Zeljko BacicFaculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, Croatia · Institute of Geomatics
Zeljko Bacic
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Recent field of research is focused on usage of EO and GNSS technologies in Disaster Risk Reduction, Rescue and Recovery, especially focusing on interpretation of behaviour of earth surface during earthquakes itself using kinematic GNSS methods. Research results showed in case of strong earthquakes permanent GNSS stations can successfully be used to register dynamic of surface movement during the earthquake.
Additional affiliations
October 2015 - October 2017
Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Vice-Dean for Science and International Relations
October 2012 - May 2015
February 2012 - present
Faculty of Geodesy Universiy of Zagreb, Croatia
- Professor (Full)
- Lecturing courses Satellite Positinonig, Navigation, Integrated Systems in Geomatics, seminar on Satellite Positioning
October 1993 - May 1997
October 1979 - April 1986
Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Field of study
- Geodesy
Publications (116)
SAŽETAK. Podaci prikupljeni svemirskim misijama pohranjuju se i pružaju korisnicima na korištenje kroz arhive pojedinih svemirskih agencija te specijal-izirane portale svemirskih misija. Korisnici često nailaze na brojne probleme pri-likom pretraživanja i preuzimanja podataka od interesa, unatoč tome što je pris-tup podacima neograničen za sve skup...
The fast urbanization that we are witnessing today worldwide has led to the fact that more than half of the world's population lives in cities. Relying on broad and rapid technological progress, the concept of smart cities was developed. This concept brings together information and communication technology with various physical devices connected to...
CROPOS as Croatian national permanent GNSS network was established in 2008. At that time the network consisted of 30 stations evenly distributed across national territory at an average distance of 70 km between stations providing observations of two fully operational global navigation satellite systems: GPS and GLONASS. In the meantime, CROPOS as a...
Sažetak Ažurni skupovi prostornih podataka u današnje vrijeme neizbježan su temelj za izradu prostornih analiza i bolje donošenje odluka od strane nacionalnih i lokalnih vlasti. Pokretanjem Copernicus programa, satelitski podaci opažanja Zemlje postali su dostupni svima čime se otvaraju nove mogućnosti za inovativne znanstvene i komercijalne geoinf...
The fast urbanization that we are witnessing today worldwide has led to the fact that more than half of the world's population lives in cities. Relying on broad and rapid technological progress, the concept of smart cities was developed. This concept brings together information and communication technology with various physical devices connected to...
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems are nowadays widely used, especially in applications where aerial imaging is an important source of information for performing certain tasks. With the advancement of technology, UAVs have reached an enviable level of practical reliability and functionality that has enabled these systems to enter the geomatics b...
Nacionalni parkovi zbog svoje vrijednosti za čovječanstvo predmet su posebne pozornosti stručne i svekolike javnosti. Metode snimanja iz zraka (aerofotogrametrijske) uvijek su korištene za praćenje stanja na području nacionalnih parkova. Danas su ove tehnike dobile novu dimenziju uslijed razvoja metoda i sustava daljinskog istraživanja sa satelita,...
Modern society has taken big steps in digital environment, which has caused ever growing usage of digital maps. However, conventional paper maps still remain very much present, especially in presenting tourist information about some city, region or even state. Irrespective of whether the maps are digital or paper maps, map producers are faced with...
CROPOS, as the Croatian GNSS network, was modernized and upgraded to support the Galileo system in 2019. Two of CROPOS’s services—VPPS (Network RTK service) and GPPS (post-processing service)—were assessed for the contribution of the Galileo system to their performance. A station used for field testing was previously examined and surveyed to determ...
Strong earthquakes occur frequently with devastating effects on people and infrastructure. In cases of such catastrophic earthquakes, rescue and all other civil protection services need all available information about the earthquake itself and the consequences it has caused. In addition to the series of traditional sensors and systems used to inter...
Based on the results of the three-year ERASMUS + projects GEOWEB and BESTSDI, which relate to the countries of the Western Balkans and Moldova, the current GEOBIZ project aims to address the issue of building a model of business - academic cooperation in modernizing curricula and developing geoinformatics study courses. The target groups of the pro...
