalanine which are just a few of the crucial amino acids, minerals, vitamins, phyto-chemicals, and anti-oxidant qualities that make these make superior than many cereals. Millets also contains calcium, iron, and zinc. Additionally, millets are useful in treatment of long-term ailments like cancer, CVDs, and diabetes. Millets have also been shown to be effective in reducing bacterial activity, celiac disease, and aging process. In spite of all the health advantages of millet's, anti-nutrients are thought to lower the bioavailability of minerals. Hence, to lower anti-nutrient content and raise mineral bioavailability, a variety of conventional and mechanical processing techniques have been devised, in combination with use of exogenous enzymes. More studies are needed to be carried out to develop novel processing methods, as well as, for analysis of mineral bioavailability of the millet-based foods through in vivo studies, in order to lead a healthy life and maintain a sustainable environment by the humankind. Through the paper we advise to increase millet intake in our daily food.
... A large intake of dietary fiber can significantly reduce the occurrence of T2DM [110]. Consumption of dietary fiber, especially soluble fiber, above the amount recommended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) significantly improves glycemic management in people with T2DM, reduces high insulin levels, and helps to lower blood lipid levels [111]. It has been shown that taking seaweed dietary fiber can effectively reduce fasting and postprandial blood glucose, as well as significantly reduce triglyceride levels and increase HDL levels [112]. ...
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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is becoming increasingly prominent, posing a serious threat to human health. Its prevalence is rising every year, and often affects young people. In the past few decades, research on marine algae has been recognized as a major field of drug discovery. Seaweed active substances, including algal polysaccharides, algal polyphenols, algal unsaturated fatty acids, and algal dietary fiber, have unique biological activities. This article reviews the effects and mechanisms of the types, structures, and compositions of seaweed on inhibiting glucose and lipid metabolism disorders, with a focus on the inhibitory effect of active substances on blood glucose reduction. The aim is to provide a basis for the development of seaweed active substance hypoglycemic drugs.
... Therefore, weight loss through lifestyle changes, especially diet changes, is strongly recommended for obese individuals. Some studies have demonstrated that dietary fiber represents one of the most efficacious options for the improvement in obesity, which can not only reduce body weight, but improve metabolic disturbance by decreasing postprandial plasma glucose elevation [6][7][8]. ...
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Background: Obesity, a global disease, can lead to different chronic diseases and a series of social health problems. Lifestyle changes, especially dietary changes, are the most effective way to treat obesity. Euglena, a novel food, has attracted much attention. Previous studies have shown that Euglena is an important modulator of the host immune response. In this study, the effects of Euglena as a nutritional intervention in high-fat-diet-induced obese C57BL/6J mice were investigated regarding adipose tissue accumulation and lipid and glucose metabolism by gavage at the dose of 100 mg/kg bodyweight for 9 weeks. This study is one of the few to investigate, in detail, the preventive effects of dietary Euglena on obesity. Methods: Five-week-old male C57BL/6J mice were fed with a high-fat diet (HFD) to induce obesity. An obesity model was created by feeding the high-fat diet for a period of 10 weeks. Obese mice were randomized into 2 groups with the same mean body weight, and no significant differences were observed between the groups: (1) the mice in the HEG group were maintained on a high-fat diet and daily gavaged with Euglena (100 mg/kg body weight) dissolved in saline (n = 7); and (2) the mice in the HFD group were maintained on a high-fat diet and daily gavaged with saline with the same volume (n = 7). The experiment finished after a nine-week period. Results: The results showed that Euglena could reduce the accumulation of white body fat, including subcutaneous fat and visceral fat, and mainly targeted subcutaneous fat. Euglena also reduced adipocyte particle size expansion, promoted lipolysis in adipose (adipose triglyceride lipase and hormone-sensitive triglyceride lipase) and liver tissue (reduced non-esterified fatty acid content), and improved obesity-induced ectopic fat deposition and glucose tolerance. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that Euglena, as a nutritional intervention in HFDs, efficiently reduces body weight and white adipose tissue deposition. The mechanism of Euglena is mainly though enhancing lipolysis. It is worth noting that Euglena β-glucan recovers the hyperglycemia and accumulation of ectopic fat within the liver induced by HFD. Our study is one of the few studies to report in detail the preventive effects of dietary Euglena on obesity in vivo. This study revealed that Euglena also has an important ameliorative effect on obesity and metabolic disorders, which laid a theoretical foundation for its future application in functional foods.
... A large amount of studies show associations of high DF intake with reduced risk of developing T2DM. However, the evidence on fibre intake and control of diabetes in patients with T2DM mellitus is mixed (Chandalia et al., 2000;Post et al., 2012). Some studies showed an amelioration in diabetes control and others showed no improvement (Post et al., 2012). ...
