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Ramadan fasting alters endocrine and neuroendocrine circadian patterns. Meal-time as a synchronizer in humans?

  • Fondation A. de Rothschild Paris


Muslims must refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, and sexual relations from sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan. Serum concentrations of melatonin, steroid hormones (cortisol, testosterone), pituitary hormones (prolactin, LH, FSH, GH, TSH) and thyroid hormones (free thyroxin and free triiodothyronine) were documented around the clock at six 4-hourly intervals before Ramadan began and on the twenty-third day of Ramadan (daytime fasting). Time series were analysed with repeated measures ANOVA. Statistically significant differences were found in some variables: the nocturnal peak of melatonin was diminished and may have been delayed; there was a shift in the onset of cortisol and testosterone secretion; the evening peak of prolactin was enhanced, FSH and GH rhythmic patterns were affected little or not at all by Ramadan fasting and only the serum TSH rhythm was blunted over the test time span. These data show that daytime fasting, modifications in sleep schedule and psychological and social habits during Ramadan induce changes in the rhythmic pattern of a number of hormonal variables.
Life Sciences 68 (2001) 1607–1615
0024-3205/01/$ – see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S0024-3205(01)00966-3
Ramadan fasting alters endocrine and neuroendocrine
circadian patterns. Meal–time as a synchronizer in humans?
André Bogdan
, Belal Bouchareb
, Yvan Touitou
Laboratoire de Biochimie, Faculté de Médecine Pitié-Salpétrière 91 boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013,
Paris, France
Laboratoire d’Hormonologie, Hôpital Militaire Universitaire, Oran, Algeria
Received 2 June 2000; accepted 17 August 2000
Muslims must refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, and sexual relations from sunrise to sunset
during the month of Ramadan. Serum concentrations of melatonin, steroid hormones (cortisol, testos-
terone), pituitary hormones (prolactin, LH, FSH, GH, TSH) and thyroid hormones (free thyroxin and
free triiodothyronine) were documented around the clock at six 4-hourly intervals before Ramadan be-
gan and on the twenty-third day of Ramadan (daytime fasting). Time series were analysed with re-
peated measures ANOVA. Statistically significant differences were found in some variables: the noc-
turnal peak of melatonin was diminished and may have been delayed; there was a shift in the onset of
cortisol and testosterone secretion; the evening peak of prolactin was enhanced, FSH and GH rhythmic
patterns were affected little or not at all by Ramadan fasting and only the serum TSH rhythm was
blunted over the test time span. These data show that daytime fasting, modifications in sleep schedule
and psychological and social habits during Ramadan induce changes in the rhythmic pattern of a num-
ber of hormonal variables. © 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Rhythms; Synchronizers; Hormones; Fasting; Ramadan
One of the most important rules of Islam is that any healthy adult Muslim must refrain
from eating, drinking, smoking, and sexual relations from sunrise to sunset during the month
of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. Since this is a lunar calendar, the tim-
ing of this month of fast changes each year and the duration of restricted food and beverage
intake can vary from between twelve to sixteen hours. Intake is restricted to the night hours
within a short span of time, which thus delays sleep and reduces its duration. Environmental
* Corresponding author: Tel.: [
33] 1 40 77 96 63; fax: [
33] 1 40 77 96 65.
E-mail address
: (Y. Touitou)
A. Bogdan et al. / Life Sciences 68 (2001) 1607–1615
factors such as the timing of the rest-activity cycle [1] and meals [2–4] play a part in the syn-
chronisation of individuals to the 24-h day (and are accordingly known as synchronisers).
They modulate or modify one or several of the parameters characterising the circadian
rhythm of a biologic variable [5,6]. We have previously shown that changes in the circa-
dian rhythms of nutrition-related biological variables [7] occur during Ramadan. The pur-
pose of the present study was to assess whether these inseparable modifications ie. long-lasting
changes in food intake, sleep schedule, and psychological and social habits could modify the
pattern of a set of hormonal variables including cortisol and melatonin, and therefore it was
on purpose that no attempt was made to unmask the data.
Volunteers meeting the inclusion criteria participated in this study after giving their in-
formed written consent. The Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine of Oran approved the
protocol. Ten healthy non-smoking male volunteers (medical doctors in the hospital where
the study was carried on) were included in the study after routine clinical and laboratory ex-
aminations. Their ages ranged from 32 to 40 years (mean
3.7 yr.). None took
any medication either before or during the study; none had any chronic or acute somatic or
psychiatric disorder; and none had taken a transmeridian flight within two months of the study.
The volunteers were studied twice over a 24-h span: one week before Ramadan (control:
end of December) and on the twenty-third day of Ramadan (Ramadan: end of January). On
both test days, cortisol, melatonin, testosterone, free thyroxin (FT4), free triiodothyronine
(FT3), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), luteo-
tropic hormone (LH), and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were measured from each of 6
blood samples drawn from the antecubital vein through an indwelling catheter at the follow-
ing clock hours: 0815 h, 1215 h, 1615 h, 2015 h, 0015 h and 0415 h. Blood sampled during
the rest time was drawn in the illumination of a dim red light (
30 lux). Samples were al-
lowed to clot, and the serum centrifuged, divided into aliquots, and stored at
C until
analysed. The hormones studied were chosen because of the well-known interaction between
the pineal/melatonin and the hypothalamic-pituitary / adrenal / gonadal / thyroid axes.
