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A Comparison of Linear and Daily Undulating Periodized Programs With Equated Volume and Intensity for Local Muscular Endurance


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this study was to compare linear periodization (LP), daily undulating periodization (DUP), and reverse linear periodization (RLP) for gains in local muscular endurance and strength. Sixty subjects (30 men, 30 women) were randomly assigned to LP, DUP, or RLP groups. Maximal repetitions at 50% of the subject's body weight were recorded for leg extensions as a pretest, midtest, and posttest. Training involved 3 sets (leg extensions) 2 days per week. The LP group performed sets of 25 repetition maximum (RM), 20RM, and 15RM changing every 5 weeks. The RLP group progressed in reverse order (15RM, 20RM, 25RM), changing every 5 weeks. The DUP group adjusted training variables between each workout (25RM, 20RM, 15RM repeated for the 15 weeks). Volume and intensity were equated for each training program. No significant differences were measured in endurance gains between groups (RLP = 73%, LP = 56%, DUP = 55%; p = 0.58). But effect sizes (ES) demonstrated that the RLP treatment (ES = 0.27) was more effective than the LP treatment (control) and the DUP treatment (ES = -0.02) at increasing muscular endurance. Therefore, it was concluded that making gradual increases in volume and gradual decreases in intensity was the most effective program for increasing muscular endurance.
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2002, 16(2), 250–255
q2002 National Strength & Conditioning Association
A Comparison of Linear and Daily Undulating
Periodized Programs with Equated Volume and
Intensity for Strength
Exercise and Wellness Research Laboratory, Department of Exercise Science and Physical Education, Arizona
State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287.
The purpose of this study was to compare linear periodization
(LP) and daily undulating periodization (DUP) for strength
gains. Twenty men (age 521 62.3 years) were randomly
assigned to LP (n510) or DUP (n510) groups. One repe-
tition maximum (1RM) was recorded for bench press and leg
press as a pre-, mid-, and posttest. Training involved 3 sets
(bench press and leg press), 3 days per week. The LP group
performed sets of 8 RM during weeks 1–4, 6 RM during
weeks 4–8, and 4 RM during weeks 9–12. The DUP group
altered training on a daily basis (Monday, 8 RM; Wednesday,
6 RM; Friday, 4 RM). Analysis of variance with repeated mea-
sures revealed statistically significant differences favoring the
DUP group between T1 to T2 and T1 to T3. Making program
alterations on a daily basis was more effective in eliciting
strength gains than doing so every 4 weeks.
Key Words: weight training, variation, plateau, resis-
tance training, periodization
Reference Data: Rhea, M.R., S.D. Ball, W.T. Phillips,
and L.N. Burkett. A comparison of linear and daily
undulating periodized programs with equated volume
and intensity for strength. J. Strength Cond. Res. 16(2):
250–255. 2002.
etermining the most effective and efficient meth-
od of strength development has been a primary
focus of strength coaches and strength researchers for
decades. Whether it is an elite athlete looking for an
edge on the playing field, a police officer preparing for
possible confrontations, or an elderly individual hop-
ing to maintain an independent lifestyle, increasing
strength can be an important goal. It is vital that pro-
fessionals be able to prescribe the most appropriate
and effective program for these individuals, ideally a
program that has been tested in an objective research
setting and has demonstrated its effectiveness.
Although the strength training community has yet
to agree on the optimal program design for strength
development, one concept that strength-training ex-
perts generally agree upon is that some form of peri-
odization must be a major part of any program to op-
timize strength gains. Periodization is a planned var-
iation of acute program variables that has been shown
to be more effective in eliciting strength and body
mass improvements than nonperiodized programs (2,
7, 10, 13–15, 17). The concept of periodization can be
traced to Selye’s general adaptation syndrome (12),
which theorizes that systems will adapt to any chang-
es they might experiences in an attempt to meet the
demands of stressors. The goal of a periodized pro-
gram is to optimize the principle of ‘‘overload’’, the
process by which the neuromuscular system adapts to
unaccustomed loads or stressors. For the neuromus-
cular system to adapt maximally to the training load
or stress, it is important to alter training volume and
intensity as demonstrated by the body of research
comparing periodized programs to nonperiodized
programs (cited previously). Faced with increased de-
mands, the neuromuscular system adapts with in-
creases in muscular strength. Once the system has
adapted to that demand or load, strength increases are
no longer needed and increases will eventually stop.
Periodization is designed to avoid this problem by con-
tinually changing the load placed on the neuromus-
cular system. In addition to increasing overload, pe-
riodization may be beneficial by adding variation to
workouts, thus avoiding staleness and plateaus in
strength gains.
Periodization can be accomplished by manipulat-
ing the number of sets, repetitions, or exercises per-
formed, the amount or type of resistance used, the
amount of rest between sets or exercises, the type of
contractions performed, or the training frequency. The
classic form of linear periodization (LP) divides a typ-
Linear vs. Daily Undulating Periodization for Strength
Table 1. Subject descriptives.*
Group† Age (y) Height (cm) Weight (kg) % Body fat
experience (y)
LP (n510)
DUP (n510)
21.2 (3.1)
20.2 (2.4)
178.2 (6.8)
181.8 (8.4)
90.4 (16.5)
86.3 (21.4)
16.3 (4.2)
17.6 (8.7)
5.4 (2.1)
5.0 (2.6)
* Values expressed represent group means (standard deviation).
†LP5linear periodization; DUP 5daily undulating periodization.
ical strength-training program into different periods
or cycles: macrocycles (9–12 months), mesocycles (3–4
months), and microcycles (1–4 weeks), gradually in-
creasing the training intensity while decreasing the
training volume within and between cycles. A less-
used form of periodization called undulating periodi-
zation, first advocated by Poliquin (11), is character-
ized by more frequent alterations in the intensity and
volume. Rather than making changes over a period of
months, the undulating model makes these same
changes on a weekly or even daily basis. For example,
a subject may progress from high volume–low inten-
sity to low volume–high intensity within the same
week by performing sets of 12–15 repetition maxima
(RM) on Monday, sets of 8–10 RM on Wednesday, and
sets of 3–5 RM on Friday. The phases are much shorter
in undulating periodization, providing more frequent
changes in stimuli, which are speculated to be highly
conducive to strength gains (11). The above program
may place considerable stress on the neuromuscular
system because of the rapid and continuous change in
program variables. It is this stress that theoretically
makes the program effective in eliciting increased
amounts of strength gain or in aiding athletes to over-
come staleness (a plateau) in their training.
Most previous research has only focused on dif-
ferences between periodized and nonperiodized
programs. Few studies have investigated undulating
periodization, and only one study (2) has ever at-
tempted to compare linear periodization with un-
dulating periodization. Baker et al. (2) reported no
significant difference in strength gains when alter-
ing the volume and intensity every 2 weeks in an
undulating group and every 3–4 weeks in a linear
group. No significant differences in strength gains
were found between groups. It is likely that the dif-
ferences between the linear and undulating training
programs were not severe enough to elicit statisti-
cally significant differences.
Ivonov et al. (6) compared undulating periodiza-
tion with a nonperiodized program in track athletes
competing in throwing events. Undulating periodiza-
tion was found to be superior in eliciting strength
gains as compared with the nonperiodized program
in both bench press and squat exercises.
Kraemer et al. (8) compared a multiset version of
daily undulating periodization (DUP) to a nonperiod-
ized, single-set program in female collegiate tennis
players. This study, which spanned 9 months, dem-
onstrated superiority of the DUP program in eliciting
strength increases.
Researchers have recently declared the need for
further research regarding the effectiveness of the un-
dulating model as compared with the linear model (3,
4, 16). Fleck and Kraemer also suggest investigating
the specific combination of variables that will elicit
maximum gains in strength (4).
Research Approach
The purpose of this study was to examine a more in-
tensive approach to undulating periodization than that
used by Baker et al. (2) by altering volume and inten-
sity on a daily basis. To our knowledge, this study is
the first to compare LP and DUP. It is also important
to note that many previous periodization studies have
failed to equate training volume and training intensity
between groups. Failure to do so makes it impossible
for researchers to attribute differences in strength
gains to the program design or to differences in vol-
ume or intensity between groups. In the present study,
volume and intensity were equated for both groups
throughout the training program to attribute any out-
comes to the differences in periodization. Maximal
strength in the bench press and the leg press was des-
ignated as the dependent variable and method of pe-
riodization (LP and DUP) was set as the independent
Twenty men (age 21 62.3 years) were recruited from
college weight-training classes. Subjects gave their in-
formed consent to participate in the study, which was
approved by an Institutional Review Board before be-
ginning the research. Subjects filled out questionnaires
evaluating their prior strength-training experience. All
subjects reported participating in a strength-training
program (at least 2 days per week) for a minimum of
2 years before beginning the study. Each subject re-
ported that he had been following a program equiva-
lent to LP during the previous 2 years. Subject char-
acteristics are listed in Table 1.
252 Rhea, Ball, Phillips, and Burkett
Table 2. Training program (3 workouts·week
LP group†
Weeks 1–4
3 sets 8RM
Weeks 5–8
3 sets 6RM
Weeks 9–12
3 sets 4RM
DUP group
Day 1
3 sets 8RM
Day 2
3 sets 6RM
Day 3
3 sets 4RM
* Training volume and intensity throughout the training
program identical for each group.
†LP5linear periodization; DUP 5daily undulating pe-
riodization; RM 5repetition maxima.
Subjects participated in 6 instruction/training ses-
sions before the pretest to ensure proper technique
and comprehension of the testing process. The 1RM
was used as a measure of pretraining strength of the
upper and lower body using the bench press and leg
press. Bench press testing and training were per-
formed on a standard free-weight bench press station.
The Cybex incline leg press machine was used for
lower body testing and training. To obtain reliable
baseline strength values, the pretraining 1RM values
were performed on 3 separate occasions separated by
several days. A high interclass correlation was found
between the second and third 1RM trials (R50.99).
The greatest 1RM from the last 2 trials was used in
the statistical analysis as the baseline measure. All
1RM testing was conducted on the same equipment
with identical subject–equipment positioning over-
seen by the same trained investigator according to
guidelines set forth by the American College of
Sports Medicine (1). Subjects were required to warm
up and perform light stretching before performing
approximately 10 repetitions with a relatively light
resistance for each exercise. The resistance was then
increased to an amount estimated to be less than the
subject’s 1RM. The resistance was progressively in-
creased in incremental loads after each successful at-
tempt until failure. All 1RM values were determined
in 3 to 5 attempts. Strength testing was repeated after
weeks 6 and 12 of resistance training.
Statistical analysis of both bench press and leg
press baseline data demonstrated that no significant
differences between groups (p.0.05) existed in
strength at baseline. This ensured that both groups be-
gan the study at comparable levels.
Training Protocol
After testing, subjects were randomly divided into 2
groups (LP or DUP) and began a 12-week training
program on the leg press and bench press. Subjects
trained 3 days per week, with each session lasting ap-
proximately 40 minutes. Each subject performed a 10-
minute aerobic warm-up and stretching exercises be-
fore beginning each workout. A warm-up set was also
performed on each lift with light resistance and in-
volved approximately 10 repetitions. Both leg press
and bench press lifts were performed during the same
training session with random assignment of order for
each session. Subjects also performed abdominal
crunches (3–4 sets of 15–25 repetitions), biceps curls (3
38–12 RM), and lat pull-downs (3 38–12 RM). Sub-
jects were prohibited from performing any other
strength-building exercises during the 12-week pro-
The training volume and intensity were altered dif-
ferently for each group (see Table 2). However, both
volume (total reps performed) and intensity (RM)
were equated among the groups. This was done to
control for differences in training volume or intensity.
Therefore, the only difference between the training
programs was the order in which subjects performed
the workouts.
The LP group performed 3 sets of 4–8 RM (8 RM
each session for the first 4 weeks, 6 RM for weeks 5–
8, and 4 RM during weeks 9–12) as suggested by Stone
(13). The DUP group also performed 3 sets of 4–8 RM
each session. The first session of each week consisted
of 8 RM sets, the second session consisted of 6 RM
sets, and the third session consisted of 4 RM sets. Each
session was separated by a minimum of 48 hours. This
cycle was repeated for 12 weeks with 1 week of active
rest (participation in physical activity with the excep-
tion of weight training) between weeks 5 and 6.
Body Composition
Body volume was determined by whole-body plethys-
mography (Bod Pod, Life-Measurement Instruments,
Concord, CA) and converted into percent fat values
using the Siri equation (5). The initial measured tho-
racic gas volume was entered for the posttest to ensure
reliability. Subjects were required to wear a Lycra
swim cap and tight fitting Lycra-Spandex bike shorts,
or swimming briefs, for each trial. Bod Pod testing was
performed by the same trained technician for all sub-
Repeated circumference measures were taken us-
ing a Gulick tape measure. Circumference measures
were taken at the chest and at mid-thigh (9).
Statistical Analyses
These data were analyzed using an analysis of vari-
ance with repeated measures and, where appropriate,
Tukey’s post hoc tests were used to determine differ-
ences among groups and across time. The level of sig-
nificance in this study was set at p#0.05.
Absolute and percentage strength increases were
compared between groups. Both LP and DUP groups
increased strength significantly (p,0.05) in both leg
and bench presses over the course of the training pro-
gram (T1 to T3). Mean percent increases in strength
Linear vs. Daily Undulating Periodization for Strength
Table 3. Strength measures across time and absolute
strength increases across time.†
Bench press [kg (SD)]
T1 T2 T3
83.41 (12.86)
66.59 (19.23)
88.41 (11.75)
73.41 (21.1)
94.55 (10.72)
83.41 (20.27)
Leg press [kg (SD)]
T1 T2 T3
266.82 (55.38)*
230.23 (65.05)*
296.36 (55.13)*
298.18 (73.77)*
331.36 (68.18)*
350.23 (80.82)*
% Strength increases across time
T1 2T2 T2 2T3 T1 2T3
Bench press (% change† [SD])
5.9 (4.9)*
10.7 (7.9)*
7.3 (5.4)
16.2 (14.9)
14.4 (10.4)*
28.8 (19.9)*
Leg press (% change† [SD])
12.0 (9.9)*
31.0 (13.5)*
11.7 (9.2)
18.0 (9.1)
25.7 (19.0)*
55.8 (22.8)*
† % Change 5T2 2T1/T1; T3 2T2/T2; T3 2T1/T1.
Values expressed represent group means (standard devia-
tion). LP 5linear periodization; DUP 5daily undulating
* Significant differences between groups (p,0.05).
for LP group were 14.37% and 25.61% for bench press
and leg press respectively, compared with 28.78%
and 55.78% for the DUP group. The DUP group ex-
perienced significantly greater percent gains in
strength from T1 to T2 and from T1 to T3 (p,0.05)
compared with the LP group. Analysis of absolute
strength increases demonstrated significant differenc-
es (p,0.05) for leg press between T1 and T2 and T1
and T3. However, absolute increases for bench press
did not reach statistical significance at any time (p5
0.08) (Table 3).
No significant differences were found for body
composition or circumference measures.
This study is the first study to investigate differences
in strength gains between DUP and LP programs. The
data from our study suggest that a daily form of un-
dulating periodization elicits greater percentage
strength gains than a linear periodized program. In
terms of absolute gains, this difference only occurred
in the leg press. One previous study (8) has examined
DUP training; however, subjects in that study were un-
trained (with regard to weight training) women, and
thus, may be incomparable with the current study,
which used recreationally trained men. To date, there
are no comparable studies for the strength increases
observed in our DUP group. Future research should
be done to compare the increases in strength mea-
sured in the DUP group of current study (33% and
56% in the bench press and leg press, respectively).
The degree of improvement for the LP group is similar
to results of other studies using similar subjects and
training (2, 17).
In 1988, Poliquin (11) theorized that more frequent
changes in stimulus would enhance strength gains. In
his original undulated program, alterations were to be
made every 2 weeks. Such a program was found to
elicit similar strength gains as a LP program. The pre-
sent study altered training variables on a daily basis
and, as hypothesized, the DUP group demonstrated
significantly more strength gains than LP.
The neuromuscular system may become accus-
tomed to a periodized program when followed for an
extended length of time, even though periodized pro-
grams are designed to avoid this plateau effect. In our
study all subjects reported following a program equiv-
alent to LP for 2 years before recruitment. Those who
continued with a similar program (LP group) contin-
ued making improvements but not to the same degree
as those in the DUP group. By making alterations to
the periodization concept, it appears that the neuro-
muscular system will further adapt, eliciting even
greater strength gains. It is possible that the greater
strength gains demonstrated by the DUP group was a
result of changing the type of periodized program
rather than the greater effectiveness of DUP training
itself. Further research is needed to make a determi-
nation in this regard (i.e., recruiting subjects who had
been following a DUP program and then assigning 1
group to follow an LP program).
The driving mechanisms behind the increased ef-
fectiveness of DUP are not completely understood. Re-
sistance training has been shown to result in adapta-
tions such as muscle fiber hypertrophy-hyperplasia,
muscle fiber transformation, nervous system adapta-
tions, body compositional changes, bioenergetic ad-
aptations, and endocrine system adaptations (3). Mea-
suring and monitoring all such mechanisms was be-
yond the scope of our study. However, the body com-
position and circumference measures in our study
found no significant changes from baseline to post-
training. Therefore, the greater strength increases ob-
served in the DUP group were not due to body com-
position or hypertrophic changes. Because DUP makes
more frequent changes in training stimuli, it could be
speculated that this type of program places greater
stress on the neurological components of the neuro-
muscular system. This increased stress would presum-
ably require further adaptations from this system. It is
possible that this added stress elicits greater adapta-
tions of the neuromuscular system and therefore great-
er gains in strength as compared with LP. Further re-
search including measures of nerve activity and mus-
254 Rhea, Ball, Phillips, and Burkett
cle samples must be conducted to investigate such
Although the current subjects were experienced
strength trainers, making the results applicable to
others experienced in weight training, additional re-
search is needed to observe the effects of such a pro-
gram on other populations such as inexperienced
strength trainers, elite athletes, elderly populations,
and women. Also, this study was relatively short in
duration (12 weeks) and with relatively few subjects.
Long-term studies with larger sample sizes would be
valuable in examining the differences in methods of
Another possible limitation of this study involves
the issue of overtraining. In weeks 10–12, subjects in
the DUP began to report extended muscle soreness
and fatigue, whereas the LP group did not. Although
these were anecdotal reports, it may be noteworthy.
Interestingly, the strength gains in the second half
of the program were not significantly different be-
tween groups. It is apparent that the undulating
concept was successful in eliciting greater gains in
the first 6 weeks of training, but no statistical dif-
ference (p.0.05) was measured in weeks 6–12 (Ta-
ble 3). Without more frequent 1RM measures, it is
unclear exactly when strength gains in both groups
began to become more similar. Further research is
needed to identify the optimal duration of a daily
undulating program.
The results from this study support the use of
DUP for maximizing strength compared with the tra-
ditional LP. Because of the multitude of differing
combinations between program variables, there are
innumerable periodized programs. More research
needs to be done to determine what specific combi-
nation of variables will elicit maximum gains in
strength. Future comparisons of different types of UP,
especially DUP, should be conducted to attempt to
identify the optimal combinations and alterations of
training variables.
Practical Applications
The data from this current study suggest that DUP
provides the added stress and variation necessary to
elicit maximal strength gains by altering the volume
and intensity of training on a daily rather than
monthly basis. Anyone interested in making strength
gains might benefit from this type of training, espe-
cially those that have been training regularly for an
extended period of time. The DUP form of periodi-
zation may prove particularly beneficial for elite ath-
letes by helping them avoid the plateau effect in
strength gains that is often experienced by long-term
weight lifters; however, further research using elite
athletes would be required to determine such a ben-
efit. Large increases in strength without large gains
in muscle mass, as experienced by the DUP group,
may also benefit athletes in sports such as wrestling,
competitive weight lifting, and boxing who attempt
to curtail weight gain to participate in specific weight
Program directors, coaches, trainers, athletes, and
anyone participating in DUP training should be aware
of and attempt to avoid overtraining, which may ac-
company such a program. The optimal duration one
should participate in a DUP program is not presently
known, nor the optimal combination of variables that
will maximize strength. However, the present study
did demonstrate that over a 12-week period a DUP
program elicits greater percentage strength gains than
the more conventional LP program.
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Address correspondence to Matthew Rhea, Depart-
ment of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State Univer-
sity East, Mesa, Arizona 85212.
... However, the most appropriate RT scheme for optimizing muscular strength and physical performance gains remains elusive. Among several possible RT variables to be manipulated (11), the order of load intensity (light, moderate or heavy weights) has been identified as a key factor in optimizing RTinduced adaptations (11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16). However, there is limited published research on the effect of the order of load intensity, particularly among older adults. ...
... Indeed, previous evidence has suggested that this approach is more effective to improve muscular strength and physical performance than starting with HL and transiting to LL (11)(12)(13). ...
... However, it is crucial to recognize the importance of optimizing muscular strength and physical performance through an appropriate exercise program in determining an individual's functional reserve later in life and reducing the impact on healthcare costs. To this end, it is believed that load intensity transition schemes such as variation, progression or physiological stress are necessary to optimize muscular strength gains and increase physical performance over longer training periods (11)(12)(13). ...
Purpose: In postmenopausal women, optimizing muscular strength and physical performance through proper resistance training (RT) is crucial in achieving optimal functional reserve later in life. This study aimed to compare if a higher-load-to-lower-load (HL-to-LL) scheme is more effective than a lower-load-to-higher-load (LL-to-HL) scheme on muscular strength and physical performance in postmenopausal women after 12 and 24 weeks of RT. Methods: Twenty-four postmenopausal women were randomized into two groups: LL-to-HL (n = 12, 27-31 repetitions maximum (RM) in the first 12 weeks, and 8-12RM in the last 12 weeks) or HL-to-LL (n = 12, 8-12RM during the first 12 weeks, and 27-31 RM in the last 12 weeks). Muscular dynamic (1-RM test) and isometric strength (MIVC) and functional tests (sit-to-stand power, 400-m walking, and 6-minute walking) were analyzed at baseline, after 12 and 24 weeks. Results: Different load intensity transition schemes resulted in enhancements (P < 0.05) in dynamic (45° leg press: LL-to-HL = 21.98% vs. HL-to-LL = 16.07%; leg extension: LL-to-HL = 23.25% vs. HL-to-LL = 16.28%; leg curl: LL-to-HL = 23.89% vs. HL-to-LL = 13.34%) and isometric strength (LL-to-HL = 14.63% vs. HL-to-LL = 19.42%), sit-to-stand power (LL-to-HL = 7.32% vs. HL-to-LL = 0%), and walking speed (400-m test: LL-to-HL = 3.30% vs. HL-to-LL = 5.52%; 6-minute test: LL-to-HL = 4.44% vs. HL-to-LL = 5.55%) after 24 weeks of RT, without differences between groups (P > 0.05). However, only the HL increased the dynamic strength in 45° leg press and leg extension and sit-to-stand power. Moreover, walking speed changes were more strongly correlated with the changes in MIVC (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Our results indicate that both load intensity transition schemes produce similar improvements in muscular strength and physical performance in postmenopausal women after 24 weeks of RT. However, the HL was more effective in increasing 45° leg press and leg extension strength, as well as power (mainly when performed after the LL), while having little effect on leg curl strength, isometric strength, and walking speed. Our findings suggest that while a HL makes a muscle isotonically stronger, it may have limited impact on isometric strength and walking speed in postmenopausal women.
... In terms of the quality of the studies selected, all studies were evaluated with the PEDro scale, with a mean score of 4.91 (Table 2). Using the Oxford Level of Evidence, two studies [27,31] were classified as 1b (independent randomized controlled trial), while the remaining studies [26,28,29,[34][35][36][41][42][43] were deemed as 2b (individual cohort study) level. The characteristics of the studies selected are presented in Table 3. ...
... A total of 11 intervention studies met all the inclusion requirements. Five studies performed reverse periodization in swimming [26,27,31,34,41], two studies in strength training [36,42,43], three studies in running [28,35,43] and one in triathlon [29]. Two of the studies compared block periodization and reverse periodization models [26,35], whereas 9 studies compared traditional periodization and reverse periodization models [27-29, 31, 34, 36, 41-43]. ...
... One of the studies was 8 weeks, five were 10 weeks, three were 12 weeks, one was 14 weeks and one was of 15 weeks' duration. All studies except that of Clemente-Suárez and Ramos-Campo [29] provided quantitative details of the training volume, and all studies except that of Rhea et al. [42] and Bradbury et al. [28] provided the training intensity of the training intervention. In addition, the study of Clemente-Suárez and Ramos-Campo [29] and Clemente-Suarez et al. [43] provided the training load in training impulse (TRIMPS) units. ...
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Background Reverse periodization is commonly touted as a salient planning strategy to improve sport performance in athletes, but benefits have not been clearly described. Objectives We sought to identify the main characteristics of reverse periodization, and the influence of training volume and periodization models on enhancing physiological measures and sports performance. Design Systematic review. Methods The electronic databases Scopus, PubMed and Web of Science were searched using a comprehensive list of relevant terms. Results A total of 925 studies were identified, and after removal of duplicates and studies based on title and abstract screening, 17 studies remained, and 11 finally included in the systematic review. There was a total of 200 athletes in the included studies. Reverse periodization does not provide superior performance improvements in swimming, running, muscular endurance, maximum strength, or maximal oxygen uptake, compared to traditional or block periodization. The quality of evidence levels for the reverse periodization studies was 1b (individual randomized controlled trial) for two investigations, 2b (individual cohort study) for the remaining studies and a mean of 4.9 points in the PEDro scale (range 0–7). Conclusions It appears that reverse periodization is no more effective than other forms of periodization in improving sports performance. More comparative studies on this alternative version of periodization are required to verify its effectiveness and utility across a range of endurance sports.
... Weight training is essential for trainee teachers in the 100-meter event, as a more efficient running economy allows for a faster race time. In addition, weight training has been shown to increase muscle mass and power output and prevent injuries (Rhea, Alvar, Burkett, & Ball, 2003). ...
... The authors found that weight training can increase muscle size and strength and improve cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and balance. Another study by Rhea et al. (2003) explored the effects of weight training on muscle strength and size. The authors found that weight training was highly effective in increasing muscle strength and size, mainly when performed at high intensities. ...
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The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of weight training and Fartlek in improving the running speed of trainee teachers in the 100-meter event. The study aims to determine which training method is more effective in enhancing running speed. The study participants were randomly assigned to either weight training or fartlek groups and underwent their respective training programs for four weeks. The running speed of both groups was evaluated and compared using a standardized assessment tool. The results of this study will contribute to the existing knowledge on the benefits and limitations of weight training and Fartlek in improving running speed. The t-test showed that there is no significant difference between the two means among both training groups, and its proven that both weight training and Fartlek training is suitable is improving the running speed of trainee teachers in a 100-meter event. This study is expected to provide valuable information for coaches, trainers, and physical educators in developing effective training programs for athletes and physical education students.
... Different results were obtained in studies with specific RT for developing localized muscular endurance. RT performed in zones above 15 repetitions, where no difference was found in ES (Rhea et al., 2003) or even an advantage for TLP (de Lima et al., 2012). These repetition zones do not allow performing the RT with heavy loads, necessary for the activation of type II fibers which is directly related to muscular strength (Larsson et al., 1979). ...
Introduction: Tactical athletes need to develop strength and lower limb lean mass (LL LM) to perform effectively. Resistance training (RT) is the most effective way to achieve these goals. Two periodization models stand out: traditional linear periodization (TLP) and daily undulating periodization (DUP). Objective: To verify the effect of lower limb RT with TLP and DUP on isotonic and isokinetic muscle strength and lean mass in tactical athletes. Method: Thirty-five Brazilian Army military (21.57 ± 2.02 years; 81.81 ± 11.19 Kg; 177.79 ± 6.88 cm) were divided into two treatment groups and one active control group. Interventions: The treatment groups performed 9 weeks of supervised RT (18 sessions), consisting of free weight exercises in this order: back squat, squat lunge, deadlift, and stiff legged deadlift. Dynamic isotonic muscle strength, lean mass, and isokinetic knee extension and flexion were assessed at baseline and post treatment period. Results: There was a significant pre-post difference in dynamic isotonic muscle strength (TLP, P < 0.001; DUP, P < 0.001) and lean mass (TLP, P = 0.034; DUP, P = 0.003) of LL LM in both treatment groups. However, effect sizes (ES) and variations (%Δ) of gains were greater in the DUP group both in muscle strength (TLP, ES = 1.55, %Δ = 30.97; DUP, ES = 2.55, %Δ = 36.02), and in lean mass (TLP, ES = 0.13, %Δ = 2.07; DUP, ES = 0.44, %Δ = 2.95). For isokinetic knee flexion strength, a significant difference was found between the TLP versus CON. Conclusion: Both lower limb RT periodization models provided gains in muscle strength and lean mass, with a small advantage for the DUP approach. In the isokinetic knee flexion strength, the TLP was more effective.
... The exercise training protocol used in the present study was based in a reverse periodization model in which intensity is initially at its highest and volume at its lowest. This protocol was chosen because it is associated with increased muscular endurance in humans (RHEA et al., 2003). Besides, a mean gain of 15% in the performance of rodents that exercise for 4 weeks at ML intensity has been demonstrated (CUNHA , 2008). ...
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Introduction: Oxidative stress is a key factor leading to the deterioration of diabetes. Oxidative stress exacerbates diabetes and induction of the activity of the antioxidant system may be required to prevent this effect. Objetive: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the redox state in the skeletal and cardiac muscles in a diabetes rat model subjected to swimming exercise for 4 weeks. Methods: Wistar rats were divided into four groups: untrained control (C), trained control (T), untrained alloxan-induced diabetes (D), and trained alloxan-induced diabetes (TD). The redox state of the skeletal and cardiac muscles was assessed by analyzing TBARS, -SH groups, H2O2 production, and SOD and catalase activity. The total number of cardiomyocytes and the total area of collagen fibers in the cardiac muscle were measured by histomorphometry. Results: In the Soleus muscles, the TD group showed increased H2O2 levels and catalase activity compared to the T group, and SOD activity compared to the D group. Regarding the red gastrocnemius, the TD group presented higher SOD and lower catalase activities than the D group. Regarding the cardiac muscle, the TD group presented lower TBARS and higher levels of -SH groups and catalase activity than the D group. Swimming exercise decreased hyperglycemia and reduced pathology, as evidenced by the reduced number of cardiomyocytes and the area of collagen fibers. Conclusion: Swimming exercise in diabetic rats controlled hyperglycemia and oxidative damage, and the reduced fibrosis in the cardiac muscle of diabetic rats.
... According to this theory [31,33], improvements in muscular performance can be achieved from as little as two sets per exercise, which means the exercise session can be completed in as little as 15-minutes. On the other hand, making gradual increases in volume and gradual decreases in intensity is an effective training method to increase muscular (Table 3) endurance [35]. e) Rest period between sets Conventional guidelines, such as those provided by The ACSM [18], recommends 2-3-minute rest periods between sets, for conventional strength training approaches. ...
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The COVID Pandemic and cost of living crisis have created renewed interest in home gymnasiums, and outdoor exercise regimes as the stay-at-home economy continues to grow. Emerging from the revolution in stay-at-home exercise has renewed interest in bodyweight exercise training regimes which have stood the test of time against conventional exercise modalities. This mini-review highlights the benefits of bodyweight exercise to develop muscular strength and endurance and provides recommendations on using bodyweight training to improve muscular strength and endurance.
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The study aimed to identify and explain the typical differences in low-intensity high-volume resistance training (LIHV-RT) performances for major muscle groups between rural versus urban young female students to establish the relevant set of quantitative and qualitative resistance training parameters. The study sample included 46 recreational active female students at the Transilvania University of Brașov, (mean ± SD age, 20 ± 1 year; body mass, 60 ± 3 kg; height, 160 ± 4 cm) grouped urban vs. rural. The study used modified resistance exercise machines for the hamstring- and quadricep-group muscles, equipped with a dynamometer and sensors for identifying developed forces and accelerations. A number of 368 tests were performed, representing two attempts for each subject, for knee flexion and knee extension exercises, with two different loads. For the performance analysis some variables were considered: the maximum number of repetition until failure, maximum force developed, maximum acceleration, the duration of the set and the mean time per repetition. The maximum number of repetition to failure shows a significant higher value for rural than urban in case of knee flexion (d = 0.98 [0.32, 1.54] for load 1(L1) and d = 0.65 [0.03, 1.21] for load 2(L2)) and in case of knee extension (d = 1.89 [1.11, 2.48] for L1 and d = 1.67 [0.92, 2.25] for L2). The total duration of the sets shows a significant higher value for rural than urban in case of knee flexion (d = 0.84 [0.19, 1.39] for L2) and in case of knee extension (d = 1.46 [0.74, 2.03] for L1 and d = 1.56 [0.98, 2.14] for L2). Additionally we found differences in the quality of the relevant repetitions execution and in the impulse developed during the LIHV- MNRF sets. The study’s main finding was that there are differences in LIHV-RT performances knee flexion and knee extension antagonistic exercises, between rural and urban female students. We concluded that the obtained results allow teachers to understand the optimal design of RT programs for the different groups of participants, in order to adapt their teaching techniques so that their final objectives are achieved, insisting on particular aspects of the theoretical or practical contents.
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To date, no studies, to our knowledge, have compared the efficacy of autoregulated periodized and linear resistance exercises on anabolic myokines and muscular performance among recreationally active individuals. This study aimed to compare the effects of an 8-week autoregulated periodized resistance exercise (APRE) program with a linear resistance exercise (LRE) program on insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), follistatin (FST), myostatin (MST), body composition, muscular strength, and power in recreationally active males. Thirty males were randomly assigned to either the APRE group (n = 15) or the LRE group (n = 15). Participants completed training three times a week for 8 weeks. The outcome measures included serum IGF-1, FST, MST, muscular strength (isometric knee extension and handgrip), power (vertical jump), lean body mass, and fat mass. IGF-1 circulating levels increased over time following APRE (34%) and with no significant change following LRE (~-1%). There were no significant differences over time or between groups for FST or MST. Muscular strength (knee extension [21.5 vs. ~16%] and handgrip [right: 31 vs. 25%; left: 31.7 vs. 28.8%]) and power (~ 33 vs. ~26%) significantly increased to a greater extent following APRE compared to LRE. Interestingly, the results revealed that lean body mass increased over time only after APRE (~ 3%), but not LRE. These findings suggest that APRE may be more effective than LRE in increasing muscular strength, power, and lean body mass, as well as circulating IGF-1 levels, in recreationally active males. The observed differences may be attributed to the increased training volume associated with APRE. However, further research is needed to directly assess muscle protein synthesis.
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This study determined the effects of a 10-week strength training program on running economy in 12 female distance runners who were randomly assigned to either an endurance and strength training program (ES) or endurance training only (E). Training for both groups consisted of steady-state endurance running 4 to 5 days a week, 20 to 30 miles each week. The ES undertook additional weight training 3 days a week. Subjects were tested pre and post for [latin capital V with dot above]O2, max, treadmill running economy, body composition, and strength. A repeated-measures ANOVA was used to determine significant differences between and within groups. The endurance and strength training program resulted in significant increases in strength (p < 0.05) for the ES in both upper (24.4%) and lower body (33.8%) lifts. There were no differences in treadmill [latin capital V with dot above]O2, max and body composition in either group. Running economy improved significantly in the ES group, but no significant changes were observed in the E group. The findings suggest that strength training, when added to an endurance training program, improves running economy and has little or no impact on [latin capital V with dot above]O2, max or body composition in trained female distance runners. (C) 1997 National Strength and Conditioning Association
Designing Resistance Training Programs, Fourth Edition, is a guide to developing individualized training programs for both serious athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Two of the world’s leading experts on strength training explore how to design scientifically based resistance training programs, modify and adapt programs to meet the needs of special populations, and apply the elements of program design in the real world. The fourth edition presents the most current information while retaining the studies that are the basis for concepts, guidelines, and applications in resistance training. Meticulously updated and heavily referenced, the fourth edition contains the following updates: A full-color interior provides stronger visual appeal.Sidebars focus on a specific practical question or an applied research concept, allowing readers to connect research to real-life situations.Multiple detailed tables summarize research from the text, offering an easy way to compare data and conclusions.A glossary makes it simple to find key terms in one convenient location.Newly added instructor ancillaries make the fourth edition a true learning resource for the classroom (available at Designing Resistance Training Programs, Fourth Edition, is an essential resource for understanding and applying the science behind resistance training for any population.
The first part of this series of articles discussed basic concepts of resistance training; parts 2 and 3 continued with a discussion of physiological responses and adaptations that occur as a result of such training. In this fourth and concluding article, the authors discuss resistance training as exercise prescription and outline the program design process. They point out the importance of making preliminary assessments; defining specific goals and expectations; and evaluating the individual needs, goals, and demands of the participants to help them benefit from the program as much as possible.
This book identifies the components of physical fitness that are related to positive health as distinct from the simple performance of specific motor tasks. The positive health concept is expanded to further clarify the relationship of physical fitness to total fitness. The disciplinary knowledge base that is essential for fitness professionals is reviewed, and strategies for improving physical fitness are identified. Ways are also suggested for safely and efficiently administering fitness programs. Chapter titles are: (1) Fitness, Lifestyle, and Health; (2) Evaluation of Health Status; (3) Exercise Physiology; (4) Anatomy and Kinesiology; (5) Relative Leanness; (6) Cardiorespiratory Fitness; (7) Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility; (8) Relaxation and Arousal; (9) Exercise Programming for Aerobic Activity; (10) Energy Costs of Activity; (11) Exercise Programs; (12) ECG and Medications; (13) Behavior Modification; (14) Injury Prevention and Treatment; and (15) Administrative Concerns. Suggested readings are presented at the end of each chapter and references are provided for the health professional. (JD)
This study examined the effects of manipulating volume and intensity on strength and power in experienced male athletes. Subjects (N = 22) were tested for maximum strength in the squat and bench press lifts, vertical jump (VJ), lean body mass (LBM), and neural activation levels (IEMG). They trained 3 days a week for 12 weeks according to a linear periodization model (n = 8), an undulating periodization model (n = 5), or a nonperiodized control model (n = 9). Training volume and relative intensity were equated for all groups. Maximal squat, bench press, and LBM all improved significantly in each group, and changes in maximal strength correlated significantly with changes in LBM. IEMG levels were generally unchanged and did not correlate with changes in strength. The VJ increased significantly through training, but there were no differences between groups. Changes in VJ were not significantly correlated with changes in squat, LBM, or IEMG levels. The results indicate that in short-term training using previously trained subjects, no differences in maximal strength are seen when training volume and relative intensity are equated. (C) 1994 National Strength and Conditioning Association
Variation or periodization of training is an important concept in designing weight-training programs. To date, the majority of studies examining periodization of weight training have used a traditional strength/power training model of decreasing training volume and increasing training intensity as the program progresses. The majority of these studies have used males as subjects and do support the contention that periodized programs can result in greater changes in strength, motor performance, total body weight, lean body mass, and percent body fat than nonperiodized programs. However, studies are needed examining why periodized training is more beneficial than nonperiodized training. Studies are also needed examining the response of females, children, and seniors to periodized weight-training programs and the response to periodized models other than the traditional strength/power training model. (C) 1999 National Strength and Conditioning Association