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Effect of soaking, cooking and germination on the oligosaccharide content of selected Nigerian legume seeds



The identity and quantity of and effect of processing on raffinose oligosaccharides in raw, mature seeds of lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus), pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan), African yam beans (Sphenostylis sternocarpa) and jackbeans (Canavalia ensiformis) were investigated. Sucrose, raffinose, stachyose and verbascose were identified by HPLC in all the legume seeds. The total alpha-galactoside contents of the seeds in decreasing order were African yam beans 3.84 mg/100 mg; white lima beans 3.62 mg/100 mg; cream pigeon peas 3.51 mg/100 mg; red lima beans 3.37 mg/100 mg; jackbeans 2.83 mg/100 mg and brown pigeon peas 2.34 mg/100 mg. The predominant oligosaccharide was verbascose in pigeon peas and stachyose in the other three legumes. Cooking unsoaked seeds brought about a greater reduction in the total alpha-galactoside content than soaking for nine hours. The removal of oligosaccharides was higher in legumes cooked in alkaline solution than in water. Germination quantitatively reduced raffinose, stachyose and verbascose while sucrose was increased in all seeds except red lima beans and jackbeans.
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 55: 97–110, 2000.
© 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Effect of soaking, cooking and germination on the
oligosaccharide content of selected Nigerian legume
Area de Tecnología de Alimentos, SGIT-INIA, Apdo. 8111, 28080 Madrid, Spain;
1Department of Biochemistry, University of Benin, P.M.B. 1154, Benin City, Nigeria (author
for correspondence)
Received 6 April 1999; accepted in revised form 15 January 2000
Abstract. The identity and quantity of and effect of processing on raffinose oligosacchar-
ides in raw, mature seeds of lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus), pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan),
African yam beans (Sphenostylis sternocarpa) and jackbeans (Canavalia ensiformis)were
investigated. Sucrose, raffinose, stachyose and verbascose were identified by HPLC in all
thelegumeseeds.Thetotalα-galactoside contents of the seeds in decreasing order were
African yam beans 3.84 mg/100 mg; white lima beans 3.62 mg/100 mg; cream pigeon peas
3.51 mg/100 mg; red lima beans 3.37 mg/100 mg; jackbeans 2.83 mg/100 mg and brown
pigeon peas 2.34 mg/100 mg. The predominant oligosaccharide was verbascose in pigeon
peas and stachyose in the other three legumes. Cooking unsoaked seeds brought about a
greater reduction in the total α-galactoside content than soaking for nine hours. The removal of
oligosaccharides was higher in legumes cooked in alkaline solution than in water. Germination
quantitatively reduced raffinose, stachyose and verbascose while sucrose was increased in all
seeds except red lima beans and jackbeans.
Key words: Legumes, Oligosaccharides, Processed, Raffinose, Stachyose, Verbacose
Grain legumes are a major source of cheap protein for humans in West Africa.
Animal protein is expensive, therefore, supplementing the diet with legume
seeds helps to alleviate protein deficiency in human nutrition [1].
Lima beans, pigeon peas, African yam beans and jackbeans are under-
utilized legumes in Nigeria [2]. The chemical compositions of these grain
legumes were evaluated and shown to contain high quantities of proteins,
amino acids and minerals [3]. Despite the rich composition of nutrients, these
legumes are not normally selected as food sources because of their hard seed
coats which lead to long cooking periods and the use of expensive, scarce
fuels. Furthermore, the antinutritional factors in legume seeds reduce protein
digestibility [4] and the nutritive value [5].
Raffinose oligosaccharides (e.g., stachyose, raffinose and verbascose), are
present in legumes [6]. They produce flatulence in man and animals due to
the absence of the enzyme α-galactosidase which is needed for hydrolysis of
the α-1,6 galactosidic linkage of these oligosaccharides in the lower intest-
ine. These sugars then undergo anaerobic fermentation by bacteria producing
carbon dioxide, hydrogen and small amounts of methane gas that cause at-
ulence which is characterized by abdominal rumblings, cramps, diarrhea and
nausea [7].
Plant breeding could be one approach to the reduction of flatulence; but
Ryan & Farmer [8] have suggested that oligosaccharides may play a role
in seed viability. Eliminating oligosaccharides from the plant itself could,
therefore, adversely affect the growth and yield of the legumes. In Nigeria,
legume seeds are processed and consumed in a variety of forms. The most
common domestic methods include soaking, cooking, cooking in alkali solu-
tion and dehulling. The effects of soaking, cooking and dehulling on the
oligosaccharide content of cowpeas have been reported [9]. The effects of
domestic processing on the oligosaccharide content of faba beans, lentils,
common beans and cowpeas have also been investigated [10]. Little inform-
ation is available, however, on oligosaccharide contents in legumes such as
lima beans and African yam beans. The reduction of flatulence is necessary
for the utilization of these legumes as more acceptable sources of inexpensive
The present investigation was aimed at identifiying and quantifiying the
oligosaccharide content after soaking in water, cooking of unsoaked and
soaked seeds, cooking of unsoaked seeds in 0.1% alkaline solution and ger-
mination of lima beans, pigeon peas, African yam beans and jackbeans and to
describe a method suitable for reducing flatus-producing factors in legumes.
Materials and methods
Red lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus), white lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus),
brown pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan), cream pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan),
black African yam beans (Sphenostylis sternocarpa) and jackbeans (Canava-
lia ensiformis) were bought from the market in the Uromi and Igueben areas,
Edo State, Nigeria. All bean samples were cleaned by hand, dried in an air
oven (Gallenkamp, UK) at 70 C for five hours and milled to pass through
a 100-mesh sieve (Cyclotec 1093, Tecator AB, Sweden). All flour samples
were stored in air-tight plastic containers at –10 C until analyzed.
