雨青 Zhang

雨青 Zhang
Chinese Academy of Sciences | CAS · Institute of Psychology



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1: Design a new instrument with VR and eye-tracking for the intervention on person with emotional problems. 2: Psychological counselling based family therapy and others. 3: Developed a indigenous measurement on posttraumatic stress disorder and posttraumatic growth in China.
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January 2015 - January 2017
Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Professor


Publications (52)
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Aims To explore the effects of mother‐infant skin‐to‐skin contact on mother‐infant relationship and maternal psychology feelings. Design An exploratory qualitative research design using semi‐structured interviews. Methods A total of 64 mother‐infant pairs who met the inclusion criteria were selected as the experimental subjects to receive early a...
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Lacking a comprehensive understanding of sadomasochism makes difficulties in judicial dispositions, clinical interventions, and mental health services. This study explores the correlation between sadomasochists' growth experience and their sadomasochistic behaviors and fantasies. We interviewed 51 sadomasochists from a Chinese subcultural website,...
Background Insomnia and depression often co-occur. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) seems to be effective and safe for mitigating insomnia and depression. However, the efficacy of digitally-delivered CBT-I (dCBT-I) remains unclear. Therefore, this meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) was to systematically review and...
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Background Clinicians increasingly serve youths from societal/cultural backgrounds different from their own. This raises questions about how to interpret what such youths report. Rescorla et al. (2019, European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 28, 1107) found that much more variance in 72,493 parents’ ratings of their offspring’s mental health proble...
The current research investigates the applicability of the posttraumatic growth inventory and psychological predictors of posttraumatic growth among adult survivors of the Wenchuan earthquake in China. The results indicated that although the survivors reported a high degree of posttraumatic stress symptoms, they also experienced a moderate to high...
After traumatic events, children with different types of attentional biases produce different psychological reactions with the help of the rumination process. A sample of 909 middle school students was taken from the Yunnan Ludian earthquake‐affected area. Measurement scales of the Chinese version of the Attention to Positive and Negative Informati...
Millions of people are affected by the natural disasters in different regions of world. Survivors often witnesses prolong psychological distress by the death of loved one, damage of property, injuries and shortage of basic need. However, individual differences occur in their struggle with trauma, they also manifest positive change which is known as...
There are eight RF power sources for linac accelerator of China Spallation Neutron Source phase-I project, and each RF power source was controlled by one digital low level RF unit separately. The local control of digital low level RF is a non-EPICS system, which could not directly communicate with EPICS clients. Remote control of the low level RF l...
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As societies become increasingly diverse, mental health professionals need instruments for assessing emotional, behavioral, and social problems in terms of constructs that are supported within and across societies. Building on decades of research findings, multisample alignment confirmatory factor analyses tested an empirically based 8-syndrome mod...
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The present study evaluated the activities of heart rate variability (HRV) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in response to the presentation of affective pictures correlated with posttraumatic growth (PTG) among adults exposed to the Tianjin explosion incident. The participants who were directly involved in the Tianjin explosions were divi...
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Purpose Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and post-traumatic growth (PTG) are two different outcomes that may occur after experiencing traumatic events. Meanwhile, the traumatic exposure level and emotion response played an important role in the process. The present study first evaluated the relationship between PTSD, PTG, and traumatic exposur...
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This study examined the prevalence of acute stress disorder (ASD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children who experienced the Lushan earthquake in Sichuan, China, and assessed the ability of ASD to predict PTSD. The Acute Stress Disorder Scale (ASDS) was used to assess acute stress reaction within weeks of the trauma. The University of...
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Aggression (e.g., assaulting others, bullying, oppositionality; AGG) and non-aggressive rule-breaking (e.g., lying, stealing, vandalism; RB) appear to constitute meaningfully distinct dimensions of antisocial behavior. Despite these differences, it is equally clear that AGG and RB are moderately-to-strongly intercorrelated with one another. To date...
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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and posttraumatic growth (PTG) are two different outcomes that may occur after experiencing traumatic events. Resilience and rumination are two important factors that determine the development of these outcomes after trauma. We investigated the association between these two factors, PTSD and PTG, among Chinese s...
