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Yunier Broche-Pérez

Yunier Broche-Pérez

M.Sc., Ph.D


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For over a decade, I served as a full-time professor of Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, and Experimental Psychology. My current research interests encompass Brain Health, Neuropsychology, Mental Health, and Applied Behavior Analysis.
Additional affiliations
January 2015 - May 2022
Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas (UCLV)
  • Professor (Assistant)
September 2010 - January 2011
Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas (UCLV)
  • Professor (Assistant)
  • Psychopathology
August 2009 - January 2010
Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas (UCLV)
  • Professor (Assistant)
  • Cognition and Behaviour
August 2023 - May 2025
Florida Institute of Technology
Field of study
  • Applied Behavior Analysis
January 2014 - July 2016
Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas (UCLV)
Field of study
  • Clinical Psychology/Neuropsychology
January 2009 - September 2011


Publications (123)
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Decision-making is the process of selecting a course of action from among 2 or more alternatives by considering the potential outcomes of selecting each option and estimating its consequences in the short, medium and long term. The prefrontal cortex (PFC) has traditionally been considered the key neural structure in the decision-making process. How...
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Cognitive deficits in Parkinson's disease typically affect executive functions. Recently, the concept of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) has been related to PD (PD-MCI). PD-MCI is considered a transition phase to Parkinson's disease Dementia. Therefore, it is important to identify PD-MCI in a reliable way. Objective: To evaluate the sensitivity a...
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The COVID-19 pandemic is a global health emergency that could potentially have a serious impact on public health. Fear has been one of the most frequent psychological reaction in the population during the current pandemic. The aim of this study was to compare fear of COVID-19 between genders and to examine whether the differences between genders ma...
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The Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) and the INECO Frontal Screening (IFS) are two instruments frequently used to explore cognitive defcits in different diseases. However, studies reporting their use in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are limited. Objective: To compare the sensitivity and specifcity of FAB and IFS in mild cognitive im...
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International organizations estimate that a new dementia is diagnosed every 3 s. Objectives: To explore the knowledge and beliefs among a cross-section of the adult population of Cuba with regard to dementia risk factors and to determine the demographic variables related with it. A cross-sectional survey was carried out on 1,004 Cubans. Methods:...
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Introduction: Executive functions are higher cognitive skills involved in planning, organization, decision-making, impulse control, and working memory. It is essential to have tools that allow for the accurate and reliable assessment of this construct in university students. This study aims to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Executive...
Understanding brain health is increasingly important, particularly in light of growing public health challenges related to neurological and psychiatric conditions. These include the rising prevalence of mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety, as well as neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Lifestyle factors,...
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Background Traffic police officers are frequently exposed to stress, anxiety, and depression, which adversely impact their health. This study hypothesized that these factors influence the hormonal, muscular, digestive, and cognitive systems of traffic police officers. Methods The sample comprised 146 traffic police officers (42 women and 104 men) a...
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Introduction Evaluating neurocognitive functions and diagnosing psychiatric disorders in older adults is challenging due to the complexity of symptoms and individual differences. An innovative approach that combines the accuracy of artificial intelligence (AI) with the depth of neuropsychological assessments is needed. Objectives This paper presen...
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Introduction: Understanding brain health is crucial, particularly in the context of emerging public health challenges. Exploring the perceptions and level of knowledge among young and middle-aged adults enables the creation of more effective educational programs and awareness campaigns tailored to their specific needs and characteristics. Objective...
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Introduction: The impact of subjective cognitive concerns (SCCs) on the quality of life (QoL) of patients with multiple sclerosis (PwMS) has practically not been studied. Objectives: In this study, the relationship between subjective cognitive concerns and quality of life in PwMS was explored. Furthermore, to explore whether psychological resilienc...
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Introduction: Optimism, defined as the tendency to expect positive outcomes and view challenges as manageable, plays a vital role in the lives of individuals with chronic illnesses, including multiple sclerosis. Given its potential benefits, measuring optimism through validated tools like the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) is essential for b...
