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Calcium channel blockade in vascular smooth muscle cells: Major hypotensive mechanism of S-petasin, a hypotensive sesquiterpene from Petasites formosanus


Abstract and Figures

In vivo and in vitro studies were carried out to examine the putative hypotensive actions of S-petasin, a sesquiterpene extracted from the medicinal plant Petasites formosanus. Intravenous S-petasin (0.1-1.5 mg/kg) in anesthetized rats produced a dose-dependent hypotensive effect. In isolated aortic ring, isometric contraction elicited by KCl or the L-type Ca2+ channel agonist Bay K 8644 was reduced by S-petasin (0.1-100 microM), an action not affected by the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin, nitric-oxide synthase inhibitor N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine, guanylyl cyclase inhibitor methylene blue, or removal of vascular endothelium. Pretreatment with S-petasin for 10 min shifted the concentration-response curve for KCl (15-90 mM)-induced contraction to the right and reduced the maximal response. In Ca2+-depleted and high K+-depolarized aortic rings preincubation with S-petasin attenuated the Ca2+-induced contraction in a concentration-dependent manner, suggesting that S-petasin reduced Ca2+ influx into vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Moreover, in cultured VSMCs, whole-cell patch-clamp recording indicated that S-petasin (1-50 microM) inhibited the L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel (VDCC) activities. Intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+[(i)) estimation using the fluorescent probe 1-[2-(5-carboxyoxazol-2-yl)-6-aminobenzofuran-5-oxy]-2-(2'-amino-5'-methylphenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid pentaacetoxymethyl ester indicated that S-petasin (10, 100 microM) suppressed the KCl-stimulated increase in ([Ca2+[(i)). Taken together, the results suggested that a direct Ca2+ antagonism of L-type VDCC in vascular smooth muscle may account, at least in part, for the hypotensive action of S-petasin.
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Calcium Channel Blockade in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells:
Major Hypotensive Mechanism of S-Petasin, a Hypotensive
Sesquiterpene from Petasites formosanus
National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
Received November 6, 2000; accepted January 3, 2001 This paper is available online at
In vivo and in vitro studies were carried out to examine the
putative hypotensive actions of S-petasin, a sesquiterpene ex-
tracted from the medicinal plant Petasites formosanus. Intrave-
nous S-petasin (0.1–1.5 mg/kg) in anesthetized rats produced a
dose-dependent hypotensive effect. In isolated aortic ring, iso-
metric contraction elicited by KCl or the L-type Ca
agonist Bay K 8644 was reduced by S-petasin (0.1–100
M), an
action not affected by the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indometh-
acin, nitric-oxide synthase inhibitor N
-nitro-L-arginine, guany-
lyl cyclase inhibitor methylene blue, or removal of vascular
endothelium. Pretreatment with S-petasin for 10 min shifted the
concentration-response curve for KCl (15–90 mM)-induced
contraction to the right and reduced the maximal response. In
-depleted and high K
-depolarized aortic rings preincu-
bation with S-petasin attenuated the Ca
-induced contraction
in a concentration-dependent manner, suggesting that S-peta-
sin reduced Ca
influx into vascular smooth muscle cells
(VSMCs). Moreover, in cultured VSMCs, whole-cell patch-
clamp recording indicated that S-petasin (1–50
M) inhibited
the L-type voltage-dependent Ca
channel (VDCC) activities.
Intracellular Ca
concentration ([Ca
) estimation using the
fluorescent probe 1-[2-(5-carboxyoxazol-2-yl)-6-aminobenzo-
tetraacetic acid pentaacetoxymethyl ester indicated that S-
petasin (10, 100
M) suppressed the KCl-stimulated increase in
. Taken together, the results suggested that a direct
antagonism of L-type VDCC in vascular smooth muscle
may account, at least in part, for the hypotensive action of
Extracts from Petasites plants (Compositae) have been
used for thousands of years for therapeutic purposes in folk
medicine. They have been claimed to improve conditions in
respiratory diseases such as asthma and cough (Ziolo and
Samochowiec, 1998), gastrointestinal pain, as well as spasms
of the urogenital tract (Brune et al., 1993). P. formosanus is
an indigenous species of Petasites in Taiwan and has been
used as a folk medicine to treat hypertension. However, its
active ingredients are unknown and the mechanisms of ac-
tion obscure. In attempting to assess its potential as an
antihypertensive agent, a series of in vivo and in vitro exper-
iments were conducted to systematically verify its hypoten-
sive properties, identify the active ingredients, and define its
hypotensive mechanisms. A series of compounds, mainly ses-
quiterpenes, were isolated from the aerial part of P. formo-
sanus (Lin et al., 1998). Of these the major one was S-petasin
(Fig. 1). Intravenous administration of S-petasin in anesthes-
tized rat caused a dose-dependent fall in blood pressure. In
defining its mechanism of action, first of all the isolated
aortic ring was used. It was found that S-petasin concentra-
tion dependently relaxed the contraction induced by various
vasoconstricting agents, thus providing a basis for hypoten-
sive action. Endothelium dependence was then examined
using endothelium-intact and -denuded preparations as well
as inhibitors of endothelium-related mediators such as pros-
tacyclin, NO, and guanylyl cyclase (Marczin et al., 1992;
Ribeiro et al., 1992; Schro¨r, 1993). Further mechanistic stud-
ies were carried out in cultured VSMCs with the focus on the
role of Ca
because it plays a central role in the regulation
This work was supported by Grant NSC89-2320-B077-009 from the Na-
tional Science Council of the Republic of China to G.J.W. Some information
contained in this article was presented in preliminary form at the Experimen-
tal Biology 98 in San Francisco, CA (Wang et al., 1998).
Current address: Department and Institute of Pharmacology, National
Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China.
Current address: Heritage Medical Research Center, Cardiology of Medi-
cine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Current address: Department of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Thera-
peutics, University of North Dakota School of Medicine, Grand Forks, ND
ABBREVIATIONS: NO, nitric oxide; VSMC, vascular smooth muscle cell; [Ca
, intracellular Ca
concentration; Fura-2/AM, 1-[2-(5-carboxyox-
azol-2-yl)-6-aminobenzofuran-5-oxy]-2-(2-amino-5-methylphenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid pentaacetoxymethyl ester; VDCC, volt-
age-dependent Ca
channel; MAP, mean arterial blood pressure; L-NNA, N
-nitro-L-arginine; I-V, current-voltage.
Copyright © 2001 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 3523/893779
JPET 297:240–246, 2001 Printed in U.S.A.
of vascular tension. Subtle alterations in the activity of Ca
regulatory mechanism can have profound effects on [Ca
which in turn can affect muscle tone and vascular resistance.
Possible changes in [Ca
associated with S-petasin-in-
duced vasorelaxation were monitored using the fluorescent
dye Fura-2/AM. Finally, the L-type VCDD, which is electri-
cally activated by membrane depolarization, represents the
principal route by which Ca
enters vascular smooth muscle
(Bolton, 1979) and plays an essential role in excitation-con-
traction coupling (van Breemen and Saida, 1989). Whole-cell
patch-clamp technique was applied to single cultured rat
VSMCs to study the Ca
The results indicated that S-petasin relaxed precontracted
isolated rat aortic rings. Such vasorelaxation was indepen-
dent of the endothelium or the associated mediators such as
prostacyclin, NO, and guanylyl cyclase. On the other hand,
reduction in [Ca
and Ca
influx in VSMCs suggested
that prevention of Ca
entry from the extracellular fluid
through L-type VDCC, leading to the reduction in [Ca
VSMCs, could account, at least in part, for the hypotensive
action of S-petasin.
