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Abstract and Figures

Here we report the discovery of a small-bodied (approximately 1.8 m) predatory dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Madagascar. Masiakasaurus knopfleri, gen. et sp. nov., represented by several skull elements and much of the postcranial skeleton, is unique in being the only known theropod with a highly procumbent and distinctly heterodont lower dentition. Such a derived dental morphology is otherwise unknown among dinosaurs. Numerous skeletal characteristics indicate that Masiakasaurus is a member of Abelisauroidea, an enigmatic clade of Gondwanan theropods. Previously, small-bodied abelisauroids were known only from Argentina. The occurrence of Masiakasaurus on Madagascar suggests that small-bodied abelisauroids, like their larger-bodied counterparts, were more cosmopolitan, radiating throughout much of Gondwana and paralleling the diversification of small coelurosaur theropods in Laurasia.
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letters to nature
VOL 409
25 JANUARY 2001
examples from southwest and northeast Japan. Science 286, 937±939 (1999).
27. Gorbatov, A., Kostoglodov, V., Gerardo, S. & Gordeev, E. Seismicity and structure of the Kamchatka
subduction zone. J. Geophys. Res. 102, 17883±17898 (1997).
28. Engdahl, E. R., van der Hilst, R., Kirby, S. H. & Ekstrom, G. A global survey of slab structures and
internal processes using a combined data base of high-resolution earthquake hypocenters, tomo-
graphic images and focal mechanism data. Seismol. Res. Lett. 69, 153±154 (1998).
29. Hochstaedter, A. G., Kepezhinskas, P., Defant, M., Drummond, M. & Koloskov, A. Insights into the
volcanic arc mantle wedge from magnesian lavas from the Kamchatka arc. J. Geophys. Res. 101, 697±
712 (1996).
30. Kepezhinskas, P. et al. Trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic constraints on a three-component model
of Kamchatka arc petrogenesis. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 577±600 (1997).
31. Kersting, A. B. & Arculus, R. J. Klyuchevskoy Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia: the role of high-¯ux,
recharged, tapped and fractionated magma chamber(s) in the genesis of high-Al
from high-MgO
basalt. J. Petrol. 35, 1±42 (1994).
32. Ozerov, A. Y., Ariskin, A. A., Kyle, P., Bogoyavlenskaya, G. E. & Karpenko, S. F. Petrological-
geochemical model for genetic relationships between basaltic and andesitic magmatism of Klyu-
chenskoi and Bezymyannyi volcanoes, Kamchatka. Petrology 5, 550±569 (1997).
We thank P. Kelemen and K. Furlong for discussions; J. Morris and M. Defant for
comments on the manuscript; and A. Bellousov, M. Bellousova, M. Ejzak, A. Koloskov,
G. Ponomarov and V. Ponomareva for assistance in the ®eld. This work was supported by
the US NSF (G.M.Y. and J.M.L.), the German Science Foundation, the Volkswagen
Foundation and the European Union (INTAS) (to G.W. and T.C.), the Russian Founda-
tion for Basic Research (O.V. and T.C.), and by a grant from the Whitaker Foundation to
Dickinson College.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to G.M.Y.
A bizarre predatory dinosaur from the
Late Cretaceous of Madagascar
Scott D. Sampson*, Matthew T. Carrano
& Catherine A. Forster
* Utah Museum of Natural History and Department of Geology and Geophysics,
University of Utah, 1390 East Presidents Circle, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0050,
Department of Anatomical Sciences, Health Sciences Center,
State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11794-8081, USA
Here we report the discovery of a small-bodied (,1.8 m) pre-
datory dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of
Madagascar. Masiakasaurus knop¯eri, gen. et sp. nov., repre-
sented by several skull elements and much of the postcranial
skeleton, is unique in being the only known theropod with a
highly procumbent and distinctly heterodont lower dentition.
Such a derived dental morphology is otherwise unknown among
dinosaurs. Numerous skeletal characteristics indicate that
Masiakasaurus is a member of Abelisauroidea, an enigmatic
clade of Gondwanan theropods. Previously, small-bodied abeli-
sauroids were known only from Argentina
. The occurrence of
Masiakasaurus on Madagascar suggests that small-bodied abeli-
sauroids, like their larger-bodied counterparts, were more cos-
mopolitan, radiating throughout much of Gondwana and
paralleling the diversi®cation of small coelurosaur theropods in
Several expeditions
have recovered abundant, well-preserved
skeletal remains of dinosaurs and other vertebrates from the Upper
Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Maevarano Formation of northwestern
Madagascar. The non-avian dinosaur fauna includes a large abeli-
saurid theropod, Majungatholus atopus
, and at least two titano-
saurian sauropods. Remains of at least ®ve species of birds have also
been recovered, including the basal avian Rahonavis ostromi
. Our
study describes a previously unknown small-bodied form recovered
from the same deposits.
Saurischia Seeley 1888
Theropoda Marsh 1881
Abelisauroidea Bonaparte 1991
Masiakasaurus knop¯eri gen. et sp. nov.
Etymology. From masiaka (Malagasy, meaning vicious), sauros
(Greek, meaning lizard) and knop¯eri (after singer/songwriter
Mark Knop¯er, whose music inspired expedition crews).
Holotype. Universite
d'Antananarivo (UA) 8680, well-preserved
right dentary with several teeth (Fig. 1).
Referred specimens. Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH PR
2108±2182): maxilla; dentaries; splenial; cervical, dorsal, sacral and
caudal vertebrae; dorsal rib; humeri; manual phalanges and ungual;
pubes; femora; tibiae; tibia/®bula/astragalocalcaneum; metatarsals
II and III; pedal phalanges and unguals. UA 8681±8696: dentary;
cervical, dorsal, and caudal vertebrae; femora; tibia/astragalocalca-
neum; pedal phalanges; and unguals.
