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Providing Social Support May Be More Beneficial Than Receiving It: Results From a Prospective Study of Mortality



This study examines the relative contributions of giving versus receiving support to longevity in a sample of older married adults. Baseline indicators of giving and receiving support were used to predict mortality status over a 5-year period in the Changing Lives of Older Couples sample. Results from logistic regression analyses indicated that mortality was significantly reduced for individuals who reported providing instrumental support to friends, relatives, and neighbors, and individuals who reported providing emotional support to their spouse. Receiving support had no effect on mortality once giving support was taken into consideration. This pattern of findings was obtained after controlling for demographic, personality, health, mental health, and marital-relationship variables. These results have implications for understanding how social contact influences health and longevity.
Psychological Science
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DOI: 10.1111/1467-9280.14461
2003 14: 320Psychological Science
Stephanie L. Brown, Randolph M. Nesse, Amiram D. Vinokur and Dylan M. Smith
Providing Social Support May Be More Beneficial Than Receiving It : Results From a Prospective Study of
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Research Article
Copyright © 2003 American Psychological Society VOL. 14, NO. 4, JULY 2003
This study examines the relative contributions of giving ver-
sus receiving support to longevity in a sample of older married adults.
Baseline indicators of giving and receiving support were used to predict
mortality status over a 5-year period in the Changing Lives of Older
Couples sample. Results from logistic regression analyses indicated that
mortality was significantly reduced for individuals who reported provid-
ing instrumental support to friends, relatives, and neighbors, and indi-
viduals who reported providing emotional support to their spouse.
Receiving support had no effect on mortality once giving support was
taken into consideration. This pattern of findings was obtained after
controlling for demographic, personality, health, mental health, and
marital-relationship variables. These results have implications for un-
derstanding how social contact influences health and longevity.
As demographic shifts have produced a relatively more aged popula-
tion, factors that influence longevity have taken on increased promi-
nence. The documented health benefits of social support may offer a
promising avenue for reducing mortality among older adults. Indeed,
there is a robust association between social contact and health and well-
being (House, Landis, & Umberson, 1988). However, it is not clear that
receiving support accounts for these benefits (House et al., 1988). Tests
of the social-support hypothesis—that receiving support improves
health and well-being—have provided somewhat inconsistent results
(Kahn, 1994), demonstrating in some instances that receiving support is
harmful (e.g., S.L. Brown & Vinokur, in press; Hays, Saunders, Flint,
Kaplan, & Blazer, 1997; Seeman, Bruce, & McAvay, 1996). In fact, a
meta-analysis of the link between social support and health outcomes
produced negligible findings, leading the study’s authors to conclude
that the “small amounts of shared variance [between receiving support
and health outcomes] may not be considered significant nor generaliz-
able” (Smith, Fernengel, Holcroft, Gerald, & Marien, 1994, p. 352).
Conceptually, it is not clear that receiving social support will always
be beneficial. For example, depending on other people for support can
cause guilt and anxiety (Lu & Argyle, 1992). And feeling like a burden
to others who presumably provide support is associated with increased
suicidal tendencies, even after controlling for depression (R.M. Brown,
Dahlen, Mills, Rick, & Biblarz, 1999; de Catanzaro, 1986). The correla-
tion of social support with dependence may help to explain why studies
have failed to consistently confirm the social-support hypothesis.
Furthermore, the benefits of social contact may extend beyond re-
ceived support to include other aspects of the interpersonal relation-
Results From a Prospective Study of Mortality
Stephanie L. Brown,
Randolph M. Nesse,
Amiram D. Vinokur,
and Dylan M. Smith
Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan;
Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Michigan; and
VA Health Services Research & Development Center of Excellence, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System
ship that may protect health and increase longevity—for example,
giving support to others. However, with few exceptions (e.g., Liang,
Krause, & Bennett, 2001), social-support studies rarely assess whether
there are benefits from providing support to others. Some measures of
social support do seem to tap giving—perhaps inadvertently—yet the
benefits are often attributed to receiving support or sometimes attrib-
uted to reciprocated support. For example, a nationwide survey of
older peoples’ support networks measured social support by a combi-
nation of what was received and what was provided to others (Anto-
nucci, 1985). Implicit in this assessment is the recognition that
receiving social support is likely to be correlated with other aspects of
close relationships, including the extent to which individuals give to
one another. Thus, some of the benefits of social contact, traditionally
attributed to receiving support, or to reciprocated support (e.g., Anto-
nucci, Fuhrer, & Jackson, 1991), may instead be due to the benefits of
giving support.
There are both theoretical and empirical reasons to hypothesize
that giving support may promote longevity. For example, kin-selection
theory (Hamilton, 1964a, 1964b) and reciprocal-altruism theory (Triv-
ers, 1971) suggest that human reproductive success was contingent
upon the ability to give resources to relationship partners. Social
bonds (S.L. Brown, 1999) and emotional commitment (Nesse, 2001)
have been theorized to promote high-cost giving. The resulting contri-
bution made to relationship partners is theorized to trigger a desire for
self-preservation on the part of the giver, enabling prolonged invest-
ment in kin (de Catanzaro, 1986) and reciprocal altruists.
Although few studies have explicitly examined whether helping
others increases longevity, sociologists note the ubiquity of giving to
others (Rossi, 2001), and studies show that individuals derive benefits
from helping others, such as reduced distress (Cialdini, Darby, & Vin-
cent, 1973; Midlarsky, 1991) and improved health (Schwartz &
Sendor, 2000). Moreover, volunteering has beneficial effects for vol-
unteers, including improved physical and mental health (Omoto &
Synder, 1995; Wilson & Musick, 1999). Even perceptions that are
likely to be associated with giving, such as a sense of meaning, pur-
pose, belonging, and mattering, have been shown to increase happi-
ness and decrease depression (e.g., Taylor & Turner, 2000; see Batson,
1998, for a review).
Using data from the Changing Lives of Older Couples (CLOC)
sample, we addressed two questions: (a) Do the benefits of providing
social support account for some or all of the benefits of social contact
Address correspondence to Stephanie L. Brown, Institute for Social
Research, The University of Michigan, 426 Thompson St., P.O. Box 1248, Ann
Arbor, MI 48106-1248; e-mail:
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S.L. Brown et al.
VOL. 14, NO. 4, JULY 2003
that are traditionally interpreted as due to support received from oth-
ers? (b) Does receiving support influence mortality once giving sup-
port and dependence are controlled?
