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Loss and recovery of Arabidopsis-type telomere repeat sequences 5′-(TTTAGGG)n-3′ in the evolution of a major radiation of flowering plants

The Royal Society
Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Abstract and Figures

Fluorescent in situ hybridization and Southern blotting were used for showing the predominant absence of the Arabidopsis-type telomere repeat sequence (TRS) 5'-(TTTAGGG)(n)-3' (the 'typical' telomere) in a monocot clade which comprises up to 6300 species within Asparagales. Initially, two apparently disparate genera that lacked the typical telomere were identified. Here, we used the new angiosperm phylogenetic classification for predicting in which other related families such telomeres might have been lost. Our data revealed that 16 species in 12 families of Asparagales lacked typical telomeres. Phylogenetically, these were clustered in a derived clade, thereby enabling us to predict that the typical telomere was lost, probably as a single evolutionary event, following the divergence of Doryanthaceae ca. 80--90 million years ago. This result illustrates the predictive value of the new phylogeny, as the pattern of species lacking the typical telomere would be considered randomly placed against many previous angiosperm taxonomies. Possible mechanisms by which chromosome end maintenance could have evolved in this group of plants are discussed. Surprisingly, one genus, Ornithogalum (Hyacinthaceae), which is central to the group of plants that have lost the typical telomere, appears to have regained the sequences. The mechanism(s) by which such recovery may have occurred is unknown, but possibilities include horizontal gene transfer and sequence reamplification.
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Loss and recovery of Arabidopsis-type telomere
repeat sequences 5'-(TTTAGGG)
-3' in the evolution
of a major radiation of ¯owering plants
S. P. Adams
{ ,T. P.V.Hartman
I. J. Leitch
and A. R. Leitch
School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, London E1 4NS, UK
Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, SurreyTW9 3DS, UK
Fluorescent in situ hybridization and Southern blotting were used for showing the predominant absence of
the Arabidopsis-type telomere repeat sequence (TRS) 5'-(TTTAGGG)
-3' (the `typical' telomere) in a
monocot clade which comprises up to 6300 species within Asparagales. Initially, two apparently disparate
genera that lacked the typical telomere were identi¢ed. Here, we used the new angiosperm phylogenetic
classi¢cation for predicting in which other related families such telomeres might have been lost. Our data
revealed that 16 species in 12 families of Asparagales lacked typical telomeres. Phylogenetically, these
were clustered in a derived clade, thereby enabling us to predict that the typical telomere was lost,
probably as a single evolutionary event, following the divergence of Doryanthaceae ca. 80^90 million
years ago. This result illustrates the predictive value of the new phylogeny, as the pattern of species
lacking the typical telomere would be considered randomly placed against many previous angiosperm
taxonomies. Possible mechanisms by which chromosome end maintenance could have evolved in this
group of plants are discussed. Surprisingly, one genus, Ornithogalum (Hyacinthaceae), which is central to
the group of plants that have lost the typical telomere, appears to have regained the sequences. The
mechanism(s) by which such recovery may have occurred is unknown, but possibilities include horizontal
gene transfer and sequence reampli¢cation.
Keywords: phylogeny; telomere; chromosomes; monocots; Ornithogalum
Telomeres are the physical ends of chromosomes in
eukaryotes. They have a specialized and complex DNA
protein structure (see the review in Price 1999), thereby
enabling them to function in several critical cell processes
(see the review in Pryde et al. 1997). In particular, telo-
meres have a special role in overcoming the problem of
end replication. Conventional template-dependent DNA
polymerases do not replicate the ends of linear DNA
molecules and so chromosome ends are gradually lost
over successive cell generations. Telomere sequences,
however, are typically restored by telomerase, a ribo-
nucleoprotein that synthesizes DNA sequences onto
chromosome ends using an internal RNA template
(Greider & Blackburn 1985; Blackburn et al.1989).
Understanding the role and functioning of telomeres and
their associated proteins has also proved to be extremely
important in assessing the potential of cloned animals
such as `Dolly' to live their normal life spans, the immor-
talization of cell lines and tumorogenesis (Price 1999).
This has led to telomere length being used in the assess-
ment of ageing and apoptosis (Harley & Villeponteau
1995; Karlseder et al. 1999).
As telomeres have so many vital functions, it is perhaps
not surprising that their nucleotide sequence is highly
conserved across a broad phylogenetic spectrum. For
example, there is only a single base pair di¡erence
between the telomeric sequence of all investigated
vertebrates, the fungus Neurospora and the protozoan
Trypanosoma, which share (TTAGGG)
and nearly all
plants previously studied, which have the sequence
. Most arthropod telomeres have (TTAGG)
repeats, whereas all ciliate protista studied are either
(Murray 1990). These
`typical' telomeres are thought to be stabilized by an inva-
sion of the 3'-single-stranded telomeric overhang into its
proximal duplex telomeric repeat array, which forms the
so-called T-loop (Gri¤th et al.1999).
The typical telomere sequence in plants was ¢rst char-
acterized in Arabidopsis thaliana (Richards & Ausubel
1988). This Arabidopsis-type telomere sequence has since
been found in many plant species investigated, including
bryophytes (Pellia), lycopods (Selaginella), gymnosperms
(Pinus and Zamia) and most angiosperms studied (Cox et
al.1993;Fuchset al. 1995). The typical plant telomere
sequence was thought to be ubiquitous until Allium and
two other genera in Alliaceae (Nothoscordum and Tu l b a g h i a )
were reported to lack these sequences (Fuchs et al.1995;
Pich et al. 1996a,b). Recently, we showed that it was also
lacking in Aloe (Asphodelaceae) (Adams et al. 2000). This
result led us to look at the new angiosperm classi¢cation
(Chase et al.2000;Fayet al. 2000), which places both
Allium and Aloe in Asparagales, a large group of 28
monocot families containing ca. 28 000 species (ca.11%of
all angiosperms). We used the phylogenetic data of Fay
et al. (2000) for predicting and selecting representative
species from Asparagales families in order to evaluate the
hypothesis that the loss of typical telomere sequences was
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B(2001)26 8,1541^1546 1541 & 2001 The Royal Society
Received 11 January 2001 Accepted 27 April 2001
doi 10.1098/rspb.2001.1726
Author for correspondence (
{These authors contributed equally.
a unique event occurring early in the evolution of Aspara-
gales (estimated to be nearly 90 million years ago)
(Bremer 2000). In order to test for the presence/absence
of Arabidposis-type telomere sequences, we used £uores-
cent in situ hybridization (FISH) and dot
blot approaches
using established methods for demonstrating the absence
of these sequences in Aloe (Adams et al. 2000).
