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Measurement of C-Reactive Protein for the Targeting of Statin Therapy in the Primary Prevention of Acute Coronary Events


Abstract and Figures

Elevated levels of C-reactive protein, even in the absence of hyperlipidemia, are associated with an increased risk of coronary events. Statin therapy reduces the level of C-reactive protein independently of its effect on lipid levels. We hypothesized that statins might prevent coronary events in persons with elevated C-reactive protein levels who did not have overt hyperlipidemia. The level of C-reactive protein was measured at base line and after one year in 5742 participants in a five-year randomized trial of lovastatin for the primary prevention of acute coronary events. The rates of coronary events increased significantly with increases in the base-line levels of C-reactive protein. Lovastatin therapy reduced the C-reactive protein level by 14.8 percent (P<0.001), an effect not explained by lovastatin-induced changes in the lipid profile. As expected, lovastatin was effective in preventing coronary events in participants whose base-line ratio of total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol was higher than the median ratio, regardless of the level of C-reactive protein (number needed to treat for five years to prevent 1 event, 47; P=0.005). However, lovastatin was also effective among those with a ratio of total to HDL cholesterol that was lower than the median and a C-reactive protein level higher than the median (number needed to treat, 43; P=0.02). In contrast, lovastatin was ineffective among participants with a ratio of total to HDL cholesterol and a C-reactive protein level that were both lower than the median (number needed to treat, 983; P=0.80). Statin therapy may be effective in the primary prevention of coronary events among subjects with relatively low lipid levels but with elevated levels of C-reactive protein.
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The New England
Copyright © 2001 by the Massachusetts Medical Society
28, 2001
N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26
June 28, 2001
M. R
, M.D., M.P.H., N
, P
.D., M
, D.O., J
R. D
, M.D.,
E. W
, D.O., J. S
, M.D.,
M. G
, J
., M.D., D.P
Elevated levels of C-reactive protein,
even in the absence of hyperlipidemia, are associated
with an increased risk of coronary events. Statin ther-
apy reduces the level of C-reactive protein independ-
ently of its effect on lipid levels. We hypothesized that
statins might prevent coronary events in persons with
elevated C-reactive protein levels who did not have
overt hyperlipidemia.
The level of C-reactive protein was meas-
ured at base line and after one year in 5742 partici-
pants in a five-year randomized trial of lovastatin for
the primary prevention of acute coronary events.
The rates of coronary events increased sig-
nificantly with increases in the base-line levels of
C-reactive protein. Lovastatin therapy reduced the
C-reactive protein level by 14.8 percent (P<0.001), an
effect not explained by lovastatin-induced changes in
the lipid profile. As expected, lovastatin was effective
in preventing coronary events in participants whose
base-line ratio of total cholesterol to high-density lip-
oprotein (HDL) cholesterol was higher than the median
ratio, regardless of the level of C-reactive protein (num-
ber needed to treat for five years to prevent 1 event,
47; P=0.005). However, lovastatin was also effective
among those with a ratio of total to HDL cholesterol
that was lower than the median and a C-reactive pro-
tein level higher than the median (number needed to
treat, 43; P=0.02). In contrast, lovastatin was ineffec-
tive among participants with a ratio of total to HDL
cholesterol and a C-reactive protein level that were
both lower than the median (number needed to treat,
983; P=0.87).
Statin therapy may be effective in the
primary prevention of coronary events among persons
with relatively low lipid levels but with elevated levels
of C-reactive protein. (N Engl J Med 2001;344:1959-65.)
Copyright © 2001 Massachusetts Medical Society.
From the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston (P.M.R., N.R .,
J.S.M.); the University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth
(M.C., S.E.W.); Wilford Hall Medical Center, Lackland Air Force Base, San
Antonio, Tex. (J.R.D.); and Weill Medical College of Cornell University,
New York (A.M.G.). Address reprint requests to Dr. Ridker at the Center for
Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 900
Commonwealth Ave. E., Boston, MA 02215, or at pridker@par
OTH the Air Force/Texas Coronary Athero-
sclerosis Prevention Study (AFCAPS/Tex-
CAPS) and the West of Scotland Coronary
Prevention Study demonstrated that inhib-
itors of hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-
CoA) reductase (statins) reduce the risk of first coro-
nary events.
However, the use of statins for primary
prevention has not been widely adopted, in part be-
cause the number of persons who need to be treated
to prevent one clinical event is relatively large and the
cost of this approach is substantial.
A method of distinguishing high-risk from low-
risk patients might make possible better targeting of
statin therapy for primary prevention.
For example,
restricting statin use to those with overt hyperlipide-
mia improves the cost effectiveness of the therapy,
the current guidelines of the National Cholesterol
Education Program recommend that statins be pre-
scribed for primary prevention when low-density lip-
oprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels exceed 160 mg per
deciliter (4.14 mmol per liter).
Unfortunately, half
of all coronary events occur in persons without overt
Thus, lipid screening alone may fail to
identify all high-risk subgroups that are likely to ben-
efit from statin therapy.
Several studies suggest that measurement of the
inflammatory marker C-reactive protein may provide
a useful method of assessing the risk of cardiovascu-
lar disease in apparently healthy persons, particularly
when lipid levels are low.
Furthermore, statin ther-
apy has been shown to reduce C-reactive protein lev-
els independently of its effect on cholesterol,
N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26
June 28, 2001
The New England Journal of Medicine
statins may have antiinflammatory properties.
though the addition of an evaluation of C-reactive
protein levels to standard lipid screening has been
shown to improve risk prediction in the primary pre-
vention of acute coronary events,
there are no data
demonstrating that C-reactive protein screening can
identify subgroups of patients who are more or less
likely to benefit from statin therapy.
To address this issue, we measured the level of
C-reactive protein both at base line and after one year
of follow-up among 5742 of the 6605 participants
enrolled in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-con-
trolled trial of lovastatin in the primary prevention
of acute coronary events in persons with average lev-
els of total cholesterol and below-average levels of
high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.
AFCAPS/TexCAPS was a primary-prevention trial of lovastat-
in, conducted between 1990 and 1998, that included 6605 men
and women at two sites in Texas, the Lackland Air Force Base and
the University of North Texas Health Science Center.