Traditionally, social support has been defined in numerous ways,
leading some authors to conclude that measurement issues are a
source of contradictory findings (e.g., Smerglia, Miller, & Kort-Butler,
1999). For the purpose of the present study, we focused our analyses
on items for which our measures of giving and receiving tapped simi-
lar domains of support. Similar domains of support were measured for
the exchange of emotional support between spouses and the exchange
of instrumental support with individuals other than one’s spouse.
House (1981) suggested that these two domains of support—emo-
tional and instrumental—represent two of the functions of interper-
sonal transactions.
To isolate the unique effects of giving and receiving social support
on mortality, it was important to control for factors that may influence
any of these variables, including age, gender, perceived health, health
behaviors, mental health, socioeconomic status, and some individual
difference variables (personality traits). Controlling for these variables
helped to increase our confidence that any beneficial effect of giving
we observed was not due to enhanced mental or physical robustness of
the giver. We also examined variables associated with relationship
phenomena that could influence giving support, receiving support, and
dependence; these variables included perceived equity (the perception
that one receives the same amount as one provides to the relationship
partner) and relationship satisfaction. Responses at baseline were used
to predict mortality status over the ensuing 5-year period of the study.
The CLOC study is a prospective study of a two-stage area proba-
bility sample of 1,532 married individuals from the Detroit Standard
Metropolitan Statistical Area. The husband in each household was 65
years of age or older (see Carr et al., 2000, for a complete report). Of
those individuals who were selected for participation in the CLOC
study, 65% agreed to participate, a response rate consistent with re-
sponse rates in other studies in the Detroit area (Carr et al., 2000).
More than one half of the sample (n 846) consisted of married cou-
ples for whom mortality data on both members were available. These
423 married couples were the respondents in the present study.
line measures were administered in face-to-face interviews, conducted
over an 11-month period in 1987 and 1988. Of the subsample of 846
respondents, 134 died over the 5-year course of the study.
Mortality Data
Mortality was monitored over a 5-year period by checking daily
obituaries in three Detroit-area newspapers and monthly death-record
tapes provided by the State of Michigan. Mortality status was indi-
cated with a dichotomous variable (1 deceased, 0 alive).
Baseline Measures
Instrumental support
Giving instrumental support to others
, GISO, was measured by
four survey questions that asked respondents whether they had given
instrumental support to friends, neighbors, and relatives other than
their spouse in the past 12 months. Respondents indicated (yes/no)
whether they helped with (a) transportation, errands, shopping; (b)
housework; (c) child care; and (d) other tasks. Respondents were in-
structed to say “yes” to any of these questions only if they did not live
in the same household with the recipient of support and they did not
receive monetary compensation. Responses were coded so that a “0”
indicated a “no” response to all four items, and a “1” indicated a “yes”
response to at least one item.
Receiving instrumental support from others, RISO, was assessed
by a single item: “If you and your husband [wife] needed extra help
with general housework or home maintenance, how much could you
count on friends or family members to help you?” Responses were
coded on a 4-point scale.
Emotional support
Giving and receiving emotional support was assessed with items
from the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (Spanier, 1976).
Giving emotional
support to a spouse, GESS, was assessed using two items that asked
participants whether they made their spouse feel loved and cared for
and whether they were willing to listen if their spouse needed to talk
( .51). Rankin-Esquer, Deeter, and Taylor (2000) reviewed evi-
dence to suggest that the benefits of receiving emotional support from
a spouse come from both feeling emotionally supported by a spouse
and feeling free to have an open discussion with one’s spouse. The
two-item measure of receiving emotional support from a spouse,
RESS ( .66), was identical to GESS with the exception that partic-
ipants were asked whether their spouse made them feel loved and
cared for, and whether their spouse was willing to listen if they needed
to talk. Responses were coded on a 5-point scale.
Control variables
To control for the possibility that any beneficial effects of giving
support are due to a type of mental or physical robustness that under-
lies both giving and mortality risk, we measured a variety of demo-
graphic, health, and individual difference variables. (See Appendix A
for a description of the health, mental health, and personality variables
used.) Both age and gender (1 male, 2 female) were controlled
for in each analysis to take into account the possibilities that (a) older
people give less and are more likely to die than younger people and (b)
females give more and are less likely to die than males.
To isolate the unique effects of giving and receiving support, above
and beyond other known relationship influences on health, we in-
cluded measures of social contact and dependence. Social contact was
assessed with the mean of the following three questions: “In a typical
1. For the entire sample, spousal mortality, rather than respondent mortal-
ity, was tracked, so respondent mortality could be obtained only if both mem-
bers of a couple participated in the study.
2. All response options were coded so that higher values indicated higher
levels of the measured variable.
3. Unless otherwise stated, scale composites were formed by taking the
mean of the items.
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Social Support and Mortality
VOL. 14, NO. 4, JULY 2003
week, about how many times do you talk on the phone with friends,
neighbors, or relatives?” “How often do you get together with friends,
neighbors, or relatives and do things like go out together or visit in
each other’s homes?” and “How often do you go out socially, by your-
self, or with people other than your husband [wife]?” Scores were
standardized so that higher values indicated greater social contact (
.51). Dependence on the spouse was coded on a 4-point scale and was
measured with three items asking participants whether losing their
spouse would make them feel lost, be terrifying, or be the worst thing
that could happen to them ( .82).
Additional relationship variables
We measured additional aspects of the marital relationship in order
to examine alternative explanations for any effects of giving and re-
ceiving emotional support. Specifically, we used items from the Dy-
adic Adjustment Scale (Spanier, 1976) to assess
(the absolute
value of the difference between an individual’s ratings of perceived
emotional support received from the partner and perceived emotional
support provided to the partner; higher values indicated greater dis-
crepancy) and marital satisfaction (one item).
Additional measures of receiving and giving support
To consider the possibility that any observed benefits of giving or
receiving support were an artifact of the chosen measures, we in-
cluded all of the remaining support measures from the CLOC data set
(Appendix B).
We examined our hypotheses using the 846 persons for whom
mortality data were available. Because this sample included the re-
sponses of both members of a couple, we computed the intraclass cor-
relation (ICC) for the couple-level effect on mortality. We first created
a variable that grouped individual participants by couple (n 423).
We next constructed a two-level hierarchical model (Level 1 estimated
variation in mortality at the individual-participant level, Level 2 esti-
mated variation at the couple level) using RIGLS (restricted iterative
generalized least squares) estimation for binomial models (MLwiN
ver. 1.1, Multilevel Models Project, Institute of Education, London,
2000). A significant ICC could be interpreted as indicating that the
death of one partner was significantly related to an increase or de-
crease in the probability of the other partner dying (within the study
period). Results of this procedure indicated that there was no couple-
level effect on mortality (ICC .00, n.s.). Thus, for all analyses, we
treated each member of a couple as an independent source of data.
