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Abstract and Figures

The evidence for the key role of the sigma bands in the electronic properties of MgB2 points to the possibility of nonadiabatic effects in the superconductivity of these materials. These are governed by the small value of the Fermi energy due to the vicinity of the hole doping level to the top of the sigma bands. We show that the nonadiabatic theory leads to a coherent interpretation of T(c) = 39 K and the boron isotope coefficient alphaB = 0.30 without invoking very large couplings and it naturally explains the role of the disorder on T(c). It also leads to various specific predictions for the properties of MgB2 and for the material optimization of these types of compounds.
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arXiv:cond-mat/0105351v2 [cond-mat.supr-con] 18 Feb 2002
High Tcsuperconductivity in MgB2by nonadiabatic pairing
E. Cappelluti1, S. Ciuchi2, C. Grimaldi3, L. Pietronero1,4, and S. Str¨assler3
1Dipart. di Fisica, Universit´a di Roma “La Sapienza”, Piazzale A. Moro, 2, 00185 Roma, and INFM UdR Roma1, Italy
2Dipart. di Fisica, Universit´a dell’Aquila, v. Vetoio, 67010 Coppito-L’Aquila, and INFM, UdR l’Aquila, Italy
3Ecole Polytechnique ed´erale de Lausanne, IPR-LPM, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
4Istituto di Acustica “O.M. Corbino”, CNR, Area di Ricerca Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy
The evidence for the key role of the σbands in the electronic properties of MgB2points to the
possibility of nonadiabatic effects in the superconductivity of these materials. These are governed
by the small value of the Fermi energy due to the vicinity of the hole doping level to the top of the
σbands. We show that the nonadiabatic theory leads to a coherent interpretation of Tc= 39 K
and the boron isotope coefficient αB= 0.30 without invoking very large couplings and it naturally
explains the role of the disorder on Tc. It also leads to various specific predictions for the properties
of MgB2and for the material optimization of these type of compounds.
The field of high-Tcsuperconductivity is living an ex-
citing time [1]. New techniques provide in fact the
possibility to explore physical regimes that were previ-
ously inaccessible and superconducting materials which
were often regarded as “conventional” BCS ones, as the
fullerenes, have proven to be real high-Tccompounds [2].
In this context the magnesium diboride MgB2, which was
recently found to be superconductor with Tc= 39 K [3],
is a promising material. The question is to assess whether
MgB2is one of the best optimized BCS materials or its
superconducting properties stem from a novel mechanism
of pairing and can be further improved in MgB2or in re-
lated compounds. In this Letter we would like to discuss
some theoretical and experimental evidences that in our
opinion point towards an unconventional type for the su-
perconductivity, which we identify with the nonadiabatic
MgB2is often regarded in literature as a conventional
BCS-like superconductors, whose properties could be well
described by the standard Migdal-Eliashberg (ME) the-
ory. The high value of Tcis thus ascribed to the high
frequency B-B phonon modes in the presence of a in-
termediate or strong electron-phonon (el-ph) coupling λ.
LDA calculations find in fact λ0.70.9 which, all
together with the a representative phononic energy scale
ωph 650 850 K, is in principle able to account for the
large value of Tcin MgB2[4–8]. However this picture is
shaken by a series of facts. First, recent reflectance data
are not consistent with a value of λstrong enough to give
Tc= 39 K [9,10]. Second, the experimental determina-
tion of the total isotope effect on Tcreported a boron
isotope coefficient αB= 0.30 and a negligible magnesium
isotope effect [11]. Preliminary indications suggest that
this value of αcannot be explained by the LDA estimates
of λ0.70.9, but requires a much larger coupling
λ1.4 [11]. We have solved numerically the Eliashberg
equations to reproduce the experimental value of the iso-
tope coefficient. We consider a rectangular Eliashberg
function [α2F(ω) = const. for 650 K ω850 K] as
well as a simple Einstein spectrum with frequency ω0.
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Tc [K]
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Tc [K]
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Tc [K]
FIG. 1. Critical temperature Tcas function of λfor fixed
value of boron isotope effect αB= 0.30. Solid line corresponds
to the rectangular Eliashberg function, grey region represents
the solutions spanned by the Einstein model with frequency
650 K ω0850 K. The dashed line marks the value Tc= 39
The limiting values ω0= 650 K and ω0= 850 K of the
Einstein model can be thus considered respectively as
lower and upper bounds of a realistic Eliashberg func-
tion. In Fig. 1 we show the critical temperature Tcas
function of λfor fixed value of α= 0.30. The correspond-
ing needed Coulomb pseudopotential varies in the range
µ0.28 0.30 and does not depend on the specific
Eliashberg function. We can see that a quite strong el-
ph coupling is required to reproduce both Tc= 39 K and
α= 0.30 with λranging from 1.4 to 1.7. These values of
λand µare thus even larger than the estimations of Ref.
[11], confirming and reinforcing the discrepancy between
LDA results and the ME analysis of the experimental
data (see also Ref. [12]). Note that, contrary to cuprates
and fullerenes, electronic correlation is not expected to
play a significant role in MgB2, and LDA calculations
should be considered quantitatively reliable.
This analysis therefore points towards a more complex
framework to understand superconductivity in MgB2.
