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Role of Leucine in Protein Metabolism During Exercise and Recovery



Exercise produces changes in protein and amino acid metabolism. These changes include degradation of the branched-chain amino acids, production of alanine and glutamine, and changes in protein turnover. One of the amino acid most affected by exercise is the branched-chain amino acid leucine. Recently, there has been an increased understanding of the role of leucine in metabolic regulations and remarkable new findings about the role of leucine in intracellular signaling. Leucine appears to exert a synergistic role with insulin as a regulatory factor in the insulin/ phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3-K) signal cascade. Insulin serves to activate the signal pathway, while leucine is essential to enhance or amplify the signal for protein synthesis at the level of peptide initiation. Studies feeding amino acids or leucine soon after exercise suggest that post-exercise consumption of amino acids stimulates recovery of muscle protein synthesis via translation regulations. This review focuses on the unique roles of leucine in amino acid metabolism in skeletal muscle during and after exercise.
Role of Leucine in Protein Metabolism
During Exercise and Recovery
Donald K. Layman
Cataiog Data
Layman, D.K. (2002). Role of leucine in protein metabolism during exercise and recovery.
J. Appi. Physioi. 27(6): 646-662. ©2002 Canadian Society for Exercise Pbysiology.
Keywords: branched-chain amino acids, insulin, protein synthesis, skeletal muscle
Mots-cles: acides amines a chaine ramifiee, insuline, synthise de proteines, muscle
Exercise produces changes in protein and amino acid metabolism. These changes include
degradation ofthe branched-chain amino acids, production of aianine and glutamine, and
changes in protein tumover. One ofthe amino acid most affected
by exercise
is the
chain amino acid
Recently, there has been an increased understanding ofthe role
of leucine in metabolic regulations and remarkable new findings about the role of leucine in
Leucine appears to exert a synergistic role with insulin as a regula-
tory factor in the insulin/ phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3-K) signal cascade. Insulin
serves to activate the signal pathway, while leucine is essential to enhance or amplify the
signal for protein synthesis at the level of peptide initiation. Studies feeding amino acids or
leucine soon afier
suggest that post-exercise consumption of amino acids stimulates
recovery of muscie protein synthesis via translation
This review focuses on the
of leucine in amino acid
muscle during and afier
'exercice modifie le metaboUsme
des proteines et des acides
Parmi tes
notons la degradation des acides amines a chaine ramifiee, la production
et de
glutamine ainsi que ie taux de renouveliement des proteines. La leucine, un acide amine a
chaine ramifiee, est un des acides amines les plus touches par I'exercice, Au cours des
de nombreuses etudes ont contribue a I 'enrichissement des connaissances
role de la leucine dans la regulation du
les etudes ont egalement devoile
The author is with the Department of Rood Science and Human Nutridon, University
of Illinois, Urbana, IL.
Leucine in Protein Metabolism 647
les importantes fonctions
cet acide dans
jouer un role synergique avec I'insuline en tant que facteur de regulation dans la cascade
des signaux de l'msuline/phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase. L'insuline enclenche le processus
et la leucine est indispensable pour ameliorer ou amplifier le signal declenchant
des proteines au niveau des peptides. Les etudes sur la consommation d'acides amines ou
de leucine peu apres la fin de l'exercice mettent de V avant que la consommation d'acides
amines apris la fin de l'exercice stimuie la recuperation des proteines musculaires par des
regulations de translation. Cet article met I'accent sur les roles particuliers de la leucine
dans le metabolisme intramusculaire des acides amines au cours et apres un exercice.
Dietary protein has been assumed to be important for physical performance since
ancient times when consumption of meat was thought to enhance strength and
endurance. However, lipids and carbohydrates are clearly established as the major
fuels for muscle contraction (Wolfe, 1998) and relatively little additional protein is
believed necessary for muscle hypertrophy (RDA, 1989). Still most current day
athletes consume copious quantities of protein under the belief that protein intake
is a key to muscle development (Hickson and Wolinsky, 1996). For reviews of
exercise and protein metabolism see Paul et
(1997), Wagenmakers (1998a), and
Rennie and Tipton (2000).
Evaluating the roles of protein and amino acids in maintaining the structure
and function of skeletal muscle is complicated by the diversity of the individual
amino acids. For carbohydrates and lipids, the basic molecules are glucose and
palmitate and the functions are largely limited to generation of energy via ATP or
storage as glycogen or fat. On the other hand, there are twenty different amino
acids required for protein structures and many of these amino acids also partici-
pate in numerous other metabolic reactions. In skeletal muscle, the amino acid
with the most complex of these metabolic roles may be the branched-chain amino
acid leucine.
Anabolic effects of leucine on muscle protein have been reported for over
twenty years (Buse and Reid, 1975; Li and Jefferson, 1978; Tischler et al, 1982),
however, only recently have researchers begun to understand and integrate the
overall metabolic roles of this amino acid (Hutson and Hards, 2001). Leucine
participates in metabolism in diverse ways including 1) as a substrate for protein
synthesis, 2) as a fuel, and 3) as a metabolic signal. The most obvious role for any
atnino acid is as the fundamental unit for building protein. As a substrate for muscle
protein synthesis, leucine's role is similar to the other twenty amino acids; how-
ever, in skeletal muscle leucine is disproportionately incorporated into proteins
accounting for approximately 9% of muscle atnino acids (RDA, 1989). Leucine
also functions as a metabolic fuel in muscle. Skeletal muscle is the principle site
for degradation of the three branched-chain amino acids, leucine, isoleucine and
valine. Degradation of these three amino acids in muscle provides carbon for use
as a direct energy source and also provides the stimulus for synthesis of alanine
and glutamine. Finally, the most recent and perhaps most intriguing role for leu-
cine is its participation in intracellular signal transduction as part of the insulin
signal cascade. Recent discovery of leucine's participation in signaling begins to
suggest links among the diverse metabolic roles of this essential atnino acid.
648 Layman
Exercise Stimulates BCAA Metabolism
Collectively, the three branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) make up over
the amino acids in the food supply and account for three of the nine essential
amino acids in the diet. Further, the BCAA have the distinction of being the only
amino acids that are largely degraded in skeletal muscle. Associated with these
properties, the BCAA, exhibit rapid changes in blood and tissue concentrations
associated with dietary intake, metabolic stress, and exercise (Ahlborg et al., 1974;
Harper et al., 1984).
Ahlborg et
reported that exercise stimulated movement of amino
acids through the blood. They reported that interorgan movement of amino acids
was dominated by the three branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) and alanine. The
BCAA pass into the blood from the liver and gut and circulate to skeletal muscle
for use in synthesis of proteins or for degradation of
amino acids as a source of
energy. Degradation of the BCAA to energy results in release of the amino-nitro-
gen that is transferred from the BCAA on to either pyruvate or a-ketoglutarate to
form the non-essential amino acids alanine and glutamine (Figure
Alanine and
glutamine are released from muscle into the blood and circulate back to visceral
LiverSkeletal Muscle
Figure 1. Picture represents movement of the BCAA from viseral tissues (liver and gut)
through blood circulation to uptake by skeletal muscle. In muscle tissue, BCAA are used
for protein synthesis, production of energy, and synthesis of alanine (Ala) and glutamine
Alanine and glutamine are released from muscle and return to the liver and gut as
substrates for endogenous production of glucose. Abbreviations: BCAA branched-chain
amino acids, a-kg alpha-ketoglutarate.
