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Mednick S, Nakayama K, Stickgold R. Sleep-dependent learning: a nap is as good as a night. Nat Neurosci 6: 697-698


Abstract and Figures

The learning of perceptual skills has been shown in some cases to depend on the plasticity of the visual cortex and to require post-training nocturnal sleep. We now report that sleep-dependent learning of a texture discrimination task can be accomplished in humans by brief (60- 90 min) naps containing both slow-wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. This nap-dependent learning closely resembled that previously reported for an 8-h night of sleep in terms of magnitude, sleep-stage dependency and retinotopic specificity, and it was additive to subsequent sleep-dependent improvement, such that performance over 24 h showed as much learning as is normally seen after twice that length of time. Thus, from the perspective of behavioral improvement, a nap is as good as a night of sleep for learning on this perceptual task.
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the morning on day 1, tested at 19:00 that evening, and then retested at
9:00 the next morning. In the task, a target screen is briefly flashed,
consisting of a 19 × 19 grid of horizontal bars containing three diago-
nal bars and a central fixation target. Then, after a variable-length
interstimulus interval (ISI), a mask consisting of both horizontal and
diagonal bars appears. The diagonal bars, located in the lower-left
visual quadrant, form either a horizontal row or vertical column. After
each trial, subjects report whether the diagonal bar array was in a row
or column arrangement, as well as whether the central fixation target
was an "L" or "T." Performance is defined as the threshold ISI required
for a subject to be 80% accurate in the row/column discrimination.
Two experimental groups took naps at 14:00 (group 1: total sleep time,
59.3 ± 6.4 (mean ±s.d.); SWS, 20.2 ± 2.0; REM, 4.2 ± 2.2 min; group 2:
total, 96.3 ± 6.3; SWS, 47.2 ± 5.8; REM, 25.6 ± 4.1 min), while ‘no-nap
control subjects went about their normal day without midday sleep.
All subjects reported sleeping an average of 7.6 ± 2.1 h on the night
before day 1 and 7.5 ± 1.2 h on the night before day 2. Improvement
was measured as a decrease in threshold ISI from each subjects base-
line threshold (at 9:00 on day 1)
No-nap control subjects showed the expected deterioration in per-
formance at 19:00 (13.7 ms longer ISI threshold, P = 0.06, Fig. 1), and
performed significantly worse than the nap groups (P = 0.02). The
deterioration in performance from training to first retest in this group,
measured over an 8-h interval, was similar to that seen in our prior
Threshold improvement (ms)
= 28)
60-min nap
90-min nap
= 13)
= 2)
= 13) (
= 17)
Figure 1 Same-day improvement in no-nap, 60-min nap and 90-min nap
groups, with and without REM and SWS. Left, no-nap group shows
deterioration at 19:00 from baseline test at 9:00. Center, performance
after naps with SWS but without REM shows neither deterioration nor
improvement. Right, naps with SWS and REM led to significant
improvement. Only two subjects in the 90-min nap group showed no REM.
Experiments were approved by the Committee on the Use of Human
Subjects of Harvard University. Informed written consent was obtained from
all subjects.
Sleep-dependent learning: a nap
is as good as a night
Sara Mednick
,Ken Nakayama
& Robert Stickgold
The learning of perceptual skills has been shown in some cases
to depend on the plasticity of the visual cortex
and to require
post-training nocturnal sleep
. We now report that sleep-
dependent learning of a texture discrimination task can be
accomplished in humans by brief (60– 90 min) naps containing
both slow-wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM)
sleep. This nap-dependent learning closely resembled that
previously reported for an 8-h night of sleep in terms of
magnitude, sleep-stage dependency and retinotopic specificity,
and it was additive to subsequent sleep-dependent
improvement, such that performance over 24 h showed as much
learning as is normally seen after twice that length of time. Thus,
from the perspective of behavioral improvement, a nap is as
good as a night of sleep for learning on this perceptual task.
