Ziga Vodovnik

Ziga Vodovnik
University of Ljubljana · Department of Political Science



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Žiga Vodovnik, PhD, is Professor of Political Science at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Slovenia. His scholarship resides at the intersection of political theory, social movements, globalization, democracy and political participation/inclusion.


Publications (30)
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This article explores the global mass assembly movement, focusing on its redefinitions of democracy and political membership, where one of the most interesting and promising aspects is reaffirmation of spatiality. In a way, the so-called Occupy Movement imagined new concepts of democracy and political membership worked out on a more manageable scal...
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The article critically reflects on the main theories of democracy in 'the short 20 th century', ascertaining that the seemingly different and mutually exclusive discussions share a similar sentiment – political agora-phobia and a simultaneous 'privatisation' of the democratic idea, which strengthens the belief that democracy is not universally appl...
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The paper discusses the intellectual legacy of praxis philosophy which, with its new reading of Marx, spread its range beyond the narrow parameters established in the fourth chapter of the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks). The paper addresses the question of the state and the perspective of democracy through the categ...
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Since the nation-state ceases to exist as the only centre of sovereignty and arena where key political decisions are made, e orts to envisage new forms of citizenship are separating political membership from the nation and constitute it according to entirely new criteria. The article examines the new concept of translocal citizenship that moves awa...
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“The great contribution of Žiga Vodovnik is that his writing rescues anarchism from its dogma, its rigidity, its isolation from the majority of the human race. He reveals the natural anarchism of our everyday lives, and in doing so, enlarges the possibilities for a truly human society, in which our imaginations, our compassion, can have full play.”...
Članek naslavlja dileme in izzive, s katerimi se srečuje politična znanost na začetku 21. stoletja. Posebna pozornost je namenjena razumevanju države in demo- kracije, pri čemer članek v prvem delu problematizira pre- vladujoče geografske razlage države v politični znanosti, ki jo še vedno omejujejo ali celo opredeljujejo zgolj kot geo- grafsko raz...
Članek naslavlja dileme in izzive, s katerimi se srečuje politična znanost na začetku 21. stoletja. Posebna pozornost je namenjena razumevanju države in demo- kracije, pri čemer članek v prvem delu problematizira pre- vladujoče geografske razlage države v politični znanosti, ki jo še vedno omejujejo ali celo opredeljujejo zgolj kot geo- grafsko raz...
Članek naslavlja dileme in izzive, s katerimi se srečuje politična znanost na začetku 21. stoletja. Posebna pozornost je namenjena razumevanju države in demokracije, pri čemer članek v prvem delu problematizira prevladujoče geografske razlage države v politični znanosti, ki jo še vedno omejujejo ali celo opredeljujejo zgolj kot geografsko razmejeno...
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In this article, we argue that social sciences generally and political science in particular are faced with a peculiar epistemological challenge while researching the state in the 21st century. Namely, the state has often been either naturalised, seen as a static and ahistorical entity resistant to changes in the environment, or naïvely rejected as...
This article explores the networked politics of feminist and lgbt movements in Slovenia, focusing on the organizational (“actional”) and the thematic (content-related) credo of the movements during the “All-Slovenian Uprisings” of 2012–2013. Analysing the movements’ “repertoires of contention”, the authors argue that the movements are driven by cro...
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In this article, we argue that self-management should not be understood only as an economic project, but rather as a political form based on the transformation of the core principles of modern capitalist societies. We start from the supposition that self-management does not imply an economic, but primarily a political recomposition of society, whic...
This short reply to Dupuis-Déri engages with the Rancierian idea of “intrinsic equality” as a way to challenge problematic republican conceptions of the demos as narrowly defined as consent. As Dupuis-Déri argues, republicanism hinges upon an understanding of “the people” as irrational, susceptible to demagoguery, factious or unable to support the...