Preparation of processed samples
Cooking (W/C): One hundred grams (100 g) of bean seeds were added to
distilled water (1:5 w/v) at 100 C and cooked in a glass beaker on an electric
hot plate (Ikatherm HCT, Ika, Staufen, Germany) for 3 h.
Cooking in 0.1% alkaline solution (W/C/K): ‘Kanwa’ rock salt was pur-
chased from New Benin market, Benin City, Nigeria. The rock salt was ground
into fine powder in an analytical grinder (A10, Ika, Staufen, Germany) and
dried at 70 C for 16 h in an oven (Gallenkamp, UK). The dried powder was
cooled in a desiccator for 24 h and stored in a stoppered glass bottle at 24 C.
One hundred grams of bean seeds were added to boiling 0.1% Kanwa solution
(1:5 w/v) and cooked in a glass beaker on an electric hot plate (Ikatherm HCT,
Ika, Staufen, Germany) for 2.5 h. The pH of the Kanwa solution was 11.0.
Soaking and cooking (S12h/C): One hundred grams (100 g) of bean seeds
were soaked in a glass beaker for twelve hours in distilled water (1:5 w/v) at
24 C. The soak water was discarded and the bean seeds were cooked in a
glass beaker on an electric hot plate (Ikatherm HCT, Ika, Staufen, Germany)
in fresh distilled water at 100 C for 2.5 h. In all cooking processes, the level
of cooking water was kept constant by the addition of boiling distilled water
or 0.1% alkaline solution. The cooked seeds were drained and dried at 70 C
in an oven (Gallenkamp, UK) for 16 h. The dried seeds were cooled in a
dessicator, milled to pass trough a 100-mesh sieve (Cyclotec 1093, Tecator
AB, Sweden). Bean flours were stored in an air-tight container at –10 C
until analyzed (1 month aproximately).
Germination (S9h/G0-S9/G96): One hundred grams (100 g) of bean seeds
were surface sterilized for 30 min in a 1% sodium hypochlorite solution. The
bean seeds were rinsed five times with distilled water (1:3 w/v) and soaked
for 9 h in a glass beaker in tap water (1:3 w/v). The presoaked seeds were
allowed to sprout on sterile germinating trays lined with filter paper which
was kept moist by layers of damp cotton wool. Germination was carried out
at 25 C with 8 h of daylight per day. Samples were collected at 0 h (control),
12 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and 96 h. The germinating seeds were dried and milled
into flour, as indicated above for cooked samples.
Extraction and evaluation of α-galactosides from bean flour
Oligosaccharides were extracted and analyzed as described by Muzquiz et al.
[11]. The sample (0.5 g) was homogenized in aqueous ethanol (80%, 5 ml)
C using an Ultraturrax homogenizer (T25, Ika, Staufen, Ger-
many). The mixture was centrifuged (Econospin, Sorvall Instrument, USA)
for 5 min at 500 g. The supernatant was decanted and the procedure repeated
twice. The combined supernatants were evaporated to dryness in a rotary
evaporator (Rotavapor R-3000, Büchi, Switzerland) connected with a vacuum
controller (Vacobox B-171, Büchi, Switzerland) at 35 C and redissolved
in 1 ml double deionized water. The extracts were passed through Dowex
50 WX8 (200–400 mesh, Serva, Germany) and QMA minicolumns (Waters,
USA) with a Supelco vacuum system (Bellefonte, PA, USA). Water (3 ×
1 ml portions) was added to flush the columns and the combined extracts and
washings were collected and injected (20 µl) into the HPLC system.
Samples were analyzed using a Beckman System Gold Instrument (USA)
composed of a pump (Programmable Solvent M 126), a refractive index de-
tector (M 156), an Analog Interface (M 406), an injection valve (Altex) and
the System Gold Software for integration. A Spherisorb-5-NH2column (250
x 4.6 mm i.d., Waters, USA) was employed with acetonitrile/water (65:35,
v/v) at 1 ml/min as the mobile phase. Individual sugars were quantified by
comparison with external standards of pure sucrose, raffinose and stachyose
(Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA); verbascose was supplied and purified by Prof
K Gulewicz. Calibration curves were constructed for all four sugars and a
linear response was evident for the range of 0–5 mg/ml with a correlation
coefficient of 0.99. Two extractions were made for each flour sample and one
injection for each extract.
Statistical analysis. The data were analyzed for variance using a BMDP–
7D ANOVA program (WJ Dixon, BMDP Statistical Software Release, 1988).
The mean values were compared using Duncan’s multiple range test. Signi-
ficance was accepted at p60.05 level.
Results and discussion
The total galactoside contents and the different types of raffinose oligosac-
charides present in the raw bean seeds are shown in Table 1. HPLC revealed
the presence of sucrose, raffinose, stachyose and verbascose.
Stachyose was found to be the predominant sugar in lima beans, jack-
beans and African yam beans while verbascose was the predominant oli-
gosaccharide in pigeon peas. Similar results were reported by Revilleza et al.