Localities and horizon. All specimens are from the Anembalemba
Member of the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Maevarano
Formation, Mahajanga Basin, near the village of Berivotra, north-
western Madagascar
. With few exceptions, elements attributable to
Masiakasaurus, including the holotype dentary (UA 8680), were
recovered as isolated specimens from a 3-m
area in one strati-
graphic horizon of a single locality, MAD 93-18.
Diagnosis. Differs from all known theropods in that the four
dentary teeth most rostral in position are procumbent, with the
®rst tooth set in a large, ventrally expanded alveolus that is almost
horizontal in orientation. Also differs from all known theropods in
that it has a strongly heterodont lower dentition: the ®rst four teeth
are elongate and weakly serrated, with labiolingually positioned
carinae. Each of these four teeth terminates in a pointed apex that
hooks caudally. The teeth become increasingly recurved and trans-
versely compressed with increasing caudal position in the jaw, and
possess more standard, mesiodistally positioned carinae.
Description. Together, the specimens referred to Masiakasaurus
knop¯eri account for about 40% of the skeleton (Fig. 1). The
concentration of isolated Masiakasaurus elements at MAD 93-18
includes remains of at least six individuals. All of these specimens
are assigned to a single species, despite many of the elements (for
example, femora, tibiae and vertebrae) being represented by several
specimens, as none shows evidence of belonging to more than one
taxon of small-bodied non-avian theropod. Two osteological fea-
tures (closure of the vertebral sutures and fusion of the crural and
tarsal elements) indicate that the largest materials represent adult or
near-adult individuals of this small-bodied taxon.
The maxilla, which is represented by a single partial specimen
(Fig. 1; FMNH PR 2183), has a pronounced, raised external rim
forming the perimeter of the extensive antorbital fossa. Although
lacking accessory foramina, a deep accessory fossa occupies the
rostral portion of the antorbital fossa. Seven alveoli are preserved
and, although a small portion of the caudal alveolar margin is
missing, it is unlikely that the maxillary tooth count exceeded ten.
Unerupted teeth, which are preserved in the third and ®fth alveoli, are
transversely compressed, recurved and bear moderate serrations.
Although the ®rst tooth is absentÐand thus the crown orientation
cannot be determined with con®denceÐthe ®rst alveolus is
oriented at about 458 to the horizontal, indicating that the rostrally
positioned teeth in the upper jaw may have been procumbent.
The specialized dentary (Fig. 2), represented by four specimens,
has a greatly emarginated caudal end that indicates an enlarged
intramandibular fenestra, as in Abelisauridae. The number of tooth
positions in the dentary of Masiakasaurus varies from 10 to 12. The
slightly enlarged ®rst alveolus is oriented almost horizontally to
such an extent that the ®rst tooth is directed forward. The ®rst four
teeth are radially arrayed, and become progressively more vertical
and parasagittal with increased caudal position.
The bizarre morphologies of these ®rst four teeth are unique
among theropods. The caudal carina is labial (lateral), whereas the
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25 JANUARY 2001
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rostral carina has migrated to a lingual (medial) position, resulting
in a tooth with a convex rostral face and a slightly concave caudal
face. The carinae of these teeth converge to a sharp, caudolaterally
hooked tip, and a series of longitudinal grooves cover the caudal
surface of the tooth between the carinae. Further back in the
dentary, the teeth gradually assume a more typical theropod
form, being recurved and transversely compressed, as the carinae
migrate into more rostral and caudal positions. Although hetero-
donty has been described for other theropod taxa (for example,
ref. 9), the degree of dental differentiation does not approach that of
Masiakasaurus. Modern mammals with procumbent dentitions,
such as some caenolestid marsupials, are often insectivorous,
using these teeth to assist in procuring prey items. Although the
speci®c diet of Masiakasaurus remains speculative, such a deviation
in dental morphology probably indicates a marked divergence from
the typical theropod diet.
The cervical vertebrae are moderately elongate and lack any
vertical offset of the cranial face over the caudal face. The centra
are broad, rather than tall, with no obvious pneumatic features. In
contrast, the neural arches are heavily pneumatized. The neural
spines are cranially positioned, greatly abbreviated in length, and
are short dorsoventrallyÐexceeded in height by the postzygapo-
physes. The postzygapophyses are elongate and swept back, forming
a deep, V-shaped notch that terminates cranially at the neural spine.
Figure 1 Skeletal anatomy of Masiakasaurus knop¯eri, based on a composite of isolated
specimens from locality MAD 93-18. a, Partial right maxilla (FMNH PR 2183) in medial
view. Dashed lines indicate reconstructed outline of the element. b, Posterior cervical
vertebra (FMNH PR 2139) in left lateral view. c, Left pubis (FMNH PR 2108) in dorsal view.
d, Left femur (FMNH PR 2117) in cranial view. e, Medial caudal vertebra (FMNH PR 2126)
in left lateral view. f, Partial right humerus (FMNH PR 2143) in medial view. g, Left pubis
(FMNH PR 2108) in lateral view. h, Proximal left tibia (FMNH PR 2118) in lateral view. i,
Left tibia/®bula/astragalocalcaneum (FMNH PR 2112) in cranial view. Dashed lines
emphasize contacts between individual elements. j, Pedal ungual (FMNH PR 2155) in
lateral view. k, Right metatarsals II (FMNH PR 2129) and III (FMNH PR 2151) in cranial
view. Scale bars, 1 cm. am, acetabular margin; aof, antorbital fossa; as, astragalus; bg,
blood groove; ca, calcaneum; cn, cnemial crest; dp, deltopectoral crest; epi, epipophysis;
®, ®bula; hh, humeral head; idp, interdental plates; ip, pit for ilio-pubic articulation; lt,
lesser trochanter; mc, mediodistal crest; mt2, metatarsal II; mt3, metatarsal III; ns, neural
spine; pb, pubic boot; pf, pubic fenestra; poz, postzygapophysis; pop, parapophysis; pp,
palatal process; prz, prezygapophysis; ti, tibia; ts, trochanteric shelf.
