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Publications (201)
Successful applications of artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, have been prompting regulators to speed up the related regulation processes. China and the EU have been particularly ambitious in this regard. The EU AI Act has been swiftly progressing through the institutions and is expected to be officially adopted in spring 2024. This art...
We are facing the rapid development of educational technology and social robots tested in classrooms. Research has identified teachers’ caution and concerns about these robots’ social skills. Pre-service education is critical for forming beliefs and preparing teachers for the future classroom and innovations in educational technology. In the presen...
High-quality BIM model is the premise to ensure the effective application of BIM technology. Thus, many countries and organizations have developed standards to clarify the requirements of BIM model quality on data completeness, consistency, and correctness. However, due to the complexity of BIM model and the professionalism of standards, checking B...
In navigating the currently troubled waters of inflation and the rising cost of living, politicians are tempted to treat the symptoms—offsetting the increasing expenses with subsidies and expanding welfare programmes. But one should also treat the cause. The cause is not Russian aggression towards Ukraine. That is also a symptom—a symptom of the we...
Designing is a problem-solving activity. The process is usually iterative: a solution is proposed, then analysed and tested until it satisfies all constraints and best fulfils the criteria. Usually, a designer proposes a solution based on intuition, experience, and knowledge. However, this does not work for problems they are facing for the first ti...
Analogous to Industry 4.0, we have the advent of Construction 4.0, a transformative process wherein digital technology and digitalization affect every phase of the life cycle of construction projects, from the design and contracting phase to the construction, operation, maintenance, upgrade, and decommissioning ones. The progress of digitalization...
One of the key concepts of Construction 4.0 is cyber-physical systems. The construction industry is increasingly creating valuable digital assets, but it is also gradually using digital technology to plan, design, build, monitor, and control the physical ones. This makes construction sites and operations vulnerable to cyber-attacks. While the damag...
Digitalisation of the construction industry is exposing it to cybersecurity risks. All phases of construction can be affected. Particularly vulnerable are information-intensive phases such as building design and building operation. Construction is among the last industries that are discovering its cybersecurity risks and can rely on frameworks deve...
Building information modelling (BIM) technology has been focusing on the creation, sharing and use of a comprehensive digital twin of the facility under construction or renovation. It is believed that a more comprehensive, structured and complete model would be better. The aim of this paper and the underlying research is to reaffirm the view that t...
Today, the built environment is designed, built, and managed using digital technology, making it increasingly exposed to cyber security risks. Cybersecurity is a general topic, and the construction sector has been borrowing general solutions and frameworks. However, the construction industry is specific and needs a specialized framework that would...
Business and innovation models based on an idea of a digital platform have revolutionized information technology use in many consumer areas where uptake of IT would have otherwise been slow. Slow is also the uptake of information technology in construction. The hypothesis of this paper is that the delivery mechanism for technology has not been the...
This position paper outlines a number of key questions concerning BIM (Building Information Modelling), as well as the arguments and the historical background behind them. These include the incomplete theory of BIM, the reasons for the emergence of understanding BIM as a panacea for all ills in AECO (architecture, engineering, construction and oper...
Construction is trailing other industries in the adoption of information and communication technology (ICT). A major European project Digiplace is investigating if this problem could be addressed using digital platform technology. In the context of this project the current state, future goals and barriers in between have been researched through lit...
Throughout the history of human civilization, specialization and division of labour have been key factors of progress. They were made possible by the cooperation of ever-larger groups of people. Construction has been no exception. However, specialization leads to fragmentation - unless specialization is supported by approaches and technologies that...
The umbrella concept for the current efforts to digitize construction is known as Construction 4.0. One of its key concepts is cyber-physical systems. The construction industry is not only creating increasingly valuable digital assets (in addition to physical ones) but also the buildings and built infrastructures are increasingly monitored and cont...
Industrial parks, science parks, university campuses, tourist complexes are springing up greatly in developing countries. Decision-making on equipment maintenance of these areas where facilities intensively locate differs from that of industrial systems or plants in two features: 1) it needs regular repetition and update because equipment replaceme...
This paper introduces a new framework for understanding, modelling and software engineering in construction information activities. The current framework is based on understanding that products are the results of processes, which are performed by actors. Such frameworks are influenced by the available technology. The Internet of today is supporting...
