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Allergic contact dermatitis following exposure to essential oils

  • Clinical Trials New Zealand, Waikato Hospital Clinical Campus, Hamilton, New Zealand

Abstract and Figures

Allergic contact dermatitis from the topical use of essential oils is not widely recognized as an occupational hazard. Four cases of allergic contact dermatitis to essential oils occurring in three aromatherapists and one chemist with a particular interest in aromatherapy are described. All presented with predominantly hand dermatitis and demonstrated sensitization to multiple essential oils. One patient developed a recurrence of cutaneous symptoms following ingestion of lemongrass tea. Workers within this industry should be aware of the sensitization potential of these products and the risk of limiting their ability to continue employment.
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The exposure to essential, or volatile, oils in an occupational
setting is increasing with the burgeoning popularity of
natural therapies in Anglo-Saxon cultures. Aromatherapy is
the use of essential oils topically or by inhalation to promote
physical and psychological well-being.1Essential oils are
aromatic substances that are extracted from many different
plants and a small number of animals, or that can be synthe-
sized from coal and petrolatum.2The oil can be extracted from
plants and flowers by several methods including distillation,
extraction, enfleurage, maceration and expression.2The
composition of essential oils is highly variable. Each oil may
have over 100 constituents; the same botanical species may
produce oils containing differing components and concen-
trations.1The principal constituents of essential oils are
monoterpene and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, monoterpene
and sesquiterpene alcohols, esters, ethers, aldehydes, ketones
and oxides.1Typically, each oil has several compounds from
each major chemical group.1The spectrum of reported skin
reactions to essential oils includes allergic contact dermatitis,
irritant contact dermatitis, phototoxic reactions and contact
urticaria.3–5 We present four cases of hand dermatitis as a
result of allergic contact dermatitis following exposure to
essential oils.
Case 1
A 52-year-old female masseur and aromatherapist presented
with a 12-month history of hand and later forearm dermatitis.
The rash improved substantially when she was absent from
work and recurred upon her returning. Standard patch testing
was performed using aluminium Finn chambers with read-
ings at 48 and 96 hours, to an extended standard series, a
cosmetic series, a fragrance series and her own massage
oils. The positive reactions are presented in Table 1. The
aromatherapist subsequently developed a small area of
dermatitis on her forearm following ingestion of lemongrass
tea and Thai food.
Case 2
A 46-year-old female masseur and aromatherapist presented
with a 3-year history of hand and forearm dermatitis. The rash
improved upon cessation of her employment. She had a past
history of hayfever and a family history of atopy. Standard
patch testing was performed using aluminium Finn chambers
with readings at 48 and 96 hours to an extended standard
series, a cosmetic series, a fragrance series, a limited plant
series and her own massage oils. The positive reactions are
presented in Table 1. In addition, the patient demonstrated a
positive patch-test reaction to her own massage oil, which
contained a mix of almond, ylang ylang, neroli, sandalwood
and frankincense oils.
Case 3
A 45-year-old natural therapist presented with a 3-year history
of hand dermatitis, which extended to involve her face and
neck 2 weeks prior to presentation. The eruption resolved
completely while on a 2-week holiday. Patch testing to the
Australasian Journal of Dermatology (2002) 43, 211–213
Allergic contact dermatitis following exposure
to essential oils
Narelle Bleasel,1Bruce Tate1and Marius Rademaker2
1Skin and Cancer Foundation, Carlton, Victoria, Australia, and
2Health Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Allergic contact dermatitis from the topical use of
essential oils is not widely recognized as an occupa-
tional hazard. Four cases of allergic contact dermatitis
to essential oils occurring in three aromatherapists and
one chemist with a particular interest in aromatherapy
are described. All presented with predominantly hand
dermatitis and demonstrated sensitization to multiple
essential oils. One patient developed a recurrence of
cutaneous symptoms following ingestion of lemongrass
tea. Workers within this industry should be aware of
the sensitization potential of these products and the risk
of limiting their ability to continue employment.
