Yuliya Shtaltovna

Yuliya Shtaltovna
Yuliya verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Yuliya verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Hochschule Fresenius · International Business School

PhD in Philology - MEd in Higher Education - MA in Philology - Dual Master in Global Leadership and Management
Our chapter indexed in SCOPUS now - The Role of Universities: Enhancing Students’ Capabilities https://bit.ly/RoleofUni


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Global Leadership and Management, HR & DEI Management Contemporary Leadership Culture, Cross-cultural Leadership, Democratization of English and of Higher Education, Intercultural Communication and Sociolinguistics, Soft Skills Development and Assessment, Employability, Inner Development Goals
Additional affiliations
June 2018 - January 2024
International School of Management
  • Dozentin (Associate/Adjunct Faculty member)
  • - Cross-cultural Leadership; - Transformation in the Global Environment; - Leadership Skills: Negotiations, Communication and Executive Presentations; - Applied international negotiation; - Academic Writing; Scientific Methods; Rhetorics; Moderation & Presentation;
September 2007 - August 2015
Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Professor (Associate)
September 2015 - August 2019
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University
  • Professor (Associate)
August 2024 - August 2024
Thunderbird School of Global Management
Field of study
  • Global Management & Leadership
September 2022 - January 2025
American University Kyiv
Field of study
  • Global Management
January 2013 - June 2015
Zaporizhzhya National University
Field of study
  • German Philology (English)