Building information models (BIM) provide a way to represent buildings and communicate about them. In teaching engineering, we also need representations of buildings and are communicating knowledge about them. While teaching engineering we refer to the very same real-world objects that have an explicit conceptualization in BIM. This explicit concep...
Across Europe there is growing concern about populism. In this article populism is analysed through the lens of Jonathan Haidt’s moral foundation theory. People make choices, including political choices, based on their morals. Political families also base their policies on moral foundations. The article analyses this phenomenon and identifies both...
IzvlečekZ reformo doktorskega študija na Fakulteti za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani (UL FGG) je bil leta 2009 v študijski program uveden obvezen predmet informacijskega opismenjevanja. Študijski program predmeta vključuje vseh pet elementov informacijskega opismenjevanja, predpisanih v standardih ACRL 2000. Praktični del predmeta i...
After a reform of the doctoral study programme at the authors’ faculty in Slovenia, an introductory course on scientific research methods became mandatory. It includes the topic of information literacy and covers its five main elements according to ALA 2000 standards. A librarian/researcher runs the practical part. As this course has been running f...
The Internet has dramatically changed everyone's access to information, knowledge and other people. In many fields, this has resulted in an opening up of business models, products, services and organizations. Examples include open academic publishing, open software and open innovation. Experts are increasingly aware that a significant amount of kno...
Blockchain technology enables distributed, encrypted and secure logging of digital transactions. It is the underlying technology of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Blockchain is expected to revolutionize computing in several areas, particularly where centralization was unnatural and privacy was important. In the paper, we present research on wh...
The issue of ethics and responsibility is gaining attention among the creators of scientific policy, funding agencies and society at large. Responsible research is defined as research that aligns both the process and the outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society. In an EU funded project “Responsible Research and Innovation in Info...
In collaborative engineering environments communication and information sharing among participants is essential for successful project delivery. Modern information technology is driving the world towards two divergent communication topologies: 1) the industry is driven towards a centralized one around an information model, 2) citizens using informa...
The issue of ethics and responsibility is gaining attention among the creators of scientific policy, funding agencies and society at large. Responsible research is defined as research that aligns both its process and its outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society. In the EU-funded project “Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)...
Building information modelling (BIM) has been a dominant topic in information technology in construction research since this memorable acronym replaced the boring “product modelling in construction” and the academic “conceptual modelling of buildings”. The ideal of having a complete, coherent, true digital representation of buildings has become a g...
In this paper, we discuss digital literacy and preservice teacher education and reflect on the current state of web-based education and development of digital literacy in teacher education in Slovenia. The literacy context is discussed in the context of the Educational Technology course which is delivered in teacher education. The aim of this cours...
Recently building information models have substantially improved the explicit semantic content of design information. Information models are used to integrate the initial phases of project development. On the construction site, however, the designs are still mostly represented as line-based paper drawings or projections on portable displays. A gene...
Traditional computer assisted learning is influenced by novel user interfaces, such as tangible user interfaces, support cognitive processes and concept modelling, assisted by multiple representation. The manipulative properties of the tangible user interface’s physical manipulatives, for example, enhance passage between physical and virtual repres...
Ontology of a scientific field typically includes a taxonomy that breaks up the field into several topics. The break-up is present in the organisation of information in books, libraries and on the Web. An on-line database of papers related to CAAD called CUMINCAD was created and it includes over 3000 papers with abstracts. They are available throug...
This paper describes the developments of the CUMINCAD database since 1999 when it was first presented and some statistical information, how the service is being used. CUMINCAD started as a bibliographic database storing meta information about CAADrelated publications. Recently, full texts are being added. The process of creation of electronic copie...
This paper deals with the efficiency of publication means within the scientific community. Scientists spend a substantial part of their total time in visiting meetings and conferences, reading publications, writing emails, etc. Thus any improvements in the communication processes, in particular technologies which minimize non-value adding activitie...
This paper presents developments concerning a digital library called CUMINCAD.ES, which includes CADrelated publications in Spanish language. CUMINCAD is an acronym for Cumulative Index on CAD and in this library only publications in English language are archived. While English may be the lingua franca of scientific communication, publications in o...
