Yolanda Borrego AlésUniversity of Huelva | UHU · Departamento de Psicología Social, Evolutiva y de la Educación
Yolanda Borrego Alés
Doctor of Psychology
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Contract Lecturer with a PhD in Social Psychology from the University of Huelva. She holds a degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Human Resources from the University of Seville. She is the Director of the Official Master's Program in Research and Intervention in Social Work and serves as Vice-Dean of Postgraduate Studies and International Relations at the Faculty of Social Work. Her lines of research are mainly related to Social Psychology, social skills and communication techniques, positive occupational psychology, engagement, service quality and the perception of social cohesion.
Skills and Expertise
Publications (67)
This systematic review and meta‐analysis aimed to analyze studies that examined the relationship between psychological capital and burnout in registered nurses.
Background and introduction
Registered nurses are subject to high rates of burnout, with negative consequences on health, well‐being, and quality of care. Psychological capital could b...
El estudio de las variables psicosociales positivas se presenta como un ámbito de creciente interés, especialmente en el ámbito social, ya que podrían ser relevantes a la hora de comprender el desempeño de estos/as trabajadores/as en contextos laborales donde muchas veces se presentan factores psicosociales desfavorables que pueden afectar negativa...
This study examined the relationship between structural empowerment and affective commitment, mediated by work engagement, in frontline social workers in Spain. Based on two samples (240 participants from public agencies and 226 participants from private agencies) and using linear regression models (bootstrapping method), our results showed two eff...
While the importance of teacher job satisfaction is well documented, the processes and mechanisms by which educational institutions manage to influence the satisfactions of their members are not. Studies on the organizational elements associated with satisfaction have focused on isolated factors without the common umbrella of a consolidated theoret...
This study aimed to analyze the mediator effect of role ambiguity between social support from supervisor and colleagues and job satisfaction in Portuguese nursing staff.
Few studies have analyzed the processes through which social support increases job satisfaction in the nursing context.
A cross-sectional design using...
Although in recent years a whole series of measures and programmes have been carried out with the aim of having an impact on the situations of discrimination and racism in which the Romani population is immersed, the results obtained allow us to surmise that, although there has been some progress, the situation has not entirely changed. A stereotyp...
Introducción. ¿Es posible dejar de jugar? Esta es una pregunta que cada día se hacen muchas personas cuando su situación de juego les pone entre la espada y la pared, haciéndoles pensar si existe una salida real a su problema. En la actualidad, las posibilidades de tratamiento y prevención del juego patológico son claras y patentes, aunque debemos...
Based on Kanter’s model of power, this research aimed to study burnout as a mediator of the association between structural empowerment and job satisfaction in Spanish social service workers. Data from 177 workers from public centers (sample 1) and 179 workers from private centers (sample 2) were analyzed using path analysis and bootstrapping. Struc...
This article analyzes the characteristics of psychosocial factors that affect social service professionals in their workplaces. Engagement, passion for work, organizational commitment, structural empowerment and burnout are examined, factors that, according to the literature, are closely related to outcomes for social services professionals. These...
Numerosos estudios constatan la incidencia que la crisis económica ha tenido sobre los sistemas de protección social, especialmente en los servicios sociales comunitarios o de base. El esfuerzo en la financiación de estos sistemas de protección que ha tenido que realizar las comunidades autónomas y las corporaciones locales, y el consiguiente refle...
The aim of this study was to explore the effect of work engagement, as an intermediary variable, on the relationship between self-efficacy, and job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment as individual indicators of quality of working life (QWL). A cross-sectional correlational design was utilized assessing a convenience sample of 321...
Although there seems to be a high consensus in the study of welfare and occupational health in social workers, there are very few studies conducted from the new positive perspective of the psychology of occupational health. From this perspective, engagement appears as a key concept in the welfare and motivation of these workers. In this sense, the...
The objective of this study was to verify the mediating role of work engagement between self‐efficacy and affective organizational commitment on the basis of the Job Demands‐Resources Model in a sample of Spanish nursing staff.
Affective organizational commitment is a key element, both for the permanence of nursing staff and for the...