Men 45
to 73 years old and postmenopausal women 55 to 73 years old
who had average levels of total and LDL cholesterol and below-
average levels of HDL cholesterol were eligible. Persons with un-
controlled hypertension, secondary hyperlipidemia, diabetes requir-
ing insulin, or a body mass 50 percent greater than desirable were
Participants who provided written informed consent, met all
the entrance criteria, and completed a 12-week run-in period dur-
ing which they followed the American Heart Association Step I diet
were randomly assigned to receive either lovastatin (20 mg per
day) or matching placebo. The dose of lovastatin was increased in
a double-blind manner to 40 mg of lovastatin per day if the LDL
cholesterol level was higher than 110 mg per deciliter (2.84 mmol
per liter) at the three-month visit. We conducted follow-up for an
average of 5.2 years to monitor the occurrence of first acute cor-
onary events, which were prospectively defined as fatal or nonfatal
myocardial infarction, unstable angina, or sudden death from car-
diac causes. As we previously reported,
assignment to the lovastat-
in group was associated with a rate of reaching this primary clin-
ical end point that was 37 percent lower than that in the placebo
group (relative risk, 0.63; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.50 to
0.79; P<0.001).
Laboratory Analyses
A highly sensitive latex-based immunoassay (Dade Behring,
Newark, Del.) was used to determine the levels of C-reactive pro-
tein in blood obtained at the time of randomization and at one
Lipid levels were measured in a laboratory accredited by
the Lipid Standardization Program of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. In total, 5742 of the 6605 participants
(87 percent) had blood available for analysis and underwent suc-
cessful evaluation for high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and lipid
levels. The median LDL cholesterol level (149.1 mg per deciliter
[3.86 mmol per liter]) and the median ratio of total to HDL cho-
lesterol (5.96) among these 5742 participants were virtually identi-
cal to the median level and ratio (149.3 mg per deciliter [3.86 mmol
per liter] and 5.98, respectively) in the study cohort as a whole.
Statistical Analysis
After the study cohort had been divided into quartiles on the
basis of C-reactive protein levels, Cox regression analysis was used
to test for an association between base-line levels of C-reactive pro-
tein and the risk of acute coronar y events. Adjusted risk estimates
were obtained from analyses that also controlled for age, sex, smok-
ing status, hypertension, parental history with respect to coronary
disease, and lipid levels.
Spearman correlation coefficients were used to evaluate poten-
tial relations between C-reactive protein levels and lipid levels at
study entr y and between the change in C-reactive protein levels
and the change in lipid values by the end of one year of therapy.
The percentage change in C-reactive protein levels that was associ-
ated with the use of lovastatin was also computed and compared
with the percentage change in C-reactive protein levels among
those assigned to the placebo group.
To evaluate the efficacy of lovastatin as compared with placebo
in subgroups defined according to base-line levels of lipids and
C-reactive protein, we divided the study cohort into four groups
of approximately equal size: those with an LDL cholesterol level
lower than the median (less than 149.1 mg per deciliter) and a
C-reactive protein level lower than the median (less than 0.16 mg
per deciliter) (1448 participants); those with an LDL cholesterol
level lower than the median and a C-reactive protein level higher
than the median (1428 participants); those with an LDL choles-
terol level higher than the median and a C-reactive protein level
lower than the median (1420 participants); and those with an
LDL cholesterol level higher than the median and a C-reactive
protein level higher than the median (1446 participants). We then
computed the reductions in relative risk associated with lovastatin
as compared with placebo in each of these four groups, as well as
the number of persons who would have to be treated for five years
to prevent one acute coronary event.
To determine whether any observed effects within these groups
were sensitive to the choice of lipid variable and to address the fact
that the AFCAPS/TexCAPS trial enrolled participants with be-
low-average HDL cholesterol levels, we repeated these analyses
using the median base-line ratio of total to HDL cholesterol (5.96)
rather than the median base-line LDL cholesterol level.
The overall distribution of C-reactive protein val-
ues in this study was similar to that reported in pre-
vious studies of primary prevention.
The mean and
median levels of C-reactive protein were 0.31 and
0.16 mg per deciliter, respectively, and the ranges of
C-reactive protein levels in the four quartiles were
less than 0.08 mg per deciliter, 0.08 to less than 0.16
mg per deciliter, 0.16 to 0.35 mg per deciliter, and
greater than 0.35 mg per deciliter.
Our data provided minimal evidence of an associ-
ation between base-line C-reactive protein levels and
base-line lipid levels; the Spearman correlation coef-
ficients for the relations between C-reactive protein
levels and total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol and tri-
glyceride levels and the ratio of total to HDL cho-
lesterol were 0.069, 0.012, ¡0.058, 0.129, and 0.092,
respectively. Thus, less than 2 percent of the variance
in base-line C-reactive protein levels was determined
by lipid factors.
Overall, the rates of coronary events increased with
the base-line levels of C-reactive protein, so that the
relative risks of coronary events in participants as-
signed to the placebo group as compared with those
in the lovastatin group were 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.7 for
the lowest to highest quartile of base-line levels of
C-reactive protein (P=0.01). In unadjusted analy-
ses, the risk of acute coronary events increased by 21
percent with each increasing quartile of base-line
C-reactive protein levels (95 percent confidence in-
N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26
June 28, 2001
terval, 4 to 41 percent). In similar analyses with con-
trol for age, sex, smoking status, hypertension, pa-
rental history with respect to coronary disease, and
lipid levels, the increase in risk associated with a one-
quartile increase in the C-reactive protein level (17
percent; 95 percent confidence interval, 3 to 33 per-
cent) was almost identical in magnitude to that as-
sociated with an increase of 1.0 in the ratio of total
to HDL cholesterol (18 percent; 95 percent confi-
dence interval, 5 to 33 percent).
Lovastatin therapy was associated with a statisti-
cally significant 14.8 percent reduction in the medi-
an level of C-reactive protein (95 percent confidence
interval, 12.5 to 17.4 percent; P<0.001) at the end
of the first year of treatment (Table 1). By contrast,
assignment to the placebo group had no effect on
the median level of C-reactive protein (median per-
centage change, 0.0; 95 percent confidence interval,
0.0 to 5.3 percent), although there were more par-
ticipants with an increase in C-reactive protein levels
than with a decrease. Thus, the difference between
the lovastatin group and the placebo group in terms
of the change in C-reactive protein levels over time
was significant (P<0.001). This effect of lovastatin
on the level of C-reactive protein was not related to
the effect of lovastatin on lipid levels; among the par-
ticipants in the lovastatin group, the Spearman cor-
relation coefficients for the relation between the per-
centage change in C-reactive protein level and the
percentage change in total, LDL, and HDL choles-
terol and triglyceride levels and the ratio of total
to HDL cholesterol were ¡0.001, 0.014, ¡0.079,
¡0.013, and 0.061, respectively. Thus, virtually none
of the observed variance in the effect of lovastatin
on C-reactive protein levels could be explained by
lovastatin-induced changes in lipid fractions.
