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Exercise Capacity and Mortality among Men Referred for Exercise Testing


Abstract and Figures

Exercise capacity is known to be an important prognostic factor in patients with cardiovascular disease, but it is uncertain whether it predicts mortality equally well among healthy persons. There is also uncertainty regarding the predictive power of exercise capacity relative to other clinical and exercise-test variables. We studied a total of 6213 consecutive men referred for treadmill exercise testing for clinical reasons during a mean (+/-SD) of 6.2+/-3.7 years of follow-up. Subjects were classified into two groups: 3679 had an abnormal exercise-test result or a history of cardiovascular disease, or both, and 2534 had a normal exercise-test result and no history of cardiovascular disease. Overall mortality was the end point. There were a total of 1256 deaths during the follow-up period, resulting in an average annual mortality of 2.6 percent. Men who died were older than those who survived and had a lower maximal heart rate, lower maximal systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and lower exercise capacity. After adjustment for age, the peak exercise capacity measured in metabolic equivalents (MET) was the strongest predictor of the risk of death among both normal subjects and those with cardiovascular disease. Absolute peak exercise capacity was a stronger predictor of the risk of death than the percentage of the age-predicted value achieved, and there was no interaction between the use or nonuse of beta-blockade and the predictive power of exercise capacity. Each 1-MET increase in exercise capacity conferred a 12 percent improvement in survival. Exercise capacity is a more powerful predictor of mortality among men than other established risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
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The New England
Copyright © 2002 by the Massachusetts Medical Society
14, 2002
N Engl J Med, Vol. 346, No. 11
March 14, 2002
, P
.D., M
, M.D., V
, M.D., D
, M.D., S
, B.S
J. E
, M.D.
Exercise capacity is known to be an
important prognostic factor in patients with cardiovas-
cular disease, but it is uncertain whether it predicts
mortality equally well among healthy persons. There
is also uncertainty regarding the predictive power of
exercise capacity relative to other clinical and exercise-
test variables.
We studied a total of 6213 consecutive
men referred for treadmill exercise testing for clinical
reasons during a mean (±SD) of 6.2±3.7 years of fol-
low-up. Subjects were classified into two groups: 3679
had an abnormal exercise-test result or a history of
cardiovascular disease, or both, and 2534 had a nor-
mal exercise-test result and no history of cardiovascu-
lar disease. Overall mortality was the end point.
There were a total of 1256 deaths during the
follow-up period, resulting in an average annual mor-
tality of 2.6 percent. Men who died were older than
those who survived and had a lower maximal heart
rate, lower maximal systolic and diastolic blood pres-
sure, and lower exercise capacity. After adjustment for
age, the peak exercise capacity measured in metabolic
equivalents (MET) was the strongest predictor of the
risk of death among both normal subjects and those
with cardiovascular disease. Absolute peak exercise ca-
pacity was a stronger predictor of the risk of death than
the percentage of the age-predicted value achieved,
and there was no interaction between the use or non-
use of beta-blockade and the predictive power of exer-
cise capacity. Each 1-MET increase in exercise capacity
conferred a 12 percent improvement in survival.
Exercise capacity is a more powerful
predictor of mortality among men than other estab-
lished risk factors for cardiovascular disease. (N Engl
J Med 2002;346:793-801.)
Copyright © 2002 Massachusetts Medical Society.
From the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Stanford University Med-
ical Center and the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System — both in
Palo Alto, Calif. Address reprint requests to Dr. Myers at the Cardiology
Division (111C), Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System, 3081
Miranda Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304, or at
URING the past two decades, exercise ca-
pacity and activity status have become well-
established predictors of cardiovascular and
overall mortality.
The fact that exercise
capacity is a strong and independent predictor of out-
comes supports the value of the exercise test as a clin-
ical tool; it is noninvasive, is relatively inexpensive, and
provides a wealth of clinically relevant diagnostic and
prognostic information.
However, recent guidelines
and commentaries on the topic
have identified sev-
eral areas related to the prognostic usefulness of exer-
cise testing that are in need of further study. For ex-
ample, the majority of previous studies have not clearly
assessed the independent prognostic power of exercise
capacity relative to other clinical variables and infor-
mation from exercise testing. In addition, whereas the
literature is filled with long-term follow-up studies
conducted in relatively healthy populations,
studies have focused on more clinically relevant pop-
ulations — that is, patients referred for exercise test-
ing for clinical reasons. Moreover, although exercise
capacity expressed in terms of metabolic equivalents
(MET) is the common clinical measure of exercise tol-
erance, exercise capacity is strongly influenced by age
and activity status. It is not known which has greater
prognostic value: the absolute peak exercise capacity
(measured in MET) or exercise capacity expressed as
a percentage of the value predicted on the basis of age.
Finally, the use of beta-blocker therapy is common
among the patients who are typically referred for exer-
cise testing; although beta-blockade improves surviv-
al, it can also reduce exercise capacity. Data related to
the influence of beta-blockade on the prognostic val-
ue of exercise tolerance are sparse.
N Engl J Med, Vol. 346, No. 11
March 14, 2002
The New England Journal of Medicine
In the present study, we assessed the prognostic
value of exercise capacity among patients referred for
exercise testing for clinical reasons. We addressed the
questions of whether exercise capacity is an independ-
ent predictor of the risk of death; whether it is as
strong a marker of risk as other established cardiovas-
cular risk factors; whether the percentage of age-pre-
dicted exercise capacity achieved is a better marker
of risk than the absolute peak exercise capacity; and
whether beta-blockade influences the prognostic val-
ue of exercise capacity.
Exercise Testing
The study population consisted of 6213 consecutive men referred
for exercise testing for clinical reasons. Beginning in 1987, a thor-
ough clinical history, current medications, and risk factors in these
subjects were recorded prospectively on computerized forms at the
time of the exercise tests.