[12] in lima beans and jackbeans. The results revealed significant (p<0.05)
differences between species and varieties of the raw bean seeds. The low-
est oligosaccharides content was found in brown pigeon peas and jackbeans
(2.35 mg/100 mg and 2.83 mg/100 mg, respectively). Brown pigeon peas
and cream pigeon peas had an oligosaccharides content that was significantly
(p<0.05) different, while red and white lima beans were not significant
Table 1. Composition of α-galactosides of raw of lima beans, pigeon peas, African yam beans and jackbeans
(mg/100 mg)1
Sample Sucrose Raffinose Stachyose Verbascose Total
Lima beans
(Red) 0.806 ±0.021 0.297 ±0.016 2.829 ±0.077 0.246 ±0.063 3.372 ±0.002 a
Lima beans
(White) 0.770 ±0.018 0.277 ±0.016 3.157 ±0.112 0.194 ±0.011 3.628 ±0.085 a,b
Pigeon Peas
(Brown) 1.186 ±0.149 0.423 ±0.057 0.857 ±0.065 1.067 ±0.110 2.346 ±0.232
Pigeon peas
(Cream) 1.666 ±0.012 0.620 ±0.003 1.562 ±0.070 3.517 ±0.079 a,b
Yam beans 1.090 ±0.003 0.664 ±0.002 2.863 ±0.036 0.317 ±0.027 3.844 ±0.011 b
Jackbeans 1.443 ±0.260 0.284 ±0.012 2.298 ±0.038 0.248 ±0.016 2.830 ±0.034
1Values are means ±standard error of two determinations. Means followed by the same superscripts are not
signicantly different at 5% level by Duncan’s multiple range test.
(p> 0.05) different. These results agree with those reported by Burbano et
al. [13] who established that oligosaccharide content was influenced by both
variety and environment.
Effects of processing on legume oligosaccharides
The effects of processing on the sugars and total α-galactoside contents of the
legumes are shown in Tables 2–7. Cooking in water (W/C) resulted in a loss
of total α-galactosides ranging from 21% in brown pigeon peas (Table 4) to
a 67% in white limas (Table 3) compared to the corresponding raw samples.
Cooking in 0.1% alkaline solution produced a significantly (p<0.05) higher
reduction of total α-galactosides, in relation to the content of raw seeds, in all
seeds except white lima beans. Both processes involved cooking; therefore,
these reductions may have been due to heat induced hydrolysis of the oli-
gosaccharides to simple disaccharides and monosaccharides [14]. The current
findings are in agreement with those reported for cowpeas [15]. The greatest
losses in total oligosaccharide content of alkaline-cooked samples compared
to water-cooked samples may have been due to the fact that the alkaline
medium aids leaching and solubility of sugars during cooking.
The combined effects of soaking and cooking (S12h/C) led to increased
sugar losses in most of the legumes studied, which is in agreement with data
reported by Uzogara et al. [16]. The total α-galactosides content of soaked
and cooked seeds was significantly (p<0.05) lower than water-cooked seeds
of brown pigeon peas (Table 4), cream pigeon peas (Table 5) African yam
beans (Table 6) and jackbeans (Table 7). In contrast, Rao and Belavady [17]
reported an increase ranging from 30% to 100% in oligosaccharide content
after cooking. The difference could be explained by the fact that the cooking
water was not discarded in the study by Rao & Belavady [17] whereas in the
current study and that of Iyer et al. [18], the soak and cooking waters were
eliminated as is commonly practiced.
Soaking for nine hours (S9h/G0) reduced the total α-galactoside contents
of the seeds to different extents. Losses of 2% in jackbeans (Table 7) and 58%
in cream peas (Table 5) were observed when compared with raw seeds. These
losses were significant (p<0.05) for all seeds except red lima (Table 2) and
jackbeans (Table 7). This could be a result of the relative hardness of the seed
coat which limits the uptake of water and may prevent the leaching of the α-
galactosides into the soak water. Significant reductions in the α-galactoside
contents of soaked common beans, including cowpeas, lentils and faba beans,
were reported by Abdel-Gawad [10]; the extent of the losses was enhanced
as the soaking time increased.
Tables 2–7 data also show the changes in total and individual α-galac-
tosides due to germination. Stachyose declined progressively until 96 h of
Table 2. The composition of α-galactosides (mg/100 mg)1of raw, processed and germinated red lima beans
(Phaseolus lunatus)
Treatments Sucrose Raffinose Stachyose Verbascose Total
Raw 0.806 ±0.021 0.297 ±0.016 2.829 ±0.077 0.246 ±0.063 3.372 ±0.002 g
W/C 0.232 ±0.011 0.123 ±0.013 1.614 ±0.005 0.100 ±0.010 1.837 ±0.008 c,d,e
W/C/K 0.274 ±0.021 0.087 ±0.010 1.043 ±0.054 n.d.21.130 ±0.064 a,b
S12h/C 0.392 ±0.024 0.182 ±0.017 1.447 ±0.027 0.106 ±0.006 1.735 ±0.050 c,d
S9h/G0 0.818 ±0.042 0.305 ±0.013 2.830 ±0.027 0.124 ±0.009 3.259 ±0.049 g
S9h/G12 0.467 ±0.007 0.166 ±0.011 1.950 ±0.060 0.116 ±0.005 2.232 ±0.076 e,f
S9h/G24 0.403 ±0.012 0.143 ±0.003 1.658 ±0.065 0.120 ±0.009 1.921 ±0.072 d,e
S9h/G48 0.400 ±0.005 0.136 ±0.002 1.680 ±0.008 0.113 ±0.000 1.929 ±0.009 d,e
S9h/G72 0.344 ±0.005 0.124 ±0.001 1.334 ±0.023 n.d. 1.458 ±0.024 b,c
S9h/G96 0.231 ±0.003 0.103 ±0.006 0.830 ±0.039 0.137 ±0.009 1.070 ±0.024 a,b
1Values are mean ±standard deviation of duplicate determinations.
2n.d.: not detected.
W/C: cooking, W/C/K: cooking in 0.1% alkaline solution, S12/C: soaking and cooking, S9h/G0-S9h/G96:
germination. Means followed by the same superscripts are not significantly different at 5% level by Duncan’s
multiple range test.