Table 2 presents the results of efficacy analyses for
lovastatin in subgroups of participants delineated ac-
cording to LDL cholesterol and C-reactive protein
levels. As expected, given the overall findings of the
trial, lovastatin was clinically effective among partic-
ipants with LDL cholesterol levels higher than the
median, regardless of their C-reactive protein levels
(relative risk of acute coronary events, 0.53; 95 per-
cent confidence interval, 0.37 to 0.77; number need-
ed to treat, 42; P=0.001). However, lovastatin was
also clinically effective among those with LDL cho-
lesterol levels lower than the median and C-reactive
protein levels higher than the median (relative risk,
0.58; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.34 to 0.98;
number needed to treat, 48; P=0.04). In contrast,
among the participants with LDL cholesterol and
C-reactive protein levels that were both lower than
the median, the point estimate did not indicate that
lovastatin reduced the risk of acute coronary events
(relative risk, 1.08; 95 percent confidence interval,
0.56 to 2.08; P=0.74). In these analyses, formal
testing for a multiplicative interaction among lova-
statin, lipids, and C-reactive protein indicated bor-
derline statistical significance (P=0.06).
We evaluated the robustness of these analyses by
stratifying the study cohort on the basis of the me-
dian base-line ratio of total to HDL cholesterol, rath-
er than on the basis of the base-line LDL cholesterol
level, and the results were nearly identical (Table 3).
Specifically, lovastatin was highly effective among par-
ticipants with a base-line ratio of total to HDL cho-
lesterol that was higher than the median (number
needed to treat, 47; P=0.005). However, lovastatin
was also highly effective among those with a ratio of
total to HDL cholesterol lower than the median and
a C-reactive protein level higher than the median
(number needed to treat, 43; P=0.02). In contrast,
lovastatin was far less effective among those with a
ratio of total to HDL cholesterol lower than the me-
dian who also had a C-reactive protein level lower
*Data are shown for the 5719 study participants who provided both base-line and one-year blood
samples and who were free of any acute coronary event during the first year of follow-up. Confidence
intervals (CIs) of the medians are nonparametric.
†P<0.001 for the comparison with the lovastatin group.
mg/dl (95% CI) % (95% CI)
(0.15 to 0.17)
(0.12 to 0.14)
(¡0.02 to ¡0.01)
(¡17.4 to ¡12.5)
(0.15 to 0.16)
(0.16 to 0.17)
(0.00 to 0.01)
(0.0 to 5.3)†
N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26
June 28, 2001
The New England Journal of Medicine
*The rates of events and the numbers needed to treat to prevent one event were calculated on the basis of five patient-
years at risk. CI denotes confidence interval.
, R
, R
LDL <median 41/1444 0.027 54/1432 0.036 0.74 (0.49–1.11) 113
LDL >median 44/1450 0.029 77/1416 0.053 0.53 (0.37–0.77) 42
LDL <median, C-reactive
protein <median
19/726 0.025 17/722 0.022 1.08 (0.56–2.08)
LDL <median, C-reactive
protein >median
22/718 0.029 37/710 0.051 0.58 (0.34–0.98) 48
LDL >median, C-reactive
protein <median
15/709 0.020 37/711 0.050 0.38 (0.21–0.70) 33
LDL >median, C-reactive
protein >median
29/741 0.038 40/705 0.055 0.68 (0.42–1.10) 58
*The rates of events and the numbers needed to treat to prevent one event were calculated on the basis of five patient-
years at risk. CI denotes confidence interval.
Cholesterol ratio <median 36/1412 0.024 55/1459 0.036 0.63 (0.41–0.95) 86
Cholesterol ratio >median 49/1482 0.032 76/1389 0.053 0.59 (0.41–0.85) 47
Cholesterol ratio <median,
C-reactive protein
19/762 0.024 20/763 0.025 0.88 (0.47–1.67) 983
Cholesterol ratio <median,
C-reactive protein
17/650 0.025 35/696 0.050 0.47 (0.27–0.85) 43
Cholesterol ratio >median,
C-reactive protein
15/673 0.021 34/670 0.050 0.42 (0.23–0.77) 35
Cholesterol ratio >median,
C-reactive protein
34/809 0.041 42/719 0.057 0.72 (0.46–1.13) 62
N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26 ·June 28, 2001 · ·1963
than the median (number needed to treat, 983; P=
0.87) (Table 3).
The rates of events among the participants in the
placebo group who had lipid levels lower than the me-
dian and C-reactive protein levels higher than the
median were just as high as the rates of events among
those with overt hyperlipidemia (Tables 2 and 3).
Moreover, lovastatin was clinically effective in reducing
the risk of acute coronary events among participants
with lipid levels lower than the median and C-reactive
protein levels higher than the median, but not among
those with lipid levels and C-reactive protein levels
that were both lower than the median (Fig. 1).
In these data, the observed efficacy of lovastatin
in preventing acute coronary events was not statisti-
cally significant among the participants with lipid lev-
els and C-reactive protein levels that were both high-
er than the median (Fig. 1). However, in each of the
two subgroups defined according to these criteria,
the point estimates of effect indicate an overall net
benefit with lovastatin. Furthermore, there was no ev-
idence of any statistically significant difference be-
tween the efficacy of lovastatin among the participants
with lipid levels and C-reactive protein levels that
were both higher than the median and its efficacy
among those with lipid levels higher than the medi-
an but C-reactive protein levels lower than the me-
dian; these data suggest that any small differences
between the results in these subgroups probably rep-
resent the effects of chance. Finally, because the rates
of events were high among participants with lipid lev-
els and C-reactive protein levels that were both high-
er than the median, the number needed to treat in
these subgroups was well below the number consid-
ered the threshold for justifying treatment for pri-
mary prevention. Indeed, the number needed to treat
among participants with lipid levels and C-reactive
protein levels that were both higher than the median
was of similar magnitude to that found in subgroups
in which the efficacy of lovastatin was clearly statis-
tically significant (Tables 2 and 3).
Among the participants in AFCAPS/TexCAPS,
base-line C-reactive protein levels were an independ-
ent predictor of first acute coronary events. Further-
more, lovastatin appeared to be highly effective in
reducing the risk of acute coronary events in partic-
ipants with elevated C-reactive protein levels but no
hyperlipidemia. Indeed, among participants with ei-
ther an LDL cholesterol level or a ratio of total to
HDL cholesterol that was lower than the median but
a C-reactive protein level higher than the median, the
number needed to treat with lovastatin to prevent one
clinical event was virtually identical to that among
participants with lipid levels higher than the median.
These analyses thus raise the possibility that statin
therapy may be clinically effective in persons with-
out hyperlipidemia and suggest that evaluation of
the C-reactive protein level may provide a method
for the appropriate targeting of statin therapy for pri-
mary prevention.20 Finally, lovastatin significantly re-
duced C-reactive protein levels independently of its
effect on lipids.
The results of this study have several implications.
