Zoltán Bujdosó

Zoltán Bujdosó
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences | szie · Institute of Regional Economics and Rural Development


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Publications (68)
Spain hosts the largest number of filming locations for Game of Thrones, with Girona being a prominent site. This paper explores the series' influence on tourism in Girona, highlighting the seasonal variations in tourism patterns across Catalonia. The recognizable filming sites have spurred the development of film tourism, adding a new dimension to...
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Soundscape tourism has become one type of tourism, and its trend is emerging in most areas with hilly, forested, and natural landscapes, such as Bantul Indonesia, becoming a mainstay for region development and its community. This article explores four human manufactured soundscape tourism destinations in Bantul, Indonesia, examining the interrelati...
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The global goal of development concerns has embraced global action, leading to framework initiatives grounded in future-proof projects. Closely aligned with circular economy (CE) initiatives, which minimize single-use materials and address practices that reflect sustainability concepts, studies are rapidly emerging to identify practices in CE liter...
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This article investigates the leisure and travel behavior of Hungarian dog owners, focusing on their preferences for destinations and activities that accommodate their canine companions. The study utilizes a comprehensive methodological approach, including a quota sample of Hungarian dog owners, an online selfreported questionnaire, and advanced st...
The goal of the study is to present the safety and security systems for sporting events, with a special focus on the theoretical and practical tools used during the 2020 European Football Championship, which are of particular importance for ensuring security. The authors have analysed the policing statistics regarding the 2020 European Football Cha...
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This multiple case study qualitative research examined the impact of adoption and diffusion of innovation on Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) growth in the hostile business landscape of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. This research is intended to investigate research data and consequent findings based on an interview protocol that was purposefull...
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Water-based, waterfront tourism has always played an important role in the development of the tourism sector, water has been and still is an important attraction and contributes to regional development. In Hungary, Lake Balaton is the primary destination for waterfront tourism, offering a wide range of opportunities in this sector. Water-based, wat...
A magyarországi egészségturizmuson belül a gyógyturizmus bázisát a kiemelkedő jelentőségű természetes gyógytényezőkön alapuló balneoterápiás eljárások biztosítják. Ezek a gyógymódok az évi több milliós kezelés-igénybevétel lehetőségével biztosítják a kezelési és rehabilitációs ellátást elsősorban a mozgásszervi betegségekben szenvedő negyven év fel...
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A magyarországi egészségturizmuson belül a gyógyturizmus bázisát a kiemelkedő jelentőségű természetes gyógytényezőkön alapuló balneoterápiás eljárások biztosítják. Ezek a gyógymódok az évi több milliós kezelés-igénybevétel lehetőségével biztosítják a kezelési és rehabilitációs ellátást elsősorban a mozgásszervi betegségekben szenvedő negyven év fel...
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The objective of the study is to show the regional differences in Hungary in terms of economic determination and tourism performance. The overdominance of Budapest can be identified in most socioeconomic indicators. The consequence of the capital's "hydroceph-alus" is that Hungary's peripheral regions have developed serious economic challenges, and...
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The use of eye-tracking in the field of tourism is not very widespread, most of the existing studies use this qualitative tool to investigate the viewing of tourism websites or advertising. In contrast, this paper focuses on the identification and examination of the negative effects associated with the phenomenon of overtourism through photographs....
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Magyarország méltán híres a gyógyvizekre épülő fürdőturizmusáról, mely az egészségügyiellátásnak is szerves részét képezi a mozgásszervi betegek ellátása. Idősödőtársadalmunkban tu felértékelődött ez a gyógykezeléseket biztosítórisztikai ágazat,mely azonban a 2020-ban hazánkban is megjelenő COVID-19 világjárvány változáson mentkeresztül. Ezzel együ...
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The Spa Towns Scientific Research Institute has created a tradition, as it organizes the Spa Towns International Scientific Conference for the fourth time, which has become a means of knowledge sharing and publishing opportunities related to spa towns. In addition to scientific studies, the conference also allows the mayors of the settlements with...
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Environmental practices have become an important matter in all aspects of life and industries, especially in the post-COVID-19 era. However, these practices continue to face many criticisms about their seriousness and effectiveness. In this context, this study aims to analyze the relationship between adopting green practices in hotels on one side a...
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Fueled by the Internet and artificial intelligence, virtual tourism represents an innovative integration of advanced technologies within the tourism industry. The 360 degree panoramic video has emerged as the most prevalent form of virtual tourism both domestically and internationally, owing to its affordability, ease of use, and mild impact. Never...