(a) Pla nt material
Plant materials and their sources are listed in Appendix A.
(b) In situ hybridization and Southe rn sl ot blotting
The methods for FISH followed Leitch et al. (1994) and
Adams et al. (2000), with minor modi¢cations. Brie£y,
digoxigenin-11-dUTP-labelled (Roche Diagnostics Ltd, Lewis,
UK) or biotin-11-dUTP-labelled (Sigma-Aldrich Company Ltd,
Gillingham, UK) DNA probes were hybridized to root
metaphase spreads and sites of probe hybridization detected
using anti-digoxygenin-£uorescein isothiocyanate and avidin-
Cy3 (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA), respectively.
In order to detect the Arabidopsis-type telomeric DNA, the
telomere repeat sequence (TRS) was prepared by polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) concatenation using TTTAGGG primers
and methods described in Cox et al.(1993).Asapositivecontrol
for the FISH technique, either digoxigenin-labelled pTa71 (9 kb
EcoRI fragment of the wheat 18^25S ribosomal DNA (rDNA)
unit) (Gerlach & Bedbrook 1979) or digoxigenin-labelled
pTZ19-R (120 bp fragment of the Nicotiana rustica 5S rDNA unit)
(Venkateswarlu et al. 1991) were used.
The methods for Southern slot blotting followed Adams et al.
(2000). Brie£y, 1 mg of total genomic DNA was loaded into the
slot blot and probed ¢rst with the TRS probe and then reprobed
with pTa71 for rDNA in order to control for the possibility of
poor DNA adhesion during Southern transfer. The Gene
random prime labelling and detection modules
(Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Little Chalfont, UK) were used
for probe labelling and detection following the manufacturer's
Plant species from families known or expected to have
Arabidopsis-type telomeres were used as positive controls for the
TRS probe in both FISH and Southern slot blots (see the
`outgroups' in Appendix A).
Recently, Fay et al. (2000) produced a well-supported
phylogeny of the 28 Asparagales families (¢gure 1). This
places Alliaceae and Asphodelaceae, which both contain
species shown to lack the Arabidposis-type telomeres, in
more derived positions than Orchidaceae, the only other
Asparagales family studied and shown to contain a
species (Paphiopedilum insigne) with the typical telomere
sequences (Cox et al. 1993). We selected 27 representative
taxa from 16 Asparagales families (see Appendix A) using
the angiosperm phylogeny in a predictive manner in
order to evaluate the hypothesis that loss of typical telo-
mere sequences was a unique event occurring early in the
evolution of Asparagales.
The presence of Arabidopsis-type telomeres can be
detected using FISH and the probe TRS which typically
appear as paired £uorescent dots at or near the termini of
the chromosomes (¢gure 2). No species investigated had a
TRS signal at an interstitial or centromeric location. All
species labelled appropriately with 5S and/or 18^26S
rDNA probes as a positive control (as well as those in the
outgroups, including Tradescantia, Commelinaceae) (see
¢gure 2 and Appendix A). Our results showed that only
11 of the Asparagales taxa examined generated a FISH
signal using TRS probes. The remaining 16 species lacked
aTRS in situ hybridization signal and by inference the
typical telomeric sequence. Southern slot blot analysis
corroborated these data (see ¢gure 3a and Appendix A).
Proof of appropriate DNA transfer to the membrane was
con¢rmed by reprobing the membrane with the 18^26S
rDNA probe. The uneven intensity of signal using the
telomere and rDNA probes re£ects di¡erent copy
numbers of the sequence rather than uneven loading of
the membrane with genomic DNA.
The results strongly suggest that many species in
Asparagales lack the Arabidopsis-type telomere sequence.
We discuss how reliable a negative result is likely to be
and then describe the phylogenetic distribution of species
that appear to lack the sequence. We discuss mechanisms
that might replace the Arabidopsis-type telomere sequence
and explain how some species appear to have secondarily
regained these sequences.
(a) Demonstrating an abse nce of
Arabidopsis-type telomeres
Our results showed that only 11 of the 27 Asparagales
taxa examined contained the typical telomeric sequences.
The remaining 16 taxa appeared to lack this sequence.
1542 S. P. Adams and others Loss and gain of telomeres in monocots
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B(2001)
Arabidopsis-type telomere
loss of
Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree for Asparagales and related
outgroups (taken from Fay et al. 2000) showing which
families contained the typical telomere sequences and the
predicted node at which the typical telomeric sequences
were lost during the evolution of Asparagales. The plus
and minus signs indicate the presence and absence of typical
telomere sequences in the families investigated, respectively.
However, demonstrating an absence of a sequence beyond
all doubt is di¤cult. Based on the following discussion,
we estimate that our methods are sensitive enough to
detect low numbers of the (TTTAGGG)-type telomere in
the genome and, thus, those species that did not generate
a signal with the TRS probe may indeed lack functional
Arabidopsis-type telomeric sequences.
(i) In a previous study by Adams et al. (2000) we
carried out asymmetric PCR on Aloe DNA. Like
Allium, genomic DNA from Aloe failed to generate a
DNA product using single-direction (TTTAGGG)
primers, clearly indicating that these telomeric
sequences were either absent or present in low
numbers. In positive controls using Nicotiana sylvestris
DNA (a species known to possess typical telomeres)
as the template, single-direction (TTTAGGG)
primers successfully generated the expected product.
(ii) It has previously been shown in Southern blotting
that telomeric probes will hybridize to non-identical
but related sequences under high stringency
(Allshire et al. 1988). We therefore conclude that
those species for which DNA failed to hybridize to
the TRS probe in Southern slot blots not only lack
the Arabidopsis-type telomere but also related telo-
meric sequences.
(iii) In previously reported Southern blotting experi-
ments (Adams et al. 2000), we serially diluted
N. sylvestris DNA (which contains typical telomeric
sequences) with Allium cepa DNA (which lacks
typical telomeric sequences) keeping the same total
DNA concentration in each mixture. These dilution
mixtures contained ever fewer typical telomeric
repeats as the amount of Allium DNA increased.
These mixtures were bound to a nylon membrane.