First, the current data confirm in a large population
of apparently healthy men and women that C-reac-
tive protein can be used to determine the risk of
acute coronary events. The effect of the C-reactive
protein level on risk was independent of all other
factors, including lipid levels, known to predict clin-
ical coronary outcomes. Thus, as in our earlier stud-
ies,8,9,16 the current data are consistent with the hy-
pothesis that the addition of an evaluation of the
C-reactive protein level to the standard lipid evalua-
tion may provide an improved method of identifying
persons at high risk.
Second, in this double-blind trial, the use of lova-
statin resulted in a 14.8 percent reduction in median
C-reactive protein levels after one year (P<0.001),
whereas no change in C-reactive protein levels oc-
curred in participants in the placebo group. Thus,
the current data also confirm the findings of the
Cholesterol and Recurrent Events (CARE) trial, in
which assignment to pravastatin therapy led to a 17.4
percent reduction in median C-reactive protein lev-
els over a five-year period.13 As in the CARE trial,
the effect of lovastatin on C-reactive protein levels in
our study appeared to be unrelated to any effect of
HMG-CoA reductase inhibition on plasma lipid lev-
els. Together, these clinical data provide evidence of
nonlipid effects of this class of agents13-15 and suggest
that statins may lead to the stabilization of plaque in
part through antiinflammatory mechanisms.21-23
Third, although our study is hypothesis-generating,
the fact that lovastatin was highly effective among
participants without marked hyperlipidemia but with
elevated levels of C-reactive protein may have impli-
cations for the use of HMG-CoA reductase inhibi-
tors in primary prevention. As outlined in the current
guidelines of the National Cholesterol Education
Program, strategies to target statin therapy in primary
prevention rely largely on LDL cholesterol screening,
an approach that results in a reduction in the num-
ber needed to treat to prevent one event and im-
proves the cost effectiveness of these agents.5,6 How-
ever, as the current data suggest, lovastatin may be
highly effective among persons with average and be-
low-average LDL cholesterol levels who have C-reac-
tive protein levels higher than the median. Thus, if
the number needed to treat is used to estimate the
effect of therapy in primary prevention, then C-reac-
tive protein screening might provide an additional
method for targeting the use of statins, particularly
when lipid levels are normal or low.
In the current study, the magnitude of the increase
1964 ·N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26 ·June 28, 2001 ·
The New England Journal of Medicine
in risk associated with higher levels of C-reactive pro-
tein is somewhat smaller than that observed in pre-
vious studies.8-11 Several aspects of the design of our
study probably account for this difference. For exam-
ple, obese persons and diabetic patients requiring in-
sulin were excluded from the study. Since these groups
have elevated C-reactive protein levels and are at in-
creased risk for cardiovascular disease,24 their exclu-
sion would tend to lead to underestimation of the
predictive value of the C-reactive protein level. Sim-
ilarly, because C-reactive protein and lipid levels ap-
pear additive in their ability to predict the risk of car-
diovascular disease,9,16 the further exclusion from the
study of persons with severe hyperlipidemia would also
tend to reduce the predictive value of the C-reactive
protein level. Finally, nearly 20 percent of the par-
Figure 1. Relative Risks (and 95 Percent Confidence Intervals) Associated with Lovastatin Therapy, According to Base-
Line Lipid and C-Reactive Protein Levels.
Data are shown for LDL cholesterol levels (Panel A) and the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol (Panel B). Open boxes reflect
analyses for all participants with LDL cholesterol levels higher than the median (in Panel A) and ratios of total to HDL
cholesterol higher than the median (in Panel B).
LDL <median,
C-reactive protein <median
LDL <median,
C-reactive protein >median
LDL >median,
C-reactive protein <median
LDL >median,
C-reactive protein >median
LDL >median,
any C-reactive protein
0.0 2.50.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Lovastatin Superior Placebo Superior
Cholesterol ratio <median,
C-reactive protein <median
Cholesterol ratio <median,
C-reactive protein >median
Cholesterol ratio >median,
C-reactive protein <median
Cholesterol ratio >median,
C-reactive protein >median
Cholesterol ratio >median,
any C-reactive protein
0.0 2.50.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Lovastatin Superior Placebo Superior
N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26 ·June 28, 2001 · ·1965
ticipants in AFCAPS/TexCAPS were taking aspirin,
a drug that has also been shown to reduce the effect
of C-reactive protein on vascular risk.8 For all of
these reasons, estimates of the risk associated with
C-reactive protein derived from data from our study
cohort would be expected to be lower than those
found in unselected populations.20 These issues would
not, however, affect the validity of observations made
in the context of this study with regard to statin ther-
apy and C-reactive protein, since the participants were
assigned to treatment groups in a double-blind man-
ner, without knowledge of C-reactive protein values.
From a clinical perspective, it is important to rec-
ognize that half of all heart attacks occur among
persons without overt hyperlipidemia7 and thus that
novel approaches to the determination of the risk of
cardiovascular disease as well as to intervention are
needed to improve resource allocation in the primary
prevention of myocardial infarction.25 In a recent
study of patients with a history of myocardial infarc-
tion, randomized use of statin therapy reduced the
risk of recurrent coronary events associated with el-
evated levels of C-reactive protein.26 In the current
study of primary prevention, statin therapy was found
to reduce the risk of acute coronary events associated
with C-reactive protein, even in the absence of hy-
perlipidemia. Thus, these hypothesis-generating clin-
ical studies, together with the recognition that, bio-
logically, atherosclerosis is in part an inflammatory
disease21 and that the lowering of lipid levels may
represent an antiinflammatory process,22 appear to
provide a rationale for considering wider use of stat-
ins than is typically achieved in current practice.
Nonetheless, despite large differences in the number
needed to treat in this study, the absolute number of
events that occurred in each of the four subgroups
of participants was small, and formal testing for a
multiplicative interaction among lovastatin, lipids, and
C-reactive protein indicated borderline statistical sig-
nificance (P=0.06). Thus, randomized trials of stat-
in therapy among persons without overt hyperlipi-
demia but with evidence of systemic inflammation
are needed in order to test these hypotheses directly.
Supported by grants from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Insti-
tute (HL58755) and the Leducq Foundation, Paris. Dr. Ridker is also the
recipient of an Established Investigator Award from the American Heart
Association and a Doris Duke Distinguished Clinical Scientist Award from
the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. The AFCAPS/TexCAPS trial was
supported by grants from Merck.
Dr. Ridker is named as a coinventor on patent applications filed for the
use of inflammatory markers in coronary artery disease. Drs. Gotto,
Clearfield, Downs, and Weis have either served as consultants to Merck
(the manufacturer of lovastatin) or received honorariums from Merck.
We are indebted to Ms. JoAnne Emerson and Mr. Thomas Cook
for their assistance with this project.
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Copyright © 2001 Massachusetts Medical Society.