Key words: Bulgarian rose oil, hand dermatitis,
lavender oil, natural therapist, occupational skin
disease, ylang ylang oil.
Correspondence: Dr B Tate, Skin and Cancer Foundation,
95 Rathdowne St, Carlton, Vic. 3053, Australia.
Narelle Bleasel, MB BS. Bruce Tate, FACD. Marius Rademaker,
Submitted 22 October 2001; accepted 15 January 2002.
European standard series (Chemotechnique, Malmo, Sweden),
antimicrobials, an extended fragrance series and
her own massage oils was performed using IQ chambers
(Chemotechnique), with readings at 48 and 96 hours. The
positive reactions are presented in Table 1.
Case 4
A 29-year-old analytical chemist, with a part-time occupa-
tional interest in aromatherapy and massage, presented with
a 1-month history of hand dermatitis. The rash became more
widespread to involve her face and neck prior to presentation.
Relevant past history included hayfever and scabies. Patch
testing to the European standard series (Chemotechnique),
a cosmetic series, a fragrance series, and the patient’s own
massage oils was performed using IQ chambers (Chemo-
technique) with readings at 48 and 96 hours. The positive
reactions are presented in Table 1.
Reactions were graded according to the International
Contact Dermatitis Research Group grading system.
The frequency of allergic contact dermatitis associated with
essential oil usage is unknown and at present there have been
only limited reports of this association in the natural therapy
industry.6–9 This may represent low incidence of sensitization
to these compounds, or a failure to recognize allergic contact
dermatitis within this occupation and subsequent under-
reporting. Allergic contact dermatitis related to essential
oils has been reported in several other occupational groups,
including bar workers,10 citrus fruit pickers,11 a hairdresser,12
a physiotherapist,13 a beautician14 and manufacturers of
Determining the sensitizing agent responsible for skin
reactions associated with an essential oil is difficult, because
of the many components and their variable concentrations
within an oil.1In addition, the components of an essential oil
often undergo complex interactions that result in reducing
the sensitization potential of an individual compound
when combined in an oil mixture.1,5 This is known as the
quelching effect.1,5 Indeed, a degradation product may be
the sensitizing agent.1,3
The four cases presented developed a delayed type allergy
to essential oils following exposure in an occupational setting.
In all cases, multiple sensitizations were demonstrated.
Case 1 displayed positive patch-test reactions to several
essential oils that she had not previously been exposed to,
including palmarosa, frankincense, rose, neroli and myrrh.
Linalool was a common constituent amongst this group of
sensitizing oils, with the exception of myrrh, implicating
cross-reactivity.17,18 Of note, this patient had a positive patch-
test reaction to lemongrass and described a recurrence of
dermatitis following ingestion of lemongrass-containing foods.
The phenomenon of systemic contact dermatitis has pre-
viously been described in relation to Matricaria chamomilla
Case 2 exhibited sensitivity to geraniol, a component of
lavender, rose, geranium, ylang ylang, lemongrass, cananga,
sandalwood and neroli.17,18 This may account for her sensi-
tivity to these products. In addition this patient displayed
sensitivity towards peppermint, laurel and yarrow, products
which do not contain geraniol.17,18 Limonene is a common
component in this second group of oils; however, sensitivity
to this compound was not tested.17,18
Geraniol is a common constituent of the oils case 3 devel-
oped sensitization reactions to;17,18 however, the patient did not
exhibit sensitivity to geraniol. Similarly, the positive reactions
seen in case 4 could be accounted for by sensitivity to geraniol;
however, no primary reaction to geraniol was present.