In the paper-based world, CAAD-associations, such as eCAADe, and scientific publishers aim at getting the right people together and for making sure their work gets distributed to their peers. Electronic networks, such as the Internet, are providing scientists with the means to pursue those activities on their own. In this paper we present the goals...
The scientific publication process has been so far only marginally affected by the possibilities of the Internet. This may be attributed to a lack of sound business models and pilots to demonstrate the ultimate benefits of free scientific publication. A team of universities, Internet publishers and applied research institutes proposes in the framew...
To researchers in every discipline, Internet is quickly becoming the dominating environment to do literature studies. Commercial bibliographic databases tend to be too general, are not up-to-date and require special skills and effort to be searched. On the other hand researchers also publish on the Web and collaboratively that can create indexes of...
Since 1989 the former socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe have been undergoing a transition from a more or less totalitarian political regime, planned economy and socialism towards a democratic regime, market economy and capitalism. This article examines the indicators that are used to measure the success or failure of a transition an...
Over the last decade, building information models (BIM) have become increasingly popular. Yet their use on construction sites where the digital materializes, is limited. A technology that can bridge the gap between the digital and the real world is augmented reality (AR). We analyze this gap and the AR potential and present how the component based...
The world is going through some profound changes: automation and general improvement of productivity is resulting in the abundance of industrial products, the domination of the West in global economy and politics is challenged by the rise of the BRICS economies, climate change is requiring a reconsideration of the energy system, particularly in Eur...
The rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT) is perhaps the most influential driver that is fundamentally changing the world and the societies we live in. ICT is (a) changing the communication fabric that is linking the elements of societies together and is (b) automating human routine work. The latter is enabling automat...
Purpose of this paper is to give the theoretical and empirical insight into competences development for eParticipation through the web 2.0 facilitated societal forms. Findings are presented of a survey among students, who are facing in professional life the participatory spatial and environmental planning, based on web 2.0. Implementing the web 2.0...
Educational technology and Information Communication Technology (ICT) play an important role in creating an effective and adaptable learning environment, especially when teaching students with Special Educational Needs (SEN). This includes students with a range of physical, sensory, communication or cognitive disabilities in learning. This research...
Razvoj znanosti spremlja tudi rast znanstvenih objav predvsem v obliki člankov v recenziranih znanstvenih revijah. Analizirali smo znanstvene članke na Univerzi v Ljubljani, Fakulteti za gradbeništvo in geodezijo na področju gradbeništva in geodezije v obdobju 2003 do 2008, njihovo, citiranost, načine objavljanja in odprto dostopnost. Analizo smo o...
The development of science is accompanied by the growth of scientific publications in the form of articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals. We analysed the scientific papers of the employees of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, in the field of construction and geodesy for the period from 2003 to 2008, thei...
Over the past several centuries, the West has emerged as a global leader economically, militarily, scientifically and technologically.
This article explores why it has been so successful in the past in order to determine where its strengths lie at a time when
the West’s advantage is melting away. This article will argue that the West was the only c...
In Europe itself, the EU has been a success. But its new challenges are mostly global: the rise of Asia, climate change, the
end of the industrial age, the information revolution and an ageing population. To address these effectively, the EU should
draw strength from its values of human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and care for people and t...
Construction industry is in relatively early phase of adopting modern web-based technology, even though the web itself has already moved deep into its second phase. In this paper, common strategic points of key projects addressing the problem of engineering collaboration and communication since the mid 1990s are presented. Following this, common re...
The implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in university curricula is important for the development of graduates' competences and their preparation for the labour market. ICT use encourages the development of collaboration, creativity, leadership, and other generic and subjectspecific competences. In this paper, the resu...
Despite the fact that it has taken a long time for construction industry to enter the information era, information technologies significantly changed and still changes the way professionals in building and construction (BC) industry work. Consequently, construction industry is in relatively early phase of adopting web-based technology, even though...
The exchange of information between the different organisations and individuals involved in the different stages of a building's life cycle has always been an important, but at the same time a difficult task. A vast number of participants with different views of the same physical structure have to interact and exchange information through the whole...
The EU project InteliGrid (2004-2007) combined and extended the state-of-the-art research and technologies in the areas of semantic interoperability, virtual organisations and grid technology to provide diverse engineering industries with a collaboration platform for flexible, secure, robust, interoperable, pay-per-demand access to information, com...