Publications (46)
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This food-for-thought paper challenges traditional paradigms and proposes a metamodern framework for redefining the optics on the role of education in society, advocating for a new social contract rooted in shared values, inclusivity, and interdisciplinary collaboration. How can we democratize higher education and empower individuals to navigate th...
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Our theoretical manuscript aims to explore the role that dimension two, 'Thinking-Cognitive Skills' of the Inner Development Goals (IDG) framework, can play in empowering sustainable careers and sustainable development. We begin by setting the scene before introducing the theoretical framework, which combines the IDG framework and Sustainable Caree...
This chapter focuses on the role of universities in cultivating students’ capabilities to sustain their careers in the changing world of work and to flourish in life through their personal becoming. First, the chapter outlines the ecosystems of universities. Next, it presents the challenges and opportunities society and the world of work pose to un...
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The coronavirus pandemic triggered an abrupt change to emergency e-teaching and has accelerated the adoption of digital teaching practices in higher education. This transition from in-person instruction to online-only teaching took place globally and disrupted the conventional lecture format. While the catalyst, namely COVID, was the same throughou...
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This paper reviews historic and current definitions of skill as a concept, as well as frameworks that have been applied to analyse levels of skills development across the academic and professional spectrum. The author proposes a 6-level chart of skill development based on the “can-do descriptors” approach by CEFR, also known as the ability assessme...
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Here's both Chronological and topic-based list of the published (and ready-to-be published works)
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Beyond the “comfort zone” and beyond the “fear zone” lies a “zone of learning”. In a world increasingly wracked by crises, Ukraine’s fight for survival has yielded invaluable lessons on human endurance, adaptability and community-driven action. Through a blend of courage, self-organization, and a refusal to give up their identity, Ukrainians have b...
Conference Paper
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This manuscript examines how integrating the Inner Development Goals (IDG) framework, specifically the 'Thinking-Cognitive Skills' dimension, into business school curricula can prepare students for sustainable careers. First, we combine the IDG framework with Sustainable Career Ecosystems Theory (SCET), secondly we highlight the need of a special f...
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Integrating Inner Development Goals into Business Schools: Focus on Cognitive Skills
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This inaugural lecture lecture titled "Democratizing Higher Education for the 21st Century: Building Intercultural and Cognitive Leadership Skills," focuses on the essential strategies and practices required to make higher education more accessible, equitable, and effective in fostering transformative personal and civic development. The democrati...
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This inaugural lecture lecture titled "Democratizing Higher Education for the 21st Century: Building Intercultural and Cognitive Leadership Skills," focuses on the essential strategies and practices required to make higher education more accessible, equitable, and effective in fostering transformative personal and civic development. The democratiza...
Conference Paper
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Nudging, rooted in behavioral economics and decision-making theory, shapes choice environments for favorable decisions without limiting freedom. In this PDW, which has been trialed at our university, we use "nudges" on two levels: an open goal with a nudging task and as didactic means to guide the process of built-in unexpected challenges. This sho...
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Purpose. This viewpoint paper explores the practice of change facilitation, aiming to unveil how societies can nurture resilience in the face of imminent challenges. It synthesizes Ukrainian real-life experiences, revealing the principles behind various facilitation approaches to fostering resilient change in demanding contexts. Methodology. The st...
Conference Paper
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Communicating and collaborating effectively with people from different cultures is becoming critical in the polarizing world. Intercultural competence is vital to International Business Education, especially post-Covid divergent glocalization. This paper highlights the emerging trends in intercultural competence teaching in business education and h...
This chapter focuses on the role of universities in cultivating students' capabilities to sustain their careers in the changing world of work and to flourish in life through their personal becoming. First, the chapter outlines the ecosystems of universities. Next, it presents the challenges and opportunities society and the world of work pose to un...
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Due to the extraordinary speed of globalization and technologization, lexical innovations appear anywhere on the planet and almost immediately (if not virally) are used by the entire Internet audience of homo imitans as defined by L. Herrero (Herrero, 2011, p. 129), they are often augmented by the I-parameter, accurately proving the anthropological...
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We would like to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of the GiLE Foundation for participating in the publication process. We would like to thank you for the effort and expertise that you contributed to reviewing at GJSD. Reviewer Issued by the GJSD Editorial Team on 27 th December 2021.
Conference Paper
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Поважні критики постмодерної думки (Хабермас, Гідденс, Тейлор, Вілліямс), оглядаючи цінності та припущення, що їх виборює постмодернізм, наголошують на постійному комплексному розвиткові модернізму і заперечують, що постмодернізм може являти собою істотний чи тривалий відрив від нього. У ХХІ столітті нам потрібні нові способи мислення та осмислення...
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The onset of the coronavirus has catalyzed an acceleration in the adoption of digital teaching practices that have been trending in Higher Education for over a decade. The most obvious of these has been the abrupt switch to online training. Given the speed at which this transition from in-person instruction has taken place, many instructors' natura...
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We wholeheartedly recommend the Proceedings of the G4Y conference that contains a collection of papers presented at a conference. We remain eager to interact with the authors of this Proceedings and the participants to enjoy opportunities to discuss research findings.
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Reviewer's Certificate of Appreciation - 2020 by GILE Journal of Skills Development
The direct link to the open-access Scopus-indexed journal PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(2): 849-861 http://psychologyandeducation.net/pae/index.php/pae/article/view/1959/1712
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The global pandemic and subsequent quarantine measures and restrictions have posed an array of challenges to the structure and procedure of the university summative assessment process. Qualification assessment for Foreign Languages major programs is a strict regimen that involves different stages (oral and written exams, final project viva, interna...
Conference Paper
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English Business Communication and Soft skills became the necessary basis for doing business in the global digital era. Not a privilege, not an advantage, not a whim. Wherever business communication fails, the business loses money and becomes a failing business. Therefore the real-world communication cases for Professional and Business English shou...
