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Journal of Ethnopharmacology 101 (2005) 238–242
Prehistoric peyote use: Alkaloid analysis and radiocarbon dating
of archaeological specimens of Lophophora from Texas
Hesham R. El-Seedia,b, Peter A.G.M. De Smetc, Olof Beckd,
oran Possnerte, Jan G. Bruhna,
aDivision of Pharmacognosy, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Biomedical Centre, Uppsala University, Box 574, SE-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden
bDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, El-Menoufia University, El-Menoufia, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt
cDepartment of Clinical Pharmacy, University Medical Centre St Radboud, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
dDepartment of Clinical Pharmacology, Karolinska University Hospital, SE-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden
eDepartment of Materials Science, ˚
Angstr¨om Laboratory, Uppsala University, SE-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden
Received 15 October 2004; received in revised form 7 March 2005; accepted 27 April 2005
Available online 28 June 2005
Two archaeological specimens of peyote buttons, i.e. dried tops of the cactus Lophophora williamsii (Lem.) Coulter, from the collection of
the Witte Museum in San Antonio, was subjected to radiocarbon dating and alkaloid analysis. The samples were presumably found in Shumla
Cave No. 5 on the Rio Grande, Texas. Radiocarbon dating shows that the calibrated 14C age of the weighted mean of the two individual dated
samples corresponds to the calendric time interval 3780–3660 BC (one sigma significance). Alkaloid extraction yielded approximately 2%
of alkaloids. Analysis with thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) led to the identification
of mescaline in both samples. No other peyote alkaloids could be identified.
Thetwopeyotesamplesappear to bethe oldestplant drugeverto yield amajor bioactivecompoundupon chemicalanalysis. The identification
of mescaline strengthens the evidence that native North Americans recognized the psychotropic properties of peyote as long as 5700 years
© 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Lophophora williamsii; Peyote; Mescal buttons; Mescaline
1. Introduction
“A chemical compound once formed would persist forever,
if no alteration took place in the surrounding conditions.
Thomas Henry Huxley (1825–1895) English Biolo-
gist/Evolutionists. (cited by Asimov and Schulman, 1988).
The origins of drug use will probably never be fully
understood,butsome artefacts havesurvived,such as archae-
ological samples of drugs, their containers and related para-
phernalia. One of the most fascinating, although very minor,
Abbreviations: BC, before Christ; BCE, before Christian era; BP, before
present; CE, Christian era
Corresponding author. Tel.: +46 708 97 27 68; fax: +46 8 618 69 32.
E-mail address: (J.G. Bruhn).
approaches for drug research lies in the analysis and inter-
pretation of such remains. Sometimes this field of science
has been referred to as archeobotany or archaeoethnobotany
(Schultes and von Reis, 1995).
The collections of many ethnographical museums com-
prise paraphernalia for ritual drug taking, and sometimes the
drug itself or its vegetal source is also present. In such cases,
botanicalexaminationstill may revealthe identity of the drug
source, especially if it can be backed up by the results of
chemical analysis (De Smet, 1995).
Archaeological investigations in Northeast Mexico and
Trans-Pecos Texas have demonstrated that the knowledge
of psychotropic drugs in this region goes back to ca. 8500
BCE (De Smet and Bruhn, 2003). The aboriginal inhabitants
of this region may have used both the so called “red” or
0378-8741/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.R. El-Seedi et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 101 (2005) 238–242 239
“mescal bean”, from Sophora secundiflora (Ort.) Lagasca ex
De Candolle and “mescal buttons”, dried slices of the pey-
ote cactus, Lophophora williamsii (Lem.) Coulter (Adovasio
and Fry, 1976; Boyd and Dering, 1996). Unlike peyote, the
mescal bean has been used extensively for ornamental pur-
poses (Merrill, 1977), so we cannot know for sure that it has
been used for psychoactive effects.