Leucine in Protein Metabolism 649
tissues where tbe liver removes alanine and tbe gut, kidney and liver remove
glutamine. Tbis interorgan movement of amino acids serves multiple purposes
including delivering BCAA to muscle as a source of energy, supplying potential
intermediates for tbe TCA cycle, and providing a constant supply of alanine and
glutamine for endogenous production of glucose (Harper et
1998a; Young and Ajami, 2001).
Degradation of tbe tbree BCAA in skeletal muscle is largely dependent on
increases in tbe concentration of tbe amino acids (Harper et al., 1984). Tbe first
step in degradation is an aminotransferase tbat is sbared by tbe tbree BCAA and
driven by concentration. Tbe BCAA aminotransferase is predominately found in
muscle tissue and essentially absent in liver. Absence of tbe aminotransferase in
liver results in constant release of BCAA from visceral tissues, movement tbrougb
tbe blood and extraction by skeletal muscle. Witbin muscle, tbe aminotransferase
removes tbe a-amino group from tbe BCAA and transfers it either to pyruvate
forming alanine or to a-ketoglutarate forming glutamate. The second step in deg-
radation ofthe BCAA
also a shared enzyme known
the branched-chain ketoacid
debydrogenase (BCKAD) (Harris et al., 2001). BCKAD removes tbe alpha-car-
bon and comtnits the amino acid to complete degradation to energy.
Extraction of BCAA from plasma circulation increases during exercise in
proportion to intensity and duration (Ahlborg et al., 1974; Paul et al., 1996; Van
Hall et al., 1996). Movement of the BCAA into skeletal muscle stimulates their
oxidation (Wolfe et al., 1982). Early in exercise, changes in plasma amino acids
reflect an increased visceral release of BCAA and increased muscle production of
alanine. As the level of work progresses, production of alanine gives way to pro-
duction of glutatnine (Van Hall et al., 1995). These changes in tbe non-essential
amino acid products appear to be associated with the availability of pyruvate de-
rived from either blood glucose or muscle glycogen. At tbe beginning of exercise,
pyruvate appears to be readily available resulting in alanine production. As the
activity progresses, alanine production is replaced by production of glutamine from
a-ketoglutarate and glutamate. These reactions suggest a link between BCAA
metabolism and the balance of fuels during exercise (Wagenmaker, 1998a).
Supplementation of BCAA as ergogenic aids for muscle activity has been
tested with apparently minimal or no effects on performance (Blomstrand et al.,
lackson et al., 1997; Madsen et al., 1996). However, the rate of BCAA deg-
radation is not insignificant with leucine oxidation ranging from 30 to 70 |xmol/
kg-hr for cycling activities at intensities of 30 - 55% VO^^^ (Evans et al., 1983;
Wolfe et al., 198^2). Depending on the size of the athlete and the intensity of tbe
exercise, leucine oxidation may reach nearly 1.0 g/hr. During intense exercise, we
observed a decline in plasma levels of BCAA after 90 minutes of intense cycling
and tbis decline continued into recovery (Paul et al, 1996).
Impact of Exercise on Muscle Protein Synthesis
Athletes have intense interest in muscle mass because ofthe relationship of muscle
mass to strength. Muscle mass is infiuenced by numerous factors but ultimately
the amount of protein is determined from the balance between the rates of protein
synthesis and protein breakdown. The combination of synthesis and breakdown is
called protein turnover. During muscle hypertrophy, the net balance of synthesis
650 Layman
atid breakdown is positive producing muscle growth. To maximize muscle hyper-
trophy, athletes ofteti consume four to five times the RDA for protein (Hicksoti
and Wolitisky, 1996). However, maximum rates of growth or muscle hypertrophy
are less thati 0.5 kg per week. Assuming that protein accounts for 20% of this
weight change, maximum protein accretion is less than 15 grams per day for the
entire body, implying that the additional protein needs for muscle hypertrophy are
minimal. On the other hand, while the net balance is small, whole body protein
tumover accounts for over 300 grams of protein being synthesized and degraded
each day (Munro, 1982; Pacy et
1994) maximizing the potential for the body to
repair and remodel its structure. The discrepancy between the relatively small level
of daily protein deposition and the large rate of protein tumover makes evaluation
of protein needs challenging.
The individual processes of synthesis and breakdown are regulated by dif-
ferent mechanisms but appear to increase or decrease in a coordinate manner
(Millward et al., 1976). The relative importance of regulation ofsynthesis versus
breakdown in determining muscle mass is unknown. Under most conditions, the
anabolic response of protein tumover appears to be led by changes in protein syn-
thesis (Phillips et al., 1999). This review focuses on some remarkable new find-
ings about the molecular regulation of protein synthesis and the direct links to
insulin signaling and leucine levels.
Exercise is an anabolic stimulus resulting in increased muscle mass and
strength. Studies of isolated muscles demonstrate that constant stretch or electri-
cally induced contraction stimulate anabolic changes in muscle protein synthesis
at levels of both transcription and translation and produce muscle hypertrophy
(Goldspink, 1978; Laurant et al, 1978). While exercise has an anabolic effect on
muscle development, changes in protein tumover during exercise and key regula-
tory steps to achieve maximum muscle development have not been fully eluci-
dated.In the early 198O's, a number of laboratories reported that immediately after
a bout of exercise muscle protein synthesis was reduced (Dohm et
et al.,
Wolfe et al.,1982). Research with rats indicated that the magnitude of
the inhibition was proportional to the intensity and duration of the activity such
that exhaustive, endurance running could depress muscle protein synthesis by as
much as 70% (Dohm et al., 1980). More recent work with experimental animals
appears to support these earlier findings (Balon et al., 1990; Davis and Karl, 1986;
Gautsch et al., 1998). The time-course for recovery of protein synthesis after exer-
cise is unknown, however, Tipton and Rennie (2000) suggest that protein metabo-
lism may remain negative in the absence of adequate food intake. Recently, we
found that protein synthesis remains depressed for at least eight hours after ex-
haustive exercise if an animal consumes nothing but fluids (Figure 2, unpublished
In total, these studies suggest that exercise of high intensity and long dura-
tion is a metabolic stress that inhibits that rate of protein synthesis. If this is true,
then the anabolic effects of exercise must
achieved during post-exercise recovery.
While intense exercise appears to depress protein synthesis in rats, the find-
ings from studies with humans are less clear. Investigators have reported decreases
(Rennie et al., 1981, Wolfe et al., 1982), no change (Carraro et al., 1990;
Wagenmakers , 1998b), or increases (Tipton et al., 1999) in protein synthesis after
exercise. The diversity of these findings has been attributed to differences in the
Protein Metabolism651
Protein ^
8 "
6 -
4 -
-2-1 0 1 2 3
Time (hours)
Figure 2. Time course changes
muscle protein synthesis after exhaustive exercise.
Rats were exercised
hrs on a motor-driven treadmill
36 m/min (~70%
ter a 12-hour fast. Rates
protein synthesis were determined by ineorporation
leucine into muscle protein using short-term bolus methods. Each data point represents
the exercise protocol,
methodology differences among
isotopic tracers,
and to
differences between human
their ability
to sus-
tain intense exercise (Rennie and Tipton, 2000; Wagenmaker, 1998b).
is not possible to fully reconcile these differences. An important
comparing animal
human exercise studies
is to
exercise. Most animal studies utilize endurance exercise with high inten-
sity (>70% VO^max), while most human studies
use low
intensity (40% VO^max)
or resistance exercise. Further,
problem inherent
human metabolic studies
the need to make indirect measurements. Use
stable isotopes has been
dous advancement
human metabolic research. However,
use of
stable isotopes
requires prolonged steady-state infusion
sufficient quantities
reach measur-
able enrichment ofthe amino acid
For these measurements to be interpreted,
methods require achieving
maintaining isotopic steady state. For exercise
periments, this requirement
virtually impossible. Beginning with
rest, exercise progresses from early metabolic adjustments toward
the physiology of exhaustion. Many investigators have attempted to minimize these
using prolonged exercise. Unfortunately, prolonged exercise usually
requires exercise
lower intensity. Still other methods such
nitrogen balance
measurements appear
reach definitive conclusions about short-term
protein synthesis.
