![[Fahmi] Fahmi](https://i1.rgstatic.net/ii/profile.image/942084060102656-1601621751656_Q128/fahmi-Fahmi.jpg)
[Fahmi] FahmiNational Research and Innovation Agency - Indonesia
[Fahmi] Fahmi
Doctor of Philosophy
Updating status of Indonesian elasmobranchs
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March 2000 - present
Publications (89)
Sharks are commonly caught in Indonesian waters both by target fisheries and as bycatch. Fishers targeting
sharks mostly employ drift longlines, whereas tuna longlines and gillnets are the gear mostly responsible for shark bycatch. Our studies on shark fisheries have been conducted since 2006 and have focused on the eastern Indian Ocean region, the...
The brown-banded bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum, is one of the most common sharks caught in coastal fisheries across Southeast Asia; however, its small size and low economic value typically exclude it from the attention of fisheries managers. As part of an assessment of a potential role for this shark in improving the sustainability of coast...
The brown-banded bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum is one of the most common shark species caught in coastal fisheries throughout the Indo-Malay region and the most abundant shark caught in trawl fisheries in Malaysia and Thailand. Differences in fisheries regulations related to trawling among jurisdictions, and an absence of either stock asses...
Delimiting cryptic species in elasmobranchs is a major challenge in modern taxonomy due the lack of available phenotypic features. Employing stand-alone genetics in splitting a cryptic species may prove problematic for further studies and for implementing conservation management. In this study, we examined mitochondrial DNA and genome-wi...
Parmaturus nigripalatum, a new species of catshark of the genus Parmaturus is described from a single specimen collected from a deep-water shark longliner operating in south Sumbawa waters, Indonesia. This new species is distinguished from its closest geographic congener P. lanatus by having prominent enlarged caudal crests, well-developed labial f...
Indonesia’s archipelago waters border Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Viet Nam, Thailand, Palau, and Papua New Guinea. The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) used to be measured as 200 nautical miles (nm) from the coastal point of each country,
however, the EEZ between other countries has not officially been decided or clearly established. This happen...
In 2013 and 2019, two separate encounters with a white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) were documented within Indonesian waters. Of particular importance was ca. 6.0 m male C. carcharias that was captured in Lombok, Indonesia in 2013, where an upper lateral tooth was retained. Using the D-loop sequences of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) associated wi...
The taxonomic nomenclature of species can change with the discovery of a distinct species. Such nomenclatural changes occurred for the giant freshwater whipray with the discovery of a similar species in the Indo-Australian region in 2008.
This paper reports a finding of the giant freshwater whipray in the Lesser Sunda region as the fi...
The development of innovative technologies plays a vital role in improving the preservation and accessibility of naturalistic museum collections. These approaches also contribute to developing significant comprehensive information archives, particularly concerning endangered animal taxa, including shark and ray populations. Within this particular c...
A new species of shortnose chimaera is described from a single specimen collected at 772-775 m depth in the Andaman Sea (07.54° N; 96.99° E) off Thailand. The species is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following characteristics: massive head with short snout; eyes relatively large, horizontally oval, eye length 32.2% head...
Globally, freshwater environments are imperilled, with freshwater vertebrate species declining at twice the rate of marine and terrestrial populations. Non‐marine elasmobranchs (freshwater obligates and euryhaline generalists) remain understudied and overlooked by conservation efforts.
This study aimed to adapt and apply a vulnerability assessment...
The relationship between humans and sharks has existed for a long time, especially in shark utilization. Tanjung Luar is the largest shark and ray fishery in West Nusa Tenggara. The community’s dependence on shark and ray resources is very high in this location. This study aims to look closely at the performance of shark target fishing and utilizat...
Sharks and rays are key functional components of coral reef ecosystems, yet many populations of a few species exhibit signs of depletion and local extinctions. The question is whether these declines forewarn of a global extinction crisis. We use IUCN Red List to quantify the status, trajectory, and threats to all coral reef sharks and rays worldwid...
Genus Echinorhinus is a very poorly known group of deep-water sharks with widespread but patchy distribution in all major oceans. Echinorhinid sharks consist of two valid species, Echinorhinus brucus is reported more commonly in the Indian Ocean region than its congeneric species, E. cookei. Regular data collections in major shark landing sites in...
Length‐weight and length‐length relationships (LWRs and LLRs) for eight species of sharks were estimated using fish specimens caught in commercial fishery during 2018–2021 and landed at three fishing ports (Tanjung Luar Fish Landing Port‐Lombok, Muncar Coastal Fishing Port‐Banyuwangi and Sungai Kakap Fish Landing Port‐Pontianak). The LWRs for Hemip...
