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Shoulder Strength and Range-Of-Motion Characteristics in Bodybuilders


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this study was to compare shoulder range-of-motion (ROM) and strength values between bodybuilders and nonbodybuilders. Fifty-four men (29 bodybuilders and 25 nonbodybuilders) between the ages of 21 and 34 years participated in the study. Goniometric measurements were used to assess shoulder flexion and internal and external rotation ROM. Isometric manual muscle tests were performed using a handheld dynamometer. Shoulder flexion, internal and external rotation, abduction, and prone shoulder retraction and elevation strength were tested. Independent t-tests were used to determine levels of statistical significance between the groups. Bodybuilders showed an overall loss of shoulder rotation ROM (166 degrees vs. 180 degrees ) and a significantly decreased internal rotation ROM (-11 degrees ) compared with the control group. Bodybuilders were significantly stronger on all isometric shoulder-strength tests than nonbodybuilders, except for the assessment of lower trapezius strength when expressed as a percentage of body weight. The results of this study indicate that bodybuilders have imbalances regarding strength and ROM at the shoulder that may make them susceptible to shoulder pathology.
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2002, 16(3), 367–372
q2002 National Strength & Conditioning Association
Shoulder Strength and Range-Of-Motion
Characteristics in Bodybuilders
Graduate School of Physical Therapy, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania 16057.
The purpose of this study was to compare shoulder range-
of-motion (ROM) and strength values between bodybuilders
and nonbodybuilders. Fifty-four men (29 bodybuilders and
25 nonbodybuilders) between the ages of 21 and 34 years
participated in the study. Goniometric measurements were
used to assess shoulder flexion and internal and external ro-
tation ROM. Isometric manual muscle tests were performed
using a handheld dynamometer. Shoulder flexion, internal
and external rotation, abduction, and prone shoulder retrac-
tion and elevation strength were tested. Independent t-tests
were used to determine levels of statistical significance be-
tween the groups. Bodybuilders showed an overall loss of
shoulder rotation ROM (1668vs. 1808) and a significantly de-
creased internal rotation ROM (2118) compared with the
control group. Bodybuilders were significantly stronger on
all isometric shoulder-strength tests than nonbodybuilders,
except for the assessment of lower trapezius strength when
expressed as a percentage of body weight. The results of this
study indicate that bodybuilders have imbalances regarding
strength and ROM at the shoulder that may make them sus-
ceptible to shoulder pathology.
Key Words: bodybuilding, strength training, shoulder
injuries, shoulder strength, shoulder flexibility
Reference Data: Barlow, J.C., B.W. Benjamin, P.J. Birt,
and C.J. Hughes. Shoulder strength and range-of-mo-
tion characteristics in bodybuilders. J. Strength Cond.
Res. 16(3):367–372. 2002.
eight lifting is a popular activity that is used to
maintain fitness and also to train for various
sporting activities. ‘‘Weight lifting’’ is a generic term
that is applied to several strength training sports in-
cluding power lifting and bodybuilding. In bodybuild-
ing, the primary objective is hypertrophy and form (1).
Bodybuilders participate in the activity for the pur-
pose of increasing their general health, strength, and
fitness or for entering into competition in a formal
show or venue. In an attempt to increase strength,
many athletes who lift weights inadvertently overem-
phasize strengthening the pectoralis, deltoid, and ab-
dominal groups while neglecting the muscles that sta-
bilize the scapular and glenohumeral joints (5). Body-
builders have been found to demonstrate weakness in
scapular stabilizers and the rotator cuff muscles (5).
These types of strength imbalances can lead to poor
scapulohumeral rhythm during shoulder elevation and
may be a factor in the development of shoulder im-
pingement. Furthermore, repetitive use of the shoulder
complex during extreme ranges of motion (ROMs) un-
der heavy load (i.e., bench press, overhead pressing,
dumbbell fly, etc.) can lead to the development of dy-
namic shoulder instability, impingement, and rotator
cuff tears (3). Changes in shoulder laxity, select cap-
sular restriction, or muscle strength imbalances sec-
ondary to weight training need to be identified to ed-
ucate strength athletes on proper exercise selection and
injury prevention strategies. A comparison between
the bodybuilding population and non–weight training
individuals (nonbodybuilders) has not been previous-
ly studied. A comparison of strength and ROM values
would be useful to further delineate ‘‘exercise risk’’
related to long-term shoulder pathology in this pop-
ulation. Mazur et al. state that ‘‘future prospective
studies are needed to better define the incidence of
injury in strength training . . . and in body building
...’ (11). The purpose of this study was to compare
mean shoulder ROM values and mean shoulder-
strength values between bodybuilders and nonbody-
Men between the ages of 21 and 34 years were re-
cruited from Slippery Rock University and local
weight lifting gyms. None of the subjects reported re-
cent shoulder pathology of their nondominant arm.