In the
full understanding
metabolism during exercise,
molecular mechanisms
regulations obtained
from animals studies remain important.
Leucine Stimulation
Muscle Protein Synthesis
protein synthesis occurs
numerous ways.
is controlled
at the
DNA into messenger
652 Layman
Illustration represents translational regulation of protein synthesis emphasiz-
ing role of
initiation factors eIF2, eIF3 and
Initiation factor eIF2 participates in
formation of
ternary complex (43S pre-initiation complex) including the
mal subunit and methionine-tRNA. The eIF4 is required for recognition and unfolding of
secondary structure at the
mRNA. The
is required to bind to the 40S
subunit during termination to maintain the subunit in
form active for protein synthesis.
RNA and at the level of translation of individual mRNA into peptides. In general,
transcription adjusts the capacity for synthesis of a protein. Short-term, minute-
by-minute controls of protein synthesis occur by regulation of the translation of
mRNA into individual proteins (Pain, 1996; Figure 3). Short-term controls are
modified by factors including hormones and the availability of energy or aniino
These controls are exerted through at least twelve regulatory proteins called
eukaryote initiation factors (elF). Of these initiation factors, at least two of these
factors, eIF2 and eIF4 are subject to physiological regulations (Campbell et al.,
Within skeletal muscle, the initiation factor eIF4 exhibits unique
regulation by the BCAA leucine (Anthony et al., 2001).
The first evidence that leucine could stimulate muscle protein synthesis ap-
peared in the 197O's. Using isolated diaphragm muscle and perfused himblimb
preparations, researchers demonstrated that supplementing the plasma or media
complete mixture of essential amino acids stimulated protein synthesis (Fulks
et al.,
Li and Jefferson, 1978). Further evaluation ofthe impact of individual
amino acids revealed that the stimulatory effect of the complete mixture could be
reproduced by the single amino acid leucine (Buse and Reid, 1975; Hong and
Layman, 1984; Tischler et al., 1978). Initially, these findings were interpreted to
suggest that leucine might have potential to stimulate muscle growth or reduce
muscle wasting in the critically ill. However, subsequent studies failed to show
anabolic effects of leucine during extended catabolic conditions (McNurlan et al.,
Now it is recognized that leucine exerts its effect on short-term transla-
Leucine in Protein Metabolism 653
tional controls of protein synthesis and this translational effect is synergistic with
insulin (Anthony et al., 2001; Kimball et al., 1999).
Insulin is an anabolic hormone with a critical role in maintenance of muscle
protein synthesis (Kimball and Jefferson,
The importance of insulin is clearly
demonstrated through use of chemical-induced diabetes (Flaim et al., 1980) or
anti-insulin antibodies (Preedy and Garlick, 1986) resulting in suppression of protein
synthesis. While insulin is essential for normal development, it is not sufficient
alone to stimulate muscle protein synthesis in postabsorptive conditions (Anthony
2000; Gautsch et
Yoshizawa et
1998) unless supraphysiological
levels of insulin (>700 pmol/L) are provided (Garlick et al., 1983). Use of food
deprived rats demonstrates that feeding carbohydrates alone significantly increases
levels of plasma glucose and insulin but produces no effect on muscle protein
synthesis while feeding protein or amino acids can fully restore rates of protein
synthesis (Anthony et al, 2000; Gautsch et al., 1998). The anabolic effect of a
complete mixture of amino acids can be reproduced with the BCAA leucine alone
(Anthony et al., 2000). These findings suggest that the role of insulin in muscle
protein synthesis is more to potentate the translational system than for direct regu-
lation (Gautsch et al., 1998). The individual roles of insulin and leucine in intrac-
ellular signaling have begun to be elucidated (Anthony et al., 2001).
Leucine EfFects on Insulin Signaling
Intracellular hormone signaling is under intense investigation by researchers seek-
ing to define the mechanisms of action for growth factors including insulin, insu-
lin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and cytokines (Taha and Klip, 1999). Insulin and
other growth factors mediate a wide spectrum of biological responses including
cell division, regulation of
expression, glucose transport, glycogen synthesis,
protein synthesis, and antilipolysis. These responses are initiated by the hormone
binding to a membrane bound receptor containing tyrosine kinase and triggering a
signal cascade beginning with phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1
(IRS-1) (Figure 4). IRS-1 generates metabolic signals by binding to
phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3-K) and production of phosphatidyhnositol-3,4,5
phosphate (Tsakiridis et al., 1995). Through these phosphorylated inositol mol-
ecules, PI3-K plays a major role in regulation of the metabolic actions of insulin.
These actions include stimulation of glucose transport via stimulation ofthe GLUT4
transporter, synthesis of glycogen via glycogen synthase
and stimulation
of protein synthesis via activation of downstream initiation factors eIF-4E and
p70^*K. Each of these physiological outcomes involves regulation by phosphory-
lation of key rate-limiting molecules.
While insulin is a primary stimulator of this pathway, chronic exposure of
cells to excess insulin produces down-regulation of the initial IRS-1 and PI3-K
steps (Cengel and Freund, 1999). These findings may represent important feed-
back regulations of the signal cascade and may be exerted by a downstream com-
ponent of the pathway named mTOR (Taha and Klip, 1999; Takano et al., 2001).
Further, the insulin signal pathway appears to be modulated by leucine which can
directly stimulate downstream components of this signal pathway independent of
changes in insulin concentration (Anthony et al., 2000a, 2000b; Gautsch et al.,
654 Layman
Protein Synthesis
The intracellular signaling pathway illustrates the interaction of
insulin with the amino acid leucine. Leucine appears to amplify transmission of down-
stream signals via interaction at mTOR and has proposed upstream effects represented by
the dashed
Abbrevations: IRS-1 insulin receptor
phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase, PKB protein kinase
mTOR mammalian target of
rapamycin, eIF-4E is the 4E subunit ofthe eIF4 initiation complex,
is an inhibi-
tory binding protein for eIF-4E.
The molecular mechanisms linking leucine and the signal pathway to con-
trol of muscle protein synthesis have begun to be elucidated (Hara et al., 1998;
Patti et al., 1998; Xu et al., 1999). The first critical finding was that leucine modi-
fies translational activity by stimulating a downstream protein kinase recognized
as mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin). Through stimulation of mTOR, leu-
cine has the abihty to activate the initiation factor eIF4 and the 70-kDa ribosomal
protein S6 kinase (p70^*K) (Anthony et al., 2000; Hara et al., 1998; Xu et al.,
The initiation factor eIF4 (also known as eIF4F) is a complex of three sub-
eIF4E, eIF4G and eIF4B, required for the initial recognition and unfolding
of secondary structure of the
of mRNA. To activate the eIF4 complex, first
requires release ofthe eIF4E subunit from an inhibitory binding protein (4E-BP1)
through phosphorylation of the binding protein by mTOR. Leucine serves to acti-
vate mTOR stimulating phosphorylation of
causing release ofthe eIF4E
subunit. Once eIF4E is released from
it is free to bind with the remaining
subunits (eIF4G and eIF4B) to form the active eIF4 initiation complex. Likewise,
mTOR also stimulates phosphorylation of p70^*K, which in tum activates the S6
ribosomal protein. Together, activation of eIF4 and p70^*K serve to initiate trans-
Leucine in Protein Metabolism 655
lation of significant components of muscle mRNA (Kimball and Jefferson, 2000).