Figure 2 Dentary and lower dentition of Masiakasaurus knop¯eri. a, Holotype dentary (UA
8680) in right lateral view. The tooth in position four has been displaced caudally post
mortem. b±d, Scanning electron microscope photographs of isolated dentary teeth
(FMNH uncatalogued). b, Anterior tooth, position 2±4 in lingual view. c, Anterior tooth,
position 1±3, in lingual view. d, Anterior tooth, position 1±3, in lateral view. e,
Reconstructed dentary with full complement of teeth in right lateral view. f, Reconstructed
dentary in dorsal view, showing relative sizes and orientations of alveoli. c, carina; emf,
external mandibular fenestra; lg, longitudinal groove; s, serration. Tooth positions are
numbered sequentially from cranial to caudal positions. Scale bars, 10 mm (a, e±f);
© 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd
letters to nature
VOL 409
25 JANUARY 2001
The humerus has a straight shaft, with a bulbous head that is
separated from a well-developed deltopectoral crest. The femur is
strongly bowed, with a greatly enlarged mediodistal crest. Proxi-
mally, the relatively long, slender tibia has a pronounced cnemial
crest that curves dorsolaterally; distally, this element appears to back
both the astragalus and calcaneum. The astragalus has a plate-like,
rectangular ascending process that is fused with the ®bula along its
lateral margin. Metatarsal II is relatively straight, with the proximal
two-thirds reduced to a thin shaft. The weakly curved pedal unguals
possess a triangular arrangement of vascular grooves on both the
lateral and medial surfaces.
Masiakasaurus can be clearly diagnosed as a theropod dinosaur
on the basis of several shared, derived characters, such as recurved,
serrated, laterally compressed teeth, trenchant manual unguals and
markedly thin-walled skeletal elements
. Most phylogenetic ana-
lyses of Theropoda
have recognized two major clades, Cerato-
sauria (Coelophysoidea and Neoceratosauria) and Tetanurae
(Spinosauroidea, Allosauroidea, Coelurosauria). However, a few
have suggested that Ceratosauria is paraphyletic, with
Coelophysoidea and Neoceratosauria as successive sister taxa to a
monophyletic Tetanurae.
Masiakasaurus possesses a number of synapomorphies that
support its membership in Abelisauroidea (Abelisauridae plus
(Fig. 3). These include: a specialized caudal dentary
margin with enlarged intramandibular fenestra; straight-shafted
humerus with enlarged, bulbous head; peg-and-socket articulation
of ilium and pubis; mediodistal crest of femur hypertrophied to
form a thin lamina; large, laterally curved and dorsally elevated
cnemial crest of the tibia; and triangular arrangement of grooves on
the pedal unguals. In the Abelisauroidea, abelisaurids are all
relatively large-bodied theropods that are identi®ed by a suite of
derived features, and are currently known from the Late Cretaceous
of India, Madagascar and Argentina
. In contrast, noasaurids
are small-bodied forms previously represented by one, or possibly
two, fragmentary taxa restricted to the Late Cretaceous of Argen-
. Given that Masiakasaurus shares derived features with the
noasaurid Noasaurus leali from the Late Cretaceous of Argentina,
such as cranially positioned cervical neural spines and reduced
metatarsal II, it is possible that the new Malagasy taxon represents
a geographical extension of Noasauridae outside of Argentina.
However, Noasaurus, as well as several other small-bodied, Late
Cretaceous Gondwanan theropods from Argentina
and India
are represented by only a handful of elements, and thus the
phylogenetic relationships of these taxa remain obscure.
The placement of Masiakasaurus in the Abelisauroidea indicates
that small-bodied members of this clade, together with larger-
bodied forms, spread throughout much of the southern super-
continent Gondwana by the Late Cretaceous. Thus, it seems that the
Late Cretaceous radiation of North American coelurosaur thero-
pods into small-bodied (ornithomimid, troodontid, dromaeo-
saurid) and large-bodied (tyrannosaurid) forms
occurred in
parallel with the diversi®cation of Gondwanan abelisauroid ther-
opods. Furthermore, the peculiar dental and jaw morphology of
Masiakasaurus suggests that we are still far from fully appreciating
the morphological diversity of dinosaurs.
Received 5 May; accepted 26 October 2000.
1. Bonaparte, J. F. & Powell, J. E. A continental assemblage of tetrapods from the Upper Cretaceous beds
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4. Krause, D. W., Prasad, G. V. R., von Koenigswald, W., Sahni, A. & Grine, F. E. Cosmopolitanism
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5. Sampson, S. D. et al. Predatory dinosaur remains from Madagascar: implications for the Cretaceous
biogeography of Gondwana. Science 280, 1048±1051 (1998).
6. Krause, D. W. et al. The Late Cretaceous vertebrate fauna of Madagascar: implications for Gondwanan
paleobiogeography. GSA Today 9, 1±7 (1999).
7. Forster, C. A., Sampson, S. D., Chiappe, L. M. & Krause, D. W. The theropod ancestry of birds: new
evidence from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar. Science 279, 1915±1919 (1998).
8. Rogers, R. R., Hartman, J. H. & Krause, D. W. Stratigraphic analysis of Upper Cretaceous strata in the
Mahajanga Basin, Madagascar: implications for ancient and modern faunas. J. Geol. 108, 275±301
9. Sereno, P. C., Forster, C. A., Rogers, R. R. & Monetta, A. M. Primitive dinosaur skeleton from
Argentina and the early evolution of Dinosauria. Nature 361, 64±66 (1993).
10. Gauthier, J. in The Origin of Birds and the Evolution of Flight (ed. Padian, K.) 1±47 (Memoirs of the
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, 1986).
11. Holtz, T. R. Jr The phylogenetic position of the Tyrannosauridae: implications for theropod
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12. Sereno, P. C. The origin and evolution of dinosaurs. Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 25, 435±489 (1997).
13. Sereno, P. C. The evolution of dinosaurs. Science 284, 2137±2147 (1999).
14. Rauhut, O. Elaphrosaurus bambergi and the early evolution of theropod dinosaurs. J. Vert.
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15. Carrano, M. T. & Sampson, S. D. Evidence for a paraphyletic `Ceratosauria' and its implications for
theropod dinosaur evolution. J. Vert. Paleontol. 19, 36A (1999).