We then probed the blots with TRS and observed
that we could still generate a hybridization signal
when N. sylvestris DNA was diluted 10 000-fold with
Allium DNA. Assuming that each chromosome arm
of N. sylvestris (2n 24) has 0.2^1.3 kb of telomeric
repeats (Fajkus et al. 1996), a 10 000-fold dilution of
N. sylvestris DNA would be predicted to reduce the
abundance of telomeric repeats to less than one copy
per chromosome arm, yet we could still detect TRS
probe hybridization at this dilution. Despite this
sensitivity, we recognize that the TRS probe will not
hybridize e¤ciently to short lengths of a (TTTA-
GGG)-type repeat, and so very low numbers of the
repeat might still be present but undetected.
(iv) Theoretically, even if a few copies of the telomeric
repeat are present at the chromosome ends, the
repeats are unlikely to be maintained because they
would fail to serve as e¤cient primers for telomerase.
Furthermore, end degradation of the lagging strand
at each round of DNA replication causes tens of 5'-
(CCCTAAA)-3' units to be lost (50^200 bp). Short
stretches of the TTTAGGG repeat would require
immediate telomerase-generated synthesis of the
leading strand and then lagging strand replication to
replace the loss. If this failed to happen at each cell
cycle, then the telomere sequence would immediately
(v) Allium cepa is the only member of Asparagales in
which DNA sequencing of the chromosome ends has
Loss and gain of telomeres in monocots S. P. Adams and others 1543
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B(2001)
Figure 2. FISH of root
tip metaphase chromosome preparations: (a) Tradescantia purpurea, (Commelinaceae),
(b) Kniphophia uvaria (Asphodelaceae) and (c) Ornithogalum umbellatum (Hyacinthaceae). Double labelling was performed in
each experiment using a TRS probe (red signal) and either 5S rDNA (cyan signal) (arrows in a,b)or18^26SrDNA
(cyan signal) (arrows in c) as a positive control. Note that the typical telomeric signal is only seen in (a) Tradescantia and
(c) Ornithogalum.Scalebar 10 mm.
Figure 3. (a)SouthernslotblotprobedwithTRSand
(b) stripped and reprobed with 18^26S rDNA in order to
ensure that genomic DNA transfer to the membrane had
occurred. One microgram of the following genomic DNAs
were loaded onto the membrane: (a) Aspidistra lurida,
(b) Hosta hybrid, (c) Hemerocallis hybrid, (d ) Albuca altisima,
(e) Hippeastrum hybrid, ( f ) Zephyranthes candida,(g) Iris
tectorum,(h) Chlorophytum tetraphylum,(i) Tecophilaea violi£ora,
( j) Blandfordia nobilis,(k) Scilla cooperi,(l ) Hypoxis occidentalis,
(m) Kabeyia hostifolium,(n) Milligania densi£ora,
(o) Aloe tenuior,(p) Allium cepa and (q) Strelitzia reginae.
been conducted. Here, end cloning failed to reveal
(TTTAGGG) or similar DNA sequences (Pich &
Schubert 1998).
(b) Phylogenetic distribution of the
Arabidopsis-type telomere
All but one of the 11 Asparagales species with
Arabidopsis-type telomeres were clustered in families
occupying the ¢rst three nodes of the Asparagales tree
(¢gure 1). The remaining 16 species lacking typical telo-
mere sequences all belong to families clustered in a
derived clade that diverged after the separation of
Doryanthaceae (¢gure 1), which is estimated to have
occurred perhaps 80 million years ago. The most parsi-
monious interpretation of these results is that there was a
single evolutionary event when the Arabidopsis-type telo-
mere sequence was lost in an early progenitor of most
families of Asparagales, such that now up to 6300 species
(ca. 2.5% of angiosperms) are predicted to lack typical
telomeres. Interestingly, none of the species investigated
that lacked Arabidopsis-type telomeres had interstitial
telomeric signals that could be a relic from ancient
chromosome fusion/rearrangement events. Such signals
are known in a number of plant species (e.g. Vicia, Petunia,
Pinus and Gibasis)(Fuchset al. 1995). Loss of typical telo-
mere sequences has also been observed in some arthro-
pods (including dipterans and an arachnid) (Sahara et al.
(c) Regain of the Arabidopsis-type
telomere in Hyacinthaceae
Although Scilla cooperi and Albuca altisima lacked the
Arabidopsis-type telomeres as predicted, four species in
Ornithogalum (Ornithogalum umbellatum, Ornithogalum virens,
Ornithogalum montana and Ornithogalum arabicum)andprob-
ably Scilla siberica (D. Schweizer, personal communica-
tion) were shown to possess the typical telomere (all
species in Hyacinthaceae) (e.g. ¢gure 2c). Hyacinthaceae
has a central position within the group of Asparagales
that we predict should lack typical telomeres (¢gure 1).
The most parsimonious explanation is that, after the loss
of the typical telomeres in Asparagales, Ornithogalum
recovered them secondarily. However, this recovery is
clearly very restricted since J. Manning, M. F. Fay and
M. W. Chase (personal communication) and Pfosser &
Speta (1999) have shown that, phylogenetically, Albuca
and Ornithogalum are interdigitated and Albuca has been
shown to lack typical telomeres.
Secondary acquisition could have occurred through
one of several mechanisms, any of which would be novel
for telomeres.
(i) Horizontal gene transfer. The typical plant telomere
sequence and/or enzyme machinery for its synthesis
may have been reintroduced by horizontal gene
transfer from another species, as has been implicated
in Nicotiana tabacum for the acquisition of rep from
geminiviruses and rolC from Agrobacterium (Bejarano
et al.1996).
(ii) Sequence inactivation. A mutation (e.g. point or
frame shift) or epigenetic change (e.g. DNA methyl-
ation or histone acetylation) in typical telomere-
negative species could have inactivated telomerase or
associated enzymes essential for Arabidopsis-type telo-
mere synthesis, but in some species this change has
reverted. Such reversions may be possible over time-
frames of 0.6^6 million years (Marshall et al.1994).
(iii) Sequence reampli¢cation. The methods reported
here which fail to detect typical telomere sequences
in the majority of Asparagales investigated indicate a
loss of these sequences in these species. However, it is
possible that very low numbers of the telomeric
sequence may still be present in at least some of the
species. If true, this opens up the possibility that,
under certain conditions, telomeric sequences could
be reampli¢ed and once again form typical, func-
tional telomeres. If this is the explanation then it
seems likely that other species with typical telomeres
will also be discovered, occurring sporadically
throughout the Asparagales clade that predomi-
nantly lacks the typical telomeres.
(d) Alternative mechanisms for
resynthesizing telomeres
It is clearly of major importance to discover what DNA
sequences have replaced the typical telomeric DNA in
the majority of Asparagales families and whether all
taxa lacking the sequence have the same replacement
mechanism. The typical telomeric sequences in Drosophila
have been replaced by retroelements (HeT-A and TA RT ),
which balance terminal loss of DNA (Danilevskaya et al.
