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Collapse and Conservation of Shark Populations in the Northwest Atlantic


Abstract and Figures

Overexploitation threatens the future of many large vertebrates. In the ocean, tunas and sea turtles are current conservation concerns because of this intense pressure. The status of most shark species, in contrast, remains uncertain. Using the largest data set in the Northwest Atlantic, we show rapid large declines in large coastal and oceanic shark populations. Scalloped hammerhead, white, and thresher sharks are each estimated to have declined by over 75% in the past 15 years. Closed-area models highlight priority areas for shark conservation, and the need to consider effort reallocation and site selection if marine reserves are to benefit multiple threatened species.
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DOI: 10.1126/science.1079777
, 389 (2003);299 Science
, et al.Julia K. Baum
Collapse and Conservation of Shark Populations in the Northwest
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Collapse and Conservation of
Shark Populations in the
Northwest Atlantic
Julia K. Baum,* Ransom A. Myers, Daniel G. Kehler,
Boris Worm, Shelton J. Harley, Penny A. Doherty
Overexploitation threatens the future of many large vertebrates. In the ocean,
tunas and sea turtles are current conservation concerns because of this intense
pressure. The status of most shark species, in contrast, remains uncertain. Using
the largest data set in the Northwest Atlantic, we show rapid large declines in
large coastal and oceanic shark populations. Scalloped hammerhead, white, and
thresher sharks are each estimated to have declined by over 75% in the past
15 years. Closed-area models highlight priority areas for shark conservation,
and the need to consider effort reallocation and site selection if marine reserves
are to benefit multiple threatened species.
Human exploitation has propagated across
land, coastal areas, and the ocean, transform-
ing ecosystems through the elimination of
many species, particularly large vertebrates
(1, 2). Only in the past half century, as fishing
fleets expanded rapidly in the open ocean,
have large marine predators been subject to
this intense exploitation. Many species, in-
cluding tuna, billfishes (3), and sea turtles
(4), are of immediate conservation concern as
a result. Among the species impacted by
these fisheries, sharks should be of particular
concern. Despite their known vulnerability to
overfishing (5, 6), sharks have been increas-
ingly exploited in recent decades, both as
bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries from the
1960s onward (7) and as targets in directed
fisheries that expanded rapidly in the 1980s
(8). The vast geographic scale of pelagic
marine ecosystems constrains our ability to
monitor shark populations adequately. Thus,
the effect of exploitation on sharks has, for
most populations, remained unknown (9).
Shark management and conservation have
been hindered by the lack of knowledge on
their status or even the direction of the pop-
ulation trends.
We present an analysis of logbook data
for the U.S. pelagic longline fleets targeting
swordfish and tunas in the Northwest Atlantic
(Fig. 1). Pelagic longlines are the most wide-
spread fishing gear used in the open ocean.
The data set presented is the largest available
for this region (214,234 sets between 1986
and 2000 with a mean of 550 hooks per
longline set) and includes one of the longest
time series for sharks. Six species or species
groups were recorded from 1986 onward, and
eight species from 1992 onward (Table 1).
For most shark species examined, this is the
only data set from which reliable abundance
trends can be estimated for the Northwest
Atlantic (10). It is also one of the only avail-
able sources worldwide from which the ef-
fects of exploitation on sharks in the open
ocean can be investigated. However, consid-
erable unreporting may occur in logbook
data, and missing values cannot be distin-
guished from true zeros (11). To address this
problem, we developed a method to model
the positive catches using generalized linear
models (GLMs) with a zero-truncated nega-
tive binomial distribution (12, 13). Our meth-
od assumes only that if a positive number of
sharks is recorded for a set, then it is approx-
imately correct. We standardized catch per
unit effort (CPUE) time series for area, sea-
son, fishery variables, and year to obtain
indices of abundance. We then performed
extensive checks on the robustness of our
results and tested the validity of alternative
explanations to the observed trends in abun-
dance (13). For each species, the observed
direction of the trend was the same in all
analyses, and although the magnitude of the
declines fluctuated slightly among models,
our conclusions are the same irrespective of
the model used.
We estimate that all recorded shark spe-
cies, with the exception of makos, have
declined by more than 50% in the past 8 to
15 years (Figs. 2 and 3). Although we
expect declines when populations are ini-
tially exploited, the shark populations ana-
lyzed here had been exploited to varying
degrees since the 1960s (14, 15). Because
sharks have low maximum intrinsic rates of
increase, compensatory responses to ex-
Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax,
NS, Canada B3H 4J1.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-
Fig. 1. Map of the Northwest Atlantic showing the distribution of effort in the U.S. pelagic longline
fishery between 1986 and 2000, categorized by number of sets (0 to 800
), within the nine areas
assessed: 1, Caribbean; 2, Gulf of Mexico; 3, Florida East Coast; 4, South Atlantic Bight; 5, Mid
Atlantic Bight; 6, Northeast Coastal; 7, Northeast Distant; 8, Sargasso/North Central Atlantic; 9,
Tuna North/Tuna South. Areas were modified from the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service
classification for longline fisheries. The 1000-m coastal isobath (dotted line) is given for reference.
on December 29, 2010www.sciencemag.orgDownloaded from
ploitation are limited and recovery is ex-
pected to be slow (6 ).
The trend in abundance is most striking
for hammerhead sharks; we estimate a de-
cline of 89% since 1986 [95% confidence
interval (CI): 86 to 91%] (Figs. 2A and 3A).
This group is primarily composed of scal-
loped hammerheads (Sphyrna lewini)(16).
The trend for white sharks was an estimated
79% decline (95% CI: 59 to 89%) (Fig. 2B).
Catch rates declined in three areas that com-
prise 80% of its catch (Areas 2 to 4) (Fig.
3B). Since the early 1990s, no white sharks
have been reported in Areas 6 and 7, and very
few from Areas 5 and 8 (17). The rarity of
this species (18) resulted in less precise trend
estimates than for the other shark species.
Life-history traits have indicated that scal-
loped hammerhead and white sharks would
be among the sharks most vulnerable to over-
exploitation (19, 20).
Tiger shark catch rates declined by an esti-
mated 65% since 1986 (95% CI: 58 to 72%)
(Figs. 2C and 3C), while the coastal species
recorded from 1992 declined by an estimated
61% (95% CI: 55 to 66%) (Figs. 2D and 3D).
The latter species, members of the genus Car-
charhinus, were grouped because they are dif-
ficult to distinguish. Individual analysis, how-
ever, showed declines for each species (ranging
from 49 to 83%). Management of these species
has been a contentious issue because of uncer-
tainty in their status (21). We provide strong
quantitative evidence to support the argument
that these species have declined substantially in
the past decade.
The trends for oceanic sharks have also
shown decline. We estimate that thresher
sharks—a group composed of the common
thresher (Alopias vulpinus) and bigeye
thresher (A. superciliousus)— have declined
by 80% (95% CI: 76 to 86%) (Figs. 2E and
3E). Unlike the area examined for other oce-
anic sharks, the area examined for thresher
sharks encompasses the known distribution
of their Northwest Atlantic populations (18).
Observed declines suggest that these popula-
tions have collapsed. The interpretation of
trends in abundance for other oceanic sharks
is complex because their ranges extend across
the North Atlantic. Blue sharks declined by
an estimated 60% (95% CI: 58 to 63%) (Fig.
2F). Conflicting patterns between the areas of
highest catches (Areas 5 to 7: 90% catches)
(Fig. 3F) could indicate density-dependent
habitat selection, with blue sharks moving
into preferential habitat (Area 7) as the pop-
ulation declined. Abundance of mako sharks
(mostly shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus)
declined moderately (Figs. 2G and 3G). The
oceanic whitetip shark declined by an esti-
mated 70% (95% CI: 62 to 75%) (Figs. 2H
and 3H). From our data, we cannot infer
reliable trends for oceanics across the entire
North Atlantic Ocean. However, because oth-
er longline fleets exert intense fishing effort
across the North Atlantic (7), this pattern
could well be representative of the entire
Our results show that overfishing is
threatening large coastal and oceanic sharks
in the Northwest Atlantic. The large and rapid
declines we document are in addition to sub-
stantial historical reductions (2, 22). Overex-
ploitation of elasmobranchs (sharks, skates,
and rays) is known to have already nearly
eliminated two skate species from much of
their ranges (23, 24). The magnitude of the
declines estimated here suggests that several
sharks may also now be at risk of large-scale
Marine reserves have been shown to be
effective in rebuilding depleted fish popula-
tions (25). In the open ocean this could be
different, because animals move across large
areas (26 ), as do fishing fleets (27 ). We used
simple models to analyze the implications of
large-scale marine reserves for shark conser-
vation (13). Models were based on empirical
data (distribution of fishing effort from log-
book data, catch rates per species from sci-
entific observer data) and run under two sce-
narios that represent the extremes of likely
outcomes: (i) after the closure, fishing effort
is displaced and changes such that the same
total swordfish quota is caught (“constant-
quota scenario”); or (ii) fishing effort is dis-
Fig. 2. Declines in estimated relative abundance for coastal shark species: (A) hammerhead, (B)
white, (C) tiger, and (D) coastal shark species identified from 1992 onward; and oceanic shark
species: (E) thresher, (F) blue, (G) mako, and (H) oceanic whitetip. For each species, the overall
trend (solid line) and individual year estimates ( 95% CI) are shown. Relative abundance is
initially set to 1, to allow comparisons among species.
Fig. 3. The estimated annual rate of change, in each area (F 95% CI) and in all areas combined
(E 95% CI), for coastal shark species: (A) hammerhead, (B) white, (C) tiger, and (D) coastal shark
species identified from 1992 onward; and oceanic shark species: (E) thresher, (F) blue, (G) mako,
and (H) oceanic whitetip. Areas with fewer than 40 observations are excluded.
17 JANUARY 2003 VOL 299 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org390
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placed but remains constant overall (con-
stant-effort scenario). Area 7 has been
closed since July 2001 to reduce bycatch of
endangered sea turtles (28). We examined the
effects of closing this area and each of the
remaining areas (Fig. 1) in turn on catches of
13 examined shark species, and on 2 turtle
and 10 finfish species of concern (2931).
Model results show that marine reserves
can indirectly cause harm if fishing effort is
merely displaced. For example, the closure of
Area 7 meets its objective in reducing sea
turtle bycatch and also protects sharks of
lower conservation concern: blue and mako
sharks. However, this closure increases catch
of almost every other species (Fig. 4), be-
cause effort is redistributed to areas of higher
species diversity. In contrast, closure of Area
3 would afford protection to most coastal
shark species, including the hammerheads,
but catch rates of oceanic sharks and sea
turtles would increase (Fig. 4). Closure of
Area 5 would be needed to protect thresher
sharks (Fig. 4). Clearly, if marine reserves are
to be effective, their placement is of critical
importance, and conservation initiatives must
explicitly consider impacts on the whole
community of species. Emphasis on single-
species conservation, without controlling ef-
fort, simply shifts pressure from one threat-
ened species to another and may actually
jeopardize biodiversity.
We have presented strong quantitative
evidence showing large declines in many
coastal and oceanic shark species over a
short period. Our results indicate that they
should be given conservation attention
equal to that given other threatened large
marine predators. Given that in all oceans,
longline and other pelagic fisheries are in-
tense and catch many of the same shark
species (7 ), serious declining trends in
Northwest Atlantic shark abundances may
be reflective of a common global phenom-
enon. Because consumers exert important
controls on food web structure, diversity,
and ecosystem functioning (32, 33), perva-
sive overfishing of these species may initi-
ate major ecological changes. However, our
analysis shows that marine reserves are not
a panacea for overexploitation. Instead, we
suggest that carefully designed marine re-
serves in concert with reductions in fishing
effort (34) could hold promise for safe-
guarding sharks and other large pelagic
predators from further declines and ecolog-
ical extinction.
References and Notes
1. J. Alroy, Science 292, 1893 (2001).
2. J. B. C. Jackson, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98, 5411
3. C. Safina, Song for the Blue Ocean (Holt, New York,
4. J. R. Spotila, R. D. Reina, A. C. Steyermark, P. T. Plotkin,
F. V. Paladino, Nature 405, 529 (2000).
5. The low fecundity and late age at maturity of elas-
mobranchs (sharks, skates, rays) render these fishes
more vulnerable to overexploitation than most te-
leost fishes, as evidenced by the history of collapsed
shark fisheries (6).
6. J. A. Musick, G. Burgess, G. Cailliet, M. Camhi, S.
Fordham, Fisheries 25, 9 (2000).
7. R. Bonfil, Overview of World Elasmobranch Fisheries
(FAO, Fisheries Technical Paper 341, Rome, 1994).
8. D. Rose, An Overview of World Trade in Sharks and
Other Cartilaginous Fishes (TRAFFIC Network, Cam-
bridge, UK, 1996).
9. J. I. Castro, C. M. Woodley, R. L. Brudek, A Preliminary
Evaluation of the Status of Shark Species (FAO, Fish-
eries Technical Paper 380, Rome, 1999).
10. We examined all available scientific observer and
logbook data for the pelagic longline fleets target-
ing swordfish and tunas in the Northwest Atlantic:
(i) U.S. observers on Japanese boats (1978 to
1988); (ii) U.S. observers on U.S. boats (1985 to
2000); (iii) Canadian observers on Japanese boats
(1979 to 1984, 1986 to 2000); (iv) Canadian ob-
servers on Canadian boats (1979 to 2000); and (v)
logbook data from U.S. boats (1986 to 2000). For
each of these data sets, we standardized catch per
unit effort (CPUE) time series using GLMs to obtain
unbiased indices of abundance. Reliable trends
could only be estimated from (v). Estimated trends
from (i) to (iv) were extremely uncertain and con-
tained much wider year-to-year fluctuations than
are realistic according to shark life histories. This is
likely the result of limited and/or nonrandom fleet
Table 1. Examined shark species, categorized as large coastal or oceanic according to the U.S. Fishery
Management Plan (FMP) for Sharks of the Atlantic Ocean (35). These species are also caught in U.S.
commercial and/or recreational shark fisheries.
Species Latin name
Year first
Total number
Large coastal species
Hammerhead spp. Sphyrna lewini, S. mokarran, S. zygaena 1986 60,402
White Carcharodon carcharias 1986 6,087
Tiger Galeocerdo cuvieri 1986 16,030
Coastal spp. Carcharhinus altimus, C. brevipinna,
C. falciformis,* C. limbatus,
C. obscurus, C. signatus
1992 80,480
Oceanic species
Thresher spp. Alopias superciliousus, A. vulpinus 1986 23,071
Blue Prionace glauca 1986 1,044,788
Mako spp. Isurus oxyrinchus, I. paucus 1986 65,795
Oceanic whitetip Carcharhinus longimanus 1992 8,526
Porbeagle Lamna nasus 1992 829
*The silky shark (C. falciformis) is biologically an oceanic species, but is classified in the FMP as a large coastal.
Fig. 4. Results from closed-area model showing
predicted changes in catch as caused by year-
round longline closure of Areas 3, 5, and 7.
Remaining areas are shown in fig. S2. Results
for the constant-quota (above and fig. S2) and
constant-effort (fig. S3) scenarios were similar.
Negative values refer to reductions in catch.
Error bars are 95% bootstrap confidence inter-
vals, accounting for the uncertainty in the ob-
server estimates of species composition. Black
bars represent sharks (SPL, scalloped hammer-
head; GHH, great hammerhead; TIG, tiger; SBG,
bignose; FAL, silky; SBK, blacktip; DUS, dusky;
SNI, night; PTH, common thresher; BTH, bigeye
thresher; BSH, blue; SMA, shortfin mako; OCS,
oceanic whitetip), dark gray bars represent sea
turtles ( TTL, loggerhead; TLB, leatherback), and
light gray bars represent finfish ( WHM, white
marlin; BUM, blue marlin; BFT, bluefin tuna;
BET, bigeye tuna; ALB, albacore tuna; DOL,
common dolphinfish; WAH, wahoo; OIL, oilfish;
SAI, Atlantic sailfish). See table S2 for scientific
names and conservation status.
on December 29, 2010www.sciencemag.orgDownloaded from
coverage (5%), or the limited temporal and spa-
tial overlap among data sets.
11. If the reporting rate has changed over time, then the
ratio of missing values to true zeros will change, and
using the assumed zeros to infer trends may lead to
biased results.
12. J. Grogger, R. Carson, J. Appl. Econ. 6, 225 (1991).
13. Methods and robustness analysis details are available
as supporting online material on Science Online.
14. H. Nakano, A Review of the Japanese Fishery and
Research on Sharks in the Atlantic Ocean (Interna-
tional Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic
Tunas, Madrid, SCRS/92/145, 1993).
15. D. Au, Species Composition in the Japanese Long-line
Fishery off Southern and Eastern United States (Inter-
national Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic
Tunas, Madrid, SCRS/84/75, 1985).
16. L. J. V. Compagno, FAO Species Catalogue, vol. 4,
parts 1 and 2, Sharks of the World: An Annotated and
Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date
(FAO, Rome, Fish. Synop. 125, 1984).
17. No white sharks have been caught in the 4200 sets
monitored since 1990 by the U.S. observer programs
for pelagic longline fleets in this region. Before this
time, observers had recorded 142 white sharks.
18. L. J. V. Compagno, FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery
Purposes, no. 1, vol. 2, Sharks of the World: An
Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species
Known to Date (FAO, Rome, 2001).
19. S. E. Smith, D. W. Au, C. Show, Mar. Freshw. Res. 49,
663 (1998).
20. NMFS, United States National Plan of Action for the
Conservation and Management of Sharks (National
Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD, 2001).
21. Controversy over 1997 large coastal shark quota cuts
resulted in lawsuits between the fishing industry and
the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). In
2002, a lawsuit protesting NMFS’s failure to protect
these species was also launched.
22. G. F. de Oviedo, Historia General y Natural de las
Indias (1535–1557) (Atlas, Madrid, reprinted 1959).
23. K. Brander, Nature 290, 48 (1981).
24. J. M. Casey, R. A. Myers, Science 281, 690 (1998).
25. B. S. Halpern, R. S. Warner, Ecol. Lett. 5, 361 (2002).
26. B. A. Block et al., Science 293, 1310 (2001).
27. L. W. Botsford, J. C. Castilla, C. H. Peterson, Science
277, 509 (1997).
28. U.S. Federal Register, vol. 66, p. 36711. This closure
remains enforced to date (U.S. Federal Register, vol.
67, p. 45393).
29. We included sea turtle and finfish species listed by
the International Union for the Conservation of Na-
ture (IUCN) and/or NMFS as severely overfished,
with further overfishing occurring, threatened, or en-
dangered (see table S2 for details). Common dolphin-
fish, wahoo, and oilfish were included because they
are caught in large numbers, but very little is known
about their stock status and sensitivity to overfishing.
All species were caught in at least two areas with a
minimum sample size of 25 individuals.
30. IUCN, 2002 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
(IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, and Cambridge, UK, 2002)
31. NMFS, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation for
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species 2002 (National Ma-
rine Fisheries Service, Highly Migratory Species Man-
agement Division, Silver Spring, MD, 2002).
32. T. Essington, D. Schindler, R. Olson, J. Kitchell, C.
Boggs, Ecol. Appl. 12, 724 (2002).
33. B. Worm, H. K. Lotze, H. Hillebrand, U. Sommer,
Nature 417, 848 (2002).
34. NMFS has reduced directed shark fishery quotas and
has also closed areas within the Gulf of Mexico and
along the U.S. east coast in 2000 and 2001, respec-
tively, with the aim of reducing incidental catch (of
species other than sharks) (31). No analysis has been
undertaken to test their effectiveness.
35. NMFS Final Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic
Tuna, Swordfish, and Sharks (National Marine Fisher-
ies Service, Highly Migratory Species Management
Division, Silver Spring, MD, 1999).
36. We thank NOAA-NMFS for data; J. Cramer, L. R.
Beerkircher, and J. Musick for advice; W. Blanchard,
L. Gerber, and M. Ortiz for technical assistance; H.
Keith for initial closed-area model implementation;
and H. K. Lotze and H. Whitehead for comments on
the manuscript. Many thanks to the longline fishers
who provided their logbooks to NMFS. This re-
search is part of a larger project on pelagic longlin-
ing initiated and supported by a Pew Charitable
Trusts grant to L.B. Crowder and R.A.M., with ad-
ditional support by Natural Sciences and Engineer-
ing Research Council of Canada scholarships to
J.K.B. and D.G.K.
Supporting Online Material
Figures S1 to S3
Tables S1 and S2
25 October 2002; accepted 20 November 2002
Selective Trafficking of
Non–Cell-Autonomous Proteins
Mediated by NtNCAPP1
Jung-Youn Lee,
Byung-Chun Yoo,
Maria R. Rojas,
Natalia Gomez-Ospina,
L. Andrew Staehelin,
William J. Lucas
In plants, cell-to-cell communication is mediated by plasmodesmata and in-
volves the trafficking of non–cell-autonomous proteins (NCAPs). A component
in this pathway, Nicotiana tabacum NON-CELL-AUTONOMOUS PATHWAY
PROTEIN1 (NtNCAPP1), was affinity purified and cloned. Protein overlay assays
and in vivo studies showed that NtNCAPP1 is located on the endoplasmic
reticulum at the cell periphery and displays specificity in its interaction with
NCAPs. Deletion of the NtNCAPP1 amino-terminal transmembrane domain
produced a dominant-negative mutant that blocked the trafficking of specific
NCAPs. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing this mutant form of NtNCAPP1
and plants in which the NtNCAPP1 gene was silenced were compromised in their
ability to regulate leaf and floral development. These results support a model
in which NCAP delivery to plasmodesmata is both selective and regulated.
In plants, the trafficking of NCAPs that are
involved in the regulation of plant development
is thought to occur through plasmodesmata (1
6). However, little information is available con-
cerning the manner in which such NCAPs enter
this cell-to-cell translocation pathway (5, 6). To
identify potential components in this pathway,
we used the NCAP CmPP16 (7) as bait for the
affinity purification of interaction partners con-
tained within a plasmodesmal-enriched cell
wall protein (PECP) fraction (810) prepared
with tobacco BY-2 cells [fig. S1, A and B (11)].