Of note, three of the four cases presented had positive
patch-test reactions to fragrance mix. The constituents of
fragrance mix are cinnamic alcohol, cinnamic aldehyde,
-amyl cinnamic aldehyde, eugenol, isoeugenol, geraniol,
hydroxycitronella and oak moss.20 Six of these eight fragrance
ingredients are also components of essential oils (including
cinnamic alcohol, cinnamic aldehyde, eugenol, isoeugenol,
geraniol).4Fragrance mix is a common allergen, with approxi-
mately 1% of the unselected population demonstrating sensi-
tivity.21 Patients with positive patch-test reactions to fragrance
mix often react to essential oils. One study demonstrated that
57% of patients with positive reactions to fragrance mix also
reacted to one or more essential oils.22 However, testing solely
with fragrance mix or its constituents will not reliably detect
all patients allergic to essential oils. Patients can be tested to
the commercially available allergens in the Chemotechnique
fragrance series.
The use of essential oil-based products in people’s homes
is also now popular and leading to reports of allergic contact
dermatitis.23–25 Many cosmetics and perfumes contain essen-
tial oils and are likely to be important allergens.5,20,22,26 In
Japan, an increase in the frequency of positive patch tests to
lavender oil was reported between 1990 and 1998.25 A tele-
phone survey of these patients suggested the main source of
exposure to the lavender allergens was products containing
dried lavender flowers.
These cases highlight the importance of allergic contact
dermatitis associated with essential oil exposure in an
occupational setting. It appears that multiple sensitizations
are a common occurrence. Therefore, avoidance of a single
212 N Bleasel et al.
Table 1 Results of patch tests
Test substance Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
Fragrance mix + + +
Cananga oil 2.0% –+–+
Geraniol 2.0% +
Geranium oil Bourbon 2.0% + + +
Frankincense 5.0% + NT NT NT
Lavender absolute 2.0% ++++
Lavender oil 2.0% + NT NT NT
Laurel oil 2.0% + NT NT
Lemongrass oil 2.0% + + NT NT
Myrrh 5.0% + NT NT NT
Neroli oil 2.0% + NT NT
Palmarosa 5.0% + NT NT
Peppermint oil 2.0% + NT NT
Rose oil, Bulgarian 2.0% ++++
Sandalwood oil 2.0% + + +
Yarrow + NT NT
Ylang ylang oil 2.0% + + +
+, positive reaction; –, negative reaction; NT, not tested.
oil is unlikely to prevent further episodes of allergic contact
dermatitis. In addition, the concurrent reaction to fragrance
mix may pose further limitations on product selection.
Employees within the aromatherapy and masseur industry
should be aware of the sensitization potential of the oils that
they use in their workplace. Sensitization to essential oils may
have serious ramifications, as the employees may be unable
to continue in their chosen field of work. It is also necessary
to consider allergy to essential oils in clients of aromathera-
pists and people using them at home.
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13. Rademaker M. Allergic contact dermatitis from lavender fragrance
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Contact dermatitis to essential oils 213
214 N Bleasel et al.
... Pharmacology of different essential oils may be different. Different essential oils may have different pharmacology, some act as local anesthetic counterirritants exerting an anti-tussive effect (Sapeika, 1963;Haneke and Karen, 2002) while several essential oils, mainly tee tree oil may produce contact dermatitis (Larson and Jacob, 2012;Trattner et al., 2008;Bleasel et al., 2002;Isaksson et al., 2000). About 4,412 poisoning incidents were reported in New South Wales during the period 2014-2018 (Lee et al., 2019) (Essential oil, ...
Essential oils are plant based hydrophobic liquids. They are also called as volatile oils due to the presence of volatile compounds. Every essential oil has its characteristic fragrance specific of that plant from which it is extracted. Essential oils have varieties of valuable applications due to their individual specific fragrances. They have wide roles in giving savory properties and different flavors to food materials, in making specific beverages, in making perfumes, cosmetics and scents, in giving specific fragrances to various man made materials for their daily uses and in many other applications. Besides the above properties and uses of essential oils, they have also the valuable roles in the field of traditional medications and Ayurveda. Specific therapy based on essential oils is called as aromatherapy. On the basis of recent researches and scientific updates, this chapter describes about the different uses and effective roles of some essential oils that may be due to their specific properties, compositions and odor.