A wide variety of learning processes in both humans and animals
requires extended, post-training sleep (for review, see ref. 3).
Depending on the nature of the task, differing stages of sleep con-
tribute to this sleep-dependent consolidation process. For the most
part, studies in humans have investigated the benefits of nocturnal
.Research on behavioral effects of napping has found improve-
ment in alertness, productivity and mood
, as well as restoration of
perceptual deterioration
.But whether relatively brief daytime naps
can produce learning is not known.
Improvement on visual perceptual tasks can occur over periods of
minutes to hours
, as well as over extended periods of days
, and
remain stable for months
.For a visual texture-discrimination task in
which subjects must rapidly discriminate the orientation of a target
embedded in distractors
, initial improvement is seen over the first few
minutes of training
, and slower improvement is seen over subse-
quent nights of sleep
Both SWS
and REM
are implicated in a two-stage model of noc-
turnal consolidation, with overnight improvement being retinotopi-
cally specific and highly correlated with the product of the amount of
early-night SWS and late-night REM sleep
.Repeated testing within a
day on this task leads to a retinotopically specific deterioration in per-
,which is reversed by 60-min midday naps rich in SWS. But
these naps have relatively little REM sleep, and fail to produce signifi-
cant improvement over baseline performance. Similar deterioration
without sleep is also seen at night
We now report that 60- and 90-min naps containing both SWS and
REM facilitate learning on this texture-discrimination task, in a man-
ner similar to that seen after nocturnal sleep.
Subjects were trained on the texture discrimination task at 9:00 in
Psychology Department, Harvard University, 33 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA.
Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts Mental Health
Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. Correspondence should be addressed to S.M. (
JULY 2003 697
© 2003 Nature Publishing Group
study, which showed 13.8 ms deterioration over a 2-h interval
suggests that stimulus exposure rather than inter-test interval pro-
duces deterioration in texture discrimination, and that sleep, rather
than time, is required to reverse this perceptual deterioration
When tested at 19:00, the 90-min nap group showed significant
improvement (8.4 ms, P = 0.008), whereas the 60-min nap group
showed marginal improvement (4.4 ms, P = 0.07). Mindful of our
hypothesis that both SWS and REM may be necessary for learning in
naps, we divided the 60-min nap group, all of whom had SWS, into
subjects with and without REM and found that 60-min naps with both
SWS and REM produced significant improvement (10.0 ms, P = 0.004,
Fig. 1 right). In contrast, 60-min naps with SWS but not REM showed
no improvement (–1.1 ms, P = 0.72, Fig. 1 center) and significantly less
than seen in the SWS + REM group (P = 0.01). The 90-min nap group
showed similar results (Fig. 1,white bars). When subjects with SWS +
REM naps from the 60- and 90-min groups were combined, improve-
ment correlated significantly with the product of the amount of SWS
and REM sleep (stepwise regression, r = 0.37, P = 0.01), similar to find-
ings for nocturnal sleep
.The additive effects of SWS and REM seen
in these naps are also similar to those for early and late night sleep
reported previously
.In addition, the amount of improvement did
not differ significantly from that seen in our previous study of
overnight improvement
(9.7 vs. 11.9 ms; P = 0.5). Thus, nap-
dependent improvement showed the same magnitude and sleep-stage
dependency as did overnight improvement
(although of lower
magnitude than that reported for overnight improvement by oth-
). Naps with SWS but not REM reversed the deterioration but
did not produce actual improvement, whereas naps with both SWS
and REM did both, suggesting that SWS may serve to stabilize per-
formance, and REM may actually facilitate performance improve-
We t ested the retinotopic specificity of nap-dependent learning by
training subjects at 9:00 in one visual quadrant (lower left or lower
right, counterbalanced) and then retesting them in the contralateral
quadrant at 19:00, with a 90-min nap at 14:00. Training plus a nap had
no significant effect on the untrained quadrant (P > 0.2), indicating
that nap-dependent learning has a retinotopic specificity similar to
that reported for overnight improvement
, as well as for same-day
, and suggesting that the beneficial effects of a 90-min
midday nap are localized to primary visual cortex
Nap-dependent improvement was not at the expense of subsequent
nocturnal improvement. On the contrary, when subjects were retested
the next morning, the 90-min nap group showed an additional 9.7 ms
of improvement (24-h total, 18.1 ms, P < 0.0001), and greater
improvement than the no-nap group (Fig. 2, P = 0.03).