An useful insight, in our opinion, comes from a com-
parison of the electronic structure of MgB2and graphite.
energy (eV)
- 2
energy (eV)
FIG. 2. Schematic band structure of graphite (top panel)
and MgB2(bottom panel). Grey region in top panel indi-
cates the doping region achieved by chemical intercalation of
graphite (±1 eV).
These two compounds are indeed structurally and elec-
tronically very similar. A main difference is the relative
position of the σand πbands with respect to the chem-
ical potential µ. In undoped graphite the Fermi energy
cuts the πbands just at the K point, where the density
of states (DOS) vanishes. Doping graphite with donors
or acceptors, however, shifts the chemical potential µof
±1 eV providing metallic charges in the system and
a finite DOS [13]. This situation, on the other hand, is
naturally accounted in MgB2, where µlies well below the
π-band crossing at the K point and even crosses the two
σbands (see Fig. 2, where a pictorial sketch of the band
structure is drawn). Note that in the conventional ME
context the only electronic relevant parameter is just the
DOS at the Fermi level N(0). From this point of view
the difference between the superconducting properties of
MgB2with Tc= 39 K and intercalated doped graphite
with Tcup to 0.55 K at ambient pressure is hard to jus-
tify since both the materials show similar N(0). Such a
comparison suggests that the origin of the high-Tcphase
in MgB2should be sought among the features which dif-
ferentiate MgB2from doped graphite.
A similar impasse was encountered in the ME descrip-
tion of superconductivity in fullerenes, which also share
many similarities with graphite. Even there, LDA esti-
mates of the el-ph coupling λwere insufficient to account
for the high Tcand for the small isotope effect. Such
a discrepancy has been explained in terms of opening
of nonadiabatic channels which, under favourable con-
ditions fulfilled in fullerenes, can effectively enhance the
superconducting pairing [14]. A key role is played by the
small Fermi energy EFthat in fullerenes is of the same
order of the phonon frequency, violating the adiabatic
assumption (ωph EF). In this situation Migdal’s theo-
rem [15], on which conventional ME theory relies, breaks
down. The proper inclusion of the nonadiabatic contri-
butions follows the framework of Ref. [16] and leads to a
new set of equations for superconductivity [17]:
Z(ωn) = 1 + Tc
ΓZ(ωn, ωm, Qc)ηm,(1)
Z(ωn)∆(ωn) = TcX
Γ(ωn, ωm, Qc)∆(ωm)
where ηm= 2 arctan{EF/[Z(ωm)ωm]},Z(ωn) is the
renormalization function and ∆(ωn) is the supercon-
ducting gap function in Matsubara frequencies. The
breakdown of Migdal’s theorem strongly affects the “on-
diagonal” ΓZand the “off-diagonal” Γel-ph kernels
which include now vertex and cross contributions [16]:
ΓZ(ωn, ωm, Qc) = λD(ωnωm)[1 + λP (ωn, ωm, Qc)],
Γ(ωn, ωm, Qc) = λD(ωnωm)[1 + 2λP (ωn, ωm, Qc)]
+λ2C(ωn, ωm, Qc)µ,
where D(ωnωm) is the phonon propagator and µ
the dynamically unscreened Coulomb repulsion, to be
not confused with the chemical potential. The vertex
and cross functions, P(ωn, ωm, Qc) and C(ωn, ωm, Qc),
represent an average of the nonadiabatic diagrams over
the momentum space probed by the el-ph scattering,
parametrized by the quantity Qc.
In the nonadiabatic context outlined above, the role
of the σbands in MgB2acquires a new and interesting
perspective. Indeed the Fermi energy of these bands Eσ
is also quite small, Eσ
F0.40.6 eV [5], leading to
ωph/EF0.10.2. These values, together the sizable
λ1, point towards a similar size of the vertex cor-
rections λωph/EF0.10.2 and nonadiabatic channels
induced by the breakdown of Migdal’s theorem can be
therefore expected to be operative. In this situation it
is clear that the use of conventional ME framework can
lead to inconsistent results and a nonadiabatic approach
is unavoidable. The scenario we propose is the following:
MgB2can be described as a multiband system with
two conventional ME bands π(with large Eπ
F>3 eV)
and two nonadiabatic bands σ(Eσ
F0.40.6 eV).
πbands can be in good approximation can be consid-
ered as conventional. They could possibly contribute to
the dynamical screening of µand to the static screening
(Thomas-Fermi like) of the long-range el-ph interaction.
They can also lead to the opening of a smaller super-
conducting gap in the πbands which does not probed
directly nonadiabatic effects.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
−1.1−0.6−0.10.4 0.9 1.4 1.9 2.4
FIG. 3. (a) Momentum structure of the vertex function for
a parabolic 2D hole-like band. Different curves correspond to
different hole-fillings shown in panel (b). (c) Estimate of the
enhancement of Tcfor the nonadiabatic vertex theory with
respect to the ME one.
High-Tcsuperconductivity is mainly driven by σ-
band states. The peculiar feature of such bands is the
smallness of the Fermi energy which induces new (nona-
diabatic) channels of el-ph interactions. Origin of the
high-Tcsuperconductivity is the effective enhancement
of the superconducting pairing as long as vertex correc-
tions result positive [P(ωn, ωm, Qc)>0].
As seen in the last item, an important element in this
scenario is the overall sign of the nonadiabatic effects,
which governs the enhancement or the suppression of Tc.
