Yvonne Hébert

Yvonne Hébert
University of Calgary · Werklund School of Education

PhD, U British Columbia


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Yvonne Hébert currently works at the Werklund School of Education, The University of Calgary. Yvonne does research in Comparative Education, Educational Policy and International Education. Their current project is 'Identity Formation: Strategic Competence of Immigrant Adolescents in Urban Contexts'.
Additional affiliations
July 1984 - June 1985
University of Regina
  • Professor (Assistant)
July 1986 - February 2013
University of Calgary
  • Professor Emeritus
  • Recently retired.


Publications (67)
Abstract: From a comparative focus on ethnocultural minority youth in Australia, Canada and France, this synthesis paper addresses five issues: (1) youth’s view of themselves and their sense of community; (2) barriers to integration; (3) innovative governmental and community approaches to youth integration; (4) opportunities youth create for themse...
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Abstract: From a comparative focus on ethnocultural minority youth in Australia, Canada and France, this synthesis paper addresses five issues: (1) youth’s view of themselves and their sense of community; (2) barriers to integration; (3) innovative governmental and community approaches to youth integration; (4) opportunities youth create for themse...
Conference Paper
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This presentation attempts to explore linkages between notions of community, models of social justice, and ethnocultural/linguistic communities, with respect to their settlement and integration processes into Canadian society characterized by an official language minority and majority. (36 words)
Focusing on educational language policy and practice, this chapter is organized into four sections. The first sketches a three-dimensional theoretical framework in terms of social justice, while seven critical issues pertaining to immigrant students, as exemplified in Alberta, are presented in the second section. Although the examples are site spec...
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Given the global scope of migration, this paper explores the re-emerging concept of cosmopolitanism for its theoretical possibilities with respect to the process of integrating into an officially multicultural country. Nine possible positionings are tentatively identified and explored, starting from global variability, global interconnectedness, an...
In the knowledge era, indeed, the struggle is between knowledge that is both resource and product in a world of fast capitalism and knowledge as mutual engagement in processes of shared critical social construction, and thus, more culturally inclusive and socially productive. The former has been taken for granted since the aftermath of the Second W...
The proliferation of new cultural flows, new modes of belonging and new practices of citizenship mobilise minds and bodies with identifications beyond nation-states. These referents stretch beyond nationality, ethnicity, religion, culture, nation, minorities, majorities, and territorial belongings (Hoerder, Hébert & Schmitt, 2006; Hannerz, 1997). N...
In rapidly globalizing spaces of life, any research project on international education would necessarily have multi-directional emphases, with the quality of observations and analyses reflecting the expanding political, economic and cultural intersections which characterize this potentially promising century. To respond to these emerging learning a...
This chapter explores how youth visualize and conceptualize inclusion and exclusion in their neighbourhood, city and in Canadian society and how gender, ethnicity, and generation status may play a role in these processes. As part of a national three-year research project, youth were invited to photograph spaces within the city where they spend time...
In analyzing these chapters, I am particularly struck by the many different ways a society can be conceptualized and operationalized. These are oft ripe with tensions linked to long-term or even short-term diversity in hostile environments usually marked by repressive measures. Moreover, in many countries under consideration, the globalizing contex...
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The appropriate education of immigrant students is the most significant issue of this global era. It is timely to expand new horizons for research on educational implications by creating a comprehensive corpus of research on theories and practices dealing with linguistic rights; policy options; types of programmes; structural change; implementation...
The appropriate education of immigrant students is the most significant issue of this global era. It is timely to expand new horizons for research on educational implications by creating a comprehensive corpus of research on theories and practices dealing with linguistic rights; policy options; types of programmes; structural change; implementation...
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The representation of women in research and as researcher has greatly evolved according to our analysis. We trace four generations of representations, from a long pre-stage to modernist times, followed by shifting paradigms, and finally the current stage of finding new ground focusing on integration, collectivity and centering. For each generation,...
The representation of women in research and as researcher has greatly evolved according to our analysis. We trace four generations of representations, from a long pre-stage to modernist times, followed by shifting paradigms, and finally the current stage of finding new ground focusing on integration, collectivity and centering. For each generation,...
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Seeking to understand what it means for immigrant youth to make new connections in a host country, we explore their networks of social relations and situate these with respect to social capital and to citizenship as a relational and spatial concept. Focusing on graphic representations of friendships of nearly sixty immigrant adolescents, the analys...
Les divers sens donnés à la notion d'identité nationale, telle est la question la plus importante de l'heure en matière de citoyenneté. Les auteurs ont analysé 226 réponses écrites de jeunes Canadiens au secondaire, immigrants et non-immigrants, à la question: Que veut dire être ou devenir Canadien pour moi? Les participants font état d'un plus gra...
Comparing youth of ethnocultural minority contexts in Canada and France, this paper addresses four issues: youth's views of themselves and their sense of community; youth's approaches to engagement; the impact of policy types and programmes; and new directions. The comparative analysis suggests that the policies of each country impact differentiall...
Based on narrative data recently collected from youth’s in three Canadian cities, our paper focuses on second generation perceptions of youth’s identifications in a society increasingly influenced by the forces of globalization and how these perceptions may or may not be reflected in programs of study dealing with citizenship education. We utilize...
Second generation youth are currently the focus of much research and policy attention with respect to their integration, which is not yet well understood. Based on graphic and narrative data recently collected in three cities, Calgary, Winnipeg, and Toronto, we analyse second generation youth's patterns in glocal spaces where transcultural modes of...
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In Canada for almost thirty years, the Shi’a Imami Isma’ili Muslims of Calgary are remarkably diverse. At issue is the basis of collective identity in a plural liberal democratic society. Set within a study of the contexts of identity formation of immigration youth, interviews with parents and community leaders indicate that it is religion that hol...