Before Ramadan started, the subjects were synchronised to nocturnal rest from 0000 h
0100 h to 0700 h
0100 h and to diurnal activity. On test days they were awakened at 0415 h,
to have their blood drawn. Physical activity did not differ qualitatively or quantitatively dur-
ing Ramadan, compared with the control day (they had the same tasks and working hours be-
fore and during Ramadan). During Ramadan, except for the test day, the subjects slept unin-
terruptedly from 0200 h to 0800 h. Their average sleep time was thus 1 h shorter during
Ramadan than it had been during the control period. Since the purpose of the study was to
look for changes related to Ramadan, the lighting conditions (uncontrolled) were those habit-
ual for the season and activity of the subjects who remained indoors during test days (same
domestic intensity for all). All meals were quantitatively and qualitatively standardised by a
A. Bogdan et al. / Life Sciences 68 (2001) 1607–1615
nutritionist and were eaten at fixed hours that fit the subjects’ usual schedules and Ramadan
Meal timing and composition before Ramadan was:
0800 h: bread, butter, coffee and milk (
400 kcal)
1200 h: meat, vegetables, bread and fruit (
1300 kcal)
1900 h: soup, noodles, chicken (
1000 kcal).
Meal timing and composition during Ramadan was:
1900 h: milk, dates, soup, meat, vegetables, bread, fruit, coffee and pastry (
2000 kcal)
0001 h: semolina, milk, fruit and pastry (
600 kcal).
Biochemical assays
Melatonin was assayed directly by a modified version of the RIA method of Fraser et al.
[8], with a [
I]-melatonin tracer, as previously described [9]. The assay sensitivity was 5–10
pg/mL, and the only significant cross-reactant was 6–hydroxymelatonin (0.1%). The intra-
and inter-assay coefficients of variation were respectively 9% and 8% for a concentration of
50 pg/mL, 10% and 16% for a concentration of 200 pg/mL, and 9% and 15% for a concentra-
tion of 1000 pg/mL. All other hormone variables were assayed with commercial immunoflu-
orometry (Delphia™, Wallac, Finland). The intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation,
respectively, were as follows: for cortisol (350 nmol/L), 4.05% and 6.7%; for testosterone
(20 nmol/L), 4.46% and 8.06%; for FT4 (19 pmol/L), 3.7% and 10%; for FT3 (5 pmol/L),
16% and 7.1%; for TSH (0.70
UI/L), 2.48% and 3.5%; for LH (5 UI/L), 4.79% and 8.3%;
for FSH (6 UI/L), 3% and 5.1%; for GH (0.4 mU/L), 6% and 8%; for PRL (5 ng/mL), 5.6%
and 9%. Each assay was performed in one large series at the end of the protocol to minimise
inter-assay variations.
Statistical analysis
Time series were analysed with a repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA; 2
within, 0 between) with SuperAnova™ software (Abacus Concepts, Inc. Berkeley, CA,
USA) to test the time-related variations (effect of time in both experimental conditions), the
influence of Ramadan upon the 24-h mean concentrations (Ramadan vs. control) and the pos-
sible interaction of Ramadan upon the time-related variations (experimental day and time
ANOVA (Table 1) shows statistically significant time-related variations (Time effect) for
serum melatonin, cortisol, testosterone, PRL, FSH, GH, TSH and a statistically significant
decrease in the 24-h mean level of serum melatonin and FSH during Ramadan (Ramadan vs.
control). Experimental day and time interaction showed that during Ramadan, compared
with the control period, time-related variations of serum melatonin, cortisol, testosterone,
PRL and TSH changed significantly (Table 1). Finally, no significant effect at all could be
found for LH, FT3 or FT4.
A. Bogdan et al. / Life Sciences 68 (2001) 1607–1615
Figure 1 shows that during Ramadan serum cortisol levels rose in the afternoon, while the
morning rise was apparently delayed. This finding accords with the significant experimental
day and time interaction (Table 1). Moreover, a higher morning peak and a sharper decline
were observed during Ramadan.
Figure 1 shows that during Ramadan the serum levels of this hormone had a flatter slope and a
smaller night peak (p
0.008; Student’s paired t-test). This peak was also delayed, although we
could not observe any change in the time melatonin secretion began with the sampling frequency
used here. This agrees with the significant experimental day and time interaction (Table 1).
Table 1
ANOVA for repeated measures (2 within, 0 between). Biological variables documented before (Control) and on
the twenty third day (Ramadan) of daytime fasting during the month of Ramadan.