The no-nap group showed deterioration at 19:00, but normal levels
of improvement on day 2 (7.8 ms; Fig. 2, no-nap). This improvement
did not differ significantly from a second (24-h) control group trained
at 9:00 and retested 24 h later without an intervening test on the
evening of day 1 (P > 0.4; Fig. 2, 24-h control).
The nap group actually showed 50% more improvement over a
period of 24 h than the 24-h control group (18.1 vs. 11.8 ms, P = 0.07).
Indeed, 24-h improvement in the nap group was as great as that previ-
ously reported
after two nights of sleep (Fig. 2, 48-h control; 18.1 ms
vs. 17.5 ms; P > 0.99). Taken together, these findings indicate that a 90-
min nap can produce as much improvement as a night of sleep, and a
nap followed by a night of sleep provides as much benefit as two nights
of sleep.
These findings show that naps can lead to improved performance
on a texture discrimination task similar to previously reported learn-
ing after a full night of sleep
, in terms of magnitude, retinotopic
specificity and dependence on both SWS and REM. Similar improve-
ment has been reported after 192 min of early-night sleep
subjects averaged 74 min of SWS and 24 min of REM—an amount of
REM similar to the 25.6 min found in our 90-min nap group.
Finally, napping can significantly enhance the improvement that
develops over 24 h. Thus, a nap can not only ameliorate experience-
dependent perceptual deterioration, but can also facilitate the learning
process that results from an hour spent training on a visual texture dis-
crimination task.
This research was supported by grants from the US National Institutes of Health
(MH 48832, DA 11744 and NS 26985) and the Air Force Office of Scientific
Research (83-0320).
The authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.
Received 18 March; accepted 16 May 2003
Published online 22 June 2003; doi:10.1038/nn1078
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698 VOLUME 6
Day 3
Threshold improvement (ms)
Day 2
Figure 2 Improvement for nap and no-nap groups. Left, improvements 24 h
after training for the no-nap group’s second retest, the 24-h control group’s
first retest, and the 90-min nap group’s second retest, all at 9:00 on day 2.
Dotted line shows nap group’s improvement on day 1. Right, improvement
48 h post-training with no nap. Data for 48-h controls are from ref. 2. Data
for 24-h controls were combined with previously published data
, which
were not significantly different from the present sample.
© 2003 Nature Publishing Group
... Moreover, in this group of cultures, the formation of memory traces hardly exceeded the detection limit, and network excitability tended to be lower. Our findings are in line with in-vivo studies that showed the benefit of resting periods with reduced afferent inputs, like naps or wakeful rest, for memory consolidation 3,[42][43][44][45][46][47] . Subjects undergoing periods of wakeful rest after a learning task had better memory performances than subjects kept awake and active 3,42,45,47 . ...
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Memory consolidation involves repeated replay of new information by the hippocampus, which transfers memories to the neocortex for long-term storage. This occurs mainly during slow wave sleep, a phase characterized in the cortex by low cholinergic tone and low afferent input. High cholinergic tone has been shown to hamper memory consolidation, probably mediated by reduced network excitability (the ease of activity propagation in a network). We used cortical neuronal networks on multi electrode arrays to investigate whether low background input contributes to memory consolidation. Networks received focal electrical stimuli to memorize, with or without background afferent input (global optogenetic stimulation). Background stimulation hampered memory formation and consolidation, confirming the importance of low background input. Moreover, it lowered network excitability, similar to high cholinergic tone. These findings suggest that high network excitability is a critical feature of slow wave sleep that facilitates memory consolidation.