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Depression represents a significant and prevalent challenge among individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) substantially impacting their quality of life (QoL). This study explores the mediating role of psychological resilience in the relationship between depression and QoL in a sample of patients with multiple sclerosis (PwMS). This online cross-se...
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Executive functions are crucial cognitive abilities enabling individuals to consciously regulate their behavior and cognitive processes. In the university setting, these functions are pivotal for students to engage in executive learning, assessing the effectiveness of their learning behaviors. This research introduces an innovative explanatory mode...
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Abstracts Introduction Executive functions are higher cognitive skills involved in planning, organization, decision-making, impulse control, and working memory. It is essential to have tools that allow for the accurate and reliable assessment of this construct in university students. This study aims to evaluate the validity and reliability of the...
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Introduction: In recent years, there has been an increase of studies dedicated to cognitive rehabilitation in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS); however, few of these analyze the impact on such variables as cognitive reserve. The study aims to explore the effects of a cognitive rehabilitation program comprising a combination of cognitive and ph...
The current study investigated the motives that underlie support for COVID-19 preventive behaviorsin a large, cross-cultural sample of 12,758 individuals from 34 countries. We hypothesized that the associations of empathic prosocial concern and fear of disease, with support towards preventive COVID19 behaviors would be moderated by the individual-l...
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With the COVID-19 pandemic, behavioural scientists aimed to illuminate reasons why people comply with (or not) large-scale cooperative activities. Here we investigated the motives that underlie support for COVID-19 preventive behaviours in a sample of 12,758 individuals from 34 countries. We hypothesized that the associations of empathic prosocial...
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Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) is a widely used measure that captures somatic symptoms of coronavirus-related anxiety. In a large-scale collaboration spanning 60 countries (Ntotal = 21,513), we examined the CAS’s measurement invariance and assessed the convergent validity of CAS scores in relation to the fear of COVID-19 (FCV-19S) and the satisfac...
The goal of this study was to examine the mediating role of psychological resilience in the relationship between fear of relapse and quality of life in a sample of patients with multiple sclerosis (PwMS). This cross-sectional study was developed online. A total of 240 PwMS were surveyed using the Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life inventory, the Fe...
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Population aging in a health problem that demands current studies. Neurocognitive evaluation of older adults is an essential pillar in the early diagnosis of cognitive impairment and dementia syndromes. The present investigation was developed with the objective of characterizing neurocognitive processes in a sample of older adults from Santa Cla...
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The current study investigated the motives that underlie support for COVID-19 preventive behaviorsin a large, cross-cultural sample of 12,758 individuals from 34 countries. We hypothesized that the associations of empathic prosocial concern and fear of disease, with support towards preventive COVID-19 behaviors would be moderated by the individual-...
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Introducción: La exploración de creencias y conocimientos sobre la demencia y su prevención permite conocer las concepciones erróneas sobre la salud cerebral y cognitiva, el conocimiento de los factores de riesgo para la demencia y las acciones implementadas por la población general para prevenir el declive cognitivo. La determinación de los factor...
Resumen A nivel mundial acudimos a un escenario demográfico sin precedentes en la historia de la humanidad. Esta realidad ha sido considerada dentro de la Agenda de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030, que comprende a los adultos mayores como agentes activos del desarrollo social. En este escenario, promover un envejecimiento saludable constituye un reto in...
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Fundamento: los fármacos modificadores, en la esclerosis múltiple, tienen la finalidad de reducir la frecuencia de recaídas, retardar la progresión de la discapacidad, así como la aparición de nuevas lesiones en el Sistema Nervioso Central. Objetivo determinar los indicadores precoces de respuesta al tratamiento con IFNb-1ª en pacientes con escler...
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Introducción: El inicio de la terapia con interferón ha sido y es el primer paso en el tratamiento de muchos pacientes con esclerosis múltiple, con el propósito de retrasar la progresión de la enfermedad. Objetivo: Identificar los marcadores clínicos de respuesta al tratamiento con interferón beta-1a de pacientes con esclerosis múltiple remitente-...