Materials and Methods
Male Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 250 to 350 g (Laboratory
Animal Science Center of the National Yang-Ming University, Tai-
pei, Taiwan), were used. The rats were allowed to acclimate in
environmentally controlled quarters with temperature maintained
at 20–22°C and lighting at 12-h light/dark cycles for at least a week
before being used in experiments. Standard laboratory chow (Labo-
ratory rodent diet no. 5P14; PMI Feeds Inc., Richmond, IN) and
drinking water were provided ad libitum.
Assessment of Effects on Blood Pressure
The rats were anesthetized by i.p. administration of sodium pen-
tobarbital (50 mg/kg) and kept on a heating pad for the maintenance
of body temperature at 37 1°C. The right femoral artery and vein
were cannulated using PE-50 tubing (Clay Adams, Parsippany, NJ)
for the monitoring of pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure
(MAP), and for i.v. bolus administration of S-petasin, respectively.
To record changes in blood pressure, the arterial cannula was con-
nected to a Gould 2400 polygraph (Valley View, OH) via a P23XL
pressure transducer (Viggo-Spectramed, Oxnard, CA). Changes in
MAP after S-petasin administration were compared with those after
the injection of the same volume of vehicle.
In Vitro Vascular Tension Study
The details of the experimental procedures have been described
previously (Wang et al., 1999). Briefly, isolated aortic rings 3 to 4 mm
in length were fixed isometrically in organ chambers under passive
tension of 1 g for 60 min. After equilibration, near maximal contrac-
tion was induced by phenylephrine (0.3
M). When the rings
achieved a stable contractile tension, acetylcholine (1
M) was added
to the bath to assess endothelial integrity. In some preparations, the
intima was gently frayed with a cotton swab to disrupt the endothe-
lium. The absence of acetylcholine-induced relaxation indicated suc-
cessful endothelial denudation.
Relaxation of Agonist-Induced Contraction. For the evalua-
tion of relaxation, S-petasin (0.01–100
M) or vehicle was added in a
cumulative manner during the tonic phase of contraction induced by
KCl (60 mM) in both endothelium-intact and -denuded aortic rings.
A 10-min time interval was required to obtain the maximal effect
with each concentration of S-petasin. The construction of concentra-
tion-response curves for S-petasin was based on the percentage of
relaxation of the agonist-induced contraction. A 100% relaxation was
considered attained when the precontracted rings returned to the
baseline position. A second assessment of the vasorelaxing effect of
S-petasin was also carried out in endothelium-denuded aortic rings
preconstricted by the L-type VDCC activator Bay K 8644 (50 nM).
Because a partial depolarization of the cell membranes is required to
obtain responses to Bay K 8644 (Schramm et al., 1983), contractions
to this Ca
agonist were obtained in a medium that contained 15
mM KCl.
Effects of Endothelial Mediators on the Vasorelaxation of
S-Petasin. To investigate the possible involvements of prostacyclin,
NO, and guanylyl cyclase in the vasorelaxing effects of S-petasin,
endothelium-intact aortic rings were preincubated separately with
the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin (10
M), the NO synthase
inhibitor L-NNA (100
M), and the guanylyl cyclase inhibitor meth-
ylene blue (10
M) for appropriate periods. Cumulative concentra-
tions of S-petasin (0.01–100
M) were then applied during the sus-
tained phase of phenylephrine (0.3
M)-induced contraction. The
effects of the various inhibitors were studied by comparing the de-
grees of vasorelaxation induced by S-petasin in the absence or pres-
ence of these inhibitors. The concentrations of the inhibitors used
had been reported to be adequate to produce the necessary prosta-
cyclin (Garcia-Cohen et al., 2000), NO (Pieper and Siebeneich, 1997),
and guanylyl cyclase (Terluk et al., 2000) inhibition.
Inhibition of KCl-Induced Contraction. The contraction gen-
erated by cumulative concentration of KCl (15–90 mM) was first
recorded in endothelium-denuded preparations. Following washing
and recovery for 60 min, the tissue was then treated with S-petasin
M) or vehicle for 10 min and finally application of the same
concentration of KCl again. Only one S-petasin concentration was
tested per tissue. The treatment time of 10 min was chosen based on
the maximal relaxation relative to each concentration. Concentra-
tion-response curves of S-petasin were constructed and compared.
Effects of Extracellular Ca
on S-Petasin’s Modulation of
KCl-Induced Contraction. An aortic ring depolarized and con-
tracted by Ca
was chosen as the model to investigate the effects of
S-petasin on the contraction dependent on Ca
influx from VDCC.
Experiments were carried out under Ca
-free conditions after equil-
ibration. Subsequent to the addition of K
(60 mM) to depolarize the
membrane potential, cumulative concentrations of Ca
(0.1–3 mM)
were applied. The stepwise increments in tension represented the
vasoconstriction dependent on extracellular Ca
influx induced by
. The aortic rings were then washed and equilibrated for 60 min,
followed by repetition of the experiment in the presence of S-petasin
M) or vehicle for 10 min. Only one S-petasin concentration
was tested per tissue. Concentration-response curves to the added
were constructed and compared.
In Vitro Whole-Cell Patch-Clamp Recording
Cell Culture. VSMCs were isolated by collagenase-elastase dis-
sociation from the rat thoracic aorta using previously published
procedures developed in our laboratory (Wang et al., 1996). Before
being used in studies, the cells were incubated in trypsin solution for
1 to 2 min, washed with Hanks’ balanced salt solution, and divided
into small groups ranging in number from 1 to 30 cells for each dish.
After dispersion, cells were allowed to reattach to the culture dish
with only one experiment conducted per dish. VSMCs were used
within 10 to 24 h after they were plated and were of passage between
Fig. 1. Chemical structure of S-petasin.
S-Petasin Blocks Voltage-Dependent Ca
Channels 241
3 and 6. The limited time after isolation helped to maximize Ca
current amplitudes of the cells.
Electrophysiology. Ca
channel activity was determined in
single VSMCs by the whole-cell version of the patch-clamp technique
as described previously (Wang et al., 1999). In all experiments, Ba
was used as the charge carrier. Because the inward Ba
were small and the series resistance was less than 0.1 ohms, the
series resistance compensation was not usually used. The currents
were monitored through digital oscilloscope (Nicolet Instrument Co.,
Madison, WI) and filtered with a low pass filter (Axon Instruments,
Inc., Foster City, CA) at 1 kHz. The software pCLAMP and a lab-
master interface were used for the generation of test pulses and
storage and analysis of data. Leakage and capacitive currents were
subtracted during analysis while simultaneously slow records were
taken on an SC 284 chart recorder (Gould). All recording was done at
room temperature (20–22°C).
Effects of S-Petasin on Ca
Channel Activity in VSMCs. To
generate current-voltage (I-V) curves, the Ba
current through the
channels was elicited by depolarizing the VSMCs from a test
pulse of 30 mV to more positive test potentials at a frequency of 0.1
Hz. The duration of the depolarizing test pulses was 250 ms at
intervals of 5 s. Peak currents were attained for constructing the I-V
relationships. Only cells showing stable channel activity for at least
5 min were used to test the effects of S-petasin. The I-V relationships
were measured repeatedly for 5 min after the addition of S-petasin
M) or vehicle in the medium.
Measurement in Individual VSMCs
was measured with the ratiometric fluorescent dye Fura-
2/AM by a method modified from that of Wang et al. (1996). Briefly,
VSMCs were seeded on a sterile glass coverslip at an appropriate
density to allow imaging of 10 to 20 single cells. After 24 h, these
attached cells were loaded with Fura-2/AM (2
M) for 40 min in a
dark place at room temperature. The dye-loaded cells were gently
washed three times with a medium containing 145 mM NaCl, 5 mM
KCl, 1 mM MgCl
, 10 mM glucose, 1 mM CaCl
, 0.5 mM NaH
and 10 mM 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (pH
7.4). The cells were kept in medium for a further 20 min to allow the
hydrolysis of Fura-2/AM into Ca
-sensitive free acid form (Fura-2)
by cell esterases. The coverslip with attached cells was then trans-
ferred to a 1-ml thermoregulated chamber (22°C) on the stage of a
Olympus IX-70 inverted microscope (Tokyo, Japan) and viewed un-
der bright and UV illumination via a 40(1.35 numerical aperture)
oil immersion fluorescence objective. The Merlin imaging system
(PerkinElmer Life Science, Cambridge, UK) connected to a cooled
charge-coupled device camera (Kodak KAF 1600, Rochester, NY) was
used for digital imaging of the changes of [Ca
in individual cells.
