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Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2003), 62, 201–206 DOI:10.1079/PNS2002239
© The Authors 2003
Abbreviations: GI, glycaemic index; RS, resistant starch.
*Corresponding author: Professor Inger Björck, fax + 46 46 222 4532, email
CAB Int ernational PNSProceedings of Nutritio n Society ( 2003)0029-6651 © Nutrition Society 20 03 621PNS 239 Nutrients co ntributing to the fibre effectI. Björck and H. Liljeberg Elmståhl2012066© Nutr ition Socie ty 2003
The glycaemic index: importance of dietary fibre and other food properties
Inger Björck* and Helena Liljeberg Elmståhl
Department of Applied Nutrition and Food Chemistry, Centre for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lund University,
PO Box 124, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Profes sor Inger Björck, fax + 46 46 222 4532, e mail orck@inl.
An increasing body of evidence suggests that a low-glycaemic-index (GI) diet has a therapeutic
as well as a preventive potential in relation to the insulin resistance syndrome. The implementation
of a low-GI diet, however, will require an extended list of low-GI foods to be available on the
market. The tailoring of low-GI bread products offers a particular challenge due to their generally
high GI and abundance in the diet. Low-GI bread products can be tailored by, for example,
enclosure of cereal kernels, sourdough fermentation and/or addition of organic acids, or use of
cereal genotypes with elevated contents of amylose or β-glucans. Low-GI cereal foods appear to
vary in effect on ‘second-meal’ glucose tolerance in healthy subjects. In addition to the slow-
release properties of such foods, the content of dietary fibre appears to play a role. The low
glycaemia to starch in a pasta breakfast (GI 54) promoted a higher glucose tolerance and lowered
triacylglycerol levels at a standardized lunch ingested 4 h later, compared with a white-wheat-
bread breakfast (GI 100). The metabolic benefits of the low GI properties per se have been
demonstrated also in the longer term. Thus, a reduction in dietary GI improved glucose and lipid
metabolism and normalized fibrinolytic activity in type 2 diabetics, while maintaining a similar
amount and composition of dietary fibre. However, the higher dietary fibre content frequently
associated with low-GI foods may add to the metabolic merits of a low-GI diet. Consequently, a
low-GI barley meal rich in dietary fibre (GI 53) improved glucose tolerance from evening meal to
breakfast, whereas an evening meal with pasta had no effect (GI 54). The exchange of common
high-GI bread for low-GI high-fibre bread, as the only dietary modification, improved insulin
economy in women at risk of type 2 diabetes. These results are in accordance with epidemiological
evidence of a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes with a low-GI diet rich in cereal fibre. It is concluded
that low-GI cereal foods developed should preferably be rich in dietary fibre.
Glycaemic response: Product tailoring: Diabetes mellitus: Dietary fibre
GI, gl ycaemic in dex; RS, res istant star ch.
Diseases related to insulin resistance are common causes of
death in Western societies, and the current increase in type 2
diabetes is being referred to as an epidemic. During the last
10 years an important number of studies have identified a
low-glycaemic-index (GI) diet as beneficial in relation to the
insulin-resistance syndrome. Several semi-long-term dietary
interventions are available for healthy subjects and for
subjects with metabolic disease. With a few exceptions, these
studies have shown that a low-GI diet not only improves
certain metabolic consequences of insulin resistance, but also
reduces insulin resistance per se (Del Prato et al. 1994). In
addition to improvements in glucose and lipid metabolism
(Jenkins et al. 1987; Brand et al. 1991; Järvi et al. 1999) there
are indications of improvements in the fibrinolytic activity
(Järvi et al. 1999), suggesting a beneficial role in diabetes and
cardiovascular disease. Based on this evidence, the Food and
Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization (1998)
expert consultation on dietary carbohydrates strongly
advocates the relevance of the GI concept, in particular for
subjects with impaired glucose tolerance.
In relation to mechanisms for the metabolic advantages of
low-GI foods, these may derive from the slow-release prop-
erties in the upper gastrointestinal tract, and in particular to
the lowered insulin demand (Jenkins et al. 1990). Another
possible mechanism relates to their generally higher content
of indigestible carbohydrates, for example, dietary fibre and
resistant starch (RS), which increases the fermentative
activity in the colon. Consequently, propionic acid has been
implicated as a moderator of hepatic glucose (Venter et al.