Table 3. The composition of α-galactosides (mg/100 mg)1of raw, processed and germinated white lima
beans (Phaseolus lunatus)
Treatments Sucrose Raffinose Stachyose Verbascose Total
Raw 0.770 ±0.018 0.277 ±0.016 3.157 ±0.112 0.194 ±0.011 3.628 ±0.085
W/C 0.294 ±0.004 0.162 ±0.007 1.013 ±0.014 n.d.21.176 ±0.007
W/C/K 0.526 ±0.012 0.173 ±0.003 1.383 ±0.007 0.100 ±0.001 1.656 ±0.009 c
S12h/C 0.340 ±0.011 0.179 ±0.000 1.078 ±0.004 0.085 ±0.007 1.342 ±0.010
S9h/G0 0.349 ±0.015 0.309 ±0.014 1.927 ±0.011 0.180 ±0.007 2.416 ±0.032
S9h/G12 1.090 ±0.022 0.239 ±0.003 1.155 ±0.006 0.137 ±0.037 1.531 ±0.027 c
S9h/G24 1.255 ±0.002 0.230 ±0.025 1.678 ±0.055 0.128 ±0.018 2.036 ±0.098
S9h/G48 2.120 ±0.239 0.077 ±0.006 0.570 ±0.031 n.d. 0.647 ±0.025 b
S9h/G72 2.952 ±0.037 0.056 ±0.000 0.514 ±0.013 n.d. 0.570 ±0.013 b
S9h/G96 3.107 ±0.047 n.d. 0.402 ±0.071 n.d. 0.402 ±0.071 a
1Values are mean ±standard deviation of duplicate determinations.
2n.d.: not detected.
W/C: cooking, W/C/K: cooking in 0.1% alkaline solution, S12/C: soaking and cooking, S9h/G0-S9h/G96:
germination. Means followed by the same superscripts are not significantly different at 5% level by
Duncan’s multiple range test.
Table 4. The composition of α-galactosides (mg/100 mg)1of raw, processed and germinated brown pigeon
peas (Cajanus cajan)
Treatments Sucrose Raffinose Stachyose Verbascose Total
Raw 1.186 ±0.149 0.423 ±0.057 0.857 ±0.065 1.067 ±0.110 2.346 ±0.232
W/C 1.770 ±0.024 0.454 ±0.007 0.755 ±0.005 0.648 ±0.023 1.858 ±0.036 d
W/C/K 1.445 ±0.054 0.377 ±0.036 0.603 ±0.002 0.457 ±0.004 1.436 ±0.039 c
S12h/C 1.439 ±0.009 0.358 ±0.003 0.508 ±0.000 0.379 ±0.001 1.245 ±0.005 c
S9h/G0 1.155 ±0.046 0.268 ±0.008 0.670 ±0.008 0.821 ±0.010 1.759 ±0.007 d
S9h/G12 1.201 ±0.016 0.152 ±0.003 0.544 ±0.017 0.652 ±0.009 1.348 ±0.011 c
S9h/G24 2.254 ±0.036 n.d.20.436 ±0.016 0.178 ±0.004 0.614 ±0.020 b
S9h/G48 2.306 ±0.030 0.060 ±0.009 0.350 ±0.016 0.181 ±0.018 0.591 ±0.008 b
S9h/G72 3.079 ±0.153 n.d. 0.485 ±0.049 0.120 ±0.005 0.605 ±0.054 b
S9h/G96 1.913 ±0.110 n.d. 0.473 ±0.023 n.d. 0.473 ±0.023 a,b
1Values are mean ±standard deviation of duplicate determinations.
2n.d.: not detected.
W/C: cooking, W/C/K: cooking in 0.1% alkaline solution, S12/C: soaking and cooking, S9h/G0-S9h/G96:
germination. Means followed by the same superscripts are not significantly different at 5% level by Duncan’s
multiple range test.
Table 5. The composition of α-galactosides (mg/100 mg)1of raw, processed and germinated cream pigeon
peas (Cajanus cajan)
Treatments Sucrose Raffinose Stachyose Verbascose Total
Raw 1.666 ±0.012 0.620 ±0.003 1.335 ±0.006 1.562 ±0.070 3.517 ±0.079
W/C 1.796 ±0.276 0.423 ±0.069 0.596 ±0.000 0.629 ±0.108 1.350 ±0.121 c
W/C/K n.d.2n.d. 0.367 ±0.044 0.135 ±0.000 0.434 ±0.023 a,b
S12h/C 0.876 ±0.019 0.039 ±0.003 0.390 ±0.014 0.417 ±0.011 0.846 ±0.027
S9h/G0 1.362 ±0.013 0.033 ±0.004 0.632 ±0.032 0.824 ±0.040 1.489 ±0.076 c
S9h/G12 1.773 ±0.099 0.034 ±0.006 0.684 ±0.039 0.742 ±0.059 1.460 ±0.092 c
S9h/G24 2.603 ±0.049 n.d. 0.159 ±0.006 0.224 ±0.012 0.383 ±0.018 a
S9h/G48 2.879 ±0.045 n.d. 0.150 ±0.002 0.172 ±0.002 0.321 ±0.004 a
S9h/G72 3.199 ±0.189 n.d. 0.371 ±0.002 n.d. 0.371 ±0.002 a
S9h/G96 2.176 ±0.085 n.d. 0.597 ±0.015 n.d. 0.597 ±0.015 b
1Values are mean ±standard deviation of duplicate determinations.
2n.d.: not detected.
W/C: cooking, W/C/K: cooking in 0.1% alkaline solution, S12/C: soaking and cooking, S9h/G0-9h/G96:
germination. Means followed by the same superscripts are not significantly different at 5% level by Duncan’s
multiple range test.