These findings serve to link the anabolic response of dietary protein to muscle
protein synthesis through the ability to mTOR to detect changes in cellular leucine
Leucine Stimulates Protein Synthesis After Exercise
While changes in muscle protein tumover associated with exercise remain contro-
versial, studies evaluating changes in protein synthesis after exercise consistently
report post-exercise, anabolic responses enhanced by food intake (Farrell et al.,
Gautsch et al., 1998; Tipton et al., 1999). Further, the anabolic responses to
post-exercise supplements appear to be derived from intake of relatively small
amounts of essential amino acids (Anthony et al., 2000; Rasmussen et al., 2000).
Recent work suggests that the anabolic response is associated with the signaling
role of leucine (Anthony et al., 2000; Gautsch et al., 1998).
As reviewed above, prolonged exercise with animals depresses muscle pro-
tein synthesis (Figure 2). Using this animal model, we tested the potential for a
pre-exercise meal to prevent the catabolic effects of exercise on protein synthesis
Our pre-exercise meal consisted of a complete nutritional drink (Ensure**,
Abbott Labs) and provided about 15% of the animal's daily energy needs. Use of
pre-exercise nutritional supplement had no impact on the exercise-induced de-
pression of muscle protein synthesis (Table 1).
Since exercise does not cause loss of muscle mass, the catabolic period dur-
ing exercise must be followed by an anabolic recovery period (Tipton and Rennie,
We hypothesized that recovery of muscle protein synthesis after exercise
would require provision of protein or amino acids (Anthony et al., 1997).
Consumption of a complete nutrition supplement within the first 10 minutes after
Table 1 The Relationship of Endurance Exercise and a Pre-exercise Meal
on Muscle Protein Synthesis
Protein Synthesis'
Control (no exercise) 100%
Post-exercise^ 72%
Post-exercise with pre-exercise meaP
hrs 72%
5 hrs 74%
1.5 hrs 74%
'Protein synthesis determined by incorporation of ^H-isoleucine in to muscle protein and
expressed as a percentage of
control. ^Rats were exercised for 2 hrs on a motor-driven
treadmill at 36 m/min (~70% VO^^^^) after a 12-hour fast. ^The meal consisted of
ml of
Ensure" administered by oral gavage at the times indicated. (Unpublished data, Anthony,
Gautseh and Layman.)
656 Layman
Tahle 2 Effects of Nutrient Supplements on Muscle Protein Synthesis
During Recovery After Exercise'
Protein Synthesis^
Control (no exercise) 100%
Post-exercise 71%
Post-exercise with recovery meal
Complete meaP 98%
Carbohydrate supplement" 70%
Protein supplement' (unpublished) 92%
Leucine supplement^ 99%
carbohydrate' 108%
'Rats were exercised for
hrs on a motor-driven treadmill at 36 m/min (~70% VO^^^) after
a 12-hour fast. •^Protein synthesis determined by incorporation of ^H-isoleucine into muscle
protein and expressed as a percentage of the control. Measurements were made 1 hr after
completion of
^Complete meal provided 43.9 kJ and consisted of
ml of
by oral
gavage immediately after
"Carbohydrate supplement provided
43.9 kJ
consisted of
5 ml
mixture of
glucose and
water (525g/L)
oral gavage immediately after exercise. 'Protein supplement provided
protein in
ml water. 'Leucine supplement provided 0.27
leu in
5 rril
water. 'Mixture of leu
and carhhydrate provided 43.9 kJ and consisted of 0.27
g leu in the
Carbohydrate supplement.
(Summarized from Gautsch et al., 1998 and Anthony et al., 1999.)
exercise produced complete recovery of muscle protein synthesis within an hour
(Gautsch et al., 1998, data summarized in Table 2). On the other hand, use of a
carbohydrate drink with the same energy content produced dramatic increases in
blood glucose and insulin but failed to stimulate muscle protein synthesis (An-
thony et al., 1999; Gautsch et al., 1998). These data suggested that recovery of
muscle's ability to build protein after exercise requires dietary intake of protein
and that carbohydrate supplements alone are not sufficient to stimulate recovery
of muscle protein synthesis.
Similar post-exercise effects of amino acid supplements on muscle protein
synthesis have been reported for resistance exercise (Biolo et al., 1997; Rasmussen
et al, 2000) and dynamic exercise (Levenhagen et al., 2001) with humans. Biolo et
(1997) utiUzed normal volunteers who were not highly trained and examined
the effects of intravenous infusion of amino acids after 60 minutes of an intense
leg resistance exercise regimen. They reported that post-exercise infusion of amino
acids produced elevation of blood amino acids and a dramatic increase in muscle
protein synthesis (Biolo et al., 1997). They concluded that post-exercise intake of
amino acids may be important to anaboUc recovery after exercise. Subsequently,
they showed that oral administration of amino acids produced a comparable in-
crease in protein synthesis (Tipton et al., 1999). In this experiment, subjects drank
a supplement containing either 40 grams of a complete mixture of essential and
Leucine in Protein Metabolism 657
non-essential amino acids, or 40 grams of a mixture containing just the essential
amino acids immediately after the exercise. They found that the post-exercise
supplement of just the nine essential amino acids was sufficient to produce ana-
bolic recovery of muscle protein synthesis. Recently, Rasmussen et al. (2000) re-
ported that post-exercise stimulation of muscle protein synthesis can be achieved
with a supplement containing only 6 grams of a mixture of the essential amino
acids plus 35 grams of
In total, the post-exercise effects on muscle protein
synthesis appear similar for humans and animals. In each case, the research sug-
gests that intake of amino acids soon after exercise stimulates muscle protein syn-
To further evaluate these findings, we examined the impact of protein and
leucine on recovery (Anthony et al., 1999). Using the same experimental design,
we found that animals fed only the protein fraction of the supplement or only
leucine could fully recover normal rates of protein synthesis within an hour after
exhaustive exercise (Table
These data are in agreement with reports suggesting
a unique effect of leucine on short-term recovery of muscle protein synthesis. A
second important finding from this study was that the leucine stimulated protein
synthesis in the absence of elevated plasma insulin. Subsequent research suggests
that insulin may be increased early after the amino acid supplement and that this
transient increase in insulin is sufficient to potentiate the signaling pathway (An-
thony etal., 2001).
Examining the molecular mechanism, we found that the response of muscle
protein synthesis was closely tied to changes in the initiation factor eIF4. At the
end of exercise, activation level of eIF4 was reduced by 70%. Feeding the carbo-
hydrate supplement had no effect on the activity state of
while consumption
complete meal produced full recovery of eIF4 activity (Gautsch et
This was the first report identifying an initiation factor, eIF4, as a critical regulator
of muscle protein synthesis during and after
It is now clear that the stimu-
latory effect of the meal on protein synthesis is produced by increased muscle
levels of leucine (Anthony et al., 1999) resulting in stimulation of mTOR and
activation of eIF4 and p70^'K (Anthony et al., 2001). These findings point toward
a mechanism that may allow the body to integrate metabolic signaJs of insulin
with nutrition to optimize muscle development.