16. Forster, C. A. Gondwanan dinosaur evolution and biogeographic analysis. J. Af. Earth Sci. 28, 169±185
17. Novas, F. E. in The Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs (eds Currie, P. J. & Padian, K) 1±2 (Academic, New York,
18. Bonaparte, J. F. Los vertebrados fo
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cico Superior, Argentina. Paleontologia 4, 16±123 (1991).
19. Huene, F. v. & Matley, C. A. The Cretaceous Saurischia and Ornithischia of the central provinces of
India. Palaeontol. Indica 21, 1±72 (1933).
We thank A. Rasoamiaramanana, B. Rakotosamimanana, P. Wright, B. Andriamihaja and
the staff of the Institute for the Conservation of Tropical Environments for help with
®eldwork in Madagascar; members of the 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998 and 1999 expeditions for
their efforts; F. Novas amd P. Currie for photographs of Noasaurus; D. Krause for
comments on earlier drafts of the manuscript; V. Heisey for preparation; F. Grine for
scanning electron microscope photography; and L. Betti-Nash and J. Higgins for assistance
with the ®gures. This work was funded by grants from the National Science Foundation,
the National Geographic Society, and the Dinosaur Society.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to S.D.S.
Upper UpperLower LowerMidMU
Figure 3 Stratigraphically calibrated cladogram of phylogenetic relationships of
Abelisauroidea, including Masiakasaurus. Unambiguous synapomorphies supporting the
nodes are: (1) (Neoceratosauria), lateral temporal fenestra much larger than orbit;
numerous foramina surrounding axial diapophysis; notched posterior iliac margin; peg-
and-socket articulation between ilium and pubis; femoral fourth trochanter reduced to low
ridge; deeply excavated medial surface of proximal ®bula; enlarged ilio®bularis tubercle
on ®bular shaft; (2) (Abelisauroidea): caudal dentary margin with notch for surangular;
enlarged external mandibular foramen; cervical neural spine abbreviated craniocaudally;
seven sacral veretebrae; large rounded coracoid; humerus straight-shafted with bulbous
head; hypertrophied mediodistal crest on femur; large tibial cnemial crest with laterally-
directed hook; distal; cnemial crest curved dorsally; rectangular astragalar ascending
process; triangular set of grooves on lateral and medial pedal unguals; and (3)
(Abelisauridae), craniofacial elements with external sculpturing; long, shelf-like maxilla±
jugal contact; greatly exposed paradental plates bearing a series of vertical ridges and
grooves; dorsal veretebral parapophyses projecting far laterally from centrum; distal ends
of caudal transverse processes expanded craniocaudally; forelimb short relative to other
skeletal elements. M, Middle; U, Upper. Dates are millions of years before present.
© 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd
... While Saraikisaurus minhui 4 th dentary tooth transverse width is significantly less than the 4 th dentary tooth of Noasaurid indeterminate species RTMNU/DG/VERT/1/55P/2020 from Pisdura central India (Mohabey et al. 2024). Saraikisaurus minhui 5 th dentary tooth is significantly smaller than the 5 th dentary tooth of Noasaurid indeterminate species RTMNU/DG/VERT/1/55P/2020 from Pisdura central India (Mohabey et al. 2024).Saraikisaurus minhui teeth(Figure 1) are larger (in transverse width and anteroposterior/long axis length) than the teeth of Masiakasaurus knopfleriSampson et al. 2001 and slightly smaller than the teeth of Noasaurid indeterminate species RTMNU/DG/VERT/1/55P/2020 from Pisdura India(Mohabey et al. 2024, fig. 7). ...
... 2;Carrano et al. 2002, fig. 3).Dentary D7 tooth of Saraikisaurus minhui is oriented obliquely in anterolateral and posteromedial direction, while a few teeth of Masiakasaurus knopfleri from Madagascar(Sampson et al. 2001) and also few teeth of Noasaurid indeterminate species RTMNU/DG/VERT/1/55P/2020 from Pisdura India(Mohabey et al. 2024) oriented obliquely in posterolateral to anteromedial directions.Saraikisaurus minhui have the intermediate body size between the Masiakasaurus knopfleriSampson et al. 2001 from Madagascar (small body sized) and Noasaurid indeterminate species RTMNU/DG/VERT/1/55P/2020(Mohabey et al. 2024) from Pisdura India (large body sized) but all these are noasaurid small bodied theropod dinosaurs. Saraikisaurus minhui noasaurid is relatively smaller bodied theropod than Noasaurid indeterminate species RTMNU/DG/VERT/1/55P/2020(Mohabey et al. 2024) from Pisdura India which is relatively larger bodied theropod. ...
... 2;Carrano et al. 2002, fig. 3).Dentary D7 tooth of Saraikisaurus minhui is oriented obliquely in anterolateral and posteromedial direction, while a few teeth of Masiakasaurus knopfleri from Madagascar(Sampson et al. 2001) and also few teeth of Noasaurid indeterminate species RTMNU/DG/VERT/1/55P/2020 from Pisdura India(Mohabey et al. 2024) oriented obliquely in posterolateral to anteromedial directions.Saraikisaurus minhui have the intermediate body size between the Masiakasaurus knopfleriSampson et al. 2001 from Madagascar (small body sized) and Noasaurid indeterminate species RTMNU/DG/VERT/1/55P/2020(Mohabey et al. 2024) from Pisdura India (large body sized) but all these are noasaurid small bodied theropod dinosaurs. Saraikisaurus minhui noasaurid is relatively smaller bodied theropod than Noasaurid indeterminate species RTMNU/DG/VERT/1/55P/2020(Mohabey et al. 2024) from Pisdura India which is relatively larger bodied theropod. ...