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To study the effect of wheat dietary fibre (WDF) on glucose metabolism disorder and its mechanisms, 6-week-old db/db mice were given WDF by adding to diet or oral-gavage. The results showed that WDF by oral-gavage instead of adding to the feed can significantly reduce blood glucose levels. The levels of insulin and HOMA-IR were both decreased in the serum of WDF-gavaged mice as well as several inflammatory cytokines including TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β. WDF intake by gavage could better regulate the intestinal flora, thus inhibiting diabetes. The relative expressions of genes and proteins including TLR, P65, P50 and TNF-α were all significantly decreased by oral-gavaged WDF. Moreover, the ratio of phosphorylated p65 to total p65 was significantly decreased. In conclusion, ingestion of WDF by gavage can effectively improve glucose metabolism disorder in db/db mice by improving intestinal microbiota and regulating the TLRs/NF-κB/TNF pathway.
... Previous studies have indicated that various components of OBS can effectively combat oxidative stress, stabilize blood sugar, and reduce vascular damage. For example, increasing the intake of soluble dietary ber can effectively control blood sugar, reduce hyperinsulinemia, and lower the concentration of plasma lipids [19]. Vitamin C can stimulate the upregulation of antioxidant enzymes and thus has an indirect antioxidant effect [20]. ...
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Background: As a comprehensive indicator of the body's overall oxidative stress status, the oxidative balance score (OBS) can reflect the body's antioxidant capacity and is associated with a myriad of diabetes-related complications. The red cell distribution width/albumin ratio (RAR) is recognized as a novel indicator of diabetes-related complications. At present, no studies have yet revealed the relationships among OBS, RAR and diabetic retinopathy (DR). We aimed to elucidate the relationship between OBS and DR risk, and the mediating function of RAR between them. Methods: A total of 1,961 subjects from the 2005 to 2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) were included in this cross-sectional study. Weighted adjusted multivariate regression analyses were used to evaluate the association between OBS and DR risk. Weighted restricted cubic splines (RCS), mediation analysis and subgroup analysis were used to further elucidate these associations. Results: According to the multivariate logistic regression model, a significant negative association was found between OBS and DR risk after adjusting for all covariates (OR = 0.96, 95% CI: 0.94-0.99; P=0.007). When OBS were transformed into quartiles, participants in OBS quartile 4 (OR 0.42; 95% CI 0.22-0.80, P=0.009) presented a significantly lower risk of DR than did those in OBS quartile 2 and OBS quartile 3. The RCS results further revealed a nonlinear association between OBS and DR, after adjusting for all covariates (P for nonlinearity <0.01). The results of the subgroup analysis revealed that the association between OBS and DR remained stable over most subgroups (p for interaction >0.05), except for smoking status (p for interaction = 0.017). Conclusion: OBS is negatively associated with DR. There is a nonlinear relationship between OBS and DR, which may be mediated partly by RAR.
... Conversely, healthy dietary habits could help in prevention and management of chronic disease (Jayedi et al., 2020). For instance, a high consumption of fruits and vegetables has been shown to have a beneficial impact on glycemic control and blood pressure regulation in patients with diabetes and hypertension (Chandalia et al., 2000;Tejani et al., 2023). This is likely attributable to the fiber, micronutrient, and antioxidant content of these plant-based foods. ...
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Introduction There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that self-regulation of eating behavior (SREB) is closely linked to dietary habits and mental health. However, little is known about these relationships within the Saudi Arabian population. This study aimed to address this gap. Methods A digital cross-sectional study was conducted utilizing the SREB and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD-7) questionnaires, along with a brief survey about dietary habits. Linear and logistic regression analyses were employed to examine these associations, with a total of 651 Saudi participants enrolled in the study. Results The results showed that only 15.5% of participants demonstrated a high capacity for SREB, while 65% experienced moderate or severe symptoms of GAD. Greater SREB was significantly associated with reduced GAD scores (β = −0.13, 95% CI; −0.12 to −0.03; p < 0.001) and lower BMI (β = −0.10, 95% CI; 0.08 to −0.00; p = 0.01). Additionally, predictive factors for high capacity for SREB included higher daily intake of fruits (OR = 2.90, 95% CI; 1.44 to 5.84; p = 0.003) and regular breakfast consumption (OR = 1.64, 95% CI; 1.01 to 2.63; p = 0.04). Discussion These findings suggest that enhancing SREB may be a promising strategy for obesity prevention and improving mental health outcomes among the Saudi population. Implementing interventions aimed at promoting healthier dietary habits could support the physical and mental well-being of this population.
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Banana inflorescence is an underutilised agricultural by-product, though rich in therapeutic properties. Although valued for its fibre content, consumption may be restricted due to the tedious preparation procedures involved. Moreover, it is a highly perishable product and browning is one of the major problems associated with banana blossom. Developing a packaged, shelf-stable, ready-to cook product from the blossom would offer consumers a convenient, highly nutritious option. This will also reduce agricultural wastage and improve the economic status of farmers. Our study aimed at storage of banana blossom in a suitable packaging material for a period of 60 days and its incorporation into cutlets. Shelf life study indicated that product packed in metallised polyester-polyethylene pouches was microbiologically safe at every stage of storage and no peroxides and free fatty acids were formed. Cutlet made out of dehydrated and stored blossom were also well accepted. Methanolic extract of dried blossom showed good antioxidant activity compared to the raw one by DPPH radical scavenging assay. Antidiabetic activity was determined by α-amylase inhibitory assay and extract was found to have good activity in controlling diabetes. Among the microbes tested for anti-microbial activity, E.coli and Bacillus subtilis were inhibited by the antimicrobial compounds present in the extract and increase in concentration increased the inhibitory action. Results obtained in our study were promising and it revealed that well packaged blossoms could be stored at room temperature for at least a period of two months without affecting its nutritional and sensory qualities. Such shelf stable, ready-to-cook banana blossom will be boon to the food industry as well, as a versatile product that can add value to other innovative food products.