Giving Support, Receiving Support, and Social Contact
Table 1 presents a correlation matrix of the focal social-support
measures. Receiving and giving were significantly and strongly corre-
lated for measures of emotional support exchanged between spouses
(r .58, p .001), and weakly correlated for measures of instrumen-
tal support exchanged with others (r .09, p .01).
To examine whether giving instrumental support reduced risk of
mortality, we ran a hierarchical logistic regression procedure. Results
of this analysis are displayed in Figure 1, and also presented in Table
2. Step 1 of this analysis regressed mortality status on social contact,
age, and gender. The results were consistent with previous research in
indicating that social contact reduced the risk of mortality (b
0.21, p .05). To examine whether giving versus receiving support
accounted for this effect, we entered GISO and RISO simultaneously
in the second step. Results at this step indicated that mortality risk was
decreased by GISO (b 0.85, p .001) but marginally increased
by RISO (b 0.17, p .10). Social contact was no longer significant
at this step (b 0.13, n.s.).
Because individuals in poor health may have difficulty providing
others with instrumental support, functional health status, satisfaction
with health, health behaviors, and mental health variables were added
to the model in order to control for the alternative possibility that indi-
viduals who give support to others live longer because they are more
mentally and physically robust than those who do not give support.
Results at this step indicated that after controlling for these measures
of health, the effect of GISO was reduced, but GISO was still signifi-
cantly related to mortality (b 0.56, p .01). In fact, GISO exerted
a beneficial effect on mortality even after controlling for interviewer
ratings of health, income and education level, self-reports of feeling vul-
nerable to stress, dispositional influences on mortality, and personality
influences on mortality. After all control variables were held constant,
GISO significantly decreased mortality risk (b 0.54, p .05), and
RISO marginally increased mortality risk (b 0.23, p .10).
These results support the hypothesis that giving support accounts
for some of the benefits of social contact. However, our findings are
based on the use of different measures to operationalize giving and re-
ceiving support. That is, the GISO variable measured support that was
actually provided to other people (i.e., enacted support), whereas the
RISO variable assessed whether others could be depended upon to
provide support (i.e., available support).
Furthermore, it is not clear
whether the adverse effect of RISO was due to received support or to
the covariation of received support with dependence. In order to con-
trol for the difference between the giving and receiving measures, as
well as the potentially adverse effect of dependence, we examined the
exchange of emotional support between spouses. This domain of sup-
port offered virtually identical giving and receiving measures, and in-
cluded measures of dependence.
Table 1. Correlation matrix of the focal social-support
Measure Social contact RISO GISO RESS
RISO .15***
GISO .25*** .09**
RESS .02 .12*** .01
GESS .05 .15*** .04 .58***
receiving instrumental support from others; GISO
giving instrumental support to others; RESS
receiving emotional
support from a spouse; GESS
giving emotional support to a spouse.
.01. ***
4. Research suggests that structural differences in the operationalization of
received support may underlie contradictory findings in the literature (Smerglia
et al., 1999).
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S.L. Brown et al.
VOL. 14, NO. 4, JULY 2003
Analyses With Identical Measures of Giving and
Receiving Support
To clarify the role of receiving support on mortality, we ran a hier-
archical logistic regression procedure in which RESS was entered in
Step 1, along with age and gender. As can be seen in Figure 2, there
was no significant effect of RESS on the risk of mortality (b 0.17,
n.s.). However, after controlling for the effect of dependence in Step 2,
the effect of RESS became a significant predictor of reduced mortality
risk (b 0.23, p .05). Thus, the results of Step 2 replicated the
beneficial effect of receiving support sometimes found in the literature—
but only after the adverse effect of dependence was held constant.
To compare the relative benefits of receiving versus giving support
using identical measures, we entered GESS on the third step of this
analysis. As shown in Figure 2, the unique effect of GESS accounted
for a significant decrease in mortality risk (b 0.36, p .05), and
rendered the effect of RESS nonsignificant (b 0.05, n.s.). In order
to examine whether GESS remained beneficial after controlling for
GISO and the cumulative effect of all of the control variables, we en-
tered GESS into the hierarchical regression model presented in Table
2 (Step 5). Results of this analysis demonstrated that both GESS (b
0.51, p .01) and GISO (b 0.50, p .05) made a unique, sig-
nificant contribution to reducing mortality risk, above and beyond that
of the control variables. Thus, giving to one’s spouse (GESS) and giv-
ing to friends, relatives, and neighbors (GISO) both appear to exert an
independent influence on the reduction in risk of mortality.
Finally, we examined two additional relationship factors that may
be related to giving support—equity and marital satisfaction. We first
added marital satisfaction to the overall model (shown in Table 2 and
Fig. 1); it was not a significant predictor of mortality (b 0.15,
n.s.), nor did it affect the strength of any of the other predictors. We
ran a similar model for equity, without GESS and RESS. Equity did
not predict mortality (b 0.20, n.s.).
Additional Measures of Receiving and Giving
Because the CLOC data included additional measures of giving and re-
ceiving, it was possible to determine whether our pattern of results was
simply an artifact of the measures chosen. To examine this possibility, we
correlated mortality status with each of the giving and receiving measures
available in the CLOC data set. In addition, the composites for giving sup-
port were broken down into single items and correlated independently with
mortality status. As shown in Table 3, only 1 of the 10 different receiving
measures significantly reduced mortality risk5; 1 receiving measure signifi-
Fig. 1. Hierarchical logistic regression model of the effects of receiving instrumental support from others (RISO) and giving instrumental sup
port to others (GISO). All effects have been adjusted for the effects of age and gender. *p .05. GESS giving emotional support to a spouse;
RESS receiving emotional support from a spouse.
5. Substituting the only beneficial receiving measure in the overall regres-
sion model presented in Table 2 did not alter our pattern of findings.
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Social Support and Mortality
324 VOL. 14, NO. 4, JULY 2003
cantly increased mortality risk. In contrast, all 4 of the different giving mea-
sures significantly reduced mortality risk. When the composites for giving
support were broken down, 4 of the 6 items were significantly correlated
with decreased mortality risk, including the only item that assessed avail-
able, rather than enacted, support. Taken together, these findings strongly
suggest that giving support, rather than receiving support, accounts for the
benefits of social contact, across different domains of support, different tar-
gets of support, and different structural features of support.