In previous studies we showed that the vertex function
Proughly obeys the simple relation [18,19]:
P > 0vFq/ω <
P < 0vFq/ω >
where ωis a generic exchanged energy involved in the
scattering of order of ωph , and vFis the Fermi veloc-
ity. In fullerene compounds, the strong electronic cor-
relation favours the small qmomentum el-ph coupling
[vFq/ω <
1] [20] probing therefore the positive part of
the vertex function P.
In MgB2the situation is deeply different. In fact the
nonadiabatic regime in MgB2is related to the closeness
of the Fermi level to the top of the 2D σ-bands, and
the non trivial dependence of the momentum-frequency
structure of Pon the filling has thus to be taken into
account [21]. To this regard, Eq. (3) is very helpful
to illustrate this point since, for parabolic hole bands,
vFp|µ|where µis the chemical potential with respect
to the top of the band. As µis made smaller, the positive
region of the vertex function will be enlarged and will
eventually cover the whole momentum space. Hence, in
MgB2the nonadiabatic vertex diagrams are intrinsically
positive in the whole momentum space regardless any
electronic correlation.
In Fig. 3 we show the numerical calculation of the
momentum structure (panel a) of the vertex function
P(ωn, ωm, Q) (Q=q/2kF) for different hole filling of
2D parabolic hole-like band(panel b). In panel a, the
exchanged energy ωnωmhas been set equal to ω0/2,
where ω0is an Einstein phonon representing the charac-
teristic phonon energy scale. The structure of the ver-
tex function is strongly dependent on the position of the
chemical potential. In particular for almost filled band
systems, as MgB2, the vertex structure becomes shape-
less and positive (solid lines). In such a situation the con-
tribution of the nonadiabatic vertex function is positive
in the whole momentum space, and nonadiabatic chan-
nels are expected to enhance Tcregardless the amount
of electronic correlation. This trend is shown in Fig. 3c
where the enhancement of Tcdue to nonadiabatic vertex
corrections is reported. The calculation of Tcfollows a
procedure similar to the one employed in Ref. [19], where
the vertex and cross functions are replaced by their re-
spective averages over the momentum transfer and by
setting ωnωm=ω0. Note how, as µmoves towards the
top of the band (panel b), Tcgets significantly enhanced
by the opening of nonadiabatic channels already for val-
ues of λconsistent with the LDA calculations. Similar
results were reported within the infinite dimensions ap-
proximation [22].
It should be noted that the almost 2D character is an
important ingredient for having a substantial value of Tc
because the density of states remains finite at the band
edge [5]. A 3D parabolic hole doped band would in fact
lead to a DOS proportional to p|µ|, which vanishes as µ
goes to zero. Additional effects can moreover arise from
an intrinsic momentum modulation of the el-ph interac-
tion. Low values of hole doping would in fact enlarge the
screening length leading to an el-ph interaction peaked
at small momentum transfer. A similar argument was
proposed for instance in relation to copper oxides [23]
and, in principle, it could explain the reflectance data in
MgB2[9,10]. Both the argumentations can of course hold
true and coexist in MgB2, explaining the high-Tcsuper-
conductivity in this material as effect of a nonadiabatic
el-ph pairing.
We would like to stress that, once σbands are ac-
cepted to play a key role in the superconducting pair-
ing of MgB2, nonadiabatic effects are unvoidably present
due to the smallness of their Fermi energy. The onset
of nonadiabatic channels can thus provide a natural ex-
planation for the inconsistency between the theoretical
values of λcalculated by LDA technique (λ0.70.9)
and the high value λ>
1.4 needed to reproduce experi-
mental data Tc= 39 K and α= 0.30.
Signatures of a nonadiabatic interaction can be found
however in other anomalous properties of MgB2. The
analysis of these features can provide further indipen-
dent evidences for the nonadiabatic pairing and suggest
precise experimental tests.
Impurities and chemical doping. A remarkable
reduction of Tcupon radiation-induced disorder has re-
cently been observed in MgB2[24], in contrast with An-
derson’s theorem. This kind of reduction in a s-wave
superconductor has been shown to be one of the charac-
teristic feature of a nonadiabatic pairing [25], as seen for
instance in fullerenes [26]. The experimentally observed
reduction of Tccan be therefore a further evidence of
nonadiabatic superconductivity. Similar conclusions can
be drawn by the analysis of the chemical substitutional
doping in MgB2. In fact, both electron [27] and hole [28]
doped materials show a lower Tcthan the pure stoichio-
metric MgB2. It is clear however that the contemporary
suppression of Tcupon electron or hole doping can not be
understood in terms of band filling. We suggest a much
more plausible scenario, namely that the stoichiometric
disorder induced by chemical substitution to be mainly
responsible for the reduction of Tc, with band filling as
a secondary effect. Again, since nonmagnetic ion substi-
tution does not break time reversal symmetry and An-
derson’s theorem in ME theory, a nonadiabatic pairing
appears as a natural explanation. To test this picture
the comparison with some completely substituted com-
pounds would be interesting.