The nondominant arm of all participants was used in
an effort to control for possible asymmetrical laxity,
tightness, or strength values normally present in the
368 Barlow, Benjamin, Birt, and Hughes
Table 1. Subject information.
group Age (y) Height (cm) Weight (kg)
group Age (y) Height (cm) Weight (kg)
Nonbodybuilder Bodybuilder
dominant arm because of increased use. Twenty-nine
bodybuilders served as the experimental group, and
25 nonbodybuilders served as the control group. To be
included in the experimental group, subjects reported
lifting weights primarily for strength and size gains a
minimum of 3 times per week for at least 3 consecutive
years. Age, height, and weight of each subject can be
found in Table 1. Specific strengthening exercises and
repetition maximum loads for each bodybuilder were
not delineated. All other subjects who did not meet
these criteria were placed in the control group. Ap-
proval from the Institutional Review Board for the
Protection of Human Subjects was obtained before the
study. All subjects were required to sign a university-
approved consent form before participating in the
Before ROM and strength testing, all subjects were re-
quired to perform a standardized warm-up of the
shoulder for the nondominant arm. This warm-up
consisted of 3 active stretches, which included the pen-
dulum exercise, a horizontal adduction stretch, and a
flexion stretch. The pendulum exercise stretches the
posterior cuff and shoulder extensors, the horizontal
adduction stretch stretches the posterior cuff and pos-
terior capsule of the shoulder, and the flexion stretch
involves the posterior capsule, triceps, and inferior
capsule of the shoulder. For the pendulum stretch, the
subjects were instructed to lean forward and support
themselves with their other hand, relax the arm, and
sway their body weight and make circles with their
arm. Subjects performed clockwise and counterclock-
wise rotations of the arm for 30 seconds each. The pos-
terior capsule stretch required the subjects to pull their
arm across their chest until they felt a stretch at the
back of the shoulder. This position was held for 30
seconds. To perform the flexion stretch, each subject
was instructed to stand facing a wall and slide his non-
dominant arm as far up the wall as possible with his
palm in a supinated position. This stretch was held for
30 seconds.
Effects of Bodybuilding on the Shoulder Complex
Figure 1. Internal rotation range of motion.
Figure 2. Lower trapezius manual muscle test.
Figure 3. Appley scratch test.
A goniometer was used to assess passive ROM of
the nondominant arm for flexion, internal rotation,
and external rotation. A picture of the procedure for
measuring internal rotation can be found in Figure 1.
Subjects were positioned supine for all ROM tests.
Arm positioning for these measures was according to
the guidelines set forth by Norkin and White (12). Four
pounds of overpressure was applied at end range for
all movements, using a Microfet II handheld dyna-
mometer (Hoggan Health, Draper, UT).
Isometric manual muscle tests (MMTs) were con-
ducted to evaluate strength of the shoulder flexors, in-
ternal rotators, external rotators, abductors, middle
trapezius, and lower trapezius of the nondominant
arm. Subject positioning during strength testing in-
cluded the seated, prone, and supine positions (Figure
2). All standardized test positions for shoulder flexion,
internal rotation, external rotation, and abduction were
according to Soderberg (13). Subject positioning for as-
sessing the isometric strength of the scapular stabiliz-
ers involved testing for the middle and lower trapezius
muscle groups using procedures described by Kendall
and McCreary (7). Middle trapezius strength assess-
ment required the subject to be in a prone position
with the arm abducted to 908and in full extension and
maximal external rotation. The lower trapezius
strength test position was similar to the middle tra-
pezius test position except that the arm was abducted
to 1208. The trials for strength measures were random-
ized across all subjects. Subjects were required to exert
a maximum voluntary isometric contraction for 3–5
seconds. A 30-second rest period was allotted between
measurements. After strength testing, subjects were
asked to perform 3 clinical tests commonly used to
assess shoulder impingement. The tests included the
bilateral Appley scratch test, the Neer test, and the
Hawkins test (10). The Appley test required the subject
to stand up straight, actively place 1 arm over his
shoulder, and then reach the other arm up the back in
an attempt to touch the fingers of the opposing upper
extremities (Figure 3). This test was scored by mea-
suring the distance, in centimeters, between the fin-
gertips of the subject’s opposing hands. The Neer test
was performed with the subject seated by passively
moving the subject’s arm into full shoulder flexion.
The Hawkins test was performed with the subject seat-
ed with the shoulder passively flexed to 908in the sag-
ittal plane and the elbow flexed to 908. The examiner
then passively rotated the shoulder internally to end
range. A participant’s report of pain was considered a
positive sign for the Neer and Hawkins tests.