The advantages of this system are that multiple cells can be exam-
ined simultaneously and that the cells under investigation can be
imaged throughout the experiment. Data were analyzed for [Ca
changes by measurement of the 340- and 380-nm excitation signals
and emission signal at 510 nm. Maximal and minimal fluorescences
were obtained by adding ionomycin (10
M) and EGTA (5 mM)
sequentially at the end of the experiment. Ratio values were con-
verted to an estimate of [Ca
as described previously (Grynkiewicz
et al., 1985) assuming a K
of 155 nM. All procedures and experi-
ments were performed at room temperature to minimize compart-
mentalization and cell extrusion of the dye.
Effects of S-Petasin on [Ca
in VSMCs. To study the effect
of S-petasin on Ca
influx from VDCC, the VSMCs were challenged
with KCl (60 mM) in the presence of S-petasin (10, 100
M) or
vehicle for 10 min, and the changes in [Ca
were recorded.
The following drugs were used: S-petasin (mol. wt. 334) was
isolated and purified by the National Research Institute of Chinese
Medicine (Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China) (Lin et al., 1998);
acetylcholine, indomethacin, methylene blue, L-NNA, and phenyl-
ephrine were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO);
and Fura-2/AM was obtained from Molecular Probes (Eugene, OR).
Indomethacin was dissolved in absolute ethanol. Fura-2/AM was
dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide, whereas the rest of the drugs were
dissolved in distilled water and kept at 20°C with the exception of
S-petasin. S-Petasin was dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide, ethanol,
and medium mixture (0.05:0.51:0.44) to make 0.1 to 100 mM stock
solutions. The final concentration of the vehicle in the solution did
not exceed 0.1%, and it had no effects on vascular tension, magni-
tude/kinetics of the inward current and fluorescence imaging of
Statistical Analyses
The data are presented as mean S.E. and nrepresents the
number of experiments. In line graphs, S.E. values are indicated by
error bars (in some cases the error bars were so small they were
obliterated by the line symbols). For representation of the Ca
current data, the peak inward currents were used in most cases.
Statistical analyses were carried out by Student’s paired or unpaired
ttests when applicable. Pvalues of less than 0.05 were considered to
be significant.
Effect of S-Petasin on MAP. The mean MAP before
S-petasin treatment in 10 anesthetized rats was 105 3mm
Hg. Mean body weight for this experiment was 288 6g.
Figure 2 demonstrates the dose dependence of the effect of
S-petasin (0.1–1.5 mg/kg) on MAP. Although the vehicle
alone slightly decreased MAP, the changes were significantly
higher in the presence of S-petasin at doses of 0.1 mg/kg and
higher. Within seconds of injection of S-petasin the MAP fell
(34 2 mm Hg) and remained lower than the preinjection
value for the next 2 to 3 min at the maximal dose of 1.5
Relaxation of Agonist-Induced Contraction. S-Peta-
sin given alone did not alter the baseline tension of the aortic
rings (data not shown). In KCl (60 mM)-precontracted aortic
rings, S-petasin (0.01–100
M) produced concentration-de-
pendent vasorelaxation compared with the vehicle-treated
group (data not shown). The vasorelaxing effect of S-petasin
on precontracted aortic rings showed no significant differ-
ence in the presence or absence of endothelium, implying
that S-petasin acted directly on the arterial smooth muscle
Fig. 2. The dose-dependent decreases in MAP after i.v. bolus injection of
S-petasin in anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats. Values are mean S.E.
and, when no S.E. is shown, it was smaller than the symbol for the mean.
Eand F, vehicle and S-petasin treatment, respectively; n10 for each
group. *
***Statistically significant difference (P0.05 and P0.001,
respectively) between vehicle and S-petasin-treated groups.
242 Wang et al.
(Fig. 3). The IC
and the maximal relaxation obtained by
MS-petasin were 6.6 1.4
M and 100%, respectively.
S-Petasin also induced vasorelaxation in Bay K 8644-precon-
tracted endothelium-denuded aortic rings (Fig. 4). The IC
and the maximal relaxation obtained by 100
were 4.2 0.8
M and 96%, respectively.
Effect of Endothelial Mediators in S-Petasin-In-
duced Vasorelaxation. In the rat thoracic aorta, phenyl-
ephrine (0.3
M) caused an initial phasic and then a tonic
contraction, which lasted for at least 30 min. During the tonic
contraction induced by phenylephrine, endothelium-intact
aortic rings showed a significant relaxation in response to
acetylcholine (95 4%) (data not shown). The concentration-
response curves for cumulative S-petasin (0.01–100
treatment in endothelium-intact aortic rings, before and af-
ter treatment with indomethacin (10
M), L-NNA (100
or methylene blue (10
M) are illustrated in Fig. 5. The
results indicated that treatment with these inhibitors did not
significantly affect either the basal vascular tone or the re-
laxing effect of S-petasin in endothelium-intact aortic rings.
Inhibition of KCl-Induced Contraction. In endotheli-
um-denuded aortic preparations, the cumulative concentra-
tion-effect curves for KCl (15–90 mM) in the absence and
presence of five concentrations of S-petasin (1–100
M) are
shown in Fig. 6. Pretreatment with S-petasin (3–100
M) for
10 min suppressed the cumulative concentration contrac-
tions induced by KCl. The maximal inhibition obtained with
MS-petasin was approximately 89%. Vehicle treatment
had no significant effects.
Effects of Extracellular Ca
on S-Petasin’s Modula-
tion of KCl-Induced Contraction. In Ca
-free, high K
(60 mM) solution, the cell membrane of aortic smooth muscle
was depolarized and VDCCs were activated. The lack of Ca
entry was verified by the failure of KCl to produce vasocon-
striction in the aortic rings in the absence of extracellular
(data not shown). Figure 7 shows that cumulative ad-
dition of Ca
(0.1–3 mM) caused a stepwise increase of
contraction of the rat aorta, apparently caused by Ca
tering the depolarized cell through VDCC. The maximal ten-
sion attained at 3 mM Ca
was 1.64 0.12 g in the presence
of vehicle and was taken to be 100%. When the aortic ring
was treated with S-petasin at 1 to 100
M, 10 min before KCl, the KCl-induced contraction was attenuated in a con-
centration-dependent manner, suggesting that Ca
through VDCC was probably inhibited by S-petasin. The IC
value was calculated to be 8.2 0.6
tration of 3 mM.
Effects of S-Petasin on Ca
Channel Activity in
VSMCs. VSMCs were depolarized from 30 to 60 mV with
the ramp protocol to investigate the channel openings. Ba
currents through L-type VDCC were observed in VSMCs.
During a 5-min application of the vehicle alone, no significant
changes (0.5 1.2%) in the kinetics and I-V relationship of
L-type VDCC current occurred (data not shown). Figure 8
shows that a 5-min application of S-petasin (1–50
M) re-
duced the L-type VDCC current to below the immediately
preceding current measured in vehicle-treated specimen. The
decrease in the magnitude of L-channel currents induced by
S-petasin was evident within 2 to 3 min and reached a
steady-state level within 5 min. Figure 9 summarizes the
results from several experiments. The maximal reduction
caused by S-petasin was 75.45 13.08%.