... Reports of lemongrass oil-related allergic contact dermatitis are primarily the result of occupational exposure to aromatherapists and other practitioners of professional massage who use essential oils [85] [92]. Four men underwent patch tests since there were no samples of the oil itself, pine wood was contaminated with lemongrass oil and all of them responded negatively to pinewood that wasn't. ...
... Cymbopogan citratus (lemon grass) of the Poaceae family is a monocotyledonous aromatic perennial germinal plant which is tall with slender sharp-edged green leaves pointed at the apex, now cultivated widely in other tropical regions and warm temperate but native to tropical Asia (Bleasel et al., 2002). In Nigeria, the use of Lemon grass cannot be overemphasized. ...
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Since the beginning of mankind, nature has been a source of medicinal agent for thousands of years. A plant pathogen is an infectious organism that is capable of causing disease in plants. This research work was aimed at assessing the antifungal activity of Cymbopogan citratus leaf extract on some phytopathogenic fungi isolated from agricultural soils. Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus tamari and Mucor circinelloides were isolated from an agricultural soil. Aspergillus tamari displayed highest susceptibility to the 50% ethanolic extract of the plant with a mycelial radial growth inhibition measurement of 18.25 ± 0.25 mm while Mucor circinelloides displayed the least susceptibility to the 100% ethanolic extract with a mycelial radial growth inhibition of 45.25 ± 0.25 mm. The results were significantly different from the controls (63.25 ± 0.75 mm, Aspergillus niger; 43.25 ± 1.25 mm, Aspergillus tamari and 63.75 ± 0.75 mm, Mucor circinelloides). In the same vein, the aqueous extract also displayed appreciable antifungal activity. The radial growth inhibition of the aqueous extract ranged from 24.25 ± 0.25 mm (25%, Mucor circinelloides) to 34.50 ± 0.50mm (100%, Aspergillus tamari). These were significantly different from the controls. This Study has shown that lemon grass leaf extract possesses antifungal activities to control phytopathogens, from the result obtained, it can be stated that lemon grass can be exploited as an alternative to chemical fungicides in combating resistance amongst phytopathogens.
We investigated the antimicrobial efficacy of seven essential oils from four plant families-Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, Zingiberaceae, and Poaceae-against microbes associated with dandruff. The antimicrobial effectiveness of these essential oils was assessed using paper disk agar diffusion and broth micro-dilution techniques. The results demonstrated that two of the essential oils significantly inhibited the growth of dandruff-associated microorganisms, with inhibition zones ranging from 5 ± 1.81 mm to 29.4 ± 2.70 mm in diameter. Among the tested essential oils, Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii) exhibited the highest antimicrobial potency, showing a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) between 0.27 and 0.55 mg/mL for the fungi Malassezia furfur and Candida albicans, as well as for the bacterium Staphylococcus epidermidis. The essential oil displayed fungicidal activity within the range of 0.55 to 2.2 mg/mL and bactericidal activity at 0.55 mg/mL. Additionally, post-treatment effects were evaluated by monitoring the re-growth of fungal and bacterial cells after exposure to Palmarosa essential oil. The results revealed significant retardation of the growth of M. furfur for up to 7 h at 2 × MIC and S. epidermidis for up to 5 h at higher concentrations (1 × MIC and 2 × MIC). The study also found that Palmarosa essential oil-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and altered the integrity of microbial membranes, although it did not impact the concentrations of ergosterol and sorbitol. Regarding safety, topical application of Palmarosa essential oil (at concentrations of 1X, 10X, and 20X MIC) on rats and rabbits caused no irritation, and no sub-acute toxic effects were observed either on the skin or systemically. These promising results suggest that Palmarosa essential oil has the potential to be developed into an effective and safe formulation for treating dandruff associated with microbial infections. Further studies could help solidify its clinical applications.
