Zhongping Lee

Zhongping Lee
University of Massachusetts Boston | UMB · Environmental, Earth and Ocean Sciences


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Publications (200)
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Upwelling in the Equatorial Pacific nurtures an expansive, westward-stretching chlorophyll-rich tongue (CRT), supporting 18% of the annual global new production. Surrounding the CRT are the oligotrophic subtropical gyres to the north and south, which are suggested to be expanding under global warming. Yet, how this productive CRT has changed, expan...
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Consistent bio-optical properties across multiple ocean color satellites are the key prerequisite to merging products from these satellites, thereby enhancing spatial coverage and extending temporal spans. However, due to factors such as sensor specifics and separate data processing algorithms, bio-optical properties (e.g., remote sensing reflectan...
Understanding the driving mechanism of phytoplankton dynamics is key to forecasting future changes in the ocean. Here, we report an apparent “trapezoidal” relationship between chlorophyll concentrations (Chl) and surface photosynthetically available radiation (PAR(0)) at the center of the South Pacific Gyre (cSPG) based on 18 years of MODIS Aqua me...
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Remotely sensed inherent optical properties (IOPs) are key proxies for synoptic mapping of primary production and carbon export in the global ocean. However, the IOPs inversion algorithms are scarcely evaluated in the Southern Ocean (SO) because of limited field observations. In this study, the performance of two widely used semi-analytical algorit...
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Upwelling in the Equatorial Pacific nurtures an expansive and westward-stretching chlorophyll-rich tongue (CRT), supporting half of the annual global new production. Surrounding the CRT are the oligotrophic subtropical gyres to the north and south, which are suggested to be expanding under global warming. Yet, how this productive CRT has changed—ex...
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The Landsat-8 Collection 2 provides Level-2 surface temperature product (L8-L2ST) at a spatial resolution of 30 m, catering to various applications. However, discrepancies in the spatial resolution of certain parameters involved in L8-L2ST production often result in noticeable “checkerboard” patterns in images over oceanic waters. To enhance the ac...
HiSea-II, designed for monitoring coastal-inland biogeochemical properties and launched into orbit on June 11, 2021, is the first small satellite (SmallSat) simultaneously satisfying high spatial resolution (20 m), high signal-to-noise ratio (~300) and wide swath (~200 km). In this article, we provide detailed descriptions of this SmallSat, introdu...
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Various nutrient sources in the upper waters of oceanic subtropical gyres, which are the Earth's largest oligotrophic ecosystems, play a crucial role in governing the sequestration of atmospheric CO2.
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Absorption coefficient and chlorophyll concentration ( Chl ) are important optical and biological properties of the aquatic environment, which can be estimated from the spectrum of water color, commonly measured by the remote sensing reflectance ( R rs ). In this study, we extended the band-difference scheme for Chl of oceanic waters developed a de...
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Subtropical gyres cover 26%–29% of the world's surface ocean and are conventionally regarded as ocean deserts due to their permanent stratification, depleted surface nutrients, and low biological productivity. Despite tremendous advances over the past three decades, particularly through the Hawaii Ocean Time‐series and the Bermuda Atlantic Time‐ser...
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The effective sea-surface skylight reflectance (ρ) is an important parameter for removing the contribution of surface-reflected radiance when measuring water-leaving radiance (Lw) using the above-water approach (AWA). Radiative simulations and field measurements show that ρ varies spectrally. To improve the determination of Lw (and then remote sens...
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Primary production (PP) of the South China Sea (SCS) basin area (waters depth deeper than 200 m) is estimated using satellite products, with an overarching goal to reliably characterize the spatial distribution and temporal variation of PP of this important marginal sea. Among the PP models used, the absorption-based model (AbPM) showed better perf...
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In the above article [1] , (2) should be expressed as follows:
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For atmospheric correction over turbid waters, due to non-negligible water-leaving radiance (Lw) in the near-infrared (NIR), measurements in the short-wave infrared (SWIR) are usually required to achieve reliable remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs). But several ocean color satellite sensors, such as the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS)...
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Small water bodies are an important part of the Earth’s freshwater system, protecting biodiversity and providing ecosystem services. Because of various surrounding features, it is unknown to what extent we can obtain accurate remote-sensing reflectance ( ${R_{\textit{rs}}}$ R rs ) of such an environment by the conventional above-water approach (AWA...
For the past three decades, polar-orbiting ocean color satellites have provided local, regional to global scale estimates of oceanic net primary production that have greatly aided studies of ocean carbon cycling, food web dynamics and climate change. Despite considerable progress, accurate estimates of daily ocean productivity from space have not b...
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Ocean color satellites measure the color of the ocean, allowing for the retrieval of optical, biological, and biogeochemical properties of waters. However, satellite ocean color products must be validated with field measurements to ensure their fidelity and suitability for environmental and climate applications. This work details satellite ocean co...
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Water-leaving albedo (αw(λ)) is an important component of the ocean surface albedo. Direct measurement of αw(λ) in the field is not yet available due to difficulties in removing the contribution of surface-reflected solar radiation. Following the concept of the skylight-blocked approach (SBA), a novel system, termed αwSBA, is proposed in this study...