Previously, from one of the archaeological sites in
Coahuila, Mexico, a number of “mescal buttons” were
retrieved and Carbon-14 dated to 810–1070 CE. Alka-
loid analysis revealed the presence of mescaline and four
related tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids, anhalonidine, pel-
lotine, anhalonine and lophophorine. Compared to freshly
prepared “mescal buttons” there was a considerably lower
alkaloid content (2.25% compared to ca. 8% in a recent sam-
ple) (Bruhn et al., 1978).
Someyears ago, one of the authors (DeSmet) came across
two peyote “buttons” in the exhibition of the Witte Museum
in San Antonio, Texas. Although the museum documentation
isnot very specific, the most likely origin of these “buttons”is
oneof the Shumla caves, in the lowerPecos region, or another
archaeologicalrock shelter in Southwestern Texas(Boydand
Dering, 1996; Martin, 1937). Previously, these plant remains
have been subjected to Carbon-14 dating and their age has
been reported as “7000 years”. However, all the information
we have on that dating is from a book review, where this bare
date is given as a personal communication to the reviewer
(Furst, 1989).
With the kind help of the museum curators, two samples
for phytochemical analysis and renewed Carbon-14 dating
were prepared from the buttons in the collection. We here
present the full results of these analyses. A preliminary com-
munication of the results has appeared in The Lancet (Bruhn
et al., 2002). In this paper, the methods are described in full
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Plant material
The two peyote samples analyzed are kept in the Witte
Museum collection in San Antonio, Texas. They were pre-
sumably found in Shumla Cave No. 5 by George Martin
in 1933 (Martin, 1937) and identified by him as coming
from Lophophora williamsii (Lem.) Coulter, but the museum
documentation is not very specific. A photograph of the
specimens has been published by Boyd and Dering (1996,
Fig. 12, p. 269), who also accepted this identification. Only
the inner parts of the two samples were scraped out with
a fine knife so as not to destroy the appearance of the
two specimens. These “inner scrapings” had the form of
a coarse, brownish-grey powder. The two samples were
analyzed individually for alkaloids and radiocarbon dated
2.2. Alkaloid extraction
Two different procedures were employed:
(A) The powdered samples (680 and 416 mg, respectively)
were extracted at room temperature three times with
EtOH(300 ml) for 48 h each time with stirring. The com-
bined ethanol extracts were filtered and evaporated in
vacuo to give 61.2 and 31.2mg of oily residues, respec-
tively. The residues were dissolved in H2O, made alka-
line with conc ammonia (pH 9) and extracted twice with
CHCl3andoncewith CHCl3:EtOH (3:1). The combined
extracts were dried over Na2SO4anhydrous, filtered
and evaporated to dryness to yield 13.59mg (2%) and
8.31mg (2%), respectively, of total alkaloids.
(B) To 100mg of each of the two samples, 3 ml of 10%
HCl was added in an Ehrlenmeyer flask and the flasks
immersed in a boiling water bath for 15min. The solu-
tions were filtered through Whatman No. 1 filter paper,
and the residues were washed with 10ml distilled H2O.
The filtrates were then extracted three times with Et2O
(20ml). The resulting emulsions were centrifuged at
1500rpm. The ether layers were dried over anhydrous
Na2SO4, filtered and evaporated to dryness to give
1.99mg (2%) and 1.95mg (2%), respectively, of the
alkaloid fraction.
The alkaloid extracts were tested with Dragendorff’s
reagent using Whatman No. 1 filter paper.
2.3. Thin-layer chromatography
Thin-layer chromatography was carried out on silica gel
coated plates (20cm×20cm, 0.25mm layer) in the sys-
tem: CHCl3:BuOH:conc NH4OH (50:50:2.5) according to
om and Agurell (1967). After elution, the residue
of ammonia was removed by careful drying in a heated
oven. The plates were sprayed with ninhydrin reagent (pur-
ple colour with mescaline, rf value 0.46) and iodoplatinate—
Dragendorff’s reagent (brownish-purple colour with mesca-
line) (Lum and Lebish, 1974).