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The goal of this study was to examine the mediating role of psychological resilience in the relationship between fear of relapse and quality of life in a sample of patients with multiple sclerosis (PwMS). This cross-sectional study was developed online. A total of 240 PwMS were surveyed using the Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life inventory, the Fe...
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The impact of subjective cognitive concerns (SCCs) on the quality of life (QoL) of patients with multiple sclerosis (PwMS) has practically not been studied. In this study the relationship between subjective cognitive concerns and quality of life in PwMS was explored. Furthermore, to explore whether psychological resilience acts as a mediator in the...
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Introducción: La neurorrestauración integral en la esclerosis múltiple mejora los déficits funcionales. Dentro de la atención de las personas con la enfermedad, se ha incluido la valoración de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, que es un elemento clave para la evaluación subjetiva de las influencias del estado de salud actual. Objetivo:...
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RESUMEN: Los cambios generados por la COVID-19 han impuesto un nuevo escenario para el desarrollo de acciones de extensión universitaria que favorezcan la promoción de la salud estos momentos de crisis. El presente trabajo pretende exponer las experiencias extensionistas desarrolladas por el Centro de Bienestar Universitario desde el proyecto "Psic...
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Introduction Relapse are a hallmark of multiple sclerosis, being a characteristic feature of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). The occurrence of a relapse constitutes a source of significant discomfort that impacts all domains of daily life of patients with multiple sclerosis (PwMS). In this study we first explored the psychometric pro...
The objective of this study was to explore the relationship between sociodemographic factors and fear of COVID-19 in a Cuban population. A web-based study with a cross-sectional design was conducted. The sample comprised 1,145 participants. To explore fear, the Fear of COVID-19 Scale was used. Our results suggest that women were more likely to expe...
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Fundamento: las alternativas terapéuticas en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple no deben centrar sus esfuerzos en la rehabilitación de dominios cognitivos específicos, sino valorar el empleo de estrategias de intervención multimodal, con el propósito de minimizar los factores negativos que intervienen en la salud cognitiva de estos. Objetivo: deter...
Background: It is urgent to increase studies aimed at exploring and understanding the role that psychological resilience plays in PwMS. To achieve this objective, an important requirement is to have properly validated instruments that allow exploring psychological resilience in MS patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the validity and re...
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La investigación tuvo como objetivo explorar las características neuropsicológicas de adultos mayores cubanos sanos institucionalizados. Se desarrolló una investigación cuantitativa, con diseño transversal de tipo descriptivo mediante encuestas, entre marzo y abril de 2021. Los instrumentos empleados fueron: Trail Making Test, Test de Fluidez Verba...
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Fundamento: la esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad que se caracteriza por brotes de discapacidad en cualquier sistema funcional que son producidos por inflamación y desmielinización del sistema nervioso central. Objetivo: determinar la calidad de vida relacionada con salud en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple. Métodos: estudio cuasi-experimenta...
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Fundamento: no se dispone de una información científica con representatividad nacional sobre la esclerosis múltiple, aspecto importante no solo para el control epidemiológico, sino también para la superación actualizada en términos de educación médica y en relación con proyectos gerenciales, por el alto costo que genera el tratamiento de la enferme...
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Background: health promotion is recognized as a way to achieve desirable levels of health for all humanity. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic demyelinating inflammatory disease of the central nervous system of an autoimmune nature. Objective: to determine the effectiveness of a strategy for the multidisciplinary follow-up to patients with multiple sc...
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Fundamento: la esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad desmielinizante neurológica, autoinmune, degenerativa, crónica y progresiva, asociada a diferentes factores genéticos y medioambientales. Objetivo: caracterizar epidemiológica, clínica e imagenológicamente a los pacientes con diagnóstico de esclerosis múltiple. Métodos: estudio observacional, d...
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Background. The study of aspects related to positive mental health and well-being in the general population with a gender approach is a necessity in the current context imposed by COVID-19. Objective. To explore gender as a predictor of subjective well-being during COVID-19 in a sample of the Cuban population. Design. A cross-sectional web-based...