Fig. 3. Vasorelaxing effect of S-petasin on endothelium-intact (F) and
endothelium-denuded (E) Sprague-Dawley rat thoracic aortic rings con-
tracted with KCl (60 mM). The tensions developed in the absence of
vehicle and S-petasin in intact and denuded rings were 1.50 0.17 and
1.75 0.15 g, respectively (considered as 100%). Values are mean S.E.;
n7 to 8 for each group.
Fig. 4. Comparison the vasorelaxing effects of S-petasin in endothelium-
denuded aortic rings between KCl (60 mM, E)- and Bay K 8644 (50 nM,
)-induced contractions. The tensions developed by KCl and Bay K 8644
in the absence of S-petasin in denuded rings were 1.75 0.15 and 1.81
0.13 g, respectively (considered as 100%). Values are mean S.E.; n8
to 10 for each group.
Fig. 5. Effects of indomethacin (10
M, ƒ), L-NNA (100
M, ), and
methylene blue (10
M, ) treatments on S-petasin (0.01–100
induced relaxation in endothelium-intact (F) thoracic aorta isolated from
Sprague-Dawley rats. Aortic rings were precontracted with phenyleph-
rine, and the change in tension is expressed as a percentage of the active
tension originally generated by phenylephrine. The tension developed in
the absence of S-petasin and agents in endothelium-intact rings was
1.92 0.03 g. Values are mean S.E.; n8 to 10 for each group.
S-Petasin Blocks Voltage-Dependent Ca
Channels 243
Effects of S-Petasin on [Ca
in Individual VSMCs.
The average basal [Ca
in single VSMCs was 112.06
2.52 nM. [Ca
increased to 149.68 2.66 nM when the
VSMCs were stimulated by KCl (60 mM). S-Petasin (10, 100
M) suppressed the KCl-induced increase of [Ca
39.6 2.43 and 66.8 1.97%, respectively (Fig. 10). S-
Petasin itself did not alter the basal [Ca
in VSMCs (data
not shown).
Although folk medicines are popular in many parts of the
world and in certain cases can ably complement or supple-
ment mainstream medicine where ineffective, inadequate, or
low therapeutic indices exist (Marshall, 1994). Unfortunately
in many cases the claims are shaky or inadequately substan-
tiated, the mechanisms of action undefined, and the pharma-
cology mystified, impeding their acceptance and develop-
ment. Complicating further their therapeutic application is
the fact that many folk medicines are empirical with multiple
components and lack of batch-to-batch consistency, although
the claim is that the interactions of these components may be
beneficial. The first goal of the present study was to identify
the active ingredients. Following chemical isolation and iden-
tification, the major component of P. formosanus turned out
to be the sesquiterpene of S-petasin. Intravenous adminis-
tration of S-petasin in anesthetized rats produced a dose-
dependent hypotensive effect. However, no accompanying
Fig. 6. Inhibitory effect of S-petasin (1–100
M) on the contraction
induced by KCl (15–90 mM) in Sprague-Dawley rat thoracic aortic rings
with denuded endothelium. Aorta was preincubated with vehicle (E)or
S-petasin (1
M, F;3
M, Œ;10
M, ;30
M, ; 100
M, f) at 37°C for
10 min, and then cumulative concentrations of KCl (15–90 mM) were
used to trigger the contraction. The mean maximal contractile responses
induced by KCl (90 mM) in the absence of S-petasin in endothelium-
denuded rings was 1.46 0.07 g. Values are mean S.E.; n10 to 12
for each group. *
***Statistically significant difference (P0.05, P
0.01, and P0.001, respectively) between the vehicle and the S-petasin-
treated group.
Fig. 7. Inhibitory effect of S-petasin (1–100
M) on the contraction,
dependent on extracellular Ca
influx, induced by KCl (60 mM) in
-free Krebs’ solution of endothelium-denuded thoracic aortic rings
from Sprague-Dawley rats. Aorta was preincubated with vehicle (E)or
S-petasin (1
M, F;3
M, Œ;10
M, ;30
M, ; 100
M, f) at 37°C for
10 min, and then cumulative concentrations of Ca
(0.1–3.0 mM) were
used to trigger the contraction. The mean maximal contractile responses
induced by Ca
(3.0 mM) in the absence of S-petasin in endothelium-
denuded rings was 1.64 0.12 g. Values are mean S.E.; n10 to 12
for each group. *
***Statistically significant difference (P0.05 and P
0.01, respectively) between the vehicle and the S-petasin-treated group.
Fig. 8. Representative I-V plots and recordings in single cultured VSMCs
isolated from Sprague-Dawley rat thoracic aorta. The peak amplitude of
L-type VDCC currents, carried by Ba
, was inhibited by S-petasin (1–50
M). The Ba
current through the Ca
channels was elicited by depo-
larizing the VSMC from a test pulse of 30 to 60 mV at a frequency of 0.1
Hz. The duration of the depolarizing test pulses was 250 ms at intervals
of 5 s. The I-V relationships were measured repeatedly for 5 min after the
addition of S-petasin or vehicle (0.1%) in the medium.
Fig. 9. Inward Ca
currents carried by Ba
were inhibited by S-petasin
M) in cultured VSMCs isolated from Sprague-Dawley rat thoracic
aorta. Values are mean S.E.; n5 in each group. *
significant difference (P0.05 and P0.01, respectively) between the
vehicle and the S-petasin-treated group.
244 Wang et al.
reflex tachycardia was observed. Related studies involving
isolated atria and cell cultures are in progress and will be
reported in due course. Preliminary indications are that S-
petasin may exert direct cardiac depressant effects, which
may even be beneficial if S-petasin were to be developed to be
an antihypertensive agent. For the present purpose, S-peta-
sin appeared to be the or one of the hypotensive principles in
P. formosanus. Mechanistic studies focusing on S-petasin
thus followed.
In the vascular tension studies, the S-petasin induced re-
laxation in endothelium-denuded or -intact aorta precon-
tracted by KCl or Bay K 8644, suggesting that vasorelaxation
may be a basis for its hypotensive action. The role of the
endothelium, being known to be involved in the regulation of
cardiovascular functions, was then being examined. Endo-
thelium-intact and -denuded preparations as well as inhibi-
tors of the known vasorelaxing mediators prostacyclin, NO,
and guanylyl cyclase were used. The results indicated that
the vasorelaxing actions of S-petasin were not affected even
in the presence of indomethacin, L-NNA, or methylene blue.
Indomethacin is known to block the generation of prostacy-
clin, whereas L-NNA and methylene blue have been reported
to inactivate the NO system or inhibit the activation of gua-
nylyl cyclase, respectively (Thorin et al., 1998). It thus ap-
peared that the vasorelaxation caused by S-petasin was en-
dothelium-independent and not mediated by prostacyclin or
the NO-guanylyl cyclase pathway but rather acted directly
on the arterial smooth muscle. The rest of the experiments
were therefore conducted in endothelium-denuded aortic
preparations or cultured VSMCs.
An increase in free cytoplasmic Ca
levels is required for
excitation-contraction coupling of vascular smooth muscle.
Vasoconstrictors can increase the [Ca
by activating sev-
eral different pathways. VDCC represents the principal
route by which Ca
enters vascular smooth muscle cells
(Bolton, 1979) and plays an essential role in the sustained
phase of contraction (Cauvin and Malik, 1984). Drugs that
block the Ca
channel have proven clinically effective for
the treatment of a multitude of cardiovascular disorders. It
has been reported that increased KCl depolarizes smooth
muscle cells, leading to the opening of VDCC, with subse-
quent Ca
influx and contraction (Karaki and Weiss, 1979).
In the present study, pretreatment with S-petasin sup-
pressed, in a concentration-dependent manner, the aortic
contractile response to high K
. The maximum inhibition
produced by S-petasin at 100
M was about 89%. When
S-petasin was cumulatively added during the tonic contrac-
tion induced by high K
, it exerted 100% vasorelaxation.
