Yolanda María De la Fuente Robles

Yolanda María De la Fuente Robles
University of Jaén | UJAEN · Department of Psychology


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Publications (50)
This systematic review addressed the issue of the abuse and neglect of older women (age 60 and over) in rural and remote areas, examining these phenomena’s prevalence, risk and protective factors, consequences, and associated perceptions. Following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines and the Arksey and O’Ma...
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This review aims to obtain the relationships between characteristics of the facilities and the quality of life of older adult residents, and to obtain the direction in which new studies should be addressed as well as their application to healthcare policies. A systematic review was conducted following PRISMA guidelines. Multiple databases have been...
Apoyados en el Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2013, de 29 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley General de derechos de las personas con discapacidad y de su inclusión social, abordamos el turismo como una cuestión de derechos en defensa de las personas con discapacidad, poniendo en valor cómo el proceso evolutivo ha llevado a...
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The review question being considered in this article aims to study the research on quality of life and well-being of older adults residing in nursing homes in Spain, and the elements that address quality of life or its measurement in important aspects. The following databases were used: Scopus, Web of Science, ProQuest, Wiley online library, PubMed...
La intervención en Trabajo Social responde a una de las cuestiones más importantes del quehacer profesional, por lo que se hace necesario profundizar en el desarrollo de las acciones que los trabajadores sociales realizan en relación a ámbitos de intervención como la salud, la educación, la vivienda, el asociacionismo, la justicia, la investigación...
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Currently, wearable technology is present in different fields that aim to satisfy our needs in daily life, including the improvement of our health in general, the monitoring of patient health, ensuring the safety of people in the workplace or supporting athlete training. The objective of this bibliometric analysis is to examine and map the scientif...
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At present, it is estimated that there are more than 1 billion people with some type of disability worldwide. Against this background, it is important to reconceive every life sphere and activity to ensure the inclusion, participation and equal opportunity of people with disabilities and to promote respect for their capacities and desires as people...
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El presente trabajo ha sido elaborado en el marco del proyecto “Accesibilidad Universal en la Educación Superior en Bolivia: Capacitación y Asesoramiento de los entornos físico, virtual y social”, financiado por la Agencia Andaluza de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (en adelante AACID) y promovido por la Universidad Internacional de An...
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This study compares mental health problems among Social Work students at Spanish and Mexican universities during confinement due to COVID-19. A total of 1,252 undergraduate students completed an online survey, including demographic variables, related to COVID-19, perceived social support and levels of depression, anxiety and stress. Students from S...
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Education policies in Bolivia and other parts of Latin America have improved significantly in recent years. However, there continue to be barriers to higher education for students with specific educational support needs and difficulties are still found in the institutional management of inclusive education. This paper aims to better understand the...
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Due to the large number of elderly people with physical and cognitive issues, there is a strong need to provide indoor location systems that help caregivers monitor as many people as possible and with the best quality possible. In this paper, a fuzzy indoor location methodology is proposed in a smart environment based on mobile devices and Bluetoot...
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La organización del «I Congreso Internacional de Trabajo Social Digital», desarrollado los días 28, 29 y 30 de septiembre de 2020, y organizado por tres universidades españolas –la UNED, la Universidad de Zaragoza y la Universidad de Málaga– surgió como respuesta a la cancelación de eventos similares y a la necesidad de recoger buenas prácticas dig...
Women with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) experience generalized and chronic musculoskeletal pain and other disabling symptoms such as female sexual difficulties that reduce the quality and the frequency of their sexual relationships. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine sexual dysfuntion in women diagnosed with FMS compared with healthy...
The Plurinational State of Bolivia has experienced significant social changes with a growing commitment toward policies that favor vulnerable populations. Highlighting movements led by people with disabilities to promote progress in social policies is a crucial task. The public sector has responded to the demands and needs of this population throug...