Large amounts of data are collected on space bodies, and all data is available to all users free of charge through various archives and portals. When searching for data, especially non-space scientists, often have problems because the archives are tailored to meet only space experts needs. Prior knowledge about missions is necessary to search data...
Geoinformatički ekosustav temelji se na geoprostornim podacima koji su jedan od glavnih pokretača današnje digitalne revolucije. Geoinformatika je prisutna u gotovo svim područjima znanosti te je obrazovanje geoinformatičkih stručnjaka od izuzetne važnosti. Nove napredne tehnologije koje se primjenjuju u geoinformatici i podržavaju razvoj aplikacij...
The presentation was held on February 23, 2022. at the Training for Teachers "Lifelong learning through high-quality teaching" organized within the Erasmus + CBHE project "Spatial Data Infrastructure and Earth Observation Education and Training for North Africa"
The CROPOS’s ZAGR stations, one of 33 stations of the Croatian permanent GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) network CROPOS (Croatian Positioning System), is located in Zagreb’s city centre. For the first time, motion of one of the CROPOS stations (the ZAGR station) during an earthquake shake (the Zagreb 2020 ML5.5) was analysed by the PPK (P...
Today, more than half of the world's population lives in cities and therefore the implementation of smart cities is being imposed as a strategy to solve the problems of rapid urbanization. Smart cities are still just a concept and there is no clear definition of it, and this paper provides a framework for understanding this concept and its key comp...
Brzi tehnološki razvoj omogućio je razvoj novih tehnologija za prikupljanje informacija o prostoru. Jedna od tehnologija koja se u posljednje vrijeme ubrzano razvija te uvelike utječe na geodeziju i geoinformatiku je prostorno lasersko skeniranje (engl. Light Detection and Ranging), poznatija pod nazivom LIDAR tehnologija. Primjenom ove tehnologije...
Geoinformatički ekosustava temelji se na geo-prostornim podacima koji su jedan od glavnih pokretača današnje digitalne revolucije. Geoinformatika je prisutna u brojnim disciplinama i stoga je obrazovanje geoinformatičkih stručnjaka danas od izuzetne važnosti. Nove, napredne tehnologije koje se primjenjuju u geoinformatici i podržavaju razvoj aplika...
Kinematic effects of M5.5 Zagreb earthquake assessed by GNSS method supported by Galileo satellite system
Danijel Šugar and Željko Bačić
ABSTRACT. CROPOS (Croatian Positioning System) is a Croatian permanent GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) network featuring 33 stations distributed over the national territory at an average distance of 7...
The presumption of any modernization of study programs in higher education is to understand the needs of the community and conduct intensive consultations with community stakeholders, representatives of the businesses, public administration, professional associations and citizens. The success of any study program in the community is therefore large...
The paper analyzes the geodynamic network of the City of Zagreb for periodic campaigns carried out from 2006 to 2009 which were processed by different software packages. The first computations and processing results were obtained by using the scientific software Gamit/Globk and indicate the ongoing tectonic activity of the area. In this paper, all...
This survey was undertaken as part of the Erasmus+ project BESTSDI – ‘Western Balkans Academic Education Evolution and Professional’s Sustainable Training for Spatial Data Infrastructures’ together with EuroSDR.
There is continuous request on academic institutions to introduce study programs which will in practical part based on case-based problems coming from business sector. This request understands change of way how practical part of university courses are conducted and establishing new form of academia-business cooperation. This challenge has become le...
Program Europske svemirske agencije, Copernicus, temelji se na globalnim satelitskim i terestričkim mjerenjima koja su najčešće dostupna gotovo u realnom vremenu. Time je omogućeno praćenje geofizičkih i drugih procesa na Zemlji te održivo upravljanje okolišem. Posebna odlika Programa otvoreni je pristup (gotovo) svim podacima uz regulaciju propisi...
This brochure is a compilation of all the final achievements of BESTSDI project in which all project partners contribute to. The brochure presents the key project outcomes, quality improvements of higher education in Geographical Information Science and Technology, new and innovative education programme developments, lifelong learning courses, the...
