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Abstract and Figures

An increasing number of injectable filler materials for facial wrinkles and folds points to the need for objective measurements of their effectiveness. Patient satisfaction is the goal, but proof of the value of a particular product requires objective measurement. A wrinkle assessment scale was developed as a simple tool for use by plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and aesthetic surgeons who want to assess the changes resulting from injecting filler materials in their patients. By correlating the grade of the wrinkle in the reference photographs with the wrinkle in a patient's face, a classification of 0 to 5 is assigned. Reliability of the scale was assessed by "live" judgment of 76 wrinkles by nine observers. The same rating was given to 92.7 percent of all wrinkles. In a second trial, photographs from 130 wrinkles were presented to eight observers who rated 89.4 percent of all wrinkles equally. A significant correlation of 87 percent was found between subjective ratings and objective wrinkle depth measured by profilometry on 40 silicone impressions. Manufacturers, monitors of clinical trials, health authorities, and most important, patients will benefit from objective data on current and new injectable materials.
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A Classification of Facial Wrinkles
Gottfried Lemperle, M.D., Ph.D., Ralph E. Holmes, M.D., Steven R. Cohen, M.D., and
Stefan M. Lemperle, M.D.
San Diego, Calif.
An increasing number of injectable filler materials for
facial wrinkles and folds points to the need for objective
measurements of their effectiveness. Patient satisfaction is
the goal, but proof of the value of a particular product
requires objective measurement. A wrinkle assessment
scale was developed as a simple tool for use by plastic
surgeons, dermatologists, and aesthetic surgeons who
want to assess the changes resulting from injecting filler
materials in their patients. By correlating the grade of the
wrinkle in the reference photographs with the wrinkle in
a patient’s face, a classification of 0 to 5 is assigned. Re-
liability of the scale was assessed by “live” judgment of 76
wrinkles by nine observers. The same rating was given to
92.7 percent of all wrinkles. In a second trial, photographs
from 130 wrinkles were presented to eight observers who
rated 89.4 percent of all wrinkles equally. A significant
correlation of 87 percent was found between subjective
ratings and objective wrinkle depth measured by profilom-
etry on 40 silicone impressions. Manufacturers, monitors
of clinical trials, health authorities, and most important,
patients will benefit from objective data on current and
new injectable materials. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 108: 1735,
The treatment of facial wrinkles, furrows,
and folds has become a major issue in many
offices of plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and
aesthetic surgeons. The judgment of its suc-
cess, however, still depends on the subjective
feelings of the physician and on the positive or
negative perceptions of the patient. Little has
been published on objective measurements of
wrinkles, furrows, and folds, and physicians are
overly dependent on the manufacturers’ infor-
mation and reliability.
New filler substances are developed every
year. Based purely on patient and physician
satisfaction, some manufacturers claim a last-
ing effect of their injectables
without objective
assessment before and after injection. Other
companies are convincing physicians and pa-
tients with preinjection and postinjection pho-
tographs without information on the time in-
terval between pictures.
Furthermore, there is
a difference in long-term quality and persis-
tence of a filler substance in animal experi-
ments and in humans: whether it is implanted
as a bulge under the skin of a rat’s forehead
injected intradermally into a dynamic facial
wrinkle. The onus is on all serious physicians to
objectively evaluate these products before they
become extensively implemented.
A discussion of wrinkles, furrows, and folds is
difficult because there is no commonly ac-
cepted classification or body of terminology
that is based on anatomic, dimensional, or eti-
ologic criteria. Words such as wrinkles, lines,
furrows, and folds are used with heavy reliance
on the intuitive grasp of such terms (Fig. 1).
Superficial wrinkles are associated with tex-
tural changes of the skin surface caused by
intrinsic aging and photoaging of topographi-
cally defined areas. The fine lines of wrinkling
may be discrete at first and then, over time,
become grouped and multidirectional as
noted by Stegman.
Apart from cutis rhomboi-
dalis caused by elastosis, they occur as wrin-
kling in the face or as regional static wrinkles
over the whole body. Wrinkle lines are usually
limited to superficial dermal creasing; thus,
they are amenable to treatments such as chem-
ical peeling, dermabrasion, and laser
Mimetic wrinkles, commonly referred to as
lines (partial thickness) or furrows (full thick-
ness), are the visible effects of deep dermal
creasing caused by repeated facial movement
and expression combined with dermal elasto-
sis. They are therefore perpendicular to the
From the Division of Plastic Surgery, University of California, and FACESplus, Inc. Received for publication September 15, 2000; revised January
5, 2001.
direction of the underlying facial muscles.
They occur with aging as forehead and glabel-
lar lines, nasolabial folds, radial lip lines, mar-
ionette lines, and lines in the corners of the
Glabellar lines result from frequent frown-
ing, and periorbital lines and nasolabial folds
result from smiling. Radial lip and marionette
lines, however, are caused by concomitant
movement of mimetic muscles during chew-
ing. Therapeutically, mimetic wrinkles or fur-
rows do not respond well to resurfacing proce-
dures, but react preferentially to muscle
resection (musculus frontalis, musculus corru-
gator palpebrae), botulinum toxin, or inject-
able skin filler materials.
Folds are the result of overlapping skin
caused by genetic laxity, intrinsic aging, loss of
tone, bony atrophy, gravity, and consequent
sagging. They occur as upper and lower lid
folds in blepharoptosis, as nasolabial folds in
midface sagging, and as horizontal neck folds
in lax skin. The correction of folds requires
tightening procedures such as blepharoplasty,
face lift, or direct skin excision.
tion of the bony skeleton by implants, bone
grafts, or skeletal osteotomies may also be nec-
essary to treat folds in properly selected cases.