After providing written informed con-
sent, the subjects underwent symptom-limited treadmill testing ac-
cording to standardized graded
or individualized
protocols. Before testing, the subjects were given a questionnaire,
which we used to estimate their exercise capacity; the use of this
estimate allowed most subjects to reach maximal exercise capacity
within the recommended range of 8 to 12 minutes.
We have pre-
viously observed that this protocol results in the closest relation
between the measured and estimated exercise capacity.
(One MET
is defined as the energy expended in sitting quietly, which is equiv-
alent to a body oxygen consumption of approximately 3.5 ml per
kilogram of body weight per minute for an average adult.) Subjects
were discouraged from using the handrails for support. Target heart
rates were not used as predetermined end points. Subjects were
placed in a supine position as soon as possible after exercise.
ications were not changed or stopped before testing.
ST-segment depression was measured visually. Ventricular tachy-
cardia was defined as a run of three or more consecutive premature
ventricular contractions, and if 10 percent or more of all ventricular
contractions were premature, the subject was considered to have
frequent premature ventricular contractions.
Exercise capacity (in
MET) was estimated on the basis of the speed and grade of the
Subjects with either a decrease of 10 mm Hg in sys-
tolic blood pressure after an initial increase with exercise or a de-
crease to 10 mm Hg below the value measured while standing be-
fore testing were considered to have exertional hypotension.
No test results were classified as indeterminate.
The exercise tests
were performed, analyzed, and reported according to a standardized
protocol and with the use of a computerized data base.
standards for age-predicted exercise capacity were derived from re-
gression equations developed on the basis of results in veterans who
were referred for exercise testing
and the predicted peak exercise
capacity was calculated as 18.0¡(0.15¬age). The percentage of nor-
mal exercise capacity achieved was defined as follows: (achieved ex-
ercise capacity÷the predicted energy expenditure)¬100.
We defined subjects with cardiovascular disease as those with a
history of angiographically documented coronary artery disease, my-
ocardial infarction, coronary bypass surgery, coronary angioplasty,
congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, or an abnormal
result on an exercise test that was suggestive of coronary artery dis-
ease (ST-segment depression of »1.0 mm, exercise-induced angina,
or both). Seven percent of the population (435 subjects) had a his-
tory of mild pulmonary disease and were included in the group with
an abnormal exercise-test result, a history of cardiovascular disease,
or both, which included a total of 3679 subjects. The other 2534
subjects, who had no evidence of cardiovascular disease, were clas-
sified as normal.
The Social Security death index was used to match all subjects to
their records according to name and Social Security number. Vital
status was determined as of July 2000.
Statistical Analysis
NCSS software (Salt Lake City) was used for all statistical analy-
ses. Overall mortality was used as the end point for survival analysis.
Censoring was not performed, since data on interventions were not
available for all subjects. Survival analysis was performed with the use
of Kaplan–Meier curves for the comparison of variables and cutoff
points, and a Cox proportional-hazards model was used to deter-
mine which variables were independently and significantly associat-
ed with the time to death. Analyses were adjusted for age in single
years as a continuous variable.
In order to compare our results with those of previous studies,
the relative risk of death was calculated for each quintile of exercise
capacity; subjects with an exercise capacity of less than 5 MET were
considered to have a high risk of death, and those with an energy
expenditure of more than 8 MET were considered to have a low
risk. Receiver-operating-characteristic curves were constructed in
order to compare the absolute exercise capacity achieved and ex-
ercise capacity expressed as a percentage of the age-predicted val-
ue in terms of their discriminatory accuracy in predicting survival.
The receiver-operating-characteristic curves were compared with
the use of the z statistic.
The mean (±SD) follow-up period was 6.2±3.7
years, and the average annual mortality was 2.6 per-
cent. No major complications occurred, although
nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (three or more
consecutive beats) occurred during 1.1 percent of the
exercise tests. A total of 83 percent of the subjects who
were classified as normal achieved a maximal heart rate
that was at least 85 percent of the age-predicted value.
Demographic Characteristics
As compared with the normal subjects, subjects
with cardiovascular disease were older, had a slightly
lower body-mass index (defined as the weight in kilo-
grams divided by the square of the height in meters),
and had more extensive use of medicines in addition
to more cardiovascular interventions (Table 1).
Exercise-Test Results
Age-adjusted demographic characteristics and the
results of exercise testing in the subjects who sur-
vived and those who died in both groups are pre-
sented in Table 2. The regression equation that
predicted the peak exercise capacity on the basis of
age was 18.4¡(0.16¬age); with this equation,
r(±SE)=¡0.50±0.31, P<0.001. The regression
equation used to predict the maximal heart rate on
the basis of age was 187¡(0.85¬age); with this equa-
tion, r(±SE)=¡0.39±0.23, P< 0.001.
Predictors of Death from Any Cause
Clinical and exercise-test predictors of mortality
from the Cox proportional hazards model are present-
N Engl J Med, Vol. 346, No. 11
March 14, 2002
*Plus–minus values are means ±SD. To convert values for height to centimeters, multiply by 2.54;
to convert values for weight to kilograms, multiply by 0.45. For comparisons where no P value is
given, the differences are due to the classification criteria specified in the study design.
Demographic characteristics
Age (yr) 59±11.2 55.5±11.8 61.5±10.1 <0.001
Height (in.) 69.2±4.1 69.4±3.4 69.2±3.6 0.02
Weight (lb) 191.2±39 193.7±37 188.8±36 <0.001
Body-mass index 28.0±5.2 28.4±5.1 27.3±5.0 <0.001
Medications (%)
Digoxin 5.4 0 9.1
Calcium antagonist 27.3 17.2 34.3 <0.001
Beta-blocker 18.9 12.0 23.7 <0.001
Nitrate 23.3 9.5 32.9 <0.001
Antihypertensive agent 24.0 19.3 27.3 <0.001
Medical history (%)
Atrial fibrillation 3.1 0.8 2.7 <0.001
Pulmonary disease 6.9 0 11.7
Stroke 3.6 0 6.1
Claudication 5.3 0 8.9
Typical angina 31.3 7 31.2 <0.001
Myocardial infarction 29.3 0 49.4
Congestive heart failure 8.4 0 14.2
Interventions (%)
Coronary bypass surgery 9.3 0 14.1
Percutaneous transluminal cor-
onary angioplasty, stenting,
or both
5.2 0 8.7
*Plus–minus values are means ±SD. P values are for comparisons between the subjects who survived and those who died in each group.