Effect Degree of
freedom F-Value P-Value
Cortisol nmol/L Ramadan vs Control 1 1.702 NS
Time 5 27.847 0.0001
Experimental day and Time interaction 5 3.990 0.0044
Melatonin pg/mL Ramadan vs Control 1 23.377 0.0009
Time 5 20.364 0.0001
Experimental day and Time interaction 5 4.429 0.0023
Testosterone nmol/L Ramadan vs Control 1 0.225 NS
Time 5 32.824 0.0001
Experimental day and Time interaction 5 10.044 0.0001
Prolactin ng/mL Ramadan vs Control 1 0.466 NS
Time 5 15.938 0.0001
Experimental day and Time interaction 5 9.789 0.0001
FSH UI/L Ramadan vs Control 1 5.748 0.0401
Time 5 4.028 0.0042
Experimental day and Time interaction 5 0.251 NS
LH UI/L Ramadan vs Control 1 0.331 NS
Time 5 2.188 NS
Experimental day and Time interaction 5 1.789 NS
GH mU/L Ramadan vs Control 1 0.193 NS
Time 5 3.306 0.0136
Experimental day and Time interaction 5 1.995 NS
UI/L Ramadan vs Control 1 2.348 NS
Time 5 6.003 0.0002
Experimental day and Time interaction 5 6.623 0.0001
FT3 pmol/L Ramadan vs Control 1 0.305 NS
Time 5 0.719 NS
Experimental day and Time interaction 5 1.582 NS
FT4 pmol/L Ramadan vs Control 1 0.449 NS
Time 5 1.077 NS
Experimental day and Time interaction 5 1.062 NS
A. Bogdan et al. / Life Sciences 68 (2001) 1607–1615
Figure 1 shows an obvious delay in the evening trough of serum testosterone levels (0000 h
instead of 2000 h). Although the slope of the night increase in its concentration seemed
unchanged, the decreased morning slope of the control day was replaced by a 0800 h–
Fig. 1. Patterns of serum cortisol, melatonin, testosterone, prolactin and TSH on the control day (before
Ramadan) and on the twenty-third day of Ramadan. Each time point is the mean and SEM of 10 subjects.
A. Bogdan et al. / Life Sciences 68 (2001) 1607–1615
1600 h plateau. These changes accord with the significant experimental day and time in-
teraction (Table 1).
The major changes in serum prolactin levels (Fig. 1) discernible during Ramadan were the
increase at 2000 h and the replacement of the 0400 h–0800 h plateau by a 0800 h peak. No
obvious changes were observed in either the increase or decrease slopes.
The decreased midnight and increased afternoon values (Fig. 1) observed on the twenty-
third day of Ramadan were responsible for flattening the TSH circadian rhythm which agrees
with the significant experimental day and time interaction validated by the ANOVA (Table 1).
Ramadan is the month during which Muslims must refrain from eating and drinking from
sunrise until sunset while maintaining their usual social and occupational activities. These
long-lasting modifications—daytime fasting accompanied by a delay and shortening of
night-time sleep and changes in behaviour and social habits—have been shown to result in a
phase delay of many biological rhythms [10–13]. Recently, we reported the alteration of the
circadian patterns of plasma gastrin, insulin, glucose, calcium and gastric pH in both healthy
and healed duodenal ulcer patients, and strikingly the presence of a number of these alter-
ations one month after the end of Ramadan [7] which enforces the relevance to the debate
about the strength of meal-time as a rhythm synchronizer in humans.
The purpose of our study was to consider possible modifications in hormonal variables not
directly linked to the timing of nutrient intake, i.e., melatonin, cortisol, testosterone, free thy-
roxin, free triiodothyronine, TSH, LH, FSH and GH. Because this study was carried out to
examine whether these characteristics changed in humans observing the rule of Ramadan, we
did not attempt to change the subjects’ environmental conditions or behavioural customs (in-
cluding eating habits). Light exposure characteristics were the same during control and Ra-
madan periods except for the duration (one hour longer during Ramadan). Our study shows
obvious modifications in the rhythmic patterns of some of the variables we studied, even
though the sleep schedule of the subjects studied here was much less shortened and delayed
than in another study of Ramadan-induced changes in subjects who stayed awake till dawn
[11]. We must underline that: a) the subjects had the same tasks and working hours before
and during Ramadan; b) they took no kind of medication either before or during Ramadan; c)
none of them complained of any discomfort (including sleep disorders); d) their sleep sched-
ule was shortened and delayed only slightly (one hour on average); e) therefore the major
change in their routine was the redistribution of meal timing.
The characteristics of the serum cortisol rhythm observed on the control day are concor-
dant with those reported in the literature [6,14,15]. Nonetheless, although the mid-afternoon
rise of cortisol secretion, following the mid-day meal, is a well-known and described phe-
nomenon, it did not appear clearly among our subjects on the control day. On the Ramadan
test day, the cortisol rhythm was overtly biphasic, with an evident rise in the serum concen-
A. Bogdan et al. / Life Sciences 68 (2001) 1607–1615
tration starting at 1200 h and a plateau between 1600 h and 2000 h, i.e., at the time of the first
meal following the daytime fasting period. In addition, the morning cortisol peak was higher
and steeper during Ramadan than on the control day. Such a rise, which appears to anticipate
the time of feeding, has been described in food-restricted rats with access to food only during
the light span [16] ie. outside of the normal activity span which is also the case for the sub-
jects of the present study. Our data are consistent with findings in subjects on a five-day total
fast (water only): they experienced delayed maximum serum concentrations and increases in
the mass of their glucocorticoid secretory bursts [17]. The differences between this study and
ours are most likely related to the differences between total and daytime fasting. On the other
hand, probably due to the number of subjects participating in our study, we did not observe a
significant increase in the 24-h mean concentration of serum cortisol. Similarly, a trend to-
wards increased peak values of serum cortisol at 0800 h during Ramadan was suspected but
was not substantiated with Student’s paired t-test.
The serum melatonin rhythm observed on the control day also agreed with our previous
data [15,18]. The melatonin pattern remained circadian during Ramadan even though 24-h
mean concentration and amplitude decreased. The 0400 h nighttime peak concentration de-
creased significantly (p
0.008; Student’s paired t-test) on the twenty-third day of Ramadan.