In this study, older adults who reported giving support to others
had a reduced risk of mortality. The provision of support was corre-
lated with reduced mortality in all analyses, whether giving support
was operationalized as instrumental support provided to neighbors,
friends, and relatives or as emotional support provided to a spouse. It
is important to note that our analyses controlled for a wide range of
demographic, personality, and health variables that might have ac-
counted for these findings. Thus, these results add to a small but grow-
ing body of research that documents the health benefits of providing
support to others (McClellan, Stanwyck, & Anson, 1993; Midlarsky,
1991; Schwartz & Sendor, 2000).
We also found that the relationship between receiving social sup-
port and mortality changed as a function of whether dependence and
giving support were taken into consideration. Receiving emotional
support (RESS) appeared to reduce the risk of mortality when depen-
Table 2. Hierarchical logistic regression model used to predict mortality risk
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Variable b
ratio b
ratio b
ratio b
ratio b
Social contact 0.21* 0.81 0.13 0.87 0.10 0.95 0.11 0.89 0.13 0.88
Age 0.10*** 1.11 0.09** 1.10 0.09*** 1.10 0.09*** 1.09 0.09** 1.10
Gender 0.45* 0.64 0.60** 0.55 0.76** 0.47 0.61* 0.55 0.64* 0.53
Social support to (from) others
RISO 0.171.2 0.16 1.17 0.231.25 0.27* 1.30
GISO 0.85*** 0.43 0.56* 0.57 0.54* 0.58 0.50* 0.61
Self-rated health
Satisfaction with health 0.68*** 0.51 0.64** 0.53 0.68** 0.51
Functional health 0.11 0.90 0.02 0.98 0.07 0.94
Health behavior
Smoking 0.01 1.01 0.01 1.01 0.02 1.2
Drinking 0.01 1.01 0.01 1.01 0.07 0.94
Exercise 0.01 1.01 0.01 0.99 0.00 1.0
Mental health
Depression 0.09 1.10 0.10 1.11 0.12 1.13
Well-being 0.211.23 0.19 1.21 0.231.26
Anxiety 0.06 1.06 0.13 1.14 0.11 1.12
Interviewer rating of health 0.20 1.22 0.15 1.16
Socioeconomic status
Income 0.110.89 0.110.90
Education 0.00 1.00 0.02 1.02
Individual differences
Vulnerability to stress 0.24 0.79 0.26 0.77
Self-esteem 0.15 0.86 0.10 0.91
Internal control 0.05 0.95 0.09 0.92
External control 0.26* 1.29 0.28* 1.33
Extroversion 0.05 0.95 0.03 0.97
Agreeableness 0.13 0.88 0.08 0.92
Conscientiousness 0.13 1.14 0.17 1.18
Emotional stability 0.18 1.19 0.19 1.21
Openness 0.13 1.13 0.14 1.15
Interpersonal dependency 0.19 0.82 0.14 0.87
Autonomy 0.08 0.93 0.01 0.99
Social support to (from) spouse
GESS 0.51** 0.60
RESS 0.13 1.14
Dependence 0.17 1.19
Note. RISO receiving instrumental support from others; GISO giving instrumental support to others; RESS receiving emotional support from a
spouse; GESS giving emotional support to a spouse.
p .10. *p .05. **p .01. ***p .001.
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VOL. 14, NO. 4, JULY 2003 325
dence but not giving emotional support was controlled. Receiving
instrumental support from others appeared to increase the risk of
mortality when giving support, but not dependence, was controlled.
Taken together, these findings may help to explain why tests of the so-
cial-support hypothesis have produced contradictory results. If the
benefits of social contact are mostly associated with giving, then mea-
sures that assess receiving alone may be imprecise, producing equivo-
cal results.
Although we have identified no single mediator of the link between
giving support and mortality—one that could be informative about the
process underlying the beneficial effects of giving support—many so-
cial psychological studies show that helping others increases positive
emotion (e.g., Cialdini & Kenrick, 1976). Positive emotions, in turn,
have been demonstrated to speed the cardiovascular recovery from the
aftereffects of negative emotion (Fredrickson, Mancuso, Branigan, &
Tugade, 2000). Thus, helping may promote health through its associa-
tion with factors, such as positive emotion, that reduce the deleterious
effects of negative emotion. Research is currently under way to exam-
ine this possibility.
More broadly, a link between giving and health supports the possi-
bility that the benefits of social contact were shaped, in part, by the
evolutionary advantages of helping others. Older adults may have
been able to increase their inclusive fitness (the reproductive success
of individuals who shared their genes) by staying alive and prolonging
the amount of time they could contribute to family members (de Cat-
anzaro, 1986). Of course, this possibility relies on the assumption that
a motivation for self-preservation can influence mortality. In fact,
there is evidence to suggest that individuals with a “fighting spirit”
survive longer with cancer than individuals who feel helpless or less
optimistic about their chance of survival (Greer, Morris, & Pettingale,
Limitations and Directions for Future Research
Although the prospective, longitudinal design of this study is very
strong, given the outcome of interest, alternative explanations for
these findings remain viable. It may be, for example, that giving sup-
port is a better measure of health than receiving support, or that indi-
viduals who have the resources and motivation to give are also more
robust than those who do not, or that an abundance of resources pro-
motes longevity and makes it easier to give. However, the beneficial
effects of giving support were observed after controlling for the effects
of age, functional health, satisfaction with health, health behaviors,
mental health, interviewer ratings of health, socioeconomic status, and
vulnerability to stress. Moreover, two distinct types of giving—GESS
and GISO—contributed simultaneously to longevity. This means that
a third variable correlated with one measure of giving—such as ro-
bustness of one’s health—would have been held constant in a model
that simultaneously tested the effect of the other giving measure.
Thus, it is unlikely that the same alternative explanation can account
for both effects of giving support. Of course, given the correlational
nature of the study design, the regression methods used to disentangle
Fig. 2. Hierarchical logistic regression model of the effects of receiving emotional support from a spouse (RESS), giving emotional support to
spouse (GESS), and dependence. All odds ratios have been adjusted for the effects of age and gender. *p .05.