A resultant highly enriched 40-kD protein was
identified (Fig. 1, fig. S1C), cloned, and named
NtNCAPP1 (GenBank accession number
AF307094; hereafter called NCAPP1) [fig. S2
The specificity of the interaction between
NCAPP1 and CmPP16 was tested using a
protein overlay approach (11). Native
NCAPP1 (contained within the PECP prepa-
ration) interacted with only a very small sub-
set of the proteins present in the PECP frac-
tion (Fig. 2A). Furthermore, fractions en-
riched for cytoplasmic proteins exhibited
only minimal interaction with NCAPP1 (Fig.
2B). A reciprocal experiment in which the
PECP fractions were probed with the
CmPP16 bait confirmed the specificity of the
interaction between native NCAPP1 and
CmPP16 (Fig. 2C). As the CmPP16 is an
endogenous NCAP located within the phloem
sap (7 ), we next used fractionated phloem sap
(11) in an overlay with PECP and, as antici-
pated, detected a strong signal in the region
corresponding to the CmPP16 (Fig. 2D). A
range of other phloem proteins also interacted
positively with NCAPP1, consistent with ob-
servations that various phloem components
can traffic through plasmodesmata (12).
These results confirmed that the NCAPP1
enrichment achieved in our affinity chroma-
tography experiments (Fig. 1) was due to its
specific interaction with the CmPP16 bait.
The presence of a range of NCAPP1-interact-
ing proteins in the phloem sap suggests that
NCAPP1 (and other isoforms) may be central
to NCAP trafficking in general.
Subcellular localization of NCAPP1 was
examined by expression of fluorescently
tagged NCAPP1 in BY-2 cells (Fig. 3). In
contrast to the fluorescence pattern observed
with free EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent
protein) (Fig. 3A), NCAPP1-EGFP accumu-
lated at the cell periphery (Fig. 3B). Similar-
ly, fluorescence associated with CmPP16-
RFP was highest at the periphery of BY-2
cells (Fig. 3C). A role for the predicted NH
Section of Plant Biology, Division of Biological Sci-
ences, University of California, 1 Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA 95616, USA.
Molecular, Cellular, and De-
velopmental Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder,
CO 80309 0347, USA.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-
17 JANUARY 2003 VOL 299 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org392
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... Shark populations (Selachii) are threatened by over-exploitation, and increasing evidence indicates that a number of populations worldwide are drastically declining (e.g., Baum et al., 2003;Clarke et al., 2007;Dulvy et al., 2014). An additional challenge to shark conservation is that long-term data regarding the state of many other shark populations worldwide is partial at best (Ferretti et al., 2010). ...
... Some species are demersal, while others range throughout the water column at depths up to 600m (Grace, 2001;. Shark populations have been drastically declining all around the world (Baum et al., 2003), and Carcharhinus sharks are considered an especially valuable resource worldwide -exploited for their flesh, fins, oil, and skin (Bonfil, 1994). ...
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Globally, sharks (Selachii) are decreasing in numbers at an alarming rate. Their life history traits of slow maturity and low reproduction rate make them very susceptible to population crashes. Sharks in the Mediterranean are considered to be at the greatest risk. Large coastal predatory sharks have almost disappeared completely from the northwestern Mediterranean. In Israel however, coastal Carcharhinus sharks (family Carcharhinidae) are repeatedly reported to be seen close to coastal power plants, where warm water, resulting from cooling the plants' turbines, are discharged. The dominant shark in these waters is reported to be the dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus), a shark which, according to literature, is rare elsewhere in the Mediterranean. If indeed Carcharhinus sharks are abundant, and observations are increasing with C. obscurus as the dominant species, there are four hypotheses that can explain these observations: a) C. plumbeus, a more common shark but very similar morphologically to C. obscurus, has been misidentified as C. obscurus; b) we are observing a relic population of a once much larger Mediterranean population, that survived in the Levant and disappeared elsewhere; c) Carcharhinus sharks are surging in numbers due to a change in conditions, most likely from anthropogenic factors; d) C. obscurus is a Lessepsian migrant. Lessepsian migration is the name given to a phenomenon describing the migration of Indo-Pacific species into the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal, which connected the Red Sea with the Mediterranean 150 years ago. To assess the plausibility of these hypotheses, I conducted surveys interviewing shore fishermen in relation to past and present shark abundances, and I applied molecular tools in order to determine the shark species and their phylogeographic origin. Interview surveys were conducted at four power plant and four nearby marinas. During 2013, fishermen were asked regarding their observations of sharks, the change in frequency of observations between 1973 - 1993 and 1993 - 2013, and in what months where sharks observed. For species identification and geographic origin, I collected tissue samples from 58 Carcharhinus sharks that were caught by fishermen off the Israeli Mediterranean coast. Two regions on the mitochondrial DNA were used to determine and verify species identification and origin; The D-loop (control region) segment was compared to known haplotypes of both C. obscurus and C. plumbeus of Atlantic and Indo-Pacific origin. Sequences of NADH2 region were used to construct a phylogenetic tree and in order to verify the results of the D-loop analysis. Interview results revealed that sharks are observed much more often near power plants, than near another man-made structure (marinas) (Fisher exact test P<0.0001). Sharks were reported to be seen more frequently during winter time with a clear negative correlation (Spearman rank p<0.005) between water temperature and the reported timing of sightings. Fishermen reported an increase in shark observations during 2013 compared to 20 years ago (One-sample Wilcoxon test p<0.001) but there was no significant difference between 20 and 40 years ago (1973 vs. 1993; p=0.844). The molecular results showed that 51 out of 58 shark samples were C. plumbeus (88%) and only 7 (12%) were C. obscurus. The geographic origin of the C. plumbeus sharks was found to be Atlantic (as expected for a non-Lessepsian species), while an indication of Lessepsian migration was found for 3 out of the 7 C. obscurus, as these were found to originate from Indo-Pacific origins. C. obscurus of Indo-Pacific origin can be described as a cryptic Lessepsian migrant, invading its Mediterranean population. Overall, my results support the plausibility of all four previously suggested hypotheses; a) Misidentification is clearly occurring when identifying C. obscurus as the dominant species; b) The sharks observed at the power plants could be the relic population of the previously larger Mediterranean population, considering the strong declines reported in the rest of the Mediterranean Sea; c) shark observations have been increasing for the last two decades suggesting a surge in shark numbers near the coast that could be facilitated by the power plants' warm effluents, and d) C. obscurus was found to be a cryptic migrant, possibly growing in numbers (due to the addition of individuals from the Indo-Pacific). While this research has shown the evidence supporting these hypotheses, the mechanisms behind this behavior are far from being clear and require further research to start closing the wide gap between the importance of these species to the ecosystem and the little we know of these eastern Mediterranean populations.