We conducted a pilot study of 10 subjects to ensure
intrarater reliability for each of the measures. An in-
traclass correlation coefficient (ICC) (3,1) model was
used. One researcher conducted goniometric measure-
ments, another researcher operated the handheld dy-
namometer, and a third researcher recorded all data
for each of the measurements. Three trials were col-
lected for each measurement. ICC values for all ROM
measurements were found to be above 0.94. All ICC
370 Barlow, Benjamin, Birt, and Hughes
Table 2. Performance data for subjects.*
group mean
6SD N 525
group mean
6SD N 529
Subject characteristics
Age, y
Height, inches
Weight, pounds
26.3 62.8
70.5 63.0
174.6 627.0
24.7 62.4
70.8 63.2
197.1 626.1
ROM, degrees
Flexion ROM
Internal rotation
External rotation
184.7 67.3
71.8 610.1
107.8 67.6
183.6 613.0
60.8 612.5
105.1 69.6
Strength, % BW
Internal rotation
External rotation
Middle trapezius
Lower trapezius
41.3 66.06
34.3 64.85
22.2 63.55
35.9 66.21
12.0 61.95
11.8 62.2
46.6 67.07
37.9 66.9
26.0 63.9
41.3 67.1
13.2 62.1
12.8 62.8
Clinical tests, cm
Right arm externally
Left arm externally
2.2 63.6
4.3 64.7
7.7 68.1
11.3 69.3
*ROM5range of motion; BW 5body weight.
Table 3. Statistical results of independent t-tests using
Bonferroni correction.
Subject characteristics
Age, y
Height, inches
Weight, pounds
ROM Data†, degrees
Flexion ROM
Internal rotation
External rotation
Strength data, pounds
Internal rotation
External rotation
Middle trapezius
Lower trapezius
Clinical tests, cm
Right arm externally rotated
Left arm externally rotated
†ROM5range of motion.
* Indicates significant finding (a50.014).
values for strength measurements were greater than or
equal to 0.90 with the exception of the middle trape-
zius (0.77) and the lower trapezius (0.74).
Statistical Analyses
On the basis of the pilot study, the GPOWER statistics
software program was used to calculate a power of
0.90 (2). The program uses sample standard deviation
data and mean difference information as inputs to cal-
culate sample size. A sample size of 23 subjects for
each group was needed to obtain a power of 0.90.
Strength measurements were converted from
pounds to percent body weight to account for differ-
ences in body weight between groups. Independent t-
tests were performed using a Bonferroni correction to
adjust the significance level for rejection to a50.014
to determine significant mean differences between
bodybuilders and nonbodybuilders (8).
Table 2 shows the means and standard deviations for
all measures for the 2 groups. Table 3 shows the sta-
tistical results for each of the independent t-tests. The
bodybuilders’ mean weight was significantly heavier
than that of the control group. The mean age and
height were similar between the groups. There was no
significant difference between the groups for flexion
and external rotation ROM measurements. The body-
builders had a significantly decreased average internal
rotation ROM by 118. Strength values, expressed in re-
lation to percent body weight, are also shown in Table
2. Bodybuilders were significantly stronger for all iso-
metric shoulder-strength tests except for lower trape-
zius strength. The mean strength values were 3–6%
larger for the bodybuilder group in flexion, abduction,
internal rotation, and external rotation. The body-
builders’ middle and lower trapezius muscle strength
values were approximately 1% greater than the control
group values. Three bodybuilders and 2 nonbody-
builders showed positive impingement signs with the
Neer and Hawkins tests. The Appley scratch test
showed differences in scores between the groups. The
scores were 5–7 cm larger for the bodybuilder group,
which indicated decreased shoulder mobility for the
The nondominant arm internal rotation ROM values
for bodybuilders were significantly less when com-
pared with the values for nonbodybuilders. These re-
sults support our original hypothesis of a decreased
internal ROM among bodybuilders. A combination of
increased muscle mass and posterior capsule tightness
Effects of Bodybuilding on the Shoulder Complex
as a result of bodybuilding may have contributed to
the decreased internal ROM. These findings were fur-
ther supported by significance in means between the
groups on the bilateral Appley scratch test scores. A
previous study by Jobe and Pink (6) has shown that
decreased shoulder internal rotation ROM has a high
correlation with shoulder pathology. Although previ-
ous studies (6) have suggested that bodybuilders’ ex-
ternal rotation ROM was increased because of com-
promising lifting positions, our study found no sig-
nificant differences between the groups.
The bodybuilders’ average weight was found to be
significantly greater when compared with the average
weight of subjects in the control group. To make
strength values relative to the size of the tested sub-
jects, strength values were expressed in relation to per-
cent body weight. As hypothesized, bodybuilders had
increased strength values for almost all tested motions.
Bodybuilder strength values, expressed as a percent of
body weight, were found to be significantly greater in
all MMT positions except for the MMT that assessed
lower trapezius muscle strength. Despite the signifi-
cance of the findings, we were quite surprised to see
that the bodybuilders were only approximately 5.4%
stronger than the average control subject for abduc-
tion. Furthermore, these same bodybuilders were not
much stronger than the nonbodybuilders on the 2
scapular retraction tests. When compared with sub-
jects in the control group, they were only 1.2% stron-
ger for retraction using primarily the middle trapezius
muscle group and only 1% stronger for retraction and
arm elevation in the prone position to test the lower
trapezius muscle group. These findings may indicate
that the training the bodybuilders were involved in
may be creating muscle-strength imbalances that are
a result of an overemphasis on lifting larger muscle
groups (e.g., pectoralis and deltoid muscles) and the
neglect of scapular stabilizers. This type of strength
imbalance in the shoulder girdle musculature has been
correlated to a variety of shoulder pathologies (4).