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Although some of the self-report scales for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are available in Chinese and are currently in use in China, cultural limitations exist. An indigenous Chinese PTSD self-rating scale-the Chinese PTSD Inventory (CPI)-has been developed. The item generation of the CPI was based on interviews of Sichuan earthquake victim...
Conference Paper
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We used 101 children (randomly drawn from kindergartens) to evaluate the influential factors between father-son relationship and children's social withdrawal behaviors. Subjects were tested by Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) for social withdrawal behavior. In order to obtain more accurate relationship between father and son, the projective techniqu...
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To build on Achenbach, Rescorla, and Ivanova (2012) by (a) reporting new international findings for parent, teacher, and self-ratings on the Child Behavior Checklist, Youth Self-Report, and Teacher's Report Form; (b) testing the fit of syndrome models to new data from 17 societies, including previously underrepresented regions; (c) testing effects...
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We used population sample data from 25 societies to answer the following questions: (a) How consistently across societies do adolescents report more problems than their parents report about them? (b) Do levels of parent-adolescent agreement vary among societies for different kinds of problems? (c) How well do parents and adolescents in different so...
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PTSD symptoms were pervasive among children and adolescents after experiencing or exposure to traumatic events. Screening and diagnosis of PTSD symptoms is crucial in trauma-related research and practice. The 13-item Children's Revised Impact of Event Scale (CRIES) has been demonstrated to be a valid and reliable tool to achieve this goal. This stu...
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信任是建立在对他人的意向或行为的积极预期基础上而敢于托付(愿意承受风险) 的一种心理状态. 心理学家以及组织管理学家通过对信任发展的研究提出了信任发展的二元互动模型, 理性选择模型, 动机归因模型和可信赖程度——合作双螺旋模型. 背叛行为会对信任关系的 建立与发展带来永久性的伤害. 已有的关于信任的神经生理机制的研究表明: 人们所表现出的信任行为与其催产素水平密切相关, 而且信任与背纹状体, 前脑岛以及处理奖赏信息相关的脑区——伏隔核, 尾状核, 腹内侧额叶/前额脑区底部和侧前扣带皮层——的活动相关联. 尽管目前关于信任的研究已经取得了很大进展, 但是要解开信任的心理机制及其神经生理机制之谜, 还需要进一步的研究.
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This study investigated the psychological reactions of survivors of the 512 Wenchuan earthquake in China and the risk factors associated with those reactions. The Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), Type D Scale-14 (DS14), a self-developed trauma experience questionniare, and a demographic questionnaire were administered to 956 earthquake surviv...
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本文采用问卷调查的方法对中国被试对说谎行为, 谎言识别的信念及其群体差异进行了探索性研究. 研究结果表明: 法律工作者, 学生群体对说谎者行为和谎言识别的信念与其他群体存在显著差异; 中国被试对说谎行为的认识存在显著的性别偏见, 年龄偏见, 文化偏见和亲疏偏见; 中国被试对说谎频率的报告相对比较保守, 对自己的谎言识别能力的估计相对来说比较一致客观而对他人谎言识别能力的估计则很不一致.
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Zhang, N., Zhang, Y., Wu, K., Zhu, Z. & Dyregrov, A. (2011). Factor structure of the Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale among children and adolescents who survived the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 52 , 236–241. To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of Children’s Revised Impact o...
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By using the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) module of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) as the gold standard to identify PTSD, the current study investigated the diagnostic efficiency of the PTSD Checklist (PCL) as a screening questionnaire in a sample of 152 Chinese victims of the Wenchuan earthquake. The results showe...
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Resilience refers to positive adaption in the face of stress or trauma. Assessing resilience is crucial in trauma-related research and practice. The 10-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) has been demonstrated to be a valid and reliable tool to achieve this goal. This study was designed to examine the psychometric properties of the 10-i...
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Questions have often been raised whether there is a universal stereotype of the liar across cultures, and whether people from different cultures use the same cues to detect deception. Inspired by The Global Deception Research Team s worldwide investigation of stereotypes of liars, the present study explores native Chinese beliefs of liars with demo...