Isotope effects. The detection of isotope effects on
various quantities receives a crucial importance in the
nonadiabatic framework since it directly probes the nona-
diabatic nature of el-ph interaction. In particular it has
been shown that nonadiabatic effects give rise to a finite
isotope effect on quantities which in conventional ME
theory are expected to not show it, for instance the ef-
fective electron mass m[29] and the spin susceptibility
χ[30]. The actual discovery of an anomalous isotope ef-
fects on these or other quantities represents therefore a
precise prediction of the nonadiabatic theory which could
be experimentally checked.
New high-Tcmaterials. Interesting suggestions can
come from the proposed nonadiabatic scenario in regard
to material engineering and superconductivity optimiza-
tion. According the analysis above discussed, a crucial
difference between low-Tcdoped graphite and high-Tc
MgB2is the upward shift of the σbands and their conse-
quent cutting of the Fermi level. The study of the relative
position of the σbands with respect of the πbands, and
of both of them with respect to the chemical potential
appears therefore extremely interesting. In particular
we would suggest that high-Tcsuperconductivity could
be achieved in MgB2-like materials when Fermi level is
lower but very close to the top of the σbands. On the
contrary we predict no high-Tcsuperconductivity in the
same family if compounds when i) Fermi level does not
cross the σbands, ii) or where the Fermi level is very
distant from the top of the σbands (EF>1 eV) and the
system looses its nonadiabatic nature. Theoretical calcu-
lations which can stimulate material engineering in this
sense are in progress. A potential candidate would be the
hole doped graphite as long as Fermi level could be low-
ered to cut the underneath σbands or the σbands arisen
by electrostatic effects. High level of chemical doping by
acceptor intercalation was for long time unsuccessful in
graphite as well as in C60 since such compounds resulted
unstable [13]. The recent discoveries of superconductiv-
ity at Tc= 35 K in graphite-sulphur compounds [31] and
at Tc= 117 K in FET hole-doped fullerenes [2] could
thus both arise from the unifying framework of the nona-
diabatic superconductivity. We thus encourage renewed
work along these lines.
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... In other words, Equation (1) implies that the superconductor exhibits fast electric charge carriers and slow ions. This assumption simplifies the theoretical model of electron-phonon-mediated superconductivity; however, Equation (1) is not satisfied for many unconventional superconductors [94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102] (which was first pointed out by Pietronero and co-workers [103][104][105][106]) and many highly compressed superconductors [91,101,[107][108][109]. ...
... While the theoretical aspects of the nonadiabatic effects can be found elsewhere [11,94,100,[103][104][105][106][107], in practice, the strength of the nonadiabatic effects can be quantified via the T θ T F ratio [101,102], for which, in Ref. [101], three characteristic ranges were proposed: ...
... Nonadiabatic effects are crucial in reducing the superconducting transition temperature to well below the value predicted by classical (BCS-Eliashberg) theories of electronphonon-mediated superconductivity [93,115]. This understanding was first reported by Pietronero and co-workers [103][104][105]107]. It can be seen in Figure 7 that materials with the highest strength of nonadiabaticity T θ T F (for instance, SrTiO 3 and magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene) exhibit the superconducting transition temperature T c 1 K, while all materials with T c 35 K exhibit T θ T F within a range indicated by Equation (14). ...
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Superconductivity in highly pressurized hydrides has become the primary direction for the exploration of the fundamental upper limit of the superconducting transition temperature, Tc, after Drozdov et al. (Nature 2015, 525, 73) discovered a superconducting state with Tc=203 K in highly compressed sulfur hydride. To date, several dozen high-temperature superconducting polyhydrides have been discovered and, in addition, it was recently reported that highly compressed titanium and scandium exhibit record-high Tc (up to 36 K). This exceeded the Tc=9.2 K value of niobium many times over, which was the record-high Tc ambient pressure metallic superconductor. Here, we analyzed the experimental data for the recently discovered high-pressure superconductors (which exhibit high transition temperatures within their classes): elemental titanium (Zhang et al., Nature Communications 2022; Liu et al., Phys. Rev. B 2022), TaH3 (He et al., Chinese Phys. Lett. 2023), LaBeH8 (Song et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 2023), black phosphorous (Li et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2018; Jin et al., arXiv 2023), and violet (Wu et al., arXiv 2023) phosphorous to reveal the nonadiabaticity strength constant TθTF (where Tθ is the Debye temperature, and TF the Fermi temperature) in these superconductors. The analysis showed that the δ-phase of titanium and black phosphorous exhibits TθTF scores that are nearly identical to those associated with A15 superconductors, while the studied hydrides and violet phosphorous exhibit constants in the same ballpark as those of H3S and LaH10.
... Raw data for this plot were reported by many research groups (Refs. [68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78]). the sampling number of the measurement. Thus, furt deduced parameters is possible if more raw ( , ) temperatures, down to the milliKelvin level) are availa R norm (T) = 0.10 criterion), calculated by Equation (5). ...
... Raw data for this plot were reported by many research groups (Refs. [68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78]). In addition, we found that the P6/mmm -MoB2 ( = 109.7 ) phase exhibits a similar level of nonadiabaticy ( = 0.18 ± 0.02) to iron-based, cuprates, and hydrogenrich superconductors [69,70] (Figures 4 and 5). ...
... References to the original data can be found in Refs. [68][69][70][71][72][73][74]. In this plot, we assumed that α-MoB 2 , WB 2 , and the Nb 1−x Mo x B 2 (x = 0.25) exhibit the Coulomb pseudopotential parameter, µ * = 0.13. ...