An interesting finding regarding the clinical tests
for shoulder impingement showed that even though all
subjects tested reported no recent shoulder pathology,
approximately 10% of these subjects were graded as
having positive signs on these tests. Previous clinical
research by MacDonald et al. (9) has found the Neer
test to have a sensitivity of 75% and the Hawkins test
to have a sensitivity of 92% for the appearance of sub-
acromial bursitis. No comparative information could
be found regarding the sensitivity of the Appley
scratch test. On the basis of the results presented, these
athletes may be in an early stage of impingement and
may already have altered shoulder biomechanics, as
evidenced by the results of the lack of strength differ-
ences between the bodybuilders and nonbodybuilders
in this study. The clinical tests used in this study may
serve as useful tools in providing initial screening for
detecting shoulder pathology and avoiding certain ex-
ercises that may propagate additional symptoms.
Limitations are apparent in this study. One limi-
tation was that some subjects in the control group lift-
ed weights but failed to meet the inclusion criteria for
the experimental group. These individuals were not
avid and experienced lifters who trained a minimum
of 3 times per week for at least 3 years. Their inclusion
in the control group may have reduced the differences
among scores on the variables measured. We still
achieved significance, however, on some of the
strength and ROM tests that indicate appreciable dif-
ferences. The majority of the control group subjects
were young, very active, and health conscious.
To better represent the population, a wider range
of people with various activity levels and ages should
have been collected. A more diverse sample among the
subjects in the control group may have more appro-
priately represented the 20- to 40-year-old population.
A limitation regarding the bodybuilders is that specific
workout information, i.e., types of exercises, could have
been gathered from the bodybuilders to specifically as-
sess whether members in this group were performing
exercises that may adversely affect the shoulder.
Recommendations for future studies include a lon-
gitudinal study to determine if motion deficits in
bodybuilders correlate with an increased incidence of
shoulder pathology. Another recommendation is to de-
termine if the shoulder kinematics of bodybuilders dif-
fer from those of nonbodybuilders when performing
functional activities involving elevation and internal
rotation. Finally, a study could use goniometric mea-
surements to determine appropriate ROMs needed to
perform bodybuilding activities in a safe manner.
Practical Applications
The results of this study have implications for body-
builders, strength coaches, personal trainers, and
health care providers in suggesting proper education
and instruction on maintaining appropriate shoulder
flexibility through performance and selection of prop-
er resistance exercise to minimize the incidence of
shoulder pathology. This study provides evidence that
bodybuilders have decreased shoulder ROM motion
and, in particular, decreased internal rotation ROM
when compared with bodybuilders. Although they
were stronger in the large muscle groups compared
with the nonbodybuilding (control) group, bodybuild-
ers were not significantly stronger in the retraction
movement, which required strength primarily in lower
trapezius muscles. This muscle group, along with oth-
er scapular stabilizers, should be a primary focus of
strength training regimens involving the upper ex-
tremity and trunk to decrease the likelihood of altered
biomechanics in the shoulder girdle, which may con-
tribute to shoulder impingement. Lifting weights has
372 Barlow, Benjamin, Birt, and Hughes
the potential to be detrimental to shoulder function
even though the primary goals of strength and size
benefits can be achieved. This possibility justifies the
need for proper supervision and the use of trained
specialists in the field of strength and conditioning to
design safe and productive strength training pro-
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Address correspondence to Dr. Joshua Barlow,
... In previous research, male powerlifters had less shoulder flexion (2), extension, and rotation than sedentary age-matched control subjects (2,4). Similarly, in other studies, researchers reported that recreationally trained men had less shoulder flexion, abduction, and internal rotation but more external rotation than sedentary control subjects (8); recreationally trained women had less shoulder internal rotation than sedentary control subjects (9), and body builders had less shoulder rotation than recreationally trained men (7). In each study, the trained or more trained group had significantly less range of motion (ROM) in 1 or more movements about the shoulder (2,4,(7)(8)(9). ...
... Similarly, in other studies, researchers reported that recreationally trained men had less shoulder flexion, abduction, and internal rotation but more external rotation than sedentary control subjects (8); recreationally trained women had less shoulder internal rotation than sedentary control subjects (9), and body builders had less shoulder rotation than recreationally trained men (7). In each study, the trained or more trained group had significantly less range of motion (ROM) in 1 or more movements about the shoulder (2,4,(7)(8)(9). Likewise, when reported, the group with more years of training experience had less ROM about the shoulder (4). Conversely, female powerlifters had similar shoulder ROM to age-matched recreationally trained women and significantly more horizontal abduction on the right side (10). ...
... Interestingly, in this study, the recreationally trained group had more years of training experience (effect size g 5 0.66) than the powerlifting group. Three of these studies included directional strength testing (7)(8)(9). Kolber et al. (8), Kolber et al. (9), and Barlow et al. (7) tested shoulder abduction and internal and external rotation, and Barlow et al. (7) also tested shoulder flexion. The trained or more trained groups had significantly greater strength scores in each movement direction except for recreationally trained men who did not have significantly higher strength scores in external rotation (7). ...