... Early attempts to address inflammation in the context of AMI were marked by a gradual understanding of the complex relationship between inflammation and cardiac events [5,6]. Initial interventions primarily focused on broad-spectrum, anti-inflammatory agents, and the aim was to mitigate the inflammatory response associated with AMI [7,8]. Over time, as our understanding of the inflammatory pathways has developed, interventions have evolved to target specific components of the inflammatory cascade [9], and there has been a shift toward more dedicated strategies, including the exploration of cytokine modulation, antiplatelet agents [10,11], and immune-modulating therapies [12]. ...
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The role of inflammation in the pathophysiology of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is well established. In recognizing inflammation’s pivotal role in AMI, this manuscript systematically traces the historical studies spanning from early attempts to the present landscape. Several anti-inflammatory trials targeting inflammation in post-AMI have been performed, and this review includes the key trials, as well as examines their designs, patient demographics, and primary outcomes. Efficacies and challenges are analyzed, thereby shedding light on the translational implications of trial outcomes. This article also discusses emerging trends, ongoing research, and potential future directions in the field. Practical applications and implications for clinical practice are considered by providing a holistic view of the evolving landscape of anti-inflammatory interventions in the context of AMI.
... Early attempts to address inflammation in the context of AMI were marked by a gradual understanding of the complex relationship between inflammation and cardiac events [5,6]. Initial interventions primarily focused on broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory agents, aiming to mitigate the inflammatory response associated with AMI [7,8]. Over time, as our understanding of the inflammatory pathways developed, interventions evolved to target specific components of the inflammatory cascade [9], shifting towards more dedicated strategies, including the exploration of cytokine modulation, antiplatelet agents [10,11], and immune-modulating therapies [12]. ...
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The role of inflammation in the pathophysiology of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is well established. Recognizing inflammation's pivotal role in AMI, this manuscript systematically traces historical studies, spanning from early attempts to the present landscape. Several anti-inflammatory trials targeting inflammation in post-AMI have been performed. The review includes key trials, examining their designs, patient demographics, and primary outcomes. Efficacy and challenges are analyzed, shedding light on the translational implications of trial outcomes. The article also discusses emerging trends, ongoing research, and potential future directions in the field. Practical applications and implications for clinical practice are considered, providing a holistic view of the evolving landscape of anti-inflammatory interventions in the context of AMI.
... This relationship is supported by various studies [27,28]. Systemic inflammatory disorders are associated with an enhanced risk of adverse events and early ASCVDs [29,30]. In the early stage of atherosclerosis, inflammation is the predominant pathophysiological mechanism that promotes plaque progression and calcification [31]. ...
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Vascular calcification (VC) is a complex process of calcium deposition on the arterial wall and atherosclerotic plaques and involves interaction between vascular smooth muscle cells, inflammatory and VC mediators. The latter are independent predictors of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and potential targets of pharmaceutical therapy. This paper is a narrative review of the complex mechanisms of VC development and in this context the potential anti-atherosclerotic effects of statins. At the initial stages of atherosclerosis VC correlates with atherosclerosis burden and in the long-term with cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. A plethora of animal and clinical studies have proposed statins as the cornerstone of primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Based on coronary computed tomography data, high doses of statins may have negligible or even positive effects on the progression of coronary artery calcification. Growing data support an increase in atherosclerotic plaque calcification in peripheral arteries (e.g., carotids), after long-term, statin-therapy. Despite the paradox of increasing VC, those effects of statins have been associated with higher plaque stability, reducing the risk of consequent adverse events. Statins seem to promote a “favorable” atherosclerotic calcification, suppressing atherosclerotic lesion expansion and their vulnerability. More studies are required to clarify the underlying mechanisms.
... Teniendo en cuenta que los valores elevados de PCR (incluso en ausencia de hiperlipidemia) están asociados con un mayor riesgo de eventos coronarios, y que la terapia con estatinas reduce la PCR independientemente de su efecto sobre los lípidos, es probable que las estatinas prevengan los eventos coronarios en personas con valores elevados de PCR. En 5742 participantes sin enfermedad coronaria evaluados durante 5 años, la lovastatina disminuyó la PCR en un 14.8% y fue efectiva en la prevención de eventos coronarios en sujetos con valores bajos de CT/C-HDL, pero elevados de PCR 30 . En otro ensayo, 4497 pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo fueron aleatorizados para recibir terapia con estatinas agresiva (simvastatina 40 mg/día durante 1 mes y luego 80 mg/día) o conservadora (placebo durante 4 meses y luego simvastatina 20 mg/día). ...
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Inflammation is an important pathogenic factor for the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Currently, the most frequently used biomarker reflecting systemic inflammation is C-reactive protein (CRP), an acute-phase protein produced primarily by hepatocytes under the influence of interleukin-6, interleukin-1 beta, and tumor necrosis factor. Growing evidence from epidemiological studies has shown a robust association between elevated serum or plasma CRP concentrations and the incidence of a first cardiovascular adverse event (including acute myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, and sudden cardiac death) in the general population, as well as recurrence of major adverse cardiovascular events among patients with established disease. The additive value that CRP measurement gives to traditional risk factors is reflected in novel cardiovascular risk calculators and in current intervention regimens, which already consider CRP as a target therapeutic. However, the variations in CRP levels, that depend on sex, ethnicity, hormonal status, and some peculiarities of the measurement assays, must be taken into consideration when deciding to implement CRP as a useful biomarker in the study and treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. This review aims to offer an updated vision of the importance of measuring CRP levels as a biomarker of cardiovascular risk beyond the traditional factors that estimate the risk of atherosclerotic disease.
... 21,22 Beyond its role as a prognostic marker, a hsCRP ≥2 mg/L has also been proposed to select patients who might benefit from statin therapy even when their LDL cholesterol levels are not increased. [23][24][25][26][27] Like hsCRP, the association of IL6 with adverse cardiovascular outcomes is now well-established, including in populations with a low cardiovascular risk as in the MESA study. 1,28 Circulating IL6 is mainly produced by monocytes/macrophages but can also be expressed by several cells types in the cardiovascular system, some of which (e.g., endothelial cells) also express the IL6 receptor. ...
