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Spontaneous conception in a 50-year old woman after giving up in-vitro-fertilization (IVF) treatments: Involvement of the psychological relief in successful pregnancy

  • Reproduction Clinic Osaka


A healthy woman, married at age 45, hoped to have their child without delay. She and her husband subsequently decided to pursue in-vitro-fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET). In the succeeding year, ET was performed twice from four oocyte retrieval attempts, which represented six ovarian stimulation cycles. Pregnancy was not achieved. Because of her poor responses to ovarian stimulation, inferior oocyte grading and prohibition of donor oocyte usage in Japan, the couple decided to discontinue further IVF treatment at age 48 years, 10 months. One and one-half years later, at age 50 years, 3 months she presented to our clinic eight weeks pregnant. At term she delivered vaginally a 2740 g healthy infant at 38 weeks gestation; Apgar scores were 9 and 10. During her pregnancy, she willingly participated in our questionnaire designed to provide information about her psychological well-being during the past three years. During the time spanning her treatment for infertility, anxiety, depression, irritability, fatigue and grief were revealed to coexist with her high hopes of having a child. After termination of infertility treatments these adverse psychological findings were markedly lessened and her vigour was restored. Stopping infertility treatment might be a viable alternative for achieving pregnancy in similarly psychologically-challenged infertile women.
Advancing female age is a well-documented
problem in achieving a successful pregnancy
[1, 2]. By using donated oocy tes, women
have become pregnant in thei r late 50 s
and older [3, 4]. Thus, it appears that the
age-related decline in fertility is due primar-
ily to oocyte aging [5, 6]. In Japan, however,
oocyte donation is prohibited. Therefore,
infertility treatment ends with menopause
or by anovulation, the latter including pre-
mature ovarian failure. When this occurs,
most couples discontinue further treatments,
however, some couples chose to go to other
countries to seek donor oocytes and undergo
additional IVF attempts. As a consequence,
infertile Japanese women view aging with
apprehension, especia lly wit h regard to
their oocyte quality and/or their potential to
remain eligible for continuation of infertil-
ity treatments. Therefore, most Japanese
Gynecologist believe and advise that women
over 40 years old who want to have their
children should choose IVF-ET in earlier
convenience. Once IVF-ET was performed,
however, it is difficult to cease I VF- E T,
because we dont have other option to give
such older women.
To our knowledge, the oldest spontaneous
conception occurred in a 60-year old woman
in 1998, which was reported in a UK news-
Spontaneous Conception in a 50-year Old Woman
after Giving up In-Vitro-Fertilization (IVF) Treatments:
Involvement of the Psychological Relief in Successful Pregnancy
Hidehiko MATSUBAYASHI, Katsuhiko IWASAKI, Takashi HOSAKA
, Takahiro SUZUKI, Shun-ichiro IZUMI, and Tsunehisa MAKINO
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Center for Growth and Reproductive Medicine and
*Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Center for Internal Medicine,
Tokai University School of Medicine
(Received November 8, 2002; Accepted January 7, 2003)
A healthy woman, married at age 45, hoped to have their child without delay. She and her
husband subsequently decided to pursue in-vitro-fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET).
In the succeeding year, ET was performed twice from four oocyte retrieval attempts, which
represented six ovarian stimulation cycles. Pregnancy was not achieved. Because of her poor
responses to ovarian stimulation, inferior oocyte grading and prohibition of donor oocyte
usage in Japan, the couple decided to discontinue further IVF treatment at age 48 years, 10
month s. One and one-half years later, at age 50 years, 3 months she presented to our clinic
eight weeks pregnant. At term she delivered vaginally a 2740 g healthy infant at 38 weeks ges-
tation; Apgar scores were 9 and 10. During her pregnancy, she willingly participated in our
questionnaire designed to provide information about her psychological well-being during the
past three years. During the time spanning her treatment for infertility, anxiety, depression,
irritability, fatigue and grief were revealed to coexist with her high hopes of having a child.
