Ziad AlrawadiehUniversity of Jordan | UJ · Department of Tourism Management
Ziad Alrawadieh
PhD in Tourism Management
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Ziad Alrawadieh currently works at the Department of Tourism Management, University of Jordan. Their most recent publication is 'Self-identification with a heritage tourism site, visitors’ engagement and destination loyalty: the mediating effects of overall satisfaction'.
Publications (23)
The emotional aspects of heritage experiences remain so far under-researched with the emotional accessibility at such sites ignored. Using cognitive appraisal theory (CAT) and reversal theory, this study evaluates the role of motivation, tourism impacts, emotional accessibility, and felt emotions in determining tourist satisfaction at heritage site...
Purpose-The effects of travel motivation and emotional experience on both tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty are recognized and have been extensively researched as key factors in tourism success. However, the structural relationships between these factors, considering the mediating effects of eudaimonic well-being (optimal psychological f...
The effects of travel motivation and emotional experience on both tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty are recognized and have been extensively researched as key factors in tourism success. However, the structural relationships between these factors, considering the mediating effects of eudaimonic well-being (optimal psychological f...
Heritage tourists' motives are heterogeneous but few studies examine the relationship between these motives, emotions felt after the visit, and tourists' perceptions of the attributes that contribute to World Heritage Status (WHS) listing of a site. Using cognitive appraisal theory (CAT) as the theoretical lens, we evaluate the relationship between...
It is commonly understood within the tourism industry that the longer term success of a destination depends on visitor loyalty. While there have been extensive scholarly investigations of destination loyalty, there has been minimal empirical examination of the most critical determinants of loyalty within a single integrated model, particularly in t...
The study aimed to identify the role of ecotourism in the development of local communities near Dana and Ajloun in Jordan, through a field study that targeted the views of the population in the communities close to the, in Reservation addition to interviews with the responsible authorities in those Reservation. the study included 152 respondents fr...
To maximize their revenues and protect their market share against traditional competitors (e.g. formal lodging businesses) and disruptive business models (e.g. Airbnb), the lodging industry increasingly relies on technology in various operations. However, the extent to which hotels adopt technology innovation in their revenue management (RM) operat...
Drawing on a qualitative study approach using data collected from children in a primary school in Marmaris, Turkey, this study aims to intend to understand children’s vacation perceptions and preferences.
Students were asked to write a short composition describing where they would love to go for vacation (either...
Tourist harassment has received some attention over the past two decades as a major challenge affecting travelers’ personal safety and their perceptions of tourism destinations. However, there is still a need to understand and explore in depth the types of behavior that constitute tourist harassment. Using a qualitative netnographic study approach,...
Tourist harassment is one of the major challenging issues influencing the competitiveness of various tourist
destinations across the globe. While the topic has received some attention over the past two decades, there is still
a dearth of research on the influence of tourist harassment on travelers' perceptions and behaviors. Drawing on
This study assesses a conceptual model that postulates relationships between self-identification with a heritage site, engagement at the site, overall satisfaction and destination loyalty. The study contributes to the limited literature examining visitor engagement and its relationship with several other psychological variables. A survey of visitor...
A plethora of research has been conducted over the past few years to explore several aspects of the key exchange actors within the sharing accommodation sector (i.e. hosts and guests). However, despite the exponential growth in the sharing accommodation entrepreneurship, literature exploring the characteristics, motivations, and challenges of entre...
A plethora of research has been conducted over the past few years to explore several aspects of the key exchange actors within the sharing accommodation sector (i.e. hosts and guests). However, despite the exponential growth in the sharing accommodation entrepreneurship, literature exploring the characteristics, motivations, and challenges of entre...
Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM) programs in Jordan are among the most important emerging fields of study that have been attracting increasing number of students in the last two decades. This paper aims at identifying the reasons why students in Jordan choose to major in hospitality and tourism management, and examining their intentions to...
تُعدّ الصناعة السياحية واحدة من أسرع الصناعات نمواً خلال القرن المنصرم؛ إذ شهدت أعداد السياح ازدياداً مضطرداً ومتواصلاً لم تثبطه سوى بعض الأزمات الاقتصادية والسياسية التي كانت تعيشها بعض الوجهات السياحية العالمية. وقد زاد من تعزيز الصورة الإيجابية للصناعة السياحية مساهمتها الفعالة في تقوية البنية الاقتصادية للدول خصوصاً النامية منها، من خلال جلب ال...
شهدت الصِّناعة السِّياحيّة تطوّرات مُتسارعة منذ النّصف الثاني من القرن الماضي؛ فقد ازدادت حركة السّياح بين مختلف قارّات العالم مدعومة بالتقدُّم الكبير الذي شهده قطاع النقل عموماً والنّقل الجويّ على وجه الخصوص، حيث ظهرت أصناف متعدّدةٌ من الطائرات ذات الأحجام والسرعات الكبيرة وهو ما ساهم إلى حدٍّ كبير في ربط الوجهات العالميّة ببعضها البعض، وقد استفاد...
Historical heritage for a nation can be reproduced and recruited to attract tourists who are aspiring to see how the ancient civilizations’ traditions were. Jordan has witnessed many initiatives to revitalize the immersed heritage and its traditional tools. This paper aims to shed some critical light on the use elements of daily life of Nabataeans...
The Middle East has been a key focus and a successful growth area in terms of all types of tourism, in particular sports tourism, as the region seeks to diversify its economy beyond oil. Differences in levels of oil reserves have influenced the urgency with which key regions have moved to diversify. Areas such as Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Qatar have bee...
ملخص البحث:
يعتبر قطاع النقل الجوي أحد أهم القطاعات المؤثرة على تنافسية الوجهات السياحية العالمية، حيث تؤثر أسعار التذاكر بشكل مباشر على التكلفة الكلية للبرامج السياحية، وتقود السياسات التسعيرية في تحفيز أو تثبيط حركة السياح بإتجاه أي وجهة سياحية وفقا لمنطق العرض والطلب الذي يتأثر بشدة بنوعية المنافسين ومنتوجاتهم.
وتأتي هذه الدراسة لتبحث في حالة ال...
The study of National Tourism System in Jordan aims to shed some light on the structure
of tourism industry in Jordan by illustrating the real resources present in the country,
assessing the quality of services, and then exploring the management efficiency, ie.
Governance dimension.
The work has been based on the structure provided by the Resource-...
This paper aims to highlight the significant impact of the tourism industry on enhancing respect and mutual understanding concepts among people by giving the necessary space to dialogue and cultural interaction between tourists and local residents.
Most studies made so far focused on the economic role of tourism, taking into consideration, the con...