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Two new small bodied theropod dinosaurs (Abelisauria: Noasauridae) discovered from the latest Maastrichtian Vitakri Formation of Pakistan
... Key insights into the affinities of these small-bodied Indian theropod species followed discoveries on other southern landmasses, particularly the Late Cretaceous of Argentina (Noasaurus leali, Bonaparte & Powell, 1980) and Madagascar (Masiakasaurus knopfleri, Sampson et al., 2001). Bandyopadhyay (1999, 2001) determined Laevisuchus to be a small abelisaurid and identified abelisaurid features in Jubbulpuria, Compsosuchus, and Ornithomimoides. ...
... For these reasons, we concur with Novas et al. (2004) that "Compsosuchus" is an abelisaurid, rather than a noasaurid, theropod. It probably pertains to a species closer in size to Majungasaurus (body length 6-7 m; Sampson & Krause, 2007) than to Masiakasaurus (body length ca. 2 m; Carrano et al., 2011;Sampson et al., 2001). There are no unique features that we could identify to defend the validity of the species, and so we conclude that GSI K27/696 pertains to an indeterminate abelisaurid species, as previously suggested by Novas et al. (2004Novas et al. ( , 2010. ...
... Key insights into the affinities of these small-bodied Indian theropod species followed discoveries on other southern landmasses, particularly the Late Cretaceous of Argentina (Noasaurus leali, Bonaparte & Powell, 1980) and Madagascar (Masiakasaurus knopfleri, Sampson et al., 2001). Bandyopadhyay (1999, 2001) determined Laevisuchus to be a small abelisaurid and identified abelisaurid features in Jubbulpuria, Compsosuchus, and Ornithomimoides. ...
... For these reasons, we concur with Novas et al. (2004) that "Compsosuchus" is an abelisaurid, rather than a noasaurid, theropod. It probably pertains to a species closer in size to Majungasaurus (body length 6-7 m; Sampson & Krause, 2007) than to Masiakasaurus (body length ca. 2 m; Carrano et al., 2011;Sampson et al., 2001). There are no unique features that we could identify to defend the validity of the species, and so we conclude that GSI K27/696 pertains to an indeterminate abelisaurid species, as previously suggested by Novas et al. (2004Novas et al. ( , 2010. ...
ABSTRACT—Small-bodied theropod dinosaurs are rare on southern landmasses but have been known from India for a century. Excavations by Charles Matley and rgansankar Bhattacharji in uppermost Cretaceous sediments at Bara Simla, central India in 1917–1919 recovered small theropod vertebral and limb elements originally interpreted as coelurosaurians and separated into at least three species compsosuchus solus, Laevisuchus indicus, Jubbulpuria tenuis) based on features that can now be attributed to their serial position in the vertebral column. The comparatively recent discoveries of Noasaurus leali and Masiakasaurus knopfleri from similar-aged rocks in South America and Madagascar, respectively, and advances in basal theropod systematics led to a revised interpretation of most small-bodied Indian theropods as noasaurid abelisauroids. Here we review and redescribe Laevisuchus, Jubbulpuria, and Compsosuchus, including several elements that until now were thought lost, and describe a new partial noasaurid dentary from central India. The dentary bears the characteristic procumbent dentition of Masiakasaurus, which apparently is absent in Noasaurus. Likewise, cervical vertebrae of Laevisuchus more closely resemble those of Masiakasaurus than those of Noasaurus. Despite these similarities, phylogenetic analyses indicate that the balance of character data supports the Indian noasaurid species outside the sister-taxon pairing of South American and Malagasy species. Bones of small-bodied theropods have been recovered exclusively from the youngest Mesozoic localities in India (e.g., Pisdura, Bara Simla); to date they have not been reported from the slightly older localities in western and central India, from southern Indian sites in the Cauvery Basin, nor from the Vitakri Formation of Pakistan.
... Autores posteriores consideraram o holótipo do Ostafrikasaurus como sendo morfologicamente similar aos dentes mesiais do gênero Ceratosaurus e dos morfotipos similares a Ceratosaurus encontrados na mesma formação (Rauhut, 2011;Hendrickx et al., 2019;Soto et al., 2020). Soto et al. (2020) sugerem que as diferenças entre eles são resultado de variação entre indivíduos e as rugas e estrias do esmalte são análogas com a do Noasauridae Bonaparte & Powell, 1980 Masiakasaurus knopfleri Sampson et al., 2001 Terras et al. ...
... Comparison between A, Masiakasaurus dentaty tooh; B, Ostafrikasaurus holotype; C, specimen Endemas PV-6. A and B extracted and modified fromSampson et al. (2001) andBuffetaut (2012). All in a lingual view. ...
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Spinosauridae family (Dinosauria: Theropoda): taxonomy, paleobiogeography and paleoecology (a revision). Spinosauridae is a family of Tetanuran theropod dinosaurs that was widely distributed during the Early Cretaceous. Here we revised the state of art of the family’s taxonomy, paleobiogeography and paleoecology. We compiled updated diagnosis for the holotypes of the 20 species attributed to the family since 1841, alongside with the different hypotheses related to the family’s paleobiogeography and paleoecology. We also compiled updated diagnosis for a series of indeterminate elements that are relevant in literature. We conclude that out of these 20 taxa six can be regarded as nomina dubia (Ostafrikasaurus crassiserratus, Suchosaurus girardi, Spinosaurus maroccanus, Siamosaurus suteethorni, Sinopliosaurus fusuiensis, Suchosaurus cultridens) due to the lack of diagnostic material and autapomorphies. Out of these, three were regarded as incertae sedis (Ostafrikasaurus crassiserratus, Suchosaurus girardi, Suchosaurus cultridens) for the same reasons and the possibility of belonging to previously already established taxa inside Spinosauridae and for one of these (Ostafrikasaurus crassiserratus) for possibly being a member of Ceratosauria. As for paleobiogeography, the fossil evidence suggests that the family might have originated in Laurasia (Western Europe), but the existence of a tooth older than the European taxa might indicate that the family might have originated in Gondwana (Brazil). Finally, regarding paleoecology, the most accepted hypothesis is that they were generalist predators of the margins of aquatic environments (i.e. riparian zone), and waders in shallow waters like modern herons and storks, and if necessary also resorting to terrestrial environments. They would be capable of alternating between resources and environments, in addition to sharing their habitats with theropods of the Abelisauridae and Carcharodontosauridae families and even with other spinosaurids, if the environmental conditions favored it. Keywords: Theropoda, Spinosauridae, Spinosaurinae, Baryonychinae, paleobiogeography, paleoecology.