After termination of infertility treatments these adverse psychological findings were mark-
edly lessened and her vigour was restored. Stopping infertility treatment might be a viable
alternative for achieving pregnancy in similarly psychologically-challenged infertile women.
Key words : aging, distress, IVF-ET, infertility, Japan.
Tokai J Exp Clin Med., Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 9-15, 2003
Hidehiko MATSUBAYASHI , Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Center for Growth and Reproductive Medicine, Tokai
University School of Medicine, Bohseidai, I sehara, Kanagawa 259-1193, Japan Fax: 81+463 -91-4343 ; e-mail: hide-m @is.icc.u-
paper. We now report a spontaneous concep-
tion in a 50-year old woman 1.5 years after
withdrawing from IVF treatment because of
inferior oocyte grading and poor oocyte re-
trieval. We believe that our patient represents
the eldest example on record of a spontane-
ous conception and delivery after cessation
of IV F treatment. This case suggests that
only continuation of IVF treatment may not
be appropriate for such older women and
that quitting IVF treatment does not always
mean giving up being pregnant, because
psychological factor cannot be excluded.
A healthy, nulligravid woman married
at age 45 experienced two early pregnancy
losses at ages 46 and 47. The first loss was at
eight weeks (positive fetal heart tones) and
the second loss was at seven weeks (blighted
ovum) of gestation. After her second mis-
carriage, at 47 years 3 months of age, she
presented to our infertility clinic. She and
her husband hoped to have their child with-
out delay. Her husbands semen analyses
showed slightly asthenozospermia (40-45 %)
but total motile sperm was normal (20-28
×106). She opted to circumvent our routine
work-up for infertility except for hormonal
tests because she had had two documented
pregnancies, and, in view of her age, she did
not want to undergo the usual tests for re-
current pregnancy loss. Her menstrual cycle
historically had been 30 days, but it was
irregular during the past 2 years (20-60 days
cycle). Ultrasound examination revealed her
uterus and both ovaries to be unremarkable.
Her basal follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
level was normal (3.4 IU/L), and she did not
have hyperprolactinemia or a luteal phase
defect. She didnt have psychiatric disorders.
During first 4 months, she was advised to
have coitus at the day of ovulation monitored
by ultrasound, but not pregnant. In suc-
ceeding 3 months, intrauterine insemination
with her husbands sperm was performed
in view of asthenozospermia, but failed to
conceive. She and her husband did request
IVF-ET. Their rationale for this choice was
that IVF-ET procedure had the highest preg-
nancy success rate among infertility treat-
ments, and that the residual oocytes might
not be much in her age. A clomiphene-
citrate-challenge test was performed that
showed a good response for FSH (3.4 IU/L
to 24.7 IU/L). Since there was no significant
difference between clomiphene citrate plus
gonadotropins and gonadotropin-releasing
hormone (GnRH ) agonist combined with
gonadotropins for patients over 40 in our
institute, the former was selected for ovarian
stimulation. The first attempt for IVF result-
ed in no oocyte retrieval from either ovary.
In the second and third oocyte retrieval at-
tempts, embryo transfers with Veeck-graded
3 and 2 embryos respectively (only one
embryo per each cycle) were unsuccessful.
After these three consecutive attempts, she
became anovulatory. Two cycles of hormone
replacement therapy were instituted, but the
fourth and fifth oocyte recovery attempts
were abandoned as no growing follicles
were detected. Her basal FSH level was 41.6
IU/L at age 48 years, 6 months. Another two
cycles of hormone replacement therapy were
performed to obtain reduced FSH levels (8.7
IU/L). To maintain the lower levels of FSH
for the sixth retrieval attempt, a long-GnRH
agonist protocol combined with gonadotro-
pins was performed, but only one degener-
ated oocyte was retrieved. In summary, no
pregnancy was achieved after two embryo
transfers were performed as a result of four
oocyte retrieval attempts and six ovarian
stimulation cycles.