1990) and lipid metabolism (Wolever et al. 1989).
The therapeutic value of a low-GI diet in diabetes has
been demonstrated in both type 1 and type 2 patients (Brand
202 I. Björck and H. Liljeberg Elmståhl
Miller, 1994). Dietary interventions with low-GI foods thus
appear to lower the glycosylated haemoglobin fraction
HbA1c and the incidence of hypoglycaemic episodes in
juvenile (Gilbertsson et al. 2001) and maturity-onset
diabetes (Giacco et al. 2000). However, in some of the semi-
long-term metabolic studies performed the low-GI regimens
are characterised by a higher dietary fibre content (Giacco
et al. 2000), making it difficult to assign the beneficial
effects entirely to the low GI properties per se. With the
purpose of addressing this issue, an intervention study was
performed in type 2 diabetics where differences in GI
between the high- and low-GI diets were achieved in the
absence of differences in nutrient composition (Järvi et al.
1999). The GI differences between test periods were
obtained by modifying the structural features of the foods;
thus maintaining approximately identical amount and
composition of dietary fibre in the low- and high-GI dietary
periods. Apart from the facilitated control of blood glucose
and lowered LDL-cholesterol, a dramatic lowering of
plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 levels was observed
during the low-GI period. These data suggest that the GI
characteristics of the diet per se are indeed important, and
that the low-GI period normalized a risk factor for throm-
bosis, in the absence of a change in dietary fibre intake. It
should be pointed out, however, that even in the absence of
a difference in dietary fibre low-GI foods frequently contain
a higher amount of RS (Björck et al. 2000), which may add
to the metabolic advantages of low-GI diets.
As for the preventive potential, prospective studies
indicate that a low-GI diet, and/or a diet rich in whole-grain
products reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes (Salmerón et al.
1997a,b). There are also data to suggest a negative
correlation between serum HDL-cholesterol and dietary GI
(Frost et al. 1999). In fact, in the study by Frost et al.
(1999), dietary GI was a stronger predictor of serum HDL-
cholesterol than dietary fat. Moreover, there is evidence that
a low-GI diet may reduce the risk of myocardial infarction
in women (Liu et al. 2000).
The findings of Salmerón et al. (1997a,b) raise the
question whether dietary fibre, or at least cereal fibre,
could be a more important preventive factor than the GI
characteristics, and the most commonly consumed whole-
grain products, such as flour-based bread and breakfast
cereals, have high, rather than low, GI (Foster-Powell et al.
Accumulating data thus substantiate the therapeutic and
preventive efficacy of low-GI foods in general in relation to
the metabolic syndrome, and that cereal fibre may have a
preventive effect. However, the implementation of the GI
concept in dietary advice will require a much wider range of
low-GI products. In particular, there is a shortage of low-GI
cereal foods. On the basis of the experimental and epidemi-
ological evidence referred to earlier, the development of
low-GI high-fibre cereal products seems particularly
relevant from a metabolic perspective.
Tailoring of low-glycaemic-index cereal foods with focus
on bread products
In most European countries, bread constitutes a major
source of dietary carbohydrates. Consequently, there is a
need for new technologies that can be used to modulate the
GI of bread, with the focus on wholegrain bread. One
obvious alternative would be to encourage the use of more
or less intact cereal kernels and kernel-based breads are
usually characterised by a low GI (Liljeberg et al. 1992;
Liljeberg & Björck, 1994). The mechanism for this effect is
an obstructed amylolysis, due to botanical encapsulation of
starch and/or a limited extent of starch swelling. However,
the challenge for the food industry will be to find tech-
nologies that can be used to lower the GI of meal-based
bread, since the difference in GI properties between
wholemeal bread from common cereals and white bread is
usually marginal (Jenkins et al. 1986; Liljeberg et al. 1992).
Potential of barley genotypes
In a study by Åkerberg et al. (1998) wholegrain barley
flours with different amylose contents were subjected to
conventional baking (45 min, 200°), or low-temperature
long-duration baking conditions (20 h, 120°), i.e. pumper-
nickel-baking conditions. An increased holding temperature
with a wet temperature of 100°, as during low-temperature
long-duration baking, promotes growth of crystalline
amylose, a phenomenon known as annealing (Eerlingen
et al. 1993). Using high-amylose barley flour and these
baking conditions it was possible to reduce the GI predicted
from the in vitro rate of starch hydrolysis and the measured
GI by approximately 30 % (Table 1). It was also found that
baking at annealing conditions increased RS content to a
high level (10 % on total starch basis). The use of high-
amylose barley thus makes it possible to produce a low-GI
bread from flour-based ingredients. Moreover, such bread
products can be produced with elevated contents of RS, with
potential beneficial effects on colonic health (Scheppach
et al. 1992).