Exercise produces changes in protein and amino acid metabolism, however the
impact of these changes on amino acid requirements remains unclear. Current evi-
dence indicates that supplementation of amino acids during exercise has little or
no beneficial effects on performance. On the other hand, emerging data suggests
that supplementation of amino acids soon after exercise may enhance the anabolic
nature of the post-exercise period.
During exercise, there is increased oxidation of the three branched-chain
amino acids in skeletal
While oxidation ofthe BCAA contributes to muscle
energy needs the contribution appears minimal. A more likely role for the BCAA
in energy balance appears either through maintenance of TCA cycle intermediates
or through contributions to production of alanine and glutamine. Among the three
BCAA, oxidation of leucine appears to be the most dramatic reaching levels of
658 Layman
perhaps 1 g of leucine per hour of exercise. Still, supplementation of the BCAA
during endurance exercise does not appear to enhance performance.
Changes in protein tumover associated with a bout of exercise remain con-
troversial. The majority of studies report that a single bout of intense or exhaustive
exercise produces a catabolic period for whole body protein tumover. This cata-
bolic period may be caused by depression in the rate of protein synthesis, increases
in protein breakdown, or both. \Vhile understanding changes in protein synthesis
and breakdown are of equal importance, current methods limit our evaluation of
molecular mechanism to studies of protein synthesis. Recently, there has been an
increased understanding of the role of leucine in metabolic regulations and re-
markable new findings about the role of leucine in intracellular signaling. It now
appears that leucine has a synergistic role with insulin as regulatory factors in the
PI3-K signal cascade. Insulin serves to activate the signal pathway, while leucine
is essential to enhance or amplify the signal for protein synthesis at the level of
peptide initiation factors. Studies feeding amino acids soon after exercise suggest
that post-exercise consumption of protein or amino acids stimulates recovery of
muscle protein synthesis via translation regulations. Presently the significance of
these molecular findings with experimental animal models to human perfonnance
or muscle development is unknown. It will be important to test these new findings
as components of defined training programs.
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... with non-sports persons, this discrepancy may reflect the demands of protein metabolism in endurance athletes who commonly adopt a high-carbohydrate focus to support their energy requirements (and inadvertently restrict intake for muscle maintenance and repair) instead prioritizing carbohydrate consumption over that from other macronutrients like proteins [10]. Research suggests that runners need sufficient amounts of protein for recovery however, carbohydrate-centric dietary choices leave them underconsuming [11,12]. ...
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Background: Protein plays an essential role in muscle tissue’s repair, maintenance, and growth. Athletes, especially those involved in long-distance running, experience increased protein turnover because of the physical strain on their muscles, which requires a higher protein intake for effective recovery and adaptation. On the other hand, non-athletes have lower protein requirements due to their lesser physical activity and muscle demands. Analyzing the protein content between these two groups illustrates how physical activity affects protein metabolism, muscle health, and overall nutritional needs, providing valuable insights for customized dietary recommendations that can benefit both athletes and non-athletes. Objective: To investigate the protein content among university-level long-distance runners and non-sports persons. Study Design: This study utilized a cross-sectional design. Material and Methods: Sixty (60) university-level students with long-distance runners (n = 30) and non-sports persons (n = 30) from Punjabi University Patiala were selected using a random sampling technique. To achieve the purpose of the study, the Body composition analyzer GS6.5B Body Building Weight Test System (Version 1.0) was used to measure the protein content of the subjects. Results: The study found a significant difference in variable protein content between long-distance runners and non-sports persons. The t-value regarding protein content was 3.40 and the p-value was 0.001 and was found to be statistically significant at 0.05 level of significance p<0.05. Conclusion: This study compared the protein content between university-level long-distance runners and non-sports persons. The protein content of long-distance runners was lower than that of non-sports persons
... BCAAs (i.e., leucine, isoleucine, and valine) are essential amino acids we need to obtain from diet sources such as meat, fish, dairy, and legumes. The proclivity toward diets rich in BCAAs is not surprising due to their important role in hormone regulation [2][3][4], fat metabolism [5,6], immune-boosting effects [7,8] and physical fitness [9][10][11]. BCAA supplementation is also widely used in clinical settings for preventing muscle wasting in patients with liver cirrhosis, kidney failure, cancers, or sepsis [12][13][14][15][16][17]. ...
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Background High-protein diets are often enriched with branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) known to enhance protein synthesis and provide numerous physiological benefits, but recent studies reveal their association with obesity and diabetes. In support of this, protein or BCAA supplementation is shown to disrupt glucose metabolism while restriction improves it. However, it is not clear if these are primary, direct effects of BCAAs or secondary to other physiological changes during chronic manipulation of dietary BCAAs. Methods Three-month-old C57Bl/6 mice were acutely treated with either vehicle/BCAAs or BT2, a BCAA-lowering compound, and detailed in vivo metabolic phenotyping, including frequent sampling and pancreatic clamps, were conducted. Results Using a catheter-guided frequent sampling method in mice, here we show that a single infusion of BCAAs was sufficient to acutely elevate blood glucose and plasma insulin. While pre-treatment with BCAAs did not affect glucose tolerance, a constant infusion of BCAAs during hyperinsulinemic–euglycemic clamps impaired whole-body insulin sensitivity. Similarly, a single injection of BT2 was sufficient to prevent BCAA rise during fasting and markedly improve glucose tolerance in high-fat-fed mice, suggesting that abnormal glycemic control in obesity may be causally linked to high circulating BCAAs. We further show that chemogenetic over-activation of AgRP neurons in the hypothalamus, as present in obesity, significantly impairs glucose tolerance that is completely normalized by acute BCAA reduction. Interestingly, most of these effects were demonstrated only in male, but not in female mice. Conclusion These findings suggest that BCAAs per se can acutely impair glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity, thus offering an explanation for how they may disrupt glucose metabolism in the long-term as observed in obesity and diabetes. Our findings also reveal that AgRP neuronal regulation of blood glucose is mediated through BCAAs, further elucidating a novel mechanism by which brain controls glucose homeostasis.
... Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are nonpolar protein subunits with vital physiological signals [155]. The BCAAs concentration may be ingeniously related to the emotional regulation, modulation of oxidative status, and metabolic pathway of amino acid neurotransmitters (Krebs cycle) [156,157]. BCAAs (valine, leucine, and isoleucine) can be dominant competitors against the amino acid tyrosine, which by preventing the passage of tyrosine through the BBB, leads to a decrease in the level of catecholamines, including dopamine [158]. Also, in IFN-α-induced depression, a significant decrease in the amino acid ratio of tryptophan to BCAAs, tyrosine, and phenylalanine was found to be a factor in inhibiting brain 5-HT metabolism and the occurrence of unusual behaviors [159]. ...
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common neuropsychiatric challenge that primarily targets young females. MDD as a global disorder has a multifactorial etiology related to the environment and genetic background. A balanced gut microbiota is one of the most important environmental factors involved in human physiological health. The interaction of gut microbiota components and metabolic products with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and immune mediators can reverse depression phenotypes in vulnerable individuals. Therefore, abnormalities in the quantitative and qualitative structure of the gut microbiota may lead to the progression of MDD. In this review, we have presented an overview of the bidirectional relationship between gut microbiota and MDD, and the effect of pre-treatments and microbiomebased approaches, such as probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, fecal microbiota transplantation, and a new generation of microbial alternatives, on the improvement of unstable clinical conditions caused by MDD.