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In this study, six algorithms (both empirical and semi-analytical) developed for the estimation of Kd in the ultraviolet (UV) domain (specifically 360, 380, and 400 nm) were evaluated from a dataset of 316 stations covering oligotrophic ocean and coastal waters. In particular, the semi-analytical algorithm (Lee et al. 2013) used remote sensing refl...
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Algal blooms constitute an emerging threat to global inland water quality, yet their spatial and temporal distribution at the global scale remains largely unknown. Here we establish a global bloom database, using 2.91 million Landsat satellite images from 1982 to 2019 to characterize algal blooms in 248,243 freshwater lakes, representing 57.1% of t...
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Bottom depth (H) of optically shallow waters can be retrieved from multiband imagery, where remote sensing reflectance (R rs) are commonly used as the input. Because of the difficulties of removing the atmospheric effects in coastal areas, quite often, there are no valid R rs from satellites for the retrieval of H. More importantly, the empirical a...
We propose an innovative multi-pixel atmospheric correction approach (MPACA) to process high-spatial-resolution satellite measurements over coastal waters based on a revised POLYMER model. MPACA assumes the aerosol type to be uniform within a relatively small region, while the aerosol load and water properties are allowed to vary. Landsat-8 OLI ima...
Water-leaving albedo (αw), defined as the ratio of water-leaving irradiance to downwelling irradiance just above the surface, is a major component of ocean surface albedo (α) but has long been ignored or underrepresented. A semi-analytical scheme based on inherent optical properties (IOPs), termed IOPs-αw, is proposed in this study to estimate spec...
Atmospheric correction (AC) is a key step in ocean color remote sensing for obtaining oceanic and coastal water ecosystem products. However, traditional NIR-based AC scheme (ACNIR) often fails in turbid coastal waters dominated by high suspended particulate matter (SPM). SWIR-based AC is valid for turbid waters, but it cannot be applied to some sat...
For the first time the vertical variation in light quality in the global ocean is quantified with a single parameter--the hue angle (αE, in degree) in chromaticity of downwelling irradiance. For oceanic waters, αE is ~140° at surface, but it becomes ~230° at the bottom of the euphotic zone; αE changes rapidly near the surface, and we term this laye...
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There has been a long history of interest on how (if) the absorption coefficient of “pure” fresh water ( a fw λ ) and “pure” seawater ( a sw λ ) changes with temperature ( T ), yet the impact of T reported in the literature differs significantly in the blue domain. Unlike the previous studies based on laboratory measurements, we took an approach ba...
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Reliable in situ water-leaving radiance (Lw) measurements are critical for calibrating and validating the ocean color products from remote platforms (e.g., satellite). In an experimental effort, Wei et al. [Opt. Express 29, 2780 (2021)10.1364/OE.413784] reported that the on-water radiometry allows for high-precision radiance determination. Zibordi...
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With the advancement of Lidar technology, bottom depth ( H ) of optically shallow waters (OSW) can be measured accurately with an airborne or space-borne Lidar system ( H Lidar hereafter), but this data product consists of a line format, rather than the desired charts or maps, particularly when the Lidar system is on a satellite. Meanwhile, radiome...
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The conventional use of optically determined 1% of surface photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) depth (Z1%PAR, λ = 400–700 nm) as a metric for the euphotic zone depth (Zeu) has been a matter of debate for several decades because of frequent inconsistencies with the base of euphotic zone determined biologically, that is, the compensation dep...
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation has a profound impact on marine life, but historically and even currently, most ocean color satellites cannot provide radiance measurements in the UV, and thus UV penetration, in the global ocean. We develop a system (termed as UVISRdl) in this study, based on deep learning, to estimate remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) at...
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Phaeocystis globosa (P. globosa) is a unique causative species of harmful algal blooms, which can form gelatinous colonies. We, for the first time, used unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) measurements to identify P. globosa blooms and to quantify the biomass. Based on in situ measured remote sensing reflectance (Rrs), it is found that, for P. globosa bl...
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The on-water radiometric approach employs a unique provision to obtain water-leaving radiance from nadir (Lw(λ)) which can be used for the calibration of ocean color satellites. In this effort, we address the measurement precision associated with Lw(λ) from a single on-water instrument, which is an important aspect of measurement uncertainty. First...
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The skylight-blocked approach (SBA) provides a direct and high-precision measurement of the water-leaving radiance (Lw), which allows a confident determination of the remote sensing reflectance (Rrs), where Rrs is defined as the ratio of Lw to the downwelling irradiance just above the surface. However, the Rrs obtained by SBA is subject to self-sha...
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Plain Language Summary The chlorophyll‐specific absorption coefficient (aph∗) serves as a link between phytoplankton absorption coefficient and chlorophyll concentration (Chl). Because ocean color (Rrs) is driven by absorption and backscattering coefficients, a change of either aph∗ or Chl can modify Rrs. Consequently, even for “Case‐1” waters, a c...