1994; Mason & Biessmann 1995; Biessmann & Mason
1997). In A. cepa (onion) di¡erent chromosome ends may
be terminated by di¡erent DNA sequences such as those
related to En/Spm-transposable elements or rDNA (Pich
et al.1996a,b; Pich & Schubert 1998). Perhaps some
Asparagales families have similarly replaced the typical
telomere with such elements. If so, the elements were
probably already present in the ancestral Asparagales
genome and able, perhaps by competition, to replace the
typical telomere at the point of loss.
Alternatively, it has been shown that chromosome ends
can be synthesized de novo by a mechanism involving gene
conversion (Mikhailovsky et al. 1999; Kass-Eisler &
Greider 2000) and there is growing recognition that this is
an important mechanism in eukaryote telomere
maintenance (Blackburn 2000). Asparagales include many
species with large genomes (Bennett, M. D., Cox, A.V. and
Leitch, I. J. 1998 Angiosperm DNA C-values database. html/). Perhaps
chromosome elongation by gene conversion is operating
both to increase genome size and to synthesize and stabilize
chromosome ends. If gene conversion or (retro)trans-
position are involved we would expect the DNA sequence
at the chromosome ends to re£ect the `£avour' of that
species' chromatin and the sequences would not necessarily
be restricted to chromosome termini. Alternatively, it may
be that the species shares a common sequence that di¡ers
from the Arabidopsis-consensus sequence at the ends of their
chromosomes and this sequence carries out the essential
functions of the telomere.
Whichever model for Arabidopsis-type telomere replace-
ment is correct, most families within Asparagales have
evolved a novel way of stabilizing their chromosome ends.
It will be important to discover the nature of these alter-
native mechanism(s) and the DNA sequences involved.
1544 S. P. Adams and others Loss and gain of telomeres in monocots
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B(2001)
The authors wish to thank Dr J. David, Dr C. Pires, Mr R.
Ahmed and Mr J. Kavanagh for help. This work was funded by
the Natural Environment Research Council and the Leverhulme
Trust. We thank Chelsea Physic Gardens for support.
Table A1 shows the taxa investigated, listed alphabeti-
cally by family and then by species. The results in the
Southern slot blotting and FISH columns show either the
absence or presence of typical TRS (TTTAGGG) as
detected with a TRS probe. Double labelling with the
TRS probe and either 5S or 18S^5.8S^26S rDNA was
performed for each experiment as a control. A positive
control species was used for each run of experiments in
order to ensure the TRS probe was hybridizing and
Adams, S. P., Leitch, I. J., Bennett, M. D. & Leitch, A. R. 2000
Aloe L.
a second family without (TTTAGGG)
Chromosoma 109, 201^205.
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D., Sugawatara, N., Szostak, J. W., Fantes, P. A. & Hastie, N.
D. 1988 Telomeric repeat from T. thermophila cross hybridises
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Loss and gain of telomeres in monocots S. P. Adams and others 1545
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B(2001)
Table A1 Occurrence of Arabidopsis-type telomere sequence in Asparagales and related monocots
TRS detection positive
Southern FISH control
Hosta hybrid (1) Agavaceae absence absence 5S/18S^26S
Allium cepa (2) Alliaceae absence
Hippeastrum hybrid (3) Amaryllidaceae absence
Zephyranthes candida (1) Amaryllidaceae absence
Chlorophytum comosum (3) Anthericaceae
absence 5S/18S^26S
C. tetraphylm (3) Anthericaceae absence
Asparagus sprengeri (1) Asparagaceae
absence 18S^26S
Aloe various (2) Asphodelaceae absence absence 5S
Knipho¢a uvaria (3) Asphodelaceae absence
Milligania densi£ora (2) Asteliacaceae presence
Blandfordia nobilis (2) Blandfordiaceae presence
Aspidistra lurida (2) Convallariaceae absence absence 18S^26S
Doryanthes excelsa (4) Doryanthaceae
presence 18S^26S
Hemerocallis hybrid (1) Hemerocallidaceae absence absence 18S^26S
Albuca altisima (2) Hyacinthaceae absence
Ornithogalum montana (4) Hyacinthaceae
presence 18S^26S
O. arabicum (4) Hyacinthaceae
presence 18S^26S
O. virens (4) Hyacinthaceae
presence 18S^26S
O. umbellatum (4) Hyacinthaceae
presence 18S^26S
Scilla cooperi (2) Hyacinthaceae absence absence 18S^26S
Hypoxis occidentalis (2) Hypoxidaceae presence
Iris tectorum (3) Iridaceae absence absence 5S/18S^26S
I. winkleri (3) Iridaceae
absence 18S^26S
Cordyline australis (1) Laxmanniaceae
absence 18S^26S
Kabeyia hostifolium (2) Tecophilaeaceae presence
Tecophilaea cyanocrocus (5) Tecophilaeaceae
presence 18S^26S
T. violi£ora (2) Tecophilaeaceae presence
outgroup: commelinoids/liliales
Tradescantia purpurea (3) Commelinaceae
presence 5S
Rhoeo discolor (3) Commelinaceae
presence 18S^26S
Strelitzia reginae (1) Strelitziaceae presence
Lilium hybrid (1) Liliaceae
presence 18S^26S
outgroup: dicots
Tanacetum parthenium (1) Asteraceae
T. vulgare (1) Asteraceae
presence 18S^26S
Nicotiana sylvestris (3) Solanaceae presence presence 5S/18S^26S
Nicotiana various (3) Solanaceae presence presence 5S/18S^26S
Rosa canina (3) Rosaceae
presence 18S^26S
Podophyllum hexandrum (4) Berberidaceae
presence 18S^26S
The source of plant material is indicated after species designation: (1) Bardill's Garden Centre, Nottingham, (2) Royal Botanic Gardens,
Kew, (3) Queen Mary, University of London, (4) Chelsea Physic Gardens, London, and (5) Royal Horticultural Society, London.
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Gerlach, W. L. & Bedbrook, J. R. 1979 Cloning and characteri-
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1546 S. P. Adams and others Loss and gain of telomeres in monocots
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B(2001)
... Missing signals using telomere probes in in situ hybridization experiments were the first hints towards identifying organisms that do not possess typical telomeres formed by the expected repeat, e.g., plants Allium (Asparagales, [114]), Cestrum (Solanales, [135]), some beetles and the spider Tegenaria ferruginea [117]. In the next few years, detailed studies revealed gradually more species with unknown telomeres from plants [136,137] and insects [138]. This led to a breakthrough in the general view of telomeres. ...
