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Abstract and Figures

The study of synaptic transmission in brain slices generally entails the patch-clamping of postsynaptic neurones and stimulation of identified presynaptic axons using a remote electrical stimulating electrode. Although patch recording from postsynaptic neurones is routine, many presynaptic axons take tortuous turns and are severed in the slicing procedure, blocking propagation of the action potential to the synaptic terminal and preventing synaptic stimulation. Here we demonstrate a method of using calcium imaging to select postsynaptic cells with functional synaptic inputs prior to patch-clamp recording. We have used this method for exploring transmission in the auditory brainstem at the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body neurones, which are innervated by axons from the contralateral cochlear nucleus. Brainstem slices were briefly loaded with the calcium indicator fura-2 AM and stimulated with an electrode placed on the midline. Electrical stimulation caused a rise in intracellular calcium concentration in those postsynaptic neurones with active synaptic connections. Since <10% of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body neurones retain viable synaptic inputs following the slicing procedure, preselecting those cells with active synapses dramatically increased our recording success. This detection method will greatly ease the study of synaptic responses in brain areas where suprathreshold synaptic inputs occur but connectivity is sparse.
A-I Presynaptic terminals do not load with fura-2 AM. A Concentration standard curve for the fluorescence of fura-2 salt in MNTB neurones, excited at its isosbestic wavelength (358 nm). Data are mean €SEM of three cells at each concentration. The dashed line indicates the average fluorescence of neurones loaded with fura-2 AM (100€10 fluorescence units " 31€3 M fura-2). B Differential interference contrast (DIC) image of a field of MNTB neurones loaded with fura-2 AM. C Fluorescence image (358 nm excitation) of the same field of cells as in B. D Whole-cell recording from the middle MNTB neurone with 2 mM MnCl 2 in the patch pipette. This cell has an active presynaptic terminal as evident by the EPSC upon stimulation shown in the inset (scale bar is 1 nA and 5 ms). E Fluorescence image (358 nm excitation) of the same field of cells following manganese quenching of the postsynaptic fluorescence. Despite there being an active terminal around this cell, no synaptic terminal fluorescence is observed. F DIC image of an MNTB neurone with a presynaptic terminal (surrounding the postsynaptic cell, in between the two arrow heads), whole-cell voltage-clamped with a pipette containing 50 M fura-2 salt. G Fluorescence image (358 nm excitation) of the same cell as F demonstrating fluorescence clearly visible in the presynaptic terminal region. H DIC image of an MNTB neurone with a presynaptic terminal, whole-cell voltage-clamped with 10 M fura-2 salt in the internal solution. I Fluorescence image (358 nm excitation) of the same cell as H demonstrating fluorescence in the presynaptic terminal region, visible above the background autofluorescence of the slice. All images are to the same scale. The bars on B and C are 20 m
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Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol (2002) 444:663–669
DOI 10.1007/s00424-002-0861-6
B. Billups · A. Y. C. Wong · I. D. Forsythe
Detecting synaptic connections in the medial nucleus
of the trapezoid body using calcium imaging
Received: 11 January 2002 / Revised: 4 March 2002 / Accepted: 16 April 2002 / Published online: 29 June 2002
Springer-Verlag 2002
Abstract The study of synaptic transmission in brain
slices generally entails the patch-clamping of postsynaptic
neurones and stimulation of identified presynaptic axons
using a remote electrical stimulating electrode. Although
patch recording from postsynaptic neurones is routine,
many presynaptic axons take tortuous turns and are
severed in the slicing procedure, blocking propagation of
the action potential to the synaptic terminal and prevent-
ing synaptic stimulation. Here we demonstrate a method
of using calcium imaging to select postsynaptic cells with
functional synaptic inputs prior to patch-clamp recording.
We have used this method for exploring transmission in
the auditory brainstem at the medial nucleus of the
trapezoid body neurones, which are innervated by axons
from the contralateral cochlear nucleus. Brainstem slices
were briefly loaded with the calcium indicator fura-2 AM
and stimulated with an electrode placed on the midline.
Electrical stimulation caused a rise in intracellular
calcium concentration in those postsynaptic neurones
with active synaptic connections. Since <10% of the
medial nucleus of the trapezoid body neurones retain
viable synaptic inputs following the slicing procedure,
preselecting those cells with active synapses dramatically
increased our recording success. This detection method
will greatly ease the study of synaptic responses in brain
areas where suprathreshold synaptic inputs occur but
connectivity is sparse.
Keywords Brain slice · Calyx of Held · Electrical
stimulation · Fura-2 · Kynurenate · Medial nucleus of the
trapezoid body · Patch-clamp · Presynaptic terminal
The study of synaptic transmission was revolutionized by
the development of whole-cell patch-clamp recording
from brain slices [6]. The ability to record from neurones
and electrically stimulate their synaptic inputs in a
preparation that has undergone normal development has
greatly increased our understanding of neuronal commu-
nication in local circuits. However, the process of cutting
brain slices unavoidably severs many longer axons,
making it very difficult to identify functional pathways
in certain brain areas. To enhance our ability to study one
such pathway, we have developed a method to select
neurones with intact synaptic inputs by loading the brain
slice with a fluorescent calcium-sensitive probe and
observing the postsynaptic calcium concentration rise in
response to distal electrical stimulation.
We have used this method to detect functional synaptic
connections at the calyx of Held synapse. This synapse
mediates auditory transmission from the anteroventral
cochlear nucleus to the contralateral medial nucleus of the
trapezoid body (MNTB) via a long axon crossing the
midline in the trapezoid body (Fig. 1) [5, 7, 20]. It is a fast
relay synapse that faithfully transmits the presynaptic
action potential pattern at frequencies over 600 Hz [21,
24, 27] and forms part of the auditory pathway respon-
sible for sound source localization [8, 18]. Its large size
allows direct whole-cell patch-clamp recording from the
presynaptic terminal [7]. The abilities to image presyn-
aptic calcium [11], to release caged-calcium within the
terminal [2, 19] and to measure vesicle cycling with FM
1–43 [13] or capacitance change [23] make it one of the
most comprehensively studied synapses in the brain.
However, the ability to examine the postsynaptic response
at the calyx of Held synapse is limited by the difficulty in
recording from MNTB neurones that retain active
presynaptic terminals following the intrusive slicing
procedure. An excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSC)
can be stimulated in fewer than 10% of the MNTB cells
[1], even though anatomical studies indicate all the
principal cells receive calyceal inputs [21]. This makes a
B. Billups ()) · A.Y.C. Wong · I.D. Forsythe
Department of Cell Physiology and Pharmacology,
University of Leicester, PO Box 138, Leicester LE1 9HN, UK
Tel.: +44-116-2523303
Fax: +44-116-2525045
method for preselecting cells with functional synaptic
inputs highly advantageous.
