Yurij Kolesnyk

Yurij Kolesnyk
Zaporizhia State Medical University | ZSMU · Department of Pathologic Physiology

DSc., professor


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Publications (80)
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Aim. To study the composition of ultrafine aerosol in the air during the burning of a trench candle and compare combustion products with proven carcinogens according to the classification of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IACR). Materials and methods. The content of ultrafine aerosol in the air during the burning of a trench candl...
Aim. To characterize iNOS expression indicators in the basal magnocellular nucleus of rats during early pathogenetic correction of neurodegeneration induced by intracerebroventricular colchicine administration. Materials and methods. The study was conducted using 50 male Wistar rats aged 10–11 months, which were divided into 5 experimental groups (...
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Aim. To characterize the features of iNOS expression in neurons of the basal magnocellular nucleus against the background of nitrosative stress during experimental colchicine-induced neurodegeneration. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on 30 male Wistar rats. At the first stage of the experiment, cognitive impairments were modeled in r...
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Aim of the study was to characterize the locomotor and cognitive aspects of the behavior of experimental rats under intracerebroventricular colchicine administration in the open field test and the 8-arm radial maze, as well as identify a set of behavioral features of experimental animals that emerged during the study. Materials and methods. The stu...
The aim of the work was to define the nature of changes in morpho-densitometric parameters of magnocellular neurons of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in rats at 6, 15 and 21 weeks of restricted living space. Materials and methods. A total of 55 male Wistar rats aged 6-10 months were used and divided into 4 groups (1 – intact control, 10 r...
The aim of the work was to define the pattern of changes and pathogenetic mechanisms of glycemic curve shape during a glucose tolerance test in rats at 6, 15, and 21 weeks of environmental space restriction. Materials and methods. A total of 55 male Wistar rats aged 6–10 months were used and divided into 4 groups (1 – intact control, 10 rats; 2, 3...
Intermittent hypoxia has been studied for many years as a promising non-pharmacological method of cardiovascular disease prevention. Hypoxic effects are accompanied by structural and functional changes in the myocardium. There is a direct link between the duration of hypoxic exposures and the severity of left ventricular myocardial remodeling. A ra...
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A-концепція та дизайн дослідження; B-збір даних; C-аналіз та інтерпретація даних; D-написання статті; E-редагування статті; F-остаточне затвердження статті Мета роботи-визначити морфоденситометричні показники кардіоміоцитів і характер маркерного профілю ремоде-лювання в міокарді лівого шлуночка щурів з експериментальною артеріальною гіпертензією за...
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M., Isachenko M. I. Pathogenetic features of morphodensitometric characteristics of cardiomyocytes and marker profile of the left ventricular remodeling in rats with experimental intermittent hypoxia of different duration. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2020;10(9):752-762. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx. Abstract Myocardial remodeling is c...
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The aim was to determine the features of the NO system status in the left ventricular myocardium in the rats with intermittent hypoxic hypobaric hypoxia during 15 and 60 days. Material and methods. The study was conducted on the 30 Wistar male rats, which were divided into 3 experimental groups: the 1st – control, the 2nd – rats exposed to intermit...
Мета роботи – запропонувати концепцію системи менеджменту корпоративних знань у медичному університеті, яка базується на ресурсах інформаційно-освітнього середовища університету. Основна частина. В умовах дигіталізації системи вищої освіти та впровадження системи електронних сервісів, які здійснюють менеджмент та моніторинг процесу навчання студент...
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The article contains information about the structure of promoter region, ways of activation and function of protooncogen c-Fos, its product - early response protein c-Fos and transcriptional complex АР- 1. The subjects of discussion аге: c-Fos effects оп immune system, mechanisms of its influence оп cellular proliferation, maturation and apoptosis...
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The influence of chronic hyperglycemia оn fetus in prenatal time in last trimester of pregnancy was investigated. Chronic hyperglycemia disrupts the normal morphogenesis of the insular apparatus of pancreatic islets and its morphofuntional of state in the adults with the development of hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia and hyper...
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The vasopressinergic system of the hypothalamus occupies an important place in the neuroendocrine mechanisms of maintaining homeostasis, controlling autonomic reactions and the processes of adaptation of the organism to the acute and chronic stressors. The main portion of the magnocellular vasopressin-synthesizing neurons is localized in the suprao...
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The aim was to determine the morpho-functional parameters of the left ventricular myocardium NO system in the rats with essential hypertension (SHR line). Material and methods. We used a combination of modern highly informative methods, namely: research of NOS isoform profie (nNOS, iNOS eNOS) in the myocardial slices along with an assessment of the...
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The heat-shock proteins (Hsp) - phylogeneticaly old intracellular proteins that are found in all cells with nucleus. The capacity to connect with intracellular peptides and taking part in the different cellular processes( proteins transport, antistress cells protection etc.) specifies the variability of their functions. This review is devoted to fu...
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Neuroimmune – endocrine mechanisms of endocrine pancreatic islets regulation Kolesnik Yu.M.1, Abramov A.V.1, Gancheva O.V.1, Kamyshny A.M.1, Grekova T.A.1 1 Zaporozhye State Medical University. The review contains brief an alysis of the results of long-term investigations that were carried out in Pathophysiology department of Z aporozhye State M...
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Мета роботи – проаналізувати впровадження в навчальний процес ВМ(Ф)НЗ курсів за вибором за формою дистанційного навчання за технологією онлайн-курсів, які реалізовані на платформі edX, що розташована на віртуальному сервері хмари Azure.Основна частина. У статті представлено досвід впровадження сучасних технологій у форматі on line в систему підгото...
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В монографии изложены современные представления о патологических изменениях в нервной ткани в условиях церебральной патологии (нейроапоптоз, митохондриальная дисфункция, оксидативный стресс, гиперпродукция оксида азота (NO), гиперэкспрессия ранних генов), а также представлены основные современные препараты, использующиеся как для первичной, так и д...
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We studied the involvement of HSP70 and Hif1b genes in the development of pathological changes in the brains of experimental animals during ischemia. We found neuro� and mitoprotective charac� teristics of heat shock protein HSP70 and Hif1b in vitro and under cerebral ischemia due to stabilization of molecules damaged by oxidation, inhibition of ni...
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Modern biomedical research conducted in scientific laboratories is a basis not only for studying the pathogenetic mechanisms of diseases formation and progression, today they are widely used for highly informative diagnostic methods development, new medicines creation, and the study of newly developed pharmaceutical compounds influence on the organ...
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У статті розкрита послідовна стратегія впровадження в медичному університеті курсів за вибором на базі технології дистанційного навчання у вигляді онлайн-курсів. Показано, що успішне впровадження онлайн-курсів можливо при наявності таких складових, як: готовність викладацького складу до опанування нових технологій навчання та зміни своєї ролі в нав...
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Alpha cells of pancreatic islets constitute the second largest population of pancreatic endocrinocytes, and the glucagon synthesized in them plays an important role in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. At the same time, glucagon-suppressive therapy is defined as the strategically main source of success of therapy for patients with type 2 diabe...
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In is known, that one of the main regulators of the blood pressure (BP) is hypothalamus. The efficiency of the BP regulation in a changeable environment is dependable on its coherence and coordination. This intrahypothalamic coordinator is an arcuate nucleus. One of the main conditions of the proper neuronal function is combination of their functio...
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The control of b-cells pool in patients with hypertension is an actual problem, as it is possible that the hereditary genetic defects of arterial hypertension formation may affect the mechanisms of endocrine cell mass maintenance in pancreas and cause disruption of glucose metabolism and diabetes. In addition, violation of cytoarchitectonics of pan...
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The aim of our study was to find out the features of the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms expression in longitudinal and transversal layers of the myocardium of the left ventricle in male rats of 3 months, which are descendants of female rats with experimental gestational diabetes (EGD). Materials and methods. Study was carried out on 10 male...
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The regulation of the paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei’s activity is carried out with a great amount of different neurotransmitters, in particular, with nitric oxide. In order to get clear understanding of the local NO effects in hypothalamus in normal condition and different models of hypertension it is necessary to study all isof...