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Social Support and Mortality
326 VOL. 14, NO. 4, JULY 2003
It would be premature, on the basis of a single study, to conclude
that giving support accounts for the traditional effects of receiving so-
cial support found in the literature (to our knowledge, no other studies
have advanced this hypothesis). Nevertheless, the results of the
present study should be considered a strong argument for the inclusion
of measures of giving support in future studies of social support. Per-
haps more important, our results corroborate the suggestion by House
and his colleagues (1988) that researchers should be cautious of as-
suming that the benefits of social contact reside in the supportive qual-
ity of the relationship. Thus, whether or not mortality risk is a function
of giving support, our results highlight the continued need for further
research to seriously examine the fundamental assumption guiding the
study of social support.
Giving support may be an important component of interpersonal
relationships that has considerable value to health and well-being. It
may not be a coincidence that mortality and morbidity studies inad-
vertently assess giving or manipulate giving (e.g., taking care of a
plant; Rodin & Langer, 1977) to operationalize variables of interest
such as receiving social support or locus of control. If giving, rather
than receiving, promotes longevity, then interventions that are cur-
rently designed to help people feel supported may need to be rede-
signed so that the emphasis is on what people do to help others. The
possibility that giving support accounts for some of the benefits of so-
cial contact is a new question that awaits future research.
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Acknowledgments—This study was supported in part by grants from the
National Institute of Mental Health (P30-MH38330) and the National Insti-
tute for Aging (R01-AG15948-01A1). We would like to acknowledge
Camille Wortman, Debra Carr, John Sonnega, Becky Utz, John Reich, and
Michael Brown for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this article.
We would also like to express our appreciation to Camille Wortman, James
House, Ronald Kessler, and Jim Lepowski, the original investigators of the
Changing Lives of Older Couples Study.
these alternatives do not give the confidence that would be achieved
by an experimental design. Nonetheless, longitudinal prospective
studies like the one described here are important precursors to even-
tual long-term (and large-scale) experimental interventions that pro-
mote giving support.
Table 3. Correlation of receiving versus giving variables with
mortality status
with mortality
Receiving variables
Focal composites
Availability of others, besides a spouse,
to provide instrumental support (RISO) .021
Enacted and available emotional support
from a spouse (RESS) .004
Enacted and available emotional support
from others, besides a spouse .078*
Availability of others, besides a spouse,
to provide caretaking for a serious illness .056
Availability of anyone, including spouse,
to provide intimacy .021
Number of individuals, including spouse,
who provide intimacy .022
Enacted support from a spouse—
household chores .123*
Enacted support from a spouse—
household repairs .036
Enacted support from a spouse—
bills .064
Enacted support from a spouse—
financial or legal advice .045
Giving variables
Focal composites
Enacted instrumental support to others,
besides a spouse (GISO) .175***
Enacted and available emotional support
provided to a spouse (GESS) .069*
Number of hours spent providing
instrumental support to others,
besides a spouse .15***
Enjoyment from providing instrumental
support to others, besides a spouse .087*
Single item: Available emotional support
provided to a spousea.074*
Single item: Enacted emotional support to
a spousea.044
Single item: Enacted instrumental support
to others, besides a spouse—errandsb.13***
Single item: Enacted instrumental support
to others, besides a spouse—houseworkb.06
Single item: Enacted instrumental support
to others, besides a spouse—child careb.11**
Single item: Enacted instrumental support
to others, besides a spouse—miscellaneousb.092**
aItem included in the GESS composite. bItem included in the GISO
p .10. *p .05. **p .01. ***p .001.
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Physical health was measured with two scales assessing (a) satisfaction
with health ( .84) and (b) functional health. Satisfaction with health was a
three-item scale measuring the extent to which participants rated their health as
excellent, good, fair, or poor; the extent to which they thought their health lim-
ited their daily activities; and the extent to which they were satisfied with their
health. The functional health index measured the extent to which participants’
health prevented them from leaving their bed or chair (yes/no) or interfered
with a variety of tasks, including walking, climbing stairs, bathing, and house-
work (yes/no). Functional impairment levels were as follows: 1 most severe
(respondents who were currently in bed or a chair, who had a lot of difficulty
bathing or could not bathe, or both); 2 moderately severe (respondents who
had a lot of difficulty climbing stairs or could not climb stairs); 3 least severe
(respondents who had difficulty doing heavy work, but were not in one of the
more severe categories); 4 no functional impairment (answered “no” to all
To control for the possibility that there are aspects of physical robustness
that are not partialed out with self-report measures, we also included inter-
viewer ratings of the physical health of the participant, from 1, excellent, to 4,
poor. Health behaviors included measures of smoking (number of cigarettes
per day), drinking (number of drinks in the past month), and exercise (fre-
quency of taking walks or other form of exercise). Depression ( .83) was
measured with a short form of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depres-
sion (CES-D) scale (Radloff, 1977). Subjective well-being ( .79) was as-
sessed with a subset of five items developed by Bradburn (1969) to assess how
often (1 hardly ever, 2 some of the time, 3 most of the time) participants
experienced positive feelings such as joy and contentment.
Individual difference variables included modified scales from the NEO
Five-Factor Personality Inventory (i.e., Extraversion, .53; Agreeableness,
.62; Conscientiousness, .73; Openness to Experience, .51; and
Neuroticism, .70; Costa & McCrae, 1992), as well as measures of self-
esteem ( .72; Rosenberg, 1962), locus of control (internal .71; external
.68; Levenson, 1973), interpersonal dependency ( .66), and autonomy
( .75; Hirschfield et al., 1989). We also measured vulnerability to stress
( .60) with items assessing the degree to which participants felt they could
handle themselves in a crisis.
The following items were used to measure additional forms of receiving:
the availability of others, besides a spouse, to provide caretaking for a serious
illness; the availability of anyone, including a spouse, to provide intimacy; the
number of individuals, including a spouse, who provide intimacy; a composite
of enacted and available emotional support from others besides a spouse (simi-
lar to RESS); dependence on a spouse for receiving help with household
chores (enacted support); spouse’s help with household repairs (enacted sup-
port); spouse’s help with paying bills (enacted support); and spouse’s help with
financial or legal advice (enacted support). The following items were available
to measure additional forms of giving: number of hours spent helping others
with errands (including transportation and shopping), child care, housework, or
other needs without compensation, and satisfaction of providing help without
compensation to others, besides a spouse.
at Thuringer Universitats - und on April 25, 2012pss.sagepub.comDownloaded from
... Background A substantial body of research has concentrated on the origins of prosocial behaviour (see e.g. the empathy-altruism debate, [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]) or on the consequences of receiving social support from the perspective of recipients. Until recently, the question of whether and how the provision of social support can promote providers' health was underexplored [8,9]. This paucity of research may be attributed to the prevalence of evolutionary, social exchange, and equity theories, which focus on the costs for support providers (e.g., loss of own resources, [10,11]). ...