High market demand for shark products makes sharks more threatened due to targeted exploitation, bycatch and intensive utilisation. As the top producer and exporter of shark fins, Indonesia must have accurate and detailed trade data as well as proper monitoring of shark utilisation for implementing better management. This study aimed to estimate th...
A single specimen (117.1 mm standard length) of Melapedalion breve (Seale, 1910) collected off Lepar Island, Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia, represents the first record of M. breve from Indonesian waters and the southernmost record of the species. Melapedalion breve has previously been recorded from the Sulu Sea (southwestern Philippines) and e...
Three species of ghost sharks (Chimaeriformes) were recorded for the first time from the Andaman Sea of Thailand during a deep-sea trawl survey conducted from October 1-15, 2018. Morphological characteristics primarily revealed species described as the sicklefin chimaera, Neoharriotta pinnata (Rhinochimaeridae), longspine chimaera, Chimaera aff. ma...
The brown‐banded bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum, is the most common shark caught in coastal commercial fisheries throughout Southeast Asia, yet there is a lack of the life‐history information necessary for reliable stock assessments. The authors estimated growth rates and age at maturity using analysis of growth bands in vertebral centra. Th...
Wedgefish (family Rhinidae) is a group of elasmobranchs that experience a global threat due to its highly valued fins. Similar condition happens to most species of wedgefish inhabiting Indonesian waters where fishing activities are intense without sufficient management controls and lack of supporting studies on
their sustainabilities. In order to g...
The zebra shark (Stegostoma tigrinum), or previously known as Stegostoma fasciatum, is an oviparous shark that usually inhabit in inshore and shallow coastal areas throughout the Indo West Pacific region, from South Africa to Solomon Islands. This species is found mostly on sandy substrates, around coral and rocky reefs, to at least 65 m depth. In...
Delimiting cryptic species in elasmobranchs is a major challenge in modern taxonomy due the lack of available phenotypic features. Employing stand-alone genetics in splitting a cryptic species may prove problematic for further studies and for implementing conservation management. In this study, we examined mitochondrial DNA and genome-wi...
Elasmobranchs play an important role in the functioning of marine ecosystems and top-down control in food webs. However, overexploitation threatens elasmobranch populations worldwide. Indonesia is currently the leading elasmobranch fishing nation, yet elasmobranch management in Indonesia is challenging because of the paucity of data on elasmobranch...
Muncar merupakan salah satu sentra produksi hiu di Pulau Jawa dengan daerah tangkapan di perairan Selat Bali dan sekitarnya. Pendataan secara rutin terhadap hasil tangkapan hiu dan pari dilakukan sejak Bulan Mei 2018 hingga April 2019 di Pasar Ikan Brak dan Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (PPP) Muncar, Banyuwangi untuk mengetahui komposisi spesies dan d...
It can be challenging to identify the forces that drive speciation in marine environments for organisms that are capable of widespread dispersal because their contemporary distributions often belie the historical processes that were responsible for their initial diversification. In this contribution we explore the likely sequence of events responsi...
Shark fins are a very valuable product for international trade. This study aims to obtain the equations describing the relationship between fin length and the total length of silky shark. Using the total length at sexual maturity (Lm), the equation is then used to estimate the fin length associated with this Lm, which can then be included in the re...
A new genus and species of catshark is described based on a single specimen collected off Ambon in the Maluku Islands of eastern Indonesia. Akheilos suwartanai belongs to the subfamily Schroederichthyinae which differs from the other catsharks in a combination of: similar sized dorsal fins, supraorbital crests present, pseudosiphon present on clasp...
This study provides information on the reproductive biology of the coral catshark caught in the waters around Seribu Islands, Indonesia. A total of 257 coral catsharks were collected from February 2017 to January 2018. The total length of coral catshark ranged from 170 to 585 mm for females and 255-575 mm for males. The total mass of females ranged...
The elevated extinction risk of elasmobranchs is proportional with the increase of fishing mortality due to overfishing. Indonesia is the biggest shark fishing country in the world, with Tanjung Luar as a fishing village specifically targeting sharks. More than 30 species of sharks and rays that have been landed in Tanjung Luar recently received in...
Indonesia merupakan negara dengan perikanan hiu terbesar di dunia dengan rata-rata produksi hampir 50.000 ton/tahun. Namun disisi lain, populasi kelompok ikan ini cenderung mengalami penurunan. Oleh karena itu, salah satu upaya untuk memelihara populasi hiu di alam adalah melalui pengaturan jumlah penangkapan atau kuota penangkapan agar pemanfaatan...
