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Yunita Mutiara Harahap

Yunita Mutiara Harahap
Universitas Alwashliyah


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Publications (17)
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Kegiatan dengan judul “Pemanfaatan Canva Animated Video dalam Pembuatan Video Speaking Academic” dilaksanakan untuk memberikan opsi solusi dalam mengatasi kendala penguasan materi dalam Speaking Acdemic, terutama karena keterbatasan akses teknologi. Tujuan dilaksanakan kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan bagi peserta dalam hal berbi...
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Artikel ini ditulis sebagai hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dalam hal ini dikhususkan bagi mahasiswa semester dua Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di salah satu universitas swasta di Medan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan ragam informasi penggunaan aplikasi edit video berbasis AI yang dapat dimanfaatkan mahasisw...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan efektivitas penggunaan video instruksi memasak terhadap prestasi siswa dalam menulis teks prosedur bagi siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Swasta 12 Perbaungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel adalah 70 siswa yang diambil dari kelas XII Agama 1 (kelas...
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Kegiatan pengenalan dan pemanfaatan penggunaan aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan Haiku Deck sebagai aplikasi presentasi berbasis kecerdasan buatan (AI) bagi mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Sebagaimana diketahui bersama bahwa perkembangan zaman terus bergeser maju dan kecerdasan buatan sangat erat kaitannya dengan kreatifitas mahasiswa d...
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This research dealt with the students’ phonemic awareness in mastery English vowels and consonants sounds. The aim was to show activities carried out by the students to pronounce the English vowels and consonants sounds and to read as well as to write the sounds symbol in phonemic transcription. The subject in this research was the second semester...
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This study intends to examine the scientific article about the phenomenon of hate speech in pandemic era in Indonesia from forensic linguistics view. By using a meta-analysis technique on Google Schoolar, an official website intended as a collection of scientific articles in Indonesia. A total of 150 articles were accessed from Google Scholar. To a...
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This article describes the concept of using buzz group in classroom to enhance cooperation among students. Buzz group can be alternative method employed by educators (teachers or lecturers) to maximize small group work classroom activity. Buzz group can be applied by students to solve problems given during learning activities. By using buzz group,...
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Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kepada guru–guru tentang penggunaan aplikasi Renderforest berbasis pembelajaran blended learning pada SMK Karya Setia Pegajahan Medan. Kegiatan ini bermula dari permasalahan yang dimiliki mitra terkait dengan minimnya pengetahuan guru-guru tentang penggunaan aplikasi pem...
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Spelling bee game can be considered as a method to teach vocabulary mastery for junior high school using a game. The students not only memorize the words abut also can spell and pronounce them correctly. There are problems faced by the students particularly the seventh grade students of this research location such as the difficulty to understand th...
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The objective of this research was to find out the effect of QAR strategy towards reading comprehension on descriptive text. Experimental design was applied in this research. The population and sample of this research were the eighth grade students of SMP Swasta Dwi Tunggal Tanjung Morawa with total number of students was 60. Class VIII-A was the e...
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Bahasa Inggris sudah diajarkan sejak usia dini sejak tingkat sekolah dasar. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengikuti perkembangan zaman yang semakin global serta untuk memperkenalkan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional. Namun, pada kenyataannya, hingga saat ini banyak siswa/i masih beranggapan bahwa bahasa Inggris adalah mata pelajaran yang sulit,...
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ABSTRACT - The objective of the study is to investigate if Reciprocal Teaching Method (RTM) significantly affects students’ reading comprehension. This study was conducted by using experimental research design. The population of the study was the students of the eleventh grade at Madrasah Al Washliyah 12 Perbaungan academic year 2020-2021. The to...
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This research was aimed to find the effect of riddle game on students’ vocabulary mastery. This research was conducted by using experimental research design with two groups namely experimental and control. The population was all the students of grade VIII of SMP Al Washliyah 08 Medan in academic year 2019-2020 which consisted of two classes namely...
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This study dealt with language style used by Rocky Gerung in Instagram status. It was aimed to describe the types of language style and to find out the most dominant language style used by Rocky Gerung in Instagram status. This study was conducted by using qualitative research design. The source of data was @rockygerungofficial in Instagram. The da...
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This study attempted to improve students’ descriptive text writing through environtmental media. It was conducted by using classroom action research. The subject of the research was the eighth grade students of SMP Al Washliyah 4 Medan consisting of 18 students. The research was conducted in two cycles and each cycle consisted of three meetings. Th...
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This study deals with the Theme and Rheme in Peterpan novel. The objective of this study was to find out the kinds and the dominant kind of Theme and Rheme in Peterpan novel. This study was conducted by applying descriptive qualitative research design. The data of this study were taken from Peterpan novel chapter I until chapter XVII. It was found...
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This research was focused only to find metaphor in “A Walk To Remember” novel. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected from chapter 1 until chapter 6 of the novel. The finding of the research showed that there were 50 lines of metaphor which were classified into three types of metaphor, namely str...


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