Uvođenjem više nosećih frekvencija
sa sustavom Galileo i primjenom frekvencije
L5 GPS-a (emitiranje uvedeno na satelitima
Block IIF) u servisima CROPOS-a, znatno će
se povećati pouzdanost i produktivnost preciznog
pozicioniranja. Za VRS koncept mrežnog RTK rješenja,
korištenje dodatnih nosećih frekvencija znatno
će povećati pouzdanost sustava, dok...
Every year an area of 350 million hectares is affected by a fire, of which 90% are forest fires. With economic losses, fires can result in human and animal losses and cause damage to health and the environment that cannot be fully compensated. Therefore, it is necessary to detect fires more efficiently, reliable and faster, and also to improve fire...
Kompleksnost modernog društva, sveopća globalizacija, tehnološki razvoj i posljedice ljudskog razvoja na okoliš i klimu, nametnuli su potrebu za prikupljanjem sve raznovrsnijih, detaljnijih, obuhvatnijih i vremenski ažurnih podataka o prostoru. Kako bi se ta potreba zadovoljila, u drugoj polovini prošlog stoljeća razvijene su brojne tehnologije i t...
Development of Earth observation technologies from Space and air which are enabling intensive use of spatial information and Spatial data infrastructure which regulates usage of spatial information, respectively also concepts like Internet of things, Smart cities, Precise farming, Intelligent transportation and similar, impose on academic society n...
Rezime: Razvoj tehnologija opažanja pojava na Zemlji iz svemira i zraka NRMH RPRJXüXMX intenizivno korištenje prostornih informacija i Infrastrukture prostornih podataka koja XUHÿXMH NRULãWHQMH prostornih podataka, odnosno koncepata kao što su internet stvari, pametni gradovi, precizna poljoprivreda, inteligentni transport i sl., nDPHüX SRWUHEX aka...
Smart cities are ubiquitous topic today, and emerge as preferred concept for future development of human lifestyle. In the international literature, there are only a few articles dealing critically with the topic of the smart cities, and even fewer of them are interdisciplinary. Integrated sensor systems are a prerequisite for developing the concep...
Dr. sc. Bojan Vršnak, znanstveni savjetnik u trajnom zvanju, zaposlenik Geodetskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu dobitnik je prestižnoga međunarodnog priznanja za izuzetan znanstveni doprinos u području svemirske meteorologije Kristian Birkeland Medal for Space Weather and Space Climate za 2017. godinu.
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) strategies are key tool for establishment and development of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) on national level. The quality of content and completeness of specific NSDI strategy is therefore essential for efficient development of NSDI. One of the components of the completeness is also representation of...
Sažetak: Projekt BESTSDI u okviru programa ERASMUS+ Ka2 ima za cilj izraditi sveučilišni kurikulum i program cjeloživotnog učenja iz područja infrastrukture prostornih podataka (IPP) za potrebe projektnih partnera (Hrvatska, Makedonija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Srbija, Crna Gora, Kosovo i Albanija). Obrazovni sadržaji trebaju zadovoljiti potrebe proizv...
One of the basic goals of the smart city concept is to create a high-quality environment that is long sustainable and economically justifiable. The priority and concrete goal today is to promote and provide sustainable sources of energy (SSE). Croatia is rich with sun energy and as one of the sunniest European countries, it has a huge insufficientl...
Efficient usage of spatial informationa is today one of the society development indicators. Knowledge and skills tied to usage of spatial information incorporated in the spatial data infrastrucutre (SDI) concept is new paradigm of geodetic, but also other professions related to spatial informations. Towards modernization, standardization and level...
Efikasno korištenje prostornih informacija danas je jedan od pokazatelja razvijenosti društva. Znanja i vještine povezane s korištenjem prostornih informacija objedinjenih u konceptu infrastrukture prostornih podataka (IPP) nova je paradigma geodetske, ali drugih struka koje se temelje na prostornim informacijama. U cilju modernizacije, standardiza...
One of the main concept objectives of smart cities is to create a quality living environment that is long-term sustainable and economically justified. In that context, modern cities are aware of the exposure to various forms of physical and non-physical pollution that needs to be remediated, eliminated or reduced. To achieve that it is necessary to...
One of the main concept objectives of smart cities is to create a quality living environment that is long-term sustainable and economically justified. In that context, modern cities are aware of the exposure to various forms of physical and non-physical pollution that needs to be remediated, eliminated or reduced. To achieve that it is necessary to...