After fr ank discussions abou t fut ure
expectations regarding additional infertility
treatments, she and her husband concluded
that they should cease further IVF treatment.
Their decision was based upon the wifes
poor response to ovarian stimulation, infe-
rior-grade oocytes and prohibition of donor
oocytes usage in Japan. At age 48 years, 10
months she and her husband stopped infer-
tility clinic visits and she quit monitoring her
basal body temperature.
One and one half years later at age 50
years, 3 months, she appeared at our clinic
to say she might be pregnant. Her menstrual
cycle was also irregular (20 -60 days cycle).
At that time, her pregnancy was eight weeks
gestation and she complained of a slight
emesis. She was afraid of a fetal anomaly
because she had taken several drugs for
a common cold. We discussed the risk of
fetal anomalies resulting from the drugs and
her additional risks due to her age. After
contemplating pregnancy termination, the
couple chose to have the baby. Between 10
and 14 weeks of gestation she was admitted
Spontaneous conception at age of 50 11
Fig. 1 Assessment of patient feelings by using our questionnaire with visual analog scale. 1; before
visiting our infertility clinic, 2; during infertility treatments, 3; after quitting infertility treat-
ments, 4; two months before conception, 5; surrounding conception.
to our hospital for a threatened abortion
and hyperemesis gravidarum. Her thyroid
function was normal. The couple declined
amniocentesis because they had decided to
have this baby regardless of the outcome.
After that, her pregnancy was uneventful.
She was delivered at 38 weeks gestation of a
2740 g (6 lb.) infant with Apgar scores of 9
and 10. The infant was healthy without any
While pregnant, she agreed to participate
in our questionnaire with visual analogue
scales (VAS) designed to ascertain retrospec-
tive information ab out her psychological
well-being for the past three years (Appendix
I). The aim of this questionnaire is to see
changing of feeling with this period, which
is not absolute but relative. Her responses
revealed that her aspirations for having
children had continued unabated during this
period (Fig. 1). Her husband remained sup-
portive throughout this period. Feelings of
pressure were scored as consistently neutral.
Tension scores were decreased temporally
when her infertility treatments were discon-
tinued, but reappeared before she became
pregnant. Anxiety, depression, irritability, fa-
tigue and grief were markedly reduced after
stopping her infertility treatments and her
vigor was restored to normal values.
The patient in our case report decided
to give up IVF treatments because of inad-
equate responses to ovarian stimulation and
poor-quality oocytes. She subsequently con-
ceived spontaneously and we observed her
conception to coincide with her psychological
assessment of relief after quitting infertility
Spontaneous conception subsequent to the
birth of infants conceived through IVF-ET
has been reported to approximate 20 % [7,
8]. Perhaps this 20 % might not have needed
IVF treatment in the past, or alternatively,
the successful delivery of an infant might
improve the environment for an unaided
pregnancy. Those authors speculated that the
most likely cause of spontaneous conception
in these women is the relief of stress, but
it was never documented by evaluation in
their papers [7, 8]. Other report observed
that spontaneous pregnancies occurred with
11 % per 5 years even in women who had
to perform intracytoplasmic sperm injection
(ICSI) treatment to get fertilized eggs (i.e.,
no fertilization without IC SI) [9] . We also
have noticed that some unexplained infertile
women be come pregnant spontaneously
after geographic relocations, changing or
quitting jobs, transferring to another clinic,
as well as discontinuing their infertility treat-
ments (unpublished observations). Together
these findings suggest that psychological
factors are of concern in certain infertile
The underlying reasons responsible for
th ese sponta ne ous pregnancies in these
infertile patients awaits closer scrutiny as
assessments of psychological well-being can-
not be made for women who have not been
tested or followed. We cant follow women
who give up to have a child, because they
have no reason to come to infertility clinic.