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Recently, Pei et al. (National Science Review2023, nwad034, 10.1093/nsr/nwad034) reported that ambient pressure β-MoB2 (space group: R3¯m) exhibits a phase transition to α-MoB2 (space group: P6/mmm) at pressure P~70 GPa, which is a high-temperature superconductor exhibiting Tc=32 K at P~110 GPa. Although α-MoB2 has the same crystalline structure as ambient-pressure MgB2 and the superconducting critical temperatures of α-MoB2 and MgB2 are very close, the first-principles calculations show that in α-MoB2, the states near the Fermi level, εF, are dominated by the d-electrons of Mo atoms, while in MgB2, the p-orbitals of boron atomic sheets dominantly contribute to the states near the εF. Recently, Hire et al. (Phys. Rev. B2022, 106, 174515) reported that the P6/mmm-phase can be stabilized at ambient pressure in Nb1−xMoxB2 solid solutions, and that these ternary alloys exhibit Tc~8 K. Additionally, Pei et al. (Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 2022, 65, 287412) showed that compressed WB2 exhibited Tc~15 K at P~121 GPa. Here, we aimed to reveal primary differences/similarities in superconducting state in MgB2 and in its recently discovered diboride counterparts, Nb1−xMoxB2 and highly-compressed WB2. By analyzing experimental data reported for P6/mmm-phases of Nb1−xMoxB2 (x = 0.25; 1.0) and highly compressed WB2, we showed that these three phases exhibit d-wave superconductivity. We deduced 2Δm(0)kBTc=4.1±0.2 for α-MoB2, 2Δm(0)kBTc=5.3±0.1 for Nb0.75Mo0.25B2, and 2Δm(0)kBTc=4.9±0.2 for WB2. We also found that Nb0.75Mo0.25B2 exhibited high strength of nonadiabaticity, which was quantified by the ratio of TθTF=3.5, whereas MgB2, α-MoB2, and WB2 exhibited TθTF~0.3, which is similar to the TθTF in pnictides, A15 alloys, Heusler alloys, Laves phase compounds, cuprates, and highly compressed hydrides.
... where data for SrTiO 3 is taken from [7,8]. The theoretical description of the superconductivity in materials, in which the charge carriers and the lattice vibrations exhibit characteristic energy scales similar to Equation (2), is complicated, and the general designation of these superconductors are as nonadiabatic superconductors [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. This theory [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16] provides a general equation for the superconducting transition temperature, T c , in nonadiabatic superconductors [9]: ...
... The theoretical description of the superconductivity in materials, in which the charge carriers and the lattice vibrations exhibit characteristic energy scales similar to Equation (2), is complicated, and the general designation of these superconductors are as nonadiabatic superconductors [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. This theory [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16] provides a general equation for the superconducting transition temperature, T c , in nonadiabatic superconductors [9]: ...
... λ nad , where ε F is the Fermi energy, and λ nad is the coupling strength constant in nonadiabatic superconductors, which serves a similar role to the electron-phonon coupling strength, λ e−ph , in the BCS [1] and ME [2,3] theories. In addition, one of the primary fundamental theoretical problems is calculating this constant with acceptable accuracy to describe the experiment [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. ...
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The classical Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer and Eliashberg theories of the electron–phonon-mediated superconductivity are based on the Migdal theorem, which is an assumption that the energy of charge carriers, kBTF, significantly exceeds the phononic energy, ℏωD, of the crystalline lattice. This assumption, which is also known as adiabatic approximation, implies that the superconductor exhibits fast charge carriers and slow phonons. This picture is valid for pure metals and metallic alloys because these superconductors exhibit ℏωDkBTF<0.01. However, for n-type-doped semiconducting SrTiO3, this adiabatic approximation is not valid, because this material exhibits ℏωDkBTF≅50. There is a growing number of newly discovered superconductors which are also beyond the adiabatic approximation. Here, leaving aside pure theoretical aspects of nonadiabatic superconductors, we classified major classes of superconductors (including, elements, A-15 and Heusler alloys, Laves phases, intermetallics, noncentrosymmetric compounds, cuprates, pnictides, highly-compressed hydrides, and two-dimensional superconductors) by the strength of nonadiabaticity (which we defined by the ratio of the Debye temperature to the Fermi temperature, TθTF). We found that the majority of analyzed superconductors fall into the 0.025≤TθTF≤0.4 band. Based on the analysis, we proposed the classification scheme for the strength of nonadiabatic effects in superconductors and discussed how this classification is linked with other known empirical taxonomies in superconductivity.
... The dynamical process at 300 K shows simple decaying behavior, while the evolution of populations of the system at 500 K shows the quantum oscillating phenomenon�the quantum coherence or quantum beats, 65,66 in which electrons exchange populations frequently between the bands of |CBM⟩ and |CBM + 1⟩. Physically, for 300 K, our numerical simulation of NACs between the states |2⟩ and |3⟩ (the corresponding bands of |CBM⟩ and |CBM + 1⟩) can approximately be neglected, = D 0.91 32 meV. This results in the dissipative rate of the bands |CBM⟩ and |CBM + 1⟩ playing the key role. ...
