Yulia Horiuk

Yulia Horiuk
Podillya State Agrarian and Engineering University · Department of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases



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Yulia Horiuk currently works at the Department of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya.


Publications (53)
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According to "food legislation" requirements, all eggs entering the production of egg products must be disinfected. Therefore, developing technologies for decontaminating chicken eggs before use for food purposes is a promising work direction in chicken egg production and storage. This research aimed to identify the microbiota of chicken eggs with...
In veterinary clinics, a unique environment is created where veterinary personnel come into contact with companion animals and microorganisms that are present on the fur, skin, and mucous membranes of patients. The work presents a study on the contamination of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx of veterinary workers and the skin and wounds of...
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The main task of carrying out disinfection measures in veterinary medicine is to break the mechanisms of pathogen transmission through objects and objects of the environment from one animal to another. Therefore, disinfection measures are the basis of safe keeping of animals, carrying out treatment and preventive measures in clinics of veterinary m...
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Among the diseases of dogs, pyoderma is a frequent reason for referral to veterinary clinics. To effectively treat pyoderma and develop new strategies for preventing this disease, it is necessary to study the causes of formation and the conditions for the manifestation of pathogenic properties in causative agents. The purpose of the study will be t...
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The formation of antibiotic resistance in microorganisms in veterinary medicine clinics is considered a severe problem not only for veterinary medicine but also for the public because the circulating microflora contaminates the clinic's environment and the veterinary staff, patients' animals, their owners, and their homes. The work aimed to determi...
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Safety of milk can decline because of high concentrations of steroid hormones like 17β-estradiol, which is associated with the development of some oncological diseases and reproductive disorders. We studied the effects of thermal processing of raw milk and technologies of production of butter and yogurt on the concentration of 17β-estradiol. For th...
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The main source of estrogen supply of steroid origin in the organism of consumers is milk and dairy products, which consume 60 to 80% of these hormones. Excess estrogen, including 17β-estradiol in the serum, has been linked to female and male genital cancers. The purpose of the search was to determine the amount of 17β-estradiol in milk on various...
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A significant element of the prophylaxis of nosocomial infection in veterinary clinics is monitoring ambient objects, air, equipment, and instruments. In order to determine the role of boxes for keeping ill animals as a source of transmission of pathogens of nosocomial infections in veterinary clinics, we studied the microflora of surfaces of boxes...
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The dependence of the national economy on disinfectants is constantly growing through prevention strategies and the development of resistance in microorganisms. Therefore, new disinfectants with different mechanisms of biocidal activity for a wide range of pathogens are appearing on the market. The aim of work has been to determine the physical and...
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Phage therapy is an effective and safe way to treat infectious diseases caused by various types of bacteria, including mastitis in cows. However, the number of in vivo studies on phages to treat cattle with staphylococcal mastitis is relatively low. This study aimed to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of the bacteriophage drug Fagomast in treating...
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The purpose of our research was to test the therapeutic efficacy of the acaricide «Simparica®» in combination with the biostimulator «Catosal» and the hepatoprotector «Tioprotectin» for demodicosis in dogs in the conditions of veterinary clinics in the Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. The study has been performed on dogs of different genders, ages and...
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Treatment of bacterial infections with bacteriophages is one of the alternative methods. However, the use of freely dispersed bacteriophages for treatment causes their inactivation under physiological conditions. Therefore, it is important to consider the concentration of bacteriophages in phage therapy. The aim of study – to determine the optimal...
Because using antimicrobial drugs leads to development of resistance among bacterial isolates, the treatment with antimicrobial drugs in human and veterinary medicine in general should be reduced. Currently, therapeutic use of bacteriophages may be an alternative or addition to the treatment of bacterial infections of animals. The article presents...
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Iodine is a vital trace element that must be constantly and daily supplied with food to the organism. Currently, the amount of food that can provide the organism with the required amount of iodine is insufficient. The purpose of the study was to investigate changes in organoleptic, microbiological, and biochemical parameters of kefir made with the...
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Among the acquired mechanisms of resistance to antibiotics of microorganisms, the production of beta-lactamases, enzymes that inactivate penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems, and monobactams, is widespread. Most often, such beta-lactamases, in particular ESBL (extended-spectrum beta-lactamases), are capable of destroying III and IV generations...
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Background and aim: Mastitis, an inflammation of the mammary gland, is an ongoing problem in dairy herds. In this study, we determined the sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus cultures of different biological origins to commercial bacteriophages and phages of S. aureus var. bovis which were isolated on dairy farms, to create a drug for the treatme...