Scientific publishing has undergone a number of paradigm shifts triggered by new technologies. The last technology leap, the world wide web, has made possible a new form of publishing called open access (OA), which places scholarly publications freely accessible for anyone on the web, using voluntary work and a variety of revenue models (other than...
: The EU project InteliGrid (2004-2007) combined and extended the state-of-the-art research and technologies in the areas of semantic interoperability, virtual organisations and grid technology to provide diverse engineering industries with a platform prototype with flexible, secure, robust, interoperable, pay-per-demand access to information, comm...
Improvement of the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) product model management process is a long-term objective for the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) and the Facility Management (FM) field. Ontology centred environments may become the infrastructure for managing the IFC product models. The ontologies form the core of the semantic...
This paper presents past and future research themes in construction informatics as perceived mostly by a community of researchers active in European Information Society projects. It is based on a survey that was conducted in the fall of 2003, mostly among the participants of these projects. The research themes are structured according to a topic ma...
Today Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) with considerable number of implementations presents almost "de-facto" standard in the Building Information Modelling (BIM). The idea of architecture, engineering, construction and facility management (AEC-FM) software interoperability may be easy understandable but the current standard implementations perfor...
A challenge for collaboration infrastructures is to support dynamic virtual organisations that collaborate on the design, production and maintenance of products that are described in complex structured product model databases. Such virtual organisations are typical for industries with long supply chains like automotive, shipbuilding and aerospace....
Information Technology in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (IT in AEC) is a niche topic, lacking critical mass in
most faculties. Researchers are creating critical mass by intense international collaboration. The same is true for education
about IT in AEC where critical mass can be achieved in a similar way. In 2004 the first students ent...
Construction informatics is a rather new topic in civil engineering and as such its rules of scientific investigation are
not as mature as with topics with a longer tradition. The paper argues that construction informatics has elements in common
with both natural sciences, mathematics, technology as well as humanities and therefore a broad scope of...
In the global economy an increasingly popular concept of organization is that of a collaborative enterprise. An essential
ingredient of such an enterprise is the information technology infrastructure that enable the coordination and the sharing
of information and other resources. Grids have been proposed as the infrastructure for such organizations...
Federated Digital Libraries (FDLs) unify metadata from geographically distributed digital libraries and implement advanced information retrieval services for the users. Currently, the growing number of users and digital libraries on the World Wide Web (WWW) as well as the use of computationally intensive indexing and search algorithms causes scalab...
Federated Digital Libraries (FDLs) unify metadata from geographically distributed digital libraries and implement advanced information retrieval services for the users. Currently, the growing number of users and digital libraries on the World Wide Web (WWW) as well as the use of computationally intensive indexing and search algorithms causes scalab...
Grid computing, in particular the semantic grid have been proposed as a solution to the interoperability problems of networked organizations. In most cases, this technology is considered as technology push by the computer science into the various fields of engineering and science. In this paper we examine the roadmap of networked organization to fi...
In the past, some information technologies (IT) have quickly been adopted by the eng ineering practice while the implementation of others has been slower. In the paper. the author looks for a solid theoretical background that could be used to explain this difference and wam about possible obstacles in applying some technologies to civil and structu...
This paper proposes a definition, scope and topics of construction informatics—a discipline also known as ‘construction IT’ or ‘communication and information technologies in construction’. It presents its ontology that, together with methodology, epistemology and axiology, constitutes a formal definition of a scientific field. In philosophy, ontolo...
Introduction This case study is based on the experiences with the Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), founded in 1995. Development This journal is an example of a particular category of open access journals, which use neither author charges nor subscriptions to finance their operations, but rely largely on unpaid v...
Construction informatics is a rather new topic in civil engineering and as such its rules of scientific investigation are
not as mature as with topics with a longer tradition. The paper argues that construction informatics has elements in common
with both natural sciences, mathematics, technology as well as humanities and therefore a broad scope of...
Open access is a new model for the publishing of scientific journals enabled by the Internet, in which the published articles are freely available for anyone to read. During the 1990’s hundreds of individual open access journals were founded by groups of academics, supported by grants and unpaid voluntary work. During the last five years other type...