... Another approach to assess the e ects of sleep on the consolidation of learning is to allow subjects to take a nap during the retention interval. Mednick et al. (2003) showed that naps that were either 60 or 90 min long that contained slow-wave sleep (SWS) and REM sleep led to signi cant improvement in a texturediscrimination perceptual skill task. However, naps that only contained SWS (and not REM) did not result in post-sleep task improvement. ...
The Oxford Handbook of Human Memory covers the science of human memory, its application to clinical disorders, and its broader implications for learning and memory in real-world contexts. Written by field leaders, the handbook integrates behavioral, neural, and computational evidence with current theories of how humans learn and remember. Following a section of foundational chapters, subsequent sections include chapters that cover forms and attributes of memory, encoding and retrieval processes and their interactions, individual differences, memory disorders and therapies, learning and memory in educational settings, and the role of memory in society. The handbook’s authoritative chapters document the current state of knowledge and provide a roadmap for the next generation of memory scientists, established peers, and practitioners.
... Second, we focused on the analysis of NREM sleep. However, both NREM sleep and REM sleep are involved in facilitating learning 1,32 . Previous studies have demonstrated that REM sleep is critical for stabilizing presleep learning, thus making learning robust against interference, and for facilitating new postsleep learning 7,52 . ...
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Individuals experience difficulty falling asleep in a new environment, termed the first night effect (FNE). However, the impact of the FNE on sleep-induced brain plasticity remains unclear. Here, using a within-subject design, we found that the FNE significantly reduces visual plasticity during sleep in young adults. Sleep-onset latency (SOL), an indicator of the FNE, was significantly longer during the first sleep session than the second session, confirming the FNE. We assessed performance gains in visual perceptual learning after sleep and increases in the excitatory-to-inhibitory neurotransmitter (E/I) ratio in early visual areas during sleep using magnetic resonance spectroscopy and polysomnography. These parameters were significantly smaller in sleep with the FNE than in sleep without the FNE; however, these parameters were not correlated with SOL. These results suggest that while the neural mechanisms of the FNE and brain plasticity are independent, sleep disturbances temporarily block the neurochemical process fundamental for brain plasticity.
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Sleep improves cognitive performance, yet little is known about the neural mechanisms of this improvement. We performed multielectrode recording in macaque visual and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex while animals performed a visual discrimination task before and after non–rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. Although sleep induces synchronized fluctuations in population activity across cortical areas, the post-sleep population activity became more desynchronized relative to the pre-sleep state. The changes after sleep were correlated with an increase in information encoded in population activity in each area and improved behavioral performance. Electrically stimulating visual cortex at 4 hertz emulated the beneficial effects of sleep on network and perceptual performance. A large-scale neural network model indicated that asymmetric depression of local intracortical synapses is consistent with the observed changes in neural activity after sleep.
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Newly acquired information is stabilized into long-term memory through the process of consolidation. Memories are not static; rather, they are constantly updated via reactivation, and this reactivation occurs preferentially during Slow-Wave Sleep (SWS, also referred to as N3 in humans). Here we present a scalable neuroscience research investigation of memory reactivation using low-cost electroencephalogram (EEG) recording hardware and open-source software, for students and educators across the K-12 and higher education spectrum. The investigation uses a method called targeted memory reactivation (TMR), whereby auditory cues that were previously associated with learning are re-presented during sleep, triggering the recall of stored memories and (through this) strengthening these memories. We demonstrated the efficacy of this technique on seven healthy human subjects (ages 19-35). The subjects learned to play a spatial memory game on an app where they associated pictures (e.g., a clock) with locations on a grid while they listened to picture-appropriate sounds (e.g., "tic-toc"); next, they took a nap while undergoing EEG recordings. During SWS, half of the sounds from the game were replayed by the app, while half were substituted with non-learned sounds. Subjects then played the memory game again after waking. Results showed that spatial recall was improved more for cued than uncued memories, demonstrating the benefits of memory replay during sleep and suggesting that one may intervene in this process to boost recall of specific memories. This research investigation takes advantage of the importance of sleep for memory consolidation and demonstrates improved memory performance by cueing sounds during SWS.
