Zsolt Kozma

Zsolt Kozma
Budapest University of Technology and Economics · Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering



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Zsolt Kozma currently works at the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Zsolt does research in Environmental Engineering, Water Science and Soil Science. Their current project is 'Groundwater dependent ecosystems'.


Publications (35)
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Novel soil datasets and the application of pedotransfer functions provide soil hydraulic input data for modelling hydrological processes at different scales. We aimed to evaluate the reliability of soil hydraulic parameters derived by indirect methods in simulation of soil moisture time series and water budgets at profile level of three sites (Fore...
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The alluvial character of the Great Hungarian Plain has long determined its land use. Human-environmental interactions and landscale patterns were characterised by adaptation to frequent floods and high water availability. Different socio-economical factors in the 18-19th centuries initiated major drainage works and river regulations. These works a...
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Climate change and water scarcity increase the vulnerability of crop production and other ecosystem services (ES) in flood-protected lowlands under a continental climate. Restoration of wetlands leads to a higher water-buffering capacity of the landscape, strengthening various ecosystem services, and fostering adaptation to climatic, ecological, an...
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The pursuit of good management of our waters poses permanent challenges to the whole society. Decision-makers often need to define appropriate and sustainable strategies on interdisciplinary topics, like water management issues. The rapidly evolving quantification and mapping of hydrologic ecosystem services (HES) is putting hydrologic and water ma...
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The warming of the climate and shrinking freshwater resources pose serious challenges to European agriculture. Meeting these challenges demands a thorough knowledge of the major trends in soil moisture patterns across the continent over time. Charting the available soil water (ASW) content (m 3 m-3) derived from the ERA5 Land dataset in grid cells...
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The groundwater uptake of forest stands often generates disputes, especially in today's drying climate. Forestry in Hungary does not take into account groundwater as a surplus water resource under 2 meters, while other sources show forest groundwater uptake in case of much deeper water table. White method is the most appropriate way to quantify wat...
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Charting the long-term trends in European wheat and maize yields and harvested areas and the relation of yields to climatic and economic drivers, two profound spatial processes become apparent. One consequence of the relatively late modernization of Eastern Europe has been to shift the focus of grain production from West to East. The warming trend...
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Riverine floods cause increasingly severe damages to human settlements and infrastructure. Ecosystems have a natural capacity to decrease both severity and frequency of floods. Natural flood regulation processes along freshwaters can be attributed to two different mechanisms: flood prevention that takes place in the whole catchment and flood mitiga...
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During the 20th century in the Hungarian lowlands the emphasis was put on maximizing provisioning ecosystem services (ES), which caused the weakening of regulating and other services. With the growing environmental pressures, it is crucial to apply a more adaptive landscape management. This, however, leads to territorial conflicts, as large areas w...
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Maintaining and, where possible, improving the ecological status of our water resources are of particular importance for the future. So, one of the main drivers of landscape design must be to protect our waters. In this study, we carried out an evaluation of four hydrologic ecosystem services (HES) in the Zala River catchment area, the largest trib...
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Historical trends in water management and recent climatic variations put wetlands in the Carpathian basin under strong pressure and led to their degradation. The lack of extended site specific environmental data series inhibits the understanding of long-term eco-hydrological processes. This undermines the success of restoration and/or management ef...
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Groundwater (GW) in many regions is essential for agricultural productivity, especially during drought periods. The shrinking of GW is an important but rarely documented component of the recent global environmental crisis and may threaten food security. The problem cannot be put in proper perspective, because we rarely have datasets long and detail...
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The process-based hydrological modeling has a growing data need, and it’s especially hard to access high-resolution soil hydraulic parameters. We’ve tested the reliability of a currently implemented 3D soil-hydraulic database at the soil profile level. Calculations with Hydrus-1D were carried out at three monitored spots of Lake Balaton’s watershed...
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A síkvidéki vízgyűjtőkön végbemenő hidrológiai folyamatok, így a belvíz számszerűsítése a mérési, térinformatikai és szimulációs eszköztár fejlődése ellenére a mai napig kihívást jelent. A dolgozatban szakirodalmi áttekintést nyújtok a jelenség soktényezős hidro-lógiai leírásáról, az adatellátottság helyzetéről és az elérhető matematikai modellekrő...
Conference Paper
Quantifying and mapping ecosystem services (ESs) is one of the most developing opportunities for presenting the relationship between natural capital and society. This method helps decision-makers and stakeholders in the complex evaluation of straightforward (provisioning) and more difficult to interpret (supporting, regulating and cultural) type of...