Spence, AJ, Helms, ER, Sousa, CA, and McGuigan, MR. Range of motion predicts performance in National-level New Zealand male powerlifters. J Strength Cond Res 37(1): 123-128, 2023-Previous research established that male powerlifters have less range of motion (ROM) in several movements about the shoulder and hip compared with sedentary male subjects. It is unclear if these differences in ROM are related to strength, training type, and years of training experience or if individuals with less ROM have a better propensity to gain strength. The purpose of this study was to compare strength and ROM in male powerlifters and recreationally strength-trained male subjects and to determine if ROM would be an effective predictor of strength in these groups. Twelve powerlifters and 12 recreationally strength-trained control subjects completed 1 repetition maximum (1RM) squat and bench press testing. In a subsequent session, active ROM was measured, and velocity data were collected during submaximal squat repetitions. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between the groups for age, height, body mass, training experience, and training frequency. Powerlifters had significantly greater (p ≤ 0.05) training duration and absolute squat and bench press 1RM. Powerlifters had significantly less shoulder extension and horizontal abduction, and hip flexion, extension, and adduction than recreationally strength-trained men. Significant negative relationships were found between 2-lift Wilks score (body mass relative strength) and shoulder extension and horizontal abduction, as well as hip flexion and extension. In powerlifters, significant negative relationships were found between competition Wilks score, shoulder extension, and hip flexion. Because these relationships correspond to the bottom position of the squat and bench press, it may be best to ensure that shoulder extension and hip flexion remain sufficient to achieve competition depth.
... Incorporating full-range resistance training into a workout routine can enhance flexibility as effectively as stretching [39]. The findings of Barlow et al. (2002) indicate that bodybuilders exhibit a decreased range of motion in shoulder rotation compared to the control group [40]. However, recreational resistance training can positively impact maintaining or enhancing mobility [41]. ...
... Incorporating full-range resistance training into a workout routine can enhance flexibility as effectively as stretching [39]. The findings of Barlow et al. (2002) indicate that bodybuilders exhibit a decreased range of motion in shoulder rotation compared to the control group [40]. However, recreational resistance training can positively impact maintaining or enhancing mobility [41]. ...
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Background: The upper limb is crucial for functioning in everyday life, thus comprehensive assessment is crucial for physically active people to monitor the effect of exercise and prevent injuries. The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between upper limb function, shoulder mobility, and posture in individuals who participate in recreational strength training. Methods: Thirty-four subjects who engaged in strength training of the upper limbs were divided into two groups: Group 1 (exercise < 3 years) and Group 2 (exercise ≥ 3 years). Lateral scapular slide tests, head and clavicle posture evaluations, and shoulder mobility and closed kinetic chain tests were performed. Results: Group 1 had a greater flexion deficit in both shoulders than Group 2. There was greater external rotation in the non-dominant shoulder and a greater score of the closed kinetic chain test in Group 2 compared to Group 1. There were no statistically significant differences between groups regarding scapula, clavicle, and head posture. The closed kinetic chain test was correlated with a scapula position and symmetry in shoulder flexion in Group 2. Conclusions: Long-term strength training of the upper limbs can be recommended to improve functional abilities in the closed kinetic chain, increase shoulder mobility, and reduce asymmetry.
... Weightlifting is widely used for various health benefits such as sports [1], injury rehabilitation, maintenance of cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness [2], and the development of muscle hypertrophy and shaping [3]. It is estimated that almost 45 million Americans are regularly engaged in weight training programs [4]. ...
... The findings of the current study are in agreement with those of Barlow et al. [1] who postulated that the selectivity in the training program with special focus on large muscles as pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, and deltoid muscles with neglection or undertraining of the stabilizers might be the reason for increasing body weight adjusted strength values of shoulder flexors, abductors, and internal and external rotators among body builders as compared with the controls. Moreover, the present study is aligned with the work of Kolber et al. [13] and Kolber and Corrao [14] in terms of the shoulder abductors and internal rotators' strength values. ...
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Background: Isokinetic strength imbalance is a risk factor for movement dysfunctions and injuries related to shoulder complex. The effects of recreational weightlifting on developing the imbalances between the shoulder muscles are not yet known. Objectives: To investigate the isokinetic concentric shoulder muscle strength values (peak torque normalized to body weight) in recreational weightlifters (RWL) and to compare the shoulder muscles agonist/antagonist ratios with nonweightlifters. Methods: Thirty male RWL with mean age, weight, height, and body mass index (BMI) of 21.56 years, 84.25 kg, 175.34 cm, and 26.51 kg/m2, respectively, matched with nonweightlifters served as a control group. The normalized concentric peak torque values of shoulder flexors, extensors, abductors, adductors, and internal and external rotators were measured at angular velocity 120°/sec by using Biodex isokinetic system. Moreover, the agonist/antagonist strength ratio for all muscle groups were calculated. Results: The normalized peak torques of RWL group were significantly greater than the control group (p < 0.05). The abductor/adductor and external rotator/internal rotator ratios of the RWL were significantly lower than the control group (p = 0.008 and 0.009, respectively). Conversely, there was no significant difference between both groups in relation to the flexor/extensor ratio (p = 0.259). Conclusion: These results suggested that the recreational weightlifting exercises place trainees at risk of muscle imbalances. Therefore, the restoration of a normal concentric abductor/adductor and external rotator/internal rotator strength ratios may decrease the risk of possible shoulder injury.
