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Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe
Publications (46)
The article deals with violence against women within the family and the question to what extent it is identified as a relevant public (social and poli-tical) problem in Slovenia. The analysis touches upon changes at the policy level; however the main focus is placed on the public opinion, as it reflects the degree of recognition and acceptance of t...
Based upon the qualitative research among members of the Slovenian educational community, the article discusses the child-centred approach in relation to the education of migrant children in Slovenia with the aim to explore to what extent child-centred perspectives are included in Slovenian educational spheres. The framework for the analysis is Sta...
The article addresses the issue of unaccompanied migrant children seeking international protection in Slovenia and their perceptions of four different life transitions they experience through their journey: a transition across geographical spaces, institutional transition, transition over time and psychological transition. The implementation of the...
The book under review arose from and is named for the international project
entitled Children’s Voices: Exploring Interethnic Violence and Children’s Rights in
the School Environment, led by the Science and Research Centre of the University
of Primorska in 2011 and 2012. The collaborative project consisted of research
from five universities, in fiv...
This article addresses the need to adopt an intersectional perspective when discussing sexual harassment and violence in academia. The introduction of an intersectional perspective is important since sexual harassment and violence in relation to racial and ethnic minorities seldom revolve exclusively around gender. Recognising the intersectional na...
This article explores the subjective perceptions of well-being of migrant children attending primary school (9-14 years) and secondary school (15-18 years) in Slovenia. It focuses on how they conceptualise their fears, worries and concerns, what is important for them to feel accepted and safe, and how they think about their past and the future. Usi...
In this article, we discuss the integration of Albanian migrant children and youth into Slovenian society in the educational settings and the influence of the processes of othering on the integration process. We examine the othering discourse and practices towards children and youth of Albanian origin, focusing on the three features of othering ide...
Priročnik je rezultat ciljnoraziskovalnega projekta z naslovom Institucionalne, zakonodajne in ozaveščevalne rešitve ter aktivnosti pri naslavljanju spolnega nadlegovanja in drugih oblik spolnega nasilja v visokošolskih in raziskovalnih organizacijah v Sloveniji. V analizo so bili zajeti obstoječi interni akti in politike, ki obravnavajo in regulir...
Based on field research in Slovenian schools, the article examines the role of the family in the integration process of migrant children. While migrant children perceive the family as the most important factor influencing their overall well-being and life satisfaction, research shows that parents of migrant children are often not involved in school...
The article addresses the processes of becoming of migrant teenagers in Slovenia, both those with first‐hand experience of migration and those with a migrant background. It draws upon a collection of 30 autobiographical stories and the application of facet methodology to their analysis. The article contributes to both theoretical and empirical unde...
The article examines how tourism constraints for seniors are addressed through social tourism programmes. The research is aimed to (1) identify and (2) classify/categorise various adjustments in social torism programmes for seniors to determine the unique combination of adjustments that characterise social tourism programmes for seniors. Building o...
The article explores the gap between policies and practices of integration of migrant children in Slovenian schools while rejecting the perception of integration as merely passive assimilation or simple one-way adaptation to the new social reality. The paper draws on secondary sources, interviews, and focus groups with members of the educational co...
V prispevku preučujemo procese vključevanja priseljenih mladostnikov v slovensko družbo ter njihovo občo blaginjo z uporabo koncepta 'sidranja' Aleksandre Grzymałe-Kazłowske (2015, 2017, 2018). Koncept se nanaša na procese vzpostavljanja oporišč, ki omogočajo vzpostavljanje socialne in psihološke stabilnosti in delovanje v novem družbenem kontekstu...
This paper discusses the situation in the emerging field of accessible tourism at the Lake Balaton destination. The main objective of the study was to explore the current situation of accessible tourism at Lake Balaton, focusing on the perspectives of tourism stakeholders. Various issues were reflected upon, such as: a) the “general” accessibility...
The article analyses the impact of school closure during the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the integration process and reproduction of social inequalities among migrant learners in Slovenian schools. The article argues that school closure and consequent distance learning encouraged the reproduction of social inequalities between migrant and...
This book analyses social tourism across the world, exploring the theoretical foundations of this type of tourism with examples of practical implementations. Part II is composed of case studies discussing the historical evolution of the concept and implementation of social tourism in different parts of the world. This discussion also results in the...
The aim of the article is to present how school closure and distance learning education in time of COVID-19 pandemic have been affecting migrant children and youth and their integration within the educational setting in Slovenia. Drawing on social inequality literature, the article particularly reflects on existing social inequalities that migrant...