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Background Risk perception about COVID-19 constitutes an important variable contributing to promotion of personal protection practices. The aims of this study were to exploring the factorial structure of the risk perception COVID-19 scale (RP-COVID19-S) in a sample of Cuban adults and to identify its relationship with variables such as gender and a...
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Fundamento La necesidad de la intervención neurocognitiva en adultos mayores, así como las diversas posturas en cuanto a sus beneficios, justifican la pertinencia de sistematizar las disímiles propuestas de intervención neurocognitiva en personas con y sin déficits cognitivos. Reviste vital importancia el conocimiento del impacto de dichas interven...
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Fundamento: la promoción de salud puede ser interpretada como un nuevo camino, una estrategia, una filosofía o una forma diferente de pensar y actuar para alcanzar la salud de los pueblos. La esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad desmielinizante neurológica que requiere seguimiento a largo plazo, carácter sistemático y mayor competitividad en la as...
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Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the accuracy (sensitivity and specificity) of Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) for detecting executive deficits in a Cuban sample of patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) who have mild cognitive impairment (PD-MCI). Background: MCI related to Parkinson's disease (MCI-PD) has a prevalence between 15%...
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Introducción: la esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad desmielinizante, degenerativa, crónica, autoinmune e inflamatoria, que afecta al sistema nervioso central. Esta afección constituye la primera causa de invalidez neurológica en adultos jóvenes. Objetivo: caracterizar a los pacientes con diagnóstico de esclerosis múltiple ingresados en el servi...
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Resumen Fundamento: La necesidad de la intervención neurocognitiva en adultos mayores, así como las diversas posturas en cuanto a sus beneficios, justifican la pertinencia de sistematizar las disímiles propuestas de intervención neurocognitiva en personas con y sin déficits cognitivos. Reviste vital importancia el conocimiento del impacto de dichas...
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Introduction In recent years, there has been an increase of studies dedicated to cognitive rehabilitation in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS); however, few of these analyze the impact on such variables as cognitive reserve. The study aims to explore the effects of a cognitive rehabilitation program comprising a combination of cognitive and phy...
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Objectives: To explore knowledge and beliefs among a cross-section of the Cuban adult population with regard to dementia risk factors and to determine the demographic variables related with it. Study design: A cross-sectional survey was carried out on 1004 cubans. Methods: The survey measured the importance placed on dementia, risk reduction knowl...
Background: During the current COVID-19 pandemic there are studies that have suggested a negative impact of the pandemic on the mental health of patients with multiple sclerosis (PwMS). In this sense, several factors may be related to the increase in experiences of anxiety and depression in PwMS during the current pandemic. Objective: In this study...
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The objective of the present study was to characterize functional capacity, anxiety and depression in a group of older adults in the municipality of Santa Clara. From an intentional sampling and the determination of criteria for the conformation of the sample, this was formed by 69 elders belonging to the Home of Elders 1 "Marta Abreu", the House o...
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Background The number of people diagnosed with dementia globally has dramatically increased in recent years. The objective of this study was to explore beliefs and knowledge among the Cuban population with regard to the risk factors that may lead to dementia and the actions that may be taken to prevent it. Method In an exploratory cross-sectional...
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Background: The number of people diagnosed with dementia globally has dramatically increased in recent years. The objective of this study was to explore beliefs and knowledge among the Cuban population with regard to the risk factors that may lead to dementia and the actions that may be taken to prevent it. Method: In an exploratory cross-sectio...
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Aim: The threats of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) have caused fears worldwide. The Fear of COVID‐19 Scale (FCV‐19S) was recently developed to assess the fear of COVID‐19. Although many studies found that the FCV‐19S is psychometrically sound, it is unclear whether the FCV‐19S is invariant across countries. The present study aimed to exa...