... (iii) Multiple telomere variants are present and their mutual position at termini cannot be distinguished by FISH. Adams and co-workers [136] found representatives from 12 plant families that were not terminally labeled by the typical plant telomeric sequence clustered in a derived clade within Asparagales. They predicted that there was a single evolutionary event when the Arabidopsis-type telomere sequence was lost in early progenitor of these families that comprises up to 6300 species (ca. ...
... 2.5% of angiosperms). However, four species in Ornithogalum (Hyacinthaceae, Asparagales) showed signals of typical TTTAGGG sequence at some, but not all ends [136]. The family Hyacinthaceae has a central position within Asparagales. ...
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Telomeres are essential structures formed from satellite DNA repeats at the ends of chromosomes in most eukaryotes. Satellite DNA repeat sequences are useful markers for karyotyping, but have a more enigmatic role in the eukaryotic cell. Much work has been done to investigate the structure and arrangement of repetitive DNA elements in classical models with implications for species evolution. Still more is needed until there is a complete picture of the biological function of DNA satellite sequences, particularly when considering non-model organisms. Celebrating Gregor Mendel’s anniversary by going to the roots, this review is designed to inspire and aid new research into telomeres and satellites with a particular focus on non-model organisms and accessible experimental and in silico methods that do not require specialized equipment or expensive materials. We describe how to identify telomere (and satellite) repeats giving many examples of published (and some unpublished) data from these techniques to illustrate the principles behind the experiments. We also present advice on how to perform and analyse such experiments, including details of common pitfalls. Our examples are a selection of recent developments and underexplored areas of research from the past. As a nod to Mendel’s early work, we use many examples from plants and insects, especially as much recent work has expanded beyond the human and yeast models traditional in telomere research. We give a general introduction to the accepted knowledge of telomere and satellite systems and include references to specialized reviews for the interested reader.
... Our results in addition to previous reports of ITR sites in Asteraceae [8,[32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50], including the chromosome number, presence and number of ITR signals, and their chromosomal distribution are indicated in Table S1. ...
... Asteraceae, with nearly 180 analyzed species and subspecies, is the best sampled family of seed plants for the presence of ITR sites in chromosomes [53]. In this paper, we have significantly increased the phylogenetic and taxonomic coverage previously known for this family [8,[32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50]. Together with the data we provided in a previous microevolutionary level study [49], we are confident that an assessment of the phylogenetic signal, taxonomic utility, and evolutionary significance of ITR features in Asteraceae can be done. ...
... For each major lineage (subfamily), the number of sampled tribes, genera and species is indicated; the number of taxa showing ITR sites in parenthesis. Data are from previous reports[8,[32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50] and our own results. ...
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The occurrence of tandem repeats of telomeric-like motifs at intra-chromosomal regions, known as interstitial telomeric repeats (ITR), have drawn attention as potential markers of structural changes, which might convey information about evolutionary relationships if preserved through time. Building on our previous work that reported outstanding ITR polymorphisms in the genus Anacyclus, we undertookake a survey across 132 Asteraceae species, focusing on the six most speciose subfamilies and considering all the ITR data published to date. The goal was to assess whether the presence, site number and chromosomal location of ITRs convey any phylo-genetic signal. We conducted fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using an Arabidopsis-type telomeric sequence as a probe on karyotypes obtained from mitotic chromosomes. FISH signals of ITR sites were detected in species of subfamilies Asteroideae, Carduoideae, Cichorioideae, Gymnarhenoideae and Mutisioideae, but not in Barnadesioideae. Although six small subfamilies have not yet been sampled, altogether our results suggest that the dynamics of ITR formation in Asteraceae cannot accurately trace the complex karyological evolution that occurred since the early diversification of this family. Thus, ITRs do not convey a reliable signal at deep or shallow phylogenetic levels and cannot help to delimitate taxonomic categories; a conclusion that might also hold for other important families such as Fabaceae.
... Congeneric species may differ in the presence or absence of ITR signals as observed in unrelated groups from 16 families. This is illustrated in Asteraceae, where intrageneric polymorphisms have been detected in Achillea, Anacyclus, Anthemis, Cladanthus, Nassauvia, and Sonchus [69,82], Alstroemeriaceae (Alstroemeria, [31,44]), Brassicaceae (Brassica, [60]), Solanaceae (Cestrum, [26,87]), Rutaceae (Citrus, [92,93]), Poaceae (Colpodium, Hordeum, [47,61,94,95]), Cucurbitaceae (Cucumis, [98,99]), Orchidaceae (Dendrobium, [41]), Cyperaceae (Eleocharis, [48,97]), Lentibulariaceae (Genlisea, [27]), Cannabaceae (Humulus, [100,101]), Juncaceae (Luzula, [96]), Amaryllidaceae (Nothoscordum, Prospero, [18,23,86]), Rosaceae (Rosa, [62,103]), Fabaceae (Senna, Vicia, [7,45,74), and Commelinaceae (Tradescantia, [6,103]). ...
... Congeneric species may differ in the presence or absence of ITR signals as observed in unrelated groups from 16 families. This is illustrated in Asteraceae, where intrageneric polymorphisms have been detected in Achillea, Anacyclus, Anthemis, Cladanthus, Nassauvia, and Sonchus [69,82], Alstroemeriaceae (Alstroemeria, [31,44]), Brassicaceae (Brassica, [60]), Solanaceae (Cestrum, [26,87]), Rutaceae (Citrus, [92,93]), Poaceae (Colpodium, Hordeum, [47,61,94,95]), Cucurbitaceae (Cucumis, [98,99]), Orchidaceae (Dendrobium, [41]), Cyperaceae (Eleocharis, [48,97]), Lentibulariaceae (Genlisea, [27]), Cannabaceae (Humulus, [100,101]), Juncaceae (Luzula, [96]), Amaryllidaceae (Nothoscordum, Prospero, [18,23,86]), Rosaceae (Rosa, [62,103]), Fabaceae (Senna, Vicia, [7,45,74), and Commelinaceae (Tradescantia, [6,103]). ...