2.4. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
The gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS)
data were obtained using a Voyager quadropole GC–MS
instrument(ThermoFinnigan Inc., CA, USA) operating in the
full scan electron impact mode. A 2l aliquot of the extract
was injected by split-less injection into a 30m HP-5 MS
capillary column (0.25mm i.d. and 0.25m film thickness,
Agilent Technologies, CA, USA). The injector temperature
was 200 C, ion source 230 C, column temperature was held
at 100C for 1min and increased to 250C at a rate of
2.5. Radiocarbon dating
A simplified chemical pre treatment was applied to the
samples (19.8 and 19.2mg, respectively) by using 1% HCl
240 H.R. El-Seedi et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 101 (2005) 238–242
below boiling for 6h. This will mainly eliminate adsorbed
CO2and remove other carbonate fractions of no relevance to
the dating. The insoluble fraction was then rinsed in distilled
water and dried. Approximately a 60% yield was obtained in
this first preparation step. Combustion of the organic fraction
was then conducted with CuO at 800C for ca. 10 min and
the CO2gas graphitized at 750C with an excess of H2gas
and Fe present as a catalyst. A carbon content of ca. 30% was
achieved. A small part of the CO2gas (ca. 0.1mg) was used
for stable isotope analysis, 13C, in a VG OPTIMA dual inlet
mass spectrometer to determine the natural mass fraction-
ation. Radiocarbon was finally measured with the Uppsala
new AMS system based on a 5MV NEC pelletronTM tan-
dem accelerator running in pulsed mode.
3. Results
3.1. Radiocarbon dating
The results for the two individual peyote samples Ua-
12433 and Ua-12434 are given in Figs. 1 and 2.
A calibrated age (computer code OxCal v.3.9) for the
weighted mean age (4952±44 BP) of the two dated sam-
ples (5030±65 BP(13C=16.1 ‰ VPDB), Ua-12433)
and 4885±60 BP (13C=22.3 ‰ VPDB), Ua-12434)
corresponds to the following time intervals: (1, 68.2%
probability) 3780–3690 (57.8%) and 3680–3660 (10.4%)
calender age BC; (2, 95.4% probability) 3910–3870 (4%)
and 3800–3640 (91.4%) calender age BC (Fig. 3).
3.2. Alkaloid analysis
Standard alkaloid extraction procedures carried out on
the samples gave residues that tested positive for alkaloids
(orange colour) with the Dragendorff reagent. The alkaloid
yield was approximately 2% in both samples. The extracts
Fig. 1. Graphical presentation of the radiocarbon dating results according
to the OxCal v.3.9 computer code. Sample Ua-12433.
Fig. 2. Graphical presentation of the radiocarbon dating results according
to the OxCal v.3.9 computer code. Sample Ua-12434.
were then analyzed by thin-layer chromatography and gas
chromatography–mass spectrometry. Mescaline could be
identified in both samples, based on identical retention times
(GC) (Fig. 4) and rf values (TLC) and mass spectrum as
authentic mescaline (Fig. 5).
The samples were also checked for the possible pres-
ence of the major peyote tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids:
lophophorine, anhalonine, pellotine and anhalonidine. There
was no trace of these alkaloids in either of the two samples.
4. Discussion
“The deliberate seeking of the psychoactive experience is
likelyto beatleast as oldasanatomically (and behaviourally)
modern humans: one of the characteristics of Homo sapiens
sapiens.Andrew Sherratt (1995).
Fig. 3. Graphical presentation of the radiocarbon dating results according
to the OxCal v.3.9 computer code. Weighted mean age of the two samples:
Ua-12433 and Ua-12434.
H.R. El-Seedi et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 101 (2005) 238–242 241
Fig. 4. GC–MS analysis (total ion chromatogram) of peyote alkaloid extract
(sample Ua-12433).