Clearly, many questionnaires used for psy-
chological evaluations do not inquire about
retrospective information. To overcome this
deficit, we tried to develop an original ques-
tionnaire with VAS (Appendix I). Our ques-
tionnaire measures the intensity of mood,
which may be called as Visual Analogue
Mood Scale (VAMS). In terms of the reliabil-
ity of VAS or VAMS, test re-test reliability
and inter-rater reliability has been reported
in the same individual [10]. There were very
high correlations between the initial rating
and recall rating [10]. The accuracy of VAS
recalling for more than 2 years, however, is
still uncertain. The feature of our question-
naires is that we put a series of VAS (5 time
points) together to reduce retrospective bias,
which makes relative changes clear during
answering. It might be said that VAS should
be tested during the pilot study [10] . Since
there will be no progress in this field without
this types of questionnaires, we think that it
can provide valuable and useful information
in this situation.
This woman in our case report may not
need IVF treatment, because she had two
pregnancies before treatment. She subse-
quently, however, b ecame infertile after
coming to our clinic without conception for
20 months. She and her husband had strong
hope to perform IVF treatment to achieve
pregnancy without delay, but this choice
might be wrong. She might have her own
child earlier without infertility treatment.
It is known that infertility treatment alone
is stressful [11, 12], and failure to conceive
Spontaneous conception at age of 50 13
can compound this condition and lead to
depression [13] , which can be recognized
and managed [14, 15]. Although most stud-
ies have suggested that infertility or infertil-
ity treatment is a source of psychological
distress, other recent studies state that stress
may be a causal factor for infertility. Pre-
existing psychological features, for examples,
anxiety, depression, and negative emotional
states are independently related to IVF-ET
failure [16, 17]. Indeed, anxiety is correlated
with uterine contraction frequency at the
time of ET, which may induce implantation
failure [18] . Another possible explanation
is the physiological link between hormonal
changes and psychological states. Anxiety
induces hyperprolactinemia resulting in fail-
ure to conceive [19, 20]. Similarly, emotional
stress caused by either anxiety or depression
can induce changes in prolactin, cortisol and
testosterone [21, 22]. There are reports ap-
pearing that reduced scores of anxiety and/or
depression are related to successful concep-
tion [23, 24], and that counseling has been
reported to be effective in reducing anxiety
and depression [25] and result in successful
conception [26, 27].
In conclusion, infertility or infertility treat-
ment is a source of psychological distress,
but this may be a causal factor for infertility
at the same time. Most Japanese Gynecologist
believe and advise that women over 40 years
old who want to have their children should
choose IVF-ET in earlier convenience. Once
IVF-ET was performed, however, it is diffi-
cult to cease IVF-ET, because we dont have
other option to give such older women. The
psychological release seems to be observed
in our patient after stopping infertility treat-
ment followed by successful conception.
This case suggests that simple continuation
of IVF treatment may not be appropriate to
achieve pregnant for such older women and
that quitting IVF treatment does not always
mean giving up being pregnant, because
psychological factor cannot be excluded.
Si nce studies a sses sing emo tional well-
being, infertility and fecundity have yet to
be published for women who dont come to
infertility clinic, we hope that this case report
will stimulate others to explore this potential.
This study was supported in part by a
Project Research Grant, Tokai University
School of Medicine, Japan. We thank Dr.
John A. McIntyre for reading and editing
our manuscript.
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Appendix I
Questionnaire used in our study with visual analog scales. We asked the patient to retrospec-
tively describe her feelings before, during and after infertility treatments, two months prior to
conception and surrounding conception. Questions were given in this order.
1 If you set most delighted experience at 100 and most sorrowful experience at 100,
express your feeling between100 and 100 at each time point.
2 If you set most anxious experience at 100 and most relieved experience at 100, ex-
press your feeling between100 and 100 at each time point.
3 If you set most pressured experience with being infertile at 100 and least pressured
experience at100, express your feeling between100 and 100 at each time point.
4 If you set most manic experience at 100 and most depressed experience at 100, ex-
press your feeling between100 and 100 at each time point.
5 If you set most relaxed experience at 100 and most tense experience at100, express
your feeling between100 and 100 at each time point.