... Intraspecific variation regarding the presence and absence of ITR signals has been reported in a relatively low number of specie: the gymnosperm Zamia furfuracea (Zamiaceae, [7,37]) and the angiosperms Beta vulgaris (Amaranthaceae, [7,104]), Brassica oleracea (Brassicaceae [60,102]), Cestrum parqui (Solanaceae, [26,87]), Hordeum vulgare (Poaceae, Congeneric species may differ in the presence or absence of ITR signals as observed in unrelated groups from 16 families. This is illustrated in Asteraceae, where intrageneric polymorphisms have been detected in Achillea, Anacyclus, Anthemis, Cladanthus, Nassauvia, and Sonchus [69,82], Alstroemeriaceae (Alstroemeria, [31,44]), Brassicaceae (Brassica, [60]), Solanaceae (Cestrum, [26,87]), Rutaceae (Citrus, [92,93]), Poaceae (Colpodium, Hordeum, [47,61,94,95]), Cucurbitaceae (Cucumis, [98,99]), Orchidaceae (Dendrobium, [41]), Cyperaceae (Eleocharis, [48,97]), Lentibulariaceae (Genlisea, [27]), Cannabaceae (Humulus, [100,101]), Juncaceae (Luzula, [96]), Amaryllidaceae (Nothoscordum, Prospero, [18,23,86]), Rosaceae (Rosa, [62,103]), Fabaceae (Senna, Vicia, [7,45,74]), and Commelinaceae (Tradescantia, [6,103]). ...
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The discovery of telomeric repeats in interstitial regions of plant chromosomes (ITRs) through molecular cytogenetic techniques was achieved several decades ago. However, the information is scattered and has not been critically evaluated from an evolutionary perspective. Based on the analysis of currently available data, it is shown that ITRs are widespread in major evolutionary lineages sampled. However, their presence has been detected in only 45.6% of the analysed families, 26.7% of the sampled genera, and in 23.8% of the studied species. The number of ITR sites greatly varies among congeneric species and higher taxonomic units, and range from one to 72 signals. ITR signals mostly occurs as homozygous loci in most species, however, odd numbers of ITR sites reflecting a hemizygous state have been reported in both gymnosperm and angiosperm groups. Overall, the presence of ITRs appears to be poor predictors of phylogenetic and taxonomic relatedness at most hierarchical levels. The presence of ITRs and the number of sites are not significantly associated to the number of chromosomes. The longitudinal distribution of ITR sites along the chromosome arms indicates that more than half of the ITR presences are between proximal and terminal locations (49.5%), followed by proximal (29.0%) and centromeric (21.5%) arm regions. Intraspecific variation concerning ITR site number, chromosomal locations, and the differential presence on homologous chromosome pairs has been reported in unrelated groups, even at the population level. This hypervariability and dynamism may have likely been overlooked in many lineages due to the very low sample sizes often used in cytogenetic studies.
... 猪的 ITSs 序列在 6 号染色体近着丝粒区, 这一 区域序列与人的 1 号和 19 号染色体的部分片段同 源 [31] , 所以也可以被称作 het-ITSs. 由于猪 ITSs 只在 [31,35] [36,37] 和拟南芥 [38] . 这种现象可能是由 于端粒合成过程中端粒酶模板的突变引起的 [39] . ...
... 作为一个特殊的例子, 植物的端粒序列第 一次在猪的基因组中发现. [36,37] . bITS 的发现表明猪的端粒具有动物和植物的特点, 这可能与端粒进化有关. ...
... 在单子叶植物天门 冬目中, 植物的端粒序列由 TTTAGGG 转变成人的 端粒序列 TTAGGG [4] . 这种变化与端粒酶有关, 可能 是由于端粒酶的 RNA 模板发生突变 [37] . 端粒酶具有 低保真度, 可能与端粒相关蛋白的结合有关 [4] . ...
... Later, the first telomere sequence unusual for land plants, the vertebrate-type TTAGGG, was characterized in Aloe and in some other Asparagales (Weiss and Scherthan, 2002;Puizina et al., 2003;Sykorova et al., 2003c). A hypothesis about repeated losses and recoveries of the TTTAGGG and TTAGGG telomere sequence in Asparagales was formulated (Adams et al., 2001). With the postrefinement of order Asparagales in the APGIII (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 2009) (Bremer et al., 2009), it was shown that only two major evolutionary switches in telomere sequence composition occurred (rather than several repeated losses and gains), in the following order: the first one in family Iridaceae, in which a shift from the plant-type TTTAGGG to the vertebratetype TTAGGG happened, followed by families Xeronemataceae, Asphodelaceae and the core Asparagales (including Amarillidaceae s.l and Asparagaceae s.l.); and the second one within subfamily Allioideae (formerly treated as a separate family, Alliaceae) in which a completely new telomere sequence emerged, CTCGGTTATGGG (Fajkus et al., 2016). ...
... If there was a change in each telomere motif, interference in the telomeric nucleoprotein structure would necessarily lead to genome instability. This is the reason telomere sequences are so evolutionary stable, comprising very few novel and successful sequences, a pattern consistent with the idea of repeated losses and the emergence of the typical telomere sequences, as proposed for Asparagales (Adams et al., 2001). ...
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Telomeres are basic structures of eukaryote genomes. They distinguish natural chromosome ends from double-stranded breaks in DNA and protect chromosome ends from degradation or end-to-end fusion with other chromosomes. Telomere sequences are usually tandemly arranged minisatellites, typically following the formula (TxAyGz)n. Although they are well conserved across large groups of organisms, recent findings in plants imply that their diversity has been underestimated. Changes in telomeres are of enormous evolutionary importance as they can affect whole-genome stability. Even a small change in the telomere motif of each repeat unit represents an important interference in the system of sequence-specific telomere binding proteins. Here, we provide an overview of telomere sequences, considering the latest phylogenomic evolutionary framework of plants in the broad sense (Archaeplastida), in which new telomeric sequences have recently been found in diverse and economically important families such as Solanaceae and Amaryllidaceae. In the family Lentibulariaceae and in many groups of green algae, deviations from the typical plant telomeric sequence have also been detected recently. Ancestry and possible homoplasy in telomeric motifs, as well as extant gaps in knowledge are discussed. With the increasing availability of genomic approaches, it is likely that more telomeric diversity will be uncovered in the future. We also discuss basic methods used for telomere identification and we explain the implications of the recent discovery of plant telomerase RNA on further research about the role of telomerase in eukaryogenesis or on the molecular causes and consequences of telomere variability.
... Interestingly, the plant-type TTTAGGG repeat appears to have switched to other repeat sequences multiple times through independent evolutionary events. For example, a group of Asparagales switched to the vertebratetype TTAGGG repeat (Adams et al., 2001), while Allium evolved with a long telomere repeat CTCGGTTATGGG synthesized by telomerase with a long RNA template (Fajkus et al., 2016). Other variant repeat sequences have also been described in select groups of plant species (Peska and Garcia, 2020). ...