The development of whole-grain low-GI foods could also
involve cereal genotypes with high levels of viscous fibre.
One example of such a genotype is Prowashonupana barley,
which contains as much as 190 g β-glucans/kg. Such flour
was included at different levels in mixtures with white
wheat and baked into flat bread (E Rossi, H Elmståhl, H
Larsson and I Björck, unpublished results). The levels were
0 (i.e. pure wheat), 350, 500 and 750 g Prowashonupana
barley/kg. In parallel with the measurement of GI in healthy
subjects, the fluidity index of the corresponding in vitro
enzymic digesta was measured using a very simple
Bostwick consistometer. The digesta were prepared by
incubating the products with enzymes in simulated in
vivo conditions (Granfeldt et al. 1992). The lower the
fluidity index, the higher the viscosity. The results showed
that the inclusion of Prowashonupana flour lowered the
fluidity index of the digesta, and as a consequence
lowered GI compared with the flat bread with no added
Prowashonupana flour by 30, 40 and 50 % at the 350, 500
and 750 g/kg levels of inclusion, respectively. By including
Prowashonupana flour in flat bread it was thus possible to
substantially lower GI compared with white bread or a
product containing 500 g common barley/kg in a mixture
with white wheat. However, the commercial dehulling and
desprouting procedure must be carefully controlled to
maintain the viscosity of the β-glucans, and with some
Nutrients contributing to the fibre effect 203
commercial batches, inclusion of Prowashonupana at a level
of 500 g/kg failed to affect either the fluidity or the
glycaemic properties of the bread. Consequently, the
amount of β-glucan added to a product may be a poor
predictor of the glycaemic effect associated with a processed
food product. However, the study shows that the GI of
barley bread containing variable amounts of β-glucans can
be predicted with good accuracy from measurement of
fluidity in an in vitro system. It also demonstrates a
potential for cereal genotypes rich in β-glucans.
Sourdough baking and addition of organic acids
Another process that could be used to lower the GI of
wholegrain bread is sourdough fermentation. In a study in
which white bread was used as a vehicle for organic acids,
white bread with vinegar was given in a breakfast meal to
healthy subjects, using white bread with no acid as a control
(Liljeberg & Björck, 1998). The amount of acetic acid added
was selected to mimic the level reached during sourdough
fermentation, and the presence of acetic acid lowered the
postprandial metabolic responses (GI 64, insulin index 65).
A lowered rate of glucose delivery to the blood might be
secondary to a lowered rate of gastric emptying. Para-
cetamol is used as a marker of gastric emptying, as it is not
absorbed in the stomach but instead rapidly absorbed in the
upper duodenum. The appearance of paracetamol in the
blood was slower following ingestion of the bread with
acetic acid, suggesting that this acid delays gastric emptying
rate (Liljeberg & Björck, 1998). When added to wholegrain
barley bread lactic acid also appears to lower glycaemia in
healthy subjects, when tested at a level similar to that
achieved using a homo-fermentative starter culture
(Liljeberg et al. 1995). However, in contrast to acetic acid
and sodium propionate, the lowered glycaemia with lactic
acid-containing bread could not be assigned to a lowered
gastric emptying rate using paracetamol as a marker (Fig. 1).
Instead, the lowering of GI could be predicted from meas-
urement of the rate of in vitro starch hydrolysis, suggesting
that lactic acid interferes with the digestive process. In order
to investigate the mechanism for the prohibitive effect on
amylolysis, wheat starch–gluten mixtures were treated with
lactic acid before or after heat treatment at simulated baking
conditions and the enzyme availability tested using an
in vitro method previously shown to predict GI with good
accuracy (Granfeldt et al. 1992). The presence of lactic acid
during heat treatment lowered the predicted GI, but only in
the presence of gluten (Östman et al. 2002). A decrease in
pH per se had no impact. Furthermore, the addition of lactic
acid after heat treatment was not effective, suggesting that
lactic acid does not act as a classical enzyme inhibitor.
Homogenisation of the mixture removed the enzyme barrier,
and it is possible that lactic acid induces interactions
between starch and gluten, leading to reduced starch
Table 1. Effect of barley genotype and baking conditions on resistant starch (RS) content, in vitro starch hydrolysis rate (hydrolysis index; HI)
and predicted and determined glycaemic index (GI) (from Granfeldt et al. 1992; Åkerberg et al. 1998)
(Values are means with their standard errors of the means)
Amylose content
of wholemeal
bread* (%)
45 min and 200° 20h and 120°
RS* (%) HI (%)
GI RS* (%) HI (%)
Mean SEM Mean SEM Mean Mean SEM Mean SEM Mean SEM Mean Mean SEM
a, b, c, d, e, f, g
Mean values with unlike superscript letters were significantly different (P<0·05).
*Content on a total starch basis.
†Wholemeal barley–white wheat (70:30, w/w).
0 15 30457095
Period after meal (min)
Change in serum paracetamol (µmol/l)
Fig. 1. Serum paracetamol responses in healthy subjects following
a breakfast meal with wholegrain barley bread alone (◆–◆) or with
the addition of lactic acid (■––■) or sodium propionate (▲–▲).
Mean values with unlike superscript letters were significantly differ-
ent (P < 0·05). (From Liljeberg & Björck, 1996.)
204 I. Björck and H. Liljeberg Elmståhl
Thus, sourdough fermentation or the addition of organic
acids represent other methods that can be used to lower the
GI of bread products.
Importance of glycaemic index properties v. dietary fibre
Second-meal effects
Which types of low-GI cereals are preferable, and could
there be differences in metabolic advantages between low-
GI products? One mechanism that could account for the
metabolic benefits of a low-GI diet might be secondary to
the so-called ‘second-meal phenomenon’. The finding that a
low-GI meal improves glucose tolerance to the following
meal was reported first by Jenkins et al. (1980). The
phenomenon can be seen from breakfast to lunch (Jenkins
et al. 1982), but also from the evening meal to breakfast
(Wolever et al. 1988). In a study by Liljeberg et al. (1999)
the effects of three different cereal breakfasts on glucose
tolerance at a standardized lunch ingested 4 h later was
measured in healthy subjects (Table 2). The test breakfasts
had GI in the lower range (from 52 to 64) and consisted of
pasta, a fibre-rich mixed barley meal or white bread with
vinegar. A breakfast consisting of a carbohydrate-equivalent
amount of white bread was used as reference. In the case of
the spaghetti and the mixed barley-based breakfast, the
lunch produced only 60 or 70 % of the corresponding
glycaemic response after the reference breakfast. The pasta
breakfast also significantly lowered the insulin response at
lunch (P < 0·05). In contrast, no significant effect was noted
at lunch in the case of the breakfast with white bread +
vinegar. The net increment in glycaemia when commencing
the lunch in the case of the pasta and the barley breakfasts
was an indicator of a prolonged absorption. This finding
might suggest that in addition to low GI properties, as calcu-
lated by the 90 (Liljeberg & Björck, 1998) or 120 min
(Wolever et al. 1991) glucose areas under the curves, the
presence of a late glycaemic response may promote a 4h
second-meal effect. It seems that even though the dietary
fibre and RS contents are low (Liljeberg et al. 1999), the
pasta breakfast is capable of lowering glucose tolerance at
lunch (Liljeberg et al. 1999; Liljeberg & Björck, 2000). The
pasta breakfast also lowered triacylglycerol levels after the
standardized lunch (Liljeberg & Björck, 2000). Similar
information may be useful in the development of cereal
products with optimal carbohydrate release profiles. The
finding that a low GI per se has a beneficial effect on
glucose tolerance is in agreement with results from a semi-
long-term intervention in subjects with non-insulin-
dependent diabetes mellitus (Järvi et al. 1999), in which a
lowering of dietary GI, in the absence of difference in
dietary fibre, markedly improved metabolic variables
relating to insulin resistance.
In another study the effects of three evening meals
containing cereal on glucose tolerance at a following stand-
ardized white-bread breakfast were evaluated (Y Granfeldt,
W Xaomei and I Björk, unpublished results). The evening
meals were served at 22.00 hours to healthy subjects and
consisted of white bread or two low-GI meals (spaghetti GI
54, insulin index 53; barley kernels GI 53, insulin index 49).
The low-GI evening meals were thus matched with respect
to GI and insulin index, but were very different in the
content of indigestible carbohydrates, i.e. dietary fibre and
RS. When compared with the white-bread evening meal,
only the low-GI barley evening meal, rich in indigestible
carbohydrates, improved glucose tolerance the following
morning. The reduction in glucose and insulin areas under
the curve at the standardized breakfast meal was approxi-
mately 25 %. No blunting effect was noted following pasta
as the evening meal, which was in contrast to the finding
that pasta markedly improved glucose tolerance from
breakfast to lunch (Liljeberg et al. 1999; Liljeberg & Björck,
2000). A possible mechanism could be that the barley meal
promotes a higher fermentative activity in the colon, which
may act to suppress non-esterified fatty acid levels, and
hence improve glucose tolerance 10 h later, i.e. at the time of
the breakfast meal. It has also been reported that an evening
meal with barley, but not rice, improves glucose tolerance
and lowers non-esterified fatty acids the following morning
(Thorburn et al. 1993). On the basis that this overnight
phenomenon contributes to the long-term benefits of a low-
GI diet, the new generation of cereal products should,
therefore, not only have a low GI and a slow release profile
of the digestible carbohydrates fraction, but preferably also
be rich in indigestible and fermentable carbohydrates. This
added value of low-GI cereal products rich in dietary fibre
could provide one mechanism for the epidemiological
evidence that a high content of cereal fibre, in addition to a
low glycaemic load, protect against development of type 2
diabetes (Salmerón et al. 1997a,b).
Metabolic potential of low-glycaemic-index fibre-rich bread
products in women at risk of type 2 diabetes
Another important issue in relation to product tailoring and
optimisation of dietary GI relates to the magnitude of the
dietary change necessary to achieve the required metabolic
effect. To address this question, the semi-long-term
potential of modulating only the GI of the bread products
was studied in women at risk of type 2 diabetes (H Liljeberg
Elmståhl, A Frid, L Groop and I Björk, unpublished results).
The bread products were commercial high-GI products or
two types of modulated low-GI bread, one light and one
dark. Both low-GI bread products were based on intact rye
kernels and baked using sourdough fermentation. The
Table 2. Incremental blood glucose and insulin areas under the
curve (AUC) in healthy human subjects after a standardized lunch
meal following various cereal breakfasts
Standardized lunch
incremental (AUC) (%)
GI II Glucose Insulin
White bread
Barley, rich in amylose
and β-glucans
White bread + vinegar
79 NS
82 NS
79 NS
GI, glycaemic index; II, insulin index.
Mean values were significantly different from those for subjects receiving white
bread as breakfast: *P<0·05.
Nutrients contributing to the fibre effect 205
lighter bread contained fewer intact kernels, and instead had
added oat ß-glucans. Both the light and the dark bread had
similar GI of about 55. The commonly-consumed high-GI
bread products were thus replaced by experimental bread
products with lower GI and a higher content of indigestible
carbohydrates. The test subjects were women (about 31
years of age) with a history of gestational diabetes. These
women showed a genetic disposition for type 2 diabetes
during pregnancy, with a high risk of developing diabetes
later in life. An oral glucose tolerance test was performed
before inclusion in the study. Subjects diagnosed with
diabetes were excluded, and only those with impaired
glucose tolerance were recruited. Seven of the eight women
participants completed the study. The bread was included in
the breakfast, lunch and late-evening meals, and the amount
of carbohydrates provided during the two test periods was
standardized for each individual. A crossover design was
used, with 3-week intervention periods and a 3-week
washout period. The glucose and insulin responses to an
intravenous glucose challenge were measured before and
after each intervention period. No significant difference was
noted in the 1 h insulin areas under the curve over the inter-
vention period with the high-GI bread. In contrast, all
women displayed a decrease in insulin response over the
period with the low-GI bread. The mean decrease was
substantial (about 40 %). No differences were noted in the
corresponding blood glucose responses to the intravenous
glucose challenge, and the results indicated that replacing
the usual high-GI bread with the modified low-GI high-fibre
bread improved insulin economy in women at risk of type 2
diabetes. It remains to be established whether these low-GI
bread products may actually postpone development of type
2 diabetes. These experimental data are, however, in line
with epidemiological evidence of a lowered risk for type 2
diabetes with a low-GI diet rich in cereal fibre (Salmerón
et al. 1997a,b).
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