Materials and methods
Brain slice preparation
Ten- to 14-day-old Lister hooded rats were killed by decapitation
and transverse brainstem slices (@200 m thick) were cut as
previously described [1]. The slicing medium was maintained at
around 0C and contained (mM): 250 sucrose; 2.5 KCl; 10 glucose;
1.25 NaH
; 26 NaHCO
; 4 MgCl
; 0.1 CaCl
0.5 ascorbic acid and 2 Na-pyruvate (pH 7.4 when gassed with 95%
/5% CO
). Slices were incubated for 1 h at 37C in aCSF, and
then stored at room temperature before being transferred to the
experimental chamber for recording. MNTB neurones and calyces
of Held were visualized with infrared differential interference
contrast (DIC) optics on a Nikon E600FN microscope with a 60,
N.A. 1.0, water-immersion, fluor lens. The aCSF contained (mM):
125 NaCl; 2.5 KCl; 10 glucose; 1.25 NaH
; 26 NaHCO
1 MgCl
; 2 CaCl
;3myo-inositol; 0.5 ascorbic acid and 2 Na-
pyruvate (pH 7.4 when gassed with 95% O
/5% CO
Calcium imaging
Slices were loaded with fura-2 by incubation in the recording
chamber with 7 M fura-2 acetoxymethyl (AM) ester for 5 min at
37C. Fluorescence loaded cells were imaged with light at 350 nm
and 380 nm from a Polychrome II monochromator (T.I.L.L.
Photonics). The incident light was heavily attenuated with neutral-
density filters and the exposure time for each frame was 100 ms per
wavelength. Emitted light was separated by a 400-nm dichroic
mirror and filtered with a 420-nm long-pass filter. Fluorescence
image pairs were acquired every 600 ms with a PentaMAX cooled
CCD camera via a Gen IV image intensifier (Princeton Instru-
ments) and analysed with MetaFluor software (Universal Imaging).
Similar experiments have also been performed using an Optoscan
monochromator (Cairn Research) and CoolSNAP fx camera (Roper
Scientific). Intracellular calcium concentrations were calculated
using the following equation [9]:
Rmax R
 ð1Þ
where Ris the ratio of fluorescence emitted following 350 nm and
380 nm excitation. A K
value of 135 nM was used and R
were established as 0.38€0.02 and 2.7€0.6 (n=10) using 2 M
ionomycin and external solutions containing 0 mM (1 mM EGTA
added) and 10 mM calcium. The 350-nm excitation light was
significantly absorbed by kynurenate, so in experiments using this
drug intracellular calcium concentrations were calculated using
only the fluorescence at 380 nm excitation and the following
equation [11, 12]:
Electrophysiological recording
Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were made from both the
synaptic terminal and postsynaptic cell using thick-walled glass
pipettes (GC150F-7.5, Clark Electromedical) with an Axopatch
200B amplifier, filtered at 10 kHz (8-pole Bessel filter) and
sampled at 20–50 kHz. Currents were recorded with pCLAMP 8
software (Axon Instruments). Whole-cell access resistances were
<10 MWfor the postsynaptic cell and <20 MWfor the presynaptic
terminal, and were compensated >70% with a 10 s lag time. The
intracellular solution contained (mM) 110 CsCl; 40 HEPES; 10
TEA-Cl; 12 Na
-phosphocreatine and 1 EGTA (pH adjusted to 7.3
with CsOH); 2 mM QX314 was routinely added to the intracellular
solution to block postsynaptic sodium currents and improve the
quality of the voltage-clamp. Excitatory postsynaptic currents were
stimulated with a bipolar platinum electrode consisting of two
platinum wires 300 m apart placed above and below the slice at
the midline (Fig. 1). Electrical pulses of 2–8 V and 0.2 ms duration
were provided by a Digitimer DS2 A isolated stimulator triggered
by the pCLAMP software.
Fura-2 AM was obtained from Molecular Probes and was used
from a 1 mM stock solution in dry DMSO containing 5% pluronic
acid. All other chemicals were obtained from Sigma. Data are
expressed as the mean €SEM and statistical significance (P<0.05)
was tested with 2-tailed t-tests. All experiments were performed at
physiological temperature (35–37C).
Calcium responses in synaptically connected neurones
Following fura-2 loading, fluorescence was detected in
many of the superficial MNTB principal neurones
(Fig. 2A). Brief trains of electrical stimulation at the
midline were used to activate axons in the pathway from
the contralateral cochlear nucleus to the MNTB. Principle
cells in the MNTB with active synaptic inputs showed an
obvious increase in intracellular calcium concentration
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the auditory brainstem. The output
from the anteroventral cochlear nucleus projects across the midline
to the contralateral medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB),
giving rise to the calyx of Held presynaptic terminals. Principle
neurones of the MNTB send inhibitory projections to the ipsilateral
medial superior olive (MSO) and lateral superior olive (LSO) in the
plane of the slice. MNTB neurones also project to the ipsilateral
ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, and dorsomedial and
ventromedial periolivary nuclei (not shown). The forked stimulat-
ing electrode is placed on the midline with one prong above and
one below the slice
) following stimulation (Fig. 2B). However, the
majority of cells (>90%) did not respond to remote
electrical stimulation (Fig. 2C) suggesting that their axons
no longer extend as far back as the midline stimulating
electrode or that the synaptic terminal has not survived
the slicing procedure. Calcium responses in MNTB cells
resulting from antidromic stimulation were also occa-
sionally observed, giving a “false-positive” response in
the calcium imaging data. The proportion of false-positive
responses was less than half of the total number of
responding cells and could be minimized by positioning
the stimulating electrode slightly contralateral to the
MNTB under observation, since the output from the
MNTB neurones innervates the ipsilateral medial superior
olive and lateral superior olive (MSO and LSO; Fig. 1)
but does not cross to the contralateral nuclei [21, 22].
False-positive electrical stimulation was distinguished
from orthodromic stimulation by its insensitivity to the
neurotransmitter receptor antagonist. Postsynaptic [Ca
responses resulting from synaptic activation were sensi-
tive to the glutamate receptor antagonist kynurenate
(Fig. 2D), whereas responses to antidromic stimulation
were unaffected. Application of 1 M TTX abolished
action potential propagation and all responses to electrical
stimulation (Fig. 2D), confirming the involvement of
regenerative sodium currents in the electrical activation
and excluding the possibility that calcium responses are a
result of a direct electrical effect on the postsynaptic cell.