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Global epidemics, wars, and lack of resources pose threats to society and the tertiary industry. After the world went through a period of de-globalization for a short period of time since the year 2019, the Global tourism industry suffers a fatal blow. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the economic vulnerability of a specialized touri...
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Wine tourism plays an important role in the positioning strategies of wine destinations. As the competitiveness is high among wine destinations, it is important to identify the main factors that affect wine tourists’ decision making. One of the most important factors is the wine tourism destination’s image. To measure the image of a wine region, th...
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Green supply chain management (GSCM) has proven itself to be pivotal, including in the hospitality and hotel industries. Additionally, organizations cannot become eco-friendly without applying GSCM. Applying GSCM is very complicated due to the complex nature of the management relations with stakeholders involved and needs appropriate support and co...
This article deals with the analysis of Hungary’s still-existing coal region (Northern Hungary), including the future of coal mining and energy production. Within the interpretive tradition of social research, we approached the problem and explored the role and significance of the Mátra Power Plant in the country and the coal region. The results sh...
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Cél: A tanulmány a sportrendészet és a turizmusbiztonság szemszögéből vizsgálja a nyári olimpiai játékokat. Az olimpia történéseit több milliárd ember követi, a helyszínen pedig egyidejűleg több százezer ember van jelen. A nyári olimpia négyévente a világ legnagyobb eseménye, amely komoly kihívás elé állítja a turisztikai és a rendészeti szakembere...
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Most recently, there has been a growing interest in understanding the correlation concerning knowledge management and competitiveness more so in the area of tourism. Hence, this paper looks to provide a synthesis on theoretical nexus of knowledge management and tourism business enterprise competitiveness by giving an integrated overview of four mic...
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The geographical occurrence of natural medicinal factors and their use in medical tourism, show differences in different countries and nations. The hydrogeological situation of Hungary is unique in Europe, thanks to the outstanding quantity and quality of medicinal waters. This natural healing factor provides the basis of the country's medical tour...
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The medicinal water treatment facilities and the medicinal water treatments they provide play an important role in both medicinal bath tourism and thes health care in Hungary. In recent years, significant changes have taken place in both sectors, one of the most significant triggering factors of which was the COVID-19 pandemic. The effects of the p...
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A természetes gyógytényezőkön, főként a gyógyvizek felhasználásán ala-puló fürdőgyógyászai intézményrendszer Magyarország gyógyturizmusának szerves részét képezi. Ezekben az intézményekben elérhető fürdőgyógyászai szolgáltatások nemcsak hazánk gyógyturizmusának gerincét, hanem a mozgásszervi betegellátás alapját is egyaránt biztosítják. A für-dőgyó...
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Kutatásunk fő témája Magyarország fürdőkínálatának elemzése és a várható változásokkal kapcsolatos ismeretek bővítése. A kutatásunk aktualitását az adja, hogy a magyar fürdőkínálatot az utóbbi időben jelentős hatások érték, mint a COVID-19 pandémia és az energiaválság és azok következményei. A kutatásunk fő célja, hogy feltárjuk a magyar fürdőkínál...
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A kedves Olvasó a Fürdővárosok Tudományos Tanulmányok negyedik számát tartja a kezében, amely a „Fürdővárosok kihívásai” címet viseli. Már maga a cím is jövőbemutató, hiszen az elmúlt évek változásai okozta nehézségek leküzdésére keresi a választ. A Szerkesztőség ez alkalommal is igyekezett a fürdőturizmus multidiszciplináris megközelítéséből adó-d...
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Green human resources management (GHRM) has proven its efficiency in many industries and services, including the hospitality and hostel industries. Additionally, applying green human resources management practices reflects an organization’s environmental awareness and responsibilities. Given that the adoption of these practices cannot be accomplish...
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A cikk Magyarország még meglévő szénrégiójának (Észak-Magyarország) elemzésével foglalkozik, ezen belül a szénbányászat és az energiatermelés jövőjével. A társadalom vizsgálatán keresztül közelítettük meg a problémát és tártuk fel a mátrai erőmű szerepét, jelentőségét az országban és a szénrégióban. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a szénkivezetésb...
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A mezőgazdaság forradalmi vátozáson megy át. Az ipar robbanásszerű technológiai fejlődése oly mértékű, hogy az a 4. ipari forradalomnak tekinthető. Ez a folyamat begyűrűzött az agrárium területére és így már mezőgazdaság 4.0-ról is beszélünk, amelynek az agrárium teljes területén az információs technológiára alapuló innováció jelent a motorját. A m...