Memory consolidation strengthens new memories for stabilization, improvement, or permanency. Memory improves during practice breaks, but overnight sleep consolidation provides additional learning. In the Acquisition Stage, a motor program forms during initial stable practice. Blocked practice, or massed practice, is required during this stage. The Stabilization Stage generally requires 4–6 hours post-practice to provide dependability and increased speed. Beginning in this stage, we should employ best-learning methods and variable practice. Enhancement, or overnight learning, depends on chemical processes that occur during sleep. We obtain modest gains in accuracy, speed, or both, and we gain more enhancement with the more difficult things we need to learn. After a brief review of research findings, I review how musicians can take advantage of distributed practice.
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Perceptual learning, known to improve visual perception, demonstrates the plasticity of brain processes underlying vision. Early studies, using the backward-masked texture discrimination task (TDT), focused on the lack of generalizing learning to stimulus features, relating learning specificity to the selectivity of the brain networks involved in the visual task. Learning was found to be highly specific to the stimulus features, as expected from the processing selectivity found in early visual areas as well as to the task employed in training, pointing to top-down effects. More recent studies demonstrate the generalization of learning to untrained features under specifically designed training procedures. Here we suggest that transfer of learning takes place when the trained and untrained stimuli and task activate overlapping brain processes. We tested the effect of TDT learning, under conditions with and without visual adaptation, on the contrast detection (CD) of localized Gabor targets, either alone or backward masked (BM). At the TDT peripheral-target location, we found that the transfer of learning between TDT to CD and BM occurs under the TDT adaptation condition, but not under the no-adaptation condition, whereas at the TDT center-target location we found that transfer occurs for both conditions. Our results suggest that learning generalization across experimental conditions depends on overlapping neural processes within brain networks, here dominated by the inhibitory effects involved in adaptation and in spatiotemporal masking. Importantly, increased adaptation during training, due to increased stimulus consistency, enabled the transfer of learning to other tasks limited by sensory adaptation.
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In many non-human species, learning retention decreases temporarily following training. This has led to the suggestion that these lapses reflect a fundamental component of memory formation. If so, transient memory lapses should also be prevalent in humans, and should occur for all types of learning. In line with these predictions, we report two cases of transient memory lapses in humans that occur 1-3 h after training on a perceptual-discrimination task. The results indicate that the occurrence of transient memory lapses extends to perceptual learning, a form of skill learning, and suggest that transient memory lapses may be a common but overlooked facet of memory formation in humans.
This study aimed to examine the improvement in performance and functional magnetic resonance imaging correlates of motor learning after a daytime nap versus a period of resting wakefulness among individuals with traumatic brain injury. A sample of 32 individuals with traumatic brain injury was randomly assigned to a Sleep ( N = 17) or Wake ( N = 15) group after a period of training on a motor sequential learning task. A 45‐min nap opportunity was provided for the Sleep group, while the Wake group watched a documentary for 45 min. Performance at the end of training was compared with their performance after the nap or wake intervention. Before and after the intervention, the motor sequential learning task was completed in the magnetic resonance imaging scanner to examine the relationship between change in performance and neural activation. Participants in the Sleep group showed significant gains from the end of training to after the intervention, whereas the Wake group did not. The functional magnetic resonance imaging results showed that relative to the Wake group, the Sleep group showed significantly decreased activation post‐intervention in the anterior cingulate/paracingulate, cerebellum, cuneus/precuneus, and inferior parietal lobule including angular and supramarginal gyri. Importantly, across both groups, increased task performance at post‐intervention was associated with decreased activation in the anterior cingulate/paracingulate and cerebellum. This study demonstrated the enhancing effect of a nap on motor learning performance in a sample of individuals with traumatic brain injury, with patterns of neural activation suggesting that the sequence was more automatized in the Sleep group. Strategic placement of a nap after an intense period of motor learning in the medical rehabilitation setting may have important implications for maximizing recovery after traumatic brain injury.