Combinations of mimetic wrinkles and folds
are commonly present. For example, a sagging
nasolabial fold may be temporarily eliminated
by manual elevation, exposing a crease or fur-
row in its center.
proposed a classification of peri-
oral and periorbital wrinkling for use in estab-
lishing the effect of laser resurfacing of the
skin (Table I). Fitzpatricks classification was
. 1. Textural changes of the facial skin: (above) wrin-
kling, (center) mimetic wrinkles, and (below) folds.
Fitzpatricks Classification of Facial Wrinkling (Perioral
and Periorbital)
Class Score Wrinkling Degree of Elastosis
I13 Fine wrinkles Mild (fine textural changes
with subtly accentuated skin
II 46 Fine to moderate
depth wrinkles,
moderate number
of lines
Moderate (distinct papular
elastosis, individual papules
with yellow translucency,
III 79 Fine to deep
numerous lines,
with or without
redundant skin
Severe (multipapular and
confluent elastosis,
thickened yellow and pallid
cutis rhomboidalis)
,November 2001
directed toward generalized wrinkling and
elastosis rather than specific wrinkle depth.
Wrinkle depth analysis, which is not accounted
for by the Fitzpatrick scale, is a more important
measurement when considering wrinkle aug-
mentation with injectable fillers. Glogau
proposed a classification consisting of type I
(no wrinkles), type II (wrinkles in motion),
type III (wrinkles at rest), and type IV (only
wrinkles). These classifications are confined to
generalized wrinkles and do not address spe-
cific mimetic wrinkles or folds.
The only classification to include facial wrin-
kles, furrows, and folds was published by Ham-
A choice of appropriate therapy results
simply from categorizing the patients prob-
lems with this comprehensive and easily under-
standable chart (Table II). However, this clas-
sification, oriented toward treatment selection,
provides no scale to objectively measure the
outcome of treatment.
The first attempts to use quantitative meth-
ods have been described only recently
developed for the assessment of facial skin re-
juvenation after laser treatment of wrinkles.
Negative silicone rubber replicas of facial wrin-
kles were measured directly by use of a simple
light microscope, a technique confirmed by
electron microscopy.
Replicas have also been
converted into hard, positive epoxy resin im-
A mechanical or optical profilome-
was then used along with an image-
analyzing computer to measure wrinkle
These measurements were confined
to superficial wrinkles only, not facial furrows
or folds.
To develop a scale for the assessment of skin
fillers used in the treatment of facial mimetic
wrinkles or furrows, our goal was to determine
whether a photographically based classification
of mimetic wrinkles could be used reliably and
consistently by clinicians and to determine
whether this classification correlated with mea-
surement of wrinkle depth as determined by
profilometry on negative silicone replicas of
facial wrinkles.
A review of the literature
and current
practice revealed that there is not an appropri-
ate classification system for deep facial wrinkles
. 2. Anatomic reference points for assessment and
measurement of wrinkle depth. If the deepest point of the
wrinkle is outside of this point, it can be marked or described
separately. HF, horizontal forehead lines; GF, glabellar frown
lines; PO, periorbital lines; PA, preauricular lines; CL, cheek
lines; NL, nasolabial folds; UL, upper radial lip lines; LL, lower
radial lip lines; CM, corner of the mouth lines; ML, mario-
nette lines; LM, labiomental crease; NF, horizontal neck folds.
Hamiltons Classification of Contour Changes of Facial Skin
Morphology Tissue Location Clinical Location Etiology Optimal Treatment
A Folds Muscular Nasolabial folds,
neck, eyelids
Loss of tone, gravity Rhytidectomy, blepharoplasty
B Furrows Musculocutaneous Forehead, smile lines Repeated facial expressions Filler substances, injectables, implants
C Wrinkles Cutaneous Cheeks, crows feet,
Intrinsic aging, photoaging Resurfacing, laser, chemical peel
D Combination Combined approach
Vol. 108, No. 6 /
and folds. Objective measurements, however,
are necessary to rate the effect of treatments
with injectable materials. In daily practice, a
simple look at a reliable reference scale would
enable clinicians to classify the deep mimetic
wrinkles and folds on a patients face.
Wrinkle Assessment Scale
From hundreds of pictures taken from ran-
domized patients in the first authors practice
(G. Lemperle), one reference photograph was
selected for each class (0 to 5) of facial wrinkles
from 11 different regions (Fig. 2). As a result,
reference picture sheets were created (Figs. 3
through 13) for use in validating the reliability
of photographic classification.
For this study,
four of the regions were selected: right-side
and left-side glabellar lines, right-side and left-
side radial upper lip lines, right-side and left-
side nasolabial folds, and right-side and left-
side marionette lines.
The photographs of the Wrinkle Assessment
Scale were used livein direct comparison
with the corresponding wrinkle or fold in the
. 3. Wrinkle Assessment Scale of horizontal forehead lines.
,November 2001
patients face or indirectlyby comparing a
patients photograph with the pictures of the
scale. The assessment was always made at
the same location by use of anatomic land-
marks (Fig. 2). Horizontal forehead lines were
measured at their intersection with the vertical
pupillary line. Glabellar frown lines were mea-
sured at the level of the upper border of the
eyebrows. Periorbital lines were measured 1.5
cm lateral to the lateral canthus. Preauricular
lines were measured at the level of the lower
groove of the tragus. Nasolabial folds were
measured midway between the alar rim and
corner of the mouth (upper nasolabial) and at
the level of the corner of the mouth (lower
nasolabial). Cheek lines were also measured at
the level of the corner of the mouth. The
corner of the mouth lines were measured 5
mm below the commissure. Radial lip lines
were measured 2 mm above or below the ver-
milion border. Marionette lines were mea-
sured midway between the corner of the
mouth and the border of the lower jaw. The
labiomental crease and the neck folds were
measured in the midline.