... For the case of the Al−BP at 500 K, the NACs between the bands of |CBM⟩ and |CBM + 1⟩ is = D 3.47 meV. 32 The value of the NACs is big enough to couple the bands of |CBM⟩ and |CBM + 1⟩ and form the quantum coherence path between the bands. It is this NAC path, then, that for the Al-BP system generates quantum coherence or quantum beats. ...
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Two-dimensional materials provide a rich platform demonstrating quantum effects, and the process of electron–hole recombination occurring in them has significant applications in the fields of the photocatalytic and optoelectronic community. Here, we present nonadiabatic coupling-induced quantum coherence and quantum beats in Al-doped blue phosphorene. The work improves our understanding and utilization of nonadiabatic coupling in low-dimensional materials from a new perspective. In addition, our investigations provide meaningful guidance for manipulating quantum coherence in low-dimensional materials and promoting their novel optoelectronic properties.
... These kinds of superconductors, designated as nonadiabatic superconductors [73], were first theoretically considered by Pietronero and co-workers nearly three decades ago [73][74][75][76][77]. Pietronero and co-workers [73][74][75][76][77] considered the generalization of the manybody theory of superconductivity in the cases in which the Migdal theorem does not work, typically the systems with very low Fermi energy (or Fermi velocity, or Fermi temperature). ...
... These kinds of superconductors, designated as nonadiabatic superconductors [73], were first theoretically considered by Pietronero and co-workers nearly three decades ago [73][74][75][76][77]. Pietronero and co-workers [73][74][75][76][77] considered the generalization of the manybody theory of superconductivity in the cases in which the Migdal theorem does not work, typically the systems with very low Fermi energy (or Fermi velocity, or Fermi temperature). ...
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The experimental discovery that compressed sulfur hydride exhibits superconducting transition temperature of Tc=203 K by Drozdov et al. (Nature 2015, 525, 73–76) sparked studies of compressed hydrides. This discovery was not a straightforward experimental examination of a theoretically predicted phase, but instead it was a nearly five-decade-long experimental quest for superconductivity in highly compressed matters, varying from pure elements (hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur), hydrides (SiH4, AlH3) to semiconductors and ionic salts. One of these salts was cesium iodide, CsI, which exhibits the transition temperature of Tc≅1.5 K at P=206 GPa (Eremets et al., Science 1998, 281, 1333–1335). Detailed first principles calculations (Xu et al., Phys Rev B 2009, 79, 144110) showed that CsI should exhibit Tc~0.03 K (P=180 GPa). In an attempt to understand the nature of this discrepancy between the theory and the experiment, we analyzed the temperature-dependent resistance in compressed CsI and found that this compound is a perfect Fermi liquid metal which exhibits an extremely high ratio of Debye energy to Fermi energy, ℏωDkBTF≅17. This implies that direct use of the Migdal–Eliashberg theory of superconductivity to calculate the transition temperature in CsI is incorrect, because the theory is valid for ℏωDkBTF≪1. We also showed that CsI falls into the unconventional superconductors band in the Uemura plot.
... This is likely due to the nonadiabatic effects when the pump laser drives the system far away from equilibrium. The nonadiabatic effect has been shown to be nonnegligible in metals and semimetals, as when the phononic and electronic energy scales become comparable, their motion cannot be adiabatically decoupled, thus breaking down the Born-Oppenheimer approximation [36][37][38][39] . ...
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Intense laser pulses can be used to demagnetize a magnetic material on an extremely short timescale. While this ultrafast demagnetization offers the potential for new magneto-optical devices, it poses challenges in capturing coupled spin-electron and spin-lattice dynamics. In this article, we study the photoinduced ultrafast demagnetization of a prototype monolayer ferromagnet Fe 3 GeTe 2 and resolve the three-stage demagnetization process characterized by an ultrafast and substantial demagnetization on a timescale of 100 fs, followed by light-induced coherent A 1g phonon dynamics which is strongly coupled to the spin dynamics in the next 200–800 fs. In the third stage, chiral lattice vibrations driven by nonlinear phonon couplings, both in-plane and out-of-plane are produced, resulting in significant spin precession. Nonadiabatic effects are found to introduce considerable phonon hardening and suppress the spin-lattice couplings during demagnetization. Our results advance our understanding of dynamic charge-spin-lattice couplings in the ultrafast demagnetization and evidence angular momentum transfer between the phonon and spin degrees of freedom.
... As we show here by using the isotropic Allen-Dynes solution to Eliashberg equations, the substantial part of this discrepancy could be resolved by the NA effects (in-ducing decrease of T c by 8-12%). Additional improvements might be achieved by accounting for vertex corrections in the Eliashberg equations [93] and anharmonic effects [91]. Further, the ab-initio results of T c for the holedoped diamond are underestimating the experimental values [46,48], while the present results demonstrate how the NA phonon broadening in C can enhance T c . ...
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The adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer approximation is considered to be a robust approach that very rarely breaks down. Consequently, it is predominantly utilized to address various electron-phonon properties in condensed matter physics. By combining many-body perturbation and density functional theories we demonstrate the importance of dynamical (nonadiabatic) effects in estimating superconducting properties in various bulk and two-dimensional materials. Apart from the expected long-wavelength nonadiabatic effects, we found sizable nonadiabatic Kohn anomalies away from the Brillouin zone center for materials with strong intervalley electron-phonon scatterings. Compared to the adiabatic result, these dynamical phonon anomalies can significantly modify electron-phonon coupling strength λ and superconducting transition temperature Tc. Further, the dynamically induced modifications of λ have a strong impact on transport properties, where probably the most interesting is the rescaling of the low-temperature and low-frequency regime of the scattering time 1/τ from about T3 to about T2, resembling the Fermi liquid result for electron-electron scattering. Our goal is to point out the potential implications of these nonadiabatic effects and reestablish their pivotal role in computational estimations of electron-phonon properties.