Kancerogenost azbesta prepoznata je u ranom 20. stoljeću, kada je počelo i ograničavanje njegove upotrebe, da bi početkom ovog stoljeća mnoge države potpuno zabranile upotrebu ovog materijala. Zabrana proizvodnje, prometa i upotrebe azbesta i materijala koji sadrže azbest u Hrvatskoj stupila je na snagu 2006. godine i od tada je Fond za zaštitu oko...
Promjena cjelokupnog pravnog okvira i posljedično propisa koji uređuju registraciju nekretnina i prava na nekretninama u Hrvatskoj, te načini na koje se ostvaruje pravna sigurnost, rezultiralo je definiranjem nove pravne kategorije – posebnih pravnih režima na zemljištu. Slijedom promjena niza propisa, Zakonom o državnoj izmjeri i katastru nekretni...
Kratka vijest o radu Sekcije za geoprostorne informacije Ujedinjenih naroda (United Nations Geospatial Information Section) koja je prethodno djelovala pod nazivom Kartografska sekcija Ujedinjenih naroda (United Nations Cartographic Section). Čini je tim iskusnih kartografa i stručnjaka iz područja GIS-a, a osposobljeni su za izvršavanje niza geopr...
In the introduction, described how in the past 30 years resized dimensions of GPS receivers from of large size instruments to small size in mobile phones. In the same time also the significantly increased the accuracy of the GPS receivers, but still not solved all the problems. For example, problems when receivers cannot receive GPS signals which b...
Nature protection, especially protection of most valuable parts enclosed in national parks and nature parks is today unthinkable without quality and updated geospatial data organized in efficient geographical information systems. Due to the fact that modern management today is based on geospatial information it resulted with definition of spatial d...
The application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the work of government bodies, economic subjects and units of regional and local self-government presents the real situation today in every European country, as well as in its regions. The organisation of collecting, storing, distribution and usage of spatial data, in accordance with the pr...
Rapid development of GIS application in the last decade highlights two problems in the efficient usage of GIS technologies, entailing the usage of spatial data in general. The first problem was the lack of the concept in organizing the spatial data and the other problem lies in the fact that the subjects and the users didn't and still do not have e...
Adopted in year 2007 the European's Union directive on Infrastructure for Spatial Information in European Community (INSPIRE) has defined legislative frame for establishment of national and European Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). Regardless to the fact that this directive is obligatory only for EU member states, it becomes also legislative fra...
Sažetak: U radu su opisane geodetske metode i postupci koji se koriste kod brzih reakcija na događaje prirodnih katastrofa, s posebnim osvrtom na mogućnosti korištenja podataka i servisa Državne geodetske uprave. Opisan je GMES SAFER (GIO EMS) program Europske unije koji pruža servise DUZS-u te je obavljena analiza mogućnosti korištenja satelita za...
The paper describes the determi-nation of horizontal and vertical movements of the Adriatic microplate on the basis of GPS measurements carried out in the period be-tween 1994 and 2005 within the frame of the 21 measuring campaigns organized at the re-search territory. The role of geodetic measure-ment methods particulary GPS method is es-sential i...
The paper describes the determination of horizontal and vertical movements of the Adriatic microplate on the basis of GPS measurements carried out in the period between 1994 and 2005 within the frame of the 21 measuring campaigns organized at the research territory. The role of geodetic measurement methods particularly GPS method is essential in ap...
U okviru regionalne suradnje koja se realizira kroz Regionalnu konferenciju o katastru i infrastrukturi prostornih podataka izrađena je za potrebe 5. Regionalne konferencije, koja je u lipnju 2012. godine održana u Banjoj Luci i Laktašima, Studija o katastru i infrastrukturi prostornih podataka regije zapadnog Balkana, financirana putem EU IPA2010...
This paper describes the preliminary results of research being conducted among teachers of secondary education institutions. The aim is to explore the representation of spatial data in the educational system, with special emphasis on the NSDI, assess the knowledge on the use of spatial data that students receive during their schooling, determine wh...