In the case of multiple wrinkles as in an
upper lip, only the deepest wrinkle was as-
sessed and marked on the photograph or a
. 4. Wrinkle Assessment Scale of glabellar frown lines.
Vol. 108, No. 6 /
chart for later reference. In cases of asymme-
try, the wrinkles of the right and left upper lip
were assessed separately. The depth of the
wrinkle at its reference point (Fig. 2) was con-
sidered and compared, not its length or over-
lapping skin fold. Some elderly patients have a
pronounced skin fold or redundancy of skin
rather than a wrinkle or crease in the dermis.
In such cases, only the wrinkle was classified. If
it was not evident whether to rate a wrinkle as
a class 3 or class 4, for example, it was rated as
a class 3.5. All ratings were noted on a special
classification sheet (Fig. 14).
Silicone Impressions
A Kerr gun with silicone double cartridges
and mixing tips (Kerr Extrude Wash No.
28418, Kerr Corp., Romulus, Mich.) was used
for making the impression molds. The double
cartridges containing blue silicone fluid and a
hardener were fixed to the gun, the mixing tip
was applied, and the silicone was mixed with
the hardener filled up to the tip. The patients
face was fixed in a horizontal position and all
makeup was removed from the wrinkles.
The low viscosity of the elastomer coupled
. 5. Wrinkle Assessment Scale of periorbital lines.
,November 2001
with its hydrophobic properties promotes its
penetration into all irregularities of the skin.
The crease was filled with blue silicone in its
full length with one stroke from the gun to
prevent air bubbles. A landmark of the face
such as inner eye brow, alar base of the nose, or
corner of the mouth was included in the im-
pression mold.
An ordinary tissue cassette for histologic
preparations or a perforated Aquaplast splint,
a21 inch section cut from a
sheet (A 962-50, Smith and Nephew, German-
town, Wis.), was pressed gently into the still soft
silicone impression until half of its holes were
filled with blue silicone. The silicone polymer
hardens within 1 minute. Therefore, a new
mixing tip was used for each patient.
After 1 minute of polymerization, the im-
pression was removed together with the adher-
ent splint without touching the ridge of the
furrow. A transparent tape was pressed to the
back of the splint and the patient’s initials,
date, side, and wrinkle abbreviation (see Table
III) were recorded with a permanent marker. A
. 6. Wrinkle Assessment Scale of preauricular lines.
Vol. 108, No. 6 /
black line was drawn to indicate the highest
point for profilometry, and this point was
also marked on the patients photographic
Wrinkle Metrology
Measurements of wrinkle impressions were
made using a stylus profiler (Surfanalyzer 5000
Surface Analysis System, Federal Products Co.,
Providence, R.I.). This instrument uses a dia-
mond ball-tipped stylus mounted to a linear
variable differential transducer with a counter-
balanced downward force of 200 mg. The sty-
lus/transducer assembly is mounted to a pre-
cision reference bar that is straight to within
25 nm over a traverse of 25 mm. The vertical
resolution of the transducer is 25 nm. Thus,
the sample surface being traversed by the
stylus is compared with the reference bar
surface. The peaks and valleys of the sample
surface are displayed as distance versus
height (Fig. 15).
On the drawing of the wrinkles profile on a
graph paper, the deepest points of the skin
. 7. Wrinkle Assessment Scale of cheek folds.
,November 2001
surface on both sides of the wrinkle were lo-
cated and connected, and the depth of the
wrinkle was measured perpendicular to this
line (Fig. 14).
Live Ratings
The first test of the Wrinkle Assessment Scale
was made by nine observers (three plastic sur-
geons, three aesthetic surgeons, and three der-
matologists) who were asked to judge the
depth of 76 mimetic wrinkles on the faces of 32
colleagues during a plastic surgery meeting in
Cyprus in 1999. Using the reference photo-
graphs depicting the Wrinkle Assessment Scale
(Figs. 4 and 8 through 10), 689 individual rat-
ings of wrinkle depth were made on the faces
of these 32 colleagues (Table IV).
Interobserver variation occurred in 50 of 689
wrinkles; 92.7 percent of the wrinkles got the
same ratings (Table IV). The variations in the
ratings of three plastic surgeons, three aes-
thetic surgeons, and three dermatologists
showed no significant differences: 6.5 percent,
. 8. Wrinkle Assessment Scale of nasolabial folds.
Vol. 108, No. 6 /
6.9 percent, and 8.8 percent of the wrinkles
were rated differently from the majority of the
observers. A difference of two classes was rated
in only three of the 50 ratings in which observ-
ers differed.
Photographic Ratings
The next test of the wrinkle scale was per-
formed on 130 different mimetic wrinkles by
eight independent observers (four plastic sur-
geons, four lay persons). The wrinkles were
marked with an arrow at their deepest point.
With the aid of the photographic Wrinkle As-
sessment Scale (Figs. 4 and 8 through 10), the
eight observers were asked to score the depth
of each of the 130 wrinkles. There was an 89.4
percent agreement among the eight observers
in their classification of wrinkle depth using
the Wrinkle Assessment Scale (Table V).
To determine whether the Wrinkle Assess-
ment Scale correlates with the measurement of
wrinkle depth as determined by profilometry,
40 negative silicone impression replicas were
measured (Figs. 16 and 17) and compared with
. 9. Wrinkle Assessment Scale of upper lip lines.