Table 6. The composition of α-galactosides (mg/100 mg)1of raw, processed and germinated African yam
beans (Sphenostylis stenocarpa)
Treatments Sucrose Raffinose Stachyose Verbascose Total
Raw 1.090 ±0.003 0.664 ±0.002 2.863 ±0.036 0.317 ±0.027 3.844 ±0.011
W/C 1.124 ±0.105 0.669 ±0.076 1.746 ±0.104 0.142 ±0.038 2.558 ±0.218 e
W/C/K 0.705 ±0.021 0.183 ±0.025 0.757 ±0.033 0.081 ±0.025 1.021 ±0.033 b,c
S12h/C 0.603 ±0.008 0.102 ±0.011 0.560 ±0.041 n.d.20.663 ±0.030 a
S9h/G0 1.086 ±0.058 0.423 ±0.018 2.403 ±0.099 0.214 ±0.022 3.040 ±0.095 f
S9h/G12 1.170 ±0.062 0.403 ±0.038 1.962 ±0.062 0.223 ±0.000 2.588 ±0.100 e
S9h/G24 0.948 ±0.029 0.433 ±0.008 2.583 ±0.009 0.220 ±0.017 3.235 ±0.000 f
S9h/G48 1.191 ±0.015 0.341 ±0.009 1.708 ±0.012 0.190 ±0.015 2.238 ±0.037
S9h/G72 1.752 ±0.207 0.166 ±0.023 1.085 ±0.002 0.163 ±0.021 1.414 ±0.046 d
S9h/G96 1.394 ±0.144 0.145 ±0.004 0.801 ±0.027 0.138 ±0.002 1.085 ±0.029 c
1Values are mean ±standard deviation of duplicate determinations.
2n.d.: not detected.
W/C: cooking, W/C/K: cooking in 0.1% alkaline solution, S12/C: soaking and cooking, S9h/G0-S9h/G96:
germination. Means followed by the same superscripts are not significantly different at 5% level by Duncan’s
multiple range test.
Table 7. The composition of α-galactosides (mg/100 mg)1of raw, processed and germinated jackbeans
(Canvalia ensiformis)
Treatments Sucrose Raffinose Stachyose Verbascose Total
Raw 1.443 ±0.260 0.284 ±0.012 2.298 ±0.038 0.248 ±0.016 2.830 ±0.034 d
W/C 1.068 ±0.009 0.070 ±0.007 1.073 ±0.017 0.152 ±0.001 1.295 ±0.025
W/C/K 0.838 ±0.038 0.059 ±0.012 0.965 ±0.012 0.107 ±0.006 1.131 ±0.018
S12h/C 0.523 ±0.050 0.030 ±0.000 0.638 ±0.002 0.082 ±0.025 0.750 ±0.023 b,c
S9h/G0 1.531 ±0.006 0.369 ±0.021 2.207 ±0.035 0.208 ±0.014 2.784 ±0.042 d
S9h/G12 0.748 ±0.003 0.152 ±0.005 1.158 ±0.043 0.131 ±0.005 1.441 ±0.043
S9h/G24 0.981 ±0.051 0.052 ±0.001 0.778 ±0.008 0.033 ±0.033 0.863 ±0.024 c
S9h/G48 0.999 ±0.028 0.030 ±0.005 0.617 ±0.087 n.d.20.647 ±0.091 b
S9h/G72 0.812 ±0.020 n.d. 0.516 ±0.004 n.d. 0.516 ±0.004 a
S9h/G96 0.385 ±0.001 n.d. 0.485 ±0.043 n.d. 0.485 ±0.043 a
1Values are mean ±standard deviation of duplicate determinations.
2n.d.: not detected.
W/C: cooking, W/C/K: cooking in 0.1% alkaline solution, S12/C: soaking and cooking, S9h/G0-S9h/G96:
germination. Means followed by the same superscripts are not significantly different at 5% level by Duncan’s
multiple range test.
germination in lima beans, African yam beans and jackbeans achieving re-
ductions higher than 70% relative to the raw seeds. In brown and cream
pigeon peas, verbascose was completely eliminated at 96 h of germination
while stachyose was reduced around a 50% (Tables 4 and 5). Raffinose and
verbascose exhibited a similar trend during the germination of red lima beans
(Table 2), white lima beans (Table 3), African yam beans (Table 6) and jack-
beans (Table 7), being completely eliminated at 96 hours in white lima beans
and jackbeans. Sucrose levels increased during germination of white lima
beans, brown pigeon peas, cream pigeon peas and African yam beans (Tables
3–6). Conversely, red lima beans and jackbean seeds (Tables 2 and 7, respect-
ively) had decreased sucrose levels as the period of germination increased as
has been reported for germinating soybeans and cottonseeds [19].
The changes in total α-galactoside content, due to germination, indicated
that there were significant (p<0.05) reductions in all the germinating seeds.
In general, the greatest losses of total α-galactosides were obtained at 96 h of
germination. Similar findings have been reported for related legumes such as
black gram and mung beans [20]. Oligosaccharides of the raffinose family
are degraded by α-galactosidase which selectively cleaves galactose from
raffinose, stachyose and verbascose leaving behind sucrose. Different legume
seeds have variable levels of α-galactosidase activity [7]. The fact that sucrose
decreased during germination of red lima beans and jackbeans indicated that
sucrose, in addition to α-galactosides, can be degraded to release energy for
the germinating embryo.
It may be concluded that all the local methods of processing substantially
reduced raffinose family oligosaccharides in the grain legumes studied. Ger-
mination and cooking in alkaline medium caused the greatest losses of total
The authors are grateful for support from the INIA (SC95-004-C5). One
of the authors (H.A.O.) was supported by a grant from AECI of the Span-
ish Ministry of Asuntos Exteriores. The authors wish to thank the INIA for
awarding postdoctoral grants to C.C. and M.M.P.
