Younes SoualhiInternational Shariah Research Academy (ISRA)
Younes Soualhi
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Professor Younes Soualhi currently works at International Shariah Research Academy (ISRA). Younes does research in Islamic finance, namely Islamic Insurance, Islamic Banking and Islamic Capital Market. His current project is 'Takaful Annuity retirement plan'.
Publications (46)
This research paper aims to explore aspects of smart contract technology in Islamic finance, focusing on its legitimacy, objectives, and potential applications in Islamic social finance. This study relies on comparative qualitative analysis methodology and revolves around discussing the nature of smart contracts, the challenges related to their for...
This research article aims to study the possibility of applying temporary cash waqf and zakāh in the contemporary world as they constitute the fundamental pillars of social financing in the Islamic financial and economic system, and they have a crucial role in achieving higher intents of Sharīʽah, like legal justice, social cooperation, and economi...
The research paper aims to study the principle of considering the consequences of actions in the Sharīʽah standard for tawarruq issued by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). The problem of the paper lies in the extent to which the standard of tawarruq considers the consequences of actions in establi...
This research article aims to study the possibility of applying temporary cash waqf and zakāh in the contemporary world as they constitute the fundamental pillars of social financing in the Islamic financial and economic system, and they have a crucial role in achieving higher intents of Sharīʽah, like legal justice, social cooperation, and economi...
The study investigates empirically whether the current practices of Sharīʿah-based financing contracts namely, Murabahah, Musharakah, Mudarabah, Istisna, Bai Bithaman Ajil, Ijarah and other contracts in the Malaysian Islamic banking industry achieved equitable income and wealth distribution. To do so, the study applied the bounds test and ARDL mode...
This report is the last part of a four-part thought leadership series delivered by the
International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA) in partnership with
the Islamic Finance Council UK (UKIFC). The series is intended to inspire IFIs to embrace the SDGs and demonstrate to the world that consideration for people, planet and purpos...
This research investigates the Sharīʿah compliance of the pricing
elements used in family takāful products. The reviewed literature has revealed a great deal of emphasis on the Sharīʿah aspects of the takāful contract, distribution of surplus, models used, incorporating waqf in takāful, and the relationship among the parties. Other research has fo...
The research addresses the possibility of transferring the assets of sovereign sukuk in view of the fact that such assets belongs to both the state and the public. Since the current sovereign issuances have been debated on their Shariah compliance, this research aims to revisit and re-establish the Shariah and legal principles on the basis of which...
Transfer of Sovereign Sukuk Ownership: A Fiqhi perespective.
The main purpose of this research is to figure out the most effective determinants that play a vital role in enhancing the effectiveness of the internal Sharīʿah audit in the Islamic banking industry.
This paper reviews the existing literature to build comprehensive knowledge that would assist in determining the...
Since their inception, Islamic banks adhered to capital adequacy requirements promulgated by the Basel accord. Despite the profit and loss sharing and shariah compliance feature of Islamic banks, their technical operations in managing capital adequacy are not very much different from conventional banks in terms of provisioning for Tier 1 and Tier 2...
This study aims to explore and assess the key Sharīʿah governance factors that may have an influence on the internal Sharīʿah audit structure and its practices in Islamic financial Institutions in Yemen, particularly in the Islamic banking sector.
To do so, the study adopts a qualitative approach employing case...
This research aims to study the principles and theories of governance from the perspective of the Islamic Sharia. The study focuses on the nine core governance principles identified by UNDP: participation, rule of law, transparency, responsiveness, consensus orientation, equity, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability and strategic vision; and...
تناول البحث تجربة واعدة في ماليزيا تتمثل في استخدام النظام المصرفي الإسلامي لتطوير
الأوقاف. فبعد أن رسخت كبرى البنوك الإسلامية قدمها في الجانب التجاري الربحي التفتت
قبل فترة إلى الجانب الاجتماعي الخيري موظفة آليات عديدة منها الوقف. ويُعدّ التكامل بين
الصيرفة الإسلامية والوقف أمرا جديدا لأنه جمع بين قطاعين مختلفين من حيث الأهداف،
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تصحيح المفاهيم الواردة في بعض الدراسات السابقة حول نظام الحوكمة الشرعية لدولة الكويت، خصوصاً التصور الخاطئ لبعض هذه الدراسات حول دور هيئة الفتوى بوزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الإسلامية بدولة الكويت. بالإضافة إلى سعي الدراسة لتوثيق تاريخ تطور تعليمات الحوكمة الشرعية الصادرة عن بنك الكويت المركزي، التي قد أغفلت عنها الدراسات السابقة، من...