... The shallow and wide ventral hollow bounded by ridges is a remarkable feature among Megalosauroidea, in particular spinosaurids (Benson 2010;Mateus et al. 2011;). Among Abelisauroidea, some taxa present the ventral surface with a deep but narrow groove running along the midline, such as Masiakasaurus knopfleri Sampson et al. 2001(Carrano et al. 2002 Filippi et al. 2016. Compared to MN 4743-V, the specimen NHM-PV R.2980 differs in the presence of a shallower hollow and fainter paired keels more restricted to the posterior portion of the centrum. ...
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Supposed dinosaur remains were collected between 1859 and 1906 in the Lower Cretaceous Recôncavo Basin (Northeast Brazil). Since these materials remained undescribed, and most were considered lost. Recently, some of these historical specimens were rediscovered in the Natural History Museum of London, providing an opportunity to revisit them after 160 years. The specimens come from five different sites, corresponding to the Massacará (Berriasian-Barremian) and Ilhas (Valanginian-Barremian) groups. Identified bones comprise mainly isolated vertebral centra from ornithopods, sauropods, and theropods. Appendicular remains include a theropod pedal phalanx, humerus, and distal half of a left femur with elasmarian affinities. Despite their fragmentary nature, these specimens represent the earliest dinosaur bones discovered in South America, enhancing our understanding of the Cretaceous dinosaur faunas in Northeast Brazil. The dinosaur assemblage in the Recôncavo Basin resembles coeval units in Northeast Brazil, such as the Rio do Peixe Basin, where ornithopods coexist with sauropods and theropods. This study confirms the presence of ornithischian dinosaurs in Brazil based on osteological evidence, expanding their biogeographic and temporal range before the continental rifting between South America and Africa. Additionally, these findings reinforce the fossiliferous potential of Cretaceous deposits in Bahia State, which have been underexplored since their initial discoveries.
... We collected angular microanatomical data from middiaphyseal cross-sections of femora belonging to a large number of adult extant reptiles, i.e. 47 specimens from 45 taxa, including 31 archosaur, 12 lepidosaur and two turtle taxa ( Fig. 1; Table 1; Supporting Information, Table S1). In order to expand the size range of bipeds, but also to provide temporal depth to our sample, we included six extinct theropod taxa (three non-avian, three avian), which were all fully bipedal (Hutchinson & Gatesy, 2001): the Mesozoic species Allosaurus fragilis (Marsh, 1877), Masiakasaurus knopfleri (Sampson et al., 2001) and Tyrannosaurus rex (Osborn, 1905), and the Quaternary species Dinornis sp. (Owen, 1843), Pezophaps solitaria (Gmelin, 1789) and Raphus cucullatus (Linnaeus, 1758). ...
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Reptiles represent one of the most diverse groups of tetrapod vertebrates. Extant representatives of reptiles include lepidosaurs (lizards), testudines (turtles) and archosaurs (crocodiles and birds). In particular, they show an important locomotor diversity with bipedal, quadrupedal and facultatively bipedal taxa. This diversity is accompanied by substantial microanatomical disparity in the limb bones. Although many studies have highlighted the link between locomotion and bone microstructure, the latter has never been quantitatively studied from an angular perspective. Indeed, some taxa show microanatomical heterogeneity in cross-section. Here we show, using elliptic Fourier transforms and statistical analyses integrating phylogeny, how angular microanatomical parameters measured on reptilian femoral cross-sections, such as angular bone compactness, can be related to locomotion in this clade. Although phylogeny appears to have a significant impact on our results, we show that a functional signal exists. In particular, we show that bipeds and quadrupeds present a craniolateral-caudomedial and dorsoventral deficit in bone compactness, respectively. This reflects cross-sectional eccentricity in these directions that we relate to the forces acting upon the femur in different postural contexts. This work contributes to deciphering the complex interplay between phylogeny, femoral cross-sectional microanatomy and locomotion in reptiles.
... India and Madagascar have faunal elements, including abelisaurids (Huene and Matley, 1933;Wilson et al., 2003;Carrano, 2007;Novas et al., 2010), noasaurids (Huene and Matley, 1933;Sampson et al., 2001), and titanosaurians (Lydekker, 1877;Curry Rogers and Forster, 2001), that are widespread throughout the Gondwanan continents. Furthermore the anatomy of the Sidi Chennane abelisaurid suggests affinity with South American forms. ...
The end of the Cretaceous saw the evolution of endemic dinosaur faunas on different landmasses, driven by continental fragmentation. Understanding the evolution of these biogeographic patterns is important for understanding the evolution of Mesozoic ecosystems. However, the faunas of the southern land masses remain understudied relative to the intensively sampled dinosaur faunas of western North America and Asia. In particular, the latest Cretaceous of Africa remains largely unknown, with only a handful of taxa reported so far, including titanosaurian sauropods, the lambeosaurine Ajnabia odysseus, and the large abelisaurid theropod Chenanisaurus barbaricus. We report two new abelisaurid fossils from the upper Maastrichtian phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, in northern Morocco. The first is the tibia of a medium-sized abelisaurid from Sidi Chennane, with an estimated length of ~5 m. The tibia has a strongly hooked cnemial crest resembling that of the South American Quilmesaurus and Aucasaurus. The highly rugose bone texture suggest the animal was mature, rather than a juvenile of the larger Chenanisaurus. The second is a small right second metatarsal from Sidi Daoui,. The metatarsal measures 190 mm in length, suggesting a small animal, ~2.6 m in length. The metatarsal shows strong mediolateral compression, a feature present in noasaurids and some early abelisaurids, but absent in most Late Cretaceous abelisaurids. It is distinct from other abelisauroids in the strong constriction and bowing of the shaft in lateral view, and the medial curvature of the bone in anterior view. Bone texture suggests it comes from a mature individual. The small size, gracile proportions and unusual shape of the metatarsal suggest it is not closely related to other latest Cretaceous abelisaurids. The new fossils suggest as many as three abelisaurid taxa coexisted in the late Maastrichtian of Morocco, showing dinosaurs were highly diverse in North Africa prior to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction.