"The Science of Laziness: Achieving More by Doing Less" explores the paradoxical concept of strategic laziness and its potential to enhance productivity, creativity, and well-being. This book challenges the traditional societal norms that equate relentless activity with success, proposing instead that deliberate and mindful periods of rest can foster cognitive and psychological benefits. Drawing upon interdisciplinary research from neuroscience, psychology, and evolutionary biology, the author presents a compelling argument for rethinking our approach to work and leisure. Central to the book is the Strategic Laziness Framework, which outlines three key principles: Lazy Elimination, Lazy Optimization, and Lazy Focus. These principles guide readers in identifying and eliminating non-essential tasks, optimizing their efforts for maximum impact, and focusing on activities that yield the highest returns with the least effort. Through a combination of historical anecdotes, scientific evidence, and practical strategies, the book demonstrates how strategic laziness can lead to greater efficiency and innovation. Key topics include the cognitive benefits of mind-wandering and mental downtime, the role of the default mode network in creative thinking, and the evolutionary advantages of conserving energy. The book also addresses common misconceptions about laziness and provides actionable advice for integrating these principles into daily life. "The Science of Laziness" ultimately presents a transformative approach to productivity, encouraging readers to embrace rest and relaxation as essential components of a successful and fulfilling life. This work contributes to the growing body of literature advocating for a balanced approach to work and leisure, and its insights have practical implications for individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.
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Several paradigms of perceptual learning suggest that practice can trigger long-term, experience-dependent changes in the adult visual system of humans. As shown here, performance of a basic visual discrimination task improved after a normal night's sleep. Selective disruption of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep resulted in no performance gain during a comparable sleep interval, although non-REM slow-wave sleep disruption did not affect improvement. On the other hand, deprivation of REM sleep had no detrimental effects on the performance of a similar, but previously learned, task. These results indicate that a process of human memory consolidation, active during sleep, is strongly dependent on REM sleep.
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We examined the effects of a 15-min nap after lunch on subsequent alertness, performance, and autonomic function following a short sleep the preceding night. Subjects were 12 healthy students who had slept for only 4 hours the night before being tested. They experienced both nap and no-nap conditions in a counterbalanced order, at least a week apart. The nap condition included a 15-min nap opportunity (12:30-12:45) in bed with polygraphic monitoring. We measured the P300 event-related potential, subjective sleepiness (Visual Analog Scale), and electrocardiogram (ECG) at 10:00, 13:15, and 16:15, and task performance (logical reasoning and digit span) at 10:00, 11:30, 13:15, 14:45, 16:15, and 17:45. Mean home sleep measured by actigraphy was 3.5 hours under both conditions. At 13:15, the P300 latency after the nap was significantly shorter than after no nap, but its amplitude was not affected by napping. Subjective sleepiness at 13:15 and 14:45 was significantly lower, and accuracy of logical reasoning at 13:15 was significantly higher after the nap than after no nap. No other performance measures or the ECG R-R interval variability parameters differed significantly between the nap and no-nap conditions. Mean total sleep time during the nap was 10.2 min, and no stage 3 and 4 sleep was observed. The above results suggest that under prior sleep deficit, a 15-min nap during post-lunch rest maintains subsequent alertness and performance, particularly in the mid-afternoon.
In terms of functional anatomy, where does learning occur when, for a basic visual discrimination task, performance improves with practice (perceptual learning)? We report remarkable long-term learning in a simple texture discrimination task where learning is specific for retinal input. This learning is (i) local (in a retinotopic sense), (ii) orientation specific but asymmetric (it is specific for background but not for target-element orientation), and (iii) strongly monocular (there is little interocular transfer of learning). Our results suggest that learning involves experience-dependent changes at a level of the visual system where monocularity and the retinotopic organization of the visual input are still retained and where different orientations are processed separately. These results can be interpreted in terms of local plasticity induced by retinal input in early visual processing in human adults, presumably at the level of orientation-gradient sensitive cells in primary visual cortex.