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The objective of this study was to explore the relationship between sociodemographic factors and fear of COVID-19 in a Cuban population. A web-based study with a cross-sectional design was conducted. The sample comprised 1145 participants. To explore fear, the Fear of COVID-19 Scale was used. Our results suggest that women were more likely to exper...
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The resurgence of COVID-19 could deepen the psychological impacts of the pandemic which poses new challenges for mental health professionals. Among the actions that should be prioritized is the monitoring of the groups that have shown greater psychological vulnerability during the first stage of the pandemic. The first aim of our study is to explor...
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El enfoque holístico en la rehabilitación neuropsicológica es una necesidad actual que requiere de la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas. El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la efectividad de un programa integrado de rehabilitación neuropsicológica diseñado para potenciar el funcionamiento cognitivo en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple remitente-rec...
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This study explores the psychometric properties of the Cuban version of Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS). The sample comprised 376 Cuban participants. Concurrent validity and reliability were examined. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed. The CAS showed excellent psychometric characteristics. The internal consistency was very good (α = 0.88...
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Introducción: El aislamiento social y la cuarentena durante la pandemia de COVID-19 constituyen medidas efectivas con el objetivo de salvaguardar vidas. Sin embargo, estas medidas traen consigo un importante costo para la salud mental. El monitoreo de las reacciones psicológicas derivadas de las restricciones obligatorias de movimiento durante la p...
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Background. The COVID-19 pandemic is a global health emergency that could potentially have a serious impact on public health. Fear has been one of the most frequent psychological reaction in the population during the current pandemic. The aim of this study was to compare fear of COVID-19 between genders and to examine whether the differences betwe...
This database corresponds to the manuscript entitled "Gender and Fear of COVID-19 in a Cuban population sample", which was sent for consideration to the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
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This study aimed to determine if patients with dual diagnosis (DD) are especially prone to have more clinical and neurocognitive deficits than addictive patients without psychiatric comorbidity. A cross-sectional study was designed to examine the clinical and neuropsychological profile of women with alcohol dependence (AD). The sample comprised of...
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El surgimiento de la Hipótesis del Marcador Somático conllevó a la creación del Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) un programa diseñado para el estudio de toma de decisiones bajo incertidumbre. El IGT simula un juego de cartas donde la selección de opciones conlleva a la obtención de ganancias y pérdidas de valor económico. No obstante, las características d...
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Background: Resilience to disease is a process of positive adaptation despite the loss of health, it involves the development of vitality and skills to overcome the negative effects of adversity, risks, and vulnerability caused by disease. In Mexico, cancer is the leading cause of death in children. Both the diagnosis and the treatment of childhoo...
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En el área de las adicciones, que un paciente pueda completar su tratamiento tiene notables implicaciones para su calidad de vida, tanto desde el punto de vista clínico como social. El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de explorar la interacción de los factores referidos al paciente y la incorporación de sus familiares en el plan terapéut...
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Fundamento: una microexpresión es un patrón de activación de la musculatura facial de corta duración que revela una emoción que intenta ser cancelada, usualmente en escenarios de elevados niveles de tensión emocional. A pesar de sus múltiples aplicaciones en varios campos, las personas poseen grandes dificultades para detectarlas, incluyendo el per...
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Fundamento: El cronotipo es un atributo de los seres humanos, que refleja su fase circadiana individual, y repercute en las funciones biológicas y psicológicas, tanto en la salud como en la enfermedad. Su estudio es particularmente valioso en escenarios educacionales. Objetivo: caracterizar el cronotipo de estudiantes universitarios en relación co...
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Resumen Desde hace relativamente poco tiempo, se observa un incremento en el número de investigaciones dedicadas a examinar las variables potenciadoras de la salud cognitiva. Este movimiento emergente ha sido denominado como Neuropsicología Positiva (NP). La NP ha sido definida como la orientación práctica y académica enfocada en el estudio y la pr...
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Introduction: Circadian typology is related to the sleep-wake timing. Objective:To determine the circadian typology and to assess the sleep-wake timing associated with it in a sample of university students. Methodology:273 university students were evaluated by the Morningness Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) and the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire (...