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A Clinical interpretation of attitudes and behaviors associated with celebrity worship

  • Journal of Scientific Exploration
  • North American Journal of Psychology

Abstract and Figures

The phenomenon of celebrity worship is currently conceptualized as an abnormal type of parasocial relationship, driven by absorption and addictive elements and which potentially has significant clinical sequelae. The authors hypothesize that the three increasingly extreme sets of attitudes and behaviors associated with celebrity worship also partly reflect the three domains of personality discussed in Eysenckian theory. Specifically, celebrity worship for entertainment-social reasons may reflect extraversion personality traits; intense-personal attitudes and behaviors toward celebrities may reflect neuroticism traits; and celebrity worship of a borderline-pathological nature may reflect psychoticism traits. To test this idea, the authors administered the Celebrity Attitude Scale and the Abbreviated Form of the Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire to large convenience samples of students (N = 317) and community (N = 290) respondents. Results indicate that celebrity worship is not an uncommon phenomenon. Further, correlational analyses supported predictions and suggest that Eysenckian domains of personality may promote or hinder a person's progression along the continuum of behaviors associated with celebrity worship.
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A Clinical Interpretation of Attitudes and Behaviors Associated with
Celebrity Worship
The phenomenon of celebrity worship is currently conceptualized as an abnormal
type of parasocial relationship, driven by absorption and addictive elements and
which potentially has significant clinical sequelae. The authors hypothesize that the
three increasingly extreme sets of attitudes and behaviors associated with celebrity
worship also partly reflect the three domains of personality discussed in Eysenckian
theory. Specifically, celebrity worship for entertainment-social reasons may reflect
extraversion personality traits; intense-personal attitudes and behaviors toward
celebrities may reflect neuroticism traits; and celebrity worship of a borderline-
pathological nature may reflect psychoticism traits. To test this idea, the authors
administered the Celebrity Attitude Scale and the Abbreviated Form of the Revised
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire to large convenience samples of students (N
317) and community (N290) respondents. Results indicate that celebrity worship
is not an uncommon phenomenon. Further, correlational analyses supported pre-
dictions and suggest that Eysenckian domains of personality may promote or hinder
a person’s progression along the continuum of behaviors associated with celebrity
J Nerv Ment Dis 191:25–29, 2003
The adoration of celebrities as idols or models is
a normal part of identity development in childhood
and adolescence (Greene and Adams-Price, 1990;
Raviv et al., 1996; Yue and Cheung, 2000), but be-
yond this form of parasocial interaction is the seem-
ingly abnormal phenomenon whereby persons with
assumed intact identities become virtually obsessed
with one or more celebrities—similar to an eroto-
manic type of delusional disorder. This type of ob-
sessive-like behavior is known as celebrity worship.
Prevalence rates are not known, but celebrity wor-
ship is at least visible enough that the popular media
have taken notice. The stalking of celebrities is per-
haps the most dramatic and widely reported expres-
sion of this phenomenon (for a review see e.g.,
Melton, 2000), but celebrity worship can also affect
on a private level the person with the fixation. For
instance, in a recent issue of a teen fashion magazine
a 16-year-old girl told of her self-described obsession
with a musician and her reaction to the news of the
musician’s marriage engagement. According to
Haynes and Rich (2002), the adolescent was hospi-
talized because in response to hearing this informa-
tion she reportedly ran a hot bath and cut herself on
her neck, arms, and legs. Thoughts in her mind
during this disturbing event included, “She’s going to
change him if he gets married. . .I’m not going to live
with that” (p 198). Even on recovery from her inju-
ries, there was continued evidence of obsessional-
like ideations: “I don’t care who he dates, sleeps
with, marries. . .I realized I wanted him to be happy,
and that that would make me happy. . .He’s the only
person I connect with” (Haynes and Rich, 2002, p 198).
McCutcheon et al. (2002) proposed an Absorption-
Addiction model to explain such cases of celebrity
worship. According to this model, a compromised
identity structure in some persons facilitates psy-
chological absorption with a celebrity in an attempt
to establish an identity and a sense of fulfillment.
The dynamics of the motivational forces driving this
absorption may in turn take on an addictive compo-
nent, leading to more extreme (and perhaps delu-
sional) behaviors to sustain the person’s satisfaction
with the parasocial relationship. Several studies
based on the Celebrity Attitude Scale (Maltby et al.,
2001; Maltby et al., 2002; McCutcheon et al., 2002)
are consistent with this proposed model and suggest
that there are three increasingly more extreme sets
of attitudes and behaviors associated with celebrity
School of Psychology, University of Leicester, Leicester,
United Kingdom.
Department of Psychiatry, Southern Illinois University
School of Medicine, 901 West Jefferson, P.O. Box 19642, Spring-
field, Illinois 62794-9642. Send reprint requests to J. Houran.
Department of Psychology, University of Adelaide, Adelaide,
South Australia.
Department of General Education, DeVry University, Or-
lando, Florida.
0022-3018/03/1911–25 Vol. 191, No. 1
Copyright © 2003 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Low levels of celebrity worship have entertain-
ment-social value and comprise attitudes and behav-
iors like My friends and I like to discuss what my
favorite celebrity has done,and Learning the life
story of my favorite celebrity is a lot of fun.This
stage reflects social aspects to celebrity worship and
is consistent with Stevers (1991) observation that
fans are attracted to a favorite celebrity because of
their perceived ability to entertain and capture our
attention. Intermediate levels of celebrity worship,
by contrast, are characterized by more intense-per-
sonal feelings, defined by items like I consider my
favorite celebrity to be my soul mate,and I have
frequent thoughts about my celebrity, even when I
dont want to.This stage arguably reflects persons
intensive and compulsive feelings around the celeb-
rity, akin to the obsessional tendencies of fans often
referred to in the literature (Dietz et al., 1991; Giles,
2000). The most extreme expression of celebrity
worship is labeled borderline-pathological, as exem-
plified by items like If someone gave me several
thousand dollars to do with as I please, I would
consider spending it on a personal possession (like a
napkin or paper plate) once used by my favorite
celebrity,and If I were lucky enough to meet my
favorite celebrity, and he/she asked me to do some-
thing illegal as a favor I would probably do it.This
factor is thought to reflect a persons social-patho-
logical attitudes and behaviors that are held as a
result of worshiping a celebrity.
Sociological factors like mass media and commu-
nication may buttress all of these behaviors (e.g.,
Giles, 2000; Showalter, 1997), but a number of psy-
chological risk factors also influence a persons pro-
gression along the continuum of celebrity worship.
In particular, we know that celebrity worshipers
exhibit poorer psychological functioning than non-
worshipers (Maltby et al., 2001; McCutcheon et al.,
in press); the phenomenon occurs more in adoles-
cents or young adults than older persons (Ashe and
McCutcheon, 2001; Giles, in press);
and celebrity
worshipers are more likely than nonworshipers to
value a game-playinglove style (McCutcheon,
2002). However, celebrity worship does not appear
to be related to authoritarianism (Maltby et al., 2001)
and at best is only very weakly associated with
shyness or loneliness (Ashe and McCutcheon, 2001).
Moreover, we speculate that different dimensions
of personality in part promote susceptibility to in-
creasingly more extreme levels of celebrity worship.
For instance, the three stages discussed above
strongly parallel the three dimensions of Eysenckian
personality theory (Eysenck and Eysenck, 1985):
extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism. That
is, the entertainment-social factor of the Celebrity
Attitude Scale reflects some of the extraversion per-
sonality traits (sociable, lively, active, venturesome);
the intense-personal factor of the Celebrity Attitude
Scale reflects some of the neuroticism traits (tense,
emotional, moody); and some of the acts described
in the borderline-pathological subscale of the Celeb-
rity Attitude Scale seem to reflect some of the psy-
choticism traits (impulsive, antisocial, egocentric).
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to test
these predictions by examining the correlations be-
tween the three levels of celebrity worship and the
three dimensions of Eysencks personality theory.
Data were collected from two samples in the
United Kingdom. The first sample consisted of 164
male and 153 female full-time university students
(mean age 20.4 years, SD 2.6, range 18 to 29
years). The sample was predominantly composed of
single (N290) white persons (N211) who were
currently employed in some type of part-time work
(N163). The other sample was a convenience
sample of 127 male and 163 female respondents
(mean age 34.3 years, SD 8.1, range 22 to 60
years) from a number of workplaces and commu-
nity groups. This sample was predominantly com-
posed of married (N144) white persons (N
208) who were employed (N197), and most
(N87) had the equivalent of at least one O
level/GCSE education.
Materials included the a) Celebrity Attitude Scale
(CAS; McCutcheon et al., 2002). This is a 34-item
Likert-type scale with strongly agreeequal to 5 and
strongly disagreeequal to 1. From analysis reported
in Maltby et al. (2002), three subscales were formed
from 23 of the items: entertainment-social, intense-
personal, and borderline-pathological. Additionally,
the b) Abbreviated Form of the Revised Eysenck Per-
sonality Questionnaire (EPQR-A; Francis et al., 1992),
which contains 6-item measures of extraversion, neu-
roticism, psychoticism, and lie scores, was used. Re-
sponses are scores on a yes”–“noresponse format.
Within Eysenckian theory, extraversion traits com-
prise sociable, carefree, optimistic traits (Eysenck and
Eysenck, 1975). A person scoring high on extraversion
is likely to have many friends, take chances, and crave
Giles DC, Maltby J (submitted) The role of media in adoles-
cent development: Relations between autonomy, attachment,
and interest in celebrities.
MALTBY et al.
excitement (Eysenck et al., 2000). Second, a person
scoring high in neuroticism is anxious, moody, and
frequently depressed, likely to suffer from psycho-
somatic disorders, preoccupied with things that may
go wrong, and is overly emotional (Eysenck and
Eysenck, 1975; Eysenck et al., 2000). Third, psy-
choticism comprises solitary, troublesome, cruel, in-
humane, aggressive, and insensitive traits (Eysenck
and Eysenck, 1975; Eysenck et al., 2000). Psychiatric
terms associated with psychoticism subsume schiz-
oid,”“psychopathic,and behavioral disorders;
however, within Eysenckian theory, these are only
correlates of extreme scores on the scale (Eysenck
et al., 2000). Last, the questionnaire also contains a
measure of lie scores, to take account of persons
producing responses that are socially desirable.
We emphasize that these three dimensions of per-
sonality are not mutually exclusive; people have
these three traits to different degrees to the extent
that Eysenck et al. (2000) suggested that sometimes
personality traits are mixed. Those authors gave the
example that a person who scores high in neuroti-
cism and extraversion will likely to be touchy, rest-
less, and easily excitable. Moreover, the scale has
been subject to exploratory and confirmatory factor
analyses that suggest the unidimensionality of the
four EPQR-A subscales of Extraversion, Neuroti-
cism, Psychoticism, and the Lie Scale (Forrest et al.,
2000). This is consistent with the popular notion of a
continuum within the general population, along
which ordinary and pathological forms of thought
and perception may be mapped (e.g., Claridge, 1990,
1997; Posey and Losch, 19831984; Prentky, 1989).
Construct validity has been found for the subscales
in terms of predicted relationships with psychological
well-being, affect, religiosity, cognitive tasks, and
sex roles (Chang, 1997; Cooper and Taylor, 1999;
Francis and Bolger, 1997; Lewis and Maltby, 1995;
Shevlin et al., 2002).
Table 1 shows the mean score and standard devi-
ation for each measure. There were no statistically
significant gender differences for any of the scales,
except that in both samples, the women scored sig-
nificantly higher than the men on neuroticism. How-
ever, an alpha correction for multiple observations
indicates this effect is not robust. Table 1 gives the
Cronbach alphas for all the scales for the university
and older adult samples. The reliability statistic for
the 4-item CAS borderline-pathological subscale in
both samples was, on first analysis, very low (student
.55; older adult,
.52). On examining
item-to-total correlations, removal of the item News
about my favorite celebrity is a pleasant break from
the harsh world(item 32) increased the reliability
statistic to satisfactory level for each sample (Table 1).
Given that Maltby et al. (2002) have commented on the
unusualness of this item in the borderline-pathological
scale, it was removed, and scores for a 3-item measure
of CAS borderline-pathological subscale were com-
puted. Therefore, present findings suggest that all the
scales show satisfactory internal reliability, with the
exception of psychoticism, which falls slightly below
Klines (1986) criterion of .70.
Contrary to the idea that celebrity worship is an
uncommon phenomenon, Table 2 shows that ap-
proximately 36% of our combined sample scored at
or above the theoretical midpoints on the three sub-
scales of the CAS. Interestingly, about 27% of the
combined sample scored highly on the intense-per-
sonal and borderline-pathological subscales. Our
sampling procedure does not allow us to generalize,
but these findings suggest the possibility that many
persons do not engage in celebrity worship for mere
entertainment. Rather, there appears to be a clear
clinical component to attitudes and behaviors asso-
ciated with celebrity worshiping.
Mean Scores (SD) by Sex and Alpha Coefficients of All the Scales by Both Samples
Students (n317) Older Adults (n290)
Males Females t(315)
Males Females t(288)
.84 19.13 (8.2) 19.93 (9.7) .79 .90 16.73 (7.6) 16.79 (8.3) .06
.82 22.54 (7.2) 23.26 (7.9) .84 .88 20.76 (8.0) 21.13 (7.7) .39
.70 03.66 (2.4) 03.97 (2.5) 1.14 .70 03.42 (2.2) 03.53 (2.3) .41
Extraversion .80 03.81 (2.4) 03.47 (2.3) 1.63 .85 03.36 (2.4) 03.12 (2.4) .85
Neuroticism .78 03.08 (2.4) 03.87 (2.4) 2.64* .75 02.93 (2.5) 03.68 (2.4) 2.57*
Psychoticism .68 02.75 (2.5) 02.76 (2.2) .03 .66 02.81 (2.5) 02.72 (2.4) .32
Lie scores .81 02.14 (2.4) 02.11 (2.3) .11 .72 01.96 (2.2) 01.98 (2.3) .08
CAS-ES: Celebrity Attitude Scale Entertainment-Social.
CAS-IP: Celebrity Attitude Scale Intense Personal.
CAS-Pathology: Celebrity Attitude Scale Borderline-Pathological.
*p.05; **p.01; ***p.001 (statistically significant after .05 Bonferroni correction for multiple observations).
Table 3 gives the Pearson correlations between all
the variables for the two samples. Consistent with
predictions and replicating well across both sam-
ples, celebrity worship for entertainment-social rea-
sons shared a significantly positive relationship with
extraversion; celebrity worship for intense-personal
reasons shared a significantly positive correlation
with neuroticism; and celebrity worship reflecting
pathological tendencies shared a significantly posi-
tive relationship with psychoticism.
The present findings suggest that, among UK sam-
ples, celebrity worship is not an uncommon phenom-
enon and its expression may be explained in part
within wider personality theory. That is, celebrity
worship for entertainment-social reasons is associ-
ated with extraversion; celebrity worship for in-
tense-personal reasons is associated with neuroti-
cism; and celebrity worship reflecting pathological
thoughts and behaviors is related to psychoticism,
all defined in Eysenckian terms. The effect sizes are
at best modest (all rvalues .31); however, they are
robust given a Bonferroni correction (.05) for mul-
tiple observations. Moreover, the findings are con-
sistent with predictions that derived from descrip-
tions of celebrity worship and Eysencks personality
Accordingly, Eysenckian personality theory pro-
vides a theoretical and empirical context for previ-
ous and future findings using the CAS and can be
seen as an important supplement to McCutcheon et
al.s (2002) Absorption-Addiction model of celebrity
worship. In this respect, dimensions of personality
could help promote or hinder progressively more
extreme behaviors described by this model. That is,
the addictive component to McCutcheon et al.s
(2002) Absorption-Addiction model may be medi-
ated partly by personality traits. For instance, we
would not expect persons who score high on the
measure of extraversion and score low on the mea-
sures of neuroticism and psychoticism to be prone
to exhibit dysfunctional expressions of celebrity
worship. By contrast, previous studies have found
celebrity worship for intense personal reasons to be
related to depression and anxiety (Maltby et al.,
2001). The present findings suggest that this aspect
of celebrity worship is positively associated with
neuroticism, and since neuroticism is clearly related
to anxiety and depression (Eysenck and Eysenck,
1975; Gaynes et al., 1997; Maltby et al., 1998), the
neuroticism factor provides a useful understanding
of why these higher levels of celebrity worship are
related to poorer mental health. It may also be the
case that Eysenckian personality dimensions regu-
late the degree to which celebrity worshipers are
uninhibited in behaviors related to their fixation.
Additionally, the findings suggest that future re-
search may find some use in using Eysencks per-
sonality theory as a basis to interpret and conceptu-
alize correlates of celebrity worship. The celebrity
Pearson Correlations Between All the Scales
Students Above the Diagonal (n317)
1.00 .164** .181** .300** .101 .033 .037
.153** 1.00 .131** .059 .306*** .082 .002
.193** .215** 1.00 .018 .002 .171** .016
Extraversion .297*** .011 .076 1.00 .033 .047 .085
Neuroticism .098 .267*** .024 .079 1.00 .117* .012
Psychoticism .010 .046 .208*** .027 .086 1.00 .060
Lie scores .041 .070 .061 .046 .009 .051 1.00
Adults Below the Diagonal (n290)
CAS-ES: Celebrity Attitude Scale Entertainment-Social.
CAS-IP: Celebrity Attitude Scale Intense Personal
CAS-Pathology: Celebrity Attitude Scale Borderline-Pathological.
*p.05; **p.01; ***p.001 (statistically significant after .05 Bonferroni correction for multiple observations).
Distribution of Respondents who Scored at or above
Theoretical Midpoints on the Three Subscales of the Celebrity
Attitude Scale
Adult Sample (n290)
Subscale Total Sample Men Women
Entertainment-Social 18 7 11
Intense-Personal 61 26 35
Borderline-Pathological 5 2 3
Student Sample (n317)
Subscale Total Sample Men Women
Entertainment-Social 36 16 20
Intense-Personal 88 42 46
Borderline-Pathological 8 4 4
Entertainment-Social [10 items] 30; Intense-Personal [9 items]
27; Borderline-Pathological [3 items] 3
MALTBY et al.
worship borderline-pathological subscale was posi-
tively related to psychoticism, and psychoticism has
been thought to be important to distinguishing be-
tween tender-minded and tough-minded attitudes
(Eysenck, 1975). Therefore, future research may ex-
amine the relationship between tough-mindedness,
as measured by Hartmanns (1991) Boundary Ques-
tionnaire or Lange et al.s (2000) Revised Translimi-
nality Scale, and borderline-pathological celebrity
worship to extend the understanding of this most
extreme level of celebrity worship. We predict that
significant ego-boundary deficits are operating at
this stage of celebrity worship. Accordingly, the Ab-
sorption-Addiction model augmented by Eysencks
personality theory implies that at this stage the ex-
pression of celebrity worship is firmly rooted in
pathology and thus may become a serious clinical
issue. The case of the female adolescent who was
willing to self-mutilate over her parasocial relation-
ship with a popular musician subsequently might
serve as an illustrative example.
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... Fans are often willing to dedicate considerable attention to their idols, engaging in behaviors that reflect this devotion. According to Maltby (2003), this form of one-way interaction, where individuals develop an obsession with celebrities, is referred to as celebrity worship. If this behavior does not interfere with daily functioning, it is generally considered normal, as it is prevalent in many people. ...
... entertainment, is a casual, and harmless level. The second (Intense Personal) and third (Borderline Pathological) levels, as the name implies, indicate a deeper level of involvement as they reflect excessive, and uncontrollable feelings related to the idol (Maltby, Houran, and McCutcheon 2003), as the name implies. The statement items have been translated into Indonesian and adapted to the K-pop celebrities under study. ...