The electrophysiological properties of sensory neurons in the adult cortex are not immutable but can change in response to alterations of sensory input caused by manipulation of afferent pathways in the nervous system or by manipulation of the sensory environment. Such plasticity creates great potential for flexible processing of sensory information, but the actual effects of neuronal plasticity on perceptual performance are poorly understood. The link between neuronal plasticity and performance was explored here by recording the responses of directionally selective neurons in the visual cortex while rhesus monkeys practiced a familiar task involving discrimination of motion direction. Each animal experienced a short-term improvement in perceptual sensitivity during daily experiments; sensitivity increased by an average of 19 percent over a few hundred trials. The increase in perceptual sensitivity was accompanied by a short-term improvement in neuronal sensitivity that mirrored the perceptual effect both in magnitude and in time course, which suggests that improved psychophysical performance can result directly from increased neuronal sensitivity within a sensory pathway.
Several examples of experience-dependent perceptual improvement (perceptual learning) suggest that plasticity in specific neuronal loci could underlie the learning process. For a basic visual discrimination task (using an optimal stimulus for 'automatic' pre-attentive texture segregation), discrete retinal input-dependent changes within a very early stage in the stream of visual processing were indicated as the locus of a large and consistent learning effect. When do these changes occur? Here we report that except for a fast, rapidly saturating improvement early in the first practice session, performance was very stable within sessions. Indeed, observers showed little or no improvement until up to 8 hours after their last training session (latent phase). But large improvements occurred thereafter. Finally, there was almost no forgetting; what was gained was retained for at least 2-3 years. We conjecture that some types of perceptual experience trigger permanent neural changes in early processing stages of the adult visual system. These may take many hours to become functional.
We investigated fast improvement of visual performance in several hyperacuity tasks such as vernier acuity and stereoscopic depth perception in almost 100 observers. Results indicate that the fast phase of perceptual learning, occurring within less than 1 hr of training, is specific for the visual field position and for the particular hyperacuity task, but is only partly specific for the eye trained and for the offset tested. Learning occurs without feedback. We conjecture that the site of learning may be quite early in the visual pathway.
Performance on a visual discrimination task shows long-term improvement after a single training session. When tested within 24 hr of training, improvement was not observed unless subjects obtained at least 6 hr of posttraining sleep prior to retesting, in which case improvement was proportional to the amount of sleep in excess of 6 hr. For subjects averaging 8 hr of sleep, overnight improvement was proportional to the amount of slow wave sleep (SWS) in the first quarter of the night, as well as the amount of rapid eye movement sleep (REM) in the last quarter. REM during the intervening 4 hr did not appear to contribute to improvement. A two-step process, modeling throughput as the product of the amount of early SWS and late REM, accounts for 80 percent of intersubject variance. These results suggest that, in the case of this visual discrimination task, both SWS and REM are required to consolidate experience-dependent neuronal changes into a form that supports improved task performance.
Improvement after practicing visual texture discrimination does not occur until several hours after practice has ended. We show that this improvement strongly depends on sleep. To specify the process responsible for sleep-related improvement, we compared the effects of 'early' and 'late' sleep, dominated respectively by slow-wave and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Discrimination skills significantly improved over early sleep, improved even more over a whole night's sleep, but did not improve after late sleep alone. These findings suggest that procedural memory formation is prompted by slow-wave sleep-related processes. Late REM sleep may promote memory formation at a second stage, only after periods of early sleep have occurred.
Performance on a visual discrimination task showed maximal improvement 48−96 hours after initial training, even without intervening practice. When subjects were deprived of sleep for 30 hours after training and then tested after two full nights of recovery sleep, they showed no significant improvement, despite normal levels of alertness. Together with previous findings11 that subjects show no improvement when retested the same day as training, this demonstrates that sleep within 30 hours of training is absolutely required for improved performance.