To convert values for height to centimeters, multiply by 2.54; to convert values for weight to kilograms, multiply by 0.45. MET denotes
metabolic equivalents.
=288) P
=968) P
Age (yr) 55±12 55±12 62±10 <0.001 61±10 60±10 65±9 <0.001
Height (in.) 69.4±3.4 69.4±3.1 69.7±4.9 0.08 69.2±3.7 69.2±3.5 69.3±4.2 0.34
Weight (lb) 193.7±37.5 194.1±37.1 191.0±40.1 0.19 188.8±36.1 190.7±36.3 183.7±34.4 <0.001
Body-mass index 28.3±5.1 28.4±5.1 27.5±5.0 0.005 27.8±5.0 28.1±5.0 26.9±4.7 <0.001
Resting values
Heart rate (beats/min) 78±16 78±16 83±16 <0.001 78±26 77±29 79±16 0.24
Blood pressure (mm Hg)
Diastolic 84±12 84±12 83±13 0.16 82±18 82±19 80±12 <0.001
Systolic 132±20 133±20 131±21 0.13 134±23 135±23 132±24 <0.001
Maximal values
Heart rate (beats/min) 145±24 145±23 140±25 <0.001 132±29 133±28 127±32 <0.001
Blood pressure (mm Hg)
Diastolic 86±16 86±15 85±16 0.37 86±23 86±20 85±30 0.53
Systolic 184±28 184±27 178±32 <0.001 174±31 176±31 168±32 <0.001
Exercise capacity (MET) 9.5±3.8 9.7±3.7 8.4±3.5 <0.001 7.2±3.3 7.4±3.3 6.5±2.8 <0.001
N Engl J Med, Vol. 346, No. 11
March 14, 2002
The New England Journal of Medicine
ed in Table 3. After adjustment for age, the best pre-
dictor of an increased risk of death among normal sub-
jects was peak exercise capacity, followed by pack-years
of smoking. Among subjects with cardiovascular dis-
ease, the best predictor of an increased risk of death
from any cause was peak exercise capacity, followed by
a history of congestive heart failure, history of myo-
cardial infarction, pack-years of smoking, left ventric-
ular hypertrophy on electrocardiography while at rest,
pulmonary disease, and exercise-induced ST-segment
depression. According to the model for the total
group, every 1-MET increase in exercise capacity
conferred a 12 percent improvement in survival.
The age-adjusted relative risks of death for subjects
with each of the major risk factors among those achiev-
ing a peak exercise capacity of less than 5 MET and
5 to 8 MET, as compared with the fittest subjects
(those achieving a peak of more than 8 MET), are
shown in Figure 1. For subjects with any of these risk
factors, the relative risk of death from any cause in-
creased significantly as exercise capacity decreased. The
age-adjusted relative risks of death from any cause for
subjects in each quintile of fitness in each group are
shown in Figure 2. In both groups, subjects with low-
er exercise capacity had a higher risk of death. The rel-
ative risk for the subjects in the lowest quintile of ex-
ercise capacity, as compared with those in the highest
quintile, was 4.5 among the normal subjects and 4.1
among those with a history of cardiovascular or pul-
monary disease, abnormal results on exercise testing,
or both.
Absolute Exercise Capacity versus Percentage
of Age-Predicted Value
Absolute peak exercise capacity (with or without
adjustment for age) predicted survival more accurately
than the percentage of age-predicted values achieved
when entered into the proportional-hazards model. In
addition, the area under the receiver-operating-char-
acteristic curve was greater for absolute exercise ca-
pacity than for the percentage of age-predicted values
(0.67 vs. 0.62, P<0.01), indicating that the absolute
value had greater discriminatory power. For subjects
over 65 years of age, however, the areas under the
receiver-operating-characteristic curves were similar
(0.60). The survival curves for normal subjects who
achieved an exercise capacity of less than 5 MET, 5 to
8 MET, and more than 8 MET are shown in Figure
3A; the survival curves for normal subjects who
achieved an exercise capacity of less than 50 percent,
50 to 74 percent, 75 to 100 percent, and more than
100 percent of the age-predicted value are shown in
Figure 3B. The corresponding curves for the subjects
with cardiovascular disease are shown in Figures 3C
and 3D. For both the absolute exercise capacity and
the percentage of the age-predicted value, there were
significant differences in mortality rate among groups
defined according to exercise level (P<0.001), al-
though the curves were shifted downward in the group
with cardiovascular or pulmonary disease.
Effect of Beta-Blockade
There was no interaction between the use or non-
use of beta-blockade and the predictive power of the
peak exercise capacity; this was the case throughout
the typical range of values for exercise capacity (2 to
10 MET). The results were similar when subjects were
included in the beta-blockade subgroup only if they
were taking a beta-blocker and had a blunted heart-
rate response to exercise (a peak heart rate of less than
85 percent of the age-predicted value). The results
were also similar (i.e., beta-blockade had no effect)
when the survival curves were based on various cut-
*Data are from the Cox proportional-hazards model. Metabolic equiva-
lents (MET) were calculated from the peak speed and grade of the tread-
mill and were evaluated as a continuous variable. Left ventricular hypertro-
phy was defined according to electrocardiographic criteria in a resting
patient. Exercise-induced arrhythmia was defined as three or more prema-
ture ventricular contractions in succession, premature ventricular contrac-
tions that accounted for 10 percent or more of total beats during exercise,
or both. Maximal heart rate was measured at peak exercise. ST-segment de-
pression was defined as an exercise-induced change of 1.0 mm or more. CI
denotes confidence interval.