The detection of mescaline in both of the two investigated
samples, both analyzed by two methods based on different
principles, is reliable evidence for the presence of this hallu-
cinogenic drug. Recently dried “mescal buttons” can contain
up to about 8% of total alkaloids, of which about 30% is
mescaline (Bruhn and Holmstedt, 1974). In the present anal-
ysis, alkaloid content was approximately 2% and the only
peyote alkaloid we could identify was mescaline. There was
notrace of anyof the tetrahydroisoquinolinealkaloidsusually
found in peyote (Kapadia and Fayez, 1973). In a previously
studied1000-year oldspecimenof peyotethe alkaloidcontent
was slightly higher, about 2.25%, and four tetrahydroiso-
quinoline alkaloids could be identified by GC–MS (Bruhn
et al., 1978).
The age of the two specimens of peyote “buttons” that we
have now dated is to be found in the calendric time inter-
val 3780–3660 BC. The earlier reported radiocarbon date
of 7000 years BP has not been formally published, only as
a personal communication in a book review (Furst, 1989).
Fig. 5. Mass spectrum of mescaline peak in peyote alkaloid extract (sample
Furst gives the following information: “A new radiocarbon
date has unexpectedly added six millennia to the cultural
history of Lophophora williamsii,- - - the new C-14 assay
was obtained by the isotope laboratory at UCLA from one
of the two well-preserved plants that had languished, their
historical significance unsuspected, for many years in the
archaeological collections of the Witte Museum in San Anto-
nio. The two plants were excavated in 1933 with other Desert
Cultureremainsin one of the Rio Grande rockshelters known
as the Shumla Caves. I would like to thank Rainer Berger,
Director of the Isotope Laboratory in the Institute of Geo-
physics and Planetary Physics at UCLA, for the C-14 date
on the Witte Museum’s peyote sample,- - -” (Furst, 1989). It
has not been possible to obtain more information regarding
that radiocarbon dating, which has been seriously questioned
(Dering, personal communication).
Earlier, nicotine and caffeine have been identified in plant
remains from a medicineman’s tomb in Bolivia, 1600 years
old (Bruhn et al., 1976; Holmstedt and Lindgren, 1972), and
morphine has been found in a 3500-year-old ceramic con-
tainer from Cyprus (Bisset et al., 1996).
The preservation of plant remains in archaeological sites
varies greatly, depending upon the environmental setting.
There are many changes that can take place in plant tissues
during drying and/or processing, but under appropriate con-
ditionsof preservationalkaloidscan obviously persistinplant
material for extended periods of time (Raffauf and Morris,
1960). Thus, dry cave deposits in arid areas, such as Texas or
Coahuila,are ideal for the recoveryofplant materials (Willey,
1995). Dry, non-powdered plant tissues and cells may actu-
ally be regarded as containers that can help to protect the
enclosed phytochemicals.
Interestingly, some South American mummies have been
shown to contain cocaine metabolites, indicative of coca
chewing. Coca leaves were chewed by many Andean pre-
Columbian Indian groups, and the cocaine metabolite ben-
zoylecgonine has been found in the scalp hair of 8 Chilean
mummies with dates ranging from 2000 BC to 1500 AD
(Cartmell et al., 1991). Baez et al. (2000) also studied hair of
Chileanmummies for traces of cocaine, opiates and cannabis,
but revealed exclusively negative results in all 19 samples.
As discussed by Wischmann et al. (2002), the investigation
of archaeological human remains for active substances from
drugs requires specific analytical strategies that incorporate
also their persistent metabolites.
The question how long humans have used psychoactive
plants is impossible to answer (Schultes, 1998). In the West-
ern hemisphere the above-mentioned findings of the seeds
of Sophora secundiflora (Ort.) Lag. ex DC., now known as
the red bean or mescal bean, seem to be the oldest (Naranjo,
1995). These seeds are found in the same and similar caves as
the now analyzed cactus samples, but in much deeper strata
and radiocarbon dated to 8440–8120 BC (Adovasio and Fry,
1976). However, there are some doubts as to the actual inges-
tion of these beans, which also have an important place as
ornamental beads (Merrill, 1977).