This study presents a tool developed in Spanish to measure teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards physical and sensory disability in the context of higher education in Latin America. The effects on attitudes towards contact with people with disabilities, and training on that topic, were also studied. The research involved 718 participants (563 s...
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Actualmente, nuestras ciudades están experimentando una verdadera transformación digital que requiere una atención inmediata en energía, transporte, movilidad, comunicación, seguridad, educación, turismo y aspectos sociales, así como fomentar todas aquellas actuaciones que persigan mejorar la calidad de vida y el desarrollo económico-ambiental sost...
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The inclusion of people with disabilities (PwD) in tourism is a phenomenon that encompasses various influencing factors, such as accessibility, which must be reviewed for this process to work correctly. Accessible tourism has advantages for both people with disabilities and everyone else. It provides an opportunity for everyone to enjoy leisure wit...
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Nos encontramos en un contexto sociodemográfico en el que aumenta progresivamente el número de personas que necesitan de cuidados, principalmente personas mayores de 65 años, colectivo mayoritario en la actualidad, en España. Ello genera que aparezcan nuevas demandas y expectativas sobre la atención prestada. Esto supone para la intervención social...
The COVID-19 pandemic has compelled university students to adapt to remote learning modalities resulting in increased of anxiety symptoms. This study explores levels of anxiety, and risk and protection factors among Social Work students at two universities in southern Spain. Thirty four percent were experiencing severe anxiety, and 28.5% mild to mo...
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Hyperactive behaviour refers to a person making more movement than expected for his or her age and development, acting impulsively, and being easily distracted. There is a need to encourage early and reliable detection through the proposal of new methodologies and systems in the context of hyperactive behaviour to prevent or lessen related problems...
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In recent years, international migration has changed considerably, improving our understanding of the diversity of migrants, something that until recently was viewed as a fixed pattern associated with the ethnic group in question. At the same time, in the international context, the importance and the need to recognize the rights of people with disa...
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Muñoz de Dios, M. D. et al. (2020). “Accesibilidad universal en el currículum universitario: un desafío necesario”. Revista Española de Discapacidad, 8(I), pp. 247-259.
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The sexual behavior of older adults, especially women, has undergone changes in recent years, though there are still certain stereotypes today related to pathophysiology, beliefs, culture and tradition that negatively affect older adults’ sexual activity. The aim of our review is to present the main qualitative studies analyzing how physiological a...
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El avance internacional en el reconocimiento de los derechos de las personas con diversidad funcional es notorio, viéndose modificados los postulados, conceptos y modelos de atención. Sin embargo, el progreso ha sido desigual entre zonas, precisando el contexto boliviano de un afianzamiento de los avances ameritados. Con el presente estudio, se pre...
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En España, la atención de los menores en situación de desamparo se gestiona, mayoritariamente, a través de la medida del acogimiento residencial. En un contexto social que cuestiona los efectos de la institucionalización a l/p (a largo plazo), surge en Andalucía el programa de familias colaboradoras como recurso complementario a los centros de prot...
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El Proyecto Europeo "Regional Single Social Record" (RESISOR) supone un ejemplo muy claro de cómo las nuevas tecnologías, así como la evaluación de políticas, contribuyen al avance en el tratamiento personalizado de los usuarios de éstas. RESISOR ha supuesto un paso adelante muy importante en el sentido de contribuir al avance y la innovación en el...
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p class="Cuerpodetexto"> Resumen Con este trabajo se plantea conocer la necesidad de aplicar el enfoque de género en el desarrollo de la estrategia de empleabilidad “prácticas en empresa”. Se realiza un análisis para contrastar la independencia de la estrategia respecto del sexo y su posible incidencia sobre las desigualdades entre mujeres y homb...
Traditionally, pedestrians were identified as singular entities with standard needs. Reality shows us that pedestrian diversity is a reality that is becoming increasingly complex. How does urban design face the changing reality of pedestrian typologies? In the same way that in the 20th century the car set aside horse carriages and pedestrians, in t...