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The input data requirement of eco-hydrological models poses a growing challenge. Among the various input data the bottleneck seems to be the high-resolution quantification of soil hydraulic parameters. Recognising the situation, novel soil- and soil-hydrologic databases (e.g. MARTHA, DOSoReMI, Lucas, EU-SoilHydroGrids) were recently developed with...
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In many years excess water inundations generate a major obstacle to farming in the lowland part of Hungary, including the Marosszög area. Diverting water to large distances requires an infrastructure that is costly to develop and maintain. Alternatively, low-lying local land segments could be withdrawn from cultivation and utilized to collect the s...
Conference Paper
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A vízkedvelő ökoszisztémák állapota és várható állapotváltozása alapvetően függ attól, hogy vízigényük milyen mértékben elégül ki. A felszín alatti vizek állapotával szemben támasztott igényeket többféleképpen definiálhatjuk. Lokális elemzéseknél az optimális talajvízszint tartományának és a talajvízjárás jellemzőinek megadása kézenfekvő. Indikátor...
Conference Paper
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Absztrakt Kutatásunkban a kállósemjéni Nyárjas láp vízháztartását vizsgáltuk. Az egykor mintegy 80 ha-os terület egészen a XIX. század végéig a térség egyik jelentős vizes élőhelye volt: a gazdag lápi élővilág mellett az irodalom ingóláp jelenlétéről is beszámol. Ezzel szemben mára a megváltozott hidrológiai viszonyok miatt az élőhely degradálódott...
Conference Paper
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Physical and hydraulic soil properties are essential input parameters for models from different sciences (e.g. hydrology, agriculture, water management, nature preservation). Generally texture composition, porosity and other easily measurable physical properties of soils are known. However, saturated hydraulic conductivity and characteristic values...
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An essential input for environmental studies, especially for hydrological simulations is the soil information, which is usually provided by spatial soil databases. Despite the growing number of related analyses little is known about the uncertainty associated to databases. This study aimed to evaluate this issue. (i) the World Soil Classification S...
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Application of WateRisk Integrated Hydrologic Model (WR IHM) on two pilot areas (PA) is introduced. Inland excess water (quite similar hydrological conditions to wetlands) and drought have been primarily focused on. The developed WR IHM proved to be able to describe complex hydrologic-hydrodynamic processes simultaneously by coupled surface-subsurf...
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There are major unsolved water resources problems (water scarcity, excess water, floods, water budget imbalance) in Hungary, which are likely to worsen in the future due to the unfavourable trend of driving forces. The aim of the WateRisk project was to support scientific understanding and management of the mentioned issues. To do so, a novel scena...
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WateRisk is a state of the art scientific water management decision support system for the use of forecasting regional hydrological processes. The system incorporates dynamic models of open channel flow (based on SWMM), surface water flow (runoff, storage) and subsurface models dealing with phenomena, namely infiltration, recharge, baseflow and gro...
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Sajátos hidrológiai helyzetéből adódóan Magyarország egyszerre néz szembe a víztöbblet és vízhiány okozta kockázatokkal, amelyeket közvetlen és közvetett emberi hatások mellett tovább súlyosbít az éghajlatváltozás. A kockázatok enyhítése csak tájszintű tervezés segítségével lehetséges, amelyet nagyban megkönnyítene az egyes tájhasználati szcenáriók...
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Due to its specific hydrologic/hydro-geologic situation, Hungary is risked by extremities in water resources aggravated by direct and indirect anthropogenic effects and climate change. The mitigation of these risks could only be feasible by means of landscape scale planning. Latter would be advanced by comparing the natural capital of the possible...
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A Kárpát-medence, s így hazánk vízkészleteinek jövőjét különböző külső és belső környezeti, társadalmi, politikai folyamatok kombinációja határozza meg – mint például a globális változások (beleértve az éghajlatváltozást), a népességnövekedés, a földhasználat-változás, a terület- ill. településfejlesztés, ill. a gazdasági és technikai fejlesztések....
Conference Paper
Quantitative state and future of water resources in Hungary is briefly reviewed. A novel scientific approach is suggested to evaluate possible future scenarios. The key element of the proposed DSS is a novel integrated hydrologic model system (WateRisk Model System, WRMS). After brief evaluation of the state of art the methodological aspects of the...
A WateRisk egy jelenleg fejlesztés alatt álló integrált dinamikusan kapcsolt modellrendszer, mely komplex vízkészletgazdálkodási problémák vizsgálatát hivatott ellátni. A dolgozat ennek egydimenziós nempermanens, nyílt felszínű és nyomás alatti vízmozgás számolására alkalmas numerikus almodelljét mutatja be. A modell hibaelemzése céljából egy teszt...
The aim of this study was to assess in-stream retention of suspended solids (SS) and total phosphorus (TP) at low flow condition in a large watercourse, the Tisza River. The analysis was based on a longitudinal water quality profile obtained in July 2006 during a cruise along the Hungarian section of the river (nearly 600 km). Water samples were ta...
Large lowland rivers with sufficient hydrological storage capacity are capable of supporting primary production, but the dynamics of the advecting phytoplankton is poorly understood. Our study aimed at exploring how longitudinal versus lateral connectivity, flow dynamics versus resource availability and continuous versus discontinuous environmental...
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Our analysis was part of a comprehensive research study that focused on algae dynamics and aimed to estimate the distribution of net growth rate (details in ISTVÁNOVICS & HONTI 2008.). The project was based on the high frequency, on-line measurement of longitudinal phytoplankton patterns carried out on Tisza River. Water parcels measured multiple t...


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