... The current research evidence suggests that individuals who engage in prosocial behaviour tend to report higher levels of subjective well-being [33,43,136], greater life satisfaction [137], and a reduced mortality risk [8] among other benefits. Conversely, research has repeatedly demonstrated that, for instance, caregiving can result in burnout and health limitations. ...
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Background A growing body of research suggests that the provision of social support can have benefits not only for the recipients but also for the provider. Although initial evidence for affective, self-evaluative and physiological outcomes has been established, the beneficial effects of support provision do not occur consistently across all support interactions, and some interactions may even have detrimental effects on providers. The aim of our experimental paradigm is to enable researchers to test the conditions under which the provision of social support to dyadic partners affects affective, self-evaluative, physiological, and relationship outcomes for the provider. In line with self-determination theory, it is proposed that the provision of support is only beneficial to the provider if it satisfies the three basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness. The paradigm allows for the manipulation of the provider's levels of competence (feedback on the effectiveness of their support to the other person) and relatedness (feedback on the alleged level of relatedness perceived by the partner person following the provision of support). Methods A priori power analyses resulted in a planned sample size of 250 participants randomized to four conditions: 1) no support provision, 2) support provision without feedback, 3) support provision with feedback on competence, 4) support provision with feedback on relatedness. Primary outcomes are immediate physiological (saliva cortisol, heart rate, heart rate variability, blood pressure), affective (positive and negative affect, anxiety), self-evaluative (e.g., self-esteem) and relationship outcomes. Generalized linear models will be used to compare the four conditions. Discussion In a controlled laboratory experiment, this new experimental paradigm manipulates the conditions under which social support is provided. Insights into the conditions under which the provision of social support is detrimental or beneficial to the provider can inform the development of preventive and interventional approaches across a range of life domains, motivational and developmental research across the lifespan (e.g. prevention of care-giver burnout), and applied clinical contexts (e.g. therapeutic interventions). Trial registration Pre-registration (2023-11-10):, retrospective registration with more details (2024-10-23):
... In any case, behavior and activities based on altruistic motives are fundamental to human social interaction. It not only benefits the recipients but also promotes the well-being of the benefactors, including increased happiness (Dunn et al., 2008;Wheeler et al., 1998), reduced mortality (Brown et al., 2003), better health and longevity (Post, 2005), and stress buffering (Han et al., 2020). Compassion, the basis of altruism, has been linked to autonomic nervous system activity. ...
Introduction Occupational therapy utilizes altruistically motivated activities, potentially influencing both frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA) associated with approach motivation and autonomic responses. This study examines the effects of altruistically motivated craft activities on FAA and autonomic activity. Methods Fifteen rehabilitation students (21.0 ± 0.4 years) performed a netcraft task under altruistic and selfish conditions. EEG and ECG were measured during the craft task, and FAA and autonomic indices were analyzed. Results FAA score was significantly higher in the altruistic condition ( p = .040, d = 0.59), indicating increased approach motivation. Sympathetic activity was significantly lower in the altruistic condition ( p = .018, r = −0.68), indicating reduced sympathetic activity. Conclusions Altruistically motivated craft activities increased relative left frontal cortical activity and decreased sympathetic activity, highlighting their potential benefit in occupational therapy. These findings are not only consistent with previous research, but also support the inclusion of altruistic activities in therapeutic interventions to improve mental health and well-being.
... A meta-analysis of 148 studies with over 300,000 participants from diverse backgrounds ( 101 ) found that individuals with strong social ties and active community involvement had a 50% higher survival rate than those with weaker connections. Offering support, not just receiving it, was linked to reduced mortality risk among older adults ( 102 ). In fact, neglect of positive social connections (along with being a male) emerged as a key nonbiological predictor of mortality in a US national health and retirement survey ( 103 ). ...
Traditional gendered arrangements—norms, roles, prejudices, and hierarchies—shape every human life. Associated harms are primarily framed as women’s issues due to more severe consequences women face. Yet, gendered arrangements also shape men ’s relationships, career paths, and health. Current work on gender equity overlooks men’s perspectives. Despite benefits they gain from out-ranking women, men’s position paradoxically entraps them in restrictive roles, compelling them to prioritize dominance. An inclusive framework challenges prevailing narratives by considering personal costs borne by men. Identifying with a man’s traditional role is a mixed privilege, as five gendered arrangements show for men who subscribe to them: 1. Masculine norms can restrict men’s choices and are associated with adverse health trajectories; 2. Some men’s disengagement from communal roles denies them positive outcomes associated with caring for others; 3. Hostile sexism fosters antipathy, fueling tension in some men’s interactions with women; 4. Benevolent sexism forces some men into scripted interactions, preventing genuine connections and burdening them with unrealistic breadwinner and protector roles; 5. Societal shifts in gender hierarchies can elicit threat responses in men, depending on intersections with social class and racial identities. Understanding costs to men calls for more empirical research. Gender equity for men, whose circumstances differ from those of women, would enable men to make informed choices and achieve better outcomes for themselves—paralleling the progress women have made in many areas of life. Striving for equity for all genders can ultimately enhance overall human well-being.
... This concept is reflected in the bidirectional support hypothesis (Maton 1987), also known as 2-way social support-the provision and reception of emotional and instrumental support-which highlights the significance of social exchanges rather than focusing solely on the isolated effects of each type of support (Obst et al. 2019). A large sample survey of 1532 older adults in the United States observed that older adults who provided instrumental support for relatives, friends and neighbours, as well as emotional support for spouses, had significantly lower mortality rates than older adults who received social support from others (Brown et al. 2003). A study on older Japanese adults demonstrated that the provision of social support to individuals outside the family, whether emotional or instrumental, was associated with a reduction in depressive symptoms (Tsuboi, Hirai, and Kondo 2016). ...