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The presence of Staphylococcus aureus in raw milk is considered a direct danger to consumers. Almost all types of dairy products normalize the amount of Staphylococcus aureus in 1 g (cm3) of product, due to their ability to produce thermostable enterotoxins. The aim of the study was to investigate the role of incision of teats of healthy and sick m...
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The presence of microbial biofilms on the surfaces of medical instruments, operating equipment, prostheses, catheters, technological lines in the food industry is a fact that contributes to the infection of the macroorganism and contamination of raw materials and products. The aim of the work was to investigate the eff ect of disinfecting substance...
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Contamination of food with nitrates is a generally recognized problem. Milk is the basis for the production of many milk mixtures for baby food, and children are considered to be the most vulnerable category to the harmful influence of nitrates. The purpose of the search was to investigate the denitrification of milk with different amounts of nitra...
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Проведення доклінічних досліджень розчинів новостворених дезінфікуючих засобів – це обов’язкова умова для подальшої апробації їх у виробничих умовах. Для цього застосовують різні методи визначення можливого токсичного впливу розчинів деззасобу на клітини найпростіших організмів і теплокровних тварин. Мета роботи − встановити токсичну концентрацію р...
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The creation of new types of dairy products for functional purposes with the addition of unconventional oils as sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) is a promising and relevant research sphere. The study aimed to investigate the fatty acid composition of experimental samples of curd spread with different content of flax oil. The fatty acid...
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Bacteriophages may be an alternative method of treatment for antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including mastitis in cows. Our study describes the initial isolation and bacteriological activity of bacteriophages, circulating on dairy farms, the against S. aureus var. bovis. Samples of cow’s milk secretions with signs of mastitis and sewage water were...
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Meat and meat products are a major part of a person's ration. However, due to their high nutritional value, they are a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms and require refrigerated storage. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the storage methods for refrigerated and frozen beef by microbiological and chemical parameters...
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Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the intensity of phage infection caused by Phage SAvB14, which was isolated from dairy farms, depending on the initial number of Staphylococcus aureus cells in the medium. Material and methods: To evaluate the impact of the viable bacteria S. aureus var. bovis on the intensity of phage in...
Під час розвитку маститу у корів формування біоплівки збудником захворювання є ефективним способом його збереження в мікрооточенні молочної залози. Біоплівкові інфекції важко піддаються лікуванню антимікробними засобами, порівняно з тим, що спостерігається при вирощуванні в планктонних умовах. Мета роботи – визначити та порівняти вплив антимікробни...
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Methicillin-resistant staphylococci can often asymptomatically colonize animals and humans and are capable of causing disease in them. Therefore, their identification and species identification are important for establishing the source of zoonotic infection and the reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance genes. The purpose of the search was to study...
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Synthetic growth stimulants are widely used to get high productivity of animals. These preparations can accumulate in the meat and their residual quantities will adversely affect the health of consumers. The purpose of the work was to monitor the content of zeranol, growth stimulant of ruminants in beef which goes to meat processing enterprises of...
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Cattle mastitis is the main cause of economic losses in milk production worldwide, and Staphylococcus aureus is the pathogen that causes it most. Bacteriophages may be an alternative treatment for this disease. In this study, we studied the effect of temperature and pH on the lytic activity of bacteriophages isolated from cows with signs of mastiti...
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Бактеріофаги – віруси, які заражають бактерії, привертають усе більшу увагу як контроль бактеріальних патогенів. Однак розроблення успішної стратегії на основі фагів вимагає глибокого аналізу різних параметрів. У статті наведено результати дослідження та порівняння методик виділення бактеріофагів, специфічних щодо Staphylococcus aureus var. bovis,...
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У статті наведено вивчення впливу застосування нового підкислювача «Аквасан» на продуктивність курчат бройлерів. Встановлено, що з 27 дня випоювання підкислювача спостерігали зростання живої маси бройлерів аж до 42 дня вирощування. На 35 добу маса курчат збільшувалася на 100,8 г (р≤0,05), а на 42 добу − на 245,8 г (р≤0,01), порівняно з контрольною...
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The use of bacteriophages for the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes has proved to be relevant, especially during isolation of antibiotic-resistant pathogens formed in biofilms. The article presents the results of research on the influence of Phage SAvB14 on young and mature biofilms formed by Staphylococcus aureus variant bovis. In the ex...