The European Higher Education Area was a landmark in undergraduate and postgraduate training throughout the European Union. Despite the changes it led regarding the contents of all study programmes, there were two issues that remained unsolved. Firstly, gender mainstreaming, and secondly, training in universal accessibility and design for all. Our...
La situación de crisis que atraviesa el Estado de Bienestar en España, coloca a determinados grupos de población en situación de vulnerabilidad e indefensión extrema, como son las personas en situación de dependencia (personas mayores y personas con discapacidad), a pesar de contar con un novedoso marco legal de aplicación en todo el territorio nac...
La discapacidad se configura como un factor importante de discriminación, al cual, si le unimos la cuestión de género, encontramos que las mujeres con discapacidad sufren una doble discriminación que las situará en una posición desigual con respecto a la población en general y hombres con discapacidad en particular. Por ello, a través de este artíc...
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The recent exponential increase in the number of people in situations of dependency and demand for social, health and residential coverage in Europe currently presents a troubling demographic forecast. This article describes the peculiarities of the Spanish care model within the European context. In order to do this, we review previous analyses tha...
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This article presents research related to the use of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by people with intellectual disabilities as a means to increase their autonomy in basic daily activities offering people with barriers in learning and participation an environment of technological convergence that meets the characteristics of uni...
In the field of dependency and personal autonomy, the new technologies play an important part. We analyze a technology which is already established in that field, the information and communication technologies (ICTs) (the main contribution of the chapter), and we reflect on the possible consequences, based on accumulated experience, of the introduc...
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This chapter presents an experience carried out in an occupational center from the south of Spain, in which a formal research was essayed related to the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) by persons with a variety of intellectual disabilities as a mean for increasing their autonomy in Activities of Daily Living (ADL). An acces...
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The current work revises concepts of quality related to the needs welfare services in order to increase the life quality of citizens, analyzing how this conceptualization was affected by the world crisis. For this purpose, the concept of quality inside the social, health and vocational training environment was studied, so as the previous research,...
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Las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC), irrumpen de manera transversal como facilitadoras de la accesibilidad y la participación de todas las personas en el ejercicio de sus derechos. Si nos circunscribimos al ámbito de las personas en situación de dependencia las TIC ponen el énfasis, no en los aspectos relativos a la falta d...
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTts) burst upon the scene to make accessibility and participation easier to all people for the exercise of their own rights. If we circumscribe to the field of people in dependence situations, ICTs put emphasis, not on issues related to the lack of capacity, but in skills and abilities that can be devel...
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La L.O. 5/2000, de 12 de enero, reguladora de la responsabilidad penal de los menores, modifica de forma sustancial todo lo relativo a la protección de los menores. Desde una perspectiva sancionadora-educativa, la ley establece un amplio catálogo de medidas aplicables. Debe primar el interés del menor en la flexible adaptación judicial a la medida...
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Este artículo intenta un acercamiento a la realidad de la intervención social diseñada por la Ley Orgánica General Penitenciaria, al amparo del artículo 25 de la Constitución española. La finalidad de la pena siempre es la reeducación y la reinserción social del delincuente. Pero la realidad se separa mucho de esta afirmación. La planificación para...
La Ley 25/1971, de 19 de junio, de Protección a las Familias Numerosas -a pesar de las numerosas reformas que había sufrido a lo largo de su historia- necesitaba un cambio integral, producido con la nueva Ley de Familias Numerosas, que llega en el marco del Plan Integral de Apoyo a la Familia (2001-2004), dando exacto cumplimiento al mandato consti...
La reciente aprobación de la "Ley de Promoción de la autonomía personal y atención a las personas en situación de dependencia", ha supuesto la oportunidad para completar el sistema de bienestar social generado para las personas dependientes y, para sólo en parte, permutar el sistema de redes sociales que ha significado, hasta ahora, su único soport...


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