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性格优点是通过个体的认知, 情感和行为而反映出来的一组积极人格特质, 它是积极心理学的核心研究领域. 研究表明性格优点存在跨文化的普遍性, 并且性格优点与优良表现, 主观幸福感以及创伤后成长呈显著的正相关. 同时, 研究表明遗传, 年龄, 性别以及个体的宗教信仰可能会影响个体性格优点的发展及其表现. 文章对性格优点未来的研究方向及其应用进行了探讨.
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This study examined the factor structure of the acute stress disorder scale (ASDS; Bryant et al., 2000), a self-report measure for acute stress disorder (ASD). The study was completed 6 to 10 days following an earthquake; it included 353 Chinese earthquake victims (173 women, 180 men; mean age = 29.36, SD = 11.45 years). The results of confirmatory...
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目的: 评估汶川大地震对幸存者所带来的心理影响, 以便为进行心理援助和治疗的临床工作者提供更有价值的诊断信息. 方法: 对安置在绵竹体育中心灾民安置点的956 名地震幸存者施测了创伤暴露水平问卷, 事件冲击量表(IES-R) 和D 型人格量表(DS-14). 结果: 在地震发生之后不久, 有82.6% 的被试表现出创伤后应激障碍; 在地震中创伤暴露水平高的被试更有可能表现出创伤后应激障碍; 女性被试, 中年被试, 已婚被试以及拥有D 型人格的被试更可能产生创伤后应激障碍; 回归分析的结果表明性别, 年龄, 婚姻状态, 创伤暴露水平以及D 型人格中的负性情绪是影响被试是否表现出创伤性应激障碍的关键因素. 结论: 有较高比例的地震幸存者表现出创伤后应激障碍, 高创伤暴露水平, 女性, 中年, 已...
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This study investigated the symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and associated risk factors among adult survivors 2 mo. after the Wenchuan earthquake in China. 228 survivors completed the Chinese version of the Impact of Event Scale-Revised. The prevalence of probable PTSD was 43%. The significant predictive factors for the severity of...
Weber & Hsee (1998) proposed the “cushion effect” as an explanation of the higher risk taking observed in some East Asian samples, relative to Western samples. Yates, Lee, & Shinotsuka (1992) proposed that the overconfidence observed in most Asian countries, relative to Western countries, reflects differences in the number of arguments typically re...
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The study investigated the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and associated risk factors among adult survivors 3 months after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China. One thousand five hundred sixty-three earthquake survivors in two communities participated in the study. The prevalence of probable PTSD was 37.8% and 13.0%, respectively,...
In this paper we advocate the application of the equate-to-differentiate rule to the prisoner’s dilemma. As an alternative to the family of expected utility theory, the equate-to-differentiate approach [S. Li, A behavioral choice model when computational ability matters, Applied Intelligence 20 (2004) 147–163; S. Li, Equate-to-differentiate approac...
Scores on the Zuckerman Sensation Seeking Scales (SSS) are consistently elevated in samples of psychopathic patients or prisoners suggesting that sensation seeking is an aspect of antisocial personality disorder. This was investigated in a sample of 171 Chinese university students (102 women and 69 men) who also completed the Dimensional Assessment...
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This article reports two worldwide studies of stereotypes about liars. These studies are carried out in 75 different countries and 43 different languages. In Study 1, participants respond to the open-ended question “How can you tell when people are lying?” In Study 2, participants complete a questionnaire about lying. These two studies reveal a dom...
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The authors coded Chinese (n = 401) and Dutch (n = 324) parents' free descriptions of their 3- to 14-year-old children's personalities using a 14-category coding system partially based on the Big Five. Of the Chinese and Dutch personality descriptors, 86% and 77%, respectively, could be classified in the first 5 main categories resembling the five-...
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In order to study the perception of Chinese parents of their children, audio-taped free descriptions of children's personality characteristics were obtained from 401 Chinese parents living in Beijing and Fuzhou. The free descriptions by parents showed that, as children's age increased, different categories of descriptors were typically used. Only f...


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