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... Traits with antinutrients but has desirable yield and quality traits will be identified and a probable way of eliminating this antinutrients can be researched on. Although, various authors have reported that antinutritional factors in legumes/beans could be reduced or eliminated through various processing techniques Oboh, et al., 2000;Farinde, et al., 2011;Mada, et al., 2012;Adeniran, et al., 2013;Audu, and Aremu, 2011;Farinde, et al., 2014;Adebayo, 2014;Olanipekun, et al., 2011). ...
... A concrete understanding proximate composition, minerals, and anti-nutients contents of processed lima bean will expound its utilization potentials. Fasoyiro et al., (2006) and Oboh et al., (2000), stated that anti-nutritional factors interfere with nutrient utilization, absorption, digestion and availability to body systems. Some anti-nutritional factors such as trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors, haemagglutinins, cyanogenic glucosides, tannin, lectins, polyphenols, phytic acid and various oligosaccharides can be found in Lima bean seed and they cause flatulence (Adeniran et al., 2012). ...
... Strategies to tackle malnutrition are fortification of food products and distribution of nutrient supplements, but a food-based approach has the advantage that it is within easy reach, as native foods provide variety, are well accepted, frequently consumed and readily available. Legumes are important source of dietary proteins Cooking and sprouting of legumes greatly influence nutritional quality by increasing bioavailability of nutrients as well as enhancing digestibility and utilization of nutrients (Oboh et al. 2000). ...
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Malnutritionis a life-threateningcondition often caused by a diet lacking in essential proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. It is one of the major health problems faced by the developing countries. It puts the young children puts them at a higher risk of experiencing health problems such as stunted growth, mental retardation, and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. More than 200 million school age children are affected by malnutrition, if no action is taken and at this rate, about one billion school children will be growing up by 2020 with impaired physical and mental development. Malnutrition, influenced by economic (rising food prices), social (food taboos), environmental (poor sanitation/ hygiene)and individual (inadequate food intake) factors is an important concern in children under 6 years. The dietary approach is more sustainable to alleviate malnutrition.Dietary proteins serves as major protein sources in the diets of the poor in the underdeveloped and developing countriesto overcome malnutrition.Among the protein rich foods Mungbean (Vignaradiata), also called green gram is a tropical legume, widely grown in Asia, particularly in Thailand, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. They are grown widely for use as human food (as dry beans or fresh sprouts). They contribute high levels of proteins, amino acids, oligosaccharides, and polyphenols to the antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor activitiesin food.Keeping these points in mind, the present study was designed to formulate various recipes from nutrient rich green gram flour andpopularize it among home makers who care for their children health.
... Their types are distinguished, including the mobile phase, and the stationary phase [10],.This technique is also used to estimate and analyze many sugars in pharmaceutical materials [11].As well as, the determination of phenolic compounds in apples [12]. The scientific basis for the operation of the device is based on a liquid moving medium, so it was called by this name (high-performance liquid chromatography)( HPLC) [13]. The research aims, the current study aimed to remove the group of semi-complex raffinose sugars, which are the most important anti-nutritional compounds in legumes, causing some digestive disorders, especially gases generated as a result of their use by some types of microorganisms that possess the enzyme α-galactosidase and endemic in the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract, using soaking with water with baking yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae depending on many variables, the most important of which are: ...
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The study measured the proportions of the semi-complex raffinose group in selected types of legumes using active yeast Saccharomyces as a source to obtain the enzyme alpha-galactosidase in its raw form and adding this enzyme to different levels of legumes soaked under different soaking conditions of temperature, pH, and soaking period. The rates of removal of semi-complex raffinose sugars were estimated. The study aims to remove the group of semi-complex raffinose sugars (which is one of the most important anti-nutritional compounds in legumes) to obtain some types of legumes that are largely free of these compounds in order to be ready for consumption by humans, especially children. The results of the table show that the amount of semi-complex sugars of the family of RFOs, represented by raffinose. It was 0.03 gm in chickpeas, and 0.03 gm in beans, and it was concluded that the best result was obtained when using the pure enzyme α-galactosidase at a temperature of 30 ° C and a concentration of 20 mg of enzyme during 8 hours of treatment with the enzyme pH = 4 in chickpeas. As for white beans, the best result was reached when using the pure enzyme α-galactosidase at a temperature of 40°C and at a concentration of 20 mg of enzyme during 8 hours of treatment with enzyme pH = 4.
... Raffinose comprises galactose, glucose, and fructose, while stachyose contains two galactose molecules, one molecule of glucose and one of fructose (Pessarakli, 2016;Yahia et al., 2019). The content of raffinose and stachyose decreased after cooking (Messina, 2014;Oboh et al., 2000). Therefore, steaming may break down these oligosaccharides into simple sugars, leading to an increase in the total sugar content of the tested pumpkins, leaving a sweeter pulp. ...
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This study investigated the role of dry matter (DM) and adhesiveness (or stickiness) and their relationship with the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of raw and steamed pumpkins. Through path analysis, raw pumpkin with a high DM value yielded a positive correlation with total flavonoid contents (TFC) and Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) value in its raw form, and contained high total soluble solids and 2,2-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) activity in its steamed form. DM showed a correlation with total phenolic compounds (TPC) and DPPH activity. A sticky pulp generated high DM, TPC, TFC, and antioxidant capacity. The TPC and TFC were positively correlated with the antioxidant capacity. There was no relationship between cell structure, and starch granule characteristics of the raw pulp and cooked DM or stickiness. Therefore, DM and stickiness may be used as quality indicators of chemical contents and antioxidant capacity in pumpkin and could support pumpkin improvement programs.