Prispevek obravnava vključevanje priseljenih otrok v slovenske šole. Pri tem izhajamo iz preliminarnih rezultatov mednarodnega projekta Micreate: Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe / Otroci priseljenci in priseljenske skupnosti v spreminjajoči se Evropi (EC-Horizont, 2019-2021). Rezultati kažejo na potrebo po razvoju celovite...
In this study, we present research conducted under an international project MiCREATE (Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe). Our research aims to analyse opinion, attitudes, and perceptions of teachers and headmasters about migrant children's integration. The scope of this research extends from migrant children's integration, o...
This report presents a complex relationship between the members of the educational community and migrant children in the Slovenian context. It addresses the existing situation in primary and secondary schools in Slovenia related to the integration of the newly arrived migrant children and long-term residents. It describes perceptions, attitudes, an...
Questo saggio affronta il tema della salute delle donne migranti ponendo l'accento sulle forme meno visibili e riconosciute di violenza, nonché il trat-tamento discriminatorio delle donne migranti nel contesto istituzionale. Pre-senteremo l'esperienza delle donne all'interno del sistema sanitario sloveno, in riferimento alla loro salute sessuale e...
Institutional Power PlaySexual and Reproductive Health of Migrant Women: The article addresses the experiences of migrant women with violence in the context of the healthcare system, specifically in the field of sexual and reproductive health. It focuses primarily on institutional violence in the form of discriminatory practices, restrictions on ac...
Cultural tourism is a rather new term that has been much discussed in recent years. Despitemany empirical surveys dealing with the notion of cultural tourism, its definition remains elusive. The objective of this research is to investigate the presumably abundant differentiating experts' views on howto define cultural tourismaswell as to spot the a...
Povzetek: V prispevku obravnavamo doslej manj raziskano področje spolnega in reproduktivnega zdravja (vidiki spolnosti, kontracepcije in načrtovanja družine, nosečnosti, pred-, ob-in poporodne nege itd.) migrantk v Sloveniji, s poudarkom na analizi obstoječih praks, medkulturnih razlik, neenakosti v dostopu do zdravstvenih storitev na tem področju....
This paper discusses the main findings of a study on interethnic violence
carried out in the school environment in Slovenia. It examines the
occurrence and perception of different forms of violence and the role of
educators and the commitment of schools to promote nonviolence and the
wellbeing of pupils, which is reached mainly by applying principl...
The aim of this paper is to present a historical overview and current trends in tourism planning and development in the coastal area of Istria, with particular reference to the seaside resorts of Portorož and Opatija now parts of Slovenia and Croatia respectively, but sharing a history of changing states and borders. Ever since its beginnings touri...
This book examines the issues of interethnic coexistence, the management of ethnic diversity, xenophobic and racial attitudes and, in particular, the under-researched topic of interethnic violence among children in the school environment. Drawing together qualitative and quantitative data across five European countries it offers an insight into the...
V sklopu projekta čezmejnega sodelovanja Slovenija-Italija 2007-2013 »Social Housing Watch« (S.HO.W.) so raziskovalci Znanstveno-raziskovalnega središča UP preučili prednosti in pomanjkljivosti življenja na izbranih območjih mesta Koper. Na podlagi domiselnega dopolnjevanja različnih metodoloških pristopov so razkrivali raznovrstnost življenjskih s...
The article derives from the experiences and dynamics of intercultural research work on the international project Children's Voices: Exploring Interethnic Violence and Children's Rights in the School Environment, led by the Science and Research Centre of the University of Primorska in 2011 and 2012. The project addressed various topics related to e...
Stres na delovnem mestu ni izoliran, individualen problem posameznika, temveč predstavlja strateški problem, ki je posledica širših družbenih, ekonomskih in organizacij- skih dejavnikov. Zavedanje o neželenih posledicah stresa na delovnem mestu za zdravje zaposlenih in za njihove organizacije iz leta v leto narašča. Številne raziskave ugotavljajo,...
The objective of this article is to explore intercultural encounters in tourism or, in other words, the relationship between the local population and tourists. Their encounters are inherently intercultural in a contact, which may assume the form of dialogue, an exchange of opinions and views, or mutual (non)acceptance, the local population and tour...
Prispevek obravnava dve obširnejši tematiki, ki se navezujeta na zaposlitev kot obliko plačanega dela in dru-žinsko življenje. Prvič, raziskovalna pozornost je posvečena pomenu in vplivu zaposlitve mladih na t. i. družinske odločitve. Z »družinskimi od-ločitvami« imamo v mislih predvsem dvoje, in sicer formiranje lastnega gospodinjstva in pa odloči...