Zsolt Péter Szabó

Zsolt Péter Szabó
Corvinus University of Budapest · Institute of Management



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August 2020 - January 2024
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (71)
Feedback from superiors in cases of mishaps is provided more or less frequently and can be related to the person who makes the mistake or to the behavior causing it. Prior research uncovered the benefits of behavioral praise vs. person praise; however, surprisingly, little is known about the extent of person-focused negative feedback in organizatio...
Competition is traditionally viewed negatively within social sciences and is often considered antithetical to cooperation. This perspective may explain the limited focus on strategies that promote adaptive competitive behaviors, which is crucial in educational contexts. Our research introduces a novel theoretical approach and an intervention aimed...
In Eastern Europe, collective victim beliefs have become integral elements of national ideologies, especially amid rising geopolitical polarization. In this study, we investigated how exclusive victimhood was related to geopolitical attitudes in Hungary and Serbia. The study involved Serbian ( N = 630) and Hungarian ( N = 471) adult national sample...
In Eastern Europe, collective victim beliefs have become integral elements of national ideologies, especially amid rising geopolitical polarisation. In this study, we investigated how exclusive victimhood was related to geopolitical attitudes in Hungary and Serbia. The study involved Serbian (N = 630) and Hungarian (N = 471) adult national samples...
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Háttér és célkitűzések: A vezetők által adott visszajelzések fontos témái a vezetés- és szervezetpszichológiának, mégis viszonylag kevés empirikus jellegű tanulmány jelent meg a témában. Jelen cikk célja, hogy az irodalmi bevezetőben kifejtse a kurrens elméleteket, illetve körüljárja az esszencialista (személyiségre), ill. viselkedésre vonatkozó vi...
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One of the most significant challenges in adolescence is the pursuit of social acceptance, which can manifest in various forms, including likeability and popularity. Achieving social acceptance is associated with positive outcomes, while its absence is linked to adverse consequences. Existing research into the personality determinants impacting the...
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Background:Insights from mental health stigma research indicate the importance of societal and political views on mental health perceptions. Most studies originate from typical Western neo-liberal settings and focus on generic mental health issues. Our research explores these associations in Hungary, an understudied post-communist context with sign...
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A growing body of work aims to explore the reasons behind startup failures. However, there is a need for integrative approaches organized around conceptual frameworks to avoid fragmented and perplexing knowledge about these reasons. To our knowledge, no previous research has systematically investigated the role of competency deficits in startup fai...
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In this study, we investigated the personality type preferences of female and male Hungarian non-managerial individual contributors, middle managers, and executives. We aimed to investigate the preferences among successful females and males (i.e., executives) compared to non-executives. The preference distinctions between successful females and mal...
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The present study investigated the effects of historical exclusive collective victim beliefs (i.e., the perceived uniqueness and severity of the ingroup’s past suffering) on attitudes toward the European Union. Three cross-sectional online surveys (total N = 729) tested the hypothesis that historical exclusive victim beliefs are related to negative...
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The present study examines the effectiveness of moral-exemplar interventions in the context of recurring oppression and historical trauma. Moral exem-plars are individuals who have risked important aspects of their lives to save the lives of members of other social groups. In two experimental studies (total N = 405), we tested the hypothesis that p...
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Our research investigated whether the dark triad personality traits relate to work attitude including work-related motivation, organizational identification, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. We hypothesized that subclinical narcissism is associated positively, while subclinical psychopathy is associated negatively with work attitude...
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Háttér és célkitűzések Az Összehasonlító Kollektív Áldozati Vélekedés Kérdőív (ÖKÁVK) a csoport viktimizációjával kapcsolatos szubjektív konstrukciók, az összehasonlító kollektív áldozati vélekedések mérésére kidolgozott eszköz. A jelen tanulmányban a kérdőív magyar nyelvű változatainak a pszichometriai sajátosságait vizsgáljuk. Módszer A kérdőív...
In societies with collective memories of their group’s historical victimization, the modes of conflict resolution conventionally proposed in social psychology may be ineffective. The present study aimed to examine the effectiveness of moral-exemplar interventions. Moral exemplars are individuals who have risked some important aspects of their life...
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Háttér és célkitűzések Tanulmányunkban a magyar nemzeti csoporthoz kapcsolódó kollektív áldozati vélekedéseket kívántuk vizsgálni egy kérdőívben szereplő nyitott kérdés segítségével. Tanulmányunk három fő kérdése: (1) Milyen kollektív áldozati vélekedések jelennek meg a csoporttagok körében? (2) Milyen kapcsolat van az egyes vélekedések között? (3)...