The onset and offset times of melatonin secretion did not change from the pre-Ramadan to
the Ramadan test date. The flatter slope of the melatonin increase may be due to the pro-
longed exposure to artificial light during Ramadan. This resulted in a peak maximum during
Ramadan, rather than the plateau maximum of the control night, and it suggests that in a
group of subjects who went to bed earlier during the control period, the Ramadan schedule
might have caused a phase delay of the nighttime serum melatonin peak. Again, we must em-
phasise that since both experimental days occurred in winter, exposure to indoor lighting dur-
ing Ramadan lasted only an hour longer than during the control period. To our knowledge, no
other reports on melatonin circadian patterns during Ramadan fasting are available.
The findings of no time-of-day variations for LH, free triiodothyronine and free thyroxin
on the control day are consistent with those in the literature [6], and Ramadan did not change
the pattern of these hormones. This is contrary to the report by Fedail et al. [19] who found
an increase in serum thyroxin in a single sample taken before the main evening meal on the
first and last days of Ramadan. This difference may well be due to the circadian basis of our
study. Moreover, the duration of the daytime fasting span during Ramadan varies substan-
tially according to the season in which it occurs. We therefore cannot rule out the possibility
that this daytime fasting and accompanying changes in sleep schedule, and psychological and
social habits influences the serum concentrations of LH, FT4 and FT3 when this lunar month
occurs in summer rather than winter and thus substantially delays the timing of the fast-
breaking meal.
The well-known circadian rhythm of serum TSH was found on the control day, but its am-
plitude was flattened during Ramadan.
The control day rhythm for serum testosterone is in agreement with previous data [19].
Ramadan did not modify the 24-h mean concentration but delayed the onset of the increase.
Prolactin serum concentration was the only variable that exhibited an overt biphasic pat-
tern on both the control and Ramadan test days, without any difference for the 24-h mean
levels, but an increased evening peak. Although the profile of this hormone is known to be re-
A. Bogdan et al. / Life Sciences 68 (2001) 1607–1615
lated to sleep pattern, it is unlikely that the observed changes were caused by the one-hour
sleep change in this study, especially since none of the subjects complained of any sleep
Finally, while serum concentrations of FSH and GH underwent significant time-related
variations, ANOVA failed to show any experimental day and time interaction, but did observe
a statistically significant (although weak) decrease during Ramadan for the 24-h mean serum
concentration of FSH.
Overall, then, this study has shown different kinds of modification during Ramadan for
variables considered as markers of the circadian system: melatonin maintained its circadian
rhythmicity but with decreased amplitude and a trend towards a phase delay and cortisol
maintained its circadian rhythmicity but with a biphasic pattern. These data indicate that
these rhythms may be controlled by different oscillatory components, as other authors have
suggested [21,22]. Indeed, the ten variables here studied expressed different circadian sensi-
tivities to the altered synchronizers which would support the theory of a hierarchy of oscilla-
tors, individuality of oscillators as an alternative to a single master clock. Ramadan is in es-
sence a seasonal external factor as it changes its annual location but besides the possible
changes in the induced effects according to the duration of fasting time, one cannot rule out a
superimposed seasonal variation of the sensitivity of the target rhythms (phase shifting, am-
plitude, mean level) to Ramadan.
In conclusion, our study found that observance of Ramadan has an impact on a number of
major metabolic endocrine processes. The sleep schedule of the subjects studied here was
shortened and delayed only slightly (one hour on average), therefore the major change in
their routine was the redistribution of meal timing. Although none of the subjects participat-
ing in this experiment complained of any discomfort, this kind of study ought to be repeated
and extended to other variables and other seasons to assess the possible effects on public
health of this month of daytime fasting and modifications in sleep schedule, and psychologi-
cal and social habits that concerns a substantial fraction of the human population.
We wish to thank Pr A. Wirz-Justice (Basel, Switzerland) and Dr A. Reinberg (Paris,
France) for their useful comments, Miss Oussalah for her efficient help, and our friends and
colleagues of the Hôpital Militaire Universitaire of Oran who volunteered for the study.
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... Previous research has often attributed the decline in physical performance during Ramadan to factors such as caloric restriction, altered macronutrient composition, and sleep deprivation (2,12,24). These elements are undoubtedly significant, yet there remains a critical gap in understanding the specific impacts of these factors on athletes' bioenergetic pathways during Ramadan. ...
... For comparisons of sprint times within a protocol, a one-way analysis of variance with repeated measurements was used. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures was used to determine the effects of the state (control and fasting), sprints (1,13,22,24,27,28,(32)(33)(34)(35) and interaction (state×sprints), Frontiers in Nutrition 05 followed by multiple comparisons. ...
... Cortisol and testosterone levels typically peak in the early morning (24,33,35), optimizing performance in activities requiring maximal effort or significant motor coordination. However, a shift in cortisol secretion patterns during Ramadan has been observed, characterized by reduced morning and increased evening secretion (12,41). ...