Synaptic currents in identified cells
Whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings were made to
confirm that the neurone identified by calcium imaging
does receive a synaptic input. During the formation of the
electrode seal, the extracellular current recording in
response to synaptic stimulation can be examined in the
“loose-patch” configuration [10]. The postsynaptic action
potential can be detected as a small current approximately
1–2 ms after the stimulus artefact (Fig. 3A). The presence
of this current confirmed that the MNTB neurone has an
active synaptic input. When whole-cell current recording
was accomplished, the large glutamatergic EPSC was
clearly visible following stimulation (Fig. 3B). This
current is composed entirely of current through gluta-
mate-gated ion channels and is not contaminated by
regenerative sodium currents, as judged by its reversal
around 0 mV and insensitivity to the QX314 included in
the internal solution. Occasionally the recording electrode
picks up the extracellular presynaptic action potential
from the presynaptic terminal, as can be seen immediately
preceding the postsynaptic EPSC in Fig. 3C. If non-
synaptic activation of the MNTB cell was present, it
would be seen as an regenerative sodium current imme-
diately following the stimulus artefact, before the QX314
has had time to dialyse into the postsynaptic cell, as
shown in Fig. 3D.
Fig. 2A–D Detection of active
synapses with calcium imaging.
AA fluorescence image
(380 nm excitation) over the
MNTB nucleus from a slice
loaded with fura-2 AM. Scale
bar is 50 m. BThe change of
following electrical
stimulation (200 Hz for 200 ms)
of the same field of cells as A.
Scale bar is 50 m. CGraph of
the calcium concentration of the
cells in Aduring the electrical
stimulation (at arrow). Only 1
of the 17 cells (indicated by the
arrow head in Aand B) re-
sponds to the electrical stimu-
lation. D[Ca
recorded from
two further cells during repeat-
ed stimulation (at arrows), in
the presence and absence of
4 mM kynurenate and 1 M
tetrodotoxin (TTX). The re-
sponse in the top cell represents
antidromic stimulation, whereas
the lower cell demonstrates or-
thodromic, synaptic activation
Measurement of [fura-2] in pre-
and postsynaptic elements
Calcium indicators such as fura-2 also act as calcium
buffers inside cells, possibly altering their physiological
responses. The 5-min loading time was the minimum
needed to provide enough dye in the majority of
superficial cells for an adequate signal to noise ratio
without introducing an unacceptable amount of exoge-
nous calcium buffer into the slice. To quantify fura-2
loading into the MNTB neurones, a concentration stan-
dard curve was produced by whole-cell patch recording
MNTB neurones with varying concentrations of fura-2
salt in the patch pipette. After full equilibration of the dye
with the intracellular solution (approximately 20 min)
somatic images at the calcium-insensitive (isosbestic)
wavelength were used to produce a calibration curve
(Fig. 4A). This was compared to the fluorescence levels in
the MNTB neurones recorded at the isosbestic wave-
length following loading with fura-2 AM. The average
concentration of fura-2 loaded into MNTB cells was
calculated to be 31€3 M (n=39), and the maximum
concentration observed was 87 M.
Exogenous calcium buffering can influence neuro-
transmitter release [3, 26], so it was essential that fura-2
loading of the presynaptic terminal is minimal. Although
the small amount of fura-2 loading produced a detectable
level of fluorescence in the postsynaptic cells, presynaptic
terminals did not appear to be loaded with dye. It was
possible that the presynaptic fluorescence was obscured
by the signal from the postsynaptic cell. To exclude this
possibility we examined fluorescent images following
quenching of the postsynaptic fluorescence by whole-cell
patching the MNTB neurone with 2 mM MnCl
added to
the intracellular solution [16]. Figure 4B and C show the
DIC and fluorescent images from a field of cells loaded
with fura-2. Whole-cell patch-clamping the central neu-
rone in the field (Fig. 4D) confirmed the presence of an
active synaptic connection upon stimulation (Fig. 4D,
inset). Following removal of the postsynaptic fluores-
cence by manganese quenching, fluorescence in the
presynaptic terminal was not observed (Fig. 4E). Even
without MnCl
in the internal solution, the postsynaptic
fluorescence could also be removed by dialysis of the
fura-2 dye into the patch pipette, but this occurred more
slowly (data not shown). No fluorescence from the
presynaptic terminal region could be observed under
these conditions, indicating that the [fura-2] in the
terminal is below the optical limits of the imaging
system. To confirm that fura-2 could be detected were it
present in the presynaptic terminal, whole-cell recording
was performed from a presynaptic terminal [7] with 50 M
fura-2 salt in the patch pipette (Fig. 4F; see also [11]).
When this amount of dye was present, the presynaptic
terminal was clearly visible around the postsynaptic cell
(Fig. 4G). This was repeated with 10 M fura-2 salt in the
patch pipette (Fig. 4H, I). Although significantly dimmer,
the fluorescence from the terminal is clearly visible above
the background fluorescence of the slice at a higher
camera gain (Fig. 4I). Taken together, these results
indicate that there was no detectable fura-2 present in the
presynaptic terminal when the slice was briefly loaded
with fura-2 AM.
Fura-2 loading does not alter synaptic properties
Although no fura-2 can be visually detected in the
presynaptic terminals following AM loading of the slice,
there remains the possibility that a small amount of fura-2
may enter the terminal. Wang and Kaczmarek [26]
showed that the rate of recovery of the MNTB synaptic
currents from synaptic depression was slowed by loading
a brainstem slice with EGTA-AM (200 M for 30 min).
To ensure that fura-2 loaded into the slice in our
Fig. 3A–D Electrophysiological recordings from MNTB neurones.
ACell attached extracellular recording of the postsynaptic action
potential (t) following a single electrical stimulus at the midline
(arrow). The stimulus artefact is clearly visible immediately
following the stimulation. BWhole-cell voltage-clamp recording
of the excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSC; t) following
electrical stimulation (arrow) of the same cell as in A.CWhole-
cell voltage-clamp recording of a different cell showing the
postsynaptic EPSC (t) following electrical stimulation. Also
evident in this recording is the extracellular recording of the
presynaptic action potential (asterisk). The inset shows the current
on an expanded scale. The scale bar is 500 s and 100 pA. D
Whole-cell voltage-clamp recording of a cell without an active
synaptic input demonstrating an unclamped action potential
immediately following the electrical stimulation
experiments did not have a similar effect on the recovery
from synaptic depression we examined the effects of fura-
2 loading on trains of synaptic responses. Postsynaptic
recordings were obtained without previous dye loading,
and trains of stimuli were elicited during and for 30 min
after dye loading. Trains of stimuli were delivered at
300 Hz for 100 ms, resulting in a depressing train of
postsynaptic EPSCs. A test pulse, 1 s after the train, was
Fig. 4A–I Presynaptic terminals do not load with fura-2 AM. A
Concentration standard curve for the fluorescence of fura-2 salt in
MNTB neurones, excited at its isosbestic wavelength (358 nm).