... Despite being one of the most abundant pelagic and the world's widest-ranging chondrichthyan (Nykänen et al., 2018), much still needs to be learnt about blue shark biology and ecology (da Silva et al., 2021). As the most frequently fished oceanic shark, it is estimated that at least 7 million blue sharks were landed in 2019 with an economic value of up to $441million and that 34% of these catches came from the Atlantic where the population has previously been reported to have declined by up to 70% (Baum et al., 2003, Cappell et al., 2022. With a declining population, they were classed as Near Threatened globally, and in Europe, and as Critically Endangered in the Mediterranean in the latest IUCN Red List assessments . ...
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As the world faces the threats of multiple compounded and worsening crises, scientists are racing to gather the knowledge necessary to safeguard entire ecosystems and species. Technological advances are continuously facilitating more in-depth studies to understand the mechanisms driving species functioning and variations among and within populations, communities, and individuals. New methods are providing insights into difficult to access environments and species such as the open ocean. The following thesis uses theoretical and empirical approaches to understand the drivers of variation in ecological niches of large marine predators. One of the methods commonly used to study a species resource use is stable isotope analysis (SIA). However, the relationship between variation in stable isotope values in the tissues of consumers and their diet is often misconstrued or over-simplified. Here, we lay out the underlying factors that influence stable isotope ratios and how these can be accounted for when designing an ecological study. I then review new advances in stable isotope technologies and how compound-specific SIA can be used to ask questions about the life-history of a broad range of species. Having shown the value in combining biochemical methods with other disciplines, I apply this approach to study the ecology of large marine vertebrates in Ireland. By using fatty acid analysis in combination with reproductive hormone analysis, biologging, morphometrics and observations, I investigate the ecology and physiology of blue sharks, Prionace glauca, in Ireland. This population of predominantly female individuals in varying stages of maturity show indications of a seasonal change in resource use between the June and November, possibly indicating opportunistic foraging on abundant gelatinous or planktonic prey. Finally, I present the results from our tagging efforts on mature female porbeagle sharks, Lamna nasus, caught in Donegal (Ireland) in April 2022. As I have followed these two individuals over the past nine months, both have crossed many environmental and jurisdictional boundaries but have displayed high inter-individual variation. I argue the need for increased and continued cross-country collaboration in the Northeast Atlantic to study and manage this critically endangered species. The work carried out here emphasises the value in moving our field from uni- and multidisciplinary approaches towards more holistic interdisciplinary approaches, particularly when our aim is the sustainable preservation of large oceanic migrators.
... especially overfishing have led to population declines across coastal, reef-associated, pelagic, and deep-sea species (Dulvy et al., 2014;Dulvy et al., 2021;Finucci et al., 2024;Pacoureau et al., 2021;Roff et al., 2018;Sherman et al., 2023;Simpfendorfer et al., 2023;Worm et al., 2024). Their low reproductive rates, slow growth, and mainly the impact of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing exacerbate their vulnerability (Baum et al., 2003;Bornatowski et al., 2014;Kotas et al., 2023;Pacoureau et al., 2021;Worm et al., 2013). To counter this decline, establishing marine-protected areas (MPA) and shark sanctuaries is crucial for restoring their natural habitats (Ward-Paige et al., 2012;Ward-Paige & Worm, 2017), but greater efforts need to be effective to implement sustainable fisheries management practices, including those in international waters (Murray et al., 2023;Salinasde-León et al., 2024). ...
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Silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) populations in the South Atlantic Ocean are listed as vulnerable under the IUCN. In fact, this species is classified as critically endangered in Brazil under the Ministry of the Environment. The present study reports the first opportunistic sighting of an aggregation of 250–300 silky sharks in the Alcatrazes Archipelago Wildlife Refuge. Aggregation sites are important in the life cycle of silky sharks, and identifying these sites is essential for conservation efforts.
... financial sector and reducing the size of the shadow economy. The post-diagnostic tests confirm the existence of the endogeneity problem (please refer to the Wooldridge test, Breush-Pagan/Cook-Weisberg test, and Wu-Hausman test); however, the insignificant value of the Hansen J-test validates the overidentification restriction, which resolves the concern of endogeneity and heteroskedasticity (Baum et al. 2003;Roodman 2006). Furthermore, the insignificant value of AR (2) indicates the absence of serial correlation in the second order, whereas the significant value of the Wald test validates the model specification. ...
