Zuzana Polackova

Zuzana Polackova
Slovak Academy of Sciences | SAV · Institute for Forecasting


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Publications (28)
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Základnou úlohou tejto štúdie je pomôcť budúcim tvorcom vytvoriť metodiku vhodnú na komplexné, ale i čiastkové hodnotenie zamestnaneckého prostredia na Slovensku. Že ide o úlohu neľahkú svedčí tak rozsah tejto štúdie, ale aj obsah. V každom prípade sa autorský kolektív pokúsil priniesť prehľaď toho najlepšieho, čo v tejto oblasti vzniklo na medziná...
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Pripravenosť kapacít materských škôl v obciach s marginalizovanou rómskou komunitou na uplatnenie povinného predprimárneho vzdelávania
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Správa vychádza zo zistení realizovaného on-line prieskumu o stave sociálnych inovácií, série čiastočne štruktúrovaných rozhovorov a štúdia dostupnej literatúry. Ambíciou dokumentu je prispieť k ustáleniu vnímania sociálnych inovácií a k zmapovaniu hlavných výziev, ktorým realizácia sociálnych inovácií na Slovensku čelí.
Technical Report
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The report discusses the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the performance of registered social enterprises in Slovakia. The findings are based on a survey conducted after the first wave of the pandemic among registered social enterprises and on the results of the financial statements of individual social enterprises. Správa pojednáva o dopadoch...
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n the last two decades, the quest for a widely accepted definition of social enterprise has been a central issue in a great number of publications. The main objective of the ICSEM Project (on which this book is based) was to show that the social enterprise field would benefit much more from linking conceptualisation efforts to the huge diversity o...
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The Slovak Republic is currently experiencing a period of historically low registered unemployment. On the other hand, the long-term unemployment rate and participation of disadvantaged groups in the labour market has for a long time been showing alarming values. Several countries have responded to the challenges associated with employment of disad...
This chapter reviews the steps taken in Slovakia to adopt and implement Youth Guarantee (YG) and how they interact with existing policy tools and governance structures. There is a long history of a high unemployment rate amongst the Slovak youth, with the lowly skilled youth in particular suffering the most. Hence, youth employability as a priority...
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This report is part of the study "Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe" and it provides an overview of the social enterprise landscape in Slovakia based on available information as of November 2019. It describes the roots and drivers of social enterprises in the country as well as their conceptual, fiscal and legal framework. It includ...
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Terénna sociálna práca (TSP) je v súčasnosti nadrezortný program zameraný na marginalizované rómske komunity (MRK) a ľudí bez domova. Ide o nevyhnutný základný program na aktivizáciu potenciálu ľudí, podporujúci pozitívne zmeny v oblasti bývania, vzdelávania, zamestnania a sociálnej inklúzie. Rozsah a štruktúra záverečnej správy z Kontextovej evalu...
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Terénna sociálna práca (TSP) je v súčasnosti nadrezortný program zameraný na marginalizované rómske komunity (MRK) a ľudí bez domova. Ide o nevyhnutný základný program na aktivizáciu potenciálu ľudí, podporujúci pozitívne zmeny v oblasti bývania, vzdelávania, zamestnania a sociálnej inklúzie. Rozsah a štruktúra záverečnej správy z Kontextovej evalu...
Technical Report
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Originally commissioned for a delegation which had to be postponed due to the Coronavirus measures, this analysis prepared by the Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) is being published to mark International Roma Day on 8 April 2020. The paper first presents key indicators on employment and poverty and reviews existing social and emplo...
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This paper analyses the performance of active labour market policies (ALMP) in Slovakia. We found limited evidence of the economic efficiency of the ALMP in Slovakia. We quantify the relative importance of the ALMP compared to other factors for the employability of job seekers. ALMP performance relates to a host of external factors, such as busines...
Technical Report
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The urban report discusses the situation of young people in Bratislava in relation to the issues of housing, employment, education and access to social services from the perspective of public policies implemented at the national and local levels.
Technical Report
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The urban report discusses the situation of young people in Bratislava in relation to the issues of housing, employment, education and access to social services from the perspective of public policies implemented at the national and local levels.
Conference Paper
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The topic of social entrepreneurship is not new in Slovakia. Discussions about social entrepreneurship started to be more intensive at the end of the 1990s. However, the adoption of the comprehensive legal framework (Act 112/2018 on the Social Economy and Social Enterprises) came into effect only on 1 May 2018. The paper summarizes the short histor...
Technical Report
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Cieľom štúdie je na základe analýzy globálnych megatrendov a lokálnych trendov sformulovať základné východiská pre prípravu národných priorít implementácie Agendy 2030 pre udržateľný rozvoj. Štúdia je prvotným expertným vstupom do širokej verejnej diskusie o dlhodobých národných prioritách do roku 2030, ktorá je naplánovaná na začiatok roku 2018. M...
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This report provides an overview of the social enterprise landscape in Slovakia based on available information as of July 2016. The report updates a previous version, submitted by ICF Consulting Services to the European Commission in 2014
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Diskusia o vhodnosti integrovaných územných programov zameraných na marginalizované rómske komunity


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