Data are mean €SEM of three cells at each concentration. The
dashed line indicates the average fluorescence of neurones loaded
with fura-2 AM (100€10 fluorescence units 31€3 M fura-2). B
Differential interference contrast (DIC) image of a field of MNTB
neurones loaded with fura-2 AM. CFluorescence image (358 nm
excitation) of the same field of cells as in B.DWhole-cell
recording from the middle MNTB neurone with 2 mM MnCl
in the
patch pipette. This cell has an active presynaptic terminal as
evident by the EPSC upon stimulation shown in the inset (scale bar
is 1 nA and 5 ms). EFluorescence image (358 nm excitation) of the
same field of cells following manganese quenching of the
postsynaptic fluorescence. Despite there being an active terminal
around this cell, no synaptic terminal fluorescence is observed. F
DIC image of an MNTB neurone with a presynaptic terminal
(surrounding the postsynaptic cell, in between the two arrow
heads), whole-cell voltage-clamped with a pipette containing 50 M
fura-2 salt. GFluorescence image (358 nm excitation) of the same
cell as Fdemonstrating fluorescence clearly visible in the
presynaptic terminal region. HDIC image of an MNTB neurone
with a presynaptic terminal, whole-cell voltage-clamped with
10 M fura-2 salt in the internal solution. IFluorescence image
(358 nm excitation) of the same cell as Hdemonstrating
fluorescence in the presynaptic terminal region, visible above the
background autofluorescence of the slice. All images are to the
same scale. The bars on Band Care 20 m
Fig. 5A–D Fura-2 loading does not affect synaptic transmission. A
Whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings from an MNTB neurone
before and after loading of the slice with 7 M fura-2 AM for 6 min.
The synapse was stimulated at 300 Hz for 100 ms, followed 1 s
later by a test pulse to determine the degree of recovery from
synaptic depression. EPSCs are shown with the stimulus artefact
erased for clarity. BTest EPSCs from Aoverlaid for comparison.
The control trace is shown in black and the fura-2 trace in grey.C
The paired-pulse ratio (2nd EPSC/1st EPSC amplitude) and the test
EPSC ratio (test EPSC/1st EPSC amplitude) plotted as a function of
time during fura-2 AM loading of the slice and continuing for the
30-min de-esterification period. DComparison of the amplitude of
the 1st EPSC in the train, the paired-pulse ratio and the test EPSC
ratio before and after fura-2 AM loading. Data are mean €SEM of
three cells. None of these parameters were significantly altered by
fura-2 loading (P=0.28, 0.45 and 0.15 respectively; paired t-tests)
used to assess the degree of recovery from the synaptic
depression (Fig. 5A). Following fura-2 loading, the
magnitude and time-course of the test EPSC were
unchanged (two superimposed EPSCs in Fig. 5B). Fig-
ure 5C (open symbols) shows the ratio of the test pulse to
the amplitude of the first EPSC in the train, plotted during
and after fura-2 loading. There was clearly no effect of
fura-2 loading on the test EPSC, whereas EGTA loading
resulted in an approximately 15% decrease in the EPSC
magnitude 1 s after a 300-Hz, 100-ms train [26]. The ratio
of the second EPSC to the first EPSC (the paired-pulse
ratio) was similarly unaffected by fura-2 loading (Fig. 5C,
solid symbols). Averaged data from three cells (Fig. 5D)
showed that the magnitude of the EPSCs, paired-pulse
ratio and recovery from synaptic depression were all
unchanged by fura-2 loading.
To gauge the level of fura-2 loading needed to
significantly influence neurotransmitter release we ex-
posed to slice to a very high concentration of fura-2 AM.
Loading the slice for 30 min with 50 M fura-2 AM (a
sevenfold higher concentration for six times as long as the
usual loading conditions) resulted in substantial loading
of the postsynaptic neurones, but again no loading of fura-
2 into the presynaptic terminal was observed. To deter-
mine whether sufficient fura-2 had entered the presynap-
tic terminal to influence neurotransmitter release we
assessed the rate of recovery of the synapse from short-
term synaptic depression following trains of stimuli.
Following 100-ms trains of stimuli at 300 Hz, test pulses
were delivered with varying time delays, and plotted as a
ratio of the initial EPSC in the stimulating train (Fig. 6).
Compared to control (solid line), high fura-2 loading
(grey line) produced no significant change in the time
constants of recovery from depression. The fast time
constant was 52€9 ms (36% of total amplitude) in control
and 68€25 ms (43% of total amplitude) following high
fura-2 loading (n=3, P=0.58), and the slow time constant
was 2.6€0.6 s in control and 3.0€1.7 following high fura-
2 loading (n=3, P=0.83). This result indicates that even
this substantial fura-2 load does not adversely alter the
presynaptic calcium buffering.
We have demonstrated that calcium imaging can be used
in a brain slice to preselect cells with functional synaptic
inputs prior to attempting patch-clamp recording. Loading
the brain slice with a calcium indicator as described above
has minimal effects on the physiology of the pre- and
postsynaptic cells for the following reasons. First, the
concentrations of calcium-sensitive dye needed to detect
activity are very low, and will be rapidly removed (5–
10 min) from the postsynaptic cell by dialysis with the
whole-cell pipette solution during recording. Second,
fura-2 loading of the presynaptic terminals was below the
optical resolution limit of the imaging system (Fig. 4E),
less than 10 M (Fig. 4I). And third, the concentration of
mobile calcium buffers in the presynaptic terminal is
estimated to be equivalent to approximately 200 M
EGTA [3], a much larger amount than would be loaded
with 7 M fura-2 AM for 5 min. Low cytoplasmic
esterase activity probably accounts for the lack of fura-2
in the presynaptic terminals. Fura-2 AM loading had no
effect on the magnitude of the postsynaptic EPSCs,
paired-pulse ratio and recovery from synaptic depression
(Fig. 5). Excessive fura-2 AM loading (a high concentra-
tion for a long time) also has no significant effect on the
rate of recovery from synaptic depression (Fig. 6), in
contrast to EGTA AM loading which eliminated the fast
component of the recovery curve [26]. This result
indicates that there is a broad safety margin between the
amount of dye needed to observe postsynaptic calcium
rises and the amount that would influence presynaptic
calcium buffering. Our results clearly demonstrate that
the calyx physiology was unchanged by our loading
Detection of the extracellular action potentials with a
loose cell-attached electrode (Fig. 3A) has also been used
to screen for synaptic inputs [4]. However, the calcium
imaging method presented here allows a larger number of
cells to be screened in a relatively short time without
compromising the physiology. As a result, our rate of data
acquisition has increased. Peterlin et al. [17] have used a
similar “optical probing” technique to detect the postsyn-
aptic targets of individual cells in the cortex. Whereas
their method has been utilized to map-out synaptic
circuits (in the neocortex; [15]), we have used optical
probing to detect surviving synaptic connections by
grossly stimulating an entire input pathway. In the present
situation, the identity of the postsynaptic cells is known
but the nature of the slicing procedure and length of the
axon pathway reduce the connectivity from 100% to
<10%. This method will be of general application for
studies of sparse connections in other areas of the brain,
Fig. 6 Exposure to excessive fura-2 AM does not influence
recovery from synaptic depression. Following a depressing stim-
ulation train (300 Hz for 100 ms) the recovery of the EPSC was
measured as a function of time (expressed as ratio of the test EPSC
to the 1st EPSC amplitude at each time point). The control recovery
curve is shown in black. The recovery curve from cells in slices that
had been loaded with 50 M fura-2 AM for 30 min is shown in
grey. Data from three slices for each curve were fit with a double
exponential function
for example the climbing fibre to Purkinje cell synapse in
the cerebellum [14]. Suprathreshold postsynaptic respons-
es are an absolute requirement for detection of functional
synapses by this optical probing method. The calyx of
Held-MNTB synapse is ideal in this respect since each
presynaptic action potential produces a postsynaptic
action potential over an extensive frequency range [21,
24, 27]. The importance of this calyx of Held as a model
for studying synaptic physiology [7, 25] makes this
simple optical method a reliable means of detecting
functional synaptic connections, without adversely affect-
ing their physiological responses.