Similar results were also obtained as the aortic preparations
were challenged with the VDCC activator Bay K 8644. These
observations suggested that S-petasin might interfere with
these Ca
channels in the aortic smooth muscle, possibly
resulting in the decrease of Ca
influx and contraction.
Furthermore, in Ca
-depleted and high K
medium, the cell
membrane of aortic smooth muscle was depolarized and the
VDCCs were activated but without contraction due to the
lack of extracellular Ca
. Addition of Ca
produced sus-
tained contraction that was produced by the Ca
through VDCC. Preincubation with S-petasin could effec-
tively antagonize, in a concentration-dependent manner,
-induced contraction, implying that S-petasin probably
blocked Ca
influx through VDCC in isolated aortic smooth
muscle cells. However, the antagonism was noncompetitive
in nature because there was a nonparallel shift to the right
and suppression of the maximal response. A plausible reason
is probably that much higher concentrations of Ca
be needed to achieve the maximal contraction because Ca
in high concentrations can be autoinhibitory and decrease
the permeability of the cell membrane for Ca
With K
and Na
channels blocked, whole-cell patch-
clamp was studied in isolated cultured VSMCs. These data
provide strong evidence that S-petasin inhibited Ca
erated currents in the L-type VDCC, the predominant Ca
channels in VSMCs. The fact that S-petasin can inhibit
VDCC activity suggests that S-petasin may reduce the in-
crease in [Ca
elicited by KCl, resulting in decreased Ca
entry and [Ca
. In our Fura-2 studies, the measurement of
in cultured VSMCs confirmed this interpretation.
S-Petasin indeed produced a significant reduction in [Ca
induced by KCl, which indicated that the direct effect of
S-petasin on blood vessels was probably related to interfer-
ence with Ca
transport and consequently the contraction.
Taken together, the vasorelaxant action induced by S-peta-
sin in KCl-contracted aortic rings appeared to be mediated
via direct inhibition of VDCC activity, leading to decreased
entry and [Ca
. The attenuation of KCl-induced
transients by S-petasin may explain its observed hypo-
tensive effects in vivo. It thus seems that S-petasin exerts its
hypotensive action by decreasing vascular reactivity to en-
dogenous pressor agents, at least in part, through inhibition
of the VDCC activity and the net inward flow of Ca
In conclusion, the present studies identified S-petasin as
the principal active ingredient in P. formosanus and verified
its hypotensive effect. Mechanistic studies suggested vasore-
laxation via inhibition of Ca
being the likely underlying
mechanism. Vascular endothelium and related vasorelax-
ation mediators play small roles. These findings may be
helpful in the establishment of S-petasin as a potential an-
tihypertensive agent, elucidation of its pharmacological ac-
tions and its further development as a therapeutic agent.
We thank Professor Peter Pang of the University of Hong Kong,
Faculty of Medicine, for proofreading the manuscript and Shu-Jen
Fig. 10. Inhibitory effect of S-petasin (10, 100
M) on the peak increment
of [Ca
induced by KCl (60 mM) in cultured VSMCs isolated from
Sprague-Dawley rat thoracic aorta. The cells were challenged by KCl (60
mM) in the presence of S-petasin (10, 100
M) or vehicle for 10 min and
the peak increment in [Ca
was determined. Values are mean S.E.;
n3 to 6 separate experiments. ***Statistically significant difference
(P0.001) between the vehicle and the S-petasin-treated group.
S-Petasin Blocks Voltage-Dependent Ca
Channels 245
Huang for excellent technical assistance in the performance of some
of these studies.
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Send reprint requests to: Dr. Guei-Jane Wang, National Research Institute
of Chinese Medicine, Rm. 355, 155-1, Sec. 2, Li-Nong St., Pei-tou Dist. (112),
Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. E-mail:
246 Wang et al.
... [10][11][12] Previous studies have shown that s-petasin exhibits an abundance of biological activities including antagonizing calcium activity in isolated rat atria and cardiac myocytes, cytotoxic effects on the proliferation of human prostate cancer cells, inhibition of testosterone secretion in rat testicular interstitial cells and therapeutic effects against asthma and peritonitis. [13][14][15][16] Obesity, which is one of the most common medical problems worldwide, is accompanied by several health issues including insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, fatty liver and hypertension. [17][18][19] Adipocytes are the main component of white adipocyte tissue in the body. ...
... Fraction 7 (MWRZH23IDIG, 114.9 mg) was rechromatographed on a silica gel (40 μm; Baker; Phillipsburg, NJ, USA) column (117 cm × 3.5 cm) using 1.5% acetone in chloroform to obtain pure MWRZ23HIDIGIJ (48.0 mg). Then the purity of the isolated compounds was elucidated by the 1 H, 13 C, and DEPT NMR techniques using a 600 MHz Agilent NMR system (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA). ...
... The purity of the isolated compounds, MWRZH23IDIGIJ, was confirmed by the 1 H, 13 .78, s, H-9/5.83, ...
Petasites japonicus is an edible and medicinal plant with a good flavor, and it is a rich source of bioactive compounds. S-petasin has been isolated from Petasites hybridus (L.), Petasites officinalis (L.) and Petasites formosanus, but not from Petasites japonicus. In this study, we found that the hexane extract of Petasites japonicus inhibited adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells. After which we isolated s-petasin from Petasites japonicus. Following, the 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes were used to test whether s-petasin exerts anti-adipogenesis effect. The results showed that s-petasin presented strong anti-adipogenesis activity. Further studies illustrated that s-petasin reduced glucose up-take. Moreover, results showed that triglyceride accumulation was inhibited by s-petasin in differentiated 3T3-L1 cells. Western blot assay indicated that s-petasin down-regulated the expression of PPAR-γ and its target genes in a dose dependent manner. In conclusion, we isolated s-petasin from Petasites japonicus and found that it exerted anti-adipogenesis activity against 3T3-L1 cells differentiation through inhibition expression of PPAR-γ pathway signaling.
... Although butterbur root extract has been used successfully in prophylactic migraine therapy for several years, little is known about the site and mode of action of the petasins. Thomet et al. [41] discussed antiinflammatory effects through inhibition of leukotriene synthesis and the activity of eosinophils, while Wang et al. [42][43][44] hypothesized that petasins act as a direct antagonist of voltage-gated Ca 2+ -channels (VGCCs) in vascular smooth muscle cells. Blockade of VGCCs could also be found by Horak et al. [45]. ...
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Background Butterbur root extract with its active ingredients petasin and isopetasin has been used in the prophylactic treatment of migraine for years, while its sites of action are not completely clear. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is known as a biomarker and promoting factor of migraine. We set out to investigate the impact of petasins on the CGRP release from trigeminal afferents induced by activation of the calcium conducting transient receptor potential channels (TRPs) of the subtypes TRPA1 and TRPV1. Methods We used well-established in vitro preparations, the hemisected rodent skull and dissected trigeminal ganglia, to examine the CGRP release from rat and mouse cranial dura mater and trigeminal ganglion neurons, respectively, after pre-incubation with petasin and isopetasin. Mustard oil and capsaicin were used to stimulate TRPA1 and TRPV1 receptor channels. CGRP concentrations were measured with a CGRP enzyme immunoassay. Results Pre-incubation with either petasin or isopetasin reduced mustard oil- and capsaicin-evoked CGRP release compared to vehicle in an approximately dose-dependent manner. These results were validated by additional experiments with mice expressing functionally deleted TRPA1 or TRPV1 receptor channels. Conclusions Earlier findings of TRPA1 receptor channels being involved in the site of action of petasin and isopetasin are confirmed. Furthermore, we suggest an important inhibitory effect on TRPV1 receptor channels and assume a cooperative action between the two TRP receptors. These mechanisms may contribute to the migraine prophylactic effect of petasins.
