Yusuf Soner Baskaya

Yusuf Soner Baskaya
Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey · Communications and Foreign Relations Department

PhD in Economics, Brown University


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June 2011 - June 2014
Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
  • Deputy General Manager
June 2014 - present
Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
  • Manager


Publications (28)
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This paper estimates spatial wage curves for formal and informal workers in Turkey using individual level data from the Turkish Household Labor Force Survey provided by TURKSTAT for the period 2008–2014. Unlike previous studies on wage curves for formal and informal workers, we extend the analysis to allow for spatial effects. We also consider hous...
This paper studies the transmission of the Global Financial Cycle (GFC) to domestic credit market conditions in a large emerging market, Turkey, over 2003–13. We use administrative data covering the universe of corporate credit transactions matched to bank balance sheets to document four facts: (1) an easing in global financial conditions leads to...
We examine the role of the international credit channel in Turkey over 2005–2013. We show that larger, more capitalised banks with higher non-core liabilities increase credit supply when capital inflows are higher. This result is stronger for domestic banks relative to foreign banks and survives during the crisis period of post 2008, when foreign b...
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This paper estimates wage curves for formal and informal workers using a rich individual level data for Turkey over the period 2005–2009. The wage curve is an empirical regularity describing a negative relationship between regional unemployment rates and individuals' real wages. While this relationship has been well documented for a number of count...
In this paper, the business cycle implications of oil price uncertainty are analyzed for an oil-importing small open economy. Higher volatility in oil prices works through two main channels. On one hand, it makes the marginal product of capital riskier, creating an incentive to substitute away from capital. On the other hand, it increases the deman...
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[TR] 2011 yilinin ikinci yarisinda enflasyonda hizli bir yukselis gozlenmesi ve enflasyonun uzunca bir muddet hedefin belirgin olarak uzerinde seyretmesi enflasyon beklentilerinin yakindan izlenmesini gerektirmektedir. Bu calisma, beklenti olusumunun zaman icindeki seyrini inceleyerek anilan donemde davranissal bir bozulma yasanip yasanmadigini inc...
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This study documents the stylized facts about the business cycles in Turkey using quarterly data between 1987 and 2009. In particular, we document the business cycle turning points and average duration of cycles for Turkey, as well as the optimal smoothing parameter for Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter estimated in line with our estimate of average bus...
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This study assesses how inflation expectations respond to inflation targets, forecasts, and realizations with a particular focus on whether the sensitivity of expectations to inflation realizations increases with the level of inflation. For the sample period between April 2006 and May 2012, our findings indicate that forecasts, targets, and past in...
This paper examines the Turkish wage curve using individual data from the Household Labor Force Survey (HLFS) including 26 NUTS-2 regions over the period 2005-2008. When the local unemployment rate is treated as predetermined, there is evidence in favor of the wage curve only for younger and female workers. However, if the lagged unemployment rate...
This study aims at estimating the optimal smoothing parameter for Hodrick-Prescott filter for Turkey using 1987-2007 quarterly real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data. Two alternative methods, proposed by Pedersen (2001) and Dermoune et al (2008) are used for estimation which gives the values for the HP Filter smoothing parameter for Turkey as 98 an...
[TR] Bu notta, is cevrimleri analizlerinde kullanilan Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filtresindeki duzgunlestirme parametresi, 1987 : 1-2007 : 3 donemi Turkiye reel Gayri Safi Yurt Ici Hasila verileri kullanilarak iki farkli yontemle tahmin edilmektedir. Is cevrimi ozellikleri, ceyreklik verilerde duzgunlestirme parametresi icin yazinda sikca kullanilan 160...
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Using individual level data from Turkstat Household Labor Force Survey for 2005-2009 period, we analyze whether there is a wage gap between formal and informal workers with comparable observable characteristics, where the formality of employment is defined with respect to individuals' registry status to compulsory Social Security System. We find th...
By using the U.S. NBER-CES industry-level data for the 1962-2005 period, we analyze how exogenous changes in firms'borrowing costs, measured by the spread between Baa and Aaa rated corporate bonds, affect employment dynamics and whether external finance dependence differences across industries lead to different employment responses to financial sho...
Bu notta Turkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankasi’nin enflasyon hedeflerinde Hukumet ile birlikte 2008 yili Haziran ayinda gerceklestirdigi revizyon ile birlikte 12 ve 24 ay sonralarina iliskin enflasyon beklenti olusumunun nasil degistigi incelenmistir. Yapilan analizler, hedef revizyonu sonrasi enflasyon hedeflerinin enflasyon beklentileri uzerindeki be...
A particular challenge for the macroeconomic models is their inability to match the joint dynamics of employment, wage and output observed in the data. In this paper, we incorporate labor-leisure externalities into a standard model, as supported both by recent empirical studies in labor economics as well as social psychology, where the marginal dis...
For central banks, whose primary objective is to maintain low and sustainable inflation, understanding the determinants of food prices and their sensitivity to monetary policy is crucial for measuring the effectiveness of policy actions. This study empirically analyzes the determinants of the processed food inflation in Turkey. The findings point o...
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This study analyzes the behavioral aspects of inflation expectations in Turkey by utilizing data from a panel of survey respondents, and draws implications for the formulation of monetary policy and communication strategy. Our results lend support to the view that the survey respondents take the inflation targets and the official forecasts of the C...
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2005 yili ortalarindan itibaren uluslararasi tarimsal ham madde fiyatlarinda meydana gelen yuksek oranli artislar, aralarinda Turkiye’nin de bulundugu bir cok ulkede enflasyon oranlarinin yukselmesine neden olmaktadir. Politika yapicilari acisindan yurt ici gida fiyatlarindaki hareketlerin kaynaklarinin anlasilmasi ve soz konusu fiyatlarin para ve...
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[TR] Bu notta Turkiye’de bazi temel emek piyasasi degiskenlerinin konjonkturel yapisi cinsiyet bazinda istatistiksel olarak incelenmektir. Toplulastirilmis gostergeler, iktisadi anlamda onem arz eden ve cinsiyet bazinda alt gruplarda gozlenmesi muhtemel heterojen yapiyi gizleyebilmektedir. Bu calismada yapilan analizlerde, konjonkturel dalgalanmala...


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