Resumen La Comunidad Autónoma Andalucía se encuentra inmersa en el proceso de generación de las herramientas para la implementación de la Historia Social Única electrónica (HSUE). La HSUE es una apuesta por la integración de la atención social en todos sus niveles de competencias, ya sean administración autonómica o administración local y otras ent...
El Proyecto Europeo "Regional Single Social Record" (RESISOR) supone un ejemplo muy claro de cómo las nuevas tecnologías, así como la evaluación de políticas, contribuyen al avance en el tratamiento personalizado de los usuarios de éstas. RESISOR ha supuesto un paso adelante muy importante en el sentido de contribuir al avance y la innovación en el...
El Proyecto Europeo "Regional Single Social Record" (RESISOR) supone un ejemplo muy claro de cómo las nuevas tecnologías, así como la evaluación de políticas, contribuyen al avance en el tratamiento personalizado de los usuarios de éstas. RESISOR ha supuesto un paso adelante muy importante en el sentido de contribuir al avance y la innovación en el...
The work environment in Portuguese hospitals, characterized by economic cutbacks, can lead to higher levels of burnout experienced by nursing staff. Furthermore, vulnerability to stress can negatively affect the perception of burnout in the workplace. However, structural empowerment is an organizational process that can prevent and decrease burnout...
Objective: Job satisfaction is considered to be one of the most important indicators of quality of health care and quality of work life for health professionals. In the context of nursing, social support and work engagement are regarded as two of the most important predictors of job satisfaction. Consequently, the aim of this study was to examine t...
Kanter's structural empowerment model was used to assess the influence of access to opportunities, resources, information and support on core burnout through global empowerment in a nursing sample in Portugal.
The empowerment experience increases the levels of nursing professionals' satisfaction and performance preventing the e...
Objetivo: La satisfacción laboral es considerada como uno de los indicadores más importantes tanto de la calidad de los cuidados de salud como de la calidad de vida laboral de los profesionales de la salud. Entre los antecedentes de la satisfacción laboral, se destaca el apoyo social del supervisor y de los colegas y el engagement en el trabajo en...
La tesis doctoral titulada “El engagement en el trabajo. Antecedentes y
resultados organizacionales” se encuadra en el ámbito de la Psicología de la salud
ocupacional positiva y, más concretamente, en el análisis de uno de los modelos
teóricos que explican el engagement en el trabajo, el modelo de demandas y
recursos laborales. Tiene como objetivo...
El contexto laboral en los hospitales portugueses, caracterizado por los recortes económicos, puede contribuir al aumento de los niveles de burnout experimentados por el personal de enfermería. Además, la vulnerabilidad al estrés en estos profesionales afecta negativamente a la percepción del estrés en el contexto de trabajo. No obstante, el empowe...
Since the nineties, interest in political and social environments has increased considerably. Several studies have found that the perception of people about their environment affects social cohesion, which has a significant impact on physical and mental health. The aim of this study is to verify the predictive role of satisfaction with the environm...
Based on the management of diversity’s implications on the provision of public services, this work reflects on the perception that groups with ethnic differentiation have over housing
policies in Andalusia. Specifically, we present the results obtained through a questionnaire elaborated ad hoc from a project based on modeling socio-spatial social i...
El objetivo de este estudio es examinar las relaciones entre estrés de rol, engagement y satisfacción laboral
de acuerdo con el modelo demandas-recursos laborales. El modelo propuesto plantea que el engagement
media la relación entre ambigüedad, conflicto y sobrecarga de rol, por un lado y satisfacción en el trabajo,
por el otro. Para verificar el...
The aim of this study was to adapt and translate into Portuguese the Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire (CWEQ-II) (Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian, & Wilk, 2004). A process of translation and reverse-translation was applied to the questionnaire's items, whose psychometric properties were examined using a sample of 282 Portuguese universit...