... The sucrose content of raw flour of pigeonpea in this study lies within the range of values (1.186 -1.666%) obtained by H. A. Oboh et al. (2000). The sucrose content in raw flour of jack beans in this work fell slightly below the range of values (1.49 -2.47%) reported by Revilleza et al. (1990). ...
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The aim of this study was to determine the potential of some Ghanaian underutilized legumes in helping to reduce the problems of poverty, hunger and malnutrition among the vulnerable group of the Ghanaian population. The study looked into the functional properties, fat and fatty acid distribution, raffinose, sucrose, glucose, fructose, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, cyanide and isoflavone contents of raw and processed seed flours of Cajanus cajan, Canavalia ensiformis, Canavalia gladiata, Mucuna pruriens, Parkia biglobosa, Phaseolus lunatus and Vigna subterranea. The parameters mentioned above were also determined for raw fruit flour of Dialium guineense. In addition to these, the study also looked into the crude protein and starch contents of the raw and processed seed flours of Canavalia gladiata, Parkia biglobosa and Vigna subterranea. The obtained results suggest that the legumes may have untapped potential, which may be exploited to help assist in reducing hunger, malnutrition and poverty in Ghana. Results of the functional properties reveal that the legumes may serve useful roles in various food products. For instance, velvet tamarind (Dialium guineense) flour may be useful in infant food formulations because of it high solubility and low bulk density. African Locust bean (Parkia biglobosa) flour had the highest fat content among the studied flours, recording a fat content of approximately 14%. It may therefore be economical to express the oil and use the oil as an edible oil or for industrial applications for products such as soaps, shampoos, paints, etc. This means the properties of the oil of African Locust bean flour need to be studied to know the uses of the oil. Unsaturated fatty acids in the cis configuration formed more than 50% of the fatty acids in all the legumes. This observation coupled with the low sodium content of all the legumes suggest that these legumes may be suitable for consumption to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The daily nutrient needs of individuals can be met by the consumption of the appropriate amounts of these legumes. For example, 375.25 g of processed velvet beans (Mucuna pruriens) flour may be able to meet the adequate intake (AI) of 350 mg/day magnesium for adult males.
... Raffinose, stachyose and verbascose content of pigeon peas and African yam beans reduced upon germination (Oboh et al. 2000). Germination increased the antioxidant activity of peas and beans where as a decrease in lentils' antioxidant activity was observed (López-Amorós, Hernández, and Estrella 2006). ...
Gluten-enteropathy affects a significant number of people, making gluten a major concern in the food industry. With medical advancements, the diagnosis of allergies is becoming easier, and people who are allergic to gluten are recommended a complete gluten-free diet. Since wheat provides a major part of the energy and nutrition in the diet, its elimination affects nutrition intake of allergic population. Food scientists are working to formulate products using protein-rich gluten-free grains with quality attributes at par with gluten-containing products. Focused research has been done to provide nutrition and a variety of food to people suffering from gluten-related disorders. Efforts are being made to remove the gluten from the wheat and other gluten-containing grains, while applying different processing/treatments to enhance the properties of gluten-free grains. Hence, the present review summarizes the importance, processing, and products of different gluten-free grains. It also highlights the digestibility of gluten-free grains with clinical trials and gluten elimination strategies for gluten-containing grains.
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Plants synthesize various compounds for their growth, metabolism, and stress mitigation, and one such group of compounds is the raffinose family of oligosaccharides (RFOs). RFOs are non-reducing oligosaccharides having galactose residues attached to a sucrose moiety. They act as carbohydrate reserves in plants, assisting in seed germination, desiccation tolerance, and biotic/abiotic stress tolerance. Although legumes are among the richest sources of dietary proteins, the direct consumption of legumes is hindered by an excess of RFOs in the edible parts of the plant, which causes flatulence in humans and monogastric animals. These opposing characteristics make RFOs manipulation a complicated tradeoff. An in-depth knowledge of the chemical composition, distribution pattern, tissue mobilization, and metabolism is required to optimize the levels of RFOs. The most recent developments in our understanding of RFOs distribution, physiological function, genetic regulation of their biosynthesis, transport, and degradation in food crops have been covered in this review. Additionally, we have suggested a few strategies that can sustainably reduce RFOs in order to solve the flatulence issue in animals. The comprehensive information in this review can be a tool for researchers to precisely control the level of RFOs in crops and create low antinutrient, nutritious food with wider consumer acceptability.
Bio/micro and nanoencapsulation technologies have developed as a potential strategy for delivering and preserving bioactive nutrients. Micro- and nanoencapsulation technologies might enhance the flavor, texture, consistency, and taste of the food products. The antimicrobial ability of the encapsulated materials provides stability and usable ability in food packaging materials, thereby enhancing the shelf life of the food products as well as safer for human utilization. The rate release of the compounds might be controlled by using encapsulation, thereby maintaining the flavor and sweetness of the food product. This book chapter focuses on the encapsulation of bioactive compounds and its importance in food science, synthesis of bio, micro, and nano-encapsulation techniques, carrier agents used in micro and nano-encapsulation, technological aspects, and safety aspect.KeywordsEncapsulationFoodNutrientsBio-active compoundNanotechnology
The effects of soaking, ordinary and pressure cooking of soaked and unsoaked seeds and the effects of sprouting on sugar and starch contents of amphidiploid (black gram × Mung bean) seeds were investigated. Soaking reduced the level of total soluble sugars, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars and starch significantly. Cooking (both ordinary and pressure cooking) increased the concentrations of sugars of soaked as well as unsoaked seeds; starch contents, however, decreased. Germination decreased starch, thereby raising the level of the soluble sugars.