Telomere maintenance is a fundamental cellular process conserved across all eukaryotic lineages. Although plants and animals diverged over 1.5 billion years ago, lessons learned from plants continue to push the boundaries of science, revealing detailed molecular mechanisms in telomere biology with broad implications for human health, aging biology, and stress responses. Recent studies of plant telomeres have unveiled unexpected divergence in telomere sequence and architecture, the proteins that engage telomeric DNA and telomerase. The discovery of telomerase RNA components in the plant kingdom and some algae groups revealed new insight into the divergent evolution and the universal core of telomerase across major eukaryotic kingdoms. In addition, resources cataloging the abundant natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana, maize (Zea mays) and other plants are providing unparalleled opportunities to understand the genetic networks that govern telomere length polymorphism and, as a result, are uncovering unanticipated crosstalk between telomeres, environmental factors, organismal fitness and plant physiology. Here we recap current advances in plant telomere biology and put this field in perspective relative to telomere and telomerase research in other eukaryotic lineages.
... Subsequent studies have demonstrated that the Arabidopsis-type telomeres presented in most plants (Fajkus et al. 2005, Ling et al. 2012, Schrumpfová et al. 2019. At the same time, other studies have shown that some plants lacked typical telomere tandem repeat 5'-TTTAGGG-3', which sheds more light on telomere function and how telomeres responded to genetic change (Adams et al. 2001, Sýkorováet al. 2003a, Peška et al. 2015. ...
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Telomeres are structures enriched in repetitive sequences at the end of chromosomes. In this study, using the telomere primer AA(CCCTAAA) 3 CCC for the single primer PCR, two DNA sequences were obtained from Gossypium hirsutum (Linnaeus, 1753) accession (acc.) TM-1. Sequence analysis showed that the two obtained sequences were all rich in A/T base, which was consistent with the characteristic of the telomere-associated sequence (TAS). They were designated as GhTAS1 and GhTAS2 respectively. GhTAS1 is 489 bp long, with 57.6% of A/T, and GhTAS2 is 539 bp long, with 63.9% of A/T. Fluorescence in situ hybridization results showed that both of the cloned TASs were located at the ends of the partial chromosomes of G. hirsutum , with the strong signals, which further confirmed that GhTAS1 and GhTAS2 were telomere-associated sequences including highly tandemly repetitive sequences. Results of blast against the assembled genome of G. hirsutum showed that GhTAS sequences may be missed on some assembled chromosomes. The results provide important evidence for the evaluation of the integrity of assembled chromosome end sequences, and will also contribute to the further perfection of the draft genomes of cotton.
... Among land plants, telomeres of (TTTAGGG) n sequence were first characterized in Arabidopsis (14) and then identified in many other land plant species. However, numerous exceptions were found as well, first in Allium and related Allioidae plant species (15,16), then among the other Asparagales genera (17)(18)(19)(20) and other plant taxa (21)(22)(23). In our previous studies, we demonstrated that changes in telomere sequences correspond to the phylo-genetic divergence of plant families and genera. ...
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To elucidate the molecular nature of evolutionary changes of telomeres in the plant order Asparagales, we aimed to characterize telomerase RNA subunits (TRs) in these plants. The unusually long telomere repeat unit in Allium plants (12 nt) allowed us to identify TRs in transcriptomic data of representative species of the Allium genus. Orthologous TRs were then identified in Asparagales plants harbouring telom-ere DNA composed of TTAGGG (human type) or TT-TAGGG (Arabidopsis-type) repeats. Further, we identified TRs across the land plant phylogeny, including common model plants, crop plants, and plants with unusual telomeres. Several lines of functional testing demonstrate the templating telomerase function of the identified TRs and disprove a functional-ity of the only previously reported plant telomerase RNA in Arabidopsis thaliana. Importantly, our results change the existing paradigm in plant telomere biology which has been based on the existence of a relatively conserved telomerase reverse transcriptase subunit (TERT) associating with highly divergent TRs even between closely related plant taxa. The finding of a monophyletic origin of genuine TRs across land plants opens the possibility to identify TRs directly in transcriptomic or genomic data and/or predict telom-ere sequences synthesized according to the respective TR template region.
... The onion genome contains 32% GC nucleotides, which is the lowest amount among known angiosperms (Kirk et al., 1970), whereas Allium possess GC-rich unique telomeric repeats (Adams et al., 2001;Fajkus et al., 2005). However the content of GC nucleotides in onion ESTs (Expressed sequence tag) is considerably lower than the GCcontent in coding regions of other monocots belonging to the Poales (Kuhl et al., 2004). ...
Artificial chromosome platforms are described in plants. Because the function of centromeres is largely epigenetic, attempts to produce artificial chromosomes with plant centromere DNA have failed. The removal of the centromeric sequences from the cell strips off the centromeric histone that is the apparent biochemical marker of centromere activity. Thus, engineered minichromosomes have been produced by telomere mediated chromosomal truncation. The introduction of telomere repeats will cleave the chromosome at the site of insertion and attach the accompanying transgenes in the process. Such truncation events have been documented in maize, Arabidopsis, barley, rice, Brassica and wheat. Truncation of the nonvital supernumerary B chromosome of maize is a favorite target but engineered minichromosomes derived from the normal A chromosomes have also been recovered. Transmission through mitosis of small chromosomes is apparently normal but there is loss during meiosis. Potential solutions to address this issue are discussed. With procedures now well established to produce the foundation for artificial chromosomes in plants, current efforts are directed at building them up to specification using gene stacking methods and editing techniques.
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Hyacinthaceae presently consist of approximately 70 genera and 1000 species. To investigate the monophyly of the family and the generic relationships, we sequenced the trnL intron and the trnL-trnF intergenic spacer region of chloroplast DNA for 105 taxa in Hyacinthaceae and 18 species of related families. By testing different outgroup compositions, we provide evidence for the monophyly of the family if the North American genera Camassia and Chlorogalum, which are more closely related to Agave and Hosta, are excluded from Hyacinthaceae sensu Dahlgren. Several generic implications can be deduced from the analysis, the most prominent one of which is the polyphyletic origin of the Linnaean genera Scilla, Ornithogalum. and Hyacinthus. Especially members of the genera Scilla and Hyacinthus are extensively intermixed with each other. According to the DNA sequence data, the only true Scilla species are found in the Mediterranean region and appear as a monophyletic clade. A tetrapartition of the family into (1) the monotypic subfamily Oziroeoideae Speta. accommodating the South American IIyacinthaceae; (2) the subfamily Urgineoideae Speta. housing relatives of the squills; (3) the subfamily Ornithogaloideae Speta, including the tribes Ornithogaleae Rouy and Dipeadieae Rouy; and (4) the largest and most advanced subfamily, Hyacinthoideae Link, consisting of the tribe Massonieae Baker (including species from Africa south of the Sohara and frolic India) and the Mediterranean/Asian tribe Hyacintheae Dumort., is proposed. Previously included in IIyacinthaceae sensu Dahlgren, the North American genera Chlorogalum and Camassia show affinities to Agavaceae anti Funkiaceae anti appear as a distinct clads together with Antherieaceae. Furthermore, the occurrence of taxa from southern Africa at basal positions in all subfamilies points to the origin of evolution of the Hyacinthaceae in this region.
