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Classification of Domestic Cat (Felis catus) Vocalizations by Naive and Experienced Human Listeners

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To test for possible functional referentiality in a common domestic cat (Felis catus) vocalization, the authors conducted 2 experiments to examine whether human participants could classify meow sounds recorded from 12 different cats in 5 behavioral contexts. In Experiment 1, participants heard singlecalls, whereas in Experiment 2, bouts of calls were presented. In both cases, classification accuracy was significantly above chance, but modestly so. Accuracy for bouts exceeded that for single calls. Overall, participants performed better in classifying individual calls if they had lived with, interacted with, and had a general affinity for cats. These results provide little evidence of referentiality suggesting instead that meows are nonspecific, somewhat negatively toned stimuli that attract attention from humans. With experience, human listeners can become more proficient at inferring positive-affect states from cat meows.
Classification of Domestic Cat (Felis catus) Vocalizations by Naive
and Experienced Human Listeners
Nicholas Nicastro and Michael J. Owren
Cornell University
To test for possible functional referentiality in a common domestic cat (Felis catus) vocalization, the
authors conducted 2 experiments to examine whether human participants could classify meow sounds
recorded from 12 different cats in 5 behavioral contexts. In Experiment 1, participants heard single calls,
whereas in Experiment 2, bouts of calls were presented. In both cases, classification accuracy was
significantly above chance, but modestly so. Accuracy for bouts exceeded that for single calls. Overall,
participants performed better in classifying individual calls if they had lived with, interacted with, and
had a general affinity for cats. These results provide little evidence of referentiality, suggesting instead
that meows are nonspecific, somewhat negatively toned stimuli that attract attention from humans. With
experience, human listeners can become more proficient at inferring positive-affect states from cat
Animal communication has been variously described as a pro-
cess of sharing information (Marler, 1984; Smith, 1997), of ma-
nipulation and skeptical reception (Dawkins & Krebs, 1978; Krebs
& Dawkins, 1984), of “assessment/management” (Owings & Mor-
ton, 1998), and of “affect induction” in receivers (Owren & Ren-
dall, 1997), among other approaches. The function of animal
signals has also been diversely characterized as providing emo-
tional readouts, fostering social prestige (Zahavi, 1975), or coding
information in ways similar to human symbolic language (Cheney
& Seyfarth, 1990; Macedonia & Evans, 1993).
Effective information sharing with, manipulation of, or manage-
ment of humans is critically important to animals that depend on
them. Encoding information would seem particularly relevant to
communication in domestic animals. Although a number of wild
species use calls that reportedly feature some degree of semanticity
(for instance, vervet monkeys, Cheney & Seyfarth, 1990; yellow-
bellied marmots, Blumstein & Armitage, 1997; and ravens,
Bugnyar, Kijne, & Kotrschal, 2001), the acquisition of function-
ally referential signals should be especially beneficial for domes-
ticates, insofar as most cats and dogs live in environments where
human referential signaling is ubiquitous.
There is evidence for unsuspected perceptual–cognitive abilities
in domesticated species. Studies of social gaze in dogs have
suggested canine capabilities of “reading” the posture, head posi-
tion, and eyes of humans that compare favorably to those reported
for chimpanzees (Hare & Tomasello, 1999) and even for 3-year-
old children (Soproni, Miklo´si, Topa´l, & Csa´nyi, 2001). Controlled
experiments involving dog–owner play communication have con-
cluded that dogs can competently interpret certain intentional
movements of humans (McKinley & Sambrook, 2000; Rooney,
Bradshaw, & Robinson, 2001). Feddersen-Petersen (2000) re-
cently reported referential-like qualities in canine barks. There is
also an extensive body of results attesting to the referential qual-
ities of food and antipredator calls of domestic chickens (Evans &
Evans, 1999; Gyger, Marler, & Pickert, 1987).
In their review of the problem of meaning in animal signals,
Macedonia and Evans (1993) posited two criteria for functional
referentiality: first, that calls be strongly correlated with a partic-
ular referent and second, that perceiver responses be correlated
with the calls. Here, we describe two controlled experiments
examining referentiality in domestic cat vocal signaling by testing
whether humans can classify instances of a typical domestic cat-
to-human vocalization in a manner consistent with the second of
these criteria.
Moelk (1944) and Bradshaw and Cameron-Beaumont (2000)
divided the vocal repertoire of the domestic cat into three broad
categories: calls “produced with the mouth closed” (e.g., purrs and
trills), “sounds produced while the mouth is held open in one
position” (e.g., spitting or hissing), and calls produced “while the
mouth is open and gradually closed” (Bradshaw & Cameron-
Beaumont, 2000, p. 71). The last category constitutes the primary
subject of this study: the meow or miaow. This call is characterized
by a mean fundamental frequency (F
)of400–1200 Hz, a
modulating pitch profile, and a duration ranging from 110 to 3,100
ms in our sample (see Figure 1).
There are several reasons to pay particular attention to the use
and evolution of this call. First, it is the most common cat-to-
human vocalization (Bradshaw & Cameron-Beaumont, 2000); sec-
ond, it is seldom observed in cat-to-cat interactions (Brown, 1993);
and third, although undomesticated felids meow as juveniles, they
rarely produce the call to humans in adulthood (Cameron-
Beaumont, 1997). On the basis of spectrographic analysis, Shipley,
Carterette, and Buchwald (1991) have described the meow as a
periodic sound with F
corresponding to the vibration rate of the
Nicholas Nicastro and Michael J. Owren, Department of Psychology,
Cornell University.
Nicholas Nicastro was supported by National Institute of Mental Health
Predoctoral Research Fellowship T32 MN 19389 during preparation of this
study. We thank cat owners Leslie Horowitz, Thomas Volman, Isabel
Tovar, Jill Mateo, Darryl Mayeaux, S. K. List, Karl and Pamela Reichert,
and Robert and Linda Newton. Thanks also to Penny Bernstein for helpful
comments on the manuscript.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Nicholas
Nicastro, Department of Psychology, Cornell University, 243 Uris Hall,
Ithaca, New York 14853. E-mail:
Journal of Comparative Psychology Copyright 2003 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.
2003, Vol. 117, No. 1, 44–52 0735-7036/03/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0735-7036.117.1.44
... Molnár et al. (2010) found that people who had never owned a dog were able to identify the context in which different dog barks occurred (stranger, alone, and play) and to describe the emotional content (aggressive, fear, and playful), and Faragó et al. (2017) found similar results for dog growls. In contrast, humans were less successful at categorizing vocalizations of cats, but having experience with or affinity for cats and higher empathy toward cats (but not empathy toward animals in general) were linked to improved accuracy in determining the context of the vocalizations, particularly for positively toned contexts (Ellis et al., 2015;Nicastro & Owren, 2003;Prato-Previde et al., 2020). ...
... People who had both dogs and cats also perceived their dogs to be more reactive and sociable than their cats (Menchetti et al., 2018). It is also important to note that while dog whines are more distinct indicators of distress compared to other dog vocalizations (e.g., barks and growls), cats use meows to indicate distress as well as other emotions (Nicastro & Owren, 2003), which could also explain why humans are overall less successful at categorizing cat vocalizations than dog vocalizations (Ellis et al., 2015;Prato-Previde et al., 2020). ...
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Although vocal communication between humans and domestic animals is common, there has been limited research on how humans perceive the emotional content of animal vocalizations. This study investigated the relationship between pet ownership and sensitivity to negative emotion in dog and cat distress vocalizations (n = 237; 57% pet owners). Empathy toward animals and empathy toward humans were explored as possible mediators. The links between pet owners’ levels of sensitivity to animal distress vocalizations, empathy toward animals, and pet attachment and the care they provided to their pets were also examined. The findings revealed that current pet owners perceived both dog and cat distress vocalizations to be sadder than current non-pet owners. The link between pet ownership and sensitivity to dog (but not cat) distress vocalizations was fully mediated by empathy toward animals, but not mediated by empathy toward humans. Sensitivity to negative emotion in distress vocalizations was not a strong indicator of the level of care provided to dogs and cats. On the other hand, higher levels of empathy toward animals and pet attachment might be better indicators of humans providing more stimulating and enriched lives for their pets.
... These vocal patterns, distinct from feline-tofeline communication and almost virtually absent in non-socialized cats [4], have evolved and been primarily used for cat-to-human communication [2]. Understanding these vocal cues opens a new frontier in enhancing human-domesticate interactions and welfare [16]. ...
... In their research, Nicastro and Owren suggest that with repetition of interactions during relational development, cats could learn to adopt acoustic cues that have specific referential value to their owner [16,15,17], or as I refer to as companion(s), and that those specific companions can better attach meaning to the acoustic qualities of calls produced in specific contexts. ...
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This paper presents a foray into bioacoustic research at home, focusing on our domestic companion, the cat (Felis catus). The research is conducted through fieldwork, involving audio data collection and processing from a recording device attached to one cat subject, named Bubbles. The aim is to collect cat vocalizations by marking their occurrence with a hotword-marker. Subsequently, hotword-detection speech-to-text models (e.g. Whisper) allow us to extend dataset of animal vocalizations. With such an extended dataset at hand, meow-classifier is trained by means of classical ensemble learning (Random Forest) technique. The paper offers a comparison of these methods and establishes a minimally invasive protocol for future data collection of in vivo and in situ vocalizations of domestic animals.
... They deliberately chose animals from a broad phylogenetic pool including a closer relative to humans (rhesus macaque), a more and a less familiar carnivore (domestic cat and seal), and distant relatives such as a bird (common raven), an amphibian (glass tree frog) and an invertebrate (cricket). All species calls were used in previous studies (Congdon et al., 2019;Filippi et al., 2017;Nicastro & Owren, 2003;Schwartz & Gouzoules, 2022) except for the cricket which was deliberately chosen by the authors as their calls are produced by stridulation rather than by a larynx. The adult human subjects were played samples from 10 calls per species sourced. ...
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Comments on an article by Jay W. Schwartz , Kayleigh H. Pierson, and Alexander K. Reece (see record 2024-19488-001). In this issue, Schwartz et al. (2024) tackle the pitch rule in humans by testing to what extent we use pitch alone to judge emotional arousal across closely and distantly related animal species. The findings of Schwartz et al. open a number of intriguing possibilities for future research: Notably important additional steps would include to further investigate the accuracy of the pitch rule across closely and distantly related species. Upon this, in order to study the evolutionary ancestry of the pitch rule, it will be necessary to study its applicability across nonhumans. Particularly interesting would be the inclusion of subject species that have been found to eavesdrop on heterospecific alarm calls. Previous research (see Hoeschele, 2017 for a review) as well as present findings on human ratings of macaque versus cricket calls also suggest that we should additionally focus on sound features that compliment emotional arousal rating beyond pitch such as spectral information. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).
... Accordingly, vocalizations produced even by distantly related animals such as domestic cats (Felis catus) are uniformly transcribedacross even unrelated languages -as a consonant-vowel-consonant or consonantvowel-vowel sequence corresponding, e.g., to /miauw/. We argue that the reason animal vocalizations may be perceived as essentially "word-like" (Nicastro & Owren, 2003) is contingent on phonemic learning. ...
Conference Paper
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While the number and characteristics of vowels and consonants are highly variable across the world’s spoken languages, all speakers make consistent and deliberate use of a relatively narrow set of contrastive speech sounds, i.e., phonemes. Such remarkable ubiquity is suggestive of extensive benefits to their speakers. Importantly, however, the phoneme is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. Rather, we argue that phonological systems constitute cognitive tools, i.e., that they support, guide, and extend speaker cognitive capacities.
... It is also not known if the accuracy of human interpretation of animal calls is influenced by familiarity with the species. Some studies found that call context recognition was enhanced by experience with the target species [38,39], while others have found that experience did not aid recognition of call contexts [21,22,40]. Scheumann et al. [41] concluded that humans rely more on experience-dependent cognitive mechanisms than induced emotional state or acoustic cues to recognize the emotional content of vocalizations. ...
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Humans can decode emotional information from vocalizations of animals. However, little is known if these interpretations relate to the ability of humans to identify if calls were made in a rewarded or non-rewarded context. We tested whether humans could identify calls made by chickens (Gallus gallus) in these contexts, and whether demographic factors or experience with chickens affected their correct identification context and the ratings of perceived positive and negative emotions (valence) and excitement (arousal) of chickens. Participants (n = 194) listened to eight calls when chickens were anticipating a reward, and eight calls in non-rewarded contexts, and indicated whether the vocalizing chicken was experiencing pleasure/displeasure, and high/low excitement, using visual analogue scales. Sixty-nine per cent of participants correctly assigned reward and non-reward calls to their respective categories. Participants performed better at categorizing reward-related calls, with 71% of reward calls classified correctly, compared with 67% of non-reward calls. Older people were less accurate in context identification. Older people's ratings of the excitement or arousal levels of reward-related calls were higher than younger people's ratings, while older people rated non-reward calls as representing higher positive emotions or pleasure (higher valence) compared to ratings made by younger people. Our study strengthens evidence that humans perceive emotions across different taxa, and that specific acoustic cues may embody a homologous signalling system among vertebrates. Importantly, humans could identify reward-related calls, and this ability could enhance the management of farmed chickens to improve their welfare.
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Having coexisted with humans for at least 10,000 years, the cat (Felis catus, Linneaus 1758) is currently one of the most popular pets worldwide, with over 600 million owners. People love domestic cats because they are good companions and can get rid of vermin. Together with body language unique to cats, cats can communicate through vocalisations such as meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling, and grunting. The sounds produced by mice and other small creatures, which are too high in frequency or too weak for human ears, are audible to it. The study was conducted from December 2023 to January 2024. The audio recording of household cats' vocalizations was collected. Every recording Analysis of sound (wavelength/frequency) is performed. The many vocalisations made by cats and their possible acoustic characteristics, such as frequency and wavelength, are briefly described.
Having coexisted with humans for at least 10,000 years, the cat (Felis catus, Linneaus 1758) is currently one of the most popular pets worldwide, with over 600 million owners. People love domestic cats because they are good companions and can get rid of vermin. Together with body language unique to cats, cats can communicate through vocalisations such as meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling, and grunting. The sounds produced by mice and other small creatures, which are too high in frequency or too weak for human ears, are audible to it. The study was conducted from December 2023 to January 2024. The audio recording of household cats' vocalizations was collected. Every recording Analysis of sound (wavelength/frequency) is performed. The many vocalisations made by cats and their possible acoustic characteristics, such as frequency and wavelength, are briefly described.
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Barking in domestic dogs still remains a topic of controversial discussions. While some authors assess dog-barking an acoustic means of expression becoming more and more sophisticated during domestication, others name this sound type "non-communicative". Vocal repertoires as works on individual sound types are rare, however, and there has been almost no work done on low-intensity, close-range vocalizations, yet such types of vocalization are especially important with the more social canids, hence, with the human-dog-communication and understanding of dogs. Most of the investigations published so far are based on auditive sound impressions and lack objectivity. The principal method used in this study was sonagraphic. This facilitates the identification of sounds and reveales, whether subjective classification can be verified by objectively measured parameters. Finally, meanings, functions and emotions were examined for all the major sounds described and are discussed in terms of relationships between sound structure and signal function, signal emission and social context as behavioural response, and overlapping channels of communication. Ontogeny of acoustic communication in 11 European wolves has been compared to various dog breeds (8 Standard Poodles, 8 Toy Poodles, 15 Kleine Münsterländer, 11 Weimaraner Hunting Dogs, 16 Tervueren, 12 American Staffordshire Terriers, and 13 German Shepherds, 12 Alaskan Malamutes, and 9 Bull Terriers) from birth up to 8 (12) weeks resp. 4 (12) months of age. Noisy and harmonic sound groups were analysed separately as overriding units. Following parameters were used: fmax=maximum of spectrographic pictured sounds (Hz), xfo=mean of the lowest frequency band of harmonic sounds (Hz), xfd=mean of the frequency of strongest amplitude of noisy sounds (Hz), delta f=frequency range of sounds (Hz), duration of sounds (ms). Statistical analysis was run on "Statistica", Release 4,0. Within the sound type barking 2 to 12 subunits were classified in the different breeds, according to their context-specific spectrographic design, and behavioural responses. Categories of function / emotion include f.e. social play, play soliticing, exploration, caregiving, social contact and "greeting", loneliness, and agonistc behaviours. "Interaction" was the most common category of social context for masted barkings (56% of occurences). Especially close-range vocalizations, concerning the major sound type of most domestic dogs, the bark, evolved highly variable. However, the ecological niche of domestic dogs is highly variable, just as the individual differences in the dogs are, which seem to be breed-typical to a great extent. Thus, complexity within the dog's vocal repertoire, and therefore enhancement of its communicative value, is achieved by many subunits of bark, some standing for specific motivations, informations and expressions. Complexity within the dogs' vocal repertoire is extended by the use of mixed sounds in the barking context. Transitions and gradations to a great extend occur via bark sounds: harmonic, intermediate and noisy subunits.
This book will be a landmark text for all those interested in animal communication. Animal Vocal Communication explicitly avoids human-centred concepts and approaches and links communication to fundamental biological processes instead. It offers a conceptual framework - assessment/management - that allows us to integrate detailed studies of communication with an understanding of evolutionary perspectives. Self-interested assessment is placed on par with the signal production (management) side of communication, and communication is viewed as reflecting regulatory processes. Signals are used to manage the behaviour of others by exploiting their active assessment. The authors contend that it is this interplay between management and assessment that results in the functioning and evolution of animal communication; it is what communicative behaviour accomplishes that is important, not what information is conveyed.
In linear regression the mean surface in sample space is a plane. In non-linear regression the mean surface may be an arbitrary curved surface but in other respects the models are similar. In practice the mean surface in most non-linear regression models will be approximately planar in the region(s) of high likelihood allowing good approximations based on linear regression techniques to be used. Non-linear regression models can still present tricky computational and inferential problems. (Indeed, the examples here exceeded the capacity of S-PLUS for Windows 3.1.)