242 H.R. El-Seedi et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 101 (2005) 238–242
Items of material culture recovered from the Shumla Cave
excavations are similar to the paraphernalia used in peyote
ceremonies by various Indian groups, and include rasping
sticks made from bone or wood, a rattle made from deer
scapula, a pouch and reed tubes containing cedar incense,
andfeather plumes(Martin,1937; Stewart,1987). Also, inter-
pretation of the rock art pictographs from the Lower Pecos
cultural area adds evidence indicating great antiquity for the
use of peyote (Boyd and Dering, 1996).
From a scientific point of view, the now studied “mescal
buttons” appears to be the oldest plant drugs which ever
yielded a major bioactive compound upon phytochemical
analysis. From a cultural perspective, our identification of
mescaline strengthens the evidence that native North Amer-
icans already recognized and valued the psychotropic prop-
erties of the peyote cactus 5700 years ago.
The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to
Roberta McGregor, Curator, and Elisa Phelps, Director of
Collections,who provided samples and documentation of the
early peyote “buttons” in the Witte Museum in San Anto-
nio, Texas. Dr. Phil Dering offered helpful comments and
insights. Nikolai Stephanson assisted us in the GC–MS anal-
ysis.Weareverygrateful tothe Swedish Institute,Stockholm,
Sweden, for a post-doctoral scholarship to HRE, and to the
International Foundation for Science (F/3334-1) for partial
financial support.
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... Mescaline is found as an alkaloid in different species of cacti (e.g., peyote or San Pedro) in North and South America. The radiocarbon dating and alkaloid analysis of archeological specimens of peyote buttons revealed that mescaline was used for more than 5000 years by native North Americans [8]. Subjective effects of mescaline were scientifically investigated and described starting at the end of the 19 th century and throughout the 20th century [9][10][11][12][13]. ...
... Blood was collected into lithium heparin tubes at 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,20,24, and 30 h after drug administration. The blood samples were immediately centrifuged, and plasma was subsequently stored at -80°C until analysis. ...
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Classic psychedelics have regained interest in research and therapy. Despite the long tradition of the human use of mescaline, modern data on its dose-dependent acute effects and pharmacokinetics are lacking. Additionally, its mechanism of action has not been investigated in humans. We used a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design in 16 healthy subjects (8 women) who received placebo, mescaline (100, 200, 400, and 800 mg), and 800 mg mescaline together with the serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine-2A (5-HT2A) receptor antagonist ketanserin (40 mg) to assess subjective effects, autonomic effects, adverse effects, and pharmacokinetics up to 30 h after drug administration. Mescaline at doses >100 mg induced dose-dependent acute subjective effects. Mescaline increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure at doses >100 mg, with no difference between doses of 200-800 mg. Heart rate increased dose-dependently. Pharmacokinetics of mescaline were dose-proportional. Maximal concentrations were reached after approximately 2 h, and the plasma elimination half-life was approximately 3.5 h. The average duration of subjective effects increased from 6.4 to 14 h with increasing doses of 100-800 mg mescaline. Nausea and emesis were frequent adverse effects at the 800 mg dose. Co-administration of ketanserin attenuated and shortened acute effects of 800 mg mescaline to become comparable to the 100 and 200 mg doses. There were no ceiling effects of the subjective response within the investigated dose range, but tolerability was lower at the highest doses. These results may assist with dose finding for future research and suggest that acute effects of mescaline are primarily mediated by 5-HT2A receptors.
... of psychotropic properties of peyote as far back as 5700 years ago. 6 Mescaline was first isolated from peyote in 1896 and first synthesized in a laboratory in 1919. 7 In psychiatry and neurology, mescaline was the first psychedelic that was used to mimic symptoms of schizophrenia and study its causes and possible treatments. ...