6 If you set strongest experience to hope for having children at100 and weakest experi-
ence at100, express your feeling between100 and 100 at each time point.
7 If you set having best understanding/support from your husband at 100 and having
worst understanding/support at 100, express your feeling between 100 and 100 at each
time point.
8 If you set most vigorous experience at 100 and least vigorous experience at 100, ex-
press your feeling between100 and 100 at each time point.
0 100
(Sample) before visiting our infertility clinic
during infertility treatments ├────────────┼────────────
after quitting infertility treatments ├────────────┼────────────
two months before conception ├────────────┼────────────
surrounding conception ├────────────┼────────────
Spontaneous conception at age of 50 15
9 If you set most irritable experience at 100 and least irritable experience at 100, ex-
press your feeling between 100 and 100 at each time point.
10 If you set most fatiguing experience at 100 and least fatiguing experience at 100,
express your feeling between 100 and 100.
... According to Stanton and Dunkel-Schetter (1991), it is important to examine stress and coping methods with infertile couples in depth Thus, it is believed that the psychological problems caused by the infertility treatment process make infertility counseling necessary. When examined, studies show that the counseling service positively affects the treatment process (Matsubayashi et al., 2003;¸van den Broeck et al., 2010). However, there are insufficient studies on the counseling service provided for couples in the diagnosis and treatment process of infertility. ...
Full-text available
It is important to examine women's experiences in the infertility process, as being a woman is perceived as a concept that overlaps with motherhood, and the woman herself is exposed to physical pain during the treatment. In this research, which was carried out with a phenomenological pattern, one of the qualitative methods, the experiences of married women diagnosed with infertility regarding the infertility process were examined, and it was tried to determine the themes that would help psychological counselors in the therapeutic process. The study group consists of 10 women selected by criterion sampling using purposeful sampling methods. The results of the research were discussed under seven headings: infertility experience, stress factors, acquired skills, social support resources, the role of the spouse, coping skills, and belief in the treatment. The theme of the infertility experience includes codes of negativeness, helplessness, frustration, and compelling; the theme of stress factors includes codes of expectations, pressure, uncertainty, the passage of treatment, personal conflicts, against his spouse’s liability, failure, and the search for a solution; the theme of acquired skills includes codes of coping with the challenges, obtaining medical information, hoping, common share, body recognition, gender awareness, healthy eating, the theme of social support resources includes codes of, contact, spouse, family, friend, and counselor; the theme of the role of spouse includes codes of support; the theme of coping skills includes codes of, religious beliefs, social activities, the sense of common humanity, work and psychological support; the theme of faith for treatment includes codes of hope and despair.
... A systematic review [16] evaluated psychological adjustment toIVF and found that overall women adjusted well to unsuccessful treatment cycles, as have some other studies which have concluded no change or positive emotional adjustment following failure [17][18]. In spite of this, numerous studies have found that women and men experience negative psychological outcomes after unsuccessful treatment [19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. With an increasing number of couples seeking treatment, including older couples, it is important to assess potential psychological impacts associated with failed treatment and to have this evidence incorporated in health policy deliberations on funding, access, and eligibility. ...
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Objective Our study examined the psychological outcomes associated with failed ART treatment outcomes in men and women. Search Strategy A systematic search for studies published between January 1980 and August 2015 was performed across seven electronic databases. Inclusion Criteria Studies were included if they contained data on psychosocial outcomes taken pre and post ART treatment. Data Extraction and Synthesis A standardised form was used to extract data and was verified by two independent reviewers. Studies were meta-analysed to determine the association of depression and anxiety with ART treatment outcomes. Narrative synthesis identified factors to explain variations in the size and directions of effects and relationships explored within and between the studies. Main Results Both depression and anxiety increased after a ART treatment failure with an overall pooled standardised mean difference (SMD) of 0.41 (95% CI: 0.27, 0.55) for depression and 0.21 (95% CI: 0.13, 0.29) for anxiety. In contrast, depression decreased after a successful treatment, SMD of -0.24 (95% CI: -0.37,-0.11). Both depression and anxiety decreased as time passed from ART procedure. Nonetheless, these remained higher than baseline measures in the group with the failed outcome even six months after the procedure. Studies included in the narrative synthesis also confirmed an association with negative psychological outcomes in relation to marital satisfaction and general well-being following treatment failure. Conclusion Linking ART failure and psychosocial outcomes may elucidate the experience of treatment subgroups, influence deliberations around recommendations for resource allocation and health policy and guide patient and clinician decision making.