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Bacteriophage is a virus that infects a bacterium by injecting a phage genome into a bacterial cytoplasm and uses a host cell as a propagation mechanism. The studied models of phages show a narrow range of hosts. Previous studies on the investigation of lytic activity of staphylococcal bacteriophages were focused on determining the sensitivity of S...
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The ability of bacteria to produce a biofilm is considered an important virulent property in pathogenesis of mastitis. The purpose of studies is to investigate the ability to form biofilms, their density, to determine and compare the sensitivity to antibacterial drugs of planktonic and biofilm forms of the main bovine mastitis pathogens on dairy fa...
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Microbial films formation on the dairy equipment creates a serious problem, because they are difficult to eliminate by washing and disinfecting means that results in contaminating dairy products by microorganisms. The aim of the work was to study the influence of Savinase®Evity 16L proteolytic enzyme on the process of destructing biofilms, formed b...
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This paper reports a study into the process of bacteria adhesion to surfaces of different roughness depending on sizes and shapes. It was determined that at the surface of stainless steel with a roughness of 2.687±0.014 µm, the film formation process in E. coli and S. aureus occurred equally over 3 to 24 hours and did not depend on the size of bact...
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Fish belongs to perishable food that requires appropriate temperature storage regimes to stop the flow of biochemical and microbiological processes. During storage of fish in the conditions of refrigerating chambers, cold-loving – psychrotrophic microflora dominates, which causes biochemical and organoleptic changes and affects sanitary and hygieni...
Staphylococcus aureus is the main causative agent of subclinical, clinical, relapsing and chronic mastitis in cows. The spread of staphylococcal mastitis in cows is associated with the ability of microorganisms to form biofilms. The treatment of this disease is usually reduced to the use of antibiotics based on laboratory tests to determine the sen...
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The global market for environmentally friendly food products has been developing rapidly in recent decades and is becoming an alternative to the consumption of harmful, environmentally hazardous products. The prohibition of the use of chemically-synthesized traditional veterinary drugs or antibiotics for prophylactic purposes is one of the requirem...
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The article presents the results of the research of the new detergent agent “San-active” for meat processing enterprises. It was established that “San-active” in the concentration from 0.3 to 2.0% is moderately alkaline (concentration of hydrogen ions is 11.44–12.7), at a concentration of 2.5% and above, with very alkaline pH ≥ 13.11 units. In the...
Chronic anal fissures (CAF) are considered to be the illness with chronic course and characterized by frequent relapses. Although today the attention of researchers concerning the role of biofilm bacterial forms in pathogenesis of this pathology remains inadequate. Тherefore we investigated biofilms density of bacteria isolated from CAF and determi...
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Незважаючи на багаторічну боротьбу та розробку високоефективних лікувальних схем, мастит залишається найпоширенішим захворюванням молочного стада у всіх країнах світу. Основною причиною виникнення маститу є патогенні мікроорганізми. Метою досліджень було визначити поширення основних збудників маститу корів на молочних фермах західного регіону Украї...
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The aim of the work was to determine the concentration of nitrites in vegetable products (tomatoes, cucumbers, white cabbage, table beet, carrot, potatoes, onion and green onion, lettuce, spinach and parsley), realized at markets of the cities Ternopil, Kamianets-Podilskyi and Chernivtsi (Ukraine), to separate the distribution of nitrates in vegeta...
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The microorganisms that are formed in biofilm cause about 60% of chronic and recurrent diseases, and as a consequence, traditional etiotropic antibacterial therapy is ineffective. Chronic anal fissures are also a disease which is caused by biofilm forms of bacteria, has a chronic course and is difficult to treat. The sensitivity of planktonic and b...
The article describes some probiotic properties of fermented product made of natural association of Tibetan kefir grains cultivated in Ukrainian household (UTKG); also, the effect of UTKG microbiota on the growth of pathogenic microbiota and sensitivity to antibiotics was studied. It was found that the test-cultures of oppurtunistic pathogens (Stap...
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The aim of the research was to study the features of formation of dairy equipment microflora, the ability of microorganisms to form biofilms on the noncorrosive steel surface with the different roughness and to determine the effectiveness of disinfectants. It was established, that bacteria of Bacillus, Lactobacillus genera of Enterobacteriaceae fam...
"Lactomyces tibeticus" is the associative consortium of different taxonomic groups of microorganisms: lactomyces, Saccharomyces spp., Candida kefir; lactic acid bacteria - Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus spp., Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Leuconostoc lactis; also acetic acid bacteria - Gluconobacter oxydans is found. When fermentation o...


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