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The present study investigates the moderating role of institutional quality, governance, and banking regulation on the nexus of the shadow economy, financial stability, and financial inclusion across G5 economies. In order to accomplish the aforementioned objectives, we have utilised a comprehensive range of econometric tests, including the Breusch-Pagan LM and Pesaran’s tests, second-generation unit roots tests, Westerlund cointegration tests, cross-sectional autoregressive-distributed lag (CS-ARDL) estimates, the system generalised method and moments, and the Konya causality test. The empirical outcome reveals that both financial inclusion and the shadow economy increases financial sector instability. However, governance indicators and banking regulation moderate these effects, suggesting their crucial role in stabilising financial sectors. Additionally, the study also confirms that financial inclusion reduces the size of the shadow economy in G5 countries. Furthermore, interaction effects reveal that when governance and banking regulation interact with financial inclusion, it exacerbates the negative impact of financial inclusion on the shadow economy, implying that it assists in reducing the size of the shadow economy. The Konya bootstrap causality test confirms bidirectional causality among the shadow economy, financial stability, financial inclusion, and economic growth. This research underscores the importance of effective governance and regulatory frameworks in managing financial stability and promoting inclusive growth, offering significant insights for policymakers and researchers alike.
... Healthy shark populations contribute to increased biodiversity, which enhances the resilience of marine ecosystems by maintaining a diverse array of species with different ecological roles (Stevens et al., 2000). The large coastal shark complex (LCS; e.g., sandbar shark; Carcharhinus plumbeus, see more examples below) experienced a rapid decline in abundance from the mid-1970s to 1990s due to overexploitation along the southeast US coast and within the GOM (Baum et al., 2003;Burgess et al., 2005;Baum & Blanchard, 2010). In contrast, the small coastal shark complex (SCS; e.g., Atlantic sharpnose shark; Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, see more examples below) underwent a less pronounced decline (Peterson, Belcher, et al., 2017). ...
Understanding spatial ecology and predicting animal movements in response to environmental changes, such as anthropogenic climate change and multidecadal variability, is critical for effective conservation strategies. Niche structuring is key to some coastal shark species and size classes coexisting in the US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico to limit interspecific and intraspecific interaction. Data from four fishery‐independent bottom longline surveys were used to evaluate the abiotic ecological niches of eight species of small and large coastal sharks. Gaussian mixture models separated length composition data into 14 size categories for ecological niche analysis. Generalized additive mixed effect models were fit and coupled with output from dynamic high‐resolution ocean models to predict suitable abiotic habitats, evaluate potential shifts in distribution, and explore the impacts of large‐scale climatological trends on abiotic habitats from 1994 to 2019. The abiotic niche for small coastal sharks generally tended toward warmer, high salinity, shallow bottom waters close to shore. No overarching niche was found for large coastal sharks, but appreciable ontogenetic differences were seen. Most taxa analyzed exhibited declining annual trends in higher quality habitats, particularly during fall months. The analysis provided evidence of shifts north along the Atlantic, to deeper offshore waters in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, and the potential to redistribute in response to multidecadal climate variability for multiple species. The analytical framework described could aid in developing various spatiotemporal management measures, and results provide insight into the habitat characteristics of several species over broad spatiotemporal ranges and through ontogeny.
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Elasmobranchs have conservational and commercial importance. There is a need for a more complete understanding of their health, due to their ability to shape trophic webs and their money-making potential with fishers and ecotourists. Sharks have been known to influence the strength of food webs, including reef ecosystems where many fish species are harvested for food. The investigation of pathogenic agents and diseases in elasmobranchs has been biased to favor those natural enemies that inhabit the digestive system and epidermal surfaces. Certain groups of parasites such as cestodes, copepods, and monogeneans, were most often recorded in this review. The bacterial microbiota of elasmobranchs is currently being researched, but much information is lacking in the field, with the exception of certain well-known strains, such as members of the genus Vibrio. In addition, information on the 22 species of sharks included in this study is more in depth than that which can be found for the 11 ray species and three skates. A quantitative study was undertaken to investigate relationships between taxonomic Order and Family, as well as the relationship between diet and number of natural enemies with the use of the statistical software R. It was found that number of natural enemies present in an elasmobranch species correlates with the number of sources available. This first attempt at an exhaustive review of elasmobranch natural enemies from Florida waters includes over 400 pathogens as well as indicates the 14 most under-studied elasmobranch species.
The Caribbean is recognized as one of the regions with significant elasmobranch diversity; however, the lack of scientific data has made it difficult to conduct traditional fish stock assessments. A Productivity Susceptibility Analysis (PSA) was used to evaluate the vulnerability of the most important elasmobranch species caught by artisanal fishery carried out in the northeastern region of Venezuela. The fishing database created by the INIA and CIT was used as a starting point to obtain catch composition, and biological and fishing information. Of the 37 elasmobranch species captured in the study area, 12 were selected for the PSA. Analysis indicated that the selected species, most of them small-sized sharks, had medium and high productivity; while all species evaluated showed high susceptibility to artisanal fishing. Among the elasmobranch species with high vulnerability, seven of them comprised five sharks (C. limbatus, R. lalandii, R. porosus, C. brevipinna and C. acronotus) and two batoids (H. guttatus and A. narinari). Elasmobranchs species with medium vulnerability included two sharks (M. higmani and M. minicanis) and one batoid (H. americanus); while those with low vulnerability comprised two shark species (M canis and M. norrisi). In the study area, elasmobranch fishing has been carried out for decades without effective management strategies, and the artisanal fishery poses a potential threat to the populations of this group of fish. The species identified in this study as having high vulnerability or risk should be immediately prioritised for serious management by the national agencies responsible for fishing administration.