... The whey protein is of benefit as it provides immunity support, boosts metabolism, increases muscle mass and helps to improve overall health. The whey protein promotes (Muscle synthesis, Muscle strength, Performance, and endurance, improves the immune system, and more favorable body recovery and composition (9) . ...
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Background: Whey protein is the green-yellow colored, liquid portion of the milk, and it is also called the cheese serum, it is obtained after the separation of curd, during the coagulation of the milk. It contains a considerable amount of α-helix pattern with an evenly distributed hydrophobic and hydrophilic as well as basic and acidic amino acids along with their polypeptide chain. The major whey protein constituents include β-lactoglobulin (β-LG),α-lactalbumin (α-LA), immunoglobulins (IG), bovine serum albumin (BSA), bovine lactoperoxidase (LP), bovine lactoferrin (BLF) and minor amounts of a glycol macro peptide (GMP). Osseointegration can be defined as a process that is immune driven which leads to the formation of the new bone surrounding the surface of the implant rather than a pure response of the bone. Titanium can activate a balance recognized to be tolerogenic with a peri-implant tissue leading to a "foreign body equilibrium (FBE)" response. Materials and methods: Twelve adult male white New Zealand healthy rabbits were used in this study, the animals were divided into two groups according to the time of scarification as follows; 2 and 6 weeks after the implantation (6 rabbits will be sacrificed for each group). Results: Statistical analysis showed that there is a highly significant difference in all parameters between the experimental group and control group at 2 weeks and 6 weeks periods. Histological results at 2 weeks period showed thread formation in whey protein and control group, distribution of osteocyte cells and osteoblast was higher in whey protein, and the bone trabecular area was also larger in whey protein groups but at 6 weeks showed mature bone in whey protein groups while in control group still woven bone. Conclusions: Whey protein is an effective in osseointegration because it enhances bone formation.
... The magnitude of the (postexercise) MPS response to protein ingestion appears to increase in a dose-response manner plateauing somewhere between 20 and 40 g (Moore, Robinson, et al., 2009;Witard et al., 2014;Yang et al., 2012), a relationship that shifts to the right in more anabolically insensitive older adults (Burd et al., 2013;Cuthbertson et al., 2005;Rennie & Wilkes, 2005;Wall, Gorissen, et al., 2015). However, as opposed to total protein per se, this relationship has been suggested to be more contingent on essential amino acids (Bohé et al., 2003;Cuthbertson et al., 2005;Fujita et al., 2007;Tipton et al., 1999) and, in particular, leucine (Phillips, 2016;Rieu et al., 2006), which has a well-characterized molecular role in stimulating the mTORC1/P70S6K signaling pathway (the major myocellular anabolic cascade; Dreyer et al., 2008;Layman, 2002;Norton & Layman, 2006). However, the nature of the relationship between leucine and postprandial MPS (particularly when considered in the postexercise phase) remains to be fully defined. ...
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Background Dietary protein ingestion augments post (resistance) exercise muscle protein synthesis (MPS) rates. It is thought that the dose of leucine ingested within the protein (leucine threshold hypothesis) and the subsequent plasma leucine variables (leucine trigger hypothesis; peak magnitude, rate of rise, and total availability) determine the magnitude of the postprandial postexercise MPS response. Methods A quantitative systematic review was performed extracting data from studies that recruited healthy adults, applied a bout of resistance exercise, ingested a bolus of protein within an hour of exercise, and measured plasma leucine concentrations and MPS rates (delta change from basal). Results Ingested leucine dose was associated with the magnitude of the MPS response in older, but not younger, adults over acute (0–2 h, r ² = 0.64, p = 0.02) and the entire postprandial (>2 h, r ² = 0.18, p = 0.01) period. However, no single plasma leucine variable possessed substantial predictive capacity over the magnitude of MPS rates in younger or older adults. Conclusion Our data provide support that leucine dose provides predictive capacity over postprandial postexercise MPS responses in older adults. However, no threshold in older adults and no plasma leucine variable was correlated with the magnitude of the postexercise anabolic response.
... Therefore, the putative heterogeneous exercise response mechanisms identi ed in this study are differential capacity for amino acid biosynthesis between two groups. On one hand, Leucine is an essential amino acid that promotes muscle protein synthesis, studies feeding amino acids or leucine soon after exercise suggest that post-exercise consumption of amino acids could stimulate recovery of muscle protein synthesis via translation regulations (Layman et al., 2002). We consider that BCAAs could directly increase the host metabolism by promoting muscle synthesis through ko00290 Valine, leucine, and isoleucine biosynthesis pathways, thus affecting the e cacy of exercise intervention. ...
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Weight-loss outcomes of overweight/obese individuals upon exercise programs are inconsistent across studies, and the functional determinants underlying this heterogeneous phenomenon remain unclear. Here, we conducted a 12-week exercise intervention program with a longitudinal collection of body composition, serum metabolites, and fecal microbiome data from 62 subjects to investigate the physiological and microbial responses to resistance exercise. Distinct weight loss trajectories and high inter-individual variability on multiple clinical parameters in response to exercise were observed. The baseline gut branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) biosynthesis capacity and serum BCAAs metabolites-based predictor were significantly outperformed the taxa-based P/B-value marker on intervention response prediction. Fecal microbial transplantation validated that the metabolic responsiveness was driven by the engrafting of the hub taxa of Oscillospira and Ruminococcus . This data suggest that gut microbiota was both the driver for individualized responsiveness to exercise and the mediator conferring the effect of metabolic benefits on body weight.
... [130][131][132] Leucine has been extensively studied in nutrition and exercise, consistently showing to be a primary driver of muscle protein synthesis around the times of exercise training or in catabolic states. 133,134 In addition, studies with sarcopenic older adults and cancer patients assessing whey protein consumption with adequate levels of leucine (3-6 grams) have reported improvements in not only skeletal muscle outcomes, but also immune function by increasing natural killer cell function and IL-12 concentration. [135][136][137] Leucine also produces an anti-catabolic metabolite, β-hydroxy-β methylbutyrate (HMB), which has been implicated in blunting muscle protein degradation in states of muscular disuse or atrophy-inducing conditions, making it a potential target of supplementation in astronauts. ...
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Spaceflight exerts an extreme and unique influence on human physiology as astronauts are subjected to long-term or short-term exposure to microgravity. During spaceflight, a multitude of physiological changes, including the loss of skeletal muscle mass, bone resorption, oxidative stress, and impaired blood flow, occur, which can affect astronaut health and the likelihood of mission success. In vivo and in vitro metabolite studies suggest that amino acids are among the most affected nutrients and metabolites by microgravity (a weightless condition due to very weak gravitational forces). Moreover, exposure to microgravity alters gut microbial composition, immune function, musculoskeletal health, and consequently amino acid metabolism. Appropriate knowledge of daily protein consumption, with a focus on specific functional amino acids, may offer insight into potential combative and/or therapeutic effects of amino acid consumption in astronauts and space travelers. This will further aid in the successful development of long-term manned space mission and permanent space habitats.
... O BCAA é facilmente utilizado como substrato na síntese de glutamina e alanina [9]. A leucina desempenha três papéis importantes no nosso metabolismo: como substrato para a síntese proteica; como substrato energético e como sinalizador metabólico [10]. ...