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Self-handicapping is not only present among amateurs, but also even among the most elite athletes. The vast majority of the research investigates self-handicapping in academic context among students with mediocre performance. However, scientific examinations of predictors among top performers in the field of sports is terra incognita. Among the pre...
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The present study examined the interplay between chronic intelligence beliefs, manipulated intelligence beliefs and self-handicapping processes. Prior studies showed that holding more of a fixed intelligence theory makes one vulnerable to resorting to self-protective mechanisms such as self-handicapping, while growth intelligence mindset can serve...
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The present study aimed to assess the nomological validity of the Assessment Centre (AC). More specifically, the authors investigated the relationship between theoretically related personality variables and AC ratings in a personnel selection procedure. Previous studies have reported contradictory findings regarding the nomological validity of the...
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Previous research has mainly focused on the negative correlates of dark triad (DT) personality traits. However, recent findings indicate that DT have positive, adaptive aspects. Specifically, empirical studies revealed a positive relationship between subclinical narcissism and mental toughness. Increased mental toughness is connected to various pos...
Conference Paper
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Turnover is very well covered topic, companies and researchers are also motivated to discover all his aspects because it is very costly. In addition to replacement fees, there are hidden costs such as productivity loss, workplace safety issues, and moral damage (O'Connel and Kung, 2007; Hancock et al., 2011; Shown, Johnson and Lockhardt, 2005). Thi...
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The present study examined the interplay between chronic intelligence beliefs, manipulated intelligence beliefs and self-handicapping processes. Prior studies showed that holding fixed intelligence theory makes one vulnerable to resorting to self-protective mechanisms such as self-handicapping, while growth intelligence mindset can serve as a prote...
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The present study examined the incremental validity of dark personality traits (DT) in predicting workplace outcomes beyond the predictive power of HEXACO model of personality. A sample of 350 Hungarian working adults completed self-report measures of the DT, HEXACO model of personality, and workplace outcomes such as organizational citizenship beh...
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People with high dark triad tendencies are often found in leadership positions. Yet research is lacking on whether dark triad personality traits positively correlate with the height of leadership levels (no leadership position, low-level leaders, high-level leaders, head and founder of the company). To explore this relationship between the dark tri...
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The present studies were aimed at developing the Hungarian version of the Short Dark Triad questionnaire (SD3-HU). The internal structure of the translated questionnaire was examined with confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling. Then the construct and concurrent validity of the Hungarian version was tested. The obt...
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In the current paper, we report the analysis of the relationship between meritocracy belief and subjective well-being using two large international databases, the European Social Survey Program (N = 44,387) and the European Values Study Program (N = 51,752), involving data gathered from 36 countries in total. We investigated whether low status indi...
Social psychological research on collective victimhood has focused on just a few ways in which people think about the ingroup's victimization that imply certain assumptions and limit our understanding of collective victim beliefs. Additionally, different historical and socio-political contexts may make different collective victim beliefs relevant....
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The authoritarian personality is characterized by unquestionining obedience and respect to authority. System justification theory (SJT) argues that people are motivated to defend, bolster, and justify aspects of existing social, economic, and political systems. Commitment to the status quo is also a key characteristic of the authoritarian personali...
Collective memories of historical ingroup victimization can be linked to prosocial or hostile intergroup outcomes. We hypothesize that such discrepant responses are predicted by different construals of the ingroup’s victimization in relation to other groups (i.e., comparative victim beliefs). Using improved measures of inclusive and exclusive victi...
The present study employed European Social Survey (ESS) data collected between 2002 and 2018 to investigate system justification versus derogation in Hungary. In all nine ESS rounds, system derogation was stronger than system justification. System justification was consistently at its strongest among those who had voted for the ruling party, be it...
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In our study, we investigated the relationship between collective narcissism and group-based moral exclusion. Since collective narcissists are motivated to see their group as unique and superior, and tend to show hostility towards outgroups threatening this presumed superiority, we hypothesized that perceived intergroup threat and social distance c...
In our study, we investigated the relationship between collective narcissism and group-based moral exclusion. Since collective narcissists are motivated to see their group as unique and superior, and tend to show hostility towards outgroups threatening this presumed superiority, we hypothesized that perceived intergroup threat and social distance c...
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This chapter provides a comprehensive review of the existing social psychological literature on collective victim beliefs. This mostly includes comparative victim beliefs—above all, competitive victimhood and, to a lesser extent, inclusive victim consciousness. Other collective victim beliefs that have been studied include siege mentality, PIVO and...