Background and aims Inflammation is a risk factor for major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE). Elevated levels of both high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) and interleukin-6 (IL6) have been associated with MACE. However, few studies have compared IL6 to hsCRP for cardiovascular risk assessment. Using the MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) study cohort, we aim to compare IL6 to hsCRP. Methods We divided IL6 and hsCRP by their median values and created 4 groups i.e., low-low, high-low, low-high and high-high. The median follow-up was 14 years. Results 6614 (97 %) participants had complete baseline IL6 and hsCRP data. The correlation between hsCRP and IL6 was modest (Rho = 0.53). An IL6 ≥1.2 pg/mL (median) was present in 3309 participants, and a hsCRP ≥1.9 mg/L (median) was present in 3339 participants. Compared to participants with low IL6 and low hsCRP, those with high IL6 and high hsCRP were older (64 vs. 60 years), more frequently women (63 % vs. 45 %), and with more cardiovascular co-morbidities. hsCRP outcome associations lost statistical significance when adjusting for IL6: MACE HR (95%CI) 1.06 (0.93–1.20), p =0.39, whereas IL6 associations remained significant after adjusting for hsCRP: HR (95%CI) 1.44 (1.25–1.64), p <0.001. The C-index of Framingham score for was not improved by hsCRP but improved with IL6. Compared to participants with low IL6 and low hsCRP, those with high IL6, regardless of hsCRP, experienced an increased risk of MACE, heart failure and mortality. Conclusions In a diverse and asymptomatic population, IL6 showed a stronger association with atherosclerotic, heart failure and fatal outcomes than hsCRP.
... CRP is a sensitive inflammatory marker, and it is one of the biomarkers that have been most extensively studied for CVD [1]. The increased levels of CRP contribute to the recognition of subjects who are at risk of developing CVD [2][3][4][5]. It is well documented that chronic inflammatory changes are evidenced by elevated hsCRP might be a cause of underlying aetiology and manifestations of TIIDM [6,7] TIIDM shares various inflammatory mechanisms with cardiovascular events. ...
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Introduction Diabetes Mellitus is directly linked with the development of cardiovascular diseases, but there is very little documented information available regarding its association with C-reactive protein (CRP). Aim To analyze the association between CRP and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in Type II Diabetes Mellitus patients. Material and Methods This was a case control observational study, carried out among 200 participant subjects (100 controls & 100 cases). Blood sample (5 ml) was collected from each subject and Serum was separated by centrifuging blood at 2000 rpm for 15 min, Estimation of CRP were done on semi-autoanalyzer (Robonikreadwell touch) in clinical biochemistry laboratory, lipid profile and other routine investigations by autoanalyser. All the statistical analysis was done by using the Windows based SPSS statistical package (Version 23.0) Student's t-test and Pearson correlation analysis was applied and p-values <0.05 were taken as the significant. Results The mean value of CRP in the subjects with type II Diabetes Mellitus was 3.81 mg/L and in control was 2.20 mg/L (P<0.05). The weight and waist circumference, were also significantly different (P<0.05) between the study groups CRP had an insignificant correlation with the BMI (r= 0.15,p>0.05) as well as with waist circumference (r=0.18,p>0.05). Also significant correlation was found in between the HbA1c (%) & Blood glucose (F) (mg/dl). Conclusions The present study finding suggests that deranged blood sugar & HbA1c levels regulate the level of CRP that could lead to complication like CVD. Also, there is a strong degree of association between type II DM and CRP in the study.
This chapter provides an updated review of our understanding of the role played by inflammation in the development and progression of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). It is well known that endothelial dysfunction leads to cytokine release as a part of the inflammatory cascade. These cytokines give rise to pro-atherogenic changes in the vascular walls and activate prothrombotic pathways. Molecular markers of inflammation like high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) provide insight into an individual’s cardiovascular risk and are affected by cardiovascular therapies like statins. The chapter also explores the increased risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic inflammatory conditions and the cardiovascular effects of anti-inflammatory therapies. A growing understanding of the link between inflammation and ASCVD has led to the development of new therapeutic targets of inflammation aimed at reducing cardiovascular risk. The chapter also discusses the evidence behind anti-inflammatory therapies that are currently being studied in primary and secondary ASCVD prevention settings. Targeting inflammation has the potential to develop novel avenues to reduce cardiovascular risk.
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Antiretroviral therapies (ART) have reduced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection-associated morbidity and mortality improving the life of people with HIV (PWH). However, ART lead to residual HIV production, which in conjunction with microbial translocation and immune dysfunction contributes to chronic inflammation and immune activation. PWH on ART remain at an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) including myocardial infarction and stroke; which in part is explained by chronic inflammation and immune activation. Lifestyle factors and certain ART are associated with dyslipidemia characterized by an increase of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which further contributes in the increased risk for CVDs. Lipid-lowering agents like statins are emerging as immune modulators in decreasing inflammation in a variety of conditions including HIV. The international randomized clinical trial REPRIEVE has shed light on the reduction of CVDs with statin therapy among PWH. Such reports indicate a more than expected benefit of statins beyond their lipid-lowering effects. Bempedoic acid, a first-in-class non-statin LDL-lowering drug with immune modulatory effects, may further aid PWH in combination with statins. Herein, we critically reviewed studies aimed at lipid-lowering and immune-modulating roles of statins that may benefit aging PWH.