... The majority of training regimens also place too much emphasis on muscles that grow in size and strength while neglecting essential stabilizing muscles, which may thus impede shoulder function [5,17]. The findings of a study conducted by Barlow et al. [18] on shoulder strength and range of motion (ROM) support this, as they concluded that bodybuilders have imbalances in shoulder strength and ROM that may predispose them to shoulder disorders [18]. ...
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Background: Data on the effects of weight training on joint morphology are mostly restricted to muscle gain. However, in many circumstances, it is not stated if there are negative consequences for the joints and their surrounding components. This study was conducted to explore whether long-term excessive resistance training (RT) causes hidden pathological alterations in the shoulder. Methods: A total of eleven asymptomatic sportsmen (22 shoulders) underwent clinical and radiological examination of both shoulder joints. All participants had engaged in bodybuilding for at least four years, at least three times per week, and for at least four hours per week. All participants were examined clinically using the Constant Murley Score (CMS), Simple Shoulder Test (SST), UCLA Activity Test, and a specially designed questionnaire. All participants received a bilateral shoulder MRI. The MRI scans were checked for pathology using a checklist. Results: Maximum scores were observed for the SST and UCLA Activity Test. The CMS was 97.7 points on average (range, 87-100). RT had been conducted for a mean of 10.7 years (range, 4-20), for an average of 8.8 h a week (range, 4-12). MRI examinations revealed two supraspinatus tendinopathies (9.1%), one labral change (4.5%), three humeral tuberosity cysts (13.6%), fourteen acromioclavicular (AC) joint hypertrophies (63.6%), five AC joint osteophytes (22.7%), and ten signs of AC joint inflammation (45.5%). Conclusions: The research results show that strength is associated with MRI-documented AC joint pathology. However, it appears that RT may not negatively affect other anatomical structures of the shoulder.
... It has been known that athletes who have higher levels of flexibility levels have less sportive injury risk (Witvrouw et al., 2004). Notwithstanding, bodybuilders were observed to ignore workouts that can enhance range of motion (Barlow et al., 2002). According to modified sit and reach norms; males between 20-29 ages should have 30-33cm flexibility levels on average (Heyward, 2006). ...
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Bodybuilding is one of the physical activity types which is popular in our country like all over the world. However; the people who are dealing with bodybuilding apply a one-way training program for hypertrophy and it is well known that they disregard cardiovascular exercises that are important in the sense of either increase in performance, or for a healthy life. This study was aimed to assess recreational bodybuilders, from the American College of Sports and Medicine's standpoints. 22 Male athletes (age 19- 42) participated in the study (height 176.9±5.78 cm, weight 80.81±6.44 kg, bodybuilding experience 3 years). The maximal aerobic power levels of participants were measured with Queen College Step Test, flexibilities were measured with trunk flexion test, and back and leg strengths were determined with an isometric dynamometer. Skinfolds were measured with a caliper (Holtain) and Durnin and Womersley Formula was used in measuring body fat percentage, Demographic features and data on the training schedules of participants were obtained from the data collection form which was prepared by researchers. Participants were determined to have, 25.82± 1.7 kg/m2 Body Mass Index of participants (BMI) ) , 51.07 ± 8.02 ml/kg/min maximal aerobic power, 11.48±6.12 cm trunk flexions, 123.59±29.49 kg leg strength, 124.09±26.40 kg back strength, 53,83±7,82 right hand-grip and 13.32±2.80 % body fat percentages 4 Body Mass Index, maximal aerobic power, levels, and body fat percentage of participants were assessed as normal according to ACSM's norms, and their flexibility and strength levels were assessed as low. It was understood that recreational bodybuilders should add flexibility and maximal strength training to their routine training programs. Repeating this study with more samples, measuring strength with 1RM snatch and jerk tests will be more useful for further researches.
... It has been known that athletes who have higher levels of flexibility levels have less sportive injury risk (Witvrouw et al., 2004). Notwithstanding, bodybuilders were observed to ignore workouts that can enhance range of motion (Barlow et al., 2002). According to modified sit and reach norms; males between 20-29 ages should have 30-33cm flexibility levels on average (Heyward, 2006). ...
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In this book it was aimed to assess recreational bodybuilders' physical fitness levels by the American College of Sports and Medicine's (ACSM) standpoints.
... It has been shown that weight training routines often focus on the selection of large muscle groups such as pectoralis major, upper trapezius and deltoids, subsequently neglecting muscles responsible for shoulder stabilization, such as rotator cuff and scapular musculature [17]. Recent studies were able to find greater strength in the abductor and internal rotator musculature among weight training participants compared to controls, however, the shoulder external rotators and lower trapezius musculature were not significantly stronger [17,18]. Thus, this creates an imbalance of a muscle force couple which may alter the normal shoulder function and lead subsequently to primary GOA with posterior glenoid wear in young patients [19]. ...
