Zuhal Unalp CepelDokuz Eylül University | DEÜ · Department of International Relations
Zuhal Unalp Cepel
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Zühal Ünalp Çepel currently works at the Department of International Relations, Dokuz Eylul University. Zühal does research in the fields of civil society, democratization, refugees and Turkey-EU relations.
Publications (20)
Türkiye has been hosting approximately 6 million migrants according to the World Migration Report published by the International Organization for Migration in 2022. To manage the migration flows, the EU has provided financial assistance to Turkish civil society organizations working on the integration of migrants. One of those organizations has bee...
The European Union (EU) has set a goal to be a global power in 2003 with the announcement of European Security Strategy. Nevertheless, this goal was stressed more decisively and obviously within the 2016 EU Global Strategy. The comparison between these strategies illustrates the change in rhetoric and foreign policy of the EU. With the 2016 Strateg...
İnsan onuru kavramı Antik Yunan'dan başlayarak gelişimini devam ettirmiş ve zamanla evrensel bir değer haline gelmiştir. Dini öğretiler ve felsefi yaklaşımların referans noktası olan bu kavram dünya savaşlarının ardından uluslararası hukuk metinlerinde vurgu yapılan temel değerlerden biri haline gelmiş olup, zaman içerisinde Avrupa düzeyinde gelişt...
Assessments over the results of April 2022 Presidential Election in France will guide the scholars of foreign policy analysis on the future of internal and external policies of France and the European Union (EU). Within this framework, the aim of the paper is to identify the foreign policy approaches of the presidential candidates and the political...
İnsan onuru kavramı Antik Yunan’dan başlayarak evrensel bir değer olarak gelişimini devam ettirmiştir. Dini öğretiler ve felsefi yaklaşımların temel referans noktası olan bu kavram özellikle dünya savaşlarının ardından uluslararası hukuk metinlerinde vurgu yapılan temel değerlerden biri haline gelmiştir. İlk olarak 1945 tarihinde Birleşmiş Milletle...
This article aims to analyze the current challenges and integration prospects of Syrian
university students in İzmir. Methodologically it is based on a case study through the questionnaire
results of 22 Syrian students of 2017-2018 academic year in İzmir and 3 interviews conducted in
2018 and 2019 with experts from public institutions. The artic...
This paper aims to analyze the historical background and the recent
developments concerning the Readmission Agreement and free visa negotiations
between Turkey and the European Union through the official documents of Ministry
for Foreign Affairs and the European Union. As a third view, the policies of Turkey
and the EU will be critically assessed f...
Syrian crisis has influenced Turkey’s higher education policies along with other impacts on social and economic structures. Since the beginning of the crisis, Turkey has followed an open door policy. Amongst the newcomers, there have been students enrolled in higher education institutions and graduates of high schools in Syria. According to the dat...
Sivil toplum demokratikleşmenin önemli bileşenlerinden bir tanesi olarak devlet politikalarını kimi zaman desteklemekte, kimi zaman eleştirmekte, ancak her dönem etkilemektedir. Bunlar sivil toplumun başat özellikleri olduğu için sivil toplum-devlet ilişkileri durağan bir özellik taşımamaktadır. Sivil toplum devletten bağımsız ancak devlet kontrolü...
The populism in Europe in 2000s is triggered by various national histories, practices and
cultural factors, most of which include anti-EU sentiments. Although international community discusses the far-right tendencies in the European societies while referring to populism, this phenomena principally encompasses leftist parties, too. This is also an...
Demokrasinin güçlenmesi sürecine katkı sağlayan önemli aktörlerden biri de
sivil toplumdur. Dünyadaki örnekler demokrasinin güçlenmesi sürecinin iç
dinamikler ile sürdürülürken dış dinamiklerin etkisi ile de pekiştirilebildiğini
göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada üye ve aday ülkelerdeki sivil toplum ile demokrasinin
güçlenmesi süreçlerine bir dış a...
The Europeanization process has a considerable impact on the fundamental rights within the candidate and member countries. Within this framework, reforms on union rights in the domestic realm have been one of the significant determinants of Europeanization. Turkey’s harmonization process with the European Union (EU) acquis started in 1999 with H...
Theoretical researches have argued that state–civil society relations differ from one country to another because of different
economic, political, and socio-cultural factors. This article aims to show civil society’s role in the Finnish welfare state
and how the state and the civil society affect each other in Joensuu, a 72,167 populated Finnish c...
Identity formation efforts of the EU draw attentionin Turkey’s membershipprocess. This paper is based on a hypothesis that identity, culture, norms andvalues which construct the social structure affectEuropean and Turkish identityinteraction. In the paper, right and left views within the Turkish parliament andEuropean parliament will be analyzed in...