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NMDA-Type Glutamate Receptor Is Associated with Cutaneous Barrier Homeostasis



Glutamate receptors play an important role in the excitatory synaptic action of the central nervous system. In this study, effects of glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists on skin barrier homeostasis were studied using hairless mouse. Topical application of L-glutamic acid, L-aspartic acid (non-specific glutamate receptor agonists) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA, NMDA type receptor agonist) delayed the barrier recovery rate after barrier disruption with tape stripping. On the other hand, topical application of D-glutamic acid (non-specific antagonist of glutamate receptor), MK 801 and D-AP5, (NMDA-type receptor antagonists) accelerated the barrier repair. The non-NMDA type receptor agonist, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate (AMPA), did not affect the barrier recovery. Topical application of MK-801 also promoted the healing of epidermal hyperplasia induced by acetone treatment under low environmental humidity. Immediately after barrier disruption on skin organ culture, secretion of glutamic acid from skin was significantly increased. Immunohistochemistry, reverse transcription polymearse chain reaction (RT-PCR) and in situ hybridization showed an expression of NMDA-type receptor-like protein on hairless mouse epidermis. NMDA increased intercellular calcium in cultured human keratinocytes and the increase was blocked by MK 801. These results suggest that glutamate plays an important role as a signal of cutaneous barrier homeostasis and epidermal hyperplasia induced by barrier disruption.
See related Commentary on page vi
NMDA-Type Glutamate Receptor Is Associated
with Cutaneous Barrier Homeostasis
Shigeyoshi Fuziwara, Kaori Inoue, Mitsuhiro Denda
Shisedo Research Center, Fukuura Kanazawa-Ku, Yokohoma, Japan
Glutamate receptors play an important role in the exci-
tatory synaptic action of the central nervous system. In
this study, e¡ects of glutamate receptor agonists and an-
tagonists on skin barrier homeostasis were studied using
hairless mouse. Topical application of L-glutamic acid,
L-aspartic acid (non-speci¢c glutamate receptor ago-
nists) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA, NMDA type
receptor agonist) delayed the barrier recovery rate after
barrier disruption with tape stripping. On the other
hand, topical application of D-glutamic acid (non-spe-
ci¢c antagonist of glutamate receptor), MK 801 and D-
AP5, (NMDA-type receptor antagonists) accelerated the
barrier repair. The non-NMDA type receptor agonist,
a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4 -isoxazole propionate
(AMPA), did not a¡ect the barrier recovery. Topical ap-
plication of MK-801 also promoted the healing of epi-
dermal hyperplasia induced by acetone treatment
under low environmental humidity. Immediately after
barrier disruption on skin organ culture, secretion of
glutamic acid from skin was signi¢cantly increased.
Immunohistochemistry, reverse transcription poly-
mearse chain reaction (RT-PCR) and in situ hybridiza-
tion showed an expression of NMDA-type receptor-like
protein on hairless mouse epidermis. NMDA increased
intercellular calcium in cultured human keratinocytes
and the increase was blocked by MK 801. These results
suggest that glutamate plays an important role as a sig-
nal of cutaneous barrier homeostasis and epidermal
hyperplasia induced by barrier disruption. Key words:
keratinocyte/epidermis/glutamate receptor/calcium channel.
J Invest Dermatol 120:1023 ^1029, 2003
The uppermost thin layer of the skin, stratum cor-
neum, plays a crucial role as a water impermeable
barrier. Acute disruption of the barrier results in an
increase in epidermal DNA synthesis (Proksch et al,
1991) and cytokine production (Wood et al,1992).
Even when the damage of the barrier is relatively small, when it
is repeated (Denda et al, 1996) or under low environmental hu-
midity (Denda et al, 1998), the damage induces an obvious epider-
mal hyperplasia and in£ammation. Moreover, various kinds of
dermatoses, such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and contact der-
matitis, are associated with barrier dysfunction (Grice, 1980).
The stratum corneum is composed of two components,
i.e., protein-rich nonviable cells and intercellular lipid domains
(Feingold and Elias, 2000). When the barrier function of the stra-
tum corneum is damaged by a surfactant, organic solvent or tape
stripping, the homeostatic system is accelerated and the barrier
function recovers its original level (Feingold et al,2000).
First, exocytosis of lipid-containing granules, lamellar bodies,
is accelerated and the inside lipids are secreted into the intercellu-
lar domain between the stratum granulosum and stratum
corneum and forms a water impermeable membrane (Feingold
et al,2000).
Previous studies suggested that ion gradation in the epidermis
is strongly associated with the barrier repair system (Mauro et al,
1998; Denda et al, 2000; Menon et al, 1994; Lee et al, 1994). When
the barrier was damaged, gradation of calcium and magnesium in
the epidermis immediately disappeared (Mauro et al, 1998; Denda
et al, 2000).When the calcium concentration in the upper epider-
mis increases by sonophoresis, the lamellar body secretion is pre-
vented (Menon et al,1994). Lee et al demonstrated that Ca
channel blocker, verapamil, prevents the delay of the barrier re-
pair induced by increased extracellular calcium concentration
(Lee et al, 1994). These results suggest that a calcium £ux into the
keratinocyte perturbs the lamellar body secretion and conse-
quently delays the barrier repair. However, the type of the chan-
nels responsible for the skin barrier homeostasis has not yet been
Recently, we demonstrated that ionotropic receptors, origin-
ally found in the nervous system, played an important role in
epidermal barrier homeostasis (Denda et al, 2002b; Denda et al,
2002c). These results suggest that other ligand^gated ion channel
also associates with the skin barrier function. Glutamic acid is the
principal neurotransmitter with a primarily excitatory synaptic
action in the central nervous system, and several di¡erent types
of receptors have been reported in the nerve system (Shepherd,
1994). One group of receptors comprises the G-protein-coupled
metabotropic receptors and another group the glutamate-gated
ion channels, such as NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate)-type or
AMPA (a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl- 4 -isoxazole propionate)-
type receptor. Previous studies demonstrated that these gluta-
mate-gated ion channels were expressed in rat epidermal
keratinocyte cell membrane and that an antagonist of the receptor
Reprint requests to: Mitsuhiro Denda, Shiseido Research Center; 2-12-1
Fukuura, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama, 236 - 8643 Japan; E-mail: mitsuhiro.
Abreviations: TEWL: transepidermal water loss, NMDA: N-methyl-D-
aspartate, AMPA: a-amino-3-hydroxy- 5-methyl-4 -isoxazole propionate
Manuscript received June 10, 2002; revised November 5, 2002; accepted
for publication December 17, 2002
0022- 202X/03/$15.00 .Copyright r2003 by The Society for Investigative Dermatology, Inc.
a¡ected the colony formation of cultured keratinocytes (Genever
et al, 1999; Morhenn et al, 1994). Especially, NMDA receptor
passes calcium ion selectively (Hollemann et al, 1991) and a vol-
tage-dependent magnesium ion block regulates the permeability
of the channel (Paoletti et al, 1995). Moreover, we demonstrated
that topical application of magnesium salts accelerated the skin
barrier repair after its damage (Denda et al, 19 99). We also reported
that an external electric potential altered calcium and magnesium
ion gradation in the epidermis and also a¡ected the skin barrier
homeostasis (Denda et al, 2002a).
From these previous studies, we hypothesized that a glutamate-
gated ion channel is associated with cutaneous barrier homeosta-
sis. In this study, we examined the e¡ects of topical application of
glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists on the skin barrier
recovery rate after barrier disruption and the e¡ects of these re-
agents on epidermal hyperplasia induced by barrier disruption
under low environmental humidity. We also examined the e¡ects
of glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists on the calcium
concentration in cultured human keratinocytes.
Animals All experiments were performed on 7- to 10 -wk-old male
hairless mice (HR-1, Hoshino, Japan). All procedures of the measurement
of skin barrier function, disruption of the barrier and application of test
sample were carried out under anesthesia. All experiments were approved
by the Animal Research Committee of the Shiseido Research Center in
accordance with the National Research Council Guide (1996).
Reagents (þ)-MK 801, AMPA, NMDA and D-AP5 were purchased
from TOCRIS (Tocris Cookson, Inc., Ballwin, MO, USA). L-glutamic
acid, L-aspartic acid and D-glutamic acid were purchased from WAKO
(Osaka, Japan). Glutamate detection kit was purchased from Molecular
Probes (Amplex TM Red Glutamic Acid / Glutamate Oxidase Assay Kit,
Molecular Probes, Eugine OH). Normal human keratinocytes (neonatal
skin) were purchased from BioWhittaker (Walkersville, MD, USA).
Cutaneous barrier function Permeability barrier function was
evaluated by measurement of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) with an
electric water analyzer, as described previously (Denda et al,1996).Four
mice were used for the evaluation of each treatment. In total, 13^14 points
were measured for each treatment. The barrier recovery results are
expressed as percent of recovery because of variations from day to day in
the extent of barrier disruption. In each animal, the percentage of recovery
was calculated by the following formula: (TEWL immediately after barrier
disruption - TEWL at indicated time point)/(TEWL immediately after
barrier disruption - baseline TEWL) 100%. Topical application of each
reagent was carried out immediately after barrier disruption. In each case,
10 0 ml of 1 mM aqueous solution was applied o n 2 4cm
of tape stripped
£ank skin and occluded with plastic membrane for 20 min. Then the
membrane was removed and the treated area left to dry spontaneously.
Epidermal hyperplasia induced by barrier disruption under low
humidity Animals were kept separately in 7.2 liter cages in which the
relative humidity was maintained at less than 10% with dry air as
described previously (Denda et al, 1998). Four mice were used for the
evaluation of each treatment. Animals were ¢rst kept in the dry
conditions for 48 h and then bilateral £ank skin was treated with acetone-
soaked cotton balls, as described previously (Denda et al, 1998). The
procedure was terminated when TEWL reached 2.5^3.5 mg per cm
h. Immediately after treatment, 200 ml of 1 mM test sample 8 cm
of back
skin of mouse, and water was applied on the other side. Then the animals
were again kept in the dry conditions for 48 h. After the experiments,
animals were euthanaized with diethyl ether inhalation, and skin samples
were taken from the treated area. One hour before the euthanization, 20 ml
per g body weight bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) 10mM solution was
injected intraperitoneally. Untreated control mice were also treated with
BrdU at the same time. After ¢xation with 4% paraformaldehyde, full
thickness skin samples were embedded in para⁄n, sectioned (4 mm), and
processed for hematoxylin and eosin staining. For the assessment of DNA
synthesis, the sections were immunostained with anti-BrdU antibodies. On
each section, ¢ve areas were selected at random; the thickness of the
epidermis was measured with an optical micrometer, and the mean value
was calculated. In total, 16^20 sections were used for each evaluation.
Measurements were carried out in an observer-blinded fashion.
Quanti¢cation of glutamate release from the skin We quanti¢ed
glutamate by the method arranged from previous reports (Wood et al,
1996; Ashida et al, 2001a). Four mice were used for the experiment. After
the animals were euthanized, skin samples were immediately taken from
both £anks. Subcutaneous fat was removed with a scalpel and the skin
samples were cut into 2 3cm
exactly. The two pieces of skin from
both £anks were placed, epidermis side upwards, in separate culture dishes
kept in an ice water bath, and one of them was tape stripped four times.
The other piece of skin was not treated. Three pieces of circle-shaped
section (exactly 5 mm diameter) was cut from each skin. Each section was
put in a well (12 mm diameter) separately. Then, 200 ml of chilled bu¡ered
saline solution containing 150 mM NaCl,10 mM glucose, 25 mM HEPES,
5 mM KCl, 1.2 mM NaH
, 1.2 mM MgCl
, and 1.8 mM CaCl
adjusted to pH 7.4 with NaOH, was added to each well and incubated for
30 m at 371C. After the incubation, Sample solution (25 ml) and 0.1 M Tris-
HCl pH 7.5 (25 ml) were mixed to make 50 ml of reaction mixture supplied
in the AmplextRed Glutamic Acid/Glutamate Oxidase Assay Kit
(Molecular Probes, Inc. Eugene, OR, USA) according to the
manufucturer’s instruction. Brie£y, L-glutamate was oxidized with
glutamate oxidase to produce a-ketoglutarate, NH
and H
glutamate was regenerated by transamination of a-ketoglutarate, resulting
in multiple cycles of the initial reaction and a signi¢cant ampli¢cation of
the H
produced. The hydrogen peroxide reacted with 10-acetyl-3,7-
dihydroxyphenoxazine in a 1:1 stoichiometry in the reaction catalyzed by
horseradish peroxidase to generate the high £uorescent product, resoru¢n
which has absorption and £uorescence emission maxima of 563 nm and
587 nm, respectively. After incubation for 5 min at 371C the £uorescence
was detected using a Fluoroskan Ascent FL Plate Reader (Thermo
Labsystems, Inc., Helsinki, Finland). Excitation and emission wavelength
were 548 nm and 587 nm. Standard calibrations performed with L-
Glutamic acid ranged from pmol to 2 nmol under same conditions.
Localization of glutamate in mouse epidermis Glutamate detection
was performed in situ on a gel mounted with AmplextRed Glutamic
Acid/Glutamate Oxidase Assay Kit reaction mixture. The method was a
modi¢cation of our previous method (Denda et al, 2000a). Brie£y, a gel
on a slide glass was made of 2% agarose. The reaction mixture of the
assay kit was diluted 10 times with 0.1 M Tris bu¡er (pH 7.5), and 50 mlof
the solution was spread over the gel. One side of the mouse £ank skin
surface was stripped with adhesive tape three times, and the other side was
not treated as a control. After the animals were killed under anesthesia,
skin sections were taken from each side and frozen immediately. The
tissues were subjected to frozen sections with its 6 mm thickness. The
section was put on the gel and incubated at 371C for 5 min. The detection
of £uorescence was immediately executed when the skin slice was mounted
onto the reaction gel. To con¢rm the reproducibility, we observed ¢ve
di¡erent sections from three di¡erent animals each.
Analysis of expression of NMDA receptorf1 mRNA in epidermis
and brain tissue Epidermis of the skin tissue was removed by
incubation with 10 mM EDTA PBS solution at 371C for 30 min. Mouse
total RNA was obtained from epidermis using TRIzol reagent (Gibco,
BRL, Grand Island, NY, USA). cDNA was produced from the RNA by
random hexamer priming and reverse transcription was undergo using
SuperScript II (Life Technologies), according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. RT-PCR was carried out using TaKaRa ExTaq (Takara
shuzo, Shiga, Japan) with 2 mM sense and antisense oligonucleotide
primers designed for mouse NMDA receptor subunit z1 (NMDARz1)
and GAPDH, respectively (Yamazaki et al, 1992; Meguro et al, 1992; Ikeda
et al, 1992). The primer sequences were as follows: NMDAz1sense:
GCTTCACCACCTTCT. The denaturing temperature and the poly-
merase working temperature were 941Cand721C for 1 min, respectively.
The annealing was carried out at 57.51C for 1 min, respectively. All
reactions were carried on 30 cycles.
Imunohistochemistry for NMDARf1All mouse tissues were
subjected to frozen sections with 5 mm thickness. The detection for
mouse NMDARs was carried on using anti NMDARz1(C-20) poly-
clonal antibody (derived from goat serum) supplied by Santa Cruz
Biotechnology, Inc. (Santa Cruz, CA, USA). The goat polyclonal
antibody raised against a peptide mapping at the carboxy terminus of
glutamate (NMDA) receptorz1 of human origin and the sequence is
identical to corresponding mouse and rat sequence. The binding of the
¢rst antibody was detected by the £uorescent anti-goat secondary
antibody (Alexa Fluors488 rabbit anti-goat IgG (H þL), Molecular
Probes, Inc.). Nuclei were stained with DAPI using Vectashield with DAPI
Vector Laboratories, Inc., Burlingame, CA, USA). To con¢rm the
reproducibility, we observed ¢ve sections from three di¡erent animals
In situ hybridization We subcloned the PCR product of NMDA
receptor subunitz1 into pCR II TOPO (Invitrogen, San Diego, CA,
USA) vector and generated the pCR II TOPO-NMDAR 1-1 vector. The
NMDAR 1 digoxigenin labeled antisense and sense cRNA probe was
generated by in vitro transcriptions by usi ng T7 and SP6 RNA polymerase
(Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) with pCR II TOPO-
NMDARz1-1 respectively. All the mouse tissues were subjected to frozen
sections with 5 mm thickness on the poly L-Lysine coated slide.We carried
out the in situ hybridization using digoxigenin labeled cRNA probes by
the method arranged from a previous report (Schaeren-Wiemers and
Ger¢n-Moser, 1993). The sections were ¢xed in 4% paraformaldehyde/
PBS for 10 min at room temperature and acetylated with aqueous solution
containing 0.25% acetic anhydride, 0.1 mM triethanolamine, and 0.175%
HCl. The acetylated sections were washed twice with PBS. Then the
sections were pre-hybridized with hybridization solution containing 50%
formamide, 250 ml/ml herring sperm DNA (Roche Diagnostics,
Mannheim, Germany), 500 mg/ml yeast derived total RNA (Sigma-
Aldrich Japan, Tokyo, Japan) and 1 Denhart’s solution (Sigma-Aldrich
Japan,Tokyo, Japan) in 4 SSC (1 SSC: 150 mM NaCl, 15 mM sodium
citrate, pH 7.4) at room temperature for 2 h. Then the sections were
hybridized with the hybridization solution containing the heat denatured
200 ng/ml sense or antisense digoxigenin labeled cRNA probe in a
humidi¢ed chamber at 601C overnight. Hybridized sections were washed
¢rst with 5xSSC solution at 501C and then washed with 0.2xSSC solution
twice at 501C for 30 min. Again the sections were washed with 0.2xSSC
solution at room temperature for 5 min. The s ections were washed with B1
bu¡er (0.1 M TrisHCl, 0.15 M NaCl, pH 7.5) and then incubated with B1
bu¡er including 10% heat inactivated goat serum (HINGS) for 1h at room
temperature. After the removal of the solution, the sections were incubated
with B1 solution including 0.02% anti-digoxigenin-Ap, Fab fragments
(Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) and 1% HINGS at 41C
overnight. The sections were washed with B1 bu¡er three times, bu¡ered
with a solution (0.1 M TrisHCl pH 9.5, 0.1 M NaCl, 50 mM MgCl
the staining reaction was started with a staining solution (75 mg/ml
nitroblautetrazoliumchloride, 50 mg/ml, 5 -bromo- 4 -chloro-3 -indolyl-
phosphate p-toluidine salt and 0.24 mg/ml levamisole in 0.1 M TrisHCl
pH 9.5, 0.1 M NaCl, 50 mM MgCl
). After 6 h incubation at room
temperature, the reaction was stopped with 1 mM EDTA in TrisHCl
10 mM, pH 7.5 and the sections were rinsed, air-dried, dehydrated
with ethanol, treated with xylene and mounted with Mount-Quick
(Cosmobio, Tokyo, Japan).
Calcium dynamics in keratinocyte culture system Evaluation of
intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2
]i) in cultured human
keratinocytes was measured with fura-2 as described by Grynkiewicz et al
(1985) with minor modi¢cations (Koizumi and Inoue,1997). Details of the
method using keratinocyte was the same as previously reported (Denda
et al, 2002a). The coverslip was mounted on a £uorescence microscope
(IX70,TS Olympus,Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a 75 W xenon-lamp and
band-pass ¢lters of 340 nm and 380 nm wavelengths. Measurements were
carried out at room temperature. Imaging data, recorded by a high-
sensitive silicon intensifer target camera (C4742, Hamamatsu Photonics,
Hamamatsu, Japan), were regulated by a Ca
analyzing system (AQUA/
RATI01, Hamamatsu Photonics, Hamamatsu, Japan).
Statistics The results are expressed as the mean 7SD. Statistical
di¡erences between two groups were determined by a two-tailed
Student’s t-test. In the case of more than 2 groups, di¡erences were
determined by ANOVA test (Fisher’s protected least signi ¢cant di¡erence).
Barrier recovery Figure 1 shows the e¡ects of topical
application of L, D-glutamic acid and L-aspartic acid on skin
barrier recovery after tape stripping. L-glutamic acid and L-
aspartic acid, both non-speci¢c agonists of the glutamate
receptor, delayed the barrier recovery and D-glutamic acid,
which is a weak antagonist against the glutamate receptor,
slightly but signi¢cantly accelerated the barrier recovery. Topical
application of NMDA delayed the barrier recovery and the delay
was blocked by MK 801, antagonist of NMDA receptor
(Fig 2A). Topical application of MK 801 or D-AP5 (another
NMDA speci¢c antagonist) alone accelerated the barrier recovery
(Fig 2B). Topical application of AMPA, AMPA receptor-speci¢c
agonist, did not a¡ect the barrier recovery rate (Fig 2A).
Figure 2Cshows the barrier recovery rate 30 min and 24 h after
tape stripping. The e¡ects of NMDA and MK 801were observed
in the earlier stage and also one d after treatment. These results
suggest that the NMDA type glutamate receptor or very similar
receptor is associated with ski n barrier homeostasis. The e¡ects of
NMDA receptor antagonists suggest that the presence of
endogeneous glutamate increase in the epidermis after barrier
Epidermal hyperplasia Figure 3 shows the e¡ect of topical
application of NMDA and MK 801 on epidermal hyperplasia
induced by acetone treatment under dry conditions. As
previously demonstrated (Denda et al, 1998), the barrier
disruption induced obvious epidermal hyperplasia under dry
conditions (Fig 3B) compared to untreated skin (Fig 3A). The
epidermal hyperplasia was almost completely prevented by the
topical application of MK 801 (Fig 3C), but topical application
of NMDA even worsened the hyperproliferative response
(Fig 3D). The results of quanti¢cation of the epidermal
thickness are shown in Figure 3E. Evaluation of epidermal
proliferative response using BrdU showed the same tendency
(Fig 3F). These results suggest that the NMDA receptor or
similar receptor also plays an important role on the epidermal
proliferative response induced by barrier insults.
Localization of glutamate in the epidermis Figure 4A
shows the amount of glutamate released from skin organ culture
with or without barrier disruption by tape stripping. The barrier
disruption signi¢cantly increased the secretion of glutamate from
the skin tissue within 30 min after barrier disruption. Visual
Figure1. Topical application of non-speci¢c glutamate receptor
agonists, L-glutamic acid and L-aspartic acid, delayed the barrier
recovery of the hairless mice and the non-speci¢c antagonist of glu-
tamate receptor, D-glutamic acid, slightly but signi¢cantly acceler-
ated the barrier recovery at 2, 4 and 6 hours after the barrier
disruption by tape stripping. Ordinate shows recovery percent of the
barrier to the original level. (mean7SD) n ¼14 each.
:Po0.0 0 05
images of glutamate localization with and without tape stripping
are shown in Figure 4Band C. Glutamate was localized in the
upper layer of the epidermis of untreated normal skin (Fig 4B:
red color,blue color shows DAPI stai ning of DNA). The localization
disappeared by the barrier disruption with tape stripping and
some of the glutamate re-localized or re-generated in the basal
layer of the epidermis (arrows,Fig 4C). With this method,
we could not distinguish the stratum corneum and stratum
granulosum. Rawlings et al (1994) previously demonstrated the
low content of glutamate in the stratum corneum (Ikeda et al,
1992) and moreover, the red color appears only by the chemical
reaction with glutamate as we described in the Methods. Thus,
the result of the untreated skin likely shows the localization of
glutamate in the stratum granulosum. These results suggest that
glutamate in the epidermis might be associated with the
signaling of the skin barrier damage.
RT-PCR assay, immunohistochemistry and in situ
hybridization of NMDA receptor RT-PCR analysis for
mouse NMDARz1 and GAPDH on the total RNA from mouse
epidermis also showed positive bands at the expected sizes
(Fig 5A). The expected bands for z1 were observed on the total
RNA from the mouse brain (data not shown). Immunoreactivity
against anti NMDARz1(Fig 5B) was observed in the living
layer of the epidermis. Blank assay without primary antibody
did not show any reactivity (data not shown). In situ
hybridization analysis of the mouse skin sections with the
Figure 2. Topical application of NMDA receptor speci¢c agonist,
NMDA delayed the barrier recovery after tape stripping and the de-
lay by NMDA was blocked by MK 801, speci¢c antagonist of
NMDA receptor. Topical application of AMPA, AMPA receptor speci¢c
agonist did not a¡ect the barrier recovery rate after tape stripping (Fig 2A).
Topical application of MK 801 or D-AP5, another NMDA receptor spec i¢c
antagonist, alone accelerated the barrier recovery (Fig 2B). The e¡ects of
NMDA and MK 801 were observed in the earlier stage (30 min after tape
stripping) and also one d after tape stripping (Fig 2C). Ordinate shows
recovery percent of the barrier to the original level. (mean7SD) n ¼
13 -14 each.
:Po0.0 5,
:Po0.0 05,
Figure 3. The e¡ects of topical application of NMDA and MK 801
on epidermal hyperplasia induced by acetone treatment under dry
conditions. As previously demonstrated (Denda
¤et al,1998), the barrier dis -
ruption induced obvious epidermal hyperplasia under a dry condition (Fig
3B) compared to untreated normal skin (Fig 3A).The epidermal hyperpla-
sia was almost perfectly prevented by the topical application of MK 801
(Fig 3C) and topical application of NMDA worsened the hyperprolifera-
tive response (Fig 3D). The results of quanti¢cation of the epidermal
thickness are shown in Figure 3E. Evaluation of epidermal prolifer-
ative response using BrdU shows same tendency (Fig 3F). Ordinate in
Figure 3Eshows the average thickness of epidermis of each treatment.
(mean7SD) n ¼16- 20 each. Bars in A,B,C,D¼10 mm,
antisense probe showed NMDARz1 mRNA expression in the
epidermal cells broadly (Fig 5C). The analysis with sense probe
did not show any staining (Fig 5D). These results show the
existence of NMDA receptor or a very structurally similar
protein in the epidermis.
Calcium concentration in the cultured keratinocytes The
intracellular calcium concentration in a single cell using
fura-2AM was increased when we added 50 mM NMDA (Fig
6A,Band E). Most of the increase was blocked by pre-
incubation with 50 mMMK801(Fig 6C,Dand E).
Approximately 31% of the keratinocytes showed an increase of
intracellular calcium among 56 observations within 1 min after
we applied NMDA. When we pre-i ncubated with MK 801, only
4.2% among 47 observations showed the calcium response
against NMDA application. These results suggest that the
NMDA receptor or a functionally very similar protein exists in
the epidermis. To con¢rm a contamination of other cell line in
the keratinocyte culture system, we carried out immuno-
histochemical study with keratinocyte speci¢c antibody (against
CK14) on the culture system of this study. Almost all cells (more
than 99%) showed positive immnunoreactivity against the
keratinocyte speci¢c protein antibody (data not shown).
An increase of intercellular and intracellular calcium in the kera-
tinocyte has been suggested to perturb the exocytosis of lamellar
bodies and delay skin barrier repair (Menon et al, 1994; Lee et al,
1994). In the healthy epidermis, a high concentration of calcium is
observed in the uppermost epidermis and the gradation disap-
peared immediately after barrier disruption by tape stripping or
organic solvent treatment (Mauro et al, 1998; Denda et al, 2000a).
The drastic change of calcium gradation in the epidermis might
be a crucial signal for the barrier repair signaling.The phase tran-
sition and fusion of intercellular granular membrane and cell
Figure 4. Glutamate was released from skin immediately after bar-
rier disruption. The barrier disruption signi¢cantly increased the secre-
tion of glutamate from the skin tissue within 30 min after the barrier
disruption (Fig 4A)(mean7SD). n ¼12 each. Visual images of glutamate
localization with and without tape stripping were shown in Fig 5Band C.
In normal skin, glutamate was localized in the uppermost epidermis (Fig
4B,Asterisk). Barrier disruption by tape stripping released glutamate from
epidermal granular layer and some of them re-localized in the epidermal
basal layer (Fig 4C,arrows). Bars in Band C¼5mm.
Figure 5. RT-PCR assay, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybri-
dization analysis of NMDA receptor subtype, NMDARf1. RT- P C R
analysis for mouse NMDARz1 and G3PDH on the total RNA from
mouse epidermis also showed positive bands of the expected sizes respec-
tively (Fig 5A). Immunoreactivity against NMDARz1 was observed in the
living layer of epidermis (Fig 5B,gre en color). In situ hybridization analysis
for NMDARz1 also s howed similar localization (Fig 5C, antisense) and no
signal was detected in an application of the corresponding sense probe (Fig
5D). SC; stratum corneum, epi; epidermis. Bars in B,C,D¼5mm.
Figure 6. E¡ects of NMDA and MK 801 on intracellular calcium
ion in cultured human keratinocytes. Application of 50 mMofNMDA
increased [Ca2 þ]i in the keratinocytes (Fig 6A,Band E)and the increase
was blocked by pre-incubation with MK 801 (Fig 6C,Dand E). Among
56 keratinocytes, 17 cells showed obvious increase of intracellular calcium
by NMDA treatment. After pre-incubation with MK 801, only two cells
among 47 keratinocytes showed the increase of intracellular calcium by
NMDA treatment. Ordinate shows the ratio of relative intensity of 340
nm and 380 nm emission.
membrane is a crucial stage of the exocytosis of the lamellar
body, and ions such as calcium or magnesium in£uence the phase
of lipid bilayer structure (Denda et al, 1999; Denda et al, 2002a).
Although the mechanism has not been clari¢ed, the relative con-
centration of ions outside of and inside the keratinocyte cell
membrane, i.e., polarity of the membrane, might be crucial for
the skin barrier repair process. Zhang et al (2001) demonstrated
that depolarization of cell membrane causes an outward
movement. Increase of intracellular calcium ion might induce de-
polarization of the keratinocyte cell membrane, perturb inward
movement of cell membrane, the exocytosis of lamellar body
and delay the barrier repair.
Recently, we demonstrated that P2X purinergic receptor an-
tagonist and GABA(A) receptor agonists accelerated the barrier
repair after tape stripping (Denda et al, 2002b; Denda et al,
2002c). The former is a calcium channel and the latter is a chlor-
ide channel. These results suggest that calcium ion in£ux i nto the
keratinocytes delays the barrier repair and on the other hand,
chloride ion in£ux accelerates the barrier recovery. NMDA re-
ceptor is also a calcium channel. In neurons, chloride channels
like GABA(A) receptor or glycine receptor play a role of inhi-
biting depolarization induced by calcium £ux through other
excitatory receptors such as P2X or NMDA receptor. Similar to
the nerve-system, ‘excitation’’ induced by calcium in£ux and ‘‘in-
hibition’’ induced by chloride in£ux through the ligand-gated ion
channel might be important for the epidermal homeostasis. The
results of the present study support this hypothesis.
In this study, we ¢rst demonstrated the speci¢c localization and
dynamic of glutamate in the epidermis. In normal skin, gluta-
mate localized in the uppermost epidermis and the localization
disappeared by the barrier disruption. Interestingly, some of the
glutamate re-localized in epidermal basal layer (Fig 4C). Barrier
disruption induces epidermal DNA synthesis (Proksch et al,1991)
at the basal layer of the epidermis (Denda et al, 1998). Glutamate
might play a role of signaling in the epidermal proliferative re-
sponse induced by barrier disruption. However, the mechanism
underlying these phenomena has not been clari¢ed. Like the sy-
naptic system, a transporter of glutamate might play an important
role of the localization and its release from epidermis by barrier
disruption. The secretion of endogenous glutamate might in-
crease the intercellular calcium concentration through an NMDA
receptor-like protein in the epidermal keratinocytes. An applica-
tion of MK 801 might reduce the autocrine e¡ect of glutamate
and consequently block the delay of barrier recovery. In neurons,
the glutamate-gated cation channel plays an important role of
depolarization of the cell membrane induced by a cation £ux.
The NMDA receptor passes calcium ions through its channel,
but the AMPA receptor does not (Hollemann et al,1991). In this
study, the antagonist and agonist of NMDA a¡ected the skin bar-
rier repair process, but AMPA did not a¡ect the recovery rate.
Not only an NMDA receptor, but also an AMPA receptor was
expressed in epidermal keratinocytes in a previous study (Gen-
ever et al, 1999). Lee et al (1992) demonstrated that topical applica-
tion of calcium chloride delayed barrier repair, but application of
sodium chloride did not a¡ect barrier recovery. These results sug-
gest that the calcium £ux through keratinocyte cell membrane is
important for the skin barrier homeostasis, as we described above.
The NMDA receptor is modulated by a voltage-dependent
magnesium ion block (Paoletti et al, 19 95). We previously demon-
strated that topical application of magnesium salts and a mixture
of magnesium and calcium salts accelerated the skin barrier re-
covery (Denda et al, 1999). The relative ratio of magnesium and
calcium ions in the epidermis might be a crucial factor in the
electric potential through the epidermis (Denda et al,2001a).An
external electric potential altered the magnesium and calcium lo-
calization in the epidermis and also a¡ected skin barrier recovery
(Denda et al, 2002a). The NMDA receptor-like protein we de-
monstrated in this study might be associated with these phenom-
ena we demonstrated previously.
In neurons, the polarity of cell membrane is regulated by a
variety of ligand-gated ion channels such as NMDA, acetylcho-
line or GABA receptor (Shepherd, 1994). Several receptors origi n-
ally found in nerve cells have been reported on keratinocytes.
Ndoye et al (1998) demonstrated that each muscrinic acetylcholine
receptor subtype was localized di¡erently in the human epider-
mis. Another report suggested that keratinocyte nicotinic choli-
nergic receptors related to calcium in£ux of the cell (Grando
et al, 1996). Stoebner et al (1999) reported the expression of benzo-
diazepine receptors. Recently, we demonstrated the expression
and function of the vanilloid receptor subtype 1 (VR1) in human
keratinocytes (Denda et al, 2001b; Inoue et al, 2002). Ectoderm de-
rived keratinocytes and neurons show similar expression of those
The NMDA receptor in the mouse central nervous system is
basically constructed of a z1 subunit and esubunit (Moriyoshi
et al, 1991). Our ¢ndings suggested the expression of z1 in the epi-
dermal keratinocytes. The z1 subunit alone has a function of glu-
tamate-gated cation channel and a di¡erent type of esubunit add
variation to the channel function (Ikeda et al, 1992; Kutsuwada
et al, 1992). Previous studies suggested that autocrine acetylcholine
and paracrine acetylcholine both play an important role in epi-
dermal proliferation and di¡erentiation (Grando, 1997). They also
suggested that a di¡erence in the distribution of a variety of cho-
linergic receptors might be crucial for epidermal homeostasis. On
the other hand, Nguyen et al (2001) demonstrated that nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor, a calcium channel, are associated with ker-
atinocyte di ¡erentiation. Their report is not i nconsistent with this
study because previous reports suggested that di¡erentiation of
epidermal keratinocytes is not always dependent on barrier
homeostasis (Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage et al, 1998). Di¡erent
types of glutamate receptors might regulate skin barrier homeos-
tasis and other metabolic systems in the epidermis.
Recent ¢ndings suggest that an abnormality in the calcium
dynamics in the epidermal keratinocytes is a crucial cause of cu-
taneous diseases. For example, mutation of the calcium pump of
the keratinocyte is a cause of Darier’s diseases and Hailey-Hailey
disease (Sakuntabhai et al, 1999; Hu et al, 2000). Karvonen et al de-
monstrated that psoriatic keratinocytes have an inborn error in
calcium signaling (Karvonen et al, 2000). Abnormal calcium loca-
lization in the epidermis has been reported on aged skin, atopic
dermatitis and psoriasis patients (Forslind et al, 1999). Abnormal-
ities of the barrier function in psoriasis, atopic dermatitis (Grice,
1980) and aging (Ghadially et al, 1995) were reported previously.
Higher expression of NMDA receptor was observed in glioneur-
onal tumours from intractable epilepsy patients (Aronica et al
2001). Although the relationship between the expression of the
NMDA receptors and abnormal metabolism of the cells has not
been clari¢ed, NMDA receptor might also be associated with
these skin diseases.
We previously demonstrated that a psychological stress delayed
the skin barrier recovery and that it was mediated by glucocorti-
coid (Denda et al, 2000b). No report has demonstrated the rela-
tionship between psychological stress and NMDA receptor
expression in the epidermal keratinocytes. However, in lung
epithelial cells, glucocorticoids increased mRNA of glutamine
synthetase (Abcouwer et al,1996). On the other hand, psychologi-
cal stress also induces glutamate release in the brain (Gilad et al,
1990). In this study, we observed the release of glutamate by tape
stripping. Although the mechanism of the glutamate secretion
has not been clari¢ed, glutamate might be another mediator be-
tween psychological factors and epidermal homeostasis.
Acceleration of barrier repair after its damage could prevent in-
£ammatory responses induced by barrier disruption (Denda et al,
1997; Ashida et al, 2001b). The skin barrier homeostatic system of
human skin is similar to that of hairless mouse (Elias et al,1991).
Accelerations of the barrier repair by topical application of same
agents were observed in both hairless mice and human skin
(Denda et al, 1997; Zettersten et al, 1997) Thus, a new strategy for
improving the barrier repair may be used in human skin. This
strategy could result in novel therapeutic approaches to treat the
cutaneous disorders caused by barrier damage or abnormal ion
dynamics in keratinocytes.
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... Therefore, maintaining skin barrier function is integral for treating CAD (Yoon et al., 2011;Marsella and De Benedetto, 2017). Glutamate is known to maintain skin barrier function, along with filaggrin and ceramide (Fuziwara et al., 2003;Davidson et al., 1997). However, research suggests that excessive glutamate in the skin impedes the recovery of skin barrier function, leading to epidermal thickening and lichenification in mouse models (Fuziwara et al., 2003). ...
... Glutamate is known to maintain skin barrier function, along with filaggrin and ceramide (Fuziwara et al., 2003;Davidson et al., 1997). However, research suggests that excessive glutamate in the skin impedes the recovery of skin barrier function, leading to epidermal thickening and lichenification in mouse models (Fuziwara et al., 2003). ...
... Maintaining skin barrier function is important in canines with CAD, similar to humans (Marsella and De Benedetto, 2017;Santoro et al., 2015;Yoon et al., 2011). Studies in mice have demonstrated that elevated levels of skin glutamate delayed the recovery of skin barrier function and caused epidermal thickening and lichenification (Fuziwara et al., 2003). Experiments on NC/Nga mice have shown a positive correlation between dermatitis score, scratching behavior, and glutamate in the skin (Wakabayashi et al., 2014). ...
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Background Canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is caused by skin barrier dysfunction due to allergen exposure. Excessive glutamate release in the skin is associated with delayed skin barrier function recovery and epidermal thickening and lichenification. Treatment with Yokukansan (YKS), a traditional Japanese medicine, reduces dermatitis severity and scratching behavior in NC/Nga mice by decreasing epidermal glutamate levels. However, the association between canine keratinocytes and glutamate and the mechanism by which YKS inhibits glutamate release from keratinocytes remains unknown. Aim We aimed to investigate glutamate release from canine progenitor epidermal keratinocytes (CPEKs) and the inhibitory effect of YKS on this release. We also explored the underlying mechanism of YKS to enable its application in CAD treatment. Methods Glutamate produced from CPEKs in the medium at 24 hours was measured. The measurement conditions varied in terms of cell density and YKS concentration. CPEKs were treated with a glutamate receptor antagonist (MK-801), a glutamate transporter antagonist (THA), and a glutamate dehydrogenase inhibitor (epigallocatechin gallate; EGCG), and the inhibitory effect of YKS, YKS + THA, MK-801, and EGCG on this release was determined. MK-801 and glutamate dehydrogenase inhibitor were tested alone, and THA was tested in combination with YKS. Finally, glutamine incorporated into CPEKs at 24 hours was measured using radioisotope labeling. Results CPEKs released glutamate in a cell density-dependent manner, inhibited by YKS in a concentration-dependent manner. Moreover, YKS reduced the intracellular uptake of radioisotope-labeled glutamine in a concentration-dependent manner. No involvement of glutamate receptor antagonism or activation of glutamate transporters was found, as suggested by previous studies. In addition, EGCG could inhibit glutamate release from CPEKs. Conclusion Our findings indicated that glutamate release from CPEKs could be effectively inhibited by YKS, suggesting the utility of YKS in maintaining skin barrier function during CAD. In addition, CPEKs are appropriate for analyzing the mechanism of YKS. However, we found that the mechanism of action of YKS differs from that reported in previous studies, suggesting that it may have had a similar effect to EGCG in this study. Further research is warranted to understand the exact mechanism and clinical efficacy in treating CAD.
... During the bone mineralization of rats, SRR is expressed in the proliferating chondrocytes, and d-serine exposure affects the chondrocytes' maturation in cell culture (13). In mammalian skin, the presence of d-serine is concomitant with the expressions of SRR and GluNs (14,15). Studies in mice showed that d-serine participates in keratinocyte differentiation by acting on proteins such as involucrin, K10, and TGase3 (15). ...
... Exposure to calcium-containing solutions delays exocytosis and skin recovery (57). This cation flux passing through receptors such as those for GABA (-aminobutyric acid) and glutamate maintains the skin's homeostasis (14,16,51,58). Similar to MK-801 blocking pocket formation during tail regression in Ciona, MK-801 prevents epidermal hyperplasia in mouse (14,57), suggesting that exocytosis controlled by NMDAR is a common feature between Ciona and mammals. ...
... This cation flux passing through receptors such as those for GABA (-aminobutyric acid) and glutamate maintains the skin's homeostasis (14,16,51,58). Similar to MK-801 blocking pocket formation during tail regression in Ciona, MK-801 prevents epidermal hyperplasia in mouse (14,57), suggesting that exocytosis controlled by NMDAR is a common feature between Ciona and mammals. ...
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d -Serine, a free amino acid synthesized by serine racemase, is a coagonist of N -methyl- d -aspartate–type glutamate receptor (NMDAR). d -Serine in the mammalian central nervous system modulates glutamatergic transmission. Functions of d -serine in mammalian peripheral tissues such as skin have also been described. However, d -serine’s functions in nonmammals are unclear. Here, we characterized d -serine–dependent vesicle release from the epidermis during metamorphosis of the tunicate Ciona . d -Serine leads to the formation of a pocket that facilitates the arrival of migrating tissue during tail regression. NMDAR is the receptor of d -serine in the formation of the epidermal pocket. The epidermal pocket is formed by the release of epidermal vesicles’ content mediated by d -serine/NMDAR. This mechanism is similar to observations of keratinocyte vesicle exocytosis in mammalian skin. Our findings provide a better understanding of the maintenance of epidermal homeostasis in animals and contribute to further evolutionary perspectives of d -amino acid function among metazoans.
... Focal adhesion assembly (GO:0048041) is a specialized structure that connects the cell cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix [92]; focal adhesion (oas04510) plays a key role in the interaction between the extracellular matrix and pigment cells [92], which affects the development and distribution of pigment cells [93]. TERMS and PATHWAYS associated with neurotransmitters and their receptors may affect pigment synthesis and release [94], excitatory postsynaptic potential (GO:0060079) [94], glutamatergic synapse (GO:0098978) [94,95], dendritic spine (GO:0043197) [77,96,97], axon (GO:0030424) [98], postsynaptic membrane (GO:0045211) [99,100], integral component of postsynaptic density membrane (GO:0099061), axon guidance (oas04360), dopaminergic synapse (oas04728) [94,101], neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction (oas04080) [23], glutamatergic synapse (oas04724) [94,95], and long-term potentiation (oas04720) [100]. The histone deacetylase complex (GO:0000118) plays a key role in melanocyte development [102]. ...
... Focal adhesion assembly (GO:0048041) is a specialized structure that connects the cell cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix [92]; focal adhesion (oas04510) plays a key role in the interaction between the extracellular matrix and pigment cells [92], which affects the development and distribution of pigment cells [93]. TERMS and PATHWAYS associated with neurotransmitters and their receptors may affect pigment synthesis and release [94], excitatory postsynaptic potential (GO:0060079) [94], glutamatergic synapse (GO:0098978) [94,95], dendritic spine (GO:0043197) [77,96,97], axon (GO:0030424) [98], postsynaptic membrane (GO:0045211) [99,100], integral component of postsynaptic density membrane (GO:0099061), axon guidance (oas04360), dopaminergic synapse (oas04728) [94,101], neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction (oas04080) [23], glutamatergic synapse (oas04724) [94,95], and long-term potentiation (oas04720) [100]. The histone deacetylase complex (GO:0000118) plays a key role in melanocyte development [102]. ...
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Simple Summary The color of wool is an essential trait in sheep which plays a significant role in the textile industry. The color of wool is determined by the presence of various pigments, which can range from white to various shades of brown, gray, black, etc. Understanding the genetics behind wool color is crucial for selective breeding and producing desirable colors for different textile products. By studying the genetic basis of wool color, researchers can identify genes related to pigmentation and develop strategies to enhance or modify wool color. This knowledge contributes to the improvement of wool quality, diversification of textile options, and economic development in the wool industry. Abstract Wool color is controlled by a variety of genes. Although the gene regulation of some wool colors has been studied in relative depth, there may still be unknown genetic variants and control genes for some colors or different breeds of wool that need to be identified and recognized by whole genome resequencing. Therefore, we used whole genome resequencing data to compare and analyze sheep populations of different breeds by population differentiation index and nucleotide diversity ratios (Fst and θπ ratio) as well as extended haplotype purity between populations (XP-EHH) to reveal selection signals related to wool coloration in sheep. Screening in the non-white wool color group (G1 vs. G2) yielded 365 candidate genes, among which PDE4B, GMDS, GATA1, RCOR1, MAPK4, SLC36A1, and PPP3CA were associated with the formation of non-white wool; an enrichment analysis of the candidate genes yielded 21 significant GO terms and 49 significant KEGG pathways (p < 0.05), among which 17 GO terms and 21 KEGG pathways were associated with the formation of non-white wool. Screening in the white wool color group (G2 vs. G1) yielded 214 candidate genes, including ABCD4, VSX2, ITCH, NNT, POLA1, IGF1R, HOXA10, and DAO, which were associated with the formation of white wool; an enrichment analysis of the candidate genes revealed 9 significant GO-enriched pathways and 19 significant KEGG pathways (p < 0.05), including 5 GO terms and 12 KEGG pathways associated with the formation of white wool. In addition to furthering our understanding of wool color genetics, this research is important for breeding purposes.
... 18 Glutamate receptors and transporters are expressed by skin cells, and studies describe the involvement of the glutamatergic system in major physiological skin processes such as skin renewal, hair growth in mice, skin pigmentation, and skin aging. [19][20][21][22][23] Finally, the existence of glutamatergic type communication between corneal epithelial cells and sensory neurons serving to initiate a healing process has been demonstrated. 24 Cell coculture provides a simple and powerful tool to examine intercellular communications. ...
... Indeed, glutamate signaling in the skin seems to be involved in major processes, for example, skin renewal, skin aging, skin pigmentation, and hair growth in mice. [19][20][21][22][23] Abnormalities in glutamate neurotransmission are part of the biological mechanisms of the stress response. 38 The impact of emotional stress on skin conditions has been described since decades. ...
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Objective: The skin is a sensory organ, densely innervated with various types of sensory nerve endings, capable of discriminating touch, environmental sensations, proprioception, and physical affection. Neurons communication with skin cells confer to the tissue the ability to undergo adaptive modifications during response to environmental changes or wound healing after injury. Thought for a long time to be dedicated to the central nervous system, the glutamatergic neuromodulation is increasingly described in peripheral tissues. Glutamate receptors and transporters have been identified in the skin. There is a strong interest in understanding the communication between keratinocytes and neurons, as the close contacts with intra-epidermal nerve fibers is a favorable site for efficient communication. To date, various coculture models have been described. However, these models were based on non-human or immortalized cell line. Even the use of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) is posing limitations because of epigenetic variations during the reprogramming process. Methods: In this study, we performed small molecule-driven direct conversion of human skin primary fibroblasts into induced neurons (iNeurons). Results: The resulting iNeurons were mature, showed pan-neuronal markers, and exhibited a glutamatergic subtype and C-type fibers characteristics. Autologous coculture of iNeurons with human primary keratinocytes, fibroblasts, and melanocytes was performed and remained healthy for many days, making possible to study the establishment of intercellular interactions. Conclusion: Here, we report that iNeurons and primary skin cells established contacts, with neurite ensheathment by keratinocytes, and demonstrated that iNeurons cocultured with primary skin cells provide a reliable model to examine intercellular communication.
... It is an important finding that the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-type glutamate receptor plays a key role in the maintenance of cutaneous barrier homeostasis [177]. Notably, one suggested consequence of the impairment of the glutamate vesicular release is the activation of NMDA receptors due to glutamate spillover [15,16,18], possibly not only in the nervous system, but on the periphery as well. ...
... Notably, one suggested consequence of the impairment of the glutamate vesicular release is the activation of NMDA receptors due to glutamate spillover [15,16,18], possibly not only in the nervous system, but on the periphery as well. Therefore, glutamate also plays a key role in the epidermal hyperplasia of psoriasis induced by barrier disruption [177]. ...
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Psoriasis is considered a multifactorial and heterogeneous systemic disease with many underlying pathologic mechanisms having been elucidated; however, the pathomechanism is far from entirely known. This opinion article will demonstrate the potential relevance of the somatosensory Piezo2 microinjury-induced quad-phasic non-contact injury model in psoriasis through a multidisciplinary approach. The primary injury is suggested to be on the Piezo2-containing somatosensory afferent terminals in the Merkel cell-neurite complex, with the concomitant impairment of glutamate vesicular release machinery in Merkel cells. Part of the theory is that the Merkel cell-neurite complex contributes to proprioception; hence, to the stretch of the skin. Piezo2 channelopathy could result in the imbalanced control of Piezo1 on keratinocytes in a clustered manner, leading to dysregulated keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation. Furthermore, the author proposes the role of mtHsp70 leakage from damaged mitochondria through somatosensory terminals in the initiation of autoimmune and autoinflammatory processes in psoriasis. The secondary phase is harsher epidermal tissue damage due to the primary impaired proprioception. The third injury phase refers to re-injury and sensitization with the derailment of healing to a state when part of the wound healing is permanently kept alive due to genetical predisposition and environmental risk factors. Finally, the quadric damage phase is associated with the aging process and associated inflammaging. In summary , this opinion piece postulates that the primary microinjury of our "sixth sense", or the Piezo2 channelopathy of the somatosensory terminals contributing to proprioception, could be the principal gateway to pathology due to the encroachment of our preprogrammed genetic encoding.
... Keratin-filled corneocytes and densely packed intercellular lipids combine to form the skin barrier (Roger et al., 2019). The proliferation, differentiation, and migration of KCs are crucial for the maintenance of skin homeostasis (Gallegos-Alcala et al., 2021). However, KCs are not just the structural backbone of the epidermis. ...
... Inhibition of KCs NMDA receptors led to a decrease in cell proliferation and differentiation, and an increase in apoptosis (Fischer et al., 2004;Morhenn et al., 2004). After barrier disruption with tape stripping, topical application of an NMDA receptor agonist or antagonist delayed or accelerated the barrier repair in hairless mice, respectively (Fuziwara et al., 2003). ...
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Keratinocytes are the predominant block-building cells in the epidermis. Emerging evidence has elucidated the roles of keratinocytes in a wide range of pathophysiological processes including cutaneous nociception, pruritus, and inflammation. Intraepidermal free nerve endings are entirely enwrapped within the gutters of keratinocyte cytoplasm and form en passant synaptic-like contacts with keratinocytes. Keratinocytes can detect thermal, mechanical, and chemical stimuli through transient receptor potential ion channels and other sensory receptors. The activated keratinocytes elicit calcium influx and release ATP, which binds to P2 receptors on free nerve endings and excites sensory neurons. This process is modulated by the endogenous opioid system and endothelin. Keratinocytes also express neurotransmitter receptors of adrenaline, acetylcholine, glutamate, and γ-aminobutyric acid, which are involved in regulating the activation and migration, of keratinocytes. Furthermore, keratinocytes serve as both sources and targets of neurotrophic factors, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and neuropeptides. The autocrine and/or paracrine mechanisms of these mediators create a bidirectional feedback loop that amplifies neuroinflammation and contributes to peripheral sensitization.
... Cholinergic receptor α9 (CHRNA9 gene) is involved in the adhesion and motility of keratinocytes at early stages of epidermal morphogenesis [40]. The glutamate transporter SLC1A3 may also have a role in keratinocyte differentiation orchestration, based on the essential role of glutamate in the barrier function and re-epithelialization process [41]. SLC1A3 was recently identified as a marker of highly proliferative progenitor cells during skin growth [42]. ...
Background Hyperpigmented spots develop earlier and with a higher incidence in Asian individuals compared with Europeans. Although actinic lentigines (AL) are very common, the biological events underlying their formation remain ill-defined. Objective AL from Japanese volunteers were characterized through morphological and gene expression analyses. Data were then compared with published data on European volunteers. Methods AL on hands were selected through dermoscopic imaging and pattern scoring in Japanese women. Skin biopsies of AL and adjacent non-lesional (NL) skin were processed for histology and gene expression profiling. Japanese and European studies were compared after harmonizing the data using the same mathematical and statistical methods. Results Histologically, AL from Japanese individuals revealed deep epidermal invaginations with melanin accumulation in the depth of epidermal rete ridges. Transcriptomic data identified 245 genes differentially expressed in AL versus NL skin samples, associated with the different skin compartments and multiple functional families and biological processes, such as epidermal homeostasis, extracellular matrix organization and ion binding/transmembrane transport. Strikingly, melanogenesis-related genes were not significantly modulated in AL compared with NL skin. Comparison of the molecular profiles of Japanese and European AL showed that a huge majority of genes were modulated in the same way, recapitulating the overall biological alterations. Conclusion AL from Japanese volunteers exhibited morphological and molecular alterations of the whole skin structure with impairment of multiple biological functions similar to that found in European women. These findings will contribute to the development of efficient treatments of AL lesions.
... Note, that the sensory nerve ending in the figure represents a hypothetic pruriceptor demonstrating the expression of several receptors and signaling (Continued ) Frontiers in Pharmacology | March 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 745658 8 dopamine (Fuziwara et al., 2005) and glutamate (Fuziwara et al., 2003). Based on these results keratinocytes can be considered as the forefront of the sensory nervous system . ...
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Pruritus or itch generated in the skin is one of the most widespread symptoms associated with various dermatological and systemic (immunological) conditions. Although many details about the molecular mechanisms of the development of both acute and chronic itch were uncovered in the last 2 decades, our understanding is still incomplete and the clinical management of pruritic conditions is one of the biggest challenges in daily dermatological practice. Recent research revealed molecular interactions between pruriceptive sensory neurons and surrounding cutaneous cell types including keratinocytes, as well as resident and transient cells of innate and adaptive immunity. Especially in inflammatory conditions, these cutaneous cells can produce various mediators, which can contribute to the excitation of pruriceptive sensory fibers resulting in itch sensation. There also exists significant communication in the opposite direction: sensory neurons can release mediators that maintain an inflamed, pruritic tissue-environment. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about the sensory transduction of pruritus detailing the local intercellular interactions that generate itch. We especially emphasize the role of various pruritic mediators in the bidirectional crosstalk between cutaneous non-neuronal cells and sensory fibers. We also list various dermatoses and immunological conditions associated with itch, and discuss the potential immune-neuronal interactions promoting the development of pruritus in the particular diseases. These data may unveil putative new targets for antipruritic pharmacological interventions.
The skin, which is comprised of the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue, is the largest organ in the human body and it plays a crucial role in the regulation of the body's homeostasis. These functions are regulated by local neuroendocrine and immune systems with a plethora of signaling molecules produced by resident and immune cells. In addition, neurotransmitters, endocrine factors, neuropeptides, and cytokines released from nerve endings play a central role in the skin responses to stress. These molecules act on the corresponding receptors in an intra-, juxta-, para- or autocrine fashion. The epidermis as the outer most component of skin forms a barrier directly protecting against environmental stressors. This protection is assured by an intrinsic keratinocyte differentiation program, pigmentary system and local nervous, immune, endocrine, and microbiome elements. These constituents communicate cross-functionally among themselves and with corresponding systems in the dermis and hypodermis to secure the basic epidermal functions to maintain local (skin) and global (systemic) homeostasis. The neurohormonal mediators and cytokines used in these communications regulate physiological skin functions separately or in concert. Disturbances in the functions in these systems lead to cutaneous pathology that includes inflammatory (psoriasis, allergic or atopic dermatitis) and keratinocytic hyperproliferative disorders (seborrheic and solar keratoses), dysfunction of adnexal structure (hair follicles, eccrine and sebaceous glands), hypersensitivity reactions, pigmentary disorders (vitiligo, melasma and hypo- or hyperpigmentary responses, premature aging, and malignancies (melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers). These components preserve skin integrity and protect against skin pathologies.
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Darier's disease, also known as keratosis follicularis or Darier-White disease, is an autosomal dominant inherited condition. The disease usually has its onset in the teenage years, meaning it co-exists with the years of fertility in women. The potential dermatological and obstetric implications of Darrier's Disease, especially when it involves the groin and vulva, have not been well reported. We report a case of Darier's Disease associated with multiple antibiotic resistant folliculitis involving skin of the breasts, groin, vulva and perineum that precluded safe vaginal delivery.
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A new family of highly fluorescent indicators has been synthesized for biochemical studies of the physiological role of cytosolic free Ca2+. The compounds combine an 8-coordinate tetracarboxylate chelating site with stilbene chromophores. Incorporation of the ethylenic linkage of the stilbene into a heterocyclic ring enhances the quantum efficiency and photochemical stability of the fluorophore. Compared to their widely used predecessor, “quin2”, the new dyes offer up to 30-fold brighter fluorescence, major changes in wavelength not just intensity upon Ca2+ binding, slightly lower affinities for Ca2+, slightly longer wavelengths of excitation, and considerably improved selectivity for Ca2+ over other divalent cations. These properties, particularly the wavelength sensitivity to Ca2+, should make these dyes the preferred fluorescent indicators for many intracellular applications, especially in single cells, adherent cell layers, or bulk tissues.
Using a scanning nuclear microprobe, the distribution of elements and trace elements of skin cross sections of normal skin, non-lesional psoriatic skin and in dry atopic skin have been mapped. In non-lesional psoriatic skin and in dry atopic skin the epidermal Ca-gradient is higher than that of normal skin. In addition, abnormally high Fe and Zn levels were recorded in the stratum granulosum and corneum regions in the pathological skin. It is suggested that these findings correlate to an increased cell turnover in the basal cell layer of the psoriatic and atopic skins. The ratio of Ca/Zn in stratum corneum of paralesional psoriatic skin is approximately 8:1 compared to 12: 1 in normal skin and 15: 1 in atopic skin. This suggests that the differentiation process in paralesional psoriatic skin may actually be an example of disturbed programmed cell death.
Previous studies have shown that barrier disruption increases epidermal mRNA levels of interleukin-1α (IL-1α). We used immunohistochemistry to examine IL-1α expression in hairless mouse skin under basal conditions and following barrier abrogation. In untreated mice, IL-1α was present in the dermis and nucleated epidermal layers in a diffuse, generalized pattern. In essential fatty acid deficient mice IL-1α was present in all epidermal layers and the dermis, with prominent staining in the stratum corneum. After acute barrier disruption with tape-stripping, IL-1α increased in the epidermis and dermis within 10 mm, remained elevated at 2 and 4 h, and decreased to near basal levels by 24 h. Moreover, intense, perinuclear, basal cell staining appeared at 10 mm, persisting until 4 h after barrier disruption. Since the increase in IL-1α immunostaining after acute barrier abrogation precedes the increase in mRNA, we hypothesized that the IL-1α might derive from a prefonned pool. Prolonged occlusion of normal skin, a treatment that specifically reduces epidermal mRNA levels of IL-1α, decreased basal immunostaining for IL-1α and blunted the increase in IL-1α usually seen following barrier disruption. Moreover, tape-stripping of skin, maintained ex vivo at 4°C, resulted in increased IL-1α immunostaining within the upper nucleated epidermal layers, as well as release of mature IL-1α into the medium, as measured by Western blotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In addition, the stratum corneum attached to the tape contained IL-1α. These studies show that acute barrier disruption induces both the immediate release and dispersion of IL-1α from a pre-formed, epidermal pool, as well as increased IL-1α synthesis; both mechanisms are consistent with a role for IL-1α in the regulation of proinflammatory and homeostatic processes in the skin.
Acetylcholine mediates cell-to-cell communications in the skin. Human epidermal keratinocytes respond to acetylcholine via two classes of cell- surface receptors, the nicotinic and the muscarinic cholinergic receptors. High affinity muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR) have been found on keratinocyte cell surfaces at high density. These receptors mediate effects of muscarinic drugs on keratinocyte viability, proliferation, adhesion, lateral migration, and differentiation. In this study, we investigated the molecular structure of keratinocyte mAChR and their location in human epidermis. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of cDNA sequences uniquely present within the third cytoplasmic loop of each subtype demonstrated the expression of the m1, m3, m4, and m5 mAChR subtypes. To visualize these mAChR, we raised rabbit anti-sera to synthetic peptide analogs of the carboxyl terminal regions of each subtype. The antibodies selectively bound to keratinocyte mAChR subtypes in immunoblotting membranes and epidermis, both of which could be abolished by preincubating the anti-serum with the peptide used for immunization. The immunofluorescent staining patterns produced by each antibody in the epidermis suggested that the profile of keratinocyte mAChR changes during epidermal turnover. The semiquantitative analysis of fluorescence revealed that basal cells predominantly expressed m3, prickle cells had equally high levels of m4 and m5, and granula cells mostly possessed m1. Thus, the results of this study demonstrate for the first time the presence of m1, m3, m4, and m5 mAChR in epidermal keratinocytes. Because keratinocytes express a unique combination of mAChR subtypes at each stage of their development in the epidermis, each receptor may regulate a specific cell function. Hence, a single cytotransmitter, acetylcholine, and muscarinic drugs may exert different biologic effects on keratinocytes at different stages of their maturation.
In previous studies we have shown that experimental permeability barrier disruption leads to an increase in epidermal lipid and DNA synthesis. Here we investigate whether barrier disruption also influences keratins and cornified envelope proteins as major structural keratinocyte proteins. Cutaneous barrier disruption was achieved in hairless mouse skin by treatments with acetone occlusion, sodium dodecyl sulfate, or tape-stripping. As a chronic model for barrier disruption, we used essential fatty acid deficient mice. Epidermal keratins were determined by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, immunoblots, and anti-keratin antibodies in biopsy samples. In addition, the expression of the cornified envelope proteins loricrin and involucrin after barrier disruption was determined by specific antibodies in human skin. Acute as well as chronic barrier disruption resulted in the induction of the expression of keratins K6, K16, and K17. Occlusion after acute disruption led to a slight reduction of keratin K6 and K16 expression. Expression of basal keratins K5 and K14 was reduced after both methods of barrier disruption. Suprabasal keratin K10 expression was increased after acute barrier disruption and K1 as well as K10 expression was increased after chronic barrier disruption. Loricrin expression in mouse and in human skin was unchanged after barrier disruption. In contrast, involucrin expression, which was restricted to the granular and upper spinous layers in normal human skin, showed an extension to the lower spinous layers 24 h after acetone treatment. In summary, our results document that acute or chronic barrier disruption leads to expression of keratins K6, K16, and K17 and to a premature expression of involucrin. We suggest that the coordinated regulation of lipid, DNA, keratin, and involucrin synthesis is critical for epidermal permeability barrier function.Keywords: loricrin