... Although butterbur root extract has been used successfully in prophylactic migraine therapy for several years, little is known about the site and mode of action of the petasins. Thomet et al. [40] discussed antiin ammatory effects through inhibition of leukotriene synthesis and the activity of eosinophils, while Wang et al. [41][42][43] hypothesized that petasins act as a direct antagonist of voltage-gated Ca 2+ -channels (VGCCs) in vascular smooth muscle cells. Blockade of VGCCs could also be found by Horak et al. [44]. ...
Full-text available
Background: Butterbur root extract with its active ingredients petasin and isopetasin has been used in the prophylactic treatment of migraine for years, while its sites of action are not completely clear. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is known as a biomarker and promoting factor of migraine. We set out to investigate the impact of petasins on the CGRP release from trigeminal afferents induced by activation of the calcium conducting transient receptor potential channels (TRPs) of the subtypes TRPA1 and TRPV1. Methods: We used well-established in vitro preparations, the hemisected rodent skull and dissected trigeminal ganglia, to examine the CGRP release from rat and mouse cranial dura mater and trigeminal ganglion neurons, respectively, after pre-incubation with petasin and isopetasin. Mustard oil and capsaicin were used to stimulate TRPA1 and TRPV1 receptor channels. CGRP concentrations were measured with a CGRP enzyme immunoassay. Results: Pre-incubation with either petasin or isopetasin reduced mustard oil- and capsaicin-evoked CGRP release compared to vehicle in an approximately dose-dependent manner. These results were validated by additional experiments with mice expressing functionally deleted TRPA1 or TRPV1 receptor channels. Conclusions: Earlier findings of TRPA1 receptor channels being involved in the site of action of petasin and isopetasin are confirmed. Furthermore, we suggest an important inhibitory effect on TRPV1 receptor channels and assume a cooperative action between the two TRP receptors. These mechanisms may contribute to the migraine prophylactic effect of petasins.
... Butterbur is a perennial shrub whose mechanism includes an anti-inflammatory action that implies the inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 [78] and vasodilatory effects given by the inhibition of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels [79]: this anti-inflammatory action allows the use of Butterbur in migraine prophylaxis. ...
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Significant side effects or drug interactions can make pharmacological management of headache disorders very difficult. Non-conventional and non-pharmacological treatments are becoming increasingly used to overcome these issues. In particular, non-invasive neuromodulation, nutraceuticals, and behavioral approaches are well tolerated and indicated for specific patient categories such as adolescents and pregnant women. This paper aims to present the main approaches reported in the literature in the management of headache disorders. We therefore reviewed the available literature published between 2010 and 2020 and performed a narrative presentation for each of the three categories (non-invasive neuromodulation, nutraceuticals, and behavioral therapies). Regarding non-invasive neuromodulation, we selected transcranial magnetic stimulation, supraorbital nerve stimulation, transcranial direct current stimulation, non-invasive vagal nerve stimulation, and caloric vestibular stimulation. For nutraceuticals, we selected Feverfew, Butterbur, Riboflavin, Magnesium, and Coenzyme Q10. Finally, for behavioral approaches, we selected biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, mindfulness-based therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy. These approaches are increasingly seen as a valid treatment option in headache management, especially for patients with medication overuse or contraindications to drug treatment. However, further investigations are needed to consider the effectiveness of these approaches also with respect to the long-term effects.
... Petasites species have long history been used as edible and medicinal plants in east Asian countries [16]. These plants possess multiple biological effects, including anti-tumor, anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and anti-asthmatic activities, as well as the ability to inhibit murine adipocyte differentiation [16][17][18][19][20]. Researchers have reported that s-petasin possesses an abundance of biological activities, including anti-tumor activities, effect of ameliorating cardiovascular disease and improvement of asthma and peritonitis [21][22][23]. ...
Melanoma is a dangerous type of skin cancer that develops from the melanocytes. Activation of p53 in melanoma cells has been validated as a strategy for melanoma therapy. S-Petasin, a dietary sesquiterpene isolated from Petasites japonicus, has been shown to possess multiple biological effects. However, no studies have reported that s-petasin exerted anti-melanoma or inhibited activity in melanoma cells. We investigated the effect of s-petasin in B16F10 cells and A375 cells and the underlying molecular mechanism. S-Petasin exerted a significant anti-proliferation effect on B16F10 cells and A375 cells as measured by the MTT assay and crystal violet staining assay. S-Petasin induced B16F10 and A375 cells apoptosis as evidenced by flow cytometry assay and western blot assay. Wound healing assay and transwell cell migration and invasion assay revealed that s-petasin suppressed B16F10 and A375 cells migration in vitro. For mechanism study, western blot assay indicated that s-petasin activated the p53 pathway signaling. Furthermore, expression of Bcl-2, Bcl-XL, Bax, MMP-2, MMP-9, p21, CDK4 and cyclin D1 were regulated by s-petasin. Taken together, our data suggest that s-petasin is a novel compound which can induce apoptosis and inhibit cell migration through activation of the p53 pathway signaling in melanoma B16F10 and A375 cells.
... [26][27][28][29][30] Researchers reported that s-petasin has an abundance of biological activities, including anti-tumor activity, ameliorating cardiovascular disease, anti-adipogenesis and improvement of asthma and peritonitis. [31][32][33][34] We investigated whether s-petasin affects TG accumulation in oleic acid-induced HepG2 cells. Subsequently, western blot assay was used to reveal the mechanism in which s-petasin inhibited lipogenesis and TG lipolysis. ...
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is become one of the most common medical problems. Inhibition of lipogenesis and promotion of lipolysis are two ways to prevent NAFLD. In this study, oleic acid-induced HepG2 cells used as a NAFLD cell model to test whether s-petasin exerts inhibition of lipogenesis and promotion of lipolysis effect. The results showed that s-petasin significantly inhibited lipid level in oleic acid-induced HepG2 cells. Moreover, results showed that triacylglycerols level was reduced by s-petasin in oleic acid-induced HepG2 cells. Western blot assay revealed that s-petasin stimulated phosphorylation of AMPKα and ACCα. The results also demonstrated that s-petasin can inhibit lipogenesis and enhance triacylglycerols turnover by down-regulation of FAS and SCD-1 and up-regulation of ATGL and HSL through the AMPK signaling-dependent regulation of transcriptional factors, FKHR and SREBP-1. This in vitro study indicates that s-petasin has potential as a candidate compound for NAFLD therapy.
... Vasorelaxation is achieved through increased activity of endothelium-derived nitric oxide (EDNO) [27], inhibition of COX [28] and cGMP [29], contribution of muscarinic [30] and adrenergic receptors [31], as well as blockade of ATP-sensitive potassium (K ATP ) channels [32] and calcium channels [33]. Since endothelial function has been reported to be an important factor in vascular reactivity [16,34], the aim of this research was to examine the blood pressure-lowering effect and vascular reactivity Isolated aortic rings from spontaneously hypertensive rats were precontracted with phenylephrine, under different experimental conditions. ...
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Objective: To evaluate vasorelaxant and vasoconstriction effects of Zingiber officinale var. rubrum (ZOVR) on live rats and isolated aortic rings of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). Methods: Extracts of ZOVR were subjected to in-vivo antihypertensive screening using noninvasive blood pressures in SHRs. The most potent extract, ZOVR petroleum ether extract (ZOP) was then fractionated using n-hexane, chloroform and water. Isolated thoracic aortic rings were harvested and subjected to vascular relaxation studies of n-hexane fraction of ZOP (HFZOP) with incubation of different antagonists such as Nω-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 10 µmol/L), indomethacin (10 µmol/L), methylene blue (10 µmol/L), atropine (1 µmol/L), glibenclamide (10 µmol/L), prazosin (0.01 µmol/L), and propranolol (1 µmol/L). Results: During the screening of various ZOVR extracts, ZOP produced the most reduction in blood pressures of SHRs and so did HFZOP. HFZOP significantly decreased phenylephrine-induced contraction and enhanced acetylcholine-induced relaxation. L-NAME, indomethacin, methylene blue, atropine, and glibenclamide significantly potentiated the vasorelaxant effects of HFZOP. Propranolol and prazosin did not alter the vasorelaxant effects of HFZOP. HFZOP significantly suppressed the Ca2+-dependent contraction and influenced the ratio of the responses to phenylephrine in Ca2+-free medium. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that ZOP may exert an antihypertensive effect in the SHR model. Its possible vascular relaxation mechanisms involve nitric oxide and prostacyclin release, activation of cGMP-KATP channels, stimulation of muscarinic receptors, and transmembrane calcium channel or Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. Possible active compounds that contribute to the vasorelaxant effects are 6-gingerol, 8-gingerol and 6-shogaol.