(95% CI)
Normal subjects
Peak exercise capacity (for each 1-MET in-
0.84 (0.79–0.89) <0.001
Pack-yr of smoking (for each 10-yr incre-
1.09 (1.03–1.14) <0.001
History of hypertension 0.75 (0.56–1.02) 0.07
Diabetes 1.30 (0.84–2.00) 0.24
Total cholesterol level >220 mg/dl (5.7
1.21 (0.88–1.64) 0.25
Left ventricular hypertrophy 1.22 (0.57–2.63) 0.61
Exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmia 1.14 (0.64–2.01) 0.66
Maximal heart rate (for each increment of
10 beats/min)
1.00 (0.92–1.08) 0.93
Subjects with cardiovascular disease
Peak exercise capacity (for each 1-MET in-
0.91 (0.88–0.94) <0.001
History of congestive heart failure 1.67 (1.37–2.04) <0.001
History of myocardial infarction 1.60 (1.35–1.90) <0.001
Pack-yr of smoking (for each 10-yr incre-
1.05 (1.02–1.08) 0.001
Left ventricular hypertrophy 1.50 (1.13–1.99) 0.005
Pulmonary disease 1.34 (1.06–1.68) 0.01
ST-segment depression 1.22 (1.03–1.44) 0.02
Total cholesterol level >220 mg/dl (5.7
0.88 (0.74–1.04) 0.14
Maximal heart rate (for each increment of
10 beats/min)
0.97 (0.93–1.01) 0.17
Exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmia 1.19 (0.92–1.53) 0.18
Diabetes 0.90 (0.69–1.16) 0.41
History of hypertension 1.07 (0.90–1.25) 0.47
N Engl J Med, Vol. 346, No. 11 · March 14, 2002 · · 797
off points for the percentage of age-predicted exer-
cise capacity achieved (e.g., 50 percent or 75 percent
of age-predicted values).
Our results demonstrate that exercise capacity is a
strong predictor of the risk of death in patients re-
ferred for exercise testing for clinical reasons. The
importance of exercise capacity, physical-activity sta-
tus, or both in predicting survival has been reported
in asymptomatic populations such as those of the
Framingham Study,
the Aerobics Center Longitu-
dinal Study,
the Lipid Research Clinics Trial,
the Harvard Alumni study.
Our population was
unique in that it afforded us the opportunity to assess
subjects both with and without documented cardio-
vascular disease. Whereas the above-mentioned studies
involved generally healthy populations, our data dem-
onstrate that exercise capacity is a similarly important
marker of risk in a clinically referred population and
among men both with and without existing cardiovas-
cular disease. Unlike the estimates of activity status or
the submaximal exercise tests used in many studies, the
maximal exercise testing used in the present study pro-
vided an objective measure of physical fitness.
In both healthy subjects and those with cardiovas-
cular disease, the peak exercise capacity achieved was
a stronger predictor of an increased risk of death than
clinical variables or established risk factors such as hy-
pertension, smoking, and diabetes, as well as other ex-
ercise-test variables, including ST-segment depression,
the peak heart rate, or the development of arrhythmias
during exercise. Our data also confirm the protective
role of a higher exercise capacity even in the presence
of other risk factors.
7-9,24, 25
In all subgroups defined
according to risk factors, the risk of death from any
cause in subjects whose exercise capacity was less than
5 MET was roughly double that of subjects whose ex-
ercise capacity was more than 8 MET (Fig. 1).
Poor physical fitness is a modifiable risk factor, and
improvements in fitness over time have been demon-
strated to improve prognosis.
Our observation that
every 1-MET increase in treadmill performance was
associated with a 12 percent improvement in survival
underscores the relatively strong prognostic value of
exercise capacity. In addition, it confirms the presence
of a graded, inverse relation between exercise capacity
and mortality from any cause.
Recent long-term
findings from the National Exercise and Heart Disease
among patients who had had a myocardial
Figure 1. Relative Risks of Death from Any Cause among Subjects with Various Risk Factors Who Achieved an Exercise Capacity of
Less Than 5 MET or 5 to 8 MET, as Compared with Subjects Whose Exercise Capacity Was More Than 8 MET.
Numbers in parentheses are 95 percent confidence intervals for the relative risks. BMI denotes body-mass index, and COPD chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease.
History of
COPD Diabetes
Smoking BMI »30 Total Cholesterol
>220 mg/dl
Risk Factors
Relative Risk of Death
>8 MET (n=2743)
5–8 MET (n=1885)
<5 MET (n=1585)
798 · N Engl J Med, Vol. 346, No. 11 · March 14, 2002 ·
The New England Journal of Medicine
infarction demonstrated that every 1-MET increase in
exercise capacity after a training period was associat-
ed with a reduction in mortality from any cause that
ranged from 8 percent to 14 percent over the course
of 19 years of follow-up. In a study involving serial
evaluations in nearly 10,000 men, Blair et al.
a 7.9 percent reduction in mortality for every one-min-
ute increase in treadmill time (roughly equivalent to
the 1-MET change in our study).
In combination, these findings demonstrate that
both a relatively high degree of fitness at base line and
an improvement in fitness over time yield marked re-
ductions in risk. The relative weight of exercise capac-
ity in the model for assessing risk in both normal
subjects and those with cardiovascular or pulmonary
disease in our study, along with the fact that an im-
provement in exercise capacity lowers the risk of
suggests that health professionals should
incorporate into their practices strategies for promot-
ing physical activity, in addition to the routine treat-
ment of hypertension and diabetes, the encourage-
ment of smoking cessation, and the like.