Acknowledgements We are grateful to Martine Hamann for
encouragement, suggestions and comments on the manuscript.
This work was supported by the Wellcome trust.
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... In order to identify neurones with intact synaptic connections, an imaging technique was used as previously described (Billups et al. 2002). Briefly, cells were loaded with 7 μM Fura 2 acetoxymethyl ester (Fura 2-AM; Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA) for ∼4-7 min and then viewed with a Photometrics Cool SNAP-fx camera after a single 100 ms exposure to light at 380 nm wavelength (provided by a xenon arc lamp controlled by a Cairn Optoscan monochromater; Cairn Instruments, Faversham, UK). ...
... Before recording, slices were kept in aCSF for 30 min to allow de-esterification of the AM dye. Fura 2 fluorescence was detected as described previously (Billups et al. 2002) and viewed using a PentaMax intensified CCD camera (Princeton Instruments, Inc., Trenton, NJ, USA). The fluorescence image (emission >505 nm) was displayed using Metafluor imaging software (v. 7, Molecular Devices), and the light source was a Polychrome II Monochromator (TILL Photonics, Martinsried, Germany). ...
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NMDA receptors (NMDARs) mediate a slow EPSC at excitatory glutamatergic synapses throughout the brain. In many areas the magnitude of the NMDAR-mediated EPSC declines with development and is associated with changes in subunit composition, but the mature channel composition is often unknown. We have employed the calyx of Held terminal with its target, the principal neuron of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB), to examine the NMDAR-mediated EPSC during synapse maturation from P10 to P40. Our data show that the calyx has reached a mature state by around P18. The NMDAR-mediated EPSC amplitude (and dominant decay ) fell from around 5 nA (: 40-50 ms) at P10/11 to 0.3-0.5 nA (: 10-15 ms) by P18. The mature NMDAR-EPSC showed no sensitivity to ifenprodil, indicating lack of NR2B subunits, and no block by submicromolar concentrations of zinc, consistent with NR1-1b subunit expression. Additionally, from P11 to P18 there was a reduction in voltage-dependent block and the apparent dissociation constant for [Mg(2+)](o) (K(o)) changed from 7.5 to 14 mm. Quantitative PCR showed that the relative expression of NR2A and NR2C increased, while immunohistochemistry confirmed the presence of NR2A, NR2B and NR2C protein. Although the mature NMDAR-EPSC is small, it is well coupled to NO signalling, as indicated by DAR-4M imaging. We conclude that native mature NMDAR channels at the calyx of Held have a fast time course and reduced block by [Mg(2+)](o), consistent with dominance of NR2C subunits and functional exclusion of NR2B subunits. The pharmacology suggests a single channel type and we postulate that the mature NMDARs consist of heterotrimers of NR1-1b-NR2A-NR2C.
... Before recording, slices were kept in aCSF for 30 min to allow de-esterification of the AM dye. Fura 2 fluorescence was detected using imaging technique described previously (Billups et al., 2002) and viewed using a PentaMax intensified CCD camera (Princeton Instruments, Inc). The fluorescent image (emission >505nm) was displayed using Metafluor imaging software (version 7, Molecular Devices), the light source was a Polychrome II Monochromator (TILL Photonics, Martinsried, Germany). ...
... The input resistances measured over the range −70 to −50 mV was 106 ± 14 M (n = 18). A bipolar electrode for stimulating trapezoid axons was placed at the midline and a DS2A isolated stimulator (Digitimer, Welwyn garden city, UK) delivered 0.2 ms pulses of 4–10 V. Synaptic connections were detected using an imaging technique described previously (Billups et al., 2002). Briefly, slices were bathed in 7 M Fura2-AM (Molecular Probes, Invitrogen) for ∼4 min after which excess Fura2-AM was washed off. ...
Most current clamp studies trigger action potentials (APs) by step current injection through the recording electrode and assume that the resulting APs are essentially identical to those triggered by orthodromic synaptic inputs. However this assumption is not always valid, particularly when the synaptic conductance is of large magnitude and of close proximity to the axon initial segment. We addressed this question of similarity using the Calyx of Held/MNTB synapse; we compared APs evoked by long duration step current injections, short step current injections and orthodromic synaptic stimuli. Neither injected current protocol evoked APs that matched the evoked orthodromic AP waveform, showing differences in AP height, half-width and after-hyperpolarization. We postulated that this ‘error’ could arise from changes in the instantaneous conductance during the combined synaptic and AP waveforms, since the driving forces for the respective ionic currents are integrating and continually evolving over this time-course. We demonstrate that a simple Ohm's law manipulation of the EPSC waveform, which accounts for the evolving driving force on the synaptic conductance during the AP, produces waveforms that closely mimic those generated by physiological synaptic stimulation. This stimulation paradigm allows supra-threshold physiological stimulation (single stimuli or trains) without the variability caused by quantal fluctuation in transmitter release, and can be implemented without a specialised dynamic clamp system. Combined with pharmacological tools this method provides a reliable means to assess the physiological roles of postsynaptic ion channels without confounding affects from the presynaptic input.