Sharks and rays are vulnerable species, which are highly exploited in Indonesian waters but lacked of detailed information on their ecology and fisheries status. This research aims to assess the level of vulnerability of sharks and rays to overfishing using the maximum intrinsic rate of population increase (rmax), derived from the Euler-Lotka equat...
strong>Growth Pattern and Condition Factor of Spinner Shark Carcharhinus brevipinna in Southern Nusa Tenggara Waters. The spinner sharks are one of shark commodities that are utilized optimally from the southern of Nusa Tenggara waters, however, the scientific information is still limited. This study aimed to assess the growth pattern and condition...
This paper reviews the biodiversity and habitat preferences of living sharks in the Southeast Asian region accumulated from published literatures including journals, books, proceedings, unpublished technical papers, and technical reports as well as authors’ knowledge and experiences working in this field. A total of 196 species of sharks from nine...
KNOWING SHARKS LISTED IN APPENDIX II CITES. Sharks have become one of major concerns in fisheries management and marine conservation worldwide. Many members of this group are threatened to extinction due to extensive exploitation since few decades ago. Several species of sharks are now listed in the CITES appendices, which controls the internationa...
The silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) is the most common shark landed in Indonesian waters, including in the Indian Ocean. However, even though they are frequently caught, there is a lack of information on the population and abundance of silky sharks in the Indian Ocean. Cilacap and Tanjung Luar are two of Indonesia's shark fishery hotspots, b...
The blurred smooth lanternshark, Etmopterus bigelowi Shirai and Tachikawa, 1993 was recorded
for the first time from Indonesian waters based on two specimens collected from a deepwater shark fishery
operated in the Flores Sea, eastern Indonesia. This is also the second confirmed record of Etmopterus species
from this country.
Fahmi, Sentosa AR. 2017. Biology and fisheries aspects of Western Longnose Spurdog, Squalus edmundsi from the Eastern Indian Ocean, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 18: 1714-1722. A research has been done to determine some biological aspects of Western Longnose Spurdog (Squalus edmundsi) from the Eastern Indian Ocean Fishing Region in Indonesia (WPP 573)....
A goblin shark, Mitsukurina owstoni,was captured by deepwater shark longline targeting squaloid sharks off Palabuhanratu, West Java, Indonesia at about 200 m depth. Morphological measurements were taken and compared to other records from Australia, New Zealand and Japan. This new recordfrom Indonesian waters extends the distribution of this species...
K Friedman S Gabriel O Abe- [...]
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CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) aims to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. However, measuring the effectiveness and impacts of these trade regulations for commercially exploited aquatic species remains challenging. This...
Indonesia has a very diverse shark and ray fauna and is the largest chondrichthyan fisheries in the world. Most of the sharis are caught by longlines and gillnets and rays are caught both as target, e.g. in the tangle net and demersal gillnet fisheries, and as bycatch in other fisheries such as in demersal and drift gittnet, trammel net a-nd long l...
Pari gitar ( (Rhinobatus sp.) merupakan salah satu jenis pari yang mempunyai nilai ekonomb tinggi. Jenis pari ini sering tertangkap dengan alat tangkap jaring dasar, karena mereka hidup di dasar perairan yang berpasir. Penentuan kematangan jenis kelamin jantan dapat diketahui berdasarkan pada kondisi klasper, yang dikelompokan menjadi 3 tingkatan y...
Cucut lanjaman (C. falciformis) merupakan salah satu jenis cucut dari famili Carcharhinidae yang umum tertangkap di perairan Samudera Hindia dengan alat tangkap rawai cucut, rawai tuna, dan jaring insang tuna. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan April 2001 sampai dengan Desember 2004 di beberapa tempat pendaratan ikan dan pasar ikan di Pelabuhanrat...
Penelitian mengenai keragaman jenis Elasmobranchi dilakukan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember 2002 di pelabuhan-pelabuhan perikanan PPI Cilacap, TPI Palabuhanratu, TPI Kedonganan-Bali, dan PPI Tanjung Luar-Lombok Timur. Cucut botol Squalus sp. merupakan jenis cucut laut dalam yang paling sering dijumpai selama penelitian berlangsung. Hasil...
Tinggi tingkat eksploitasi ikan hiu (Shark) dan pari (Elasmobranchii) di Indonesia telah memberikan predikat pada negara ini sebagai negara dengan total produksi ikan-ikan Elasmobranchii yang terbesar di dunia. Akan tetapi, upaya pengelolaan dan konservasi terhadap sumber daya tersebut di Indonesia belum terlaksana disebabkan minim informasi dan da...