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Introduction Although age is considered to be the major risk factor of primary glenohumeral osteoarthritis (GOA), younger population may suffer from degenerative changes of the shoulder joint without evidence of any leading cause. The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk profile in young patients suffering from presumably primary GOA. Methods A consecutive group of 47 patients undergoing primary shoulder arthroplasty for early-onset GOA below the age of 60 years at time of surgery was retrospectively identified and prospectively evaluated. Patients with identifiable cause for GOA (secondary GOA) were excluded. The resulting 32 patients (mean age 52 ± 7 years; 17 male, 15 female) with primary GOA were matched by age (± 3 years) and gender to 32 healthy controls (mean age 53 ± 7 years; 17 male, 15 female). Demographic data and patient-related risk factors were assessed and compared among both groups to identify extrinsic risk factors for primary GOA. Patients were further subdivided into a group with concentric GOA (group A) and a group with eccentric GOA (group B) to perform a subgroup analysis. Results Patients had a significantly higher BMI ( p = 0.017), were more likely to be smokers ( p < 0.001) and to have systematic diseases such as hypertension ( p = 0.007) and polyarthritis ( p < 0.001) and a higher Shoulder Activity Level (SAL) ( p < 0.001) when compared to healthy controls. Furthermore, group B had a significantly higher SAL not only compared to healthy controls but also to group A, including activities such as combat sport ( p = 0.048) and weightlifting ( p = 0.01). Conclusions Several patient-specific risk factors are associated with primary GOA in the young population, as well as highly shoulder demanding activities in the development of eccentric GOA. Consequently, a subset of young patients with eccentric primary GOA could in reality be secondary due to a muscular imbalance between internal and external rotators caused by improper weight training. Level of evidence III, Case–Control study
... These findings disagreed with both hypotheses. Previous cross-sectional studies have compared ROM in highly trained male populations such as powerlifters (4,8) and body builders (13) with ROM in sedentary and recreationally trained men, respectively. Similar studies have compared ROM in recreationally trained men (14) and women (15) with ROM in sedentary men and women, respectively. ...
Spence, A-J, Helms, ER, and McGuigan, MR. Range of motion is not reduced in national-level New Zealand female powerlifters. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2021-Some research suggests male powerlifters have less range of motion (ROM) in several directions about the shoulder and hip compared with sedentary men. In addition, those differences may be more pronounced in groups with higher strength levels and more years of experience. However, there is no information on ROM in female powerlifters. The purpose of this study was to evaluate single-joint ROM in competitive female powerlifters and determine whether single-joint ROM would be an effective predictor of strength in this population. Twelve female powerlifters and 12 female recreationally trained age-matched controls attended one testing session. Subjects reported their years of training experience, frequency, and average duration of training sessions. Active ROM measurements were collected at the shoulder, hip, and knee, using goniometry. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between groups for age, height, body mass, training experience, and training frequency. Powerlifters reported significantly greater (p ≤ 0.05) training durations than recreationally trained women. Powerlifters had significantly greater shoulder horizontal abduction on the right side (p = 0.022, g = 0.97), but no other ranges were significantly different between groups, and no ranges were significantly related to strength. Powerlifting does not seem to affect shoulder, hip, or knee ROM differently than recreational resistance training in women. Single-joint ROM was not an effective predictor of strength in female powerlifters.
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of gliding and flossing using an elastic band on the range of motion, pain, and depression of the shoulder-brachial joint for 6 weeks in 24 women between the ages of 30 and 50 diagnosed with adhesive arthritis and to examine the impact of employing an elastic band for the purposes of gliding and flossing on the scope of mobility, tenderness, and depression relating to the shoulder-brachial joint. This was performed over a duration of six weeks and involved 24 female participants who were between the ages of 30 and 50 and who had been diagnosed with adhesive arthritis. Method: Among a total of 24 female subjects were enrolled in the study and were assigned randomly into two groups. Weekly measurements of glenoid-brachial joint angle, pain, and depression were collected from both groups. Data collected during the study were statistically analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U-test in SPSS version 23.0. Results: The experimental group demonstrated significant improvements in flexion, extension, external rotation, and internal rotation angles of the shoulder joint over a period of 6 weeks, as compared to the other groups (p<0.001). Furthermore, the experimental group displayed a consistent decrease in pain and depression levels throughout the study period (p<0.001). Conclusion: The findings of this study provide evidence supporting the efficacy of employing gliding and flossing exercises using an elastic band to enhance shoulder-humeral joint range, reduce pain, and alleviate depression in women with adhesive arthritis. Nevertheless, the present study had certain limitations, including its narrow focus on specific participants and joints. Hence, further investigation is warranted to assess the impact of various movements of the shoulder joint on different age and gender groups.