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Context.— Although cholesterol-reducing treatment has been shown to reduce fatal and nonfatal coronary disease in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD), it is unknown whether benefit from the reduction of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in patients without CHD extends to individuals with average serum cholesterol levels, women, and older persons.Objective.— To compare lovastatin with placebo for prevention of the first acute major coronary event in men and women without clinically evident atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease with average total cholesterol (TC) and LDL-C levels and below-average high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels.Design.— A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.Setting.— Outpatient clinics in Texas.Participants.— A total of 5608 men and 997 women with average TC and LDL-C and below-average HDL-C (as characterized by lipid percentiles for an age- and sex-matched cohort without cardiovascular disease from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey [NHANES] III). Mean (SD) TC level was 5.71 (0.54) mmol/L (221 [21] mg/dL) (51st percentile), mean (SD) LDL-C level was 3.89 (0.43) mmol/L (150 [17] mg/dL) (60th percentile), mean (SD) HDL-C level was 0.94 (0.14) mmol/L (36 [5] mg/dL) for men and 1.03 (0.14) mmol/L (40 [5] mg/dL) for women (25th and 16th percentiles, respectively), and median (SD) triglyceride levels were 1.78 (0.86) mmol/L (158 [76] mg/dL) (63rd percentile).Intervention.— Lovastatin (20-40 mg daily) or placebo in addition to a low–saturated fat, low-cholesterol diet.Main Outcome Measures.— First acute major coronary event defined as fatal or nonfatal myocardial infarction, unstable angina, or sudden cardiac death.Results.— After an average follow-up of 5.2 years, lovastatin reduced the incidence of first acute major coronary events (183 vs 116 first events; relative risk [RR], 0.63; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.50-0.79; P<.001), myocardial infarction (95 vs 57 myocardial infarctions; RR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.43-0.83; P=.002), unstable angina (87 vs 60 first unstable angina events; RR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.49-0.95; P=.02), coronary revascularization procedures (157 vs 106 procedures; RR, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.52-0.85; P=.001), coronary events (215 vs 163 coronary events; RR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.61-0.92; P=.006), and cardiovascular events (255 vs 194 cardiovascular events; RR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.62-0.91; P=.003). Lovastatin (20-40 mg daily) reduced LDL-C by 25% to 2.96 mmol/L (115 mg/dL) and increased HDL-C by 6% to 1.02 mmol/L (39 mg/dL). There were no clinically relevant differences in safety parameters between treatment groups.Conclusions.— Lovastatin reduces the risk for the first acute major coronary event in men and women with average TC and LDL-C levels and below-average HDL-C levels. These findings support the inclusion of HDL-C in risk-factor assessment, confirm the benefit of LDL-C reduction to a target goal, and suggest the need for reassessment of the National Cholesterol Education Program guidelines regarding pharmacological intervention. Figures in this Article EPIDEMIOLOGICAL observations have demonstrated consistently a strong positive, continuous, independent, graded relation between plasma total cholesterol (TC) and the incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD). This relation covers a wide range of cholesterol concentrations, including those considered normal or mildly elevated.1- 3 In the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial follow-up of screened men, 69% of deaths from CHD in the first 6 years of follow-up occurred in subjects with TC values between 4.71 and 6.83 mmol/L (182-264 mg/dL).4 In the first 16 years of the Framingham Heart Study, 40% of participants who developed a myocardial infarction had a TC level between 5.17 and 6.47 mmol/L (200-250 mg/dL).5 Large end point studies have demonstrated conclusively that effective cholesterol-lowering treatment can substantially reduce myocardial infarction and other coronary events. In the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitor simvastatin reduced total mortality in patients with CHD by 30% because of a 42% reduction in deaths from CHD.6 Subsequently, pravastatin was shown to reduce fatal and nonfatal coronary events in patients with7 and without8 CHD. However, it is unknown whether benefit from reduction of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in patients without CHD (primary prevention) extends to individuals with average serum cholesterol levels, women, and older persons. The Air Force/Texas Coronary Atherosclerosis Prevention Study (AFCAPS/TexCAPS) targeted a cohort of generally healthy middle-aged and older men and women with average TC and LDL-C levels and with below-average high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels. The primary end point analysis was the incidence of first acute major coronary events, defined as fatal or nonfatal myocardial infarction, unstable angina, or sudden cardiac death. The inclusion of unstable angina was a unique feature of this study, and its inclusion as a primary end point reflects the increasing frequency of unstable angina as the initial presentation of CHD in the United States.9
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Human adipose tissue expresses and releases the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin 6, potentially inducing low-grade systemic inflammation in persons with excess body fat. To test whether overweight and obesity are associated with low-grade systemic inflammation as measured by serum C-reactive protein (CRP) level. The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, representative of the US population from 1988 to 1994. A total of 16616 men and nonpregnant women aged 17 years or older. Elevated CRP level of 0.22 mg/dL or more and a more stringent clinically raised CRP level of more than 1.00 mg/dL. Elevated CRP levels and clinically raised CRP levels were present in 27.6% and 6.7% of the population, respectively. Both overweight (body mass index [BMI], 25-29.9 kg/m2) and obese (BMI, > or =30 kg/m2) persons were more likely to have elevated CRP levels than their normal-weight counterparts (BMI, <25 kg/m2). After adjustment for potential confounders, including smoking and health status, the odds ratio (OR) for elevated CRP was 2.13 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.56-2.91) for obese men and 6.21 (95% CI, 4.94-7.81) for obese women. In addition, BMI was associated with clinically raised CRP levels in women, with an OR of 4.76 (95% CI, 3.42-6.61) for obese women. Waist-to-hip ratio was positively associated with both elevated and clinically raised CRP levels, independent of BMI. Restricting the analyses to young adults (aged 17-39 years) and excluding smokers, persons with inflammatory disease, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes mellitus and estrogen users did not change the main findings. Higher BMI is associated with higher CRP concentrations, even among young adults aged 17 to 39 years. These findings suggest a state of low-grade systemic inflammation in overweight and obese persons.
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ABSTRACT Context.— Although cholesterol-reducing treatment has been shown to reduce fatal and nonfatal coronary disease in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD), it is unknown whether benefit from the reduction of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in patients without CHD extends to individuals with average serum cholesterol levels, women, and older persons. Objective.— To compare lovastatin with placebo for prevention of the first acute major coronary event in men and women without clinically evident atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease with average total cholesterol (TC) and LDL-C levels and below-average high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels. Design.— A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Setting.— Outpatient clinics in Texas. Participants.— A total of 5608 men and 997 women with average TC and LDL-C and below-average HDL-C (as characterized by lipid percentiles for an age- and sex-matched cohort without cardiovascular disease from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey [NHANES] III). Mean (SD) TC level was 5.71 (0.54) mmol/L (221 [21] mg/dL) (51st percentile), mean (SD) LDL-C level was 3.89 (0.43) mmol/L (150 [17] mg/dL) (60th percentile), mean (SD) HDL-C level was 0.94 (0.14) mmol/L (36 [5] mg/dL) for men and 1.03 (0.14) mmol/L (40 [5] mg/dL) for women (25th and 16th percentiles, respectively), and median (SD) triglyceride levels were 1.78 (0.86) mmol/L (158 [76] mg/dL) (63rd percentile). Intervention.— Lovastatin (20-40 mg daily) or placebo in addition to a low–saturated fat, low-cholesterol diet. Main Outcome Measures.— First acute major coronary event defined as fatal or nonfatal myocardial infarction, unstable angina, or sudden cardiac death. Results.— After an average follow-up of 5.2 years, lovastatin reduced the incidence of first acute major coronary events (183 vs 116 first events; relative risk [RR], 0.63; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.50-0.79; P<.001), myocardial infarction (95 vs 57 myocardial infarctions; RR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.43-0.83; P=.002), unstable angina (87 vs 60 first unstable angina events; RR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.49-0.95; P=.02), coronary revascularization procedures (157 vs 106 procedures; RR, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.52-0.85; P=.001), coronary events (215 vs 163 coronary events; RR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.61-0.92; P=.006), and cardiovascular events (255 vs 194 cardiovascular events; RR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.62-0.91; P=.003). Lovastatin (20-40 mg daily) reduced LDL-C by 25% to 2.96 mmol/L (115 mg/dL) and increased HDL-C by 6% to 1.02 mmol/L (39 mg/dL). There were no clinically relevant differences in safety parameters between treatment groups. Conclusions.— Lovastatin reduces the risk for the first acute major coronary event in men and women with average TC and LDL-C levels and below-average HDL-C levels. These findings support the inclusion of HDL-C in risk-factor assessment, confirm the benefit of LDL-C reduction to a target goal, and suggest the need for reassessment of the National Cholesterol Education Program guidelines regarding pharmacological intervention.