The antinutrient composition of 19 varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris (L) grown in different localities of Spain was determined. Moreover, eight of the 19 varieties were grown in two different environmental areas with the aim of studying the in¯uence of variety and environment on antinutrients and the existence of relationships between some antinutritional factors. The content of sucrose and raf®nose oligosaccharides was determined by HPLC. Stachyose was the predominant a-galactoside in all the samples. Raf®nose and verbascose were also present in signi®cant quantities. Capillary-gas chromatography of the bean samples revealed only one peak corresponding to soya-sapogenol B, which is common to both saponins I and V. The content of lectins (PHA) determined by ELISA methodology showed a high variation. Statistical analyses of data established that the compounds analysed were in¯uenced by both variety and environment. The possibility of selecting some varieties to be used for large-scale cultivation in Spain is discussed.
Roles for oligosaccharides as signals for activating defensive and developmental processes have continued to be reported and supported in the recent literature. Studies of recognation events employing defined oligosaccharides indicate that oligosaccharides interact with cellular membrane receptors in a hormone-like manner to affect gene regulation. Recent studies concerning the regulation of signal production (e.g. studies of the roles PGIPAs play in regulating the effective half-lives of oligouronides in infected tissues; and investigations of possible roles for cell wall fragments in morphogenesis, hypersensitivity, fruit ripening, and cell elongation) provide further evidence that oligosaccharides signal developmental responses. In plants, as in animals, our understanding of how complex carbohydrates may function in signaling and recognition systems is still in its infancy.
Oligosaccharide content of four commonly used Indian pulses [red gram or pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), Bengal gram or chick pea (Cicer arietinum), black gram (Phaseolus mungo), and green gram (Phaseolus aureus)] was estimated. Red gram and green gram had significantly higher amounts of verbascose and stachyose than did Bengal gram and black gram. Bengal gram had higher amounts of raffinose. There were significant variations within varieties of the same pulse. Cooking brought about a significant increase in the oligosaccharide content of all the pulses. However, the increase was highest in Bengal gram and least in green gram. Germination decreased the oligosaccharide content in all the pulses. A systematic study needs to be undertaken to understand the precise role of oligosaccharides in flatus production.
The antinutrient composition of 19 varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris (L) grown in different localities of Spain was determined. Moreover, eight of the 19 varieties were grown in two different environmental areas with the aim of studying the influence of variety and environment on antinutrients and the existence of relationships between some antinutritional factors. The content of sucrose and raffinose oligosaccharides was determined by HPLC. Stachyose was the predominant -galactoside in all the samples. Raffinose and verbascose were also present in significant quantities. Capillary-gas chromatography of the bean samples revealed only one peak corresponding to soyasapogenol B, which is common to both saponins I and V. The content of lectins (PHA) determined by ELISA methodology showed a high variation. Statistical analyses of data established that the compounds analysed were influenced by both variety and environment. The possibility of selecting some varieties to be used for large-scale cultivation in Spain is discussed.© 1999 Society of Chemical Industry
Concentration and isolation of proteins from different sources is primarily aimed at providing a satisfactory solution for protein malnutrition/undernutrition and effective utilization of the underutilized protein sources. Several sources ranging from algae to soybeans have been studied for the purpose. All the current methods of protein concentrates/isolates production are based on two principles, namely, 1) Physical separation of the protein rich fraction, and 2) Solubilization of the proteins followed by precipitation and/or drying. The thus concentrated/isolated proteins are either directly, or after modifications (enzymatic or chemical) are utilized. Commercial production has been limited to only few sources such as soybeans, groundnuts, cottonseeds, and sunflower seeds due to either technological and/or consumer acceptance problems. Flavor, color, and textural compatibility of the protein concentrates/isolates with the carrier and the want of globally acceptable vehicle are some of the major constraints in production and utilization of the protein concentrates/isolates. The amino acids imbalance of the native proteins and subsequent processing losses of essential amino acids further compound the problem. Utilization of protein concentrates/isolates from human food purposes has used several foods including spaghetti, macaroni, pasta, bread, and cookies. Other modes of utilization include meat extenders, high protein beverages, and ration diets for mass feeding programs. Cereals appear to be the most commonly used vehicle for this nutrient propagation.
The effects of soaking, cooking and crude α-galactosidase treatment on the level of stachyose and raffinose present in cowpea flours were investigated. Soaking for 16 h resulted in an average reduction of 26·2% for stachyose and 28·0% for raffinose, while cooking for 50 min resulted in a reduction of 28·6% for stachyose and 44·0% for raffinose. On the other hand, treatment of cowpea flours for 2 h at 50°C with crude fungal preparations having an α-galactosidase activity equivalent to 64 units μg−1 protein, brought about a mean decrease of 82·3% for stachyose and 93·3% for raffinose. These results show that the enzyme treatment was more effective in removing the raffinose-family oligosaccharides and hence could be a useful technique for control of the flatulence-inducing activity of cowpea flours.
In addition to causing embarassment and unease, flatulence is linked to a variety of symptoms, some of which may be distressing. This review describes the origins of intestinal gas, its composition and methods which have been developed for its analysis. Emphasis is placed upon the effects of legumes in the diet in producing excessive intestinal gas and, particularly, on the role of raffinose-type oligosaccharides, containing α-galactosidic groupings. Suggestions for overcoming the problem are presented, including drug treatment, enzyme treatment, food processing and plant breeding. It is emphasised that removal of all raffinose-oligosaccharides from beans does not remove the problem of flatulence in animals and man; the compounds responsible — though assumed to be polysaccharides (or polysaccharide-derived oligomers formed by processing or cooking) — have yet to be characterised.