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Although broken chromosomes can induce apoptosis, natural chromosome ends (telomeres) do not trigger this response. It is shown that this suppression of apoptosis involves the telomeric-repeat binding factor 2 (TRF2). Inhibition of TRF2 resulted in apoptosis in a subset of mammalian cell types. The response was mediated by p53 and the ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated) kinase, consistent with activation of a DNA damage checkpoint. Apoptosis was not due to rupture of dicentric chromosomes formed by end-to-end fusion, indicating that telomeres lacking TRF2 directly signal apoptosis, possibly because they resemble damaged DNA. Thus, in some cells, telomere shortening may signal cell death rather than senescence.
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A satellite sequence repeat ofAllium cepa was tested by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) for cross-hybridization to chromosomes of 27 species (in 37 accessions) belonging to 14 sections of four subgenera ofAllium. All investigated species of sect.Cepa, with the two subsects.Cepa andPhyllodolon, revealed clear satellite-specific hybridization signals mainly at their chromosome termini. The tested species belonging to other sections/subgenera revealed no hybridization signals. An exception wasA. roylei, assigned to sect.Oreiprason. Its chromosomes also showed strong terminal hybridization signals. This and other features suggest a close relationship ofA. roylei to the species of sect.Cepa in spite of deviating morphological characters. The divergence between the satellite repeats to species to which theA. cepa repeat cross-hybridized was determined and revealed high degrees of similarity. Therefore, we conclude that this satellite sequence had evolved already in progenitor forms of sect.Cepa and remained unusually well conserved during speciation. This might indicate selection pressure exerted on a secondarily acquired telomere function of the satellite sequence.
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Data for chromosomal localization of theArabidopsis-type of telomeric sequence repeats (TTTAGGG)n are compiled for 44 species belonging to 14 families of angiosperms, gymnosperms and bryophytes. For 23 species and seven families this is the first report. Species of all families, except theAlliaceae, revealed these sequences at their chromosome termini. This indicates thatArabidopsis-type telomeric repeats are highly conserved. It is inferred that they represent the basic telomere sequence of higher plant phyla. In theAlliaceae, a deviating sequence (and mechanism?) for the stabilization of chromosome termini has possibly evolved secondarily. Nine species revealed interstitial telomeric sequences in addition to the terminal ones, in three species (Vicia faba, Pinus elliottii, P. sylvestris) also at centromeric positions. Interstitial telomeric sequences may indicate karyotype reconstructions, in particular alterations of chromosome numbers by chromosome fusion — or inversions with one breakpoint within the terminal array of repeats. They may contribute to stabilization of chromosome breaks, especially centric fissions, and increase the frequency of meiotic and illegitimate recombination.
Telomeres are nucleoprotein structures at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes that perform a number of vital functions. They allow a cell to distinguish between natural chromosome ends and chromosome breaks in order to delay the cell cycle and repair the broken end. Telomeres also compensate for the inability of DNA polymerase to replicate the chromosome completely. In most eukaryotes a special reverse transcriptase, telomerase, adds telomeric DNA repeats to the chromosome ends using an internal RNA template. However, evidence is accumulating for alternative elongation mechanisms in a variety of eukaryotes. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and possibly in humans, both of which normally use telomerase, a different mechanism can be used for chromosome length maintenance when telomerase is inactive or inactivated. Yeast apparently uses recombination for this purpose; the mechanism in humans is not known. Some insect and plant species, on the other hand, do not use telomerase as their primary mechanism for maintaining chromosome length. Drosophila makes use of specific retrotransposons for this purpose, while other dipterans use recombination. We summarize here the current knowledge of these alternative telomere elongation mechanisms.
The telomeres of most eukaryotes contain short, simple repeats that are highly conserved. Drosophila, on the other hand, does not have such sequences, but carries at the ends of its chromosomes one or more LINE-like retrotransporable elements. Instead of elongation by telomerase, incomplete DNA replication at the termini of Drosophila chromosomes is counterbalanced by transposition of these elements at high frequency specifically to the termini. These transposable elements are not responsible for distinguishing telomeric ends in Drosophila from broken chromosome ends; the structure performing this function is not yet known. proximal to the terminal array of transposable elments are regions of tandem repeats that are structurally, and probably functionally, analogous to the subterminal regions in other eukaryotes.
We have generated a telomere-specific probe by the polymerase chain reaction and used it to localize chromosome telomeres of ten unrelated angiosperm species in in situ . Concatenation of the simple monomers, 5′-(TTTAGGG)-3′, derived from the sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana telomeres, yielded a stable, versatile and reliable probe that gave a signal of high intensity following fluorescence in situ hybridization. Most species, including those with known karyotype rearrangements, showed telomere label only at chromosome termini. These findings are discussed in the context of the chromosomal events responsible for generating and stabilizing karyotype change in plants. Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press
Wheat and barley DNA enriched for ribosomal RNA genes was isolated from actinomycin D-CsCl gradients and used to clone the ribosomal repeating units in the plasmid pAC184. All five chimeric plasmids isolated which contained wheat rDNA and eleven of the thirteen which had barley rDNA were stable and included full length ribosomal repeating units. Physical maps of all length variants cloned have been constructed using the restriction endonucleases Eco Rl, Bam Hl, Bgl II, Hind III and Sal I. Length variation in the repeat units was attributed to differences in the spacer regions. Comparison of Hae III and Hpa II digestion of cereal rDNAs and the cloned repeats suggests that most methylated cytosines in natural rDNA are in -CpG-. Incomplete methylation occurs at specific Bam Hl sites in barley DNA. Detectable quantities of ribosomal spacer sequences are not present at any genomic locations other than those of the ribosomal RNA gene repeats.