... Astrocytes are known to sequester synaptically released glutamate via EAATs and a direct activation of glial glutamate transporters following synaptic stimulation has been observed in the cerebellum (Clark & Barbour, 1997) and hippocampus (Bergles & Jahr, 1997), but not in the MNTB (Reyes-Haro et al. 2010). This difficulty in observing synaptically induced astrocytic transporter currents could be a result of the high conductance of the astrocyte membrane or as a consequence of the small number (<10%) of MNTB cells that retain active synaptic connections following the brainstem slice procedure (Billups et al. 2002). Moreover, inhibiting astrocytic glutamate transport influences the levels of glutamate in and around the synapse and alters the properties of synaptic transmission at the calyx of Held synapse (Renden et al. 2005), as well as at other calyceal synapses (Otis et al. 1996), in the cerebellum (Barbour et al. 1994;Overstreet et al. 1999;Carter & Regehr, 2000;Marcaggi et al. 2003) and in the hippocampus (Scanziani et al. 1997;Huang et al. 2004). ...
Key points Following release of glutamate from excitatory synapses, excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) sequester this glutamate into neighbouring astrocytes. The signalling effects on the astrocyte and the mechanisms by which this glutamate is recycled back to the synapse are currently unclear. In this study we use electrophysiological recording from neurones and astrocytes to show that a surge of the neurotransmitter glutamate, as usually occurs during neuronal activity, activates astrocytes and causes them to rapidly release the amino acid glutamine. This glutamine mediates a fast signal back to the neurones, where it is sequestered and is available for the biosynthesis of further neurotransmitters. Our data demonstrate a novel feedback mechanism by which astrocytes can potentially modulate neuronal function, and pave the way for development of new therapeutic approaches to treat neurological disorders.
... Hence, dynamic imaging has been commonly used to assess neuronal functionality in differentiated cultures, primarily using Ca 2+ -sensitive dyes [3,19] Ca 2+ indicators can be delivered to neurons either by single cell injection (electroporation: [20]; whole cell patch-clamp: [21]) or bulk loading [22]. Except when the Ca 2+ indicator is delivered locally using pressure ejection [23], the loading process of cultures takes longer than one hour [22] and can alter the physiological properties of the tissue [24]. The labeling of cells with JPW3027 on the other hand side takes between 5 and 10 minutes, does not require cell-toxic detergents (e.g. ...
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Pluripotent and multipotent stem cells hold great therapeutical promise for the replacement of degenerated tissue in neurological diseases. To fulfill that promise we have to understand the mechanisms underlying the differentiation of multipotent cells into specific types of neurons. Embryonic stem cell (ESC) and embryonic neural stem cell (NSC) cultures provide a valuable tool to study the processes of neural differentiation, which can be assessed using immunohistochemistry, gene expression, Ca(2+)-imaging or electrophysiology. However, indirect methods such as protein and gene analysis cannot provide direct evidence of neuronal functionality. In contrast, direct methods such as electrophysiological techniques are well suited to produce direct evidence of neural functionality but are limited to the study of a few cells on a culture plate. In this study we describe a novel method for the detection of action potential-capable neurons differentiated from embryonic NSC cultures using fast voltage-sensitive dyes (VSD). We found that the use of extracellularly applied VSD resulted in a more detailed labeling of cellular processes compared to calcium indicators. In addition, VSD changes in fluorescence translated precisely to action potential kinetics as assessed by the injection of simulated slow and fast sodium currents using the dynamic clamp technique. We further demonstrate the use of a finite element model of the NSC culture cover slip for optimizing electrical stimulation parameters. Our method allows for a repeatable fast and accurate stimulation of neurons derived from stem cell cultures to assess their differentiation state, which is capable of monitoring large amounts of cells without harming the overall culture.
... Cultured slices, containing dextran retrograde labelled MNTB neurons, were loaded with 5 μM Fura-2 AM (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA, dissolved in dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) containing 5% pluronic acid) for 10 min in aCSF. Before recording, slices were kept in aCSF for 30 min to allow de-esterification of the AM dye, using techniques described previously (Billups et al. 2002). In order to avoid glial cell debris and dead neurons, fura-2 fluorescence (excitation at 340 and 380 nm) was recorded only in confirmed MNTB neurons containing the retrograde dextran signal (543 nm excitation wavelength). ...
Principal neurons of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) express a spectrum of voltage-dependent K(+) conductances mediated by Kv1-Kv4 channels, which shape action potential (AP) firing and regulate intrinsic excitability. Postsynaptic factors influencing expression of Kv channels were explored using organotypic cultures of brainstem prepared from P9-P12 rats and maintained in either low (5 mm, low-K) or high (25 mm, high-K) [K(+)](o) medium. Whole cell patch-clamp recordings were made after 7-28 days in vitro. MNTB neurons cultured in high-K medium maintained a single AP firing phenotype, while low-K cultures had smaller K(+) currents, enhanced excitability and fired multiple APs. The calyx of Held inputs degenerated within 3 days in culture, having lost their major afferent input; this preparation of calyx-free MNTB neurons allowed the effects of postsynaptic depolarisation to be studied with minimal synaptic activity. The depolarization caused by the high-K aCSF only transiently increased spontaneous AP firing (<2 min) and did not measurably increase synaptic activity. Chronic depolarization in high-K cultures raised basal levels of [Ca(2+)](i), increased Kv3 currents and shortened AP half-widths. These events relied on raised [Ca(2+)](i), mediated by influx through voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) and release from intracellular stores, causing an increase in cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation. Block of VGCCs or of CREB function suppressed Kv3 currents, increased AP duration, and reduced Kv3.3 and c-fos expression. Real-time PCR revealed higher Kv3.3 and Kv1.1 mRNA in high-K compared to low-K cultures, although the increased Kv1.1 mRNA was mediated by a CREB-independent mechanism. We conclude that Kv channel expression and hence the intrinsic membrane properties of MNTB neurons are homeostatically regulated by [Ca(2+)](i)-dependent mechanisms and influenced by sustained depolarization of the resting membrane potential.
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Kv3 potassium currents mediate rapid repolarization of action potentials (APs), supporting fast spikes and high repetition rates. Of the four Kv3 gene family members, Kv3.1 and Kv3.3 are highly expressed in the auditory brainstem and we exploited this to test for subunit-specific roles at the calyx of Held presynaptic terminal in the mouse. Deletion of Kv3.3 (but not Kv3.1) reduced presynaptic Kv3 channel immunolabelling, increased presynaptic AP duration and facilitated excitatory transmitter release; which in turn enhanced short-term depression during high frequency transmission. The response to sound was delayed in the Kv3.3KO, with higher spontaneous and lower evoked firing, thereby reducing signal-to-noise ratio. Computational modelling showed that the enhanced EPSC and short-term depression in the Kv3.3KO reflected increased vesicle release probability and accelerated activity-dependent vesicle replenishment. We conclude that Kv3.3 mediates fast repolarization for short precise APs, conserving transmission during sustained high-frequency activity at this glutamatergic excitatory synapse.