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Aims Psychedelics, including mescaline, may serve as novel treatments for depression and anxiety. However, data is scarce on the safety of mescaline. Methods The present pooled analysis included two double‐blind, randomized, placebo‐controlled studies with a total of 48 participants and 96 mescaline administrations. Single oral‐dose administrations (n = 16/dose) of mescaline at doses of 100–800 mg were used. Acute subjective and autonomic effects and acute and subacute adverse effects were recorded. Liver and kidney function, blood cell counts, and “flashbacks” were documented at the end of the studies. Results Positive subjective effects dose‐dependently increased and were higher than negative subjective effects for all mescaline doses. Autonomic effects increased moderately. Systolic blood pressure remained < 180 mmHg in all participants. Of all mescaline administrations, diastolic blood pressure > 100 mmHg was measured in 6%, heart rate > 100 beats/min was measured in 3% and body temperature > 38 °C was measured in 5%. The total number of acute adverse effects was 51, 12, 179, 143, 165 and 180 at 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 800 mg doses of mescaline, respectively. Nausea was dose‐limiting. Kidney and liver function and blood cell counts remained normal. “Flashbacks” were reported after 2% of all mescaline administrations. Conclusions These findings suggest that the administration of single mescaline doses up to 800 mg are safe in a controlled clinical setting with regard to acute psychological and physical harm in healthy participants.
... The current study is considered as part of our ongoing project on food science and technology 13,[21][22][23][24][25][26][27] . The aim of this review is to survey the literature and present the data regarding the production, quality, pharmacological properties, dietary intake, and applications of vinegar from different origins since the historical periods and till the modern era. ...
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Vinegar, a natural product derived from fruits or grains, subjected to food fermentation processes. Vinegar is a beneficial food additive, preservative, and condiment. It is appreciated across the Islamic world...
... For these reasons, these substances were once called hallucinogens, albeit incorrectly, as unlike in hallucinations, they cause modi cations of perception without pretending to be reality. From a historical perspective, psychedelics have attracted human interest for centuries (4). Initially, those of natural origin were used among various indigenous and traditional communities in a medicinal and ritual context (5). ...
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Objective Recent years have witnessed a resurgence in research exploring the therapeutic potential of classic psychedelics like psilocybin and LSD for treating mental disorders. However, there is a limited knowledge regarding the epidemiology of classic psychedelics consumption and the factors associated with their recreational use in Poland. Methods A representative sample of Polish citizens (N=1051 adults) completed an internet-based survey encompassing demographic inquiries, evaluations of psychedelic substance consumption including motivations and contexts, subjective assessments of psychedelics experience and evaluation of attitudes towards psychodelics and psychedelic-assisted therapy. Results Our study revealed that approximately 4% to 8% of Polish individuals, equivalent to around 2 million people, have experimented with psychedelic substances at least once in their lives. Men exhibited a higher likelihood of psychedelic use compared to women, with the largest cohort of users falling within the 25-34 age bracket and residing in urban areas. The most common motivation for reaching them was curiosity. The psychedelic experience was commonly described as a mixture of pleasant and unpleasant sensations. A significant portion of participants expressed a negative attitude towards psychedelics and psychedelic-assisted therapy, but previous experience with psychodelics was associated with more positive attitudes. Conclusions In this representative sample of Poles, we found a substantial percentage of adults who recreationally used classic psychedelics, with majority of them being young men coming from big cities. More studies are needed as well as educational programs that may foster scientific research into psychedelic therapy in Poland and the attitudes of Poles toward it.
... Another notable cactus is San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi), which is traditionally used in Andean cultures in South America. Mescaline-induced psychedelic states are typically accompanied by ritual elements such as prayers, songs, and symbolic objects (El-Seedi et al. 2005;Bruhn et al. 2002). ...