Fungal diseases pose a severe threat, ranging from common skin infections resembling rashes to potentially deadly lung infections, particularly among individuals with asthma, HIV, COVID-19, diabetes, COPD, cancer, tuberculosis and those undergoing organ transplants and chemotherapy. Candida, Aspergillus, and Cryptococcus species contribute significantly to the healthcare burden, often leading to invasive infections and fatalities. While various antifungal drugs exist, their drawbacks, including side effects, limited efficacy, high costs and toxicity, persist as challenges. Researchers are actively exploring novel alternatives, with a growing interest in natural products, especially herbal remedies. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a surge in people turning to natural products to boost their immune systems, drawing on a historical reliance on herbal remedies. Essential oils derived from plants, a practice dating back to ancient times, have demonstrated remarkable antifungal properties. Their high lipophilic nature and low molecular weight facilitate the disruption of fungal cell walls, allowing easy penetration through cell barriers. This chapter of the book aims to provide an updated understanding of Candidal, Aspergillus, and Cryptococcal infections, highlighting the limitations of current antifungal drugs while advocating for essential oils as promising substitutes based on compelling evidence from previous literature.
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Essential oils are among the most well-known phyto-compounds, and since ancient times, they have been utilized in medicine. Over 100 essential oils have been identified and utilized as therapies for various skin infections and related ailments. While numerous commercial medicines are available in different dosage forms to treat skin diseases, the persisting issues include their side effects, toxicity, and low efficacy. As a result, researchers are seeking novel classes of compounds as substitutes for synthetic drugs, aiming for minimal side effects, no toxicity, and high efficacy. Essential oils have shown promising antimicrobial activity against skin-associated pathogens. This review presents essential knowledge and scientific information regarding essential oil’s antimicrobial capabilities against microorganisms that cause skin infections. Essential oils mechanisms against different pathogens have also been explored. Many essential oils exhibit promising activity against various microbes, which has been qualitatively assessed using the agar disc diffusion experiment, followed by determining the minimum inhibitory concentration for quantitative evaluation. It has been observed that Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans have been extensively researched in the context of skin-related infections and their antimicrobial activity, including established modes of action. In contrast, other skin pathogens such as Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus pyogens, Propionibacterium acnes, and Malassezia furfur have received less attention or neglected. This review report provides an updated understanding of the mechanisms of action of various essential oils with antimicrobial properties. This review explores the anti-infectious activity and mode of action of essential against distinct skin pathogens. Such knowledge can be valuable in treating skin infections and related ailments. Graphical Abstract
Aromatherapy is a medical practice that uses aromatic compounds or essential oils to influence mood and health. Essential oils used in aromatherapy are created from a wide variety of medicinal plants, flowers, herbs, roots, and trees that are found all over the world and have significant, well-documented benefits on enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. This book is a comprehensive reference on aromatic compounds present in essential oils and their therapeutic use. Starting from fundamentals of essential oil biosynthesis the book guides the reader through their basic biochemistry, toxicology, profiling, blending and clinical applications. The concluding chapters also present focused information about the therapeutic effects of essential oils on specific physiological systems, plant sources, skin treatment and cancer therapeutics. The combination of basic and applied knowledge will provide readers with all the necessary information for understanding how to develop preclinical formulations and standard clinical therapies with essential oils. This is an essential reference for anyone interested in aromatherapy and the science of essential oils.
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Nails are the exclusive part of body, besides it’s a dead tissue it also have role in serving the human beauty. It protects the fingertip and tissues from injuries and also enhances the precise movements of distal digits, but it has also been cursed with many diseases and ailments including serious infections. Most common types are of Fungal or Yeast infections resulting in Onychomycosis and if it is left untreated, the nail plate may separate from the nail bed. Other infections include Paronychia, Tinea Unguis, and Pseudomonas bacterial infection. Different nail disorders are Onychatrophia resulting from injury, Leuconychia cause by trapping of tiny bubbles of air, Melanonychia known as nail moles and can be sometimes serious. For a physician physical appearance of nail is important which can reveals many disorders like Malnutrition, Liver disease, etc. Nail infections can be treated with natural products which are mainly Oregano oil, Lemongrass oil, Horopito. One of the latest and modern treatments to treat fungal infections of nails is Ozone treatment but it is not frequently used and quite costly. Like others body parts nails also required a good source of nutrients to maintain their complexions and healthiness, Vitamin A , Vitamin D and calcium help in maintaining moisture content of nails and avoid brittleness, Besides this Proteins and fatty acids like Linoleic acids are also essential.