Context Several novel risk factors for atherosclerosis have recently been proposed, but few comparative data exist to guide clinical use of these emerging biomarkers.Objective To compare the predictive value of 11 lipid and nonlipid biomarkers as risk factors for development of symptomatic peripheral arterial disease (PAD).Design, Setting, and Participants Nested case-control study using plasma samples collected at baseline from a prospective cohort of 14 916 initially healthy US male physicians aged 40 to 84 years, of whom 140 subsequently developed symptomatic PAD (cases); 140 age- and smoking status–matched men who remained free of vascular disease during an average 9-year follow-up period were randomly selected as controls.Main Outcome Measure Incident PAD, as determined by baseline total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), total cholesterol–HDL-C ratio, triglycerides, homocysteine, C-reactive protein (CRP), lipoprotein(a), fibrinogen, and apolipoproteins (apo) A-I and B-100.Results In univariate analyses, plasma levels of total cholesterol (P<.001), LDL-C (P = .001), triglycerides (P = .001), apo B-100 (P = .001), fibrinogen (P = .02), CRP (P = .006), and the total cholesterol–HDL-C ratio (P<.001) were all significantly higher at baseline among men who subsequently developed PAD compared with those who did not, while levels of HDL-C (P = .009) and apo A-I (P = .05) were lower. Nonsignificant baseline elevations of lipoprotein(a) (P = .40) and homocysteine (P = .90) were observed. In multivariable analyses, the total cholesterol–HDL-C ratio was the strongest lipid predictor of risk (relative risk [RR] for those in the highest vs lowest quartile, 3.9; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.7-8.6), while CRP was the strongest nonlipid predictor (RR for the highest vs lowest quartile, 2.8; 95% CI, 1.3-5.9). In assessing joint effects, addition of CRP to standard lipid screening significantly improved risk prediction models based on lipid screening alone (P<.001).Conclusions Of 11 atherothrombotic biomarkers assessed at baseline, the total cholesterol–HDL-C ratio and CRP were the strongest independent predictors of development of peripheral arterial disease. C-reactive protein provided additive prognostic information over standard lipid measures.
The advanced lesions of atherosclerosis represent the culmination of a specialized form of chronic inflammation followed by a fibroproliferative process that takes place within the intima of the affected artery. Proliferation of smooth muscle cells and generation of connective tissue occur. Proliferation results from interactions between arterial smooth muscle, monocyte-derived macrophages, T lymphocytes, and endothelium. The initial lesion of atherosclerosis, the fatty streak, begins as an accumulation of monocytederived macrophages and T lymphocytes, which adhere and migrate into the intima of the affected artery. Smooth muscle cells, which are present in the intima or which migrate into the intima from the media, then replicate. Monocyte-derived macrophages and T cells also replicate during lesion formation and progression due to the production of cytokines and growth-regulatory molecules. These molecules determine whether there is proliferation and lesion progression or inhibition of proliferation and lesion regression. Several growthregulatory molecules may play critical roles in this process, including platelet-derived growth factor (PGDF), transforming growth factor beta, fibroblast growth factor, heparinbinding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor, and others. PDGF may be one of the principal components in this process because protein containing the PDGF B-chain has been demonstrated within activated lesion macrophages during every phase of atherogenesis. The presence of this growth factor and its receptors on lesion smooth muscle cells creates opportunities for smooth muscle chemotaxis and replication. Smooth muscle proliferation depends upon a series of complex signals based upon cellular interactions in the local microenvironment of the artery. The intracellular signalling pathways for mitogenesis versus chemotaxis are being investigated for smooth muscle. The roles of the cytokines and growth-regulatory peptides involved in these cellular interactions represent critical points of departure for intervention and the development of new diagnostic methods. In addition, magnetic resonance imaging has been developed to demonstrate the fine structure of lesions of atherosclerosis in peripheral arteries not subject to cardiac motion. This noninvasive methodology holds great promise for the future of these approaches.
Background —Elevated plasma concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP) are associated with increased cardiovascular risk. We evaluated whether long-term therapy with pravastatin, an agent that reduces cardiovascular risk, might alter levels of this inflammatory parameter. Methods and Results —CRP levels were measured at baseline and at 5 years in 472 randomly selected participants in the Cholesterol and Recurrent Events (CARE) trial who remained free of recurrent coronary events during follow-up. Overall, CRP levels at baseline and at 5 years were highly correlated ( r =0.60, P <0.001). However, among those allocated to placebo, median CRP levels and the mean change in CRP tended to increase over time (median change, +4.2%; P =0.2 and mean change, +0.07 mg/dL; P =0.04). By contrast, median CRP levels and the mean change in CRP decreased over time among those allocated to pravastatin (median change, −17.4%; P =0.004 and mean change, −0.07 mg/dL; P =0.002). Thus, statistically significant differences were observed at 5 years between the pravastatin and placebo groups in terms of median CRP levels (difference, −21.6%; P =0.007), mean CRP levels (difference, −37.8%; P =0.002), and absolute mean change in CRP (difference, −0.137 mg/dL; P =0.003). These effects persisted in analyses stratified by age, body mass index, smoking status, blood pressure, and baseline lipid levels. Attempts to relate the magnitude of change in CRP to the magnitude of change in lipids in both the pravastatin and placebo groups did not reveal any obvious relationships. Conclusions —Among survivors of myocardial infarction on standard therapy plus placebo, CRP levels tended to increase over 5 years of follow-up. In contrast, randomization to pravastatin resulted in significant reductions in this inflammatory marker that were not related to the magnitude of lipid alterations observed. Thus, these data further support the potential for nonlipid effects of this agent.
LR: 20061115; JID: 7501160; 0 (Antilipemic Agents); 0 (Cholesterol, HDL); 0 (Cholesterol, LDL); 57-88-5 (Cholesterol); CIN: JAMA. 2001 Nov 21;286(19):2401; author reply 2401-2. PMID: 11712930; CIN: JAMA. 2001 Nov 21;286(19):2400-1; author reply 2401-2. PMID: 11712929; CIN: JAMA. 2001 Nov 21;286(19):2400; author reply 2401-2. PMID: 11712928; CIN: JAMA. 2001 Nov 21;286(19):2400; author reply 2401-2. PMID: 11712927; CIN: JAMA. 2001 May 16;285(19):2508-9. PMID: 11368705; CIN: JAMA. 2003 Apr 16;289(15):1928; author reply 1929. PMID: 12697793; CIN: JAMA. 2001 Aug 1;286(5):533-5. PMID: 11476650; CIN: JAMA. 2001 Nov 21;286(19):2401-2. PMID: 11712931; ppublish