,November 2001
the photographic ratings by the eight indepen-
dent observers (four plastic surgeons, four lay
persons) of the same wrinkles. There was an
87.0 percent agreement between the impres-
sion mold measurements and the observer rat-
ings with the use of the Wrinkle Assessment
Scale (Table VI).
By listing the average impression depth for
each wrinkle score, a proposed range of wrin-
kle depth was defined for each wrinkle score
(Table VII).
Statistical Analysis
The intraclass correlation,
which applies to
the case in which more than two wrinkle types
(eight in this instance) are correlated, was sig-
nificant with a p0.001 in each case. The
magnitude of intraclass correlations ranged
above 0.80; the correlation is considered highly
significant when greater than 0.70 to 0.80.
The Wrinkle Assessment Scale was an easy,
consistent, and reliable tool for the assessment
of deep facial wrinkles. The scale correlated
well with an objective profilometry measure-
ment of the wrinkle depth.
The most accurate description of the photo-
graphed lines and creases in our wrinkle scale
. 10. Wrinkle Assessment Scale of corner of the mouth lines.
Vol. 108, No. 6 /
is probably furrows, not folds or wrinkles. How-
ever, furrows is not a commonly used and un-
derstood term, hence our rationale behind the
selection of mimetic wrinkles to differentiate
these deeper wrinkles, furrows, or creases from
generalized elastosis or folds. The etiology of
mimetic wrinkles or furrows is rather simple
and does not differ from that of the wrinkles or
creases in the fabric of ones gloves or shoes.
Smooth when new, the fabric develops grooves
at sites of long-sustained stress. There is no
chemical or architectural alteration, purely a
conformational change.
Wrinkles occur with
relaxation of the skin caused by receding pa-
pillae and degeneration of elastic and collagen
fibers at the dermal-epidermal junction. This
degeneration starts as early as age 30 and in-
creases with time, regardless of care and
The thickness of the living dermis can be
determined by either ultrasound
or xerora-
diographic technique. Skin thickness increases
linearly up to the age of 20 years and decreases
linearly with age subsequently. Depending on
race, genetics, and location of measurement,
the thickness of the dermis will vary. For exam-
. 11. Wrinkle Assessment Scale of marionette lines.
,November 2001
ple, dermal thickness in the medial forearm
varies from 0.6 to 1.0 mm in women and from
0.8 mm to 1.2 mm in men. In the lateral arms
or legs, Tan et al.
found a mean dermal thick-
ness of 1.32 mm, on the chest of 1.62 mm, and
on the back of 2.50 mm.
In the face, the dermal thickness increases
from lids (~ 0.2 mm), to corners of the mouth
(~0.4 mm), to nasolabial folds (~ 0.6 mm), to
forehead and glabellar dermis (~0.8 mm).
For comparison, a 30-gauge needle has an
outer diameter of 0.3 mm, and a 26-gauge
needle has a diameter of 0.45 mm.
The Wrinkle Assessment Scale is intended to
bring objective and comparable measurements
into the field of aesthetic medicine. Aside from
the standard of collagen injections, new injec-
tion or filler alternatives arrive on the market
every 6 months. Other resorbable filler mate-
rials such as hyaluronic acids (Restylane,
), autologous collagen (Autologen
allogeneic collagen matrix (Dermalogen,
. 12. Wrinkle Assessment Scale of the labiomental crease.
Vol. 108, No. 6 /
), dextran microspheres (Revi-
derm), polymethylacrylate particles (Der-
malive), and others have gained increased pop-
ularity. All claim to last longer than collagen,
but none have shown any statistically convinc-
ing proof. On the other hand, long-term per-
sistence of artificial products (Artecoll,
form) may also cause problems after poor
placement and subsequent dislocation.
The Wrinkle Assessment Scale should be an
excellent tool in the hands of every aesthetic
surgeon or dermatologist to objectively assess
the short-term and long-term effects of an in-
jected product and to establish a real price-
value relationship for patients.
Gottfried Lemperle, M.D., Ph.D.
302 Prospect Street
La Jolla, Calif. 92037
We are indebted to Paul Clopton, M.S., Research Service,
VA Medical Center, San Diego, Calif., for his invaluable sta-
tistical work. Joe de Lellis, Senior Engineer at San Diego
Magnetics, San Diego, Calif., performed the measurements of
the impression molds.
. 13. Wrinkle Assessment Scale of horizontal neck folds.
,November 2001
. 15. The Surfanalyzer provides a profile of each im-
pression mold. The depth is measured from a baseline con-
necting the adjacent skin surface.
. 16. Silicone impressions of a glabellar fold before second
treatment and 6 weeks and 3 months after a second treatment.
. 17. The depth of three impressions molds after three
treatments of the same glabellar fold measured by CEREC
computer imaging.
Classification of Facial Wrinkles
Facial Wrinkle Class Description
Horizontal forehead lines
Glabellar frown lines
Periorbital lines
Preauricular lines 0 No wrinkles
Cheek lines 1 Just perceptible wrinkle
Nasolabial folds 2 Shallow wrinkles
Radial upper lip lines 3 Moderately deep wrinkle
Radial lower lip lines 4 Deep wrinkle, well-defined edges
Corner of the mouth lines
5 Very deep wrinkle, redundant fold
Marionette lines
Labiomental crease
Horizontal neck folds
Significance of the LiveStudy of 689 Ratings of 76
Wrinkles by Nine Observers
Wrinkles Different Ratings Percentage Significance
Glabellar frowns 11 out of 191 5.8 p0.001
Nasolabial folds 14 out of 192 7.3 p0.001
Radial lip lines 5 out of 114 4.4 p0.001
Marionette lines 20 out of 192 10.4 p0.001
TOTAL 50 out of 689 7.3 p0.001
No lip lines grade 0 were excluded.