The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of responses to selected fragrance materials in patients who were fragrance sensitive. 178 patients were evaluated in 8 centers worldwide with a fragrance mix (FM) and 20 other fragrance materials. Reaction to the fragrance mixture (FM) occurred in 78.7% of the subjects. Substances reacting at a rate of 2% or higher included jasmine absolute, geranium oil bourbon, l-citronellol, spearmint oil, 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethylcyclopenta-gamma-2-benzopyran, omega-6-hexadecenlactone, dimethyltetrahydrobenzaldehyde (isomer mixture), and alpha-amylcinnamaldehyde. These chemicals should be furthur evaluated to corroborate their allergenicity. We are constantly looking for new fragrance allergens to extend the diagnostic capability of the fragrance mix (FM)
Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine (complementary therapy, holistic practice) using essential oils systemically or topically. Aromatic substances extracted from flowers have been used for medical purposes from ancient times. The term ‘aromatherapy’ was introduced in 1936 by René-Maurice Gattefossé, a French chemist, after he had used lavender oil to heal his burned hand (Weiss and James 1997). According to the International Federation of Aromatherapists, aromatherapy enhances well-being, relieves stress, and helps in the rejuvenation and regeneration of the human body’. Aromatherapists also claim that it can help in stress-related conditions, premenstrual syndrome, moderate anxiety or depression, sleeping problems, minor aches and pains, migraine, digestive disorders, skin problems such as eczema and acne, and minor infections such as thrush and cystitis (Trevelyan 1993). Aromatherapy has become increasingly popular in recent years together with other so-called alternative treatments.
The second edition of this book is virtually a new book. It is the only comprehensive text on the safety of essential oils, the first review of essential oil/drug interactions, and it provides detailed essential oil constituent data not found in any other text. Much of the existing text has been re-written, and 80% of the text is completely new. There are 400 comprehensive essential oil profiles and almost 4000 references. There are new chapters on the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, the urinary system, the digestive system and the nervous system. For each essential oil there is a full breakdown of constituents, and a clear categorization of hazards and risks, with recommended maximum doses and concentrations. There are also 206 Constituent Profiles. There is considerable discussion of carcinogens, the human relevance of some of the animal data, the validity of treating an essential oil as if it was a single chemical, and the arbitrary nature of uncertainty factors. There is a critique of current regulations.
We report the annual results of patch testing with lavender oil for a 9-year period from 1990 to 1998 in Japan. Using Finn Chambers and Scanpor tape, we performed 2-day closed patch testing with lavender oil 20% pet. on the upper back of each patient suspected of having cosmetic contact dermatitis. We compared the frequency of positive patch tests to lavender oil each year with those to other fragrances. We diagnosed contact allergy when patch test reactions were + or <+ at 1 day after removal. The positivity rate of lavender oil was 3.7% (0–13.9%) during the 9-year period from 1990 to 1998. The positivity rate of lavender oil increased suddenly in 1997. Recently, in Japan, there has been a trend for aromatherapy using lavender oil. With this trend, placing dried lavender flowers in pillows, drawers, cabinets, or rooms has become a new fashion. We asked patients who showed a positive reaction to lavender oil about their use of dried lavender flowers. We confirmed the use of dried lavender flowers in 5 cases out of 11 positive cases in 1997 and 8 out of 15 positive cases in 1998. We concluded that the increase in patch test positivity rates to lavender oil in 1997 and 1998 was due to the above fashion, rather than due to fragrances in cosmetic products.