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Background. Diabetes mellitus (DM) became a major problem of the healthcare in Ukraine. The rapid increase in the incidence was noticed especially in recent decade. The treatment of diabetes and its complications become a difficult task. From this standpoint the experimental modeling of diabetes is rather essential. Using the experimental models gi...
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The aim of the research was to establish linear differences of nNOS expression pattern, peculiarities of its distribution in vascular and cellular compartment of locus coeruleus in the brainstem of Wistar and SHR rats. Methods and results . The research was carried out on 10 Wistar male rats and 10 male SHR rats with body mass 250-270 g. Decapitati...
Проблемно-орієнтоване навчання в українській вищій медичній освіті з’явилося відносно недавно. Зважаючи на передовий світовий досвід, можна впевнено говорити про його актуальність та інноваційність. У даній роботі висвітлено досвід Запорізького державного медичного університету щодо впровадження проблемно-орієнтованого навчання у студентів молодших...
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The aim was to study patterns of the nNOS, iNOS and eNOS expression in pancreatic islets in prepubescent male offsprings of female rats with experimental gestational diabetes mellitus. Materials and methods. The study was carried out in 10 prepubescent male offsprings of female rats with normal pregnancy and in 10 prepubescent male offsprings of f...
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Aim. The purpose was to evaluate the features of the neuronal and endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression pattern in supraoptic and magnocellular part of paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus in different models of hypertension. Materials and methods. The study was carried out on 20 Wistar male rats and 10 SHR male rats. There were two e...
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54) СПОСІБ МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ СИМПТОМАТИЧНОЇ АРТЕРІАЛЬНОЇ ГІПЕРТЕНЗІЇ У ДРІБНИХ ГРИЗУНІВ (57) Реферат: Спосіб моделювання симптоматичної артеріальної гіпертензії у дрібних гризунів шляхом багаторазового внутрішньом'язового введення самцям щурів лінії Вістар кортикостероїдного гормону та здійснення сольового навантаження, причому застосовують старих щурів...
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The present study was conducted to investigate of the influence of chronic social stress and modulation of the composition of intestinal microflora on the distribution of Xbp(1+)-lymphocytes in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue of ileum of the rats. Structure of population of Xbp(1+)-cells has been studied by the analysis of serial histological se...
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The priority of the health care system of Ukraine reforming is the development of primary health care based on family medicine. In terms of health care reform activities in higher educational institutions ofUkraineare oriented at improving the efficiency of highly qualified family doctors training. According to the implementation of health reform...
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Acute or chronic brain ischemia induces a cascade of pathobiochemical reactions that finally result in the development of focal neurological deficit, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, or the death of a patient. We studied the effects of ischemia at different time points, including 1, 6, 24, 48, 72, and 120 h, and 21 days. During the period of the stro...
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We studied the involvement of HSP70 and Hif1b genes in the development of pathological changes in the brains of experimental animals during ischemia. We found neuro- and mitoprotective characteristics of heat shock protein HSP70 and Hif1b in vitro and under cerebral ischemia due to stabilization of molecules damaged by oxidation, inhibition of nitr...
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The objective of the present work was to study the morphofunctional state of insulin-expressing, antigen-presenting, Treg cells, epithelioreticulocytes, thymic cells expressing c-Fos and Bcl-2+ in the progeny of rats with experimental gestational diabetes (EGD). The methods employed included immunohistochemical staining with direct and indirect imm...
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The impact of multiple peripheral (intraperitoneal) and central (intracerebroventricular) administrations of cholecystokinin 26-33 (CCK-8) octapeptide on the function of a- and /3- cells of the islets of Langerhans was studied in investigations made on normal rats and rats with experimental streptosotocine-induced type 1 diabetes mellitus. Insulin...
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Modern views on the development, structure and function of pancreatic islets
Immunofluorescent methods allowing the detection of different hormones in endocrine cells, are widely used in many works, however, their application is usually limited to the description of qualitative criteria, while the reactions of indirect immunofluorescence permit their quantitative assessment. The purpose of the present work was the definitio...