The bamboo sharks, genus Hemiscyllium, comprises a group of nine species mainly restricted to New Guinea and northern Australia, including islands, reefs, and shoals separated from mainland areas by shallow seas. The Indonesian island of Halmahera is the only location lying outside the core region that is inhabited by these sharks. The nine species...
Indonesia memiliki keragaman jenis ikan hiu dan pari yang cukup tinggi. Tidak kurang dari
200 jenis hiu dan pari ditemukan di perairan Indonesia, mulai dari perairan tawar hingga laut
dalam. Beberapa jenis hiu dan pari memiliki bentuk yang unik dan corak yang eksotik sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai ikan hias akuarium maupun ikan display yang menja...
International concern is growing with regard to the sustainability of manta and devil ray (collectively mobulids) fisheries as demand for mobulid products has increased in international markets over the last decade. While Indonesia has been reported to be one of the worlds’ top three catchers of mobulid rays, detailed information on these fisheries...
ABSTRAK Aktivitas antropogenik yang tinggi di wilayah Teluk Jakarta diyakini memberikan sumbangan cemaran yang cukup tinggi seperti logam berat ke perairan. Logam berat yang terlarut di perairan seperti merkuri dapat terakumulasi dalam tubuh ikan predator yang menempati puncak rantai makanan seperti ikan Pari yang hidup di perairan tersebut. Merkur...
Sharks are commonly caught in Indonesian waters both by target fisheries and as bycatch. Fishers targeting
sharks mostly employ drift longlines, whereas tuna longlines and gillnets are the gear mostly responsible for shark bycatch. Our studies on shark fisheries have been conducted since 2006 and have focused on the eastern Indian Ocean region, the...
found throughout the vast archipelago. Indonesia also has the highest shark landings globally and nearly all
high-value shark species are overexploited and could be considered threatened. This situation is of international concern, especially among conservationists and elasmobranch scientists. Most of the shark catch in Indonesian waters is taken a...
A recent stranding of a basking shark Cetorhinus maximus in north-western Bali represents the first confirmed record of this large, filter-feeding shark species in Indonesian waters. Based on measurements of the fins and claspers, the adult male specimen was estimated to be between 5.6 and 8.1 m LT, with an average estimate of 6.7m LT. It is possib...
A new species of catshark of the genus Atelomycterus is described from eastern Indonesia based on two type specimens. Atelomycterus erdmanni is closely related to A. baliensis and A. marmoratus, being sympatric with the latter. It differs from these two species in coloration, external morphology, meristics and clasper morphology. Atelomycterus erdm...
International concern is growing with regard to the sustainability of manta and devil ray (collectively mobulids) fisheries as demand for mobulid products has increased in international markets over the last decade. While Indonesia has been reported to be one of the worlds’ top three catchers of mobulid rays, detailed information on these fisheries...
The biological aspects of members of the order Orectolobiformes exploited in Indonesian waters are given. Seven species belonging to five families were recorded in the catches at various landing sites in southern Indonesia. Of these, Chiloscyllium punctatum was the most abundant species landed, contributing >50% of the number of orectolobiforms rec...
A total of 27 837 individual sharks and rays (chondrichthyans), from 124 species and 29 families was observed during the study at twenty six fish landing sites of twenty provinces in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Bangka, Bali, and Lombok Islands. The study was conducted from June 2003 to November 2005. Those locations were grouped into two main region...
Rays are cartilaginous fishes that are commonly caught by fishermen in Java Sea especially in Jakarta Bay. One species of rays that has been oftenly caught is Himantura walga. Even though they are not categorized as target fishes, rays are susceptible to excessive fishing, due to their biological characteristics, so an effort is needed to conserve...
A six metre adult male of the white shark Carcharodon carcharias was caught by demersal longliners operating off Dompu, Indonesia. The specimen was landed and sold at Tanjung Luar landing site in eastern Lombok. Photographic evidence for this specimen is provided and an upper lateral tooth was retained. This is the first confirmed record of the spe...
South Kalimantan Waters is a strategic region that borders by Makassar Strait, Banda seas dan open seas. Research studies have been performed acoustic EK500 echosounder fisheries using 38 kHz frequency in November 2010. Provided that the abundance of fishery acoustic scattering is represented by the average value of SA was highest in the southern i...
Buku ini memuat informasi terkait sumberdaya ikan hiu di Indonesia yang mencakup aspek perikanan (lokasi tangkapan, alat tangkap, komposisi jenis dan ukuran tangkapan), aspek pemanfaatan, aspek pengelolaan dan upaya-upaya konservasi yang dilakukan untuk kelestarian sumberdaya hiu.