For seven decades, when referring to A-15 superconductors, we meant metallic A 3 B alloys (where A is a transition metal, and B is group IIIB and IVB elements) discovered by Hardy and Hulm (1953 Phys. Rev. 89 884). Nb 3 Ge exhibited the highest superconducting transition temperature, T c = 23K, among these alloys. One of these alloys, Nb 3 Sn, is the primary material in modern applied superconductivity. Recently, Guo et al (2024 Natl Sci. Rev. nwae149, ) extended the family of superconductors where the metallic ions are arranged in the beta tungsten (A-15) sublattice by observation of T c ,zero = 81K in the La 4 H 23 phase compressed at P = 118 GPa. Despite the fact that La 4 H 23 has much lower T c in comparison with the near-room-temperature superconducting LaH 10 phase ( T c ,zero = 250K at P ∼ 200 GPa) discovered by Drozdov et al (2019 Nature 569 531), La 4 H 23 holds the record for the highest T c within the A-15 family. Cross et al (2024 Phys. Rev. B 109 L020503) confirmed the high-temperature superconductivity in compressed La 4 H 23 . In this paper, we analyzed available experimental data measured in La 4 H 23 and found that this superconductor exhibits a nanograined structure, 5.5 nm ⩽ D ⩽ 35 nm, low crystalline strain, | ε | ⩽ 0.003, strong electron–phonon interaction, 1.5 ⩽ λ e-ph ⩽ 2.55, and a moderate level of nonadiabaticity, 0.18 ⩽ Θ D / T F ⩽ 0.22 (where Θ D is the Debye temperature, and T F is the Fermi temperature). We found that the derived Θ D / T F and T c / T F values for the La 4 H 23 phase are similar to those in MgB 2 , cuprates, pnictides, and the near-room-temperature superconductors H 3 S and LaH 10 . To the memory of Martin J. Ryan, man and scientist who taught EFT the intricacies of X-ray diffraction.
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The intensive development of hydrogen technologies has made very promising applications of one of the cheapest and easily produced bulk MgB2-based superconductors. These materials are capable of operating effectively at liquid hydrogen temperatures (around 20 K) and are used as elements in various devices, such as magnets, magnetic bearings, fault current limiters, electrical motors, and generators. These applications require mechanically and chemically stable materials with high superconducting characteristics. This review considers the results of superconducting and structural property studies of MgB2-based bulk materials prepared under different pressure–temperature conditions using different promising methods: hot pressing (30 MPa), spark plasma sintering (16–96 MPa), and high quasi-hydrostatic pressures (2 GPa). Much attention has been paid to the study of the correlation between the manufacturing pressure–temperature conditions and superconducting characteristics. The influence of the amount and distribution of oxygen impurity and an excess of boron on superconducting characteristics is analyzed. The dependence of superconducting characteristics on the various additions and changes in material structure caused by these additions are discussed. It is shown that different production conditions and additions improve the superconducting MgB2 bulk properties for various ranges of temperature and magnetic fields, and the optimal technology may be selected according to the application requirements. We briefly discuss the possible applications of MgB2 superconductors in devices, such as fault current limiters and electric machines.
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With the constraint that Tc=39 K, as observed for MgB2, we use the Eliashberg equations to compute possible allowed values of the isotope coefficient beta. We find that while the observed value betaobs=0.32+/-0.01 can be obtained in principle, it is difficult to reconcile a recently calculated spectral function with such a low observed value.
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For the 40 K superconductor MgB2, we have calculated the electronic and phononic structures and the electron-phonon (e-ph) interaction throughout the Brillouin zone ab initio. In contrast to the isoelectronic graphite, MgB2 has holes in the bonding σ bands, which contribute 42% to the density of states: N(0)=0.355 states/(MgB2)(eV)(spin). The total interaction strength, λ=0.87 and λtr=0.60, is dominated by the coupling of the σ holes to the bond-stretching optical phonons with wave numbers in a narrow range around 590 cm-1. Like the holes, these phonons are quasi-two-dimensional and have wave vectors close to ΓA, where their symmetry is E. The π electrons contribute merely 0.25 to λ and to λtr. With Eliashberg theory we evaluate the normal-state resistivity, the density of states in the superconductor, and the B-isotope effect on Tc and Δ0, and find excellent agreement with experiments, when available. Tc=40 K is reproduced with μ*=0.10 and 2Δ0/kBTc=3.9. MgB2 thus seems to be an intermediate-coupling e-ph pairing s-wave superconductor.