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Psychedelics are a group of substances within the heterogeneous class of hallucinogenic drugs. Via binding to the serotonin (5-HT) 2A receptor, psychedelics exert profound alterations in various mental domains, including sensation, cognition, emotions, and self-perception. Psychedelics comprise phenethylamines (e.g., mescaline), tryptamines (e.g., psilocybin), and ergolines (e.g., LSD). These drugs have been used recreationally for decades but have also regained attention as potential treatments for various psychiatric as well as neurological illnesses. While psychedelics are generally considered to be relatively safe from a physiological standpoint, especially when compared to other recreational drugs, they are not without risks. The main safety concerns are lasting psychological adverse reactions such as persisting anxiety, dissociation, or flashbacks. This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the pharmacology of classic psychedelics, including their origins, psychological and autonomic effects, interactions, and potential risks and side effects. Furthermore, the origin, dosing, and consumption methods are discussed. It differentiates psychedelics from other psychoactive drugs, such as MDMA and ketamine, and elaborates on their distinct receptor profiles. Overall, this chapter provides an overview of the pharmacological underpinnings necessary for understanding the harms caused by psychedelic drugs.
... Psychedelics have played a fundamental role in humanity's quest for personal transformation and self-transcendence (Smigielski et al., 2019). The use of psychedelic substances derived from plants such as peyote (mescaline), dates back to 5700 years ago (Bruhn et al., 2002). Their ancient applications often involved shamanic rituals, which were the institutionalized context for most psychedelic uses like psilocybin-containing mushrooms, ayahuasca, peyote, iboga, and Salvia divinorum, defined in this context as entheogens-agents that generate an engagement with the spiritual world (Rosa et al., 2019;Winkelman, 2021). ...
The fields of palliative and holistic Nursing are dedicated to providing comprehensive care for the person, emphasizing special attention to the existential and spiritual aspects of care. Psychedelic-assisted therapy has emerged as a promising approach for symptom management in individuals with serious illnesses, particularly those of existential and spiritual origin. People who undergo challenging experiences, as is the case with serious illnesses, often undergo an identity crisis and question the purpose of their lives. Psychedelic therapy, when conducted properly by trained professionals, can facilitate self-exploration and self-transcendence, opening doors to states of expanded consciousness and fostering a profound connection with oneself. This experience can help patients develop a greater sense of self-awareness and a deeper understanding of their existential and spiritual issues, enabling them to find meaning and inner peace. The Theory of Self-Transcendence theory provides a Nursing framework for understanding how psychedelic-assisted therapy can facilitate, through self-transcendence, the journey of spiritual and existential healing, offering the possibility of achieving wellbecoming from a state of vulnerability.
... Mescaline can also be found in some members of the Fabaceae family, for instance, Acacia berlandieri [4]. Through radiocarbon dating, researchers have estimated that mescaline was used for religious rituals and/or medical purposes some 5700 years ago, approximately [5][6][7]. Within the framework of the North American legal system, mescaline is considered contraband; however, its usage during religious ceremonies has been legalized since the 1920s within the Native American Church (NAC) [3,7,8]. ...
... Mescaline, a natural alkaloid of the phenyl-alkylamine class, is among the oldest psychedelics known, with a history dating back 5700 years. Historically, it has been used in religious rituals [79]. ...
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Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a significant contributor to morbidity and mortality in the United States. It contributes to over 140,000 annual deaths, to over 200 related diseases and health conditions globally, and accounts for 5.1% of the global disease burden. Despite its substantial impact, AUD remains undertreated, marked by a scarcity of approved medications. This paper explores the current treatment landscape and novel strategies for both alcohol withdrawal syndrome and AUD. Promising results, including the use of psychedelics alongside psychotherapy, noninvasive neural-circuit-based interventions, phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors, and GLP-1 receptor agonists, have emerged from recent studies. While these advancements show potential, further research is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of their effectiveness. The clear shortage of approved medications and other treatment modalities underscores the pressing need for ongoing research.