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Aims To examine the profiles of general well‐being in older adults and their related sociodemographic characteristics and to explore the association of these profiles with 2‐way social support and social networks. Design This was a cross‐sectional study. Methods In total, 411 older adults were recruited through convenience sampling from Zhejiang Province, southeast China. Each completed questionnaires on Sociodemographic Characteristics, General Well‐being Schedule, Brief 2‐Way Social Support Scale, and Lubben Social Network Scale. Latent profile analysis was used to categorise participants into distinct subgroups based on their general well‐being. Chi‐square and t‐tests were used for univariate analysis, and binary logistic regression was used to identify influencing factors. Results The latent profile analysis identified two distinct profiles of well‐being in older adults: a low general well‐being group and a high general well‐being group. Binary logistic regression revealed that living arrangements, physical activity, number of chronic diseases, provision of instrumental support and friend networks significantly impact the general well‐being of older adults. Conclusion Heterogeneity in general well‐being levels exists among older adults, necessitating targeted intervention measures tailored to the different characteristics of each subgroup to enhance their support resources and well‐being. Implications for the Profession and/or Patient Care Community nurses should identify general well‐being disparities among older adults and craft targeted strategies as educators, providers, counsellors and managers to boost and equalise this demographic's general well‐being. Impact Distinct profiles of general well‐being among older adults, coupled with the positive effects of friend networks and the provision of social support, highlight the importance of mutual social support and networks in promoting healthy ageing. This may encourage community nurses to develop specific initiatives and programmes aimed at enhancing social engagement among older adults. Reporting Method The study followed the STROBE guidelines for cross‐sectional studies. Patient or Public Contribution No patient or public contribution.
... Research suggests that prosocial behaviors, including EER, play a crucial role in promoting mental health and resilience. Specifically, prosocial behavior is known to be associated with various beneficial outcomes, such as lower mortality (Brown et al., 2003), better overall health (Piferi & Lawler, 2006), improved mood (Schacter & Margolin, 2019), reduced perceived stress (Raposa et al., 2016), higher levels of happiness (Dunn et al., 2008), and an enhanced sense of personal worth (Klein, 2017). Prosocial acts reinforce social support, enhance resilience, and promote overall well-being (Ramkissoon, 2022). ...
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Emotion regulation plays a crucial role in psychological well-being, particularly during timesof stress. While intrinsic emotion regulation has been extensively studied, the dynamics ofextrinsic emotion regulation (EER) - the process of regulating others' emotions - across variousstress contexts remains underexplored. This study investigated the influence of situationalfactors on EER strategies during routine and high stress periods. Two experiments wereconducted, one during routine times (n = 51) and another three months into the Israel-Hamaswar that started on October 7, 2023 (n = 90). Participants engaged in an EER task involvingdaily life (routine time) or war-related (stress time) scenarios that varied in emotional intensityand controllability. They provided supportive messages in writing to the hypotheticalindividuals and reported their use of reappraisal and distraction strategies. The results revealedthat engaging in EER improved both positive and negative affect in both contexts. Notably,distraction use was significantly higher during stress time compared to routine time, whereasreappraisal use did not differ between the two samples. During routine times, reappraisal wasused more in low-intensity, uncontrollable situations, while distraction use was notsignificantly influenced by situational factors. During stress, reappraisal use was influenced bycontrollability regardless of intensity, while distraction was used more in controllablesituations, particularly those of low intensity. These findings highlight the complex dynamicsof EER strategy selection across stressful and non-stressful periods, and underscore theimportance of considering situational factors in understanding extrinsic emotion regulationprocesses. This study brakes new grounds by showing, for the first time, how interactionsbetween situational and contextual factors influence support provision, with implications fordeveloping targeted interventions to enhance emotional resilience in both everyday and high-stress environments.Keywords: emotion regulation, extrinsic emotion regulation, stress, reappraisal, distraction,controllability, intensity.
... With respect to the novel peer support writing instructions used in expressive helping, growing evidence suggests that giving social support to others can produce physical and psychosocial benefits for the support provider (Konrath & Brown, 2013)-in this case, transplant recipients who complete peer support writing with the intention to help other people feel more prepared for transplant. Benefits found across populations include reduced psychological distress (Heisler et al., 2013;Piferi & Lawler, 2006) and improved positive affect and self-concept (Piferi & Lawler, 2006;Roman et al., 1999;Wallston et al., 1983), self-efficacy (Abrams et al., 2022;Garner et al., 2022), sense of social connection (Roman et al., 1999), physical health (Brown et al., 2003;Heisler et al., 2013;Yin et al., 2015), and adherence to health-promoting behaviors (Garner et al., 2022;Yin et al., 2015). Although correlational, this evidence is consistent with theories describing the benefits of social support provision (Inagaki & Orehek, 2017;Konrath & Brown, 2013;Riessman, 1965). ...
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Objetivo: La mayoría de los pacientes con cáncer sometidos a un trasplante de células madre hematopoyéticas informan síntomas elevados y una calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (HRQoL, por sus siglas en inglés) reducida durante el peritrasplante. Estas preocupaciones pueden volverse persistentes. Un ensayo controlado aleatorio anterior demostró que la ayuda expresiva (una intervención breve y de baja carga que combina la escritura expresiva con un novedoso ejercicio de escritura con apoyo de pares) reducía la angustia psicológica y los síntomas físicos en los sobrevivientes de trasplantes a largo plazo con síntomas persistentes moderados/altos. El ensayo “Writing for Insight, Strength, and Ease” (WISE) evaluó el uso de ayuda expresiva durante el peritrasplante, cuando la gravedad de los síntomas alcanza su punto máximo y la intervención temprana podría prevenir el desarrollo de síntomas persistentes. Métodos: 366 pacientes adultos con cáncer de la sangre (44.3% mujeres, 74.6% Blancos, 13.4% Negros, 11.5% Hispanos/Latinxs) programados para trasplante alogénico (33.9%) o autólogo (66.1%) fueron asignados al azar para completar una tarea de escritura de ayuda expresiva o neutral en cuatro sesiones de escritura que comenzaron antes del trasplante y finalizaron cuatro semanas después del alta hospitalaria. La gravedad de los síntomas (resultado primario), la angustia (síntomas depresivos, ansiedad generalizada y específica del cáncer), la HRQoL y la fatiga se midieron en múltiples evaluaciones desde antes de la aleatorización hasta 12 meses después de la intervención. Los criterios de valoración primarios a los 3 y 12 meses después de la intervención estimaron los efectos de la intervención a corto y largo plazo. Los análisis de moderación exploraron las diferencias de subgrupos en la eficacia de la intervención. Resultados: Los modelos mixtos con análisis de medidas repetidas no revelaron efectos de intervención estadística o clínicamente significativos sobre los resultados primarios o secundarios. Los análisis de moderación no identificaron subgrupos de participantes que se beneficiaron de la intervención. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos no respaldan el uso de ayuda expresiva durante el peri-trasplante. Recomendamos que los sobrevivientes con síntomas persistentes completen la ayuda expresiva al menos nueve meses después del trasplante, de acuerdo con la evidencia de un ensayo anterior.