Intraclass Correlations in the Wrinkle Assessment Scale
According to the Ratings of Eight Observers of 130 Facial
Wrinkles on 80 Photographs*
Wrinkles nMean SD Intraclass Correlation
Glabellar frowns 20 2.872 1.538 0.828
Nasolabial folds 40 2.451 1.293 0.921
Radial lip lines 30 1.762 1.281 0.904
Marionette lines 40 2.098 1.211 0.923
TOTAL 130 2.250 1.342 0.894
* There is 89.4 percent agreement among the eight observers.
. 14. Masked observers classification sheet of the four
most bothering lines.
Vol. 108, No. 6 /
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Measurements using high-frequency ultrasound. Br. J.
Dermatol. 144: 947, 2001.
Validation of the Wrinkle Scale in Comparison with the
Measurements from Silicone Impressions of Facial
Wrinkle Score I
Mean Depth of
Proposed Margins
1 0.115 0.20
2 0.225 0.210.30
3 0.320 0.310.40
4 0.460 0.410.50
5 0.565 0.51
1 0.060 0.20
2 0.290 0.210.40
3 0.485 0.510.60
4 0.650 0.610.80
5 0.940 0.81
1 0.140 0.20
2 0.300 0.210.40
3 0.450 0.410.60
4 0.575 0.610.80
5 0.840 0.81
Radial lip
1 0.100 0.10
2 0.150 0.110.20
3 0.295 0.210.30
4 0.350 0.310.40
5 0.415 0.41
Intraclass Correlations between Wrinkle Measurement on
40 Impression Molds and Judgments from Photographs of
the Same Wrinkles
Molds nMean Ratings SD
Glabellar frown 10 2.337 1.264 0.828
Nasolabial folds 10 2.637 1.314 0.872
Radial lip lines 10 2.097 1.278 0.884
Marionette lines 10 2.423 1.541 0.828
TOTAL 40 2.380 1.309 0.870
,November 2001
... The study objectives include efficacy and safety of the Voluderm treatments toward improvement of the superficial and deep periorbital wrinkles. Severity of the wrinkles was determined by comparison to the reference photo-numeric scale (Lemperle Classification of Facial Wrinkles, LFW): (0) no wrinkles, (1) just perceptible, (2) shallow, (3) moderately deep wrinkle, (4) deep with well-defined edges, and (5) very deep or redundant fold [14]. Participants were divided into two treatment groups: a group with superficial wrinkles (LFW class 1-2) and a group with deep wrinkles (LWF class 3-4). ...
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Introduction This prospective study evaluates the efficacy and safety of minimally invasive radiofrequency microneedling (RFMN) for the correction of periorbital wrinkles. This study aimed to address the challenges posed by the periorbital region's unique anatomy and the limitations of existing non‐surgical treatments. Methods Twenty‐four subjects, ranging from 34 to 54 years old with Fitzpatrick skin types II–V, underwent a series of treatments using the Voluderm RF microneedling device. Participants were divided into two groups based on the severity of their wrinkles and treated with customized protocols over four sessions, with a 3‐month follow‐up to assess outcomes. Efficacy was determined through comparisons of pre‐treatment and post‐treatment wrinkle severity, using the Lemperle Classification of Facial Wrinkles (LFW) and the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale, evaluated by both the investigators and the patients. Safety and tolerability were assessed through adverse event reporting and a Visual Analog Scale for treatment discomfort. Results The results demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in periorbital wrinkle severity, with an average 49% decrease of LFW score and improvements noted across all skin types in both groups. The aggregated facial LFW score decreased from baseline mean 13.00 ± 4.75 to 6.09 ± 3.90 (p < 0.05). The treatment was well tolerated without anesthetics, with minimal downtime and few adverse events, which were transient and resolved without intervention. Conclusion The efficacy of Voluderm RF microneedling in improving periorbital wrinkles of variable severity was demonstrated in patients with diverse skin types. The unique RF‐assisted mechanism of the skin penetration granted a high tolerability of the treatments, negligible downtime, and minimum number of adverse events with self‐resolution.
... Individuals who wanted to improve the appearance of neck wrinkles and scored between 2 and 4 on the Lemperle Wrinkle Scale (LWS) were included in the study. The LWS scoring was as follows: 0 = no wrinkles; 1 = barely perceptible wrinkle; 2 = shallow wrinkle; 3 = moderately deep wrinkle; 4 = deep wrinkle, well-defined edges; and 5 = very deep wrinkle, redundant fold [7,8]. The exclusion criteria were as follows: had undergone cosmetic treatments such as laser, light therapy, surgery, or filler treatments using collagen, hyaluronic acid fillers, or other materials in the neck area within the previous 6 months and radiation therapy to the neck area; a history of malignancy or connective tissue diseases and infections or abnormal skin lesion in the neck; used whitening agents such as hydroquinone and tranexamic acid, isotretinoin or retinoid, light-sensitive medications, steroid preparations within the previous 6 months, anti-wrinkle functional cosmetics containing retinol, retinyl palmitate, adenosine, and polyethoxylated retinamide within the previous 3 months or unable to stop using them; and pregnancy and lactation. ...
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Background Light‐emitting diode (LED) light sources have become an increasingly popular choice for the treatment and rejuvenation of various dermatological conditions. Aims This study aimed to evaluate the effects of neck rejuvenation, patient satisfaction, and the safety of LED application to the neck in an Asian population. Methods This was a multicenter, randomized, double‐blind, sham device study. Seventy participants were enrolled in the study. The participants wore the home‐use LED neck device for 9 min a day, 5 times a week, for a total of 60 sessions. The Lemperle Wrinkle Scale (LWS) and Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (GAIS) were used to evaluate the results of both investigators and participants. The thyroid gland was examined using ultrasonography to evaluate the safety of the investigational device. Results The percentage of participants with improved LWS at Week 12 was significantly higher in the study group. Additionally, the percentage of participants with improved LWS was significantly higher in the study group at Weeks 8, 12, and 16. The LWS at Week 12 corrected with baseline values was found to be significantly different between the two groups. GAIS showed significant differences at 8, 12, and 16 weeks in the investigators' evaluation but not in the participants' evaluation. Repeated‐measures analysis of variance at Weeks 4, 8, 12, and 16 also confirmed a significant difference between the two groups only in investigator assessment. No significant thyroid‐related complications were observed. Conclusion LED application to the neck may be considered a satisfactory and safe procedure for neck rejuvenation.
... The high patient satisfaction levels are consistent with those reported in published studies on HA as a monotherapy. 24 Among 48 participants with pretreatment and posttreatment photographs available (the performance cohort), by 5 months, more than 90% showed improvement in Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale scores and more than 85% of treated regions exhibited at least a one-point improvement on the Lemperle Rating Scale, 25 which grades facial wrinkles on a six-point scale from 0 (no wrinkles) to 5 (very deep wrinkle, redundant fold). ...
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Background HA/CaHa (HArmonyCa, Allergan Aesthetics, an AbbVie Company) is a hybrid injectable filler developed for aesthetic purposes that contains calcium hydroxyapatite microspheres suspended in a hyaluronic acid gel. This review describes preclinical and clinical data, recommendations for use based on the primary author’s clinical experience, and case studies that illustrate implementation of product use recommendations and patient outcomes. Methods Preclinical data on the lift capacity and tissue integration of the HA/CaHa hybrid injectable and clinical data on its safety, efficacy, and real-world use were extracted from poster presentations, published literature, manufacturer instructions for use, and proprietary data files. Case studies were presented based on clinical experience. Results The HA component of HA/CaHa provides an immediate and noticeable filling and lifting effect, whereas CaHa microspheres result in neocollagenesis. In preclinical studies, HA/CaHa demonstrated higher lift capacity ( P < 0.05) and faster tissue integration than a CaHa filler and led to collagen I gene and protein expression. Clinical studies showed clinical safety and effectiveness with high patient satisfaction. The most common adverse event was injection-site response. Clinician recommendations for achieving desired aesthetic results while minimizing or preventing adverse events are reviewed, including patient selection and assessment, treatment approaches based on face shape, injection technique, and postprocedure care. Conclusion The novel hybrid injectable consisting of HA with incorporated CaHa microspheres in a single marketed product may help achieve aesthetic goals by immediately restoring volume and potentially improving skin architecture and soft-tissue quality over time.
... The Glogau Wrinkle Scale, which ranges from I (slight wrinkles) to IV (severe wrinkles), categorizes wrinkles based on their visibility and the patient's age group, providing a broader context for understanding wrinkle formation [87]. The Lemperle wrinkle classifi cation also ranges from 0 (no wrinkles) to 5 (very deep wrinkles) and is particularly useful for assessing fi ne lines and deeper wrinkles [88]. For a more nuanced assessment of specifi c facial regions, the (modifi ed) Fitzpatrick Wrinkle Scale (MFWS), with its 7-point scale ranging in 0.5 increments from 0 (no wrinkles) to 3 (deep wrinkles), has been developed and provides a detailed assessment of the nasolabial fold that is also valuable for monitoring subtle changes over time [89]. ...
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As the demand for minimally invasive aesthetic treatments increases, the need fora structured individualized facial analysis is becoming more and more evident. Thisarticle therefore presents FILLMED’s 6-step matrix, a holistic six-step guide for facialassessment prior to aesthetic treatments aiming to optimize the efficacy of soft tissuefiller treatments. The first step, skin quality assessment, involves evaluating factorssuch as texture, pigmentation and hydration to understand the patient's skin conditionbefore treatment and anticipate the treatment outcome. The second step, shadowassessment, focuses on identifying and eliminating shadows in critical facial areas. Thethird step, contour assessment, is to analyze the facial contour, thus detecting areasthat need to be enhanced or corrected to achieve a balanced and natural-looking result.The fourth step entails a detailed assessment of wrinkles, which is crucial for choosingappropriate treatments, as different types and degrees of wrinkles require customizedapproaches. The fifth step, volume loss assessment, focuses on pinpointing areaswhere facial volume has decreased, particularly in the temples, periorbital area, midfaceand lips, which contribute signi ficantly to the signs of aging. The sixth step, evaluatingproportions, is to assess the balance and harmony of facial features, taking into accountboth overall and regional proportions to ensure that aesthetic treatments enhancerather than disrupt facial symmetry. FILLMED’s comprehensive 6-step matrix enablesphysicians to accurately assess patients’ pre-treatment facial aesthetics and hence todeliver personalized, effective and safe treatments. (PDF) Face Forward: Streamlining Pre-Treatment Patient Assessment via FILLMED’s 6 Steps Matrix and Protocol. Available from:'s_6_Steps_Matrix_and_Protocol [accessed Sep 16 2024].
... 1-We face the palm of the hand downwards in a relaxed manner, then pinch the skin on the back of the hand and hold for 5 s. To assess skin wrinkles, we used the Fitzpatrick's Classification of Facial Wrinkling, which is as follows [25][26][27] : ...
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Background Skin aging and photoaging is a process that may appear at a relatively early age, causing an aesthetic problem. Common signs of skin aging include wrinkles, dyspigmentation, and decreased elasticity. Aim Aim of this article is to study the effectiveness and safety of low‐level laser therapy (LLLT) for skin rejuvenation. Methods Thirty Syrian female patients aged 25–50 participated in this study and were diagnosed with moderate to severe melasma and wrinkles. The patients were divided into two groups and received LLLT with a wavelength of 660 nm emitting a continuous wave. The power density and dose used were 15.6 mW/cm², and 3 J/cm² respectively, and the laser effective area was 32 cm². The evaluation was done before, during, and after 12 treatment sessions, based on photographs, in addition to the modified Melasma Area Severity Index (MASI), Pinch test, and Fitzpatrick's classification of facial wrinkling at baseline. Results Comparing before, and after treatment, and between the two groups, revealed a significant improvement in skin rejuvenation, with a statistical significance (p < 0.05). Additional outcome measures included assessments of patient satisfaction scores, and no adverse effects or re‐pigmentation were reported. Conclusions Our results suggest that LLLT may be a useful and safe therapeutic option in treating melasma, skin elasticity, and wrinkle improvement, which we advised to be integrated into treatment, and follow‐up programs in cosmetics and dermatology.
Background: Botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) primarily acts by inhibiting the release of acetylcholine from the presynaptic terminal, resulting in reversible chemical paralysis of muscles. It is a widely accepted treatment for improving the appearance of glabellar expression lines that develop due to muscle contraction. Method: The glabellar force patterns, facial wrinkle classification, and a number of BoNT-A units used in the corrugator and procerus muscles were evaluated. Results: The mean total units of BoNT-A used were 7.2U in the corrugator muscle (7.1U in women and 7.4U in men) and 3.9U in the procerus muscle (3.9U in women and 4.1U in men), with a positive correlation between the number of units used and the age of the 58 participants. Regarding muscle strength pattern, more units were used in the corrugator muscle with a strong pattern and facial wrinkle classification of 3-4 and moderate with the same wrinkle classification (8U and 8.5U, respectively). In the procerus muscle, more units were used in the strong force pattern with wrinkles classified as 3-4 (5U). Wrinkles classified as 3-5 required the highest number of BoNT-A units. Conclusion: The quantity of BoNT-A units used is directly proportional to the strength pattern and classification of facial wrinkles, with more units required when a strong force pattern and deep wrinkle classification are observed.
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Background Skin biorevitalization involves multiple intradermal injections to enhance skin quality, but precise dermal targeting can be challenging due to variations in skin thickness smaller, less painful needles with fewer skin reactions are attractive options. Aims This study evaluates a new Micro‐Needle device's performance and safety in comparison with the classic needle used in skin biorevitalization. Patients/Methods Subjects with facial and neck skin aging were enrolled. Safety outcomes, including immediate and local tolerability, were assessed. Performance outcomes measured skin radiance, wrinkles and photoaging grade, hydration, subepidermal low echogenic band, dermis thickness, and skin elasticity. Both subjects and investigators recorded Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale scores. Results Micro‐Needle injections demonstrated superior performance compared to the classic needle, influenced by the specific skin zones and thickness. Micro‐Needle was superior for skin wrinkles at D49 for periorbital zone and nasolabial folds by −14.5% (p = 0.01) and −15% (p = 0.004), respectively, and for neck by 9.6% (p = 0.0008). The Nanosoft device showed a faster improvement for skin hydration at D42 for the cheek zone (p = 0.04) and at D75 for the neck area (p = 0.01); and for skin radiance at D75 (p = 0.03) and at D120 (p = 0.0098). Ex vivo studies confirmed the Micro‐Needle's accuracy in product placement in the dermis. Adverse events were milder with Micro‐Needle and no serious adverse events occurred. Conclusions Both needles significantly improved skin quality, but Micro‐Needle enhanced the outcomes of skin biorevitalization procedures, particularly in terms of skin wrinkle reduction, elasticity, and overall skin hydration.
The first year after surgery is a period of significant change, during which patients are highly concerned and sensitive about the outcomes. This study aimed to measure objectively the improvements and changes in the lower face and neck over the course of 1 year after rhytidectomy in Asian. This study included a total of 50 patients, comprising 100 hemifaces, who underwent extended deep-plane rhytidectomy using a composite flap from January 2017 to December 2022. The patients’ antero-posterior and lateral photographs at pre-surgery, between 2 weeks and 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months after surgery were analyzed retrospectively. Measurements for each period and site are revealed a general trend where the most significant decrease occurred between 2 weeks and 1 month after surgery. This was followed by a slight increase at 3 months, with a subsequent decrease observed at 6 and 12 months after surgery. Objective assessment of lower face and neck at each period is considered to be potentially valuable as an evaluation resource for both patients and surgeons. This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors
The escalating interest in non-surgical and minimally-invasive aesthetic procedures underscores the critical role of comprehensive facial assessments in formulating customized treatment plans that align with individual patient profiles and expectations. This chapter explores the multifaceted process of facial evaluation, highlighting the necessity for an exhaustive analysis of facial anatomy and aesthetic objectives to secure desired outcomes. Central to this discourse are the fundamental tenets of facial analysis, such as evaluating facial proportions and symmetry, which are pivotal for a holistic understanding of facial aesthetics. Through detailed exploration of these aspects, the chapter endeavors to furnish aesthetic practitioners with the pivotal knowledge and competencies essential for administering personalized, efficacious, and safe non-surgical aesthetic interventions. This narrative not only enhances the practitioner’s diagnostic acumen but also broadens the spectrum of treatment strategies, thereby elevating the standard of patient care in the aesthetic medicine.
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Harnessing of the most potent neurotoxin, botulinum toxin (BTX) has been one of the most significant developments in the field of esthetics. Ever since its approval by the Food and Drug Administration in 2002 for the temporary improvement in the appearance of moderate-to-severe glabellar lines, BTX has been used for numerous off-label esthetic indications, the majority being facial indications. In this review, we intend to discuss the extra facial esthetic indications of BTX which include neck rejuvenation, improving shoulder contours, calf slimming, ankle slimming, and androgenetic alopecia. We have included essential tips for each indication.
A Statistical Model for ReliabilitySome Consequences of UnreliabilityThe Simple Replication Reliability StudyThe Control of Unreliability by ReplicationThe Interexaminer Reliability Study
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A new tissue augmentation product, made from hyaluronic acid, was clinically evaluated at three clinics in accordance with the new directive, EN 540, for medical implants. One hundred patients were fully assessed following treatments in 285 locations. The treatment was completed when the skin was levelled following one to two injections. At 6 months follow-up of all patients and at 12 months follow-up of a randomized group of the patients all showed that close to 60% of the effect was still there. No serious or permanent adverse events were noted.
In facial aesthetic surgery, we perform operations that may at times have short-lived but positive aesthetic effects. When suboptimal results do occur in aesthetic surgery, for example, with laser skin resurfacing, they may relate less to inadequate execution and more to the failure to eliminate some or all causative factors such as exposure to the sun, poor nutrition, smoking, and hyperfunctional facial musculature. Lines typically occur from muscular contractions in facial expressions that involve a multitude of complex coordinated actions of various facial muscles. Hyperfunctional facial muscular contraction tends to be a long-standing, partially involuntary action. Pretreatment of target areas with botulinum toxin type A (Botox®; Allergan Inc., Irvine, CA) may not only temporarily eliminate the facial lines produced by increased muscular activity, but also may improve the effect of the surgical or laser resurfacing procedure. Pretreatment with Botox® before laser exfoliation may allow for smoother skin resurfacing by eliminating the hyperfunctional component during healing. We now better understand how to treat these facial lines with chemodenervation. In 1992 I reported on the use of botulinum toxin type A not only as a primary treatment for glabellar frown lines but also as a supplemental adjunct for autologous injectable collagen (Autologen®; Collagenesis Inc., Beverly, MA) for soft tissue augmentation in certain facial regions.1 Since then, I have found chemodenervation to be useful as a primary modality to temporarily eliminate facial lines and furrows caused by hyperfunctional muscles and as an adjunct and “fortifier” for a variety of facial aesthetic procedures, including laser skin resurfacing, canthoplasty, brow lifts, and soft tissue augmentation. After several years of experience in CO2 laser skin resurfacing, many of us have come to realize that in spite of excellent execution of skin resurfacing, rhytids tend to recur commonly in very …
Collagen from allogenic and xenogeneic sources has been made soluble by controlled proteolytic digestion. The monomeric, telopeptide-poor collagen so prepared forms a cohesive mass when warmed to body temperature (upon injection), creating a structural basis for new soft connective tissue. We have treated 28 patients with human and/or bovine collagen injections for the correction of soft tissue contour defects, and we have followed them for 3 to 18 months. In most instances, there has been lasting and substantial correction of the defects treated. The complications have been few and transient.
Quantitative techniques for assessing the effects of tretinoin on photo-aged skin mainly involve humans, although hairless mice were used in initial studies. Ideally techniques should be non-invasive but occasionally biopsies have to be taken, especially when studying the effects of tretinoin on different skin compartments. Characteristic features of photo-aged skin, including the development of fine and coarse wrinkles, skin discoloration, rosy cheeks and telangiectasis, have been assessed subjectively using a visual analogue scale. Effects of tretinoin on wrinkle depth have been measured non-invasively by quantifying contours of silicone rubber replicas using either a mechanical tracking device or an optical technique employing an image-analysing computer. Changes in skin colour have been measured using an erythema meter and the stimulatory effect of tretinoin on blood flow has been established by laser doppler flowmetry. Skin thickness has been measured non-invasively using pulsed A-scan ultrasound which showed that tropical tretinoin increased thickness. Biopsies have also been used but no changes in the thickness of the dermal repair zone have been noted in humans, in contrast to the situation in hairless mice. Epidermal dysplasia has been measured by a visual analogue scale or by objective image analysis.
Facial fine lines and wrinkles can be faithfully captured by silicone rubber impression materials. Computerized digital image processing of such specimens provides objective measurement of the skin's topography, which has a significant degree of correlation with clinical grading. Optical profilometry provides a dimension of objectivity that can complement clinical assessment in the study of agents that may be useful in the therapy of photodamaged skin.
This article describes how computer models of the skin can be used to obtain objective information about surface-altering events. Although alterations produced by various forms of therapy are being emphasized, more needs to be known about alterations produced by aging, environmental factors, and disease. The term "automated optical surfometry" has been applied to the method described in this chapter. (The term "optical profilometry" has also been used. Because this designation was applied at an earlier time to a method that is entirely different, the use of the word "optical surfometry" appears to be preferable as well as more accurate). Space limitations made it possible to allude only briefly to some of the other techniques that are being used to learn more about the configuration and dynamics of the surface of the skin. The development of imaging and modeling methods for topographic studies of the skin owe their origins in large measure to the advent of inexpensive computer technology.