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The study examines the Summer Olympics from the point of view of sports policing and tourism safety. Held every four years, the Summer Olympics are the world’s biggest sporting events, posing a significant challenge for tourism and law enforcement professionals. Billions of people watch the Olympic events on television, and hundreds of thousands of...
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The Danube Wine Region is one of the most important wine regions in Hungary with potential for geological and wine tourism. The research focused on basic issues related to the Monor wine community of the Danube wine region and the Monor cellar village, such as the consumer attitudes of the potential guests of the Monor cellar village and the wine c...
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The dear Reader is holding the third issue of the book Science Papers of the Spa Towns in his/her hand. I can safety say that the scientific book series now has a history and his bearing more and more importance in publishing activities related to spa tourism. There are plenty of authors here who have sent their studies from various places and univ...
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Bevezetés: A turisztkai iparág egy fontos terület, mely hozzájárul az emberek rekreációjához, és egyben igen sok ország számára gazdasági potenciállal is bír. A COVID-járvány érzékenyen érintete ezt a szektort, melynek gazdasági hatása az utazásszervezőket sem kerülte el. Az utazási irodák létét és forgalmát a jövőben igen erőteljesen befolyásolja...
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In Hungary, several types of care are available to treat diseases in the health care system. Medicinal water facilities in spa towns with social insurance support are part of this structure. The aim of the research is to explore the spatial inequalities and polarisation of medicinal water facilities with a social insurance support, according to imp...
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A modern társadalmak egyik alapvető jellemzője, hogy fokozott figyelmet kap az életminőség javítása és a fenntarthatóság. Az életminőség emelése nem egyszerűen az életévek számának növelését, hanem a jól-lét fokozását is jelenti. Ez szorosan kapcsolódik az ENSZ Fenntartható Fejlesztési keretirányelvében megfogalmazott célkitűzésekhez, melyek közpon...
A turisták biztonsága és biztonságérzete alapvető feltétele lett a világ utazási és idegenforgalmi iparágának. Ghána, mint a Szaharától délre eső békés afrikai turisztikai célpont, az idegenforgalomból származó hatalmas devizabevételre támaszkodik. Az esettanulmányi területként Ghána központi régiójának turisztikai centruma lett kiválasztva, neveze...
Tourists’ safety and security have now become essential condition for the travel and tourism industry in the world. Ghana as a peaceful tourist destination in the sub-Saharan Africa relies and rakes in huge foreign exchange from tourism promotion. The tourism hub in the Central Region of Ghana was chosen as the case study area: Cape Coast destinati...
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The study aimed at identifying the precautionary measures taken by tourists before traveling and measures adopted while at the destination. Purposive sampling technique and questionnaires were employed to survey 515 tourists. It became evident that as the level of the tourists’ safety satisfaction increased, their safety expectations also increased...
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Jelen tanulmány témája egy turisztikai versenyképesség vizsgálat eredményeinek ismertetése, továbbá célja statisztikai elemzési módszerekkel összevetni egy korábbi turisztikai potenciál vizsgálat eredményeivel. Az Észak-Magyarország régión végzett versenyképességi vizsgálat egy hazai szerzők által többször is alkalmazott módszertan alapján történt....
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A Mátra az Észak-magyarországi régióban, Heves megyében és Nógrád megyében található, mely bár két megyét érint mégis földrajzi egységként jól körülhatárolható, és márkásítható turisztikai termék. A tanulmány célja, hogy statisztikai adatokkal és terepi felmérésekkel igazolt új trendeket mutasson be, illetve értékelje a desztináció turisztikai telj...
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The current study's topic is the summary of the results of a touristic core area impoundment whose target area is the region of Northern Hungary. The methodological basis of the research was given by the work of Antal Aubert and Géza Szabó who made a similar touristic impoundment along five parameter examinations. The matter of research is relevant...
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As a result of the sharp rise in the interest for tourism activities, safety and security matters have also become one of the forces causing vicissitudes in the tourism industry in the world. Since tourism sector is contributing greatly to environmental sustainability, tourist safety is also now critical to tourism growth. In the travel and tour ex...
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Napjainkban az országok, nemzetek, városok és-a földrajzi értelemben vett-helyek márkázása kerül egyre inkább előtérbe (ETC-UNWTO 2009), így az országmárkázás mellett a városmárkázás, amely jórészt városmarketing tevékenységet takar. A hazai város közül külön csoportot képeznek a klasszikus üdülőtelepülések, ahol gyakran találhatunk egészen kis lél...