Our findings in normal subjects are similar to those
of other studies
in that we observed the most
striking difference in mortality rates between the least-
fit quintile and the next-least-fit quintile. This obser-
vation concurs with the consensus (reflected in the
recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention and the American College of Sports
and the report of the Surgeon General on
physical activity and health
) that the greatest health
benefits are achieved by increasing physical activity
among the least fit. Among subjects with cardiovascu-
lar disease, however, we observed a nearly linear reduc-
tion in risk with increasing quintiles of fitness. Since
most studies assessing the relation between fitness and
mortality have excluded subjects with cardiovascular
these findings require confirmation.
Few studies have similarly assessed the prognostic
value of exercise tolerance among patients specifically
referred for exercise testing for clinical reasons. Roger
et al.
retrospectively assessed 2913 men and women
from Olmsted County, Minnesota, and reported that
among exercise-test variables, exercise capacity had the
strongest association with overall mortality and cardi-
ac events among subjects of both sexes. More recently,
this group addressed the association between clinical
and exercise-test variables among young and elderly
subjects in Olmsted County and observed that the
peak workload achieved was the only treadmill-test
Figure 2. Age-Adjusted Relative Risks of Death from Any Cause According to Quintile of Exercise Capacity among Nor-
mal Subjects and Subjects with Cardiovascular Disease.
The subgroup of subjects with the highest exercise capacity (quintile 5) was used as the reference category. For each
quintile, the range of values for exercise capacity represented appears within each bar; 95 percent confidence intervals
for the relative risks appear above each bar.
Quintiles of Exercise Capacity
Relative Risk of Death
(3.0–6.8)1.0–5.9 MET
(3.3–5.2)1.0–4.9 MET
(1.5–3.8)6.0–7.9 MET
(2.4–3.7)5.0–6.4 MET
(1.1–2.8)8.0–9.9 MET
(1.7–2.8)6.5–8.2 MET
(0.7–2.2)10.0–12.9 MET
(1.4–2.2)8.3–10.6 MET
»13.0 MET
»10.7 MET
Normal subjects
Subjects with cardiovascular disease
N Engl J Med, Vol. 346, No. 11 · March 14, 2002 · · 799
Figure 3. Survival Curves for Normal Subjects Stratified According to Peak Exercise Capacity (Panel A) and According to the Per-
centage of Age-Predicted Exercise Capacity Achieved (Panel B) and Survival Curves for Subjects with Cardiovascular Disease Strat-
ified According to Peak Exercise Capacity (Panel C) and According to the Percentage of Age-Predicted Exercise Capacity Achieved
(Panel D).
In all the analyses, the stratification according to exercise capacity discriminated among groups of subjects with significantly dif-
ferent mortality rates that is, the survival rate was lower as exercise capacity decreased (P<0.001).
Normal Subjects
0 3.5 7.0 10.5 14.0
Years of Follow-up
Percentage Surviving
Normal Subjects
0 3.5 7.0 10.5 14.0
>8 MET
5–8 MET
<5 MET
Percentage Surviving
Subjects with Cardiovascular Disease
0 3.5 7.0 10.5 14.0
Years of Follow-up
Percentage Surviving
Subjects with Cardiovascular Disease
0 3.5 7.0 10.5 14.0
>8 MET
5–8 MET
<5 MET
Percentage Surviving
variable that was significantly associated with mortal-
ity from any cause.
These investigators also observed
that each 1-MET increment in the peak treadmill
workload was associated with a 14 percent reduction
in cardiac events among younger subjects (those less
than 65 years old) and an 18 percent reduction among
elderly subjects.
In recent years, questions have been raised about
which variable has superior prognostic power: exercise
capacity relative to age- and sex-predicted standards
or absolute exercise capacity.
We found that exer-
cise capacity expressed as a percentage of the age-pre-
dicted value was not superior to the absolute peak ex-
ercise capacity in terms of predicting survival. Other
studies in this area have focused only on patients with
congestive heart failure and have had conflicting find-
We were also interested in whether our results
800 · N Engl J Med, Vol. 346, No. 11 · March 14, 2002 ·
The New England Journal of Medicine
would be affected by beta-blockade, given that such
treatment favorably influences survival and is known
to either improve or inhibit exercise tolerance, depend-
ing on the presence or absence of symptoms during
exercise, among other factors. Previous data in this
area, although sparse, have demonstrated that beta-
blockade does not interfere with the prognostic power
of a finding of a low exercise capacity.
mately 19 percent of the subjects in our study under-
went exercise testing while receiving beta-blocker ther-
apy, and the overall survival rate was slightly lower
among those taking beta-blockers (18.4 percent vs.
21.0 percent among those not taking such drugs,
P=0.03). Subjects achieving an exercise capacity of
5 MET or more had a higher survival rate than those
achieving an exercise capacity of less than 5 MET, and
this remained true when subjects were stratified ac-
cording to the use or nonuse of a beta-blocker. Sim-
ilarly, beta-blockade had no effect on survival within
groups of subjects stratified according to exercise ca-
pacity within the clinically relevant range (2 to 10
MET). This issue has rarely been addressed in previ-
ous studies, although presumably a substantial propor-
tion of subjects were taking beta-blockers in the Cor-
onary Artery Surgery Study,
the Olmsted County
the Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Risk
Factor Study,
and other follow-up studies that quan-
tified exercise tolerance and survival.
Our findings are applicable only to men, which is
noteworthy, given that exercise-test results have been
shown to differ significantly between men and wom-
In addition, we had information only on death
from any cause; we did not know the specific causes
of death, nor were we able to censor data at the time
of cardiovascular interventions. Finally, our exercise-
capacity data were estimated on the basis of the speed
and grade of the treadmill. Although this type of es-
timate is the most common clinical measure of exercise
tolerance, directly measured exercise capacity (peak ox-
ygen consumption) is known to be a more accurate
and reproducible measure of exercise tolerance,
well as a more robust predictor of outcomes.