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Hébert and Hartley take the example of Canada as indicative of changing conceptions of youth that occur through societies, shaped by moral, socio-economic, political and legal influences. These include the appearance of a more liberal Christianity, the growth of industrial and agricultural productivity, the spread of literacy and the rise of the mi...
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Hébert et Hartley se servent de l’exemple du Canada pour montrer les changements qui se produisent dans la représentation de la jeunesse, sous l’effet des influences morales, socioéconomiques et juridiques. Ces influences comprennent l’émergence d’un christianisme plus libéral, la croissance de la productivité industrielle et agricole, la généralis...
Young people negotiate their position with peers from other (ethno-)cultural and socio-economic contexts, with diversely gendered traditions and media-suggested roles. To understand issues of cultural belonging of young people today, it is necessary to read histories as many-cultured. On this basis, present-day projects of young people can be appro...
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The meanings attached to national identity are the most salient citizenship issue today. We analyzed over three hundred written responses of Canadian high school youth, to the question of "What does it mean for me to be a Canadian citizen?" The participants related a greater sense of national identity rather than ethnic and/or supranational belongi...
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and policy discussions on education’s future and so is a natural component of CERI’s “Schooling for Tomorrow” programme. It springs from the awareness that “one-size-fits-all” approaches to school knowledge and organisation are illadapted both to individuals’ needs and to the knowledge society at large. But “personalisation” can mean many things an...
Young people negotiate their position with peers from other (ethno-)cultural and socioeconomic contexts, with diversely gendered traditions and media-suggested roles. To understand issues of cultural belonging of young people today, it is necessary to read histories as many-cultured. On this basis, present-day projects of young people can be approa...
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Social capital matters for young people, especially for immigrant and minority youth; however what counts as social capital for young people is poorly specified. This paper reviews recent studies on the influences of parents, communities and schools; then focuses on youth social networks that begin to reveal how young people form, develop and use s...
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Seeking to understand what it means for immigrant youth to make new connections in a host country, we explore their networks of social relations and situate these with respect to social cap- ital and to citizenship as a relational and spatial concept. Focusing on graphic representations of friendships of nearly sixty immigrant adolescents, the anal...
Three themes course through this collection: the growing pluralism in Canadian society; the complex and fluid nature of citizenship as a concept, particularly in light of that pluralism; and the need to deepen our understanding of what meaningful inclusion might look like in a truly pluralism democratic community. The introductory chapter makes the...
In this paper, we take a critical view of the literature on multiculturalism and diversity as it pertains to the identity work of youth and to the role of education as process and institution. First we distinguish the two very different views of identity: modern and postmodern, and the social science theories that flow from one or the other. Next,...
The Citizenship Education Research Network, a group of Canadian researchers, decision makers, and practitioners, is committed to the development of educational policy and practice concerning the relationship between common values and the stability of society; the impact of citizen participation upon social cohesion; and the relationship between cit...
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Given the continuing tensions centering around social and political transformations, a renewed citizenship education is proposed for the construction of a new flexible citizenship in a post-modern, multinational and polyethnic society characterized by multiple identities, mobility, openness and diversity, social participation as complementary to wo...
The general language education syllabus, proposed as one of four syllabi resulting from Canada's National Core French Study, is described, with suggestions for content and general objectives. A four-stage teaching approach, teacher planning process, possibilities for facilitation integration with the other syllabi, and the role of this syllabus are...
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Concerned by the need to decolonize education for Aboriginal students, the authors explore philosophies of Indigenous ways of knowing and those of the 21 st century learning movement. In their efforts to propose a way forward with Aboriginal education, the authors inquire into harmonies between Aboriginal knowledges and tenets of 21 st century educ...
Permeated with ethical and political concerns, with racial, gender, and cultural differences, this case study deals with the specifics of Native American education in Canada. It is an example of educational change and takes its larger meaning from that reality.
"Iudian education is undergoing rapid change in Canada. Control over education has become a principal concern of Indian communities and is increasingly seen as a critical vehicle for the advancement and empowerment of aboriginal peoples. Native Indian teacher programmes have been established in every region of Canada, as have Native studies program...
In two school districts of the Saanich Penninsula, Native Indian Language programs were initiated in 1979 (Victoria) and 1981 (Saanich). The goal of this evaluation were: (1) to determine the factors which affected the implementation of Native Indian Language programs for dialects of two language families (Wakashan, including Kwak'wala and Nuu-chah...
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RESUME Over the past decade, many Indian language programs have been developed in British Columbia. The author notes the sociopolitical context of Indian language education in the province, identifies major goals and objectives for language programs, and focuses on a variety of factors which affect them. Acknowledging that language education lies b...
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Our hypothesis is that there is an assumption of non-authority underlying the organization of the Indian culture of Nicola Valey, B. C. This is supported by linguistic and social interaction patterns: (1a) the apparent lack of a true causative in the grammar of the Okanagan language, (1b) the requirement that verbal contacts must be made explicit b...
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This paper examines the widely known view that the noun/verb distinction is meaningless for languages of Northwestern America. First, it is demonstrated that at least eleven lexical categories, including Noun and Verb, may be distinguished in Okanagan, an Interior Salishan language of this area. Using evidence from distribution and co-occurrence, N...


Question (1)
How to refer to co-editors of a book? This role is not authorship, although in many cases, a colleague may serve as a co-editor, while also being author of one or more chapters. So how to indicate all this is such small spaces?


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