Yuliani SetyaningsihDiponegoro University | UNDIP · Department of Public Health
Yuliani Setyaningsih
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (42)
Fishing is among hazardous occupations, especially in coastal areas where environmental conditions and occupational risks are heightened. This study aims to address the critical research problem of understanding the factors that influence safety behavior among fishermen in Semarang City, with a specific focus on education level, knowledge, percepti...
Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are global public health issues affecting young motorcyclists aged 18-24 years due to their risky behaviors, such as emotional, rushed, and careless driving. Therefore, this review aimed to identify and analyze risk factors contributing to RTAs among young motorcyclists. The procedures began with a comprehensive search...
Latar belakang: Pekerja bagian pemeriksaan dan perawatan Depo Lokomotif Semarang Poncol memilki potensi bahaya tinggi karena pada pekerjaannya dituntut untuk berinteraksi langsung dengan sumber bahaya yaitu lokomotif. Alat pelindung diri (APD) wajib digunakan pada saat bekerja sebagai upaya pengendalian potensi bahaya yang diterima oleh pekerja pad...
Posture while working will influence work results and have a health impact on workers. Rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) is a method for analyzing work posture on the job using the upper part of the body. This research examines the risk level of work postures in the leather shoe industry. This research was conducted in the leather shoe industry lo...
This investigation aimed to determine the importance of benzene and phenol exposure in the urine, routine blood profiles, and worker oxidative stress. Malondialdehyde levels in the blood and workers’ blood are routinely measured to determine the level of oxidative stress. This cross-sectional survey only included leather shoemakers in Semarang. The...
Potassium deficiency is known to induce muscle fatigue, necessitating the inclusion of potassium-rich foods, such as orange (Citrus sinensis) and banana (Musa textilia) in diet. Previous studies have shown that consuming 150 g and 300 g of banana is effective in preventing muscle fatigue, with orange containing 237.4 mg of potassium per 300 ml. The...
The study revealed that safety behaviour played a significant role in traffic accidents. One of the primary concerns pertains to the implementation of driving safety practices and the associated risks they pose on the roadways. Numerous studies have been conducted in various countries to investigate the negative consequences of safety behaviour on...
Introduction: Road traffic accidents (RTA) are the ninth most common cause of death worldwide and contribute to
the mortality rates of young adults aged 15–29. Behavioural factors and the perception of peril cause accidents. Aim:
This scoping review is to determine the human factors in the form of safety behaviour and Road Safety Education
In the dynamic realm of modern agriculture, the responsible use of pesticides and chemicals stands as a cornerstone for achieving optimal crop yields and ensuring food security.
Materials and Methods
We conducted a multi-year project to illuminate the long-term education for vegetable farmers concerning their extensive use of pesticid...
Riding behavior is a significant factor in 90% of traffic accidents, with 43% of these accidents involving motorcyclists aged between 5 and 29 years. These accidents often result in severe injuries and fatalities; therefore, a study on risky riding behavior is necessary.
This research aimed to identify risky riding behavior am...
Latar belakang: Kelelahan dan efek panas pada pekerja merupakan dua hal yang berdampak besar bagi kesehatan pekerja, serta produktivitas pekerja. Kelelahan dan efek panas mengakibatkan berbagai macam cidera dan penyakit lanjutan apabila diabaikan, dan dapat merugikan pekerja dan perusahaan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut perlu diketahui beberapa efek dan...
Latar Belakang: Kelelahan merupakan tanda agar tubuh melakukan istirahat untuk melakukan pemulihan. Faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kelelahan sangat bervariasi seperti aktivitas fisik yang banyak, jam kerja yang berlebih, keadaan fisik dan mental, pekerjaan yang berulang dan kedaan kesehatan yang menurun. Tujuan: Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalis...
Stunting, a persistent nutritional issue arising from prolonged inadequate nutrient intake, poses substantial risks such as heightened morbidity, mortality, and compromised cognitive, psychomotor, and verbal development. In Indonesia, addressing stunting in children under two necessitates urgent community empowerment, given its multifaceted nature....
Fish transport workers in Indonesia lift loads more than the specified limits, both in weight and frequency. This could cause lactic acid accumulation, fatigue and reduced physical performance. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of stretching intervention on muscle tension, fatigue, strength, and lactic acid level in fish transport work...
Latar belakang: Selain meningkatkan produktivitas kerja karyawan, lingkungan kerja yang aman dan sehat akan membuat tenaga kerja nyaman dalam bekerja. Salah satu faktor lingkungan yang berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan kerja adalah paparan debu di tempat kerja. Paparan debu dapat menyebabkan berkurangnya kenyamanan kerja, maslah penglihatan dan ganggu...
Smoked fish is an essential commodity in Central Java. Smoked fish workers must always ensure the availability of smoked fish products for the community. To work continuously, workers need to maintain their safety and health. Workers are constantly exposed to potential hazards from their work. This study aimed to describe the potential occupational...
Workstation design can be a potential hazard for workers. A workstation that is arranged following the 5S principles will prevent the exposure of potential work environment hazards such as improper work position that can affect the health of the workers. This research aimed to describe the condition of work station and create a new design a worksta...
Musculoskeletal complaints or MSDs are common in the bakery industry. Observations and analyses of work posture among bakers are crucial to determine the most practical solution to MSD subjective complaints. This study aims to analyze the impact of work posture on musculoskeletal events in bakery industry workers. This research is quantitative rese...
Background: As a country with a developed industry, the majority of entrepreneurs in Indonesia use modern industrial tools to help make their work easier. However, using modern technology causes side effects, such as noise from machines that cause hearing complaints. In addition, the hot work environment causes discomfort during work, and the exces...