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Háttér és célkitűzések: Tanulmányunkban egy Magyarországon végzett Értékelőközpont (Assessment Centre-AC) programmal kapcsolatos vizsgálat alapján mutatjuk be az AC konstruktum érvényességét, és az AC-n elért eredmények kapcsolatát személyiségtesztek eredményeivel. Tanulmányunk fő célkitűzése annak vizsgálata, hogy mit is mér valójában az AC: stabi...
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Direct and indirect costs of work-related stress can be measured in both humanistic and financial terms. In Hungary and the other Central and Eastern European countries chronic stress-related diseases, like depression, premature cardiovascular illnesses, and overall mortality rates are higher in comparison to western countries, primarily among men....
Conference Paper
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Direct and indirect costs of work-related stress can be measured in both humanistic and financial terms. In Hungary and the other Central and Eastern European countries chronic stress-related diseases, like depression, premature cardiovascular illnesses, and overall mortality rates are higher in comparison to western countries, primarily among men....
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Háttér és célkitűzések: A jungi alapú személyiségmodell számos alkalmazott pszichológiai területen népszerű koncepció. Bár erőteljes az igény a jungi típusok mérhetővé tételére, magyarra adaptált, honosított, megfelelően bemért mérőeszköz tekintetében hiány mutatkozott mind a kutatás, mind a gyakorlati felhasználás területén. Vizsgálatunk célja a G...
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Research on linguistic biases shows that stereotypic expectancies are implicitly reflected in language and thereby subtly communicated to message recipients. Research on the Negation Bias shows that the use of negations (e.g., not stupid vs. smart) is more pronounced in descriptions of stereotype-inconsistent compared with stereotype-consistent beh...
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Tanulmányunkban az elvándorlási szándék szervezetpszichológiai irodalmának feldolgozását kísérlejük meg. A nemzetközi irodalom áttekintése mentén sorra vesszük azokat a főbb elméleti konstruktumokat, amelyekkel az elvándorlási szándékot kapcsolatba hozták. A jelenség magyar nyelvű tárgyalása meglehetősen érintetlen területnek számít, ezért a tanulm...
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Academic self-handicapping is a very popular subject of research in educational psychology, in which a growing number of related findings are reported. However, apart from a recent meta-analysis (Schwinger et al. in J Educ Psychol 106(3):744–761, 2014), the last comprehensive review of the subject was published 17 years ago (Urdan and Midgley in Ed...
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Anti‐immigrant attitudes are not only widespread among Eurosceptic nationalists, but also among people who feel that immigration threatens European values and identity. We therefore assumed that the connection between nationalism and xenophobia can only partially explain the rise of hostile attitudes in the post‐2015 period. In two online surveys (...
Anti-immigrant attitudes are not only widespread among Eurosceptic nationalists, but also among people who feel that immigration threatens European values and identity. We therefore assumed that the connection between nationalism and xenophobia can only partially explain the rise of hostile attitudes in the post-2015 period. In two online surveys (...
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Combining organizational culture and complex systems theory for a systematic understanding of employee behavior.
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The term self-handicapping (SH) refers to the phenomenon when, under certain conditions, individuals characterized by certain personality factors hinder their success by self-imposed obstacles in important performance situations. The study starts with an accurate definition of SH that is then placed in the context of psychological theories and rela...
The present study examined dark triad personality traits as predictors of in-role and extra-role work-related behaviors above and beyond the effects of relevant dispositional and situational variables. 256 Hungarian working adults (Mage = 37.121 years, SDage = 11.99 years) took part in the present study. The results showed that only subclinical psy...
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sszefoglaló Háttér és célkitűzések: Tanulmányunkban a szervezetipolgár-viselkedés jelenségét járjuk körül. A szervezetipolgár-viselkedés kifejezés alatt olyan viselkedéseket értünk, amelyek elvégzése nem kötelező, elmaradása nem büntethető, ugyanakkor a szervezet hatékonyságát növelik. Tanulmányunk fő célkitűzése, hogy összegyűjtésük azok a tényező...
The relationship between Machiavellianism and emotion management features is highly debated. In our study we try to clarify the controversial findings by highlighting the role of gender differences. Three studies with different (undergraduate and employed) participants were conducted to investigate gender differences in Machiavellianism-related per...
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Tanulmányunkban a kollektív áldozati tudat nevű jelenség magyar nyelvű összefoglalóját kívánjuk nyújtani. Kollektív áldozati tudatról akkor beszélünk, ha egy csoport tagjai között nagyjából egybehangzóan osztott az a vélekedés, hogy a saját csoport egyszeri vagy akár sorozatos támadásoknak volt kitéve más csoportok által. Ezeket a támadásokat, amel...