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Keys, A. (84060 Pioppi (SA), Italy), A. Menotti, M. J. Karvonen, C. Aravanis, H. Blackburn, R. Buzina, B. S. Djordjevlc, A. S. Dontas, F. Fldanza, M. H. Keys, D. Kromhout, S. Nedeljkovic, S. Punsar, F. Seccareccia, and H. Toshima. The diet and 15-year death rate In the Seven Countries Study. Am J Epidemiol 1986; 124:903–15 In 15 cohorts of the Seven Countries Study, comprising 11,579 men aged 40-years and “healthy” at entry, 2,288 died In 15 years. Death rates differed among cohorts. Differences In mean age, blood pressure, serum cholesterol, and smoking habits “explained” 46% of variance in death rate from all causes, 80% from coronary heart dIsease, 35% from cancer, and 45% from stroke. Death rate differences were unrelated to cohort differences in mean relative body weIght. fatness, and physical activity. The cohorts differed in average dIets. Death rates were related positively to average percentage of dIetary energy from saturated fatty acids, negatively to dietary energy percentage from monounsaturated fatty acids, and were unrelated to dietary energy percentage from polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and alcohol. All death rates were negatively related to the ratio of monounsaturated to saturated fatty acids. Inclusion of that ratio with age, blood pressure, serum cholesterol, and smokIng habits as inde pendent variables accounted for 85% of variance In rates of deaths from all causes, 96% coronary heart dIsease, 55% cancer, and 66% stroke. Oleic acid accounted for almost all dIfferences In monounsaturates among cohorts. All- cause and coronary heart disease death rates were low In cohorts with olive oil the main fat Causal relationshIps are not claimed but consideration of characteristics of populations as well as of Individuals withIn populations is urged evaluating risks.
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1. The effect of dietary fibre digestion in the human gut on its ability to alter bowel habit and impair mineral absorption has been investigated using the technique of metabolic balance. 2. Five healthy male students were studied for 9 weeks under controlled dietary conditions and during the last 6 weeks they took 36 g pectin/d. Bowel habit, transit through the gut, faecal fibre excretion, calcium balance and faecal composition were measured. 3. During the control period only 15% of the dietary fibre ingested was excreted in the stools and when pectin was added to the diet there was no increase in fibre excretion. Stool frequency and mean transit time were unchanged by pectin but stool wet weight increased by 33% and faecal excretion increased (%) for fatty acids 80, nitrogen 47, total dry matter 28 and bile acids 35. Ca balance remained unchanged. 4. It may be concluded from these results that dietary fibre is largely metabolized in the human gut and dietary pectin completely so. This could explain its lack of effect on bowel habit and Ca balance. Other changes in the faeces may be related to an increase in bacterial mass.
The present study assesses the impact of variations in the amount of fiber in high carbohydrate diets on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in NIDDM. The amount and source of carbohydrate, and source of dietary fiber, were held constant. Two 4-wk diet periods were randomly assigned and all subjects completed both dietary periods. Diets were identical in the proportion of carbohydrate, fat, protein, P/S ratio, and cholesterol. The normal fiber diet contained 11 g/1000 kcal, while the high fiber diet contained 27 g/1000 kcal. The results showed no significant difference in fasting plasma glucose and insulin, day-long glucose and insulin, fasting hemoglobin AIc, or 24 h urinary glucose. Fasting plasma triglyceride and VLDL-triglyceride, as well as fasting plasma cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and HDL-cholesterol were also unchanged. In conclusion, an increase in the fiber content from 11 to 27 g/1000 kcal did not lead to measurable improvements in overall plasma glucose, insulin, or lipid metabolism.
36 G of wheat fibre, pectin, or guar gum was given over 2-week periods to healthy volunteers taking normal diet. Mean serum-cholesterol levels fell significantly while the volunteers were taking guar and pectin by 36-3 and 29-2 mg, per 100. respectively, but rose slightly after wheat fibre by 6-7, mg per 100., Attention should be focused on fruit and vegetable gels rather than wheat fibre in the search of natural hypocholesterolaemic agents.
Citrus pectin (15 g/day) was added for 3 weeks to metabolically controlled diets in nine subjects. Pectin was consumed with fruit and sugar as a gel in divided doses with meals. Plasma cholesterol concentrations were reduced by a mean of 13% (P less than 0.001). Fecal fat excretion increased by 44% (P less than 0.001); neutral steroids by 17% (P less than 0.001) and fecal bile acids by 33% (P less than 0.02). Plasma triglyceride levels did not change.