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The purpose of this study was identification and evaluation of NPY-synthesizing cells of Langerhans ’ islets in Wistar rats in health, streptosotocin diabetes of different duration, and during chronic treatment of diabetic animals by synthetic NPY. NPY- and insulin-producing cells in the islets were identified by indirect immunofluorescence using P...
5 weeks development of streptozoticin-induced diabetes mellitus in the rats is accompanied with the increase of gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) immunopositive neurons amount in parvocellular neurosecretory subdivisions of immunopositive fibers increased in these structures:the content of GRP increased in median eminence as well. In supraoptic nucle...
We have carried out a quantitative study of the state of a neuropeptide Y (NPY)-ergic system of the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (AN) in rats in the norm and in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes mellitus. The NPY-containing objects were identified using an indirect immunofluorescent technique; a system of digital analysis of images and a specia...
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The effect of neuropeptide Y (NPY) on the pancreatic endocrine function is studied. NPY was injected to intact and diabetic rats for 10 days intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) in a dose of 10 ng or intraperitoneally (i.p.) in a dose of 2.5 pg daily. In intact animals, NPY caused an increase in insulin content in the islets, more pronounced after i....
Changes of neurons of dorsal motor nucleus of nervus vagus were studied in adaptation to hypoxia, experimental diabetes mellitus and its correction by means of interrupted hypoxic effects. It was established previously that interrupted hypoxic training exerted stimulating effect on insulin synthesizing function of pancreas. As a result of the prese...
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Experiments on intact and diabetic rats demonstrated that 10-day injections of [Arg8]-vasopressin (intracerebroventricu- lar (icv) daily dose 24 fM, intraperitoneal (ip) 240 pM) leads to increase in insulin content in pancreatic beta-cells in nor- moglycaemic rats by 6.6 ± 0.2% in comparison with the controls and in hyperglycaemic diabetic rats by...
Intracerebroventricular (1.5 pM) and intraperitoneal (1.0 nM) injections of bombesin for 10 days enhance insulin synthesis and secretion and reduce glycemia in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus as compared with nontreated diabetic rats. In intact rats insulin synthesis in β-cells is stimulated only by intracerebroventricular inject...
The investigation was performed in 96 Wistar rats. Diabetes mellitus was induced by single injection of 50 mg/kg of streptozotocin. Cholecystokinin (CCK) synthesizing neurons were identified in hypothalamic structures using indirect immunofluorescence. In latent period of diabetes (2 wks) number of CCK--immunopositive neurons increases, especially...
Conclusions 1. The development of experimental diabetes mellitus involves increases in HHAS activity, resulting in hypertrophy of MSSPVNH neurons and their nucleoli, along with increases in the blood levels of CRF, ACTH, and glucocorticoids. 2. In animals with experimental diabetes mellitus, there are pronounced changes in the state of the p...
1. The development of diabetes mellitus in rats is characterized by an increase in the synthetic and secretory activity of the vasopressin- and corticoliberin-synthesizing neurons of the PLM and MP of subnuclei of the PVN. 2. A decrease in the power of the spectrum of the BEA and the presence of degenerating neurons in the VL of the VMN were demons...
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The status of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal system (HPAS) and the group of regulatory neuropeptides synthesized in the zone of the medial small-cell hypothalamic subnucleus, the principal site of production of corticotropin-releasing factor, were studied in Wistar rats. HPAS was studied by radioimmunological and morpholiistochemical methods, th...
The study was performed in 80 albino Wistar rats of both sexes. Pancreatic A-, B- and D-cells state were studied by means of indirect immunofluorescence, using monoclonal antibodies to insulin and anti-serine to glucagon and somatostatin. This method reflects state of endocrine cells secretory activity most adequately and is an optimal one for stud...
Using immunocytochemical and immunoradiometric assays, it is found that intermittent exposure to hypoxia stimulates insulin synthesis and secretion by pancreatic beta cells and activatesde novo formation of these cells in the acinar tissue of both intact rats and rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus, as well as inhibiting the destruct...
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The status of subnuclei of the paraventricular and ventromedial nuclei of the hypothalamus in the pathogenesis of experimental diabetes mellitus was studied in Wistar rats by morphohistochemical, radioimmunological, immunocytochemical, and electrophysiological methods. A close correlation was revealed between morphohistochemical and hormonal charac...