The aim of this study was to adapt and translate into Portuguese the Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire (CWEQ-II) (Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian, & Wilk, 2004). A process of translation and reverse-translation was applied to the questionnaire's items, whose psychometric properties were examined using a sample of 282 Portuguese universit...
barrio de Puche Norte es un barrio periférico de la provincia de Almería, con una población de 5.465 habitantes ubicados en 1.375 viviendas (Sistema de Información Multiterritorial de Andalucía, 2014). Se trata de un barrio que desde finales de los años 90 ha experimentado la llegada de población extranjera, sobre todo de origen marroquí, llegando...
O Empowerment Psicológico é um constructo motivacional pela garantia de condições que aumentem a motivação para a realização das tarefas, com um forte sentido de autoeficácia. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a estrutura fatorial da escala de Empowerment Psicológico numa amostra portuguesa de 230 indivíduos, funcionários de universidade...
Psychological empowerment is a motivational construct, by ensuring conditions that increase motivation to perform tasks, with a strong sense of self-efficacy. The present study aimed to examine the factor structure of the psychological empowerment scale in a Portuguese sample of 230 individuals, employees of a public university in Portugal. The res...
La vivienda de protección oficial fue creada en España en 1963 con el objetivo de proporcionar uniformidad y orden dentro de la legislación existente. Desde el año 1978, a raíz de la distribución de competencias establecida en la Constitución Española y en los estatutos de autonomía de las comunidades autónoma, la gestión de la vivienda social corr...
El objetivo de este estudio es adaptar al español el Cuestionario de Condiciones para la Efectividad en el Trabajo (Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire [CWEQII]) desarrollado por Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian y Wilk (2001). Se llevó a cabo un proceso de traducción y retrotraducción de los ítems que lo componen y se exploraron sus propieda...
Purpose: According to the Job Demands-Resources (JDR) model, engagement and job satisfaction may be produce by two types of working conditions: job demands (i.e. role stress) and job resources (i.e. self-efficacy). This study examines the role of role stress and work engagement as antecedents of job satisfaction in a sample of Spanish workers. Desi...
Passion is defined as a strong inclination toward an activity the people like, that they find important, and in
which they invest time and energy, like working. The aim of this study is to present evidence of the validity
of the factor structure of the Spanish version of the Passion Scale. Exploratory factor analysis was carried
out in a heterogene...
The objective of this study is to adapt and translate into Spanish the Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire -CWEQ II-(Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian & Wilk, 2001). A process of translation and reverse-translation was applied to the scale's items, whose psychometric properties were then examined using a sample of 346 employees from a Spanis...
With more organizations looking for employees who take the initiative and respond creatively to the challenges of the job, empowerment becomes important at both individual and organizational levels. Empowered employees are generally more satisfied with their work, committed and effective at work. According to Kanter's structural empowerment, this s...
This paper analyzes the moderator role of harmonious passion for work in the relationship between burnout and psychological distress. Harmonious passion is defined as the personal option to freely engage in an activity (e.g., work) without any contingencies attached. Its role in moderating the relationship between burnout and its consequences such...
Passion is defined as a strong inclination toward an activity that people like, that they find important and in which they invest time and energy, such as working or playing football. Since a specific measure to assess levels of passion in the workplace is lacking in Spain, the aim of this study was to adapt and validate the Passion scale (Valleran...
El objetivo del estudio es presentar evidencias de validez de la adaptación al castellano de la Escala de Empowerment Organizacional (OES) de Matthews, Diaz y Cole (2003). La muestra empleada estuvo compuesta por 305 empleados de establecimientos hoteleros. Se investigó la fiabilidad de la escala y su estructura factorial (análisis factorial confir...
This paper presents validity evidences for the use of Spanish version of the Organizational Empowerment Scale (OES ) (Matthews, Diaz & Cole, 2003). The sample consisted of 305 employees from Spanish hotels. Reliability and factor structure (confirmatory factor analysis) of the scale were investigated. Results showed a multidimensional scale of thre...
En este trabajo, presentamos las conclusiones provisionales del desarrollo de la experiencia piloto de adaptación al sistema europeo de créditos, implementada a lo largo del curso académico 05/0& en la Escuela de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Huelva. Se exponen en el documento, los trabajos de preparación de la misma así como se valoran las o...