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Some evidences of ornithischian dinosaurs from India and Pakistan
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Aucasaurus garridoi is an abelisaurid theropod from the Anacleto Formation (lower Campanian, Upper Cretaceous) of Patagonia, Argentina. The holotype of Aucasaurus garridoi includes cranial material, axial elements, and almost complete fore- and hind limbs. Here we present a detailed description of the axial skeleton of this taxon, along with some paleobiological and phylogenetic inferences. The presacral elements are somewhat fragmentary, although these show features shared with other abelisaurids. The caudal series, to date the most complete among brachyrostran abelisaurids, shows several autapomorphic features including the presence of pneumatic recesses on the dorsal surface of the anterior caudal neural arches, a tubercle lateral to the prezygapophysis of mid caudal vertebrae, a marked protuberance on the lateral rim of the transverse process of the caudal vertebrae, and the presence of a small ligamentous scar near the anterior edge of the dorsal surface in the anteriormost caudal transverse process. The detailed study of the axial skeleton of Aucasaurus garridoi has also allowed us to identify characters that could be useful for future studies attempting to resolve the internal phylogenetic relationships of Abelisauridae. Computed tomography scans of some caudal vertebrae show pneumatic traits in neural arches and centra, and thus the first reported case for an abelisaurid taxon. Moreover, some osteological correlates of soft tissues present in Aucasaurus and other abelisaurids, especially derived brachyrostrans, underscore a previously proposed increase in axial rigidity within Abelisauridae.
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The Indian Mesozoic dinosaur record is famous for documenting significant aspects of dinosaur evolution during the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. The Cenomanian–Turonian Nimar Sandstone, Lower Narmada valley, has produced fragmentary skeletal remains of Sauropoda indet. The Maastrichtian Lameta Formation has yielded at least 5 valid sauropod taxa and indeterminate titanosaurid remains, and at least 11 named (but likely oversplit) theropod taxa, i.e., 3 smaller-bodied species and 8 medium-to-large sized theropods. Apart from skeletal remains, Infra- and Intertrappean beds of peninsular India have yielded more than 10,000 dinosaur eggs belonging to 5 oofamilies and 15 oospecies. Most of the Indian ootaxa show distinct affinities with the Late Cretaceous ootaxa of four other continental areas – Spain, France, Argentina and Morocco. The presence of the two dominant oofamilies, Fusioolithidae and Megaloolithidae, in the Infra- and Intertrappean localities of peninsular India and three different continents (South America, Europe and Africa) further shows an ancient Gondwanan affinity and basic terrestrial association among these three landmasses. Based on the phylogenetic analysis of skeletal material, the most plausible pathway of dinosaur dispersal between India and Madagascar took place during the Late Cretaceous. The other conceivable dispersal pathway for the small animals was between India and Asia by means of the Kohistan Dras Volcanic Arc or a northeast pathway through Somalia, while the very large vertebrates, like theropod dinosaurs, may have emerged as a component of a ‘Pan Gondwanan’ model. Key words: Cenomanian–Turonian; Cretaceous; Dinosaurs; India; Paleobiogeography.
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Tyrannosaurids are a well-supported clade of very large predatory dinosaurs of Late Cretaceous Asiamerica. Traditional dinosaurian systematics place these animals within the infraorder Carnosauria with the other large theropods (allosaurids, megalosaurids). A new cladistic analysis indicates that the tyrannosaurs were in fact derived members of the Coelurosauria, a group of otherwise small theropods. Despite certain gross cranial similarities with the large predators of the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, the Late Cretaceous tyrannosaurids are shown to be the sister group to ornithomimids and troodontids, which share a derived condition of the metatarsus. This clade is found to be nested within Maniraptora, which is a more inclusive taxon than previously recognized. The atrophied carpal structure found in tyrannosaurids and ornithomimids is derived from a maniraptoran condition with a large semilunate carpal, rather than from the plesiomorphic theropod morphology. The taxa “Carnosauria” and “Deinonychosauria” (Dromaeosauridae plus Troodontidae) are shown to be polyphyletic, and the Late Jurassic African form Elaphrosaurus is found to be the sister taxon to Abelisauridae rather than a primitive ornithomimosaur. Purported allosaurid-tyrannosaurid synapomorphies are seen to be largely size-related, present in the larger members of both clades, but absent in smaller members of the Tyrannosauridae. The remaining giant tetanurine theropods (Megalosaurus and Torvosaurus) were found to be progressively distant outgroups to an allosaurid-coelurosaur clade. The inclusion of the Tyrannosauridae within Maniraptora suggests a major adaptive radiation of coelurosaurs within Cretaceous Asiamerica comparable to contemporaneous radiations in various herbivorous dinosaurian clades.
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The configuration of the Pacific plate subducted beneath the Kamchatka peninsula and the stress distribution in the Kamchatka subduction zone (KSZ) were studied using the catalog of the Kamchatka regional seismic network, focal mechanism solutions estimated from P wave first motions, the formal inversion of long-period waveforms, and centroid moment tensor solutions. To the south of ~55°N, the slab shows an approximately constant dip angle of ~55°. To the north of ~55°N, the dip of the slab becomes shallower reaching ~35°. The maximum depth of seismicity, Dm, varies from ~500km depth near 50°N to ~300km depth at ~55°N. The volcanic front is almost linear along the main part of the KSZ whereas it is sharply shifted landward to the north of ~55°N. The variation of Dm is apparently consistent with the standard empirical relation Dm=f(phi), where phi is the thermal parameter of the subducted slab. To the north of ~55°N, the slab is offset toward the northwest, and it is sharply deformed in a narrow contorted zone which is ~30km wide (~56°N, ~161°E). To the north of this contortion, Dm decreases to ~100km. The landward shift of the northern part of the slab is reflected by a sharp deviation of the volcanic front to the northwest which follows the ~90-160km isodepth range of the subducted slab. The observed value of Dm in the northern segment significantly diverges from the global relation Dm=f(phi). We interpret this as an effective decrease of the thermal thickness of the subducted lithosphere.