In mice hetero- and homozygotic in relation to the diabetic gene db, it was shown that the regulation of the pancreatic endocrine function by hypothalamus is mediated at least by two mechanisms: neurohumoral one connected with hormone secretion by paraventricular and supraoptical nuclei and by a neuroconductivity mechanism connected with the ventro...
1. A close interdependence is observed in experimental diabetes mellitus on the state of the endocrine portion of the pancreas and on neurosecretory nuclei of the hypothalamus that synthesize vasopressin, oxytocin, and corticoliberin. 2. The activation of the vasopressin-, corticoliberin-, and oxytocin-synthesizing neurons of the subnuclei of th...
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The present research was aimed at examination of the endocrinal system of the pancreas in diabetes mellitus, adaptation to hypoxia, and their combination in rats in order to elucidate the relationships between A, B, and D cells under various conditions. The status of Langerhans islet cells was assessed by radioimmunoassay, measurements of blood hor...
Hypothalamic mechanisms of neurohormone regulation of endocrine pancreas in diabetes mellitus, adaptation to hypoxia and their combination were studied on Wistar rats. To evaluate the condition of supraoptic nucleus (SON) secretory function, paraventricular subnuclei (PVH) of hypothalamus and endocrine pancreas, we used radioimmunoassay, immunocyto...
The present research was aimed at examination of the endocrinal system of the pancreas in diabetes mellitus, adaptation to hypoxia, and their combination in rats in order to elucidate the relationships between A, B, and D cells under various conditions. The status of Langerhans islet cells was assessed by radioimmunoassay, measurements of blood hor...
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The endocrine status of the pancreas and the hypothalamic neurosecretory nuclei were studied by radioimmunoassay, immunocytochemical, morphometric and histochemical methods in Wistar rats of both sexes with experimental diabetes mellitus. The development of diabetes mellitus was characterized by beta-cell destruction and insulin concentrations redu...
The endocrine status of the pancreas and the hypothalamic neurosecretory nuclei were studied by radioimmunoassay, immunocytochemical, morphometric and histochemical methods in Wistar rats of both sexes with experimental diabetes mellitus. The development of diabetes mellitus was characterized by beta-cell destruction and insulin concentrations redu...
Hypothalamic mechanisms of neurohormone regulation of endocrine pancreas in diabetes mellitus, adaptation to hypoxia and their combination were studied on Wistar rats. To evaluate the condition of supraoptic nucleus (SON) secretory function, paraventricular subnuclei (PVH) of hypothalamus and endocrine pancreas, we used radioimmunoassay, immunocyto...
Adaptation to intense hypoxia occurs owing to activation of vasopressin-synthetizing magnocellular neurons of the hypothalamus' paraventricular nucleus. The stability of the organism resistance against hypoxia seems to result from highly active state of the CRF and CRF/vasopressin-synthetizing neurons of the parvocellular portion of the paraventric...
Subnuclei of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus were studied in chronic experiments in 60 male Wistar rats (3 groups of animals) under normal conditions and under the influence of intensive and moderate regiments of hypoxic trainings. The division of macro- and micro-cellular populations of neurons of PVN is justified not only du...
The interrelationship between endocrine cells of the Langerhans islands in experimental diabetes provoked in female Wistar rats are studied. The content of the insulin in B-cells, glucagon in A-cells and somatostatin in D-cells was determined by method of indirect immunofluorescence with the use of monoclonal antibodies and antiserum. It is establi...
1. Under conditions of 30-day adaptation of rats to pressure-chamber hypoxia, cyclic oppositely directed changes in the physiological activity develop in the PVNH and DH. 2. The beginning of adaptation is accompanied by an activation of the PVNH, characterized by an increase in the blood filling and impedance, and the activity in the nucleus increa...
In experiments on 17 Wistar rats the physiological activity was studied after stereotaxic electrode implantation according to the indices of the pulse rate and impedance, hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and dorsal hippocamp under conditions of 30-day barochamber hypoxia (6 hours daily), at the imitated "height" of 6 km. The change recurrence w...


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