O interesse pela leucina vem crescendo cada vez mais por seu efeito ergogênico na promoção do anabolismo, envolvendo a sí­ntese proteica e a degradação muscular. Por ser um aminoácido essencial, é de suma importância sua ingestão na dieta. A leucina desempenha três papéis importantes no nosso metabolismo: como substrato para a sí­ntese proteica, como substrato energético e como sinalizador metabólico. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação com leucina sobre a massa gorda. Participaram do estudo 24 jogadores de futebol profissionais da categoria sub 17 de um clube paulista pertencente a segunda divisão. Foram divididos em 2 grupos: 13 atletas foram suplementados com leucina e 11 com talco farmacêutico (placebo). Foram administradas 2 cápsulas antes do treinamento e 2 cápsulas após o treinamento contendo 0,5g de leucina cada cápsula, durante 25 dias. No momento inicial, foram aferidas e avaliadas as medidas antropométricas: peso, estatura, perí­metro braquial, dobra subescapular e dobra tricipital que foram reavaliadas após 12 dias do iní­cio da suplementação e após o término dos 25 dias. Ao fim da pesquisa, observou-se que não houve alteração no percentual de gordura dos grupos em questão, com valores de, respectivamente, para os grupos placebo e suplemento de 15,92% ± 3,04; 17,74% ± 3,19. Não foram observados efeitos ergogênicos em relação ao desempenho fí­sico, pois não foram realizados parâmetros de treinamento. Palavras chave: aminoácido, leucina, anabolismo, massa gorda, efeitos ergogênicos.Â
... Whey protein helps to reduce body fat and build the lean body mass; and it helps to improve the memory loss under stress. In addition to these, some of the top benefits of whey protein may include: it provides immunity support, increase muscle mass, boost metabolism, and helps to improve overall health [24]. ...
The main objective of this investigation is to prepare a quick and high quality lentil soup characterized with nutritional value in the form of powder from formulated dried soups. Dried soup mixtures formulated by lentil, mushroom, egg powder and dried sweet whey at different ratio. Three formulas were prepared and compared with lentil soup only for organoleptic properties, color, rehydration ratio, proximate analysis and energy, total phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity, amino acids profile and water activity during storage at room temperature. The organoleptic evaluation of different dried soup mixtures showed that the control lentil soup (M1) recorded the highest score (46.05) followed by died whey soup (M4) (45.05). Color measurements indicated significantly increases in lightness, redness and yellowness values. The M4, M2and M3 formulas, recorded the highest value respectively. The rehydration ratio resulted in significant increase for control, and those containing mushroom and egg powder (M1, M2, and M3), main while the presence of dried whey showed significant decrease. The chemical composition indicated that the M3 formula had the highest protein content followed by M2 and M4 compared with control. Fat and fiber content in the different soup mixtures had no significant differences as well as total carbohydrates which had the highest values in M4 followed M1, M2 and M3, respectively. The obtained results revealed that different dried lentil soup mixtures may contain a sufficient amount of minerals (Fe, Zn, Ca, and Se) to cover the human mineral requirements and also a good source of phenolic acids and antioxidant activity. The major essential amino acid in the different mixtures (M2,M3 and M4) soups was leucine which found in high amounts followed by lysine and valine compared to the control (M1) .The major non- essential amino acids were glutamic, aspartic and arginine acids followed by serine, alanine and proline which were nearly, similar all different soups mixtures. The water activity of different soups mixes increased with progressive the storage period with the type of packaging materials. The overall increase was laid safe limits was aw=o.6. From the obviously results it could be recommended that the lentil, mushroom, egg and whey powders could be a common new and successful ingredient to use in preparing a novel generation of healthy food products. The formulas from these ingredients increased the nutritional value, antioxidant activity and the amino acids. Finally, high quality and nutritional properties of different lentil soups mixtures were in order of M3 M2 and M4, comparable by M1 as a control.
... It has been reported that leucine is able to stimulate and regulate protein synthesis in the body [18], especially in the muscles [19]. In addition, the combination of calorie restriction with leucine supplementation in athletes resulted in a greater reduction in fat mass [20]. ...
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Background: In patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS), lifestyle interventions combining diet, in particular, and physical exercise are recommended as the first line treatment. Previous studies have suggested that leucine or arginine supplementation may have beneficial effects on the body composition or insulin sensitivity and endothelial function, respectively. We thus conducted a randomized controlled study to evaluate the effects of a supervised adapted physical activity program associated or not with oral supplementation with leucine and arginine in MetS-complicated patients with obesity. Methods: Seventy-nine patients with obesity and MetS were randomized in four groups: patients receiving arginine and leucine supplementation (ALs group, n = 20), patients on a supervised adapted physical activity program (APA group, n = 20), patients combining ALs and APA (ALs+APA group, n = 20), and a control group (n = 19). After the baseline evaluation (m0), patients received ALs and/or followed the APA program for 6 months (m6). Body composition, MetS parameters, lipid and glucose metabolism markers, inflammatory markers, and a cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) were assessed at m0, m6, and after a 3-month wash-out period (m9). Results: After 6 months of intervention, we did not observe variable changes in body weight, body composition, lipid and glucose metabolism markers, inflammatory parameters, or quality of life scores between the four groups. However, during the CPET, the maximal power (Pmax and Ppeak), power, and O2 consumption at the ventilatory threshold (P(VT) and O2(VT)) were improved in the APA and ALs+APA groups (p < 0.05), as well as the forced vital capacity (FVC). Between m6 and m9, a gain in fat mass was only observed in patients in the APA and ALs+APA groups. Conclusion: In our randomized controlled trial, arginine and leucine supplementation failed to improve MetS in patients with obesity, as did the supervised adapted physical activity program and the combination of both. Only the cardiorespiratory parameters were improved by exercise training.
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A simple method is described for measuring rates of protein synthesis and degradation in isolated rat diaphragm. Muscles incubated in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer showed a linear rate of synthesis for 3 hours. At the same time, the muscle released tyrosine and ninhydrin-positive material, primarily amino acids, at a linear rate. This release was not a nonspecific leakage of material from the intracellular pools, but reflected net protein degradation. Tyrosine was chosen for studies of protein turnover, since it rapidly equilibrates between intracellular pools and the medium, it can be measured fluorometrically, and it is neither synthesized nor degraded by this tissue. To follow protein degradation independently of synthesis, muscles were incubated in the presence of cycloheximide. Under these conditions, the amount of tyrosine in the intracellular pools was constant, while the muscle released tyrosine at a linear rate. This tyrosine release was used as a measure of degradation. This preparation was used to study the influence of various factors known to be important for muscle growth on protein synthesis and degradation. Similar effects were obtained with diaphragms of normal and fasted rats although the latter showed decreased synthesis and increased protein degradation. Insulin by itself not only stimulated synthesis but also inhibited protein degradation (even in the presence of cycloheximide). These two effects served to reduce the net release of tyrosine from muscle protein to comparable extents. Effects of insulin on synthesis and degradation were greater when glucose was also present in the medium. Glucose by itself inhibited protein degradation but in the absence of insulin glucose had no significant effect on synthesis. Nevertheless, glucose stimulated incorporation of radioactivive tyrosine into protein, but this effect was due to an increased intracellular specific activity. Unlike glucose neither beta-hydroxybutyrate or octanoic acid had any demonstrable effects on protein degradion. The addition of amino acids at plasma concentrations both promoted protein synthesis and inhibited degradation in the diaphragm. Five times normal plasma concentrations of the amino acids had larger effects. The three branched chain amino acids together stimulated synthesis and reduced degradation, while the remaining plasma amino acids did not affect either process significantly. Thus leucine, isoleucine, and valine appear responsible for the effects of plasma amino or isoleucine and valine together, also were able to inhibit protein degradation and promote synthesis.
The rate of muscle glycogen storage has been reported to be enhanced by feeding a combination of carbohydrate and protein immediately following prolonged exercise; however, little is known about the effects of post-exercise meal composition on other parameters of recovery. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of protein and carbohydrate on recovery of post-exercise Ks. Rats were divided into 5 groups: sedentary control, fasted (CF); exercise, fasted post-exercise, (EF); exercised, fed a combination of carbohydrate and protein post-exercise, (ECP); exercised, fed a carbohydrate meal post-exercise, (EC); exercised, fed a protein meal post-exercise, (EP). EC and ECP were isocaloric and provided 15% of the animals daily intake. EP and ECP were isonitrogenous. Animals ran for 2 h at 26 m/min (1.5% grade) and were killed l h later. Plasma glucose increased > 150% in ECP and EC compared to CF and EF (P < 0.05). Plasma insulin was increased > 275% in ECP and EC vs. all other groups (P < 0.01). No changes were observed in muscle glycogen between groups 1 h after exercise. EF demonstrated a 25% decrease in Ks compared to CF (P < 0.05). ECP completely reversed this depression. EC and EP did not demonstrate a significant increase in Ks values compared to EF. This study demonstrates that a combination of dietary carbohydrate and protein increase recovery of Ks following prolonged exercise. These data suggest that efficient recovery of muscle Ks requires increased plasma glucose, insulin, and amino acids.
In brief: The use of proteins as a source of energy has been discounted in the past. However, current research has demonstrated that amino acids can contribute to whole body metabolism. The availability of amino acids can be increased by either elevating the rate of muscle protein breakdown or decreasing the rate of muscle protein synthesis. Research indicates that there is a substantial decrease in the rate of protein synthesis during exercise. We estimate that protein can provide up to 5.5% of the total caloric cost of exercise. Because essential amino acid requirements have been determined only for resting persons, the recommended maximum protein requirements may not be adequate for physically active individuals.
The effects of amino acids on protein turnover in skeletal muscle were determined in the perfused rat hemicorpus preparation. Perfusion of preparations from fasted young rats (81±2 g) with medium containing either a complete mixture of amino acids at five times (5×) their normal plasma levels, a mixture of leucine, isoleucine, and valine at 5× or 10× levels, or leucine alone (10×) resulted in a 25–50% increase in muscle protein synthesis and a 30% decrease in protein degradation compared to fasted controls perfused in the absence of exogenously added amino acids. When the branched-chain amino acids were omitted from the complete mixture, the remaining amino acids (5×) had no effect on protein turnover. The complete mixture at 1× levels was also ineffective. Comparison of the effects of amino acids with those of glucose and palmitate indicated that amino acids were not acting by providing substrates for energy metabolism. The stimulatory effect of amino acids on protein synthesis was associated with a facilitated rate of peptide-chain initiation as evidenced by a relative decrease in the level of ribosomal subunits. This response was not as great as that produced by insulin, and the amino acids did not augment the effect of insulin. Although protein synthesis in preparations from fed young rats (130±3 g) was stimulated by the addition of a mixture of the branched-chain amino acids (5×) to about the same extent as that observed in the fasted young rats, protein degradation was not affected. Furthermore, neither synthesis nor degradation were affected in preparations from fasted older rats (203±9 g) suggesting that the age and or nitritional state of the animal may influence the response of skeletal muscle to altered amino acid levels.
Amino acids have been shown to stimulate protein synthesis, inhibit proteolysis, and decrease whole-body and forearm glucose disposal. Using cultured hepatoma and myotube cells, we demonstrate that amino acids act as novel signaling elements in insulin target tissues. Exposure of cells to high physiologic concentrations of amino acids activates intermediates important in the initiation of protein synthesis, including p70 S6 kinase and PHAS-I, in synergy with insulin. This stimulatory effect is largely due to branched chain amino acids, particularly leucine, and can be reproduced by its transamination product, ketoisocaproic acid. Concurrently, amino acids inhibit early steps in insulin action critical for glucose transport and inhibition of gluconeogenesis, including decreased insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1 and IRS-2, decreased binding of grb 2 and the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase to IRS-1 and IRS-2, and a marked inhibition of insulin-stimulated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Taken together, these data support the hypothesis that amino acids act as specific positive signals for maintenance of protein stores, while inhibiting other actions of insulin at multiple levels. This bidirectional modulation of insulin action indicates crosstalk between hormonal and nutritional signals and demonstrates a novel mechanism by which nutritional factors contribute to insulin resistance.
The effects of growth-suppressing and muscle-wasting treatments on muscle protein turnover and amino acid concentrations were determined in vivo. All treatments depressed protein synthesis and some treatments depressed protein breakdown. Only prolonged starvation increased protein breakdown. Muscle protein mass is regulated primarily through alterations in protein synthesis in all except emergency conditions. The increased concentrations of the branched-chain amino acids indicate that they are unlikely to be involved in this regulation.
At 7 days after cutting the sciatic nerve, the extensor digitorum longus muscle was smaller and contained less protein than its innervated control. Correlating with these changes was the finding of elevated rates of protein degradation (measured in vitro) in the denervated tissue. However, at this time, rates of protein synthesis (measured in vitro) and nucleic acid concentrations were also higher in the denervated tissue, changes more usually associated with an active muscle rather than a disused one. These anabolic trends have, at least in part, been explained by the possible greater exposure of the denervated extensor digitorum longus to passive stretch. When immobilized under a maintained influence of stretch the denervated muscle grew to a greater extent. Although this stretch-induced growth appeared to occur predominantly through a stimulation of protein synthesis, it was opposed by smaller increases in degradative rates. Nucleic acids increased at a similar rate to the increase in muscle mass when a continuous influence of stretch was imposed on the denervated tissue. In contrast, immobilization of the denervated extensor digitorum longus in a shortened unstretched state reversed most of the stretch-induced changes; that is, the muscle became even smaller, with protein synthesis decreasing to a greater extent than breakdown after the removal of passive stretch. The present investigation suggests that stretch will promote protein synthesis and hence growth of the extensor digitorum longus even in the absence of an intact nerve supply. However, some factor(s), in addition to passive stretch, must contribute to the anabolic trends in this denervated muscle.
Measurements were made of the growth and of the changes in rates of protein turnover in the anterior latissimus dorsi muscle of the adult fowl in response to the attachment of a weight to one wing. Over 58 days there was a 140% increase in the protein content with similar increases in the RNA and DNA contents. The fractional rate of protein synthesis, measured by the continuous-infusion technique using [14C]proline, increased markedly during hypertrophy. This increase was mediated initially (after 1 day) by an increase in the RNA activity but at all other times reflected the higher RNA content. The rate of protein degradation, calculated from the difference between the synthesis and growth rates, appeared to increase and remain elevated for at least 4 weeks. At no time was there any suggestion of a fall in the rate of degradation. The following events are discussed as central to the changes that occur during skeletal-muscle hypertrophy. 1. Nuclear proliferation is necessary to maintain the characteristic synthesis rate because of the inability of existing nuclei to 'manage' increased protein synthesis for more than a limited period. 2. The increased protein breakdown during hypertrophy is consistent with the known over-production of a new muscle fibres and may indicate some 'wastage' during the growth. Such wastage may also be associated with myofibrillar proliferation. 3. Muscle stretch must be recognized as the major activator of growth and as such can be compared with the 'pleiotypic activators' that have been described for cells in culture.