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English Business Communication and Soft skills became the necessary basis for doing business in the global digital era. Wherever business communication fails, the business loses money and becomes a failing business. Therefore the real-world communication cases for Professional and Business English should be the main focus of corporate training and...
The onset of the coronavirus has catalyzed an acceleration in the adoption of digital teaching practices that have been trending in Higher Education for over a decade. The most obvious of these has been the abrupt switch to online training. Given the speed at which this transition from in-person instruction has taken place, many instructors' natura...
The global pandemic and the subsequent quarantine measures and restrictions have posed an array of challenges to the structure and procedure of university summative assessment process. Qualification assessment for major programmes in Foreign Languages in particular is a strictly regulated procedure that involves different stages (oral and written e...
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The article goes through various definitions and presents concept analysis of the definitions liberalization, internationalization, destandartisation of education and universities, restructuring and democratization of education. It aims at correct use of the term "DEMOCRATIZATION OF EDUCATION" in order to write roadmaps and strategies for departme...
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Understanding the term «DEMOCRATIZATION» today is rather uncertain and each speaker understands different shades of its possible meanings. The democratization of education in turn is a concept even less well-understood therefore it seems to be important to clarify the difference between liberalization, destandartization, restructurization and democ...
Conference Paper
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Understanding the term «DEMOCRATIZATION» today is rather uncertain and each speaker understands different shades of its possible meanings. The democratization of education in turn is a concept even less well-understood therefore it seems to be important to clarify the difference between liberalization, destandartization, restructurization and demo...
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The article examines the contextual synonyms and antonym phrases of the «DEMOCRATIZATION» concept, it analyzes the paradigmatic relations between lexical-semantic constituents of the word «DEMOCRATIZATION», describing its contextual semantic field in political and general philosophical picture of life. Having analyzed the synonym analogy of the «DE...
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У статті розглядаються епістеміологічні та параметрічні властивості концепту «DEMOCRATIZATION»б розглядаються дефініційні моделі та понятійний субстрат концепту «DEMOCRATIZATION» . Проводиться кількісно-якісний аналіз синонімічних рядів лексем DEMOCRATIС та виводиться ядро та периферія концепту «DEMOCRATIZATION»
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Influence of democratization on lexical and semantic processes in cultural sphere of Modern English language. This article examines both phenomenon of the English language democratization and its influence on latest word-formation facts in cultural life sphere, particularly its specific characteristics and factors are distinguished. Quantitative an...
Conference Paper
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This article examines both phenomenon of the English language democratization and its influence on latest word-formation facts in cultural life sphere, particularly its specific characteristics and factors are distinguished. Quantitative analysis of latest English derivation processes in cultural life sphere is reported. У статті розглядається впл...
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Передмова до україномовного видання "Поеми та пісні". Переклад з іспанської виконано за умовами конкурсу художнього перекладу заснованого в Універсітеті УніНорте, Асунсьйон, Парагвай та проведеного кафедрою романської філології та порівняльно-типологічного мовознавства Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка у рамках співробітництва цих унів...
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The article presents conceptual analysis of liberalisation, destandartisation, restructuring and democratization of education with the aim to underline the correct use of the term "democratization of education" when writing strategies of departments and institutions. The results of "DEMOCRATIZATION" concept study as well as its features in educatio...
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Shtaltovna Yuliya. "Linguistic and cognitive, semantic, structural and functional parameters of the English language democratization (based on the late 20th - early 21st century English innovations)." - Manuscript. Thesis for the Candidate of Philology degree in Germanic Languages (10.02.04) - Zaporizhzhya National University. - Zaporizhzhya, 2015...
Стаття розглядає контекстуальні синонімічні та антонімічні фраземи денотата концепту «DEMOCRATIZATION», аналізує парадигматичні зв’язки між конституентами лексико-семантичної групи слова DEMOCRATIZATION, які описують його контекстуальне семантичне поле в політичній та загальнофілософській картині буття.\ud (The article examines the contextual synon...
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Стаття розглядає контекстуальні синонімічні та антонімічні фраземи денотата концепту «DEMOCRATIZATION», аналізує парадигматичні зв’язки між конституентами лексико-семантичної групи слова DEMOCRATIZATION, які описують його контекстуальне семантичне поле в політичній та загальнофілософській картині буття.
Conference Paper
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Основні фактори якісних змін словникового фонду англомовної лінгвосфери зумовлено як позамовними, так і внутрішньомовними параметрами, що є тісно переплетені і впливають один на одний. Домінантними чинниками слід вважати екстралінгвальні фактори. Найпершим слід вважати демократизацію усіх сфер життя соціуму без відриву від національних параметрів,...
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Підручник з англійської мови (для спеціальних цілей) для 4‐5 курсів міжнародних проектів ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури» Міністерство освіти і науки України Підручник вміщує теоретичну базу структурних вимог щодо написання резюме спеціалізованих статей англійською мовою. Теоретичні завдання розподілено за відпов...
Conference Paper
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У статті розглядається феномен демократизації англійської мови і вплив його процесів на формування нових лексичних одиниць для означення найновіших фактів та процесів сфер буття і сприйняття світу, зокрема виокремлюються характерні його риси та просліджуються паттерни номінацій, що їм притаманні. Проведено кількісно-якісний аналіз складу неологізмі...
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Shtaltovna Yu.A. Postmodern as a methodological dominant of linguistic studies. This article examines both postmodernity phenomenon and its processes influencing the life spheres and world perception, particularly postmodern characteristics and methodological projections are distinguished. Theoretical and critical views on postmodern discourse, as...


Questions (12)
We are gathering the research on Inner Development Goals! If you have published - let us know, let's create an open access list of publications together?
Please add it here, if your published paper contains IDGs in the Title, Abstract and Keywords.
As per topics:
Sustainability and Climate Change
Well-being and Social Frameworks
Education and Pedagogy
Leadership and Transformation
As per IDG Dimensions:
Are you a researcher of the IDG - Inner Development Goals?
Let's connect and recommend your publications here.
I am also interested in journals that are taking IDG as their core scope of research interest.
This is so exciting to connect!


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