... While broadly providing emotional help to others has observed benefits, including enhanced mood and reduced perceived stress (S. L. Brown et al., 2003;Morelli et al., 2015;Piferi & Lawler, 2006;Schacter & Margolin, 2019), the specific role of affect-improving EIER in well-being is unknown and uniquely important to study because of its significant cognitive and emotional demands (Hallam et al., 2014;Martínez-Íñigo et al., 2013). ...
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Improving others’ emotions is cognitively and emotionally demanding, potentially increasing stress levels and decreasing well-being. However, the opposite could also occur: Attempts at improving others’ emotions—that is, affect-improving extrinsic interpersonal emotion regulation—could enhance regulators’ affective well-being and shield against physiological stress because we theorize that engaging in regulatory action to improve others’ emotions can strengthen relationships, activate self-regulation, and elicit prosocial reward. In two studies, we test the consequences on regulators when they help others regulate their emotions. In Study 1, a 7-day diary study (N = 205, 1,434 observations) of significant social interactions, regulators who reported they improved the emotions of others to a greater extent experienced more emotions, both positive and negative, during their interactions. They also experienced an increase in positive affect from pre- to post-diary, no change in negative affect, and better affective well-being at the end of the study. In Study 2, a within-subject observational laboratory study (N = 94, 47 dyads, 235 observations), we found that during the minutes when regulators displayed greater behaviorally coded attempts at improving targets’ emotions, regulators also experienced a corresponding buffering of increased physiological stress measured by pre-ejection period reactivity. These findings empirically support the role of improving others’ emotions in affective well-being over time and the protection against physiological stress when encountering others’ negative emotions. This work also contributes a theoretical framework for understanding why regulating others’ emotions is important for well-being.
This chapter explores the complex role of age in clinical decision-making, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive, multidimensional approach in geriatric surgery. Age should be considered as part of the clinical assessment rather than an isolated criterion for determining treatment eligibility. The text argues against using age as the sole determinant for medical decisions, highlighting the risk of reducing the complexity of health to a simplistic parameter. The chapter advocates for a multidimensional approach in evaluating the appropriateness of surgical interventions for older patients, addressing the rise in geriatric surgery demand due to global population aging. It criticizes ageism in healthcare, where advanced age often leads to the denial of effective treatments. Modern ageism trends, which categorize elderly patients as universally frail, are also discussed as they oversimplify patient needs and overlook important clinical and non-clinical factors. Drawing from the “less is more” philosophy, the text emphasizes that higher-quality care is not synonymous with more treatments. It cautions against extreme reductionism, which can lead to inadequate patient care. The chapter outlines the need for a comprehensive and multidisciplinary assessment that includes risk-benefit analysis, decision-making autonomy, and social support to ensure equitable access to care for older patients. This holistic approach ensures that interventions are proportionate, justified, and tailored to the unique needs of each patient, avoiding futile treatments and promoting overall well-being.
Despite the importance of leader humor in sustaining organizational effectiveness, little is known about how and when leader humor affects employee thriving, an important indicator of employee personal growth and organizational sustainable human capital. Drawing on and extending the socially embedded model of thriving at work, this study takes a balanced view and investigates the positive and negative impacts of leader humor on employee thriving. On the one hand, we propose that leader humor is related to information inadequacy, which hinders employee thriving. On the other hand, we argue that leader humor enables employees' positive affect, which enhances their level of thriving. Three‐wave data collected from 268 employees working in various industries support our hypotheses. The findings show that high‐quality information and affect resources exchange relationships with teammates (i.e., team–member exchange) alleviate the detrimental effect of leader humor on information adequacy but do not affect its beneficial effect on positive affect, which facilitates employee thriving as a whole. This study has practical implications on how practitioners can capitalize on leader humor and build a thriving workforce.
Purpose Despite the rapid growth of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in emerging markets, there remains a need in the current literature for deeper insights into the factors influencing CSR practices in these contexts. This study aims to address this research gap and enhance the discourse on CSR in emerging markets by exploring the reciprocal relationship between business and government and its potential role in driving firms’ CSR efforts in these burgeoning economies. Design/methodology/approach The study is grounded in the theory of reciprocity and integrates insights from existing literature to posit that, within a reciprocal relationship, firms respond positively to government regulatory support by actively participating in CSR initiatives. To test this hypothesis, data from prominent sources, including the CSRHub database, the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business, and the International Country Risk Guide, are gathered, yielding a sample of nearly 1,500 firms operating in diverse emerging markets. A series of empirical tests are then conducted to validate the existence of the reciprocal relationship and its influence on firms’ CSR efforts. Findings The findings reveal strong evidence of a reciprocal relationship between business and government in emerging markets. When the government provides favorable regulatory support, firms tend to reciprocate by shouldering greater responsibility in promoting societal well-being, specifically through active participation in CSR initiatives directed toward the well-being of the community in which they operate. These findings are robust across various estimation methods. Research limitations/implications The study advances the understanding of CSR in emerging markets and provides valuable insights into the role of reciprocity in promoting CSR in real-world settings. This offers promising avenues for future theoretical and empirical research in the field of CSR. Practical implications Policymakers are urged to recognize the significance of business-government relations in fostering CSR. Developing a supportive regulatory environment can motivate firms to invest in CSR, benefiting both businesses and the communities they serve. For businesses, aligning CSR initiatives with community needs can foster a mutually beneficial relationship with the government, leading to greater social benefits and competitive advantages. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study pioneers the application of the reciprocity theory to explain the interplay between business and government in shaping firms’ CSR endeavors in emerging markets.
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Attempted to reconcile the conflicting data on the relationship of negative mood state to altruism. Whereas some studies have shown that negative mood leads to increases in altruistic action, others have shown the reverse. It was hypothesized that the inconsistency of these results was due to differences in the ages and consequent levels of socialization of the Ss employed in the earlier studies. In order to test the hypothesis, a total of 100 Ss from 3 age groups (6-8, 10-12, and 15-18 yrs) were asked to think of either depressing or neutral events and were subsequently given the opportunity to be privately generous. Consistent with predictions from the negative state relief model of altruism, the youngest, least socialized Ss were somewhat less generous in the negative mood condition, but this relationship progressively reversed itself until in the oldest, most socialized group, the negative mood Ss were significantly more generous than neutral mood controls. Data support a hedonistic conception of altruism that views adult benevolence as self-gratification. It is suggested that the reward character of benevolence derives from the socialization experience. (44 ref)