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Introduction This investigation aims to elucidate the impact of Ramadan intermittent fasting on performance, physiological responses, and bioenergetic pathway contributions during repeated sprints. Methods Fourteen active male Muslim athletes (age = 22.4 ± 1.8 years, body weight = 69.5 ± 3.8 kg, height = 176 ± 5.1 cm) executed a repeated sprint protocol, consisting of ten 20-meter sprints with 15-s passive recovery intervals, during both fasting and non-fasting conditions. The fasting session was conducted after a 12–14 h fast following Sahur (the pre-dawn meal during Ramadan). In contrast, the non-fasting session occurred before the Ramadan fasting period began, during the same hours of the day, at a time when fasting was not yet required for the athletes. Bioenergetic pathway contributions during repeated sprints were quantified using the PCr-LA-O2 method. Results The mean sprint time during fasting sessions was 3.4 ± 0.3 s compared to 3.3 ± 0.2 s in non-fasting sessions, indicating a trend approaching the threshold of significance for slower times in the fasted state (p = 0.052, effect size (ES) = 0.34). In terms of bioenergetic contributions, the total metabolic energy expenditure (TEE) was slightly lower during fasting sessions (236.5 ± 22 kJ) compared to non-fasting sessions (245.2 ± 21.7 kJ), but this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.102, ES = 0.40). Similarly, metabolic energy expenditure per sprint was 23.7 ± 2.2 kJ in fasting conditions compared to 24.5 ± 2.2 kJ in non-fasting conditions (p = 0.106, ES = 0.35). The oxidative energy contribution did not differ significantly between fasting (34.2 ± 4.1 kJ) and non-fasting conditions (34.2 ± 4.1 vs. 35.5 ± 5.2 kJ; p = 0.238, ES = 0.28). Similarly, lactic (60.4 ± 7.6 vs. 59.2 ± 8.3 kJ; p = 0.484, ES = 0.15); and alactic (149.3 ± 19.9 vs. 143 ± 21.5 kJ; p = 0.137, ES = 0.30) energy contributions showed no significant differences between the fasting and non-fasting sessions. The percentage of performance decrement (Pdec) and the percentage contributions of oxidative, lactic, and alactic pathways to the total energy expenditure did not differ significantly between the fasting and non-fasting conditions, indicating a similar bioenergetic profile across both conditions. Conclusion The present findings indicate no significant differences in performance metrics and metabolic outcomes between fasted and non-fasted states. Future assessments with longer duration and higher intensity protocols may provide further insights.
... Additionally, the timing of meals and caloric restriction have previously been associated with changes in physiological, chronobiological, and social behaviors (5)(6)(7)(8). Hormonal secretions (catecholamines, steroids, growth, and gut hormones) and sleepwakefulness patterns are modified by circadian changes in food intake and social habits during RF (3,9,10). ...
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Objectives We investigated the timing of resistance training (RT) during Ramadan fasting (RF) on muscle strength, hormonal adaptations, and sleep quality. Methods Forty healthy and physically active male Muslims (age = 25.7 ± 5.6 years, body mass = 85.1 ± 17.5 kg, height = 175 ± 9 cm, BMI = 28.3 ± 5.7 kg/m²) were enrolled in this study and 37 completed pre and post-tests. Subjects were randomly allocated into two experimental groups. Group 1 (FAST, n = 20) completed an 8-week whole-body RT in the late afternoon (between 16 h and 18 h) while fasting. Group 2 (FED, n = 20) completed the similar RT protocol compared with FAST at night (between 20 h and 22 h). The following parameters were analyzed at various time-points: 2 weeks before the start of RF (T0), on the 15th day of Ramadan (T1), on the 29th day of Ramadan (T2), and 21 days after the last day of RF (T3) where both groups were in a fed state. One-repetition maximum tests (1-RM) were conducted for the squats (1-RMSQ), the deadlift (1-RMDL) and the bench press (1-RMBP). Sleep quality was assessed using the full Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Blood samples were taken to determine cortisol, testosterone and IGF-1 levels. Additionally, acute hormonal responses were evaluated before (BF), immediately after (AF), and 30 min after a RT session (AF-30 min) at T0, T1, T2, and T3. Results Significant group-by-time interactions were identified for 1-RMSQ (p = 0.001; effect size [ES] = 0.43) and 1-RMDL (p = 0.001; ES = 0.36). Post-hoc tests indicated significant 1-RMSQ (p = 0.03; ES = 0.12) and 1-RMDL (p = 0.04; ES = 0.21) improvements from T0-T2 for FED. Additionally, significant group-by-time interactions were observed for the chronic effects on cortisol (p = 0.03; ES = 0.27) and testosterone levels (p = 0.01; ES = 0.32). Post-hoc tests indicated significant increases of cortisol levels among FAST at T1 and T2 compared to T0 (p = 0.05; ES = 0.41, p = 0.03; ES = 0.34) and a significant increase in cortisol levels in FED at T1 (p = 0.05; ES = 0.29) and T2 (p = 0.04; ES = 0.25). However, the observed increase was lower compared to FAST. Post-hoc tests also indicated significant increases of testosterone only among FED at T2 (p = 0.04; ES = 0.31). A significant group-by-time interaction was found for the acute effect of exercise on cortisol level (p = 0.04; ES = 0.34). The cortisol level immediately after RT was higher in FAST only at T1 (p = 0.03; ES = 0.39) and T2 (p = 0.05; ES = 0.22) compared with T0. No significant group-by-time interactions were identified for sleep quality (p = 0.07; ES = 0.43). Conclusion Muslims can safely practice RT during RF. However, training in a fed state during Ramadan might be more effective than during fasted state for the enhancement of maximal strength with better hormonal responses observed.