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The effect of disorder induced by neutron irradiation in a nuclear reactor (thermal neutron fluence 1×1019cm−2) on the superconducting transition temperature T c and the upper critical field H c2 of polycrystalline MgB2 samples was investigated. Despite the appreciable radiation-induced distortions (more than ten displacements per atom), the initial crystal structure (C32) was retained. The temperature T c decreased from 38 to 5 K upon irradiation and was practically completely restored after the subsequent annealing at a temperature of 70°C. A weak change in the dH c2/dT derivative upon irradiation is explained by the fact that the irradiated samples are described by the “pure” limit of the theory of disordered superconductors. The suppression of T c upon disordering may be due to the isotropization of the originally anisotropic (or multicomponent) superconducting gap or to a decrease in the density of electronic states at the Fermi level.
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We generalize the Eliashberg equations to include the first nonadiabatic effects beyond Migdal's theorem. The resulting theory is nonperturbative with respect to lambda and perturbative with respect to (lambdaomegaD/EF). The main effects are due to the vertex corrections and the cross diagram that show a complex behavior with respect to the exchanged momentum (q) and frequency (omega). Positive corrections and a corresponding enhancement of Tc arise naturally if the electron phonon scattering is characterized mainly by small q values. For this reason we discuss our results in terms of an upper cutoff qc for the scattering. The generalized Eliashberg equations are solved numerically and analytically and we also provide a generalization of the McMillan equation that includes the nonadiabatic effects. For relatively small values of qc, normal values of the coupling (lambda~=0.5-1.0) can lead to strong enhancements of Tc in the range of the observed values. This situation leads also to a complex behavior of the isotope effect that can be anomalously large (alpha>1/2) in some region of parameters but it can also vanish for omegaD>EF. It is therefore important to identify which features of more realistic models can lead to a situation in which the nonadiabatic effects are mainly positive. One way to achieve this is to have an upper cutoff qc for the electron-phonon scattering and electronic correlations appear to be a natural candidate to produce this effect. The nonadiabatic effects are expected to play an important role also for the normal properties of the system that can deviate appreciably from a normal Fermi liquid. It is important to study these effects in the future because they should lead to specific predictions of new effects that can be tested experimentally.
A broad review of recent research work on the preparation and the remarkable properties of intercalation compounds of graphite, covering a wide range of topics from the basic chemistry, physics and materials science to engineering applications.
We report the preparation of Mg1-xLixB2 compounds. Nearly single phase samples were obtained for x less than or equal to 0.3. The in-plane lattice parameter a decreases with Li doping, while the lattice parameter c does not show obvious change. The superconducting transition temperature of Mg1-xLixB2 decreases with Li doping and loss of superconductivity occurs for x = 0.5 sample. The results were discussed in terms of the T-c dependence on hole doping and contraction of the lattice parameter a.
The pairing mechanism in high-Tc-superconductors (HTS) is still, 13 years after the discovery of HTS, under dispute. However, there are experimental evidences that the electron–phonon (E–P) interaction together with strong electronic correlations plays a decisive role in the formation of the normal state and superconductivity. Tunneling spectroscopy shows clear phonon features in the conductance and together with infrared and Raman optic measurements give strong support for the electron–phonon interaction as the pairing mechanism in HTS oxides. The tunneling experiments show also that almost all phonons contribute to the pairing interaction and the E–P interaction is sufficiently large to produce Tc∼100 K. The strong E–P interaction is due to (a) the layered and almost ionic-metallic structure of HTS oxides; (b) the almost two-dimensional motion of conduction carriers, which give rise to large contribution of the Madelung energy in the E–P interaction, especially for axial phonons.
Transport data on K3{\mathrm{K}}_{3} C60{\mathrm{C}}_{60} prepared with different amounts of disorder are presented, indicating that as the disorder is increased the material undergoes a superconductor-insulator transition, a result which does not occur in conventional wide-band metals. We speculate that this behavior is a consequence of the narrow conduction band and low electron density in K3{\mathrm{K}}_{3} C60{\mathrm{C}}_{60} , which gives rise to an extreme sensitivity to disorder and correlation effects.
We estimate the maximum superconducting transition temperature (TC)max that can be expected from the BCS phonon-mediated interaction, in high-TC cuprates. The large polarizability of the oxygen ions plays a critical role, by replacing the conduction electrons as the main screening medium. As a result the static electronic Thomas-Fermi screening parameter &#115TF is very small. This causes the electron-ion potential V(q,&#114&#121) to be very large at small values of q(q&#44&#115TF) and very small values of &#121(&#121<&#1431, where ֗ characterizes the dispersion of the ionic dielectric constant). This, in turn, causes the electron-phonon matrix element I(q,&#114&#121) to be very strong for these (q,&#114&#121) values, and as a result TC is very high, particularly in a thin 2-D electron gas. We estimate (TC)max&#44200&#114K for parameters characteristic of the cuprates.
Conserving approximations are applied to the attractive Holstein and Hubbard models (on an infinite-dimensional hypercubic lattice). All effects of nonconstant density of states and vertex corrections are taken into account in the weak-coupling regime. Infinite summation of certain classes of diagrams turns out to be a quantitatively less accurate approximation than truncation of the conserving approximations to a finite order, but the infinite summation approximations do show the correct qualitative behavior of generating a peak in the transition temperature as the interaction strength increases. Pacs:74.20.-z, 71.27.+a, and 71.38.+i Typeset using REVT E X I. INTRODUCTION It is generally believed that the theoretical aspects of conventional superconductors are well understood and that quantitative predictions agree with experiment 1;2 . The reason why low temperature superconductors can be described accurately for all physical values of the electron-phonon coupling is due to Migda...