Hrvatski pozicijski sustav CROPOS uspostavljen je krajem 2008. godine. Tijekom nešto više od dvije godine rada sustava registrirano je 348 tvrtki kojima je na taj način omogućeno jednostavnije, učinkovitije i pouzdanije korištenje GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) tehnologije mjerenja. Kako bi se osigurala što bolja pokrivenost graničnog po...
In the past ten or so years, the Republic of Croatia has intensified the reform of the geodetic and cadastral system, both through multi-annual programs of State survey and real property cadastre as well as through the „Organized Land“ program, a joint denominator for the reform and modernization of the cadastral and land registry system. In this c...
Pouzdanost određivanja koordinata na fizičkoj površini Zemlje, metodom satelitskog pozicioniranja prvenstveno ovisi o razvoju svemirskog segmenta, odnosno o razvoju visokofrekventnih satova satelita, širini i snazi signala kao i korisničkom segmentu, vezanom uz kvalitetu prijamnika. Uz svemirski i korisnički segment, za potrebe detaljnijih analiza...
Prethodna računanja točne pozicije VRS-a koristeći, primjerice, program TTC (Trimble Total Control) definirala su se na temelju poznatih koordinata iz podataka okolnih referentnih stanica i to metodom interpolacije, odnosno generiranjem podataka unutar figure trokuta. Ovako generirani podaci u RINEX formatu danas su u širokoj primjeni pri svakodnev...
Although still not a member State of the European Union, Croatia has recognized in the spatial data infrastructure a concept that can significantly incite the modernization and effectiveness of the State administration, and create preconditions for the accelerated economic growth. Given this fact, Croatia has defined, after preparations which laste...
Nevertheless if the National Mapping and Cadastre Agencies (NMCA's) are only data providers or act as coordination bodies, their role in establishment of National Spatial Data Infrastructures (NSDI's) is significant. The level of involvement slightly differs from country to the country, but almost all European NMCA's are already aware of their role...
The development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) and the involvement of individual countries in global activities, such as the establishment of the European Spatial Data Infrastructure (ESDI) through the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive and the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI), require from any country and its inst...
On the basis of the Law on State Survey and Real Estate Cadastre, on August the 4 th , 2004 theGovernment of the Republic of Croatia adopted the Decree on establishing new official geodetic datum and map projections for the Republic of Croatia. The Decree determined new horizontal, vertical and gravimetric datum as well as new map projection of the...
In the late 2009, a new topographic survey will be completed along with the production of a topologic database and topographic map in the scale of 1:25,000 (TK25) for the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia. In order to carry out this project, the State Geodetic Administration and the Croatian Geodetic Institute have developed and implement...
In the past ten years, Croatia, just like other European countries in transition, has experienced an accelerated overall development which has resulted in the growing need of the society, economy and citizens for the spatial information and services of the State related to the spatial component. The need has been further emphasized by the specifici...
During 2008, the State Geodetic Administration was building the Croatian Positioning Service: CROPOS. The system is being built with the most advanced GNSS technological solutions and reflects the current technological state of affairs which makes it, therefore, one of the most advanced systems of this kind. CROPOS was launched on December 9, 2008,...
Croatia is on its way to join the European Union as well as European information society what means that policies, technical standards and operational facilities should be harmonized with European standards and Inspire. One of the main initiators for SDI establishment activities was the State Geodetic Administration (SGA), the national mapping and...
The CROREF-05 GPS campaign was carried out in September 2005, in order to re-observe EUREF GPS points measured within the framework of SLOCRO-94 EUREF GPS campaign eleven years ago. After the initial idea, the project expanded later by including geodynamics and other national reference GPS points, also observed in several previous campaigns. The pr...
We modeled global positioning system measurements of crustalvelocity along a N13°E profile across the southern Adriamicroplate and south-central Dinarides mountain belt using a one-dimensional elastic dislocation model. We assumed a N77°Wfault strike orthogonal to the average azimuth of the measuredvelocities, but we used a constrained random searc...
Many compressional orogenic systems include foreland fold-and-thrust belts, but the relationship between foreland thrust belt kinematics and hinterland crustal thickening, and their dependence on numerous additional factors such as variable accretionary flux, fault friction, surface processes, crustal flow, and pre-existing structure remains contro...