... Hence, daily rhythms of feeding and fasting might be crucial to maintain a healthy metabolism 60) . Interestingly, time restricted fasting has also been shown to alternate the circadian rhythm of testosterone secretion 61) . Moreover, it has been documented that food intake can acutely decrease testosterone levels, hence alternating the circadian rhythm 62) . ...
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The occurrence of the metabolic syndrome and its related diseases such as diabetes are steadily rising in our modern society. Modern food choices and the more sedentary lifestyles largely contribute to this shift in our society’s health. Fasting has been practiced for religious purposes all over the world long time before science showed the benefits of it. The effects of fasting on glucose and fat metabolism are of great interest. Fasting triggers a cascade of changes in the hormonal, microbiome and enzymatic environments, leading to shifted glucose and fat metabolisms. Fasting-induced metabolic function changes are affected by several factors such as sex hormones, lipid-released hormones, growth hormone, insulin, and the gut microbiome, leading to lipolysis and the release of FFA into the bloodstream. The purpose of this review is to summarize the newest research results on the specific pathways fasting triggers to improve metabolic functions and understand the potential applications of fasting as prevention/treatment of several metabolic conditions.
... Bogdan et al measured serum concentrations of several hormones, including TSH and thyroid hormones, around the clock at six 4-hour intervals before and on the 23rd day of Ramadan. 15 Time series were analyzed using repeated measures. Serum TSH rhythm was blunted over the test period in the form of decreased midnight and increased afternoon values. ...
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Introduction Ramadan fasting-induced changes in eating and sleeping patterns pose a risk of influencing thyroid hormone levels. There is a recognition of the potential impact of fasting and feasting on levothyroxine (L-T4) absorption. Materials and Methods A narrative, nonsystematic literature review from two major medical online databases (PubMed and Google Scholar) from their inception to the search day (February 22, 2024). A relevant combined search term was used. The retrieved literature is narrated in a concise account. Results There is a relationship between metabolism and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). This relationship contributes to transient metabolic disturbances that influence the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of various drugs, adding complexity to the management of hypothyroidism during Ramadan fasting. Several observational studies have studied the changes in thyroid function levels during unmodified L-T4 regimens. Experimental trials explored the impact on body weight, well-being, and thyroid functions when the timing of L-T4 administration changes. Findings are far from homogeneous due to different study protocols. A recent meta-analysis demonstrated a significant post-Ramadan increase in TSH levels among euthyroid patients. L-T4 timing points, encompassing pre-Iftar, post-Iftar, and pre-Suhoor, are associated with elevated TSH levels after Ramadan fasting. The emphasis on individualized L-T4 regimens during Ramadan fasting is underscored, with recommendations for patients to refrain from food for at least 3 hours before and 30 minutes after L-T4 intake to ensure optimal compliance by most experts. The association between adherence to L-T4 during Ramadan fasting and maintaining euthyroid status is highlighted, encouraging patients to follow prescribed regimens diligently. Modified dosing frequencies, such as weekly regimens, exhibit promising results, especially in patients grappling with compliance issues. Proactive consultations with physicians before Ramadan are needed to review the latest thyroid function test and make possible dose adjustments. Conclusion Managing hypothyroidism during Ramadan necessitates an understanding of medication timing, food-drug interactions, and prior regimens. Adherence, facilitated by flexibility, plays a critical role in achieving euthyroid status.
... During Ramadan, alterations in the sleep-wakefulness cycle and changes in social habits might potentially affect the circadian pattern of certain hormonal parameters. These include pituitary hormones (PRL, LH, FSH, GH, and TSH), steroid hormones (cortisol, testosterone), and thyroid hormones [52]. Our study found that Ramadan Intermittent Fasting could result in a considerable yet statistically insignificant decrease in Morning Cortisol levels. ...
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Background Ramadan Intermittent Fasting (RIF) has the potential to alter hormonal levels in the body. This study investigates the impact of RIF on hormonal levels among healthy individuals during Ramadan. Methods A systematic review and meta-analysis of previously published studies were conducted, focusing on healthy non-athlete adults. The intervention examined was Ramadan Intermittent Fasting, and the primary outcomes assessed were changes in endocrine hormonal and biochemical parameters. The pooled effect measure was expressed as odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) using the random-effects model. Results A total of 35 original articles were retrieved, with a combined sample size of 1,107 participants eligible for the meta-analysis. No significant relationship was found between pre- and post-Ramadan hormonal levels of T3, T4, TSH, FT3, FT4, Testosterone, LH, FSH, Prolactin, PTH, Calcium, and Phosphorus (P-value<0.05). However, a substantial decrease in morning cortisol levels was observed across the studies (P-value: 0.08, Hedges’ g = -2.14, 95% CI: -4.54, 0.27). Conclusions Ramadan Intermittent Fasting results in minimal hormonal changes and is a safe practice for healthy individuals. The fasting regimen appears to disrupt the circadian rhythm, leading to a decrease in morning cortisol levels.
... The obligation to eat only within a short overnight span leads to several behavioral changes in sleep (19,20), alertness (21), meal times (21,22) and eating schedule (21,22). Additionally, in adults, physiological changes may be observed during Ramadan observance such as dehydration (14,19,(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29), metabolic responses (24,25,27,28) and the circadian variation of body temperature, cortisol and melatonin (30,31). Behavioral and physiological changes reported in adults may be exacerbated in adolescent students participating in PE lessons during Ramadan obser-vance and leading, consequently, to impairment of physical and cognitive performances. ...
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Teenage students continue to participate in physical education lessons during the month of Ramadan. The combination of intermittent fasting and physical activity may result in impairment in both physical and cognitive performances. Additionally, dietary intake, sleep and hydration status may be negatively affected. To counteract the possible negative effects of intermittent fasting upon health and athletic performance of adolescent students, some practical recommendations should be outlined including (i) nutrition and sleep education of students, (ii) reducing the intensity and increasing the recovery periods during physical education lessons and (iii) practicing physical education in indoor. Additionally, teachers should be aware of clinical signs and symptoms of dehydration and hypoglycemia.
... Generally, athletes presented worse physical performance during rather than before Ramadan. Bogdan and his team explained the findings, noting that the amounts of food ingested late at night during Ramadan frequently cause disturbing bedtime sleep and also make sleep duration shorter (49). Our research indicates no effect of RIF on SE, SL, and WASO scores. ...
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Background. Ramadan observance has been practiced by many faith groups and cultures worldwide. Moreover , recently, it has been adopted as a natural alternative to promote public health. During Ramadan, our circadian rhythm can be altered. This study investigates how athletes' chronotype and sleep patterns impact aerobic fitness during Ramadan intermittent fasting. Study design. A prospective cohort design with repeated measurements was adopted. We measured the chronotype, maximal Oxygen Uptake as a measure of aerobic performance, and sleep patterns before and during Ramadan intermittent fasting. Then we explored the correlation among these variables. Methods. 50 amateur athletes (Mean age = 17.22 years SD = 1.15) from Morocco participated in this study. The maximal Oxygen Uptake was measured with the 20-m shuttle-run test. The chronotype was assessed by the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire. The sleep timing was assessed by Sleep Timing Questionnaire. We also assessed sleep quality with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. We examined the difference between variable means before and during Ramadan, also considering chronotype and sleep patterns of participants. Results. The results showed a significant decrease in sleep quality and maximal Oxygen Uptake during the Ramadan Intermittent Fasting. Also, we found a significant correlation between the chronotype, time in bed and time spent asleep. However, chronotype and sleep quality did not affect maximal Oxygen Uptake during the Ramadan intermittent fasting. Conclusions. Sleep and chronotype do not influence physical performance during Ramadan Intermittent Fasting. More research is needed to identify the leading cause of the drop in aerobic performance.
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This study examines the impact of Ramadan fasting and sleep habits on cognitive functions in Moroccan high school students. Carried out over two months, the research involved 140 healthy participants (66 boys and 74 girls) divided into 2 school levels: 67 in the 1st baccalaureate year and 73 in the 2nd baccalaureate year, with an average age of 16.83±0.77 years, from a secondary school in the Skhirat-Temara, region Rabat-Sale-Kenitra. Using the d2-R test, the Trail Making Test (TMT), the digit span test, sleep diaries, and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), the study assessed selective attention, working memory, insomnia, and daytime sleepiness during and after Ramadan. The results indicate that Ramadan fasting is associated with a high rate of daytime sleepiness and a reduction in sleep duration, with 75% of adolescents waking up for Suhour. A significant difference was also observed in performance during and after the d2-R tests: accuracy (p < 0.001), ability to concentrate (p < 0.001), processing speed (p < 0.001), or digit span (p < 0.001). These results suggest that although Ramadan can affect sleep quality and increase daytime sleepiness, it also leads to impaired attention and working memory.
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Background: Recent research underscores a crucial connection between circadian rhythm disruption and cancer promotion, highlighting an urgent need for attention. Objectives: Explore the molecular mechanisms by which modern lifestyle factors—such as artificial light exposure, shift work, and dietary patterns—affect cortisol/melatonin regulation and cancer risk. Methods: Employing a narrative review approach, we synthesized findings from Scopus, Google Scholar, and PubMed to analyze lifestyle impacts on circadian health, focusing on cortisol and melatonin chronobiology as molecular markers. We included studies that documented quantitative changes in these markers due to modern lifestyle habits, excluding those lacking quantitative data or presenting inconclusive results. Subsequent sections focused solely on articles that quantified the effects of circadian disruption on adipogenesis and tumor microenvironment modifications. Results: This review shows how modern habits lead to molecular changes in cortisol and melatonin, creating adipose microenvironments that support cancer development. These disruptions facilitate immune evasion, chemotherapy resistance, and tumor growth, highlighting the critical roles of cortisol dysregulation and melatonin imbalance. Conclusions: Through the presented findings, we establish a causal link between circadian rhythm dysregulation and the promotion of certain cancer types. By elucidating this relationship, the study emphasizes the importance of addressing lifestyle factors that contribute to circadian misalignment, suggesting that targeted interventions could play a crucial role in mitigating cancer risk and improving overall health outcomes.
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Every other month (plasma) and every month (urine) circadian rhythms were documented during the course of 14 months. Annual changes were validated in the 24 h mean of: plasma FSH (annual crest time: February), LH (March), thyroxine (September), cortisol (February), renin activity (April), testosterone (October), urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (March), aldosterone (March), potassium (May) as well as sexual activity (September) [self-recorded daily]. Plasma prolactin did not show an annual variation. In addition, annual changes in the circadian acrophase (crest time location in the 24 h scale) occurred for some of the documented variables: plasma thyroxine, cortisol, renin activity, testosterone, urinary aldosterone and potassium.