Spontaneous bursting activity is already generated in the cochlea before hearing onset and represents an important condition of the functional and anatomical organization of auditory brainstem nuclei. In the present study, cochlea ablation induced changes were characterized in auditory brainstem nuclei indirectly innervated by auditory nerve fibers before hearing onset. In Meriones unguiculatus immunohistochemical labeling of calbindin-D28k (CB) and synaptophysin (SYN) were performed. The influence of cochlea-ablation on CB or SYN was analyzed by considering their differential immunoreaction during development. During the normal postnatal development, CB was first detected in somata of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) at postnatal day (P)4. The immunoreaction increased gradually in parallel to the appearance of CB-immunoreactive terminal fields in distinct superior olivary complex (SOC) nuclei. Cochlear removal at P5 or P9 in animals with 24 and 48 h survival times resulted in an increase in somatic CB-labeling in the lesioned MNTB including terminal fields compared to the non-lesioned MNTB. SYN-immunolabeling was first detected at P0 and began to strongly encircle the MNTB neurons at P4. A further progression was observed with age. Cochlear ablation resulted in a significant reduction of SYN-labeled MNTB areas of P5-cochlea-ablated gerbils after 48 h post-lesion. In P9 cochlea-ablated gerbils, a redistribution of SYN-positive terminals was seen after 24 and 48 h. Taken together, the destruction of cochlea differentially influences CB- and SYN-labeling in the MNTB, which should be considered in association with different critical periods before hearing onset.
Neurons in auditory brainstem nuclei have developed several molecular and cellular specializations to ensure that auditory information can be relayed and processed at high rates and with very high temporal accuracy. Among these is the expression of Kv3 family voltage-dependent potassium channels such as Kv3.1, which allow the neurons to fire many hundreds of times per second. The specific channel isoforms in auditory neurons change during development, allowing the activity and amount of Kv3.1 to be adjusted by changes in the amplitude and frequencies of sounds in the auditory environment. The molecular mechanisms that produce such adjustments include direct phosphorylation of the channels and rapid alterations in the rates at which the channels are synthesized. These mechanisms, in combination with changes in other types of channels, may maximize the accuracy of information transfer through brainstem nuclei in different auditory environments, and may contribute to the learning of auditory discrimination tasks.
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The mechanisms by which the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate is recycled at synapses are currently unknown. By examining the functional expression of plasma membrane transporters at presynaptic terminals, we aim to elucidate some of the mechanisms of glutamate recycling. Using whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings from rat calyx of Held presynaptic terminals, our data show, for the first time, that the glutamate precursor glutamine causes the direct activation of an electrogenic, sodium-dependent presynaptic transporter, which supplies glutamine for generation of presynaptic glutamate and helps sustain synaptic transmission. Interestingly, the functional expression of this transporter at the presynaptic plasma membrane is dynamically controlled by electrical activity of the terminal, indicating that uptake of neurotransmitter precursors is controlled by the demand at an individual terminal. Induction of the transporter current is calcium-dependent and inhibited by botulinum neurotoxin C, demonstrating the involvement of SNARE-dependent exocytosis in inserting transporters into the plasma membrane when the terminal is active. Conversely, inactivity of the presynaptic terminal results in removal of transporters via clathrin-mediated endocytosis. To investigate whether the presynaptic glutamine transporter supplies the precursor for generating the synaptically released glutamate, we measured miniature EPSCs to assess vesicular glutamate content. When the presynaptic glutamate pool was turned over by synaptic activity, inhibiting the presynaptic glutamine transporters with MeAIB reduced the miniature EPSC amplitude significantly. This demonstrates that presynaptic glutamine transport is centrally involved in the production of glutamate and assists in maintaining excitatory neurotransmission.
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One way in which animals localize sounds along the horizon is by detecting the level differences at the 2 ears. Neurons in the lateral superior olive (LSO) encode this cue by integrating the synaptic drive from ipsilateral excitatory and contralateral inhibitory connections. This synaptic integration was analyzed in 400-500-microns brain slices through the gerbil superior olive. Intracellular recordings from LSO neurons were obtained during the application of independent or conjoint electrical stimuli to the excitatory afferent and inhibitory afferent pathways. Stimulation of ascending fibers from the ipsilateral cochlear nucleus reliably evoked EPSPs and action potentials. Stimulation of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) consistently evoked IPSPs. The evoked postsynaptic potentials differed in that IPSPs were 2 times the duration of EPSPs. An electrophysiological estimate of convergence indicated approximately 10 excitatory and 8 inhibitory afferents per LSO neuron. MNTB stimulation suppressed synaptically evoked action potentials. When stimulus amplitude was increased to the excitatory pathway, it was generally found that a greater MNTB stimulus was necessary to suppress the action potential. A similar commensurate rise in ipsilateral and contralateral acoustic stimulation was also found to be necessary to give the same criterion response. These results confirm that the LSO can integrate evoked action potentials and IPSPs to encode interaural level. Increasing stimulus voltage was found to decrease both action potential and IPSP latency, suggesting that intensity information may be encoded with temporal cues in the nervous system. It was also found that an evoked burst of action potentials could be inhibited in such a way as to yield intermediate discharge rates, dependent on contralateral stimulus level. Taken together, these results suggest that certain properties related to level-difference coding may be available for intracellular analysis using the brain-slice preparation. Several temporal characteristics of the synaptic potentials, including latency and duration, may play a critical role in this simple computation.
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A new family of highly fluorescent indicators has been synthesized for biochemical studies of the physiological role of cytosolic free Ca2+. The compounds combine an 8-coordinate tetracarboxylate chelating site with stilbene chromophores. Incorporation of the ethylenic linkage of the stilbene into a heterocyclic ring enhances the quantum efficiency and photochemical stability of the fluorophore. Compared to their widely used predecessor, “quin2”, the new dyes offer up to 30-fold brighter fluorescence, major changes in wavelength not just intensity upon Ca2+ binding, slightly lower affinities for Ca2+, slightly longer wavelengths of excitation, and considerably improved selectivity for Ca2+ over other divalent cations. These properties, particularly the wavelength sensitivity to Ca2+, should make these dyes the preferred fluorescent indicators for many intracellular applications, especially in single cells, adherent cell layers, or bulk tissues.
The medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) is one of several principal nuclei in the superior olivary complex (SOC) of mammals. It is classically thought to function as a relay station between the contralateral ventral cochlear nucleus and the lateral superior olive (LSO), playing a role among those brainstem nuclei that are involved in binaural hearing. In order to characterise the physiology and morphology at the cellular level of the major neuronal component of the MNTB, the principal cells, we have analysed these neurons in rats in vivo using intracellular recordings and horseradish peroxidase-labelling. Our data demonstrate that MNTB principal cells, when being stimulated acoustically via the contralateral ear, show a phasic-tonic response with an onset latency of 3.5 ms and a suppression of their spontaneous activity following stimulus offset. These neurons have an axonal morphology whose complexity has not yet been described. All cells (n=10) projected exclusively ipsilaterally and had terminal axonal arbors in a variety of auditory brainstem nuclei. At least two and maximally seven auditory targets were innervated by an individual cell. Each cell projected into the LSO and the superior paraolivary nucleus (SPN). Additional projections that were intrinsic to the SOC were often observed in the lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body and in periolivary regions, with only one cell projecting into the medial superior olive. Most, if not all, MNTB principal cells also had projections that were extrinsic to the SOC, as their axons ascended into the lateral lemniscus. In two neurons the ascending axon formed terminal arbors in the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, and the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus could be identified as a target of one neuron. The location of the cell bodies of the MNTB principal cells correlated with the neurons' best frequencies, thereby demonstrating a tonotopic organisation of the MNTB, with high frequencies being represented medially and low frequencies laterally. The axonal projections into the LSO and the SPN were also tonotopically organised and the alignment of the tonotopic axes was similar to that in the MNTB. Our results confirm previous data from other species and suggest that MNTB principal cells have a great amount of physiological and morphological similarities across mammalian species. Furthermore, the complexity of the axonal projections indicates that these neurons play a role in auditory information processing which goes far beyond their previously described classical role.
The fluorescent probe FM1-43 has been used extensively for imaging vesicle recycling; however, high nonspecific adsorption resulting in elevated background levels has precluded its use in certain tissues, notably brain slices. We have found that a sulfobutylated derivative of β-cyclodextrin (ADVASEP-7) has a higher affinity for FM1-43 than the plasma membrane. ADVASEP-7 was used as a carrier to remove FM1-43 nonspecifically bound to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane or extracellular molecules, significantly reducing background staining. This has enabled us to visualize synaptic vesicle recycling in the nematode C. elegans, intact lamprey spinal cord, and rat brain slices.
(1) A preparation is described which allows patch clamp recordings to be made on mammalian central nervous system (CNS) neurones in situ. (2) A vibrating tissue slicer was used to cut thin slices in which individual neurones could be identified visually. Localized cleaning of cell somata with physiological saline freed the cell membrane, allowing the formation of a high resistance seal between the membrane and the patch pipette. (3) The various configurations of the patch clamp technique were used to demonstrate recording of membrane potential, whole cell currents and single channel currents from neurones and isolated patches. (4) The patch clamp technique was used to record from neurones filled with fluorescent dyes. Staining was achieved by filling cells during recording or by previous retrograde labelling. (5) Thin slice cleaning and patch clamp techniques were shown to be applicable to the spinal cord and almost any brain region and to various species. These techniques are also applicable to animals of a wide variety of postnatal ages, from newborn to adult.
The dendrites of many types of neurons contain voltage-dependent Na+ and Ca2+ conductances that generate action potentials (see ref. 1 for review). The function of these spikes is not well understood, but the Ca2+ entry stimulated by spikes probably affects Ca(2+)-dependent processes in dendrites. These include synaptic plasticity, cytotoxicity and exocytosis. Several lines of evidence suggest that dendritic spikes occur within subregions of the dendrites. To study the mechanism that govern the spread of spikes in the dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal cells, we imaged Ca2+ entry with Fura-2 (ref. 9) and Na+ entry with a newly developed Na(+)-sensitive dye. Our results indicate that Ca2+ entry into dendrites is triggered by Na+ spikes that actively invade the dendrites. The restricted spatial distribution of Ca2+ entry seems to depend on the spread of Na+ spikes in the dendrites, rather than on a limited distribution of Ca2+ channels. In addition, we have observed an activity-dependent process that modulates the invasion of spikes into the dendrites and progressively restricts Ca2+ entry to more proximal dendritic regions.
Cerebellar Purkinje cells are known to receive strong excitatory input from two major pathways originating outside the cerebellum and inhibitory input from two types of neurons in the cerebellar cortex. The functions and synaptic strengths of these pathways are only partially known. We have used the patch-clamp technique applied to Purkinje cells in thin slices of rat cerebellum to measure directly the postsynaptic currents arising from the two major excitatory pathways and one of the inhibitory inputs. Inhibitory synaptic currents occur spontaneously with high frequency and are variable in amplitude, ranging, in our recording conditions with high internal Cl-, from less than 100 pA to more than 1 nA. These currents are blocked by the gamma-aminobutyrate type A antagonist bicuculline. One of the excitatory inputs is all or none. For threshold stimulation, the synaptic current is either full amplitude, when the presynaptic fiber is successfully stimulated, or completely absent. This synaptic current is often larger than 1 nA and is virtually eliminated by 2 microM 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione, a blocking agent thought to be specific for glutamate receptors that are not of the N-methyl-D-aspartate type. Its all-or-none character identifies it as arising from a climbing-fiber synapse. The other excitatory input produces a synaptic current that is smoothly graded as a function of stimulus intensity. This response we believe arises from the stimulation of mossy fibers or granule cells. The synaptic current associated with this input is also largely eliminated by 2 microM 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione.
We made intraaxonal recordings from 30 individual globular bushy cell axons in the trapezoid body of the cat using HRP-filled glass microelectrodes. With subsequent HRP injection, we determined their axonal projection patterns. For cells with characteristic frequencies (CFs) above 3 kHz, short-tone peristimulus time histograms (PSTHs) at CF were typically primarylike at low tone intensities and primarylike with notch (PLN) or onset with low sustained activity (OL) at higher stimulus levels. Cells with CFs between 1 and 3 kHz showed the same response features with the spikes in the sustained region of the response phase-locked to the stimulus tone. Cells with CFs below 1 kHz showed phase-locked PSTHs with exceptionally high levels of synchrony compared to eighth nerve fibers with comparable CFs. This exceptional phase-locking was also noted when cells with CFs of 1–3 kHz were presented with tones below 1 kHz. Although the globular bushy cell axons were not completely filled from the soma of origin to terminal fields in the contralateral brainstem, a number of consistent anatomical features were distinguished in the population. All but one of the myelinated axons crossed the midline in the middle, large fiber component of the trapezoid body. Ipsilaterally, the axon always gave off from one to four collateral branches whose major targets were the posterior periolivary nucleus (PPO) and the lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body (LNTB). Minor termination sites for ipsilateral collateral branches were the dorsolateral periolivary nucleus (DLPO) and the lateral superior olive (LSO). Contralaterally the axon gave rise to one or two calyces of Held in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB). Three other major collateral branches arose from the contralateral axon and innervated a consistent set of areas. One headed caudally to innervate an area just ventromedial to the facial nucleus. Another followed the sixth nerve dorsally to innervate the dorsomedial periolivary nucleus (DMPO). A third collateral headed rostrally toward the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (VNLL), giving off occasional small sidebranches. Although each injected axon gave rise to a collateral that innervated the MNTB, it did not necessarily give rise to all three of the other collateral branches.