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Elasmobranchs have conservational and commercial importance. There is a need for a more complete understanding of their health, due to their ability to shape trophic webs and their money-making potential with fishers and ecotourists. Sharks have been known to influence the strength of food webs, including reef ecosystems where many fish species are harvested for food. The investigation of pathogenic agents and diseases in elasmobranchs has been biased to favor those natural enemies that inhabit the digestive system and epidermal surfaces. Certain groups of parasites such as cestodes, copepods, and monogeneans, were most often recorded in this review. The bacterial microbiota of elasmobranchs is currently being researched, but much information is lacking in the field, with the exception of certain well-known strains, such as members of the genus Vibrio. In addition, information on the 22 species of sharks included in this study is more in depth than that which can be found for the 11 ray species and three skates. A quantitative study was undertaken to investigate relationships between taxonomic Order and Family, as well as the relationship between diet and number of natural enemies with the use of the statistical software R. It was found that number of natural enemies present in an elasmobranch species correlates with the number of sources available. This first attempt at an exhaustive review of elasmobranch natural enemies from Florida waters includes over 400 pathogens as well as indicates the 14 most under-studied elasmobranch species.
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The Mediterranean Sea is the second largest biodiversity hotspot on earth, with over 700 identified fish species is facing numerous threats. Of more than 6000 taxa assessed for the IUCN Red List, a minimum of 20% are threatened with extinction. A total of eight key factors that affect vulnerability of marine fish species in the Mediterranean Sea were identified using the scientific literature and expert-reviewed validated databases. A database of 157 teleost fish species with threat status ranging from least concern to critically endangered was compiled. Nominal logistic curves identified the factor thresholds on species vulnerability, namely, age at maturity, longevity, and asymptotic length at 8.45 years, 36 years, and 221 cm, respectively. A second-degree stepwise regression model identified four significant factors affecting the threat category of Mediterranean fish species, namely, overfishing, by-catch, pollution, and age at maturity according to their significance. Predictive analysis using supervised machine learning algorithms was further employed to predict the vulnerability of Mediterranean marine fish species, resulting in the development of a framework with classification accuracy of 87.3% and 86.6% for Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Gradient Boosting machine learning algorithms, respectively, with the ability to assess the degree of variability using limited information.
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A demographic technique is used to compare the intrinsic rates of population increase of 26 shark species hypothetically exposed to fishing mortality. These rates (r2M) are used as a measure of the relative ability of different sharks to recover from fishing pressure. The method incorporates concepts of density dependence from standard population modelling and uses female age at maturity, maximum reproductive age, and average fecundity. A compensatory response to population reduction is assumed in pre-adult survival to the extent possible given the constraints of the life-history parameters. ‘Rebound’ productivity was strongly affected by age at maturity and little affected by maximum age. Species with lowest values (r2M < 0.04) tended to be late-maturing medium- to large-sized coastal sharks, whereas those with the highest (> 0.08) were small coastal, early-maturing species. Sharks with mid-range values (r2M = 0.04–0.07) were mostly large (> 250 cm maximum size) pelagic species, relatively fast growing and early maturing. Possible selection pressures for these three shark groups, management implications, practical applications for the derived parameter r2M, and recommended areas of research are discussed.
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The American Fisheries Society (AFS) recommends that regulatory agencies give shark and ray management high priority because of the naturally slow population growth inherent to most sharks and rays, and their resulting vulnerability to overfishing and stock collapse. Fisheries managers should be particularly sensitive to the vulnerability of less productive species of sharks and rays taken as a bycatch in mixed-species fisheries. The AFS encourages the development and implementation of management plans for sharks and rays in North America. Management practices including regulations, international agreements and treaties should err on the side of the health of the resource rather than short-term economic gain. The AFS encourages the release of sharks and rays taken as bycatch in a survivable condition. Regulatory agencies should mandate full utilization of shark carcasses and prohibit the wasteful practice of finning. Multilateral agreements among fishing nations, or management through regional fisheries management organizations are sorely needed for effective management of wide ranging shark stocks. The AFS encourages its members to become involved by providing technical information needed for protection of sharks and rays to international, federal, state, and provincial policy makers so decisions are made on a scientific, rather than emotional or political, basis.
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The deployment of electronic data storage tags that are surgically implanted or satellite-linked provides marine researchers with new ways to examine the movements, environmental preferences, and physiology of pelagic vertebrates. We report the results obtained from tagging of Atlantic bluefin tuna with implantable archival and pop-up satellite archival tags. The electronic tagging data provide insights into the seasonal movements and environmental preferences of this species. Bluefin tuna dive to depths of >1000 meters and maintain a warm body temperature. Western-tagged bluefin tuna make trans-Atlantic migrations and they frequent spawning grounds in the Gulf of Mexico and eastern Mediterranean. These data are critical for the future management and conservation of bluefin tuna in the Atlantic.
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Records show that the common skate, Raia batis, has declined in abundance in the Irish Sea since the early years of the twentieth century, and is now very rare. As I report here, it is possible to calculate the highest mortality which the species will withstand without collapsing. It is likely that the mortality due to fishing has exceeded this level for some time and that the species will not recover while fishing continues. This represents the first clear case of a fish brought to the brink of extinction by commercial fishing.
The global marine fish catch is approaching its upper limit. The number of overfished populations, as well as the indirect effects of fisheries on marine ecosystems, indicate that management has failed to achieve a principal goal, sustainability. This failure is primarily due to continually increasing harvest rates in response to incessant sociopolitical pressure for greater harvests and the intrinsic uncertainty in predicting the harvest that will cause population collapse. A more holistic approach incorporating interspecific interactions and physical environmental influences would contribute to greater sustainability by reducing the uncertainty in predictions. However, transforming the management process to reduce the influence of pressure for greater harvest holds more immediate promise.