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The database on ocean primary productivity comprises over two decades (1985–2008) of data that the authors have participated in collecting, using the assimilation of inorganic 14C through photosynthesis, in incubations carried out in situ. The dataset is perhaps unique in that it uses, overwhelmingly, consistent methodology while covering a wide ge...
Deriving inherent optical properties (IOPs) from multispectral imagery of shallow water environments using physics-based inversion models require prior knowledge of the spectral reflectance of the bottom substrate. The use of an incorrect bottom reflectance adversely affects the IOPs and, in part, the depth derived from inversion models. To date, a...
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For waters with stratified chlorophyll concentration (Chl), numerical simulations were carried out to gain insight into the forward models of subsurface reflectance and empirical algorithms for Chl from the ocean color. It is found that the Gordon and Clark (1980) forward model for reflectance using an equivalent homogeneous water with a weighted a...
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Water clarity is a well-established first-order indicator of water quality and has been used globally by water regulators in their monitoring and management programs. Assessments of water clarity in lakes over large temporal and spatial scales, however, are rare, limiting our understanding of its variability and the driven forces. In this study, we...
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In this paper, with a revised POLYMER (POLYnomial based approach applied to MERIS data) atmospheric correction model, we present a novel scheme (two-angle atmospheric correction algorithm, termed as TAACA) to remove atmospheric contributions in satellite ocean color measurements for coastal environments, especially when there are absorbing aerosols...
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Accurate determination of the water-leaving radiance ( $ L_w $ L w ) is key to correctly interpret in-water optical properties and to validate the atmospheric correction schemes in ocean color studies. Among the various approaches adopted to measure $ L_w $ L w in the field, the skylight-blocked approach (SBA) is the only scheme that can potentiall...
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Total and polarized radiances from above the ocean surface are measured by a state-of-the-art snapshot hyperspectral imager. A computer-controlled filter wheel is installed in front of the imager allowing for recording of division-of-time Stokes vector images from the ocean surface. This system, to the best of our knowledge, for the first time prov...
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The presence of a ship in water disturbs the ambient light field and propagates errors to radiometric measurements. This study investigated the ship perturbation via Monte Carlo simulations with a reflective 3D ship. It is found that the height of ship could cause significant perturbation. However, these perturbations could be compensated by the re...
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The spectral absorption coefficient of pure seawater (aw(λ)) in published studies differ significantly in the blue domain, yet the impacts of such discrepancies on the inherent optical properties (IOPs) derived from ocean color have been scarcely documented. In this study, we confirm that changes in aw(λ) may have significant impacts on retrieved I...
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The Secchi disk depth (ZSD, m) has been used globally for many decades to represent water clarity and an index of water quality and eutrophication. In recent studies, a new theory and model were developed for ZSD, which enabled its semi-analytical remote sensing from the measurement of water color. Although excellent performance was reported for me...
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Drinkwater and Kristiansen (hereafter D&K) (2018, A synthesis of the ecosystem responses to the late 20th century cold period in the northern North Atlantic, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75: 2325–2341) examined multi-trophic level biological responses in relation to a 1960s–1980s “cold period” that they associated with the Atlantic Multidecadal...
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This paper reviews the state of the art of protocols for the measurement of downwelling irradiance in the context of Fiducial Reference Measurements (FRM) of water reflectance for satellite validation. The measurement of water reflectance requires the measurement of water-leaving radiance and downwelling irradiance just above water. For the latter,...
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The research frontiers of radiative transfer (RT) in coupled atmosphere-ocean systems are explored to enable new science and specifically to support the upcoming Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellite mission. Given (i) the multitude of atmospheric and oceanic constituents at any given moment that each exhibits a large variety of...
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The Operational Land Imager (OLI) onboard Landsat 8 has potential for mapping the water bio‐optical properties with high spatial resolution. Landsat 8/OLI generates the remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) at four visible bands (λ1‐4 = 443, 482, 561, and 655 nm) and is lack of a 412‐nm band commonly included for ocean color sensors. This spectral confi...
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Coastal water clarity varies at high temporal and spatial scales due to weather, climate, and human activity along coastlines. Systematic observations are crucial to assessing the impact of water clarity change on aquatic habitats. In this study, Secchi disk depths (Z SD) from Boston Harbor, Buzzards Bay, Cape Cod Bay, and Narragansett Bay water qu...
The SAVE model is designed for the derivation of A_ph, A_cdom, and A_d from Landsat-8/OLI and Sentinel-2/MSI reflectance. The scripts are written in Matlab.
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To achieve a smooth transition between algorithms for “clear” water and “turbid” water, we propose a single formula to calculate the input parameter ( i p ) used for empirical retrieval of absorption coefficients ( a ) or chlorophyll concentration ([Chl]) from remote-sensing reflectance ( R r s ). This formula for i p takes the ratio of the maximum...
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A recently developed algorithm to estimate surface ocean chlorophyll a concentrations (Chl in mg m⁻³), namely, the ocean color index (OCI) algorithm, has been adopted by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration to apply to all satellite ocean color sensors to produce global Chl maps. The algorithm is a hybrid between a band‐difference...