The informal sector is currently experiencing a more rapid growth process than the formal sector so that it becomes one of the pillars of the Indonesian economy. One of the industries engaged in the informal sector is gudeg processing. Processing gudeg is a workplace that has a hot climate that comes from the furnace to cook gudeg. In addition, oth...
Industri tahu memiliki berbagai macam potensi bahaya. Bila tidak dikelola dengan baik, potensi bahaya dapat mengganggu keselamatan dan kesehatan pekerja. Pekerja harus mengetahui bagaimana cara mengelola potensi bahaya tersebut dengan tepat. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keselamatan dan kesehatan pekerja tahu agar keselam...
Rumah sakit sebagai institusi pelayanan kesehatan harus mempunyai komitmen pada keselamatan pasien, pengunjung, staf, maupun pihak independen yang berada di lingkungan rumah sakit. Rumah sakit perlu meminamalisir potensi bahaya yang timbul akibat kecelakaan kerja ataupun penyakit akibat kerja yang sebagian besar terjadi akibat tertusuk jarum. Tujua...
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are disorders due to injury to muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, cartilage, bones, or blood vessels ranging from complaints of mild to very severe pain. This study aims to analyze individual factors and occupational factors related to the incidence of Musculoskeletal Disorders in songket weavers in Nagari Pandai...
Chromium (Cr) is commonly used as an anti-corrosive agent. Due to its unique nature, Cr is used to coat metal in order to make it looks shiny and attractive. However, hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)), a form of chromium used in electroplating, is classified as carcinogenic substance. Its portal of entry into the human body can be through inhalation, i...
MSME was proven to have a positive impact on economic growth, thus MSME’s business needs to become sustainable. MSME’s business sustainability is determined by the MSME’s ability to manage their profit efficiency and develop their business strategy. This study aims to examine the profit efficiency of the smoked fish business as one of MSMEs and the...
Smoked fish is one of the most popular side dishes. Workers in the smoked fish industry do their work with sitting postures in a stool. This posture causes many complaints of musculoskeletal in workers. They are always in contact with water that causing itching and redness. The fogging process of the fish makes the work area full of smoke, so worke...
Latar Belakang: Pekerja pelapisan kromium memiliki risiko 2-80 kali lipat terkena kanker paru. Patogenesis kanker paru tidak lepas dari peranan gen yang berperan dalam metabolisme karsinogen Gen yang berperan dalam metabolisme karsinogen adalah CYP1A1. Polimorfisme gen CYP1A1 dapat menyebabkan kanker paru karena enzim tersebut merupakan enzim kunci...
Cadmium is one type of seriously hazardous heavy metal if inhaled. Acute cadmium poisoning may result from exposure of cadmium oxide vapor during metal melting process. This study aims to determine the factors ofindividuals characteristic associated with levels of cadmium in the blood of workers.This research is an analytic observation research wit...
Urbanization is still the main step taken by the community to get improved living conditions. Many developing countries have a high level of urbanization in cities due to the certainty of higher income levels. However, the problems that arise as a result of urbanization concern the environmental and social impacts of society. The purpose of this st...
Human life can not be separated from daily activities, where the body needs adjustments for a long time. The body's ability to adjust can be reduced because the body has a threshold value. Fatigue will arise when doing activities with a high workload and within a period of time Fatigue is a condition of decreased physical activity, work motivation,...
Chromium commonly used as an anti-corrosive agent for electroplating. Clinical and laboratory evidence showed that inhaled chromium was very toxic. Talang, Tegal have several groups of metal coating workers. As an informal sector, they have no law enforcement and also health services. The workplaces have poor hygiene sanitation, poor workplace arra...
Improving the degree of public health is increase government expenditure on the health sector. The study aims to analyse environmental degradation, demographic and economic factors on government expenditure in health. The analytical tools used in this study are multiple regression. The results showed that increased government spending on the health...
Globalization led to the movement of goods, services, technology, capital and people no longer recognize the limits of the State. The main product of globalization was the inception of a multinational corporation, with characteristic expansiveness and exploratory. Expansive activities that are done naturally bring such potential negative impacts of...
ABSTRAKLow back pain, nyeri yang dirasakan di area anatomi yang terkena dengan berbagai variasi lama terjadinya nyeri. Nyeri ini terasa daerah lumbal atau lumbo-sakral. Pemetik teh berisiko terjadinya low back pain disebabkan kegiatan mereka seperti posisi membungkuk, mengangkat dan membawa beban berat. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui faktor risiko te...
One of the informal sector which absorbs labor was electroplating business. This sector uses chromium as coating material because it was strong, corrosion resistant and strong. Nonetheless hexavalent chromium is highly toxic if inhaled, swallowed and contact with skin. Poor hygiene, the lack of work environment factors and sanitation conditions can...
Globalization led to the movement of goods, services, technology, capital and people no longer recognize the limits of the State. The main product of globalization was the inception of a multinational corporation, with characteristic expansiveness and exploratory. Expansive activities that are done naturally bring such potential negative impacts of...
Electroplating workers were exposed by particulate and fog of chromium from electrolysis process during work. Chromium is highly carcinogenic when inhaled. Chromium can be reduced in the cells in the body. This process may generate Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) causing lipid peroxidation and oxidative DNA damage. This research was aimed to analyse...
Electroplating workers were exposed by particulate and fog of chromium from electrolysis process during work. Chromium is highly carcinogenic when inhaled. Chromium can be reduced in the cells in the body. This process may generate Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) causing lipid peroxidation and oxidative DNA damage. This research was aimed to analyse...
Electroplating workers are using chromium during the working process. Clinical and laboratory evidence indicates that exposure of chromium is very toxic if it is inhaled and can lead to oxidative DNA damage. This study was aimed to investigate factors associated to the urinary 8 - OHdG levels as a biomarker of oxidative DNA damage. Sixty six subjec...