English version of the book "Tinjauan status perikanan hiu dan upaya konservasinya di Indonesia" (2013)
Selatan yang dilaksanakan pada minggu pertama sampai dengan minggu kedua bulan November 2010 adalah untuk menginventarisasi jenis ikan yang terdapat di Perairan Matasiri, Kalimantan Selatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan metode swept area dengan menggunakan pukat dasar (Bottom Trawl) dan berhasil mengumpulkan 4.073 ekor ikan. Dari hasil iden...
A study on the correlation between water, sediment qualities and the diversity of elasmobranchs in Jakarta Bay has been conducted by the Research Center for Oceanography from the beginning of 2012. This paper presents a part of the study focusing on elasmobranch diversity and its size composition. Elasmobranchs in the coastal area of Jakarta Bay we...
The coastal area of Kendari is known to have a potential marine resource due to the diversity of coastal ecosystems. Some of its areas are known as spawning and nursery ground for fishes. A study on coastal fishes of Kendari waters was conducted in July 2001 as a part of the joint research between LIPI and Dikti using The Baruna Jaya VII Research V...
Buku ”Biodiversitas di Kawasan Perairan Pulau Bawean” ini mengungkapkan
berbagai aspek biologi (mangrove, lamun, algae, karang, ikan, moluska, echinodermata) dan aspek geomorfologi pantai dan pesisir Pulau Bawean dengan segala permasalahannya.
Indonesia is considered to have a high diversity of sharks and rays due in part to its position in the equatorial line, between two continents and two oceans. According to recent studies and various publications, the number of chondrichthyan species known to date is 213 species of 41 families, comprised of 112 species of sharks, 98 species of batoi...
A new dasyatid stingray, Pastinachus stellurostris sp. nov., is described from a
few specimens collected from Indonesian Borneo, near Pontianak (West Kalimantan). It shares with
P. solocirostris, which occurs in the same bioregion, a similar disc shape and a spiny, angular snout. The
first specimen collected was initially confused with P. solociros...
The biology of elasmobranchs makes them very vulnerable to fishing pressure and there is increasing international concern
over their exploitation. In northern Australia the stocks of some species may be shared with those in southern Indonesia.
Indonesia has the highest landings of elasmobranchs worldwide (>100,000tp.a.) and millions of Indonesian a...
The blue spotted maskray, Neotrygon kuhlii is the most common rays occurred in lndonesian waters. This species is often caught as bycatch in trawl fisheries targeting demersal fishes and shrimps. The unselected and intensive catches of this species can influence to its sustainable in the future. A study on this species was conducted at several area...
Sharks of the genus Glyphis are one of the elasmobranch fi shes believed to inhabit tropical freshwater habitats. Presently, fi ve species of Glyphis are known: Glyphis gangeticus, G. glyphis, G. siamensis, G. garricki, and G. sp. B. The latter has not been formally described and is known as Borneo River Shark. A shark species of the genus Glyphis...
A total of 27 837 individual sharks and rays (chondrichthyans), from 124 species and 29 families was observed during the study at twenty six fish landing sites of twenty provinces in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Bangka, Bali, and Lombok Islands. The study was conducted from June 2003 to November 2005. Those locations were grouped into two main region...
A study on four common shark species in Indonesia, the spinner shark Carcharhinus brevipinna (Muller and Henle, 1839), silky shark Carcharhinus falciformis (Bibron, 1839), spot-tail shark Carcharhinus sorrah (Valenciennes, 1839) and scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna lewini (Griffith and Smith, 1834) was conducted at several shark landing sites in wester...
A study was undertaken at twelve fish landing sites in Java and Kalimantan Islands, west central Indonesia, from June 2005 to October 2006 to overcome the lack of knowledge on chondrichthyan species in Indonesia. Data were collected for seven consecutive days at each site from fish landings, including species diversity, fisheries, utilizations, and...
A total of 2,3 10 individuals of elasmobranch fishes consisting of 60 species from 13 families were recorded from survey trips in IMimantan waters. Six fish landing sites and markets in four provinces of Kalimantan were visited h m September 2005 toNovember 2006. Some new records, endemic andnew species weregathered during the surveys. Rays ofDasya...
Two new shovelnose rays, Rhinobatos jimbaranensis sp. nov. and R. penggali sp. nov., are described from material collected at fish markets in eastern Indonesia during surveys to describe the commercial shark and ray fauna of the region. The two new species are superficially similar to each other and reach the same maximum size (about 100 cm TL), bu...