... Pregnancies after IVF have been reported in women aged greater than 40 years but there are few reports of the a delivery of healthy child after the age of 47 years either with the use of homologous oocytes or following spontaneous conception [4,8,9] . As more women are delaying child bearing for career and personal priorities, more women are being seen by fertility specialists for age related infertility issues. ...
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To report a case of live birth in a 53 year old woman following assisted reproductive techniques (ART). A 53-year-old civil servant who registered for antenatal care at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) in 2008 at 17 weeks gestation is presented. She had conceived after 4 years of infertility follow treatment by intracytoplasmic sperm injection/embryo transfer (ICSI-ET) using her husband's sperm and donor eggs. The pregnancy was complicated by breech presentation at term. She was delivered of a healthy live male infant by elective caesarean section at 38 weeks of gestation. The puerperium was complicated by hypertension, which was managed appropriately. Infertility in women of advanced reproductive age can be successfully treated with donor oocytes in Nigeria. Antenatal supervision and delivery by skilled attendants is the key to achieve favourable outcome.
... These psychological factors should not be underestimated; they often figure prominently in the decision to disengage from fertility treatments [5,6]. Remarkably, the stress release achieved by stopping all fertility treatment can be followed by an unassisted conception, even at advanced age [7]. While previous investigations have focused on either anonymous donor oocyte or sperm with IVF, this work is the first to collect data on an IVF patient series where both gametes derived from anonymous donors. ...
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This investigation describes features of patients undergoing in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and embryo transfer (ET) where both gametes were obtained from anonymous donors. Gamete unsuitability or loss was confirmed in both members of seven otherwise healthy couples presenting for reproductive endocrinology consultation over a 12-month interval in Ireland. IVF was undertaken with fresh oocytes provided by anonymous donors in Ukraine; frozen sperm (anonymous donor) was obtained from a licensed tissue establishment. For recipients, saline-enhanced sonography was used to assess intrauterine contour with endometrial preparation via transdermal estrogen. Among commissioning couples, mean+/-SD female and male age was 41.9 +/- 3.7 and 44.6 +/- 3.5 yrs, respectively. During this period, female age for non dual anonymous gamete donation IVF patients was 37.9 +/- 3 yrs (p < 0.001). Infertility duration was >/=3 yrs for couples enrolling in dual gamete donation, and each had >/=2 prior failed fertility treatments using native oocytes. All seven recipient couples proceeded to embryo transfer, although one patient had two transfers. Clinical pregnancy was achieved for 5/7 (71.4%) patients. Non-transferred cryopreserved embryos were available for all seven couples. Mean age of females undergoing dual anonymous donor gamete donation with IVF is significantly higher than the background IVF patient population. Even when neither partner is able to contribute any gametes for IVF, the clinical pregnancy rate per transfer can be satisfactory if both anonymous egg and sperm donation are used concurrently. Our report emphasises the role of pre-treatment counselling in dual anonymous gamete donation, and presents a coordinated screening and treatment approach in IVF where this option may be contemplated.