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Consistent with geophysical evidence for the breaking up of Pangaea, it has been hypothesized that Cretaceous vertebrates on progressively isolated landmasses exhibit generally increasing levels of provincialism, with distinctly heightened endemism occurring at the beginning of the Late Cretaceous. The Cretaceous fossil record from the southern supercontinent of Gondwana has been much too poor to test this hypothesis with regards to mammals (Fig. 1 ). Early Cretaceous mammals are known only from isolated sites in Argentina, Australia,, Cameroon, and Morocco. Apart from several occurrences in South America, knowledge of Late Cretaceous Gondwanan mammals is limited to a single site in India that previously yielded a few specimens of placental mammals,, and a site in Madagascar that previously yielded only one indeterminate tooth fragment. Here we report the occurrence of a highly specialized and distinctive group of extinct mammals, the Sudamericidae (Gondwanatheria), in the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar and India. These new records comprise the first evidence of gondwanatheres outside South America and the first indication of cosmopolitanism among Late Cretaceous Gondwanan mammals. Antarctica may have served as an important Cretaceous biogeographic link between South America and Indo-Madagascar.
One of the most salient advances in vertebrate paleontology in recent decades has been the settling of the question of the origin of birds, a problem that has vexed evolutionary biologists since well before Darwin. To be sure, the consensus is not unanimous, and many details of this branch of the phylogenetic tree are yet to be worked out, but we now have a much clearer picture of this problem than we had a decade ago. Less settled, but equally stimulating, has been the controversy over the origin of flight in birds and other flying vertebrates. Was there a gliding stage? Did flight begin from the ground up or from the trees down? Were birds initially arboreal? What selective pressures drove the ancestors of birds to take advantage of the aerial opportunity?
The Kamchatka arc (Russia) is located in the northwestern Pacific Ocean and is divided into three segments by major sub-latitudinal fault zones (crustal discontinuities). The southern (SS) and central (CS) segments are associated with the subduction of old Pacific lithosphere, whereas the northern, inactive segment (NS) was formed during westward subduction of young (< 15 Ma) Komandorsky Basin oceanic crust. Further segmentation of the arc is outlined by the development of the Central Kamchatka Depression (CKD) intra-arc rift, which is oriented parallel to the arc and is splitting the CS into the active Eastern Volcanic Front (EVF) and the largely inactive, rear-arc Sredinny Range. The NS volcanics (15-5 Ma) include calc-alkaline lavas, shoshonites, adakites, and Nb-enriched arc basalts. Isotopically all magma types share high 143Nd/144Nd ratios of 0.512976-0.513173 coupled with variable 87Sr/86Sr (0.702610-0.70356). NS lavas plot within or slightly above the Pacific MORB field on the Pb isotopic diagrams. The EVF volcanoes have more radiogenic 143Nd/144Nd (0.51282-0.513139) and 208Pb/204Pb (38.011–38.1310) than the NS lavas. CKD lavas display MORB-like Nd isotope ratios at slightly elevated 87Sr/86Sr values accompanied by a slightly less radiogenic Pb composition. Kamchatka lavas are thought to be derived from a MORB-like depleted source modified by slab-derived siliceous melts (adakites) and fluids (NS), or fluids alone (CS and SS). The NS and EVF lavas may have been contaminated by small fractions of a sedimentary component that isotopically resembles North Pacific sediment. Petrogenesis in the Kamchatka arc is best explained by a three-component model with depleted mantle wedge component modified by two slab components. Slab-derived hydrous melts produced incompatible element characteristics associated with northern segment lavas, while hydrous slab fluids caused melting in the depleted mantle below the southern and central segments of the Kamchatka arc. Trace element characteristics of Kamchatka lavas appear to be controlled by slab fluids or melts, while radiogenic isotope ratios which are uniform throughout the arc reflect depleted composition of sub-arc mantle wedge.
Active volcanism in the Kamchatka arc occurs where the Pacific Plate subducts beneath the Kamchatka peninsula south of its junction with the Aleutian arc. Most volcanism occurs within the Central Kamchatka Depression (CKD), a large graben oriented parallel to the trench, and along the Eastern Volcanic Front (EVF), located south and east of the CKD and closer to the trench. Differentiation trends range from calc-alkaline to tholeiitic. Fractionation of a mineral assemblage including olivine, clinopyroxene, and orthopyroxene, produces the tholeiitic trend, whereas separation of amphibole and magnetite, along with possible crustal assimilation, produces the calc-alkaline trend. A suite of near-primitive high-Mg basalts provides geochemical records of mantle sources and processes unobscured by differentiation. Rare earth element (REE) patterns range from slightly depleted ((Ce/Yb)n=0.8-1.5) to slightly enriched ((Ce/Yb)n=1.5-3.5). Rocks with the depleted REE patterns occur at the volcanic front in regions where a volcano or volcanic chain exists behind the volcanic front. Lavas with relatively enriched REE patterns occur behind the volcanic front and along portions of the volcanic front where behind-the-front volcanism is absent. Modeling of trace element abundances normalized to 10% MgO indicates that the rocks with the depleted REE patterns are derived from a more depleted source, inferred to represent refractory source material remaining after a previous generation of melt extraction within the arc. Mantle source material apparently convects into the mantle wedge from the rear, producing relatively enriched magmas when it melts for the first time. Relatively depleted magmas are produced if a second period of melting ensues as the mantle reaches the volcanic front.