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We investigated the “rigidity of the right” hypothesis in the context of the far‐right breakthrough in the 2010 Hungarian parliamentary elections. This hypothesis suggests that psychological characteristics having to do with need for security and certainty attract people to a broad‐based right‐wing ideology. A nationally representative sample (N =...
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Three studies examined how members of a national group react to in-group wrongdoings. We expected that perceived in-group moral superiority would lead to unwillingness to repair the aggression. We also expected that internal-focused emotions such as group-based guilt and group-based shame would predict specific, misdeed-related reparative intention...
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In our review academic self-handicapping has been discussed. We highlight the most relevant theories with regard to academics and self-handicapping, such as the self-worth theory (Covington és Omelich, 1991) and the Motivation and Engagement Wheel (Martin, 2003). We also touch upon the self-protective role of the belief ’being negatively stereotype...
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Self-handicapping is a phenomenon, where, under certain conditions, people with given personality variables hinder and handicap their effi ciency before improtant performance-requiring situations. Early in the study we precisely define self-handicapping and place it amid the psychological theories and the related social psychological ideas. We disc...
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Jelen tanulmány a kollektív bűntudat többdimenziós mérésére alkalmas Kollektív Bűntudat Skála (Collective Guilt Scale) magyar nyelvű adaptációját mutatja be. A Branscombe, Slugoski és Kappen (2004) által publikált eredeti, három alskálát tartalmazó skálát egy további alskálával kiegészítve egy négy alskálából álló, összesen húsz állítást tartalmazó...
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19. Az érzelmek funkciói a csoporton belüli viszonyok szabályozásában Szabó Zsolt 19.1. Homok a gépezetben: az érzelmek hányattatott sorsa Jóllehet, a pszichológiában az érzelmek tanulmányozásának igénye hamar felme-rült (James, 1890/1981), mégis a 20. század túlnyomó többségében az érzelmek hol nem jelentek meg a pszichológiai kutatásokban, 21 hol...
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Based on our comparison of political orientation and research interests of social psychologists in capitalist Western countries versus post-Communist Eastern European countries, we suggest that Duarte and colleagues' claim of liberal bias in the field seems American-centric. We propose an alternative account of political biases which focuses on the...
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The present study aims to understand how Machiavellians switch from one kind of response to another in different circumstances to maximize their profit. We set up a specific experimental paradigm that involved both a cooperative and competitive version of a public goods game. We found that Machiavellianism accounts for the total amount of money pai...
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The problem of "liberal bias" among personality and social psychologists has been widely discussed in recent years (Haidt, 2011; Duarte et al., in press; Inbar, Lammers, 2012). Most of these discussions extrapolated findings observed in American and Western European social psychology to the whole discipline. This article presents a first insight in...
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This research was aimed at examining just-world beliefs, system justification, authoritarianism, and cognitive style in a nationally representative sample (N = 1000) in Hungary, and at relating these phenomena to various demographic and political variables to find out whether the findings in Hungary would differ from its Western counterparts. Accor...
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Identification with one's national in-group is difficult to measure. Unitary scales of in-group identification have led to contradictory results. It seems that unitary scales are inadequate both conceptually and empirically (for a review, see ASHMORE, DEAUX, & MCLAUGHLIN-VOLPE, 2004). In our studies, first, we have developed a Hungarian national id...
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Jones and Berglas (1978) define self-handicapping as any action or choice of performance setting that enhances the opportunity to externalize (or excuse) failure and to internalize (reasonably accept credit for) success (p. 406). The present study examined the role of potential precursors in the self-handicapping process. A total of 626 undergradua...
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This paper examines linguistic integroup bias, infrahu-manization, and agency in the context of Central and Eastern European inter-ethnic historical conflicts. We tested the hypothesis that people show more implicit language bias (e.g.: linguistic intergroup bias, infrahuman-ization, and agency) in relation to inter-ethnic, historical conflicts whi...
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Osszefoglalonkban a csoportalapu erzelmek szocialpszichologiai kutatasat kivanjuk bemutatni. Csoportalapu erzelmeknek azokat az erzelmeket nevezzuk, amelyek a csoporttagkent valo kategorizalast kovetően a csoport perspektivajanak atvetelevel keletkeznek az egyenben. A csoportalapu erzelmek ket nagyobb elmeleti paradigmajara terunk ki: a csoportkozi...
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Absztrakt Tanulmányunk elején röviden bemutatjuk a nyelv strukturális jellemzőit, elválasztva ezeket a nyelvben hordozott propozicionális tudásoktól. A nyelvnek számos, implicit tartalmak közvetítésére alkalmas tulajdonsága van, ezek közül összefoglalónkban kettőt mutatunk be részletesebben: az interperszonális igékben rejlő implicit kauzalitás elm...


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