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Jelen tanulmány témája egy turisztikaimagterület-lehatárolás eredményeinek öszszegzése, melynek célterülete az Észak-Magyarország régió. A vizsgálat módszertani alapját Aubert Antal és Szabó Géza munkássága adta, akik öt paramétervizsgálat mentén végeztek hasonló idegenforgalmi lehatárolást. A vizsgálat tárgya időszerű, hiszen a célterületen hasonl...
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Cultural landscapes can be defined as areas of land with cultural properties that represent the combined works of nature and mankind. The interdisciplinary character of sustainable management of cultural landscapes requires that nature and culture conservation strategies are integrated into one holistic system, where the preservation and remediatio...
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In wine producing countries viticultural and oenological practices and traditions, trades and crafts, the built and written heritage, the history, social structures, economy, a number of intangible values and the viticultural landscape constitute the cultural heritage of a wine region. Thus, the touristic products of oenotourism are complex attract...
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The development of Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) in recent decades can be interpreted as one of the major factors in a transition from an industrial economy into a knowledge-based one. It is an increasingly common belief that KIBS not only perform innovation activities in the service of the manufacturing sector, but they are also "br...
Culture, cultural tourism and experience economy are very common cited terms in the current literature. However these expressions are in close connection with each other, have own meanings and specialties, as well. Furthermore the promotion and selling the culture or cultural tourism are also popular activities and increasingly number of promotion...
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Urbanization and its consequences became a new research direction in Central-europe. There were 40 towns in 2016 in northern Hungary, which means that this is the second most urbanised region in Hungary. The region has 12% of all the towns of Hungary, nevertheless it must be emphasized that urbanisation in the region cannot be considered homogeneou...
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In the last few years the importance of responsible thinking, ethic and the sensitivity to the environment have become a significant part of the postmodern tourism. The people in the service sector, the agents, the ministers and other decision-makers and the travellers are more and more conscious about the questions of social and environmental effe...
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Tourism is considered as one of the most important economic sectors, providing opportunities both for economy and development as it accounts for 5% of the GDPs in countries worldwide. This fact emphasizes the significance of the sector in Romania, as well, although tourism makes up only 1.9% of the Romanian GDP. The importance of tourism in regiona...
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Representing a sustainable form of tourism that focuses not only on teaching about nature but also on gaining experiences, Geotourism could be one of the most important sectors in today’s tourism industry. The utilisation of the Pilis Mountains’ natural, cultural and tourist attractions lags behind the expected rate, albeit having several - mainly...
Implicit sequence learning is a fundamental mechanism that underlies the acquisition of motor, cognitive and social skills. The relationship between implicit learning and executive functions is still debated due to the overlapping fronto-striatal networks. According to the framework of competitive neurocognitive networks, disrupting specific fronta...
Beaches are the most popular destinations in the world. As Hungary has a lot of surface water, it is excellent for lake tourism. The main purpose of our research is to show the developmental trends of Lake Tisza and Lake Balaton. How they managed to increase the number of visitors and how they managed to overcome the difficulties which affect touri...
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Tourism began to play an important role as a tool of development regarding cross-border cooperations after the change of the regime. A more efficient cooperation is needed to employ the potentials in tourism-related development of environmental endowments as well as the significant improvement in standards of other factors. The aim of the paper is...
Based on their functions, out of the different types of settlements, cities are those that are able to provide goods and services to their own population and also can serve the needs of other settlements. The relationship between the cities and their catchment areas a vary depending on the functions of the city. Urban functions are carried out by d...
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A research into the possibilities of establishing industrial heritage tourism through in-situ exhibitions of the mining heritage in the North Hungarian Region was carried out in order to designate the most preferable target areas for such developments. For this, coal and ore mines as potential destinations, their infrastructural background includin...
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When we examine extremities in tourism we study such branches of the tourism industry where the main motivations of the traveller are risk taking, yearning for excitement and adventure. In these cases we can observe the yearning for adventure and every other motivation, which are judged to be extreme from the views of points of aesthetics, legal an...
The Euroregion indicates such geographical areas, which include the areas of two or more countries. They agreed in the fact, that they coordinate their activities in the interest of the development of the borderlands (Siili-Zakar 1998). So this is an area in which different kinds of coorporations exist between two or more states and local governmen...
Structure is of great importance in the characteristics of plastic bonded nickel electrodes.On the basis of SEM tests it has been established that in pressed Ni electrodes some tenth of a millimetre-long PTFE fibres can be found with a diameter smaller than 500 nm. These form a net-like structure in the electrode which holds the active material tog...


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