The research addresses the development of waqf assets through Islamic banking in Malaysia. After a successful journey in providing Islamic financial services, Islamic banks in Malaysia have recently opted to venture into waqf to fulfil their social responsibility without completely compromising the commercial goals. This research aims at highlighti...
This research re-examines the Sharīʿah and practical
aspects of nomination after the promulgation
of Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 (IFSA) in
Malaysia. IFSA 2013 affirmed nomination on the
basis of conditional hibah (gift), which is consistent
with the resolution of the Shariah Advisory Council
of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM-SAC) on the
issue in...
الملخص: يهدف ه ذا البحث إلى دراسة نظام الحوكمة الشرعية في دولة الكويت، خصوصاً التعليمات المتعلقة
بالحوكمة الشرعية الصادرة عن هيئة أسواق المال في الدولة الكويت، حيث تسعى الدراسة لتوثيق تاريخ تطور
تعليمات الحوكمة الشرعية الصادرة عن هيئة أسواق المال، من خلال تقسيم تطور التعليمات إلى مرحلتين أساسيتين.
وكذلك يهدف البحث إلى تحليل محتوى التعليمات وبمقارنت...
الملخص: تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بناء نظرية للحوكمة الشرعية للمؤسسات المالية، من خلال بيان مفهوم نظرية
الحوكمة الشرعية، ومدى حاجة المؤسسات المالية لها، والفرق ما بينها وبين حوكمة المؤسسات. وكذلك سوف تربط
الدراسة مفهوم الحوكمة الشرعية بمستندها الشرعي، ومدى ارتباطها بالمقاصد الشرعية والنظم الإسلامية. وستبين
الدراسة مشكلة الحوكمة الش رعية، وأن الوقوع في ش...
This paper aims to explore the challenges facing the development of a takāful retirement annuity plan in Malaysia. It also aims at exploring a new platform to re-launch the same product after being withdrawn from the Malaysian annuity market a few years ago.
The research adopts a qualitative approach to address...
Waqf is considered to be one of the most important institutions of voluntary sector which exists in the Islamic heritage. Waqf have a dual function; religious and social, which makes it still always exist until today. In performing its role, waqf institutions will face the problems of the management of waqf. Blurring property ownership of instituti...
This research addresses a number of issues related to surplus distribution in takāful. The first section is devoted to revisiting the main financial concepts related to the surplus such as underwriting surplus and profit. Modes of distribution such as pro-rata and offsetting will also be discussed in the light of equity principle advocated by the S...
The common academic discourse within Islamic banking related to the use of credit cards has generally been silent on Islamic interpretations and analysis of the technological aspects of the transactions. There seems to be a gap of understanding amongst academicians as to how these technologies work and therefore little has been addressed as to the...
This research addresses a number of issues related to surplus distribution in takāful. The first section is devoted to revisiting the main financial concepts related to the surplus such as underwriting surplus and profit. Modes of distribution such as pro-rata and offsetting will also be discussed in the light of equity principle advocated by the S...
This research exposes the underlying maqasid embedded in Shariah contracts as applied in Islamic banking and finance. It addresses the problem of not observing maqasid in nominated and combined Shariah contracts as well as the problem of not sufficiently imbuing maqasid in products developed by Islamic financial institutions. As a benchmark of the...
Waqf is considered to be one of the most important institutions of voluntary sector which exists in the Islamic heritage. Waqf have a dual function; religious and social, which makes it still always exist until today. In performing its role, waqf institutions will face the problems of the management of waqf. Blurring property ownership of instituti...
This research examines the awareness of takaful among Kuwaitis. It endeavours to determine any significant differences and conformities between demographic variables and the four aspects of awareness concerning general information, the features of takaful, shari'ah compliances, and motives of takaful. The research adopted a quantitative research de...
Abstract This article is an attempt to formulate a viable Sharīʿah framework for juristic differences in contemporary Islamic finance. While acknowledging the legitimacy of juristic differences as an inherent feature of Islamic law, such differences could jeopardize a nascent Islamic finance industry, leading to what has come to be arbitrarily term...