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Background: The aim of this study was to determine the optimal upper-limb range of motion (ROM) profile for the catch phase of the clean movement (CPCM) and to identify the key ROMs for performing the CPCM in CrossFit® athletes. Methods: A prospective cohort study of twenty CrossFit® athletes aged 20-36 years was conducted. Data were collected regarding age, anthropometrics, CrossFit® training experience and upper-limb ROM. The ROM was measured using the ROM-SPORT method. After 7 months, athletes performed a clean movement with a load of 80% one repetition maximum. A Bayesian Student's t-analysis, binary logistic regression analysis and Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis were performed. Results: The optimal upper-limb ROM profile that predicted correct CPCM performance was 78° in shoulder extension, 173° in shoulder flexion, 107° in shoulder external rotation, 89° in shoulder internal rotation, 153° in elbow flexion, 99° in elbow pronation and 92° in wrist extension (area under the curve ≥ 651; positive predictive value ≥ 80%). Shoulder external rotation, elbow pronation and wrist extension were found to be the most important ROMs for the efficient and safe performance of CPCM (area under the curve ≥ 854; positive predictive value ≥ 85.7%). Conclusion: The upper-limb ROM profile is associated with proper clean performance. Further studies are warranted to determine whether improving flexibility on upper-limb ROM may improve proper clean movement performance.
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Discussion/excerpt Many injuries to the low back resulting from weightlifting or weight training are chronic ones with an insidious onset. The athlete, who is often engaged in other sporting activities, may be unable to precisely identify the time of onset. The adolescent athlete who presents with well-localized unilateral aching low back pain exacerbated by repetitive hyperextension lifting maneuvers may have underlying neural arch defects. Early detection, and proper joint protection and immobilization, of a young athlete with spondylolysis, may prevent slippage (i.e..spondylolisthesis) and allow dramatic pain relief as well as return to activity within several months. It is essential to distinguish the athletes with the aforementioned problems from the far more common ones with uncertain diagnosis studies, no signs of nerve root irritation, and that are relatively pain-free when not training. Such athletes may have the beginnings of posterior element changes and altered discovertebral or sacroiliac joint mechanics. Pathologically, these changes may consist of facet or sacroiliac joint synovitis, focal cartilage necrosis of fibrillation, and small circumferential tears of the annulus (unimpressive on routine studies). This differential diagnosis can be formulated by the employment of provocative injection techniques. Unless predisposing structural imbalance and technique factors are considered as part of the overall rehabilitation equation, athletes may incur further damage or continue to have chronic pain. Although the majority of the more common spinal afflictions secondary to weightlifting are amenable to a conservative approach, problems that require surgical intervention such as cauda equina syndrome or those that may contraindicate some type of therapy such as spinal instability must be identified. The aim of treatment is to decrease pain to a tolerable level and increase spinal range of motion, stability and strength to functional levels.
The use of weights is an increasingly popular conditioning technique, competitive sport and recreational activity among children, adolescents and young adults. Weight-training can cause significant musculoskeletal injuries such as fractures, dislocations, spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, intervertebral disk herniation, and meniscal injuries of the knee. Although injuries can occur during the use of weight machines, most apparently happen during the aggressive use of free weights. Prepubescent and older athletes who are well trained and supervised appear to have low injury rates in strength training programmes. Good coaching and proper weightlifting techniques and other injury prevention methods are likely to minimise the number of musculoskeletal problems caused by weight-training.
Although millions of men and women in the United States are regularly involved in some form of weightlifting, the average physician knows, and frequently cares, little about the sports involved. As a result, his or her knowledge of the medical and physiological issues involved is limited. This article attempts to address this lack by beginning with a brief introductory section outlining some of the similarities and differences between the major weight lifting approaches (power lifting, Olympic lifting, weight training and body building). Next it reviews major issues and controversies such as age restrictions for lifters, physiological effects, drug use, potential strength gains and hypertrophy. Finally, it discusses some of the more frequent and unique injuries that can occur in lifters.
The use of weights is an increasingly popular conditioning technique, competitive sport and recreational activity among children, adolescents and young adults. Weight-training can cause significant musculoskeletal injuries such as fractures, dislocations, spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, intervertebral disk herniation, and meniscal injuries of the knee. Although injuries can occur during the use of weight machines, most apparently happen during the aggressive use of free weights. Prepubescent and older athletes who are well trained and supervised appear to have low injury rates in strength training programmes. Good coaching and proper weightlifting techniques and other injury prevention methods are likely to minimise the number of musculoskeletal problems caused by weight-training.
There are two distinct pathological categories of shoulder injury. In the older population, shoulder injury is generally a result of the degenerative aging process. In the younger population, it is commonly a result of the repetitiousness of an overhead sport. In the latter group, instability is typically the core problem, leading to the continuum of subluxation, impingement, and rotator cuff tear. A classification scheme, proposing four definitive types of shoulder injury, assists in directing an effective management program. Once diagnosed (the first step of treatment) a conservative rehabilitation program that emphasizes strengthening of the glenohumeral protectors, scapulohumeral pivotors, humeral positioners, and power drivers is advised. The surgery of choice, for the small minority who fail to respond to the rehabilitation program, is the anterior capsulolabral reconstruction. A sports medicine team working together with the athlete is instrumental in his/her return to sport.