The present results confirm the prognostic useful-
ness of exercise capacity in men. The prognostic power
of exercise capacity is similar among apparently healthy
persons and patients with cardiovascular conditions
who are referred for exercise testing and similar among
subjects who are taking beta-blockers and those who
are not taking beta-blockers. Expressing exercise ca-
pacity as a percentage of the age-predicted value does
not improve its prognostic power. Our findings dem-
onstrate an association between exercise capacity and
overall mortality, not necessarily a causal relation. Nev-
ertheless, given the high prognostic value of exercise
capacity relative to other markers of risk in this and
other recent studies, clinicians who are reviewing ex-
ercise-test results should encourage patients to improve
their exercise capacity. In terms of reducing mortality
from any cause, improving exercise tolerance warrants
at least as much attention as other major risk factors
from physicians who treat patients with or at high
risk for cardiovascular disease.
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... A notable finding was the significant increase in VO2peak in the HIIT group compared to the CON group. An increase >10 % in VO2peak is considered clinically relevant (34). In our study, the HIIT group improved VO2peak by 16 % corresponding to a clinically significant increase in VO2peak of 4.4 ml/kg/min. ...
... Almost all participants in our study had a baseline VO2peak corresponding to "very low" aerobic capacity underlining the poor aerobic capacity in patients with IIM (34). Yet our HIIT protocol successfully improved aerobic capacity for all participants regardless of initial fitness level. ...
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Objective: To investigate efficacy, safety, and tolerance of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) versus standard low-moderate intensity home-based exercise (CON) to improve aerobic capacity, muscle endurance, and mitochondrial function in patients with recent onset, idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM). Methods: Twenty-three patients with recent onset IIM were randomized into two groups: HIIT and CON. HIIT underwent 12 weeks of supervised high-intensity training, while CON followed a low-moderate intensity home-based exercise program. Outcomes included maximal exercise test (VO2peak, peak power, time-to-exhaustion TTE), mitochondrial protein expression in muscle biopsy serum levels of muscle enzymes (CK, LD, AST, ALT), muscle strength (MMT8) and disease activity (subset of MDAAT), before and after intervention. Results: HIIT resulted in a 16% increase in VO2peak L/min, significantly higher than the 1.8% change in CON (95% CI 0.1;0.47). Peak power and TTE also improved significantly more in HIIT, 18% and 23%, respectively, compared to CON, 8% and 12%, (95% CI 3.9;30.8 and 00:06;03:18, respectively). Muscle biopsies (HIIT n=7, CON n=6) showed increases (p<0.05) in central mitochondrial protein expression in HIIT but not in CON, suggesting enhanced mitochondrial function. Both groups maintained stable serum muscle enzymes indicating no increase in disease activity from the intervention. Muscle disease activity remained low and unchanged in both groups (95% CI -1.2;1.0), physician global activity and MMT8significantly improved within CON (95% CI -1.7;-0.26 and 0.1;3.9, respectively) but not in the HIIT group. Compliance with HIIT was high, and no adverse events were reported. Conclusion: HIIT is a highly effective and safe exercise intervention to improve aerobic fitness, muscle endurance, and mitochondrial function in patients with recent onset IIM. This approach should be considered as an adjuvant treatment in managing IIM, potentially enhancing the health for these patients.
... This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License It is always worth emphasizing that improving exercise capacity is a key goal of cardiac rehabilitation. More than two decades ago, Myers et al. 14 established that exercise capacity is a stronger predictor of mortality in men than many other well-known cardiovascular risk factors. Specifically, increasing VO 2 peak has been shown to provide significant benefits in reducing the burden of CAD 15 and is a strong predictor of future cardiovascular readmissions and all-cause mortality. ...
... VȮ 2max , which is dependent on all steps in the O 2 pathway from atmosphere to mitochondria and widely considered the most important factor of aerobic endurance performance (Bassett and Howley, 2000), as well as a key factor for health and longevity (Myers et al. 2002;Ross et al. 2016), was not reduced in patients with long COVID. Both when comparing to our local reference group not influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic and to normative data from the Norwegian population. ...
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Introduction SARS-CoV-2 may result in the development of new symptoms, known as long COVID, a few months after the original infection. Purpose It is elusive to what extent physical capacity in patients diagnosed with long COVID is impacted. Methods We compared maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max), one of the single most important factors for cardiovascular health and mortality, expired lung volumes and air flow, oxygen cost of walking and 6-min-walking-test (6MWT), in 20 patients diagnosed with long COVID (11 males and 9 females; 44 ± 16 years (SD); 26.7 ± 3.8BMI, duration of acute phase 1.7 ± 1.2 weeks, tested 4 ± 3 months after long COVID diagnosis) with 20 healthy age and sex matched controls (11 males and 9 females; 44 ± 16 years; 25.9 ± 4.0BMI). Results Long COVID patients had a V̇O2max of 41.4 ± 16.2 mL∙kg⁻¹∙min⁻¹(men) and 38.2 ± 7.5 (women) and this was not different from controls. Similarly, mean spirometry measures in the patient group (VC; FVC; FEV1; FEV1/FVC) were also not different (85–106%) from predicted healthy values. Finally, inclined treadmill (5%, 4 km∙h⁻¹) walking economy was not different between the groups (long COVID: 15.2 ± 1.1 mL∙kg⁻¹∙min⁻¹; controls: 15.2 ± 1.2 mL∙kg⁻¹∙min⁻¹), while the 6MWT revealed a difference (long COVID: 606 ± 118 m; controls: 685 ± 85 m; p = 0.036). Conclusion V̇O2max, oxygen cost of walking, and spirometry measurements did not appear to be impaired in patients diagnosed with long COVID with a prior mild to moderate SARS-CoV-2 infection. The typical outcomes in these essential factors for health and longevity implies that while long COVID can present with a range of symptoms, caution should be made when attributing these symptoms directly to compromised pulmonary function or V̇O2max.
... New England Medical Journal, cardiopulmonary function has a stronger predictive effect on mortality, and every reduction in the level of cardiopulmonary function by 1 MET increases the risk of death by 12%. 37 Cardiopulmonary function is of great significance to health, and chronic inflammation is an important channel for cardiopulmonary function to affect health. The results showed that hs-CRP, a marker of chronic inflammation, was negatively correlated with VO 2max . ...
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Purpose This study aims to explore the relationship between BMI and chronic inflammation and to investigate the interaction and mediation of physical activity (PA), cardiopulmonary function, and visfatin. Methods A total of 119 participants were included in the study, 60 in the obesity group, 30 in the normal weight group, and 29 in the overweight group. PA, VO2max, visfatin, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and four blood lipid indices (TC, TG, HDLC, LDLC) were analyzed. Regression analysis was used to understand the effect of BMI on chronic inflammation. Covariate analysis was conducted to screen effective covariates affecting BMI to predict chronic inflammation and test the interaction and intermediary role of effective covariates. Results The increase in BMI could aggravate chronic inflammation. PA, VO2max, and visfatin had interactive effects on BMI affecting chronic inflammation, and visfatin played an intermediary role in BMI affecting chronic inflammation. The effect value of BMI on chronic inflammation in terms of low PA was 3.5 times higher than that of high PA, that of low VO2max was 2.8 times higher than that of high VO2max, and that of high visfatin was 3.65 times higher than that of low visfatin. Approximately 19.35% of the effect was mediated by visfatin. Conclusion An increase in BMI can aggravate chronic inflammation. Increases in PA and VO2max can alleviate chronic inflammation, and visfatin plays a positive mediating role.
... Comparison of cardiorespiratory exercise suggests that training within the high intensity range is equally as or more effective at increasing VO 2max and requires less training volume than moderate intensities to do so . VO 2max is an indicator of cardiorespiratory fitness and has been established as an independent predictor of all-cause mortality both in young and in older men (Kokkinos et al., 2010;Myers et al., 2002). The relationship is inverse and graded, with most survival benefits achieved in those with a higher exercise capacity. ...
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Function declines throughout life although phenotypical manifestations in terms of frailty or disability are only seen in the later periods of our life. The causes underlying lifelong function decline are the aging process "per se", chronic diseases, and lifestyle factors. These three etiological causes result in the deterioration of several organs and systems which act synergistically to finally produce frailty and disability. Regardless of the causes, the skeletal muscle is the main organ affected by developing sarcopenia. In the first section of the manuscript, as an introduction, we review the quantitative and qualitative age-associated skeletal muscle changes leading to frailty and sarcopenia and their impact in the quality of life and independence in the elderly. The reversibility of frailty and sarcopenia are discussed in the second and third sections of the manuscript. The most effective intervention to delay and even reverse frailty is exercise training. We review the role of different training programs (resistance exercise, cardiorespiratory exercise, multicomponent exercise, and real-life interventions) not only as a preventive but also as a therapeutical strategy to promote healthy aging. We also devote a section in the text to the sexual dimorphic effects of exercise training interventions in aging. How to optimize the skeletal muscle anabolic response to exercise training with nutrition is also discussed in our manuscript. The concept of anabolic resistance and the evidence of the role of high-quality protein, essential amino acids, creatine, vitamin D, β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate, and Omega-3 fatty acids, is reviewed. In the last section of the manuscript, the main genetic interventions to promote robustness in preclinical models are discussed. We aim to highlight the molecular pathways that are involved in frailty and sarcopenia. The possibility to effectively target these signaling pathways in clinical practice to delay muscle aging is also discussed.
... Notably, the peak oxygen uptake (V O 2 peak ), also known as cardiorespiratory fitness (commonly abbreviated as CRF)-which is typically assessed during dynamic exercise until exhaustion and reflects an individual's peak capacity for energy transfer through OXPHOS-is a robust, independent prognostic factor of morbidity and mortality from all causes, particularly from cardiometabolic conditions (Fletcher et al., 2018;Lavie et al., 2019). Large-scale clinical studies have in fact demonstrated that poor CRF is a better predictor of morbidity and mortality than some well-established risk factors such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity or smoking (Kavanagh et al., 2003;Kokkinos et al., 2008;Myers et al., 2002), and the American Heart Association advocates for the routine assessment of this measure as a clinical vital sign (Ross et al., 2016). Furthermore, despite the strong evidence supporting the salutary effects of regular physical activity/exercise against the risk of major non-communicable diseases, CRF per se (i.e., irrespective of physical activity levels) might represent an even more powerful health marker (Davidson et al., 2018;Myers et al., 2004). ...
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We explored the association between aerobic capacity (AC) and the skeletal muscle proteome of McArdle (n = 10) and wild‐type (n = 8) mice, as models of intrinsically ‘low’ and ‘normal’ AC, respectively. AC was determined as total distance achieved in treadmill running until exhaustion. The quadriceps muscle proteome was studied using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, with the Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins database used to generate protein–protein interaction (PPI) networks and enrichment analyses. AC was significantly associated (P‐values ranging from 0.0002 to 0.049) with 73 (McArdle) and 61 (wild‐type) proteins (r‐values from −0.90 to 0.94). These proteins were connected in PPI networks that enriched biological processes involved in skeletal muscle structure/function in both groups (false discovery rate <0.05). In McArdle mice, the proteins associated with AC were involved in skeletal muscle fibre differentiation/development, lipid oxidation, mitochondrial function and calcium homeostasis, whereas in wild‐type animals AC‐associated proteins were related to cytoskeleton structure (intermediate filaments), cell cycle regulation and endocytic trafficking. Two proteins (WEE2, THYG) were associated with AC (negatively and positively, respectively) in both groups. Only 14 of the 132 proteins (∼11%) associated with AC in McArdle or wild‐type mice were also associated with those previously reported to be modified by aerobic training in these mice, providing preliminary evidence for a large divergence in the muscle proteome signature linked to aerobic training or AC, irrespective of AC (intrinsically low or normal) levels. Our findings might help to gain insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying AC at the muscle tissue level.
... Os benefícios do exercício físico são indiscutíveis, com vários estudos demonstrando que pessoas mais ativas e com maior capacidade funcional apresentam menos desfechos cardiovasculares negativos e menor mortalidade, independentemente de outros fatores de risco. [1][2][3] No entanto, está bem documentado na literatura que atletas expostos a grandes volumes e intensidades de treinamento estão suscetíveis a adaptações cardíacas potencialmente deletérias, como fibrilação atrial (FA), calcificação coronária, fibrose miocárdica e dilatação do átrio esquerdo (AE). [4][5][6][7][8] Em atletas de alta performance, principalmente aqueles que praticam esportes de resistência com treinos de alta intensidade e longa duração, o coração sofre profundas alterações elétricas, funcionais e estruturais, o que aumenta a probabilidade de arritmias ventriculares e atriais. ...
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Resumo Em atletas de alta performance, principalmente aqueles que praticam esportes de resistência com treinos de alta intensidade e longa duração, o coração sofre alterações elétricas, funcionais e estruturais, aumentando a probabilidade de arritmias ventriculares e atriais. Sabe-se que esses atletas possuem aumento do diâmetro e do volume indexado do átrio esquerdo (AE), entretanto, os efeitos dessas alterações na função atrial ainda não estão totalmente esclarecidos. A mecânica do AE envolve três funções: 1) função de reservatório, caracterizada pelo armazenamento do retorno venoso proveniente das veias pulmonares, que ocorre durante a sístole ventricular; 2) função de conduto, representada pelo enchimento passivo do ventrículo esquerdo (VE); e 3) função contrátil, expressa pela contração atrial. Recentemente, a análise da função do átrio por meio da deformação miocárdica, utilizando a técnica de speckle tracking, vem sendo utilizada cada vez mais e contribuindo para a compreensão da mecânica atrial. Atletas de resistência apresentam maiores adaptações atriais, como um maior diâmetro e volume do Figura Central: Novas Perspectivas das Adaptações na Função Atrial Esquerda em Atletas Imagem Cardiovascular ABC Arq Bras Cardiol: Imagem cardiovasc. 2024;37(3):e20240077 Coração de atleta Strain e avaliação da função atrial esquerda Maior prevalência de fibrilação atrial Avaliação da função atrial em atletas. A busca por novas formas de auxiliar na diferenciação entre adaptações fisiológicas e o remodelamento patológico.
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Introduction Comprehensive, hybrid cardiac rehabilitation (CR) models have been scantly investigated in heart failure (HF) populations, particularly in low-resource settings. CO-CREATION-HF aims to evaluate the effectiveness of such a model compared to supervised exercise alone. Methods and analysis A 2 parallel-arm, multi-center randomized clinical superiority trial will be conducted with blinded outcome assessment. 152 HF patients (NYHA class II or III) will be recruited consecutively, and randomly assigned using permuted blocks; allocation will be concealed. The 12-week intervention will include evaluation, medical and nurse management, aerobic interval training, resistance exercise training, psychosocial support, and education. These will initially be delivered in a center, transitioning to home in 4 stages. Controls will receive similar management, but face-to-face continuous aerobic exercise sessions and resistance exercises. The main outcomes are cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2 max), functional capacity (m from 6 MWT), and quality of life (Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire). Program adherence and completion, NT-proBNP, functioning, all-cause and HF-specific mortality and hospitalization, muscle strength, adverse events and cost will be secondary outcomes. These will be measured at baseline, end of intervention, and 12-month follow-up. The sample size was calculated considering 90% power, a significance level of 5%, a between-group difference equivalent to 1/2 MET, and a 10% potential loss to follow-up. Intention-to-treat analysis will be considered. Between-group differences will be assessed using Student's t-tests or Z-tests along with 95% confidence intervals, and the rate ratio will be computed to compare mortality. Ethics and dissemination The study protocol and the Informed Consent form were approved by Ethical Committees at the Universidad de La Frontera (No. 081-23) and each center participating. Research findings will be disseminated to the scientific community and will be shared with relevant stakeholder groups and policy-makers. Finally, investigators shall reach HF patients via various dissemination channels such as social media. Clinical Trial Registration, identifier (NCT06313684).
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Objective: To encourage increased participation in physical activity among Americans of all ages by issuing a public health recommendation on the types and amounts of physical activity needed for health promotion and disease prevention. Participants: A planning committee of five scientists was established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine to organize a workshop. This committee selected 15 other workshop discussants on the basis of their research expertise in issues related to the health implications of physical activity. Several relevant professional or scientific organizations and federal agencies also were represented. Evidence: The panel of experts reviewed the pertinent physiological, epidemiologic, and clinical evidence, including primary research articles and recent review articles. Consensus process: Major issues related to physical activity and health were outlined, and selected members of the expert panel drafted sections of the paper from this outline. A draft manuscript was prepared by the planning committee and circulated to the full panel in advance of the 2-day workshop. During the workshop, each section of the manuscript was reviewed by the expert panel. Primary attention was given to achieving group consensus concerning the recommended types and amounts of physical activity. A concise "public health message" was developed to express the recommendations of the panel. During the ensuing months, the consensus statement was further reviewed and revised and was formally endorsed by both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine. Conclusion: Every US adult should accumulate 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week.
Health care now emphasizes cost efficiency and places the standard exercise test as a gatekeeper to more expensive modalities. Clinical Strategies directing patients with possible or established CAD to appropriate levels of evaluation and treatment need to be applied. The application of scores front clinical and exercise test variables have been demonstrated to improve the exercise test. Computers hosting expert systems enable these scores to be easily applied. In this article, we describe an evidence-based expert system called EXTRA that serves as a database and report generator for exercise testing. EXTRA utilizes rules and provides definitions for all data fields assuring that the test is applied and interpreted properly. It is an interpretive program for exercise testing comparable to the available programs for the resting ECG designed as an aide to the practicing physician. The immediate generation of typed reports avoids the need for dictation or illegible hand written notes.