... The effect of the galls extract was also studied in tissue contracture induced by (0.2 mM) ACh, in which the extract (100 mg/ml) potentiated ACh induced contracture and induced the slow increase in resting tension of the tonic contraction elicited by ACh, followed by tissue contraction through enhancing Ca +2 -influx from extracellular similar to the action of methanolic extract of some Brazilian medicinal plants on guinea pig ileum and rat duodenum (Emendörfer et al., 2005), however when the extracellular Ca +2 removed through bathing the tissue in Ca +2 -free saline, the extract (100 mg/ml) induced relaxation and declined the basic resting tension of the ileal muscle cell membranes, suggesting that the extract depressed internal mobilization of Ca +2 -ion (Maurice et al., 2005) like the relaxatory actions of the ginger rhizome in rabbit airway and uterine smooth muscle preparations ( and S-Petasin from Prtasites formosanus action on rat vascular smooth muscles ( Wang et al., 2001 because the effects of this plant‫׳‬s gall extracts are somewhat similar to that of metformin drug, which induced complete relaxation of the ileal smooth muscles contractions, so other mechanisms whereby it metformin induced its effects on smooth muscles contraction may also involved. ...
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Isolated ileal strips of local domestic rabbits are used in the present study to investigate the effect of some antidiabetic drugs and hypoglycemic plant extracts on their smooth muscles contractions. Student's kymograph and glass jacket organ bath filled with normal kreb's physiological saline in the presence of acetylcholine (ACh), potassium chloride (KCl) and Ca+2-free saline were used for recording. The results showed that smooth muscles of rabbit ileum exhibit autorhythmic contraction and this contraction was enhanced by both (ACh) and (KCl). Synthetic diabetic drug metformin exerted different effects on ileal smooth muscle contractions depending upon the concentration used. Low (30-60 mg/ml) and high (400-1750 mg/ml) concentrations exerted inhibitory effects while moderate concentrations (80-350 mg/ml) exerted excitatory effects on ileal smooth muscles. Metformin drug led to the development of biphasic contraction of ACh induced contracture, and Ca+2-free saline abolished the contraction in these muscles in response to metformin. Glibenclamide exhibited relaxant effect in a concentration dependent manner except that of moderate concentrations (60,80 mg/ml), which enhanced tonic contraction in these muscles and high concentration (250 mg/ml) rapidly caused relaxation and fall in resting tension. Glibenclamide reduced the tonic phase of ACh induced contracture, Ca+2-free saline reduced muscle response to (250 mg/ml) of glibenclamide. Boiled aqueous extract of Melia azedarach leaf exerted different effects according to the concentrations. Low and moderate concentrations (5-40 mg/ml) activated normal contractions of the ileal smooth muscle, while high concentration (50-100 mg/ml) inhibited the contraction. The extract (80, 100 mg/ml) enhanced the development of tonic phase of contraction induced by ACh, and removal of Ca+2 from bathing solution didn't reduced the normal mechanical contractions response to the extract. Boiled aqueous extract of Quercus infectoria galls exhibited different effects on ileal smooth muscles contraction depending upon the concentration used. Low and moderate concentrations (3-30 mg/ml) enhanced normal mechanical contractions of these muscles; high concentrations (40-100 mg/ml) inhibited the muscles contraction and leading to its relaxation. (100 mg/ml) of the gall extract led to the development of tonic phase of ACh induced contracture. Ca+2-free saline abolished the muscle response to (100 mg/ml) concentration of the Quercus infectoria galls. Different concentrations of boiled aqueous extract of olive leaves had different effects on ileal smooth muscles. The low (6,10 mg/ml) and high concentrations (30-200 mg/ml) activated normal contraction, whereas, moderate concentrations (15, 20 mg/ml) inhibited it. The extract exerted different effects on contractions induced by ACh (80 mg/ml), activated the tonic phase of ACh induced contractions, whereas, (250 mg/ml) inhibited this tonic phase, and removal of extracellular Ca+2 not reduced the muscles normal mechanical contraction in response to olive leaf extract. VI
Ethnopharmacological relevance Petasites (butterbur, Asteraceae) species have been used since Ancient times in the traditional medicine of Asian and European countries to treat central nervous system (migraine), respiratory (asthma, allergic rhinitis, bronchitis, spastic cough), cardiovascular (hypertension), gastrointestinal (ulcers) and genitourinary (dysmenorrhea) disorders. Aim of the review This study summarized and discussed the traditional uses, phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological aspects of Petasites genus. Materials and methods A systematic search of Petasites in online databases (Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar) was performed, with the aim to find the phytochemical, toxicological and bioactivity studies. The Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Plants of the World Online, World Flora Online and The Plant List databases were used to describe the taxonomy and geographical distribution. Results The detailed phytochemistry of the potentially active compounds of Petasites genus (e.g. sesquiterpenes, pyrrolizidine alkaloids, polyphenols and essential oils components) was presented. The bioactivity studies (cell-free, cell-based, animal, and clinical) including the traditional uses of Petasites (e.g. anti-spasmolytic, hypotensive, anti-asthmatic activities) were addressed and followed by discussion of the main pharmacokinetical and toxicological issues related to the administration of butterbur-based formulations. Conclusions This review provides a complete overview of the Petasites geographical distribution, traditional use, phytochemistry, bioactivity, and toxicity. More than 200 different sesquiterpenes (eremophilanes, furanoeremophilanes, bakkenolides), 50 phenolic compounds (phenolic acids, flavonoids, lignans) and volatile compounds (monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes) have been reported within the genus. Considering the phytochemical complexity and the polypharmacological potential, there is a growing research interest to extend the current therapeutical applications of Petasites preparations (anti-migraine, anti-allergic) to other human ailments, such as central nervous system, cardiovascular, malignant or microbial diseases. This research pathway is extremely important, especially in the recent context of the pandemic situation, when there is an imperious need for novel drug candidates.
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A new family of highly fluorescent indicators has been synthesized for biochemical studies of the physiological role of cytosolic free Ca2+. The compounds combine an 8-coordinate tetracarboxylate chelating site with stilbene chromophores. Incorporation of the ethylenic linkage of the stilbene into a heterocyclic ring enhances the quantum efficiency and photochemical stability of the fluorophore. Compared to their widely used predecessor, “quin2”, the new dyes offer up to 30-fold brighter fluorescence, major changes in wavelength not just intensity upon Ca2+ binding, slightly lower affinities for Ca2+, slightly longer wavelengths of excitation, and considerably improved selectivity for Ca2+ over other divalent cations. These properties, particularly the wavelength sensitivity to Ca2+, should make these dyes the preferred fluorescent indicators for many intracellular applications, especially in single cells, adherent cell layers, or bulk tissues.