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Bright light is a synchronizing agent that entrains human circadian rhythms and modifies various endocrine and neuroendocrine functions. The aim of the present study was to determine whether and how the exposure to a bright light stimulus during the 2 h following a 2 h earlier awakening could modify the disturbance induced by the the sleep deprivation on the plasma patterns of hormones whose secretion is sensitive to light and/or sleep, namely melatonin, prolactin, cortisol and testosterone. Six healthy and synchronized (lights on: 07.00-23.00) male students (22.5 +/- 1.1 years) with normal psychological profiles volunteered for the study in winter. The protocol consisted of a baseline control night (customary sleep schedule) followed by three shortened nights with a rising at 05.00 and a 2 h exposure to either dim light (50 lux; one week) or bright light (2000 lux; other week). Our study showed a phase advance of the circadian rhythm of plasma cortisol without significant modifications of the hormone mean or peak concentration. Plasma melatonin concentration decreased following bright light exposure, whereas no obvious modifications of plasma testosterone or prolactin patterns could be observed in this protocol.
Everyone has heard of nature's "biological clocks", the phenomenon of periodic activity in plants, animals and humans. But what does chronobiology have to do with modern medicine? This book presents in a concise but comprehensive fashion the basic principles of chronobiology and their application to clinical medicine. The chapters are written by specialists in the field; they summarize the physiology, pathophysiology and pathology of the human time structure and outline the application of chronobiologic principles and techniques for diagnosis and treatment.
Serum cortisol concentrations are increased in fasted or malnourished human subjects. The dynamic mechanisms underlying this adaptive response have been investigated in eight normal men by analyzing serum cortisol concentrations measured in blood obtained at 5-min intervals over 24 h on a control (fed) day and on the fifth day of a fast (water only) assigned in randomized order. A multiple parameter deconvolution method was used to simultaneously resolve endogenous cortisol secretion and half-life. Five days of fasting induced a 1.8-fold increase in the 24-h endogenous cortisol production rate (fed, 2504 +/- 308; fasted, 4528 +/- 488 nmol/L distribution volume; P < 0.006). This enhanced cortisol production rate was accounted for by a 1.6-fold increase in the mass of cortisol secreted per burst (fed, 115 +/- 12.1; fasted, 183 +/- 17.3 nmol/L; P < 0.02). Cortisol secretory event amplitudes (maximal rates of cortisol release attained within a burst) increased in seven of eight men, and mean secretory burst d...
Circadian rhythms in systemic and cellular variables were studied in three groups of mice on different schedules of daily food accessibility: (1) only during the first 4 hours of the 12-hour light span; (2) only during the first 4 hours of the 12-hour dark span; and (3) at all times. The amplitudes of circadian variation in rectal temperature, serum corticosterone, and liver glycogen were increased by "meal-feeding" in either early light or early darkness. The overall averages of corticosterone and glycogen were also increased by meal-feeding at either stage of the lighting regimen. The time of peak values in temperature, corticosterone, and glycogen were determined by the time of food presentation, regardless of its relation to the lighting regimen. On the other hand, the interval between food presentation and peak values in the corneal mitotic index was greater when feeding was restricted to early darkness. These differences among the three groups of animals resulted in different relations among varibles at any given interval after feeding onset. Such effects concerning total bodily function, energy storage, hormonal regulation, and basic cellular processes indicate the pertinence of meal timing to nutritional research and practice.
This is a report of a rare and unusual case of adrenal pathology. A patient presented with clinical and biological signs of primary aldosteronism and computed body tomography scan led to our suspecting the presence of a left adrenocortical carcinoma. The in vitro studies performed on the resected tumour showed very low synthesis of mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids. The patient could not be reexamined until 15 months later, when he still suffered hypertension; another tomography scan revealed a mass on the right adrenal gland. The studies performed on this second tumour confirmed the diagnosis of Conn's adenoma: active in vitro biosynthesis of 18-hydroxy-corticosterone and aldosterone from exogenous tritiated precursors.
During the month of Muslim fasting (Ramadan) many people alter their sleeping habits and stay awake most of the night. We investigated the effect of this alteration on morning and midnight cortisol levels in 10 healthy adults in their homes. Four of the subjects showed alteration of the cortisol rhythm during the last 2 weeks of fasting with reversal of the morning/midnight ratio in some values. One lady was admitted for 24-h cortisol profile on Day 15 of Ramadan when the acrophase and nadir showed a forward shift by about 5-6 h, consistent with the shift of the subject's sleep. The morning cortisol returned to normal in all subjects 4 weeks after Ramadan. However, the midnight value was above 250 nmol/l in three of the subjects who exhibited the alteration during Ramadan. These findings suggest that single-point cortisol values can be misleading in many Muslin countries during or shortly after Ramadan.
Hepatic tyrosine transaminase activity was measured over a 24-hour period in animals maintained under three environmental situations: normal lighting (lights on from 9 AM to 9 PM) and ad libitum dietary protein; reversed lighting (lights on from 9 PM to 9 AM) and ad libitum dietary protein; and normal lighting and a nonprotein diet, with protein added at various times during the day. In each case, the increase in tyrosine transaminase activity was not observed until after the initial ingestion of protein. These results support the hypothesis that the daily rhythm in the activity of this enzyme in rat liver is generated by the cyclical ingestion of protein.