The neurobiological mechanisms underpinning psychiatric disorders such as treatment-resistant major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance use disorders, remain unknown. Psychedelic compounds, such as psilocybin, lysergic acid diethylamide, and N,N-dimethyltryptamine, have emerged as potential therapies for these disorders because of their hypothesized ability to induce neuroplastic effects and alter functional networks in the brain. Yet, the mechanisms underpinning the neurobiological treatment response remain obscure. Quantitative neuroimaging is uniquely positioned to provide insight into the neurobiological mechanisms of these emerging therapies and quantify the patient treatment response. This review aims to synthesize our current state-of-the-art understanding of the functional changes occurring in the brain following psilocybin, lysergic acid diethylamide, or N,N-dimethyltryptamine administration in human participants with fMRI and PET. We further aim to disseminate our understanding of psychedelic compounds as they relate to neuroimaging with the goal of improved diagnostics and treatment of neuropsychiatric illness.
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In the last few years, identifications of drugs in archaeological human remains were reported several times but comments on the reliability of the data were often missing. To obtain valid data, in particular on nicotine residues in ancient bones, two skeletal series were analyzed and environmental influences on the results estimated in an exposure experiment. Bone samples from the early modern age (18th century, Goslar, Germany) and from the Bronze Age (Lichtenstein Cave, Germany) were analyzed for the tobacco alkaloid and its major metabolite, cotinine. In 22 out of 34 femur samples of the Goslar series, trace amounts of nicotine were found, but no cotinine, the major metabolite. Its finding would have proved the use of tobacco in the historic population, whereas the mere discovery of nicotine cannot discriminate between endogenous material and that resulting from a contamination during the sample treatment or museum storage. This points to the necessity of further pilot studies for long-term persistence, since it was not clarified whether insufficient accumulation or poor stability may have prevented the detection of cotinine. The magnitude of a possible nicotine deposition was estimated in a control exposure experiment. A Bronze Age bone sample that definitely contained no nicotine, as proven by pretests, was exposed to environmental tobacco smoke for six weeks and then analyzed. In one part, 11.6 ng g m 1 nicotine were estimated and, in another, washed before the analysis, 35.9 ng g m 1 were estimated. The higher amount of nicotine can be explained by the fact that tobacco smoke deposits were rinsed from the surface into the inner parts during the washing step. The results highlight the importance of additional analyses for metabolites; new patterns must be created that incorporate all now widespread drugs.
The rock-art of the Pecos River region, on the Texas-Mexico border, is deservedly celebrated for its very large and inspiring human depictions, convincingly interpreted as images of shamanism. Study of plant remains in associated middens gives a new aspect to understanding of the images.
The first person to draw the attention of the scientific world to peyote was doubtless Dr. J. R. Briggs, and not Mrs. A. B. Nickels as is often stated. The first report of alkaloids in peyote seems to be the laboratory report by F. A. Thompson at Parke-Davis, although Louis Lewin was the first to publish. The variability ofLophophora williamsii and imperfect knowledge of the species laid the foundation for the controversy over botanical names. Only recently have field studies in Mexico indicated that there are two species,Lophophora williamsii andL. diffusa, differing in distribution and chemical characters.Anhalonium lewinii is now referred toL. williamsii. Present and earlier studies of the Querétaro peyote,Lophophora diffusa, show that this species differs considerably in its alkaloid set-up fromL. williamsii. L. diffusa produces predominantly (>90%) phenolic tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids (mainly pellotine) and almost no mescaline. This lends support to the earlier postulation of an independent metabolic pathway to pellotine and anhalidine. In our opinion, Heffter’s results withAnhalonium williamsii can be explained if we assume that his plant material was collected in Querétaro and was in factL. diffusa. The alkaloid analysis ofL. diffusa also provides an explanation of other controversial points in the history of peyote research.22 It seems especially appropriate here to recall that Kauder (p. 23) said: “The circumstances seem to me to call for further clarification, which will only be possible when we succeed in obtaining that cactus, which only contains pellotine.” An 80-year old sample of “mescal buttons” has been shown to still contain identifiable alkaloids, most notably mescaline.