The chemical rank of excitation—emission matrices obtained in fluorescence spectroscopy is determined using a morphological approach. The EEMs are decomposed by the singular value decomposition method. In order to distinguish different patterns of spectral (primary) eigenvectors from noise (secondary) eigenvectors, a morphological function is developed to pick out the spectral eigenvectors, the number of which is the chemical rank of the data matrix. The sample theory and the significance level of the morphological function are also provided. Compared with frequency analysis, the present approach is more convenient and is better at distinguishing the spectral and noise eigenvectors. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Transmembrane influx of extracellular calcium through specific calcium channels is now accepted to have an important role in the excitation-contraction coupling of cardiac and smooth muscle. The importance of such slow calcium channels has been underlined by the development of specific calcium channel blocking agents, the 'calcium antagonists', typified by verapamil, nifedipine and diltiazem. These drugs have been used to investigate the properties of slow calcium channels in a variety of tissues. We have found that small modifications to the nifedipine molecule produce other dihydropyridine derivatives (see Fig. 1) with effects diametrically opposite to those of the calcium antagonists: cardiac contractility is stimulated and smooth muscle is contracted. These effects are competitively antagonized by nifedipine. Apparently, nifedipine and the novel compounds bind to the same specific dihydropyridine binding sites in or near the calcium channel. In contrast to nifedipine, however, the new compounds promote--instead of inhibiting--the influx of Ca2+ ions. We report here the properties of BAY K 8644 (methyl 1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-3-nitro-4-(2-trifluoromethylphenyl)- pyridine-5-carboxylate), one of the most potent of these novel compounds.
This review is concerned with the mechanisms by which substances, many of them neurotransmitters, produce their effects on smooth muscle cells. It is concerned primarily with those that exert effects within seconds of their application to the muscle - effects most easily studied in vitro with the smooth muscle cells bathed in physiological salt solutions. Those substances, such as hormones or other trophic agents, that have a long-term effect are not considered here. An examination is presented of the strength of the experimental support for some simple concepts about how stimulant or inhibitory chemicals affect the contractility of smooth muscle. This review concentrates particularly on the effects of drugs, and substances found naturally in the body, on the permeability of the smooth muscle cell membrane and how these changes might increase or decrease tension in the contractile proteins.
The binding and release of Ca++ from high and low affinity sites in rabbit aortic smooth muscle by norepinephrine and potassium was examined after 60 min washout of 45Ca at 0.5°C in a substituted (80.8 mM) La+++ solution containing no other added cations. In this solution, loss of slow component 45Ca was minimized (half-time of washout was greater than 600 min; washout rate coefficient was less than 0.2%/min), and muscle wet weight and extracellular space were not significantly changed. Scatchard plots of residual 45Ca uptake show that 10-6 M norepinephrine decreased uptake at high affinity sites but did not alter low affinity 45Ca uptake whereas 160 mM potassium increased 45Ca uptake primarily at low affinity sites and, to a lesser degree, at high affinity sites. Although a lower (nondepolarizing) concentration of norepinephrine (10-6 M) did not increase low affinity 45Ca uptake, a higher (depolarizing) one (10-4 M) did. In the presence of 160 mM potassium, 10-6 M norepinephrine still decreased high affinity 45Ca uptake but further increased low affinity 45Ca uptake. Phentolamine (10-6 M) blocked the norepinephrine-induced changes in 45Ca uptake and D-600 blocked the increased 45Ca uptake elicited with potassium and 10-4 M norepinephrine. The results indicate that depolarization of aortic smooth muscle is associated with an uptake of 45Ca and the 45Ca is retained at both high and low affinity sites. Conversely, lower (nondepolarizing) concentrations of norepinephrine elicit tension responses associated with decreased binding at high affinity Ca++ sites.
The mechanism of modulation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) accumulation by methylene blue (MB), a putative inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase, was investigated in cultured rabbit pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (RPASM). Control or MB-pretreated RPASM were stimulated with sodium nitroprusside (SNP), nitrosothiols or endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) released basally from bovine pulmonary arterial endothelial cells, in short-term co-cultures. The putative EDRF, S-nitroso-L-cysteine (CYSNO), a stable deaminated analog of CYSNO, S-nitroso-3-mercaptoproprionic acid (MPANO) and SNP produced concentration-dependent (1-100 microM) increase (1.5- to 12-fold) in RPASM cGMP levels. MB pretreatment inhibited CYSNO and SNP-induced cGMP accumulation by 51% to 100%, but MPANO-mediated responses were not altered by MB. The inhibition profile of MB on nitrovasodilator-induced cGMP accumulation was quantitatively reproduced by extracellular generation of superoxide anion with xanthine (100 microM) and xanthine oxidase (5 mU). Similarly to MB pretreatment, superoxide anion generation had no effects on base-line cGMP levels or cGMP responses elicited by MPANO. Furthermore, MB induced a dose- and time-dependent generation of superoxide anion from RPASM, as evidenced from spectrophotometric determination of cytochrome c reduction. Inhibition of cGMP accumulation in response to CYSNO and SNP by MB was completely prevented by superoxide dismutase but not catalase. Selective pretreatment of endothelial cells with MB before co-culture with untreated RPASM produced a reduction in RPASM cGMP levels of a magnitude comparable with that seen in co-cultures of MB-pretreated RPASM with untreated endothelial cells, and which was partially prevented by superoxide dismutase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Recent studies have indicated that acute inhibition of nitric oxide biosynthesis in the rat promotes arterial hypertension and renal vasoconstriction. We evaluated the renal and systemic effects of 4-6 weeks of nitric oxide blockade in Munich-Wistar rats receiving the nitric oxide inhibitor nitro-L-arginine orally. Age-matched untreated rats were used as controls. In an additional seven rats, nitric oxide blockade was carried out in conjunction with oral administration of the novel angiotensin II antagonist losartan potassium. Tail-cuff pressure rose progressively in nitro-L-arginine-treated rats, reaching 164 +/- 6 mm Hg at 4-6 weeks, compared with 108 +/- 3 mm Hg in controls. In rats concomitantly receiving losartan, tail-cuff pressure reached 125 +/- 6 mm Hg, still elevated compared with rats receiving losartan alone (98 +/- 3 mm Hg). Nitro-L-arginine-treated rats presented marked renal vasoconstriction and hypoperfusion, as well as a 30% fall in glomerular filtration rate and a 39% increase in filtration fraction. Treatment with Losartan normalized glomerular filtration rate, but not filtration fraction or renal vascular resistance. Plasma renin activity was elevated after nitro-L-arginine treatment. Renal histological examination revealed widespread arteriolar narrowing, focal arteriolar obliteration, and segmental fibrinoid necrosis in the glomeruli. In a separate group of rats, nitro-L-arginine administered for 1 week induced hypertension that was partially reversed by acute L-arginine, but not D-arginine or L-glycine, infusions. We conclude that chronic nitric oxide blockade may constitute a new model of severe arterial hypertension.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
This study was undertaken to determine which alpha adrenoceptor subtype(s) is involved in the activation of isolated rat aorta and mesenteric resistance vessels by norepinephrine and to ascertain whether norepinephrine-induced Ca++ influx into the smooth muscle is activated by one alpha adrenoceptor subtype while intracellular Ca++ release is mediated by the other subtype. The concentration-response curves for prazosin and yohimbine inhibition of norepinephrine-induced 45Ca influx, intracellular Ca++ release (as judged from contractions in Ca++-free solution) and contraction in the rat aorta indicate that the norepinephrine activation of the alpha-1 adrenoceptor was responsible for both Ca++ mobilization processes leading to norepinephrine contraction of this tissue. Contractions induced by norepinephrine in the isolated rat mesenteric resistance vessels demonstrated a phasic component, which was shown to be primarily dependent on intracellular Ca++ release, and a tonic component, which was completely dependent on Ca++ influx. Prazosin was three orders of magnitude more potent than yohimbine in inhibiting both components of the norepinephrine contracture in these vessels. We conclude that norepinephrine activation of alpha-1 adrenoceptors is responsible for both Ca++ influx and intracellular Ca++ release in isolated rat aorta and mesenteric resistance vessels.