... Various studies have shown that personal attachment to celebrities can be influenced by a variety of factors, including personality traits, and psychological needs of individuals, not just educational background. These studies reveal that factors such as shyness and loneliness (Ashe and McCutcheon 2001), low self-esteem, high neuroticism and psychotic tendencies (Maltby et al. 2003), as well as anxiety, depression and personality disorders (Sansone and Sansone 2014), may contribute to celebrity worship. In addition, the need for attachment and belongingness, relationship status (Greenwood and Long 2011), attachment style, and interpersonal trust (Collisson et al. 2018) may also influence admiration and imagined intimacy with media personalities. ...
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The emergence of smartphones with all their advanced features has not only had a positive impact but also a negative impact on human life. One of the negative impacts of using smartphones is phubbing behavior. This chapter aims to determine the relationship between smartphone addiction and phubbing behavior in Generation Z (Gen Z) social media users. The hypothesis in this study is that there is a significant positive relationship between smartphone addiction and phubbing behavior in Gen Z social media users. The tool for measuring phubbing behavior used in this chapter is the SAS-SV (Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version) which was developed by Mumtaz (2019) based on the smartphone addiction theory of Kwon and Yang (2013). The subjects of this chapter were 281 people. From the results of the hypothesis test, it is known that the significance value (p) is 0.000 (p<0.05), which indicates that there is a significant positive relationship between smartphone addiction and phubbing behavior in Gen Z social media users. This research contributes to the development of science which strengthens the importance of managing smartphone use, especially in the use of social media, so as not to make people behave more individualistically when in groups.
... Kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh para fans tersebut dapat mengarah pada suatu variabel yang disebut celebrity worship, sebuah interaksi parasosial yang dilakukan oleh seseorang hingga terobsesi pada sesuatu yang terkenal (Maltby et al., 2003). Interaksi parasosial sendiri adalah rasa kesadaran akan suatu timbal balik yang palsu yang terjadi selama menonton objek tertentu (Dibble et al., 2015). ...
... Menurut Maltby et al., (2003), celebrity worship adalah sebuah bentuk hubungan parasosial abnormal dimana didorong dengan sifat absorption dan addiction yang dapat meningkatkan seseorang dalam mengembangkan gejala klinis. Hubungan ini didasari oleh keinginan untuk menyerap semua yang ada pada subjek tertentu dan melakukannya secara terus menerus. ...
... Aspek celebrity worship terdiri atas 3 hal yang dikemukakan oleh Maltby et al., (2003). Aspek pertama, entertainmentsocial melibatkan sifat ekstraversi yang dilakukan oleh fans untuk berkomunikasi dengan sesana fans lainnya. ...
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Abstrak. Celebrity worship adalah hubungan yang dibangun seseorang dengan usaha dan fokus penuh secara kontinu hingga menimbulkan obsesi dan keterikatan pada artis tertentu. Fenomena ini terjadi karena banyaknya konten artis dan media yang menarik dengan akses yang mudah melalui internet. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi celebrity worship adalah variabel loneliness. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat ada tidaknya hubungan antara loneliness dan celebrity worship pada fans K-Pop perempuan emerging adulthood. Sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan incidental sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah skala celebrity worship dan loneliness (SELSA-S). Hasil uji hipotesis diperoleh nilai r = -0,024 (p>0,05), sehingga bisa disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara loneliness dan celebrity worship pada fans K-Pop perempuan emerging adulthood. Tidak adanya hubungan antara kedua variabel terjadi dikarenakan dukungan sosial yang didapatkan saat menjadi fans K-Pop sehingga tidak mengalami adanya loneliness. Kata Kunci: Loneliness, Celebrity Worship, Emerging Adulthood, Perempuan
... One such area that is found to be negatively affected by celebrity worship is cognitive processing (Brooks, 2018). For example, a study by Maltby et al. (2003) found that celebrity worshippers scored significantly lower in terms of crystallized intelligence, creativity, critical thinking, and spatial ability. Furthermore, it has been found that celebrity worship is negatively correlated with critical thinking (McCutcheon et al., 2014). ...
... This domain could be exhibited in any activity involving celebrities that provides enjoyment or entertainment to an individual. For example, Maltby et al. (2003) "stated that a large number of individuals engage in following celebrities on social media platforms, seeking entertainment and social connection with their favorite stars." This indicated that following the activity and updates about a celebrity on social media platforms such as Instagram, X, Tiktok, Facebook, etc., belongs to the Entertainment-Social domain. ...
... However, despite these positive claims, the negative impacts of celebrity worship remains much more dominant. Many studies have discussed several potential negative consequences of excessive celebrity worship Maltby et al., 2005;Maltby et al., 2003;McCutcheon et al., 2002). An example is the heightened susceptibility to fantasy proneness and dissociation, which could contribute to mental health issues . ...
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This study investigates how celebrity worship predicts gullibility, focusing on how admiration for celebrities may induce gullibility and susceptibility to misleading information. Anchoring on the theoretical framework, Assimilative/Accommodative Processing Model, this study explores the prevalence of celebrity culture and its potential negative effects on cognitive processing. Data were collected from 100 participants through structured online surveys using a non-experimental quantitative design. Results indicate that participants exhibited high levels of celebrity worship (M=2.7; SD=0.74) and gullibility (M=2.16; SD=0.46), and that there is a significant predictive relationship between the two (p=>.001). The Intense-Personal domain of celebrity worship emerged as the strongest predictor of gullibility (M=2.97; SD=0.89; p=>.001). These findings underlie the addictive features associated with intense personal attachment to celebrities, emphasizing the need for further studies to enhance understanding of these phenomena. Recommendations for future research include expanding the sample size and lowering the criteria for participation to examine the impact of celebrity worship on gullibility, as well as investigating cross-cultural variations in celebrity worship and its consequences. Ultimately, by better understanding the complex dynamics of celebrity worship and gullibility, we can develop more effective strategies and techniques for promoting critical thinking abilities and limiting the detrimental effects of celebrity influence on people's susceptibility to misinformation.
... Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (JISIP) e- ISSN. 2442-6962 Vol. 13 No. 3 (2024 Maltby et al. (2003) juga mencatat bahwa tingkat religiusitas seseorang memengaruhi pemujaan selebriti. Individu yang memiliki tingkat religiusitas tinggi cenderung lebih mengekspresikan cinta dan pengabdian kepada Tuhan daripada kepada selebriti. ...
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This study is motivated by the increasing phenomenon of adolescents excessively idolizing K-POP boybands, influenced by several factors, including self-esteem and religiosity. The purpose of this research is to empirically examine the relationship between self-esteem and religiosity on celebrity worship among K-POP-loving adolescents. The population of this study comprises K-POP fans aged 15-23 years, with a quota sampling technique involving 150 participants. The study adopts a quantitative approach using correlation methods. Data collection instruments include the celebrity worship scale, self-esteem scale, and religiosity scale. The data analysis results indicate a coefficient value of R = 0.188, F = 2.071, and p = 0.004 (p 0.05). The findings conclude that self-esteem and religiosity together have a significant relationship with celebrity worship among K-POP-loving adolescents. These results suggest that higher levels of self-esteem and religiosity are associated with lower tendencies for excessive celebrity worship. This study contributes to understanding the psychological and spiritual factors influencing adolescent behavior towards their idols.Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh maraknya fenomena remaja yang memuja boyband K-POP secara berlebihan, dengan beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhinya antara lain self esteem dan religiusitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui secara empiris hubungan antara self esteem dan religiusitas terhadap celebrity worship pada remaja pencinta K-POP. Populasi penelitian ini adalah remaja pencinta K-POP yang berusia 15-23 tahun, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel kuota yang melibatkan 150 remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode korelasi. Alat pengumpulan data berupa skala celebrity worship, skala self esteem, dan skala religiusitas. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan nilai koefisien R = 0,188, F = 2,071, dan p = 0,004 (p 0,05). Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa self esteem dan religiusitas secara bersama-sama memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap celebrity worship pada remaja penggemar K-POP. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat self esteem dan religiusitas remaja, semakin rendah kecenderungan mereka untuk melakukan celebrity worship secara berlebihan. Temuan ini memberikan kontribusi dalam memahami faktor psikologis dan spiritual yang dapat memengaruhi pola perilaku remaja terhadap idola mereka.
... Rasa cinta ini bisa disebut juga sebagai celebrity worship. Maltby et al., (2003) mengungkapkan celebrity worship merupakan intensitas hubungan searah diantara fans dan idola, hubungan itu akan disebut abnormal saat fans terobsesi dengan idolanya. Celebrity worship sering mendefinisikan sebagai seseorang yang senang menyendiri, memiliki obsesi pada idola dan menunjukkan adanya aspek patologis. ...
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This research aims to determine the effect of celebrity worship on consumptive behavior in adolescent K-Popers. The design used in this research is quantitative correlational type. The sample in this researchwere teenage K-Popers in Indonesia using purposive sampling technique. This study uses simple regression analysis techniques to analyze research data. Based on the results of data processing, the regression value is .000 (p< . 01) which indicates that there is a significant relationship between the two variables. In addition, it is known that there is a positive influence between celebrity woship and consumptive behavior. This shows that the higher the celebrity worship, the higher the consumptive behavior of teenange K-Popers.Abstrak: Riset ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh celebrity worship terhadap perilaku konsumtif pada remaja K-Popers. Desain yang digunakan pada riset ini yaitu kuantitatif berjenis korelasional. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah remaja K-Popers yang berada di Indonesia dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis regresi sederhana untuk menganalisis data penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil olah data, diperoleh nilai regresi sebesar .000 (p< .01) yang menandakan bahwa terhadapt hubungan yang signifikan antara kedua variabel. Selain itu diketahui adanya pengaruh positif antara celebrity worship dan perilaku konsumtif. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa apabila semakin tinggi celebrity worship maka semakin tinggi juga perilaku konsumtif yang dilakukan remaja K-Popers.
This study aims to analyze the behavior of celebrity worship and the behavior of delaying the age of marriage in K-pop fans in Ponorogo Regency according to Islamic law. This study used qualitative research methods with the type of Field Research with observation, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The study's results proved that all informants were at the celebrity worship level of intense personal feelings. All informants said that they felt empathy for their idol's life journey which gave rise to fantasies about their idol. Five informants said that it also had an impact on love relationships and they even wanted to postpone the age of marriage because the standard of the desired partner was similar to that of A K-pop idol, comparing the men around him with K-pop idols, wanting to realize his dream of meeting an idol, and trust issues. In Islamic law, such behavior should be avoided because it is inappropriate. Marriage can also avoid harm such as zina Al-laman or zina with five senses.
This study aims to explore the relationship between celebrity worship, psychological well-being, and verbal aggression in adolescent K-Pop NCT fans. Verbal aggression refers to behavior that intends to hurt, intimidate, or harm someone verbally or physically. Verbal aggression includes the use of mocking words, abusive language, expressions of hatred, and sarcasm. This study uses quantitative methods involving a population of 205 K-Pop NCT fans who are members of the "Neo City Area" community. The research subjects consisted of 124 adolescent K-Pop NCT fans, aged 15-19 years, who were selected by purposive sampling. Data collection was conducted using a Likert scale, with measurement instruments consisting of the aggression scale, celebrity attitude scale, and psychological well-being scale (PWBS). Multiple regression analysis showed that there was a simultaneous relationship between celebrity worship and psychological well-being on verbal aggression. Partially, a positive relationship was found between celebrity worship and verbal aggression, while psychological well-being was negatively related to verbal aggression. These results indicate that the higher the level of celebrity worship, the lower psychological well-being, and conversely, the higher the level of verbal aggression in adolescent K-Pop NCT fans. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi keterkaitan antara celebrity worship, psychological well-being, dan agresi verbal pada remaja penggemar K-Pop NCT. Agresi verbal merujuk pada perilaku yang bermaksud melukai, mengintimidasi, atau membahayakan seseorang secara verbal maupun fisik. Agresi verbal meliputi penggunaan kata-kata ejekan, bahasa kasar, ekspresi kebencian, dan sarkasme. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan melibatkan populasi sebanyak 205 penggemar K-Pop NCT yang tergabung dalam komunitas "Neo City Area". Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 124 remaja penggemar K-Pop NCT, berusia 15-19 tahun, yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan skala Likert, dengan instrumen pengukuran yang terdiri dari the aggression scale, celebrity attitude scale, dan psychological well-being scale (PWBS). Analisis regresi berganda menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan simultan antara celebrity worship dan psychological well-being terhadap agresi verbal. Secara parsial, ditemukan hubungan positif antara celebrity worship dan agresi verbal, sementara psychological well-being terkait secara negatif dengan agresi verbal. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat celebrity worship, maka psychological well-being akan menurun, dan sebaliknya, semakin tinggi tingkat agresi verbal pada remaja penggemar K-Pop NCT.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh celebrity worship terhadap perilaku konsumtif pada penggemar JKT48. Adapun teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan nonprobability samping dengan metode teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 543 responden penggemar JKT48 berusia 18-40 tahun. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan metode liner sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa celebrity worship berpengaruh terhadap perilaku konsumtif dengan besaran pengaruh sebesar 21.3% dengan nilai signifikasi 0.000 (p<0.05) dengan arah pengaruh positif, artinya semakin tinggi celebrity worship maka semakin tinggi perilaku konsumtif.
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In an era where celebrity influence shapes the lives of young people worldwide, understanding its impact on adolescents has never been more critical. This study explores the growing phenomenon of celebrity worship among Ghanaian adolescents by employing an exploratory research design. Primary data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 12 adolescents who were conveniently sampled. Interpretative phenomenological analysis approach was adopted to uncover recurring patterns and themes in the data. Our findings show dual effects of celebrity worship on the mental health of the adolescents. These encompass positive aspects such as inspiration and motivation, and negative aspects like anxiety and low self-esteem. We also established that adolescents engage in celebrity worship for varied reasons, including a desire for social connection and a need for escapism. Thus, our study highlights the dynamic effects of celebrity worship on the mental health of adolescents. Further quantitative studies are recommended for a comprehensive understanding of this relationship.
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Measures of shyness, loneliness and attitudes toward a favorite celebrity were administered to 150 participants. We hypothesized that shyness and loneliness would be linked to the strength of one's "parasocial" relationship with celebrities, and to "highly visible" celebrities in particular. Of the 16 correlation coefficients we obtained, 15 were in the predicted direction, but none exceeded .24. Either shy and lonely people are not predisposed to seek strong parasocial bonds with celebrities or the hypothesized relationships are so weak that they account for very little variance.
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he Celebrity Appeal Questionnaire was constructed to operationalize constructs related to parasocial attraction or attraction to celebrities by their fans. The article contains a factor analysis of responses on this questionnaire by 81 college students and a group of 367 Michael Jackson concert attendees. Components of parasocial attraction were perceived sex appeal, perceived competence (here as an entertainer), and perception of the artist as a prosocial person. Mystique was not a predictor of fans' attraction. Further work to establish generality of applicability of the scales and findings is discussed.
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Stalking is a phenomenon increasingly targeted as a problem in need of social and legal control. Although, to date, the focus on stalking has been on incidents between strangers, recent research has shown that the majority of stalking incidents involve individuals who are acquainted or who are or have been intimates, with a high correlation between stalking and domestic violence. The following essay is a review of the research on stalking. Emphasis is placed on providing a new direction for future policy and research on stalking, and on the conclusion that research needs to focus on the link between domestic violence and stalking and the impact of criminal justice intervention.
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This paper considers the phenomenon of parasocial interaction (PSI) used by media researchers to describe the relationship between media users and media figures (from celebrities to fictional characters). Although the concept has been used consistently across the past two decades in media research, it is argued here that it has not been sufficiently developed at a theoretical level to be taken up by psychologists. A number of key issues have not been addressed: firstly, how PSI might, as its originators put it, be "integrated into the matrix of usual social activity" (Horton & Wohl, 1956); secondly, how PSI might vary according to different types of media figure; and thirdly, what processes over time and media use bind user and figure into a "parasocial relationship." In this paper the existing literature on PSI is extensively reviewed, and an original model of PSI is developed for use in future social psychological research, which places PSI within the realm of ordinary social interaction and suggests ways in which different media use and different types of media figure interact to produce different styles of relationship. Finally, some applications of more detailed research into PSI are suggested.
The central theme of this title presents a challenging and controversial view of psychosis-that the features of psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia actually lie on a continuum with, and form part of, normal behavior and experience. The dispositional or “schizotypal” traits associated with psychotic disorders, while increasing one’s chances for mental illness, also lead to positive outcomes such as enhanced creativity or spiritual experience. Each aspect of this theme is supported by extensive experimental and clinical evidence, questioning the conventional medical wisdom that treats psychotic illness in the narrow context of neurological disease. The result is an authoritative and provocative overview of an important topic in psychological research and clinical practice.
Jaynes' elaborate theory of the evolution of human consciousness speculates that unconscious language use by the right hemisphere produced frequent auditory hallucinations in primitive people [1]. Jaynes offers some explanation as to why hearing voices would now be less common. It is parsimonious, however, to predict that hearing voices is still common, although usually unreported, in the modern normal population. Some clinical literature gives support to this prediction. This study tested the prediction by means of surveying 375 college students with a two-part questionnaire. The first section presented fourteen different examples of auditory hallucinations and asked whether the subject had experienced such occurrences. The second section asked for information concerning the characteristics of any hallucinated voices and for information about the subject that might relate to cerebral laterality. The results support the prediction that hearing voices is common within the normal population. Overall, 71 percent of the sample reported some experience with brief, auditory hallucinations of the voice type in wakeful situations. Hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations were also reported. The most frequent incidents were hearing a voice call one's name aloud when alone (36%) and hearing one's thoughts as if spoken aloud (39%). Interviews and MMPI results obtained from twenty selected subjects suggested that these reports of hearing voices were not related to pathology. Further findings of a significant relationship between high rates of auditory hallucinations and the extent to which subjects reported skills in music, art, and poetry were interpreted as weak support for Jaynes' speculation that right hemisphere activity may account for auditory hallucinations. Overall, the results are seen as supportive of several of Jaynes' theoretical points.
A sample of fifty retired civil servants completed the Bradbum Balanced Affect Scale together with the abbreviated form of the Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. The findings demonstrate that psychological well-being is correlated positively with extraversion and negatively with neuroticism.
The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised - Abbreviated (EPQR-A). Francis, Brown, and Philipchalk [Francis, L. J., Brown, L. B., & Philipchalk, R. (1992). The development of an abbreviated form of the Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQR-A): its use among students in England, Canada, the USA and Australia. Personality and Individual Differences, 13, 443-449] have presented preliminary data on the reliability of the EPQR-A, however the factor structure has not been evaluated using factor analytic procedures. Also, previous work by Francis I:Francis, L. J. (1993). The dual nature of the Eysenckian neuroticism scales: a question of sex differences. Personality and Individual Differences, 15, 43-59] with various forms of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire found significant gender effects on the Neuroticism subscale, however the methodology employed was limited. The present study extends this previous work through the use of structural equation modelling procedures to examine the dimensionality of the EPQR-A in terms of the underlying latent factors and to provide information regarding gender bias at both a latent factor and individual item level. Data from 383 Northern Irish undergraduate university students were examined. Using confirmatory factor analysis, evidence was found for the unidimensionality of the four EPQR-A subscales of Extraversion, Neuroticism, Psychoticism and the Lie Scale. In addition, consistent with previous research findings significant gender effects were found on the Neuroticism, Psychoticism and Lie factors. Males were significantly higher in terms of the Psychoticism factor, and females significantly higher on the Neuroticism and Lie factors. The results are discussed and the implications considered in terms of the benefits of using structural