The article offers a reflection on the processes of democratisation in Slovenia, arguing that the new social movements were a key player in initiating and directing democratic transformation, but later came to be gradually marginalised with the consolidation of the “new” or “bourgeois” civil society. Furthermore, a new chronotope of analysis shows...
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The article starts from the assumption that old criteria for analysing the state and perspectives of democracy – e.g. sovereign state, party pluralism, elections , representation, national identity, market economy etc. – are wholly obsolete categories that no longer have any connection to the current dynamics of democratic innovations. For these re...
The article starts from the assumption that old criteria for analysing the state and perspectives of democracy - e.g. sovereign state, party pluralism, elections, representation, national identity, market economy etc. - are wholly obsolete categories that no longer have any connection to the current dynamics of democratic innovations. For these rea...
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Knjiga Demokracija kot glagol se ukvarja s teorijami in praksami demokracije, ki jih ne najdemo v kanonu politične misli, saj nasprotujejo redukciji demokracije na idejo večinskosti, reprezentativnosti, kompetentnosti, predvsem pa konsenzualnosti. Knjiga je rezultat večletnega raziskovalnega spopadanja s konceptom demokracije, predvsem hegemonskimi...
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This article explores the global mass assembly movement, focusing on its redefinitions of democracy and political membership, where one of the most interesting and promising aspects is reaffirmation of spatiality. In a way, the so-called Occupy Movement imagined new concepts of democracy and political membership worked out on a more manageable scal...
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Povzetek. Članek ponuja refleksijo procesov demokrati-zacije na Slovenskem, pri čemer avtor ugotavlja, da so bila nova družbena gibanja ključen akter iniciiranja in usmerjanja demokratične transformacije, vendar je prišlo do njihove postopne marginalizacije s konsolida-cijo »nove« oziroma »meščanske« civilne družbe. Nov kronotop analize nadalje pok...
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The article reflects main discrepancies between basic coordinates of classic anarchist thought and coordinates of contemporary anarchism, as it developed within the “post-Seattle” alter-globalization movement. The article ascertains that the anarchist renaissance within the alter-globalization movement is not fostered only by classical anarchism, b...
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This paper discusses a genuinely new political alternative. It is about the alter-globalization movement (AGM), one founded on municipalized yet global democracy, horizontalism, and decentralization. The paper starts from the assumption that for a long time, the most important political innovations have not come from the traditional centres of poli...
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The Performative Power of Translocal Citizenship: In topical debates on migration and global, world and cosmopolitan citizenship, the article introduces the anarchist idea of translocal citizenship. With its vision of communitarian nomadism, the concept aims at an idea and praxis of municipalized citizenship that is constituted beyond the nation-st...
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The article analyses the hegemonic conception of democracy and political participation. The author concludes that the hegemonic interpretation of democracy merely uses the word, but rejects its content, for it is reduced to the legal concept that can be achieved and preserved merely with appropriate institutionalized architecture. The author ascert...
V prispevku je analizirana vloga anarhizma pri oblikovanju in razvoju slovenske politične misli, predvsem skozi oris idejne zapuščine anarhizma med delavskim gibanjem na Slovenskem ob koncu 19. stoletja. Ta je s svojo vpetostjo v svetovno dogajanje prvi presegal nacionalistične rešitve in koncepte, s katerimi sta v tem času operirala oba glavna pol...
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Povzetek V prispevku je analizirana vloga anarhizma pri oblikovanju in razvoju slovenske politične misli, predvsem skozi oris idejne zapuščine anarhizma med delavskim gibanjem na Slovenskem ob koncu 19. stoletja. Ta je s svojo vpetostjo v svetovno dogajanje prvi presegal nacionalistične rešitve in koncepte, s katerimi sta v tem času operirala oba g...
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Howard Zinn, que cuenta en la actualidad con ochenta y cinco años de edad, es Profesor Emérito de Ciencias Políticas en la Universidad de Boston. Nació en Brooklyn, Nueva York, en 1922, en el seno de una familia de inmigrantes pobres. Ya en su temprana juventud se percató de que la promesa del "sueño americano" que se haría realidad para todas las...


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