Infertile women in Japan as well as in the Western World have high levels of emotional distress, which include anxiety and depression. By cross-sectional questionnaire study, both scores of the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) and the profile of mood states (POMS) for infertile Japanese women were high, indicating psychologically disturbed. In Japan, women are frequently greeted with traditional questions such as, 'Are you married? Do you have a child?' Elderly Japanese may project guilt on women without children, because they believe women should fulfill a role by producing an heir and/or heiress to continue the family name. This can cast shame and/or guilt on the infertility patients, and thus produce undo stress on women labeled as infertile. Therefore, infertile Japanese women should be supported by psychiatric intervention. In view of Immunology, natural-killer (NK) cell activity of the infertile Japanese women was significantly higher than that of the control. Elevated NK-cell activity is observed temporarily during stressful events. Persistent low NK-cell activity is associated with depression or stressful events caused by natural disasters. To the contrary, persistent high NK-cell activity is uncommon, however, increased NK-cell activity is observed in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss or Vietnam combat veterans diagnosed with long-term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A long-term chronic stress may underpin the basis for persistently high NK-cell activities. In consideration with high NK-cell activity for pregnancy, an embryo might be rejected from the uterus, because of its killing activity. Therefore, a randomized study was performed to clarify the effects of psychiatric group intervention on the emotions, NK-cell activity and pregnancy rate in infertile Japanese women. Thirty-seven women completed a 5-session intervention program and were compared with 37 controls. Psychological discomfort and NK-cell activity significantly decreased after the intervention, whereas no significant changes were observed in controls. The pregnancy rate in the intervention group was significantly higher than that of controls. Psychological group intervention was effective in infertile Japanese women. Finally, an interesting case was observed to achieve pregnant in a 50-year old Japanese woman with psychological relief. After failure of conception with 6 IVF attempts, the couple decided to discontinue further IVF treatment at age 48 years. One and one-half years later, she became pregnant naturally, resulting in getting healthy baby. During the time spanning her treatment for infertility, anxiety, depression, irritability, fatigue and grief were revealed to coexist with her high hopes of having a child. After termination of infertility treatments these adverse psychological findings were markedly lessened and her vigor was restored. Stopping infertility treatment might be a viable alternative for achieving pregnancy in similarly psychologically-challenged infertile women. We believe that reproductive psychology will be one of the main topics in the field of fertility and sterility in the 21st century.
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Although recent papers have suggested that psychological factors are implicated in the experience of infertility, few studies have assessed this relationship in a sample of Japanese infertile women. This study was carried out in order to clarify whether Japanese infertile women experience emotional distress. A cross-sectional questionnaire study was performed to assess the psychological states of 101 infertile women compared to 81 healthy pregnant women. The hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) and the profile of mood states (POMS) were administered. These questionnaires produced scores for depression/dejection, anxiety, aggression/hostility, lack of vigour, fatigue, tension anxiety, and confusion. The HADS and the POMS scores of infertile women were significantly higher than those of pregnant women, except for fatigue score. Infertile women with positive HADS indicating emotional disorders (39/101, 38.6%) were significantly (P = 0.0008, χ2 test) more than those of pregnant women (13/81, 16.0%) when the threshold was set at 12/13 of total HADS scores. The HADS scores were not affected by the women's age, duration of infertility, experience of conception, routine tests, and work states. In this Japanese population, infertile women reported higher levels of emotional distress than pregnant women, suggesting psychological support is needed for infertile women.
A number of authors have suggested that psychological stress factors may be responsible for some cases of unexplained infertility. This article explores the available evidence examining the link between psychological stress, prolactin levels and failure to conceive in such cases. Evidence of heightened anxiety in patients with unexplained infertility, the relationship between stress and prolactin levels and the effect of reducing stress and prolactin levels in infertile couples is evaluated. Although there is some evidence for a direct association between stress-induced hyperprolactinaemia and infertility there is a clear need for further research. Various methodological difficulties in assessing a possible psychological-biological failure to conceive link are discussed and the need for a closer relationship between psychological and endocrinological research suggested.
New reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) offer much hope to infertile couples, yet the odds for success are not high. In this study we examine the experiences of a cohort of women undergoing IVF or a related technology at three points in time: before technological intervention, approximately one month after the first failed cycle, and six months later. We consider the women's expectations and experiences and discuss implications of the findings for social work practice.
This review focuses upon studies of psychological aspects of infertility, as well as on some of the issues and implications which arise from the research. It appears that the major difficulty facing patients during infertility treatment is anxiety, while couples whose treatment was unsuccessful are instead at risk for depression. The long-term consequences for families created as a result of assisted conception are also considered.
To replicate previously reported psychological improvements in infertile women attending a group behavioral treatment program. Psychological and demographic data were collected before entering and again upon completion of a behavioral medicine program on a second cohort of patients. The program was offered in the Division of Behavioral Medicine, an outpatient clinic of the Department of Medicine at New England Deaconess Hospital. All patients were receiving care from infertility specialists not affiliated with this hospital. Fifty two self-referred women receiving medical treatment for infertility attended the program. A 10-week group behavioral treatment program. Three validated psychological instruments. Psychological improvement was statistically significant (Profile of Mood States Tension/Anxiety: P less than 0.0001; Depression/Dejection: P less than 0.0122; Vigor/Activity: P less than 0.0431; Confusion/Bewilderment: P less than 0.0057; Spielberger Anger Expression: P less than 0.0013; Spielberger State Anxiety: P less than 0.0037, and Trait Anxiety: P less than 0.0001). Behavioral treatment is associated with significant decreases in negative psychological symptoms.
This study was designed to investigate concurrently the psychological and hormonal changes at three critical points during in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. One hundred thirteen couples suffering from mechanical and unexplained infertility participated in the study and 23 of them conceived. Psychological evaluation included background questionnaires, Lubin's Depression Adjective Check List, and Spielberger's State Trait Anxiety inventory. Cortisol and prolactin levels were estimated by radioimmunoassay. The results showed that patients' anxiety and depression scores were significantly higher than the population norm. Psychological test scores and hormonal levels showed a similar pattern of change, increasing on oocyte retrieval day, decreasing on embryo transfer day, and rising again on pregnancy test day. Differences between these phases were generally significant. Differences in parameters' means between conceiving (C) and nonconceiving (NC) women were generally not significant. However, correlations between psychological measures and hormonal levels showed a clear disparity between C and NC women in the last phase. Whereas significant negative correlations were found in C patients, no relationship was found in NC patients. The findings suggest that success in IVF treatment may depend, in part, on differential modes of coping with anxiety and depression, involving hormonal or endorphin mediation.
The psychological and the hormonal response to a specific emotional stressor (a video film on treatment of infertility, pregnancy, and delivery) was investigated in 30 women and the responses were correlated with their trait anxiety level. The experiment included a resting period before and after the stressor. The psychological response, i.e., the change in state anxiety, was in phase with the stressor and varied with the trait anxiety level. The endocrinological response, i.e., the time courses of prolactin, cortisol, and testosterone, was not in phase but varied with the trait anxiety level. It is suggested that psychological phenomena as anticipation, mental assimilation, and reflection could explain these findings, and that these should be taken into account when investigating the so-called "psychological" infertility.
The role of stress in infertility, and its treatment, is reviewed in various groups of couples labeled "unexplained infertile." A simplified profile of stress markers based upon basal prolactin estimations and psychological measurements found infertile couples more stressed than fertile controls and revealed a sub-group of women characterized as having significantly high psychological stress scores and intermittent elevations of prolactin (spikers). This group was effectively treated with a combination of clomiphene citrate and bromocriptine. However, attention to the failures as well as the successes suggests optimum benefit to the patients might involve not only provision of a good clinic ambiance and pharmacological preparations, but also relaxation therapies such as Autogenic Training, which significantly lowered psychological and biochemical stress marker scores.
Synopsis Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) provide a simple technique for measuring subjective experience. They have been established as valid and reliable in a range of clinical and research applications, although there is also evidence of increased error and decreased sensitivity when used some subject groups. Decisions concerned with the choice of scoring interval, experimental design, and statistical analysis for VAS have in some instances been based on convention, assumption and convenience, highlighting